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Desgin na isolated rectangular sloped Footing

M x
Fno hte column of Size 230x050mm Reintanced dx =
B Max ∗ b
with-6bar-20mm diaand carying an axial load
of 120 KN: eTh beaning capaciy of soil is 300 . ^
KM/m2. Use cencrete grade M20 and steel .
grade Fe415 efectie coven for betong steel si 60 dx=551mm
m. Jakt offset from t h e face of the column 2- ultimate moment at colum force parallel
equal t o 50 mm. Muy=Wu*Lf*Cx/2
Fck = 20 N/m P=1200 KN
Length of footing at top with 50 mm level of
Fy= 415 N/mm2
projection beyond column face side all side
Eff cover=60mm s.b.c = 300 KN/m2 D1=D+2e =650x2x50 D1= 750mm
e= 50mm Required sff depth for bending about Y-axis
b= 230 d=650
Asc= 6-20mm Dy=dx =

Step1 calculalate base size . ^
P=1200 kn =
Self w.t of footing 10% of dy=403.45 dy = 404
P=10/100X1200 provide tatal depth of 680 mm
P=120kn minimum thickness at the end
Total load=1200+120-1320 Dmin= 200mm
Area of footing Af= total load/S.B.C Effective depth bending about
=1320/300=4.4m2 X-axis =680mm-60 dx= 620
Length of footing Assuming bar dia = 10mm
Eff depth about y-axis
Lf= D-b/2+ ( )2+Af dy= 620-10-610 dy=70mm
step3 check the depth of footing for two shear
=650-230/2+ + 4.4𝑥10 central section is takan at distan dy/2 from
perifary of column
=231 peramater odf crital section
Lf=2350mm =(2+D+2dy)
function of footing about x-axis from face of the =2(230+650+2x*610) =4200mm
=850mm =0.85
Breth of footing Bf=b+Cx
=230+2X850 =1930mm
Size of footing =2350X1930mm
Size of footing=2.35.93
Upwordfacctor soll pressure
Width of at top
Width of footing at top=b1-b+2e
requird effective depth for bendinf about x-xsic

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