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Hello guys, here we from group 3 will give a tutorial on how to properly train your back

muscles in the gym. Here we will give you 5 movements to train your back muscles for the
following movements:

1. Lat pulldown

Lat pulldown is a movement that uses a tool called a lat pulldown machine. This
movement helps us to train the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Here are the steps you can follow to perform the lat pulldown correctly:

1. Starting Position
• Sit on the bench of a lat pulldown machine with your thighs under the thigh support
• Hold the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing forward) slightly wider than
shoulder width.
• Make sure your back is straight and your chest is stretched forward.
2. Pull Bar
• Pull the bar down toward the top of your chest by moving your elbows down and
• Keep your body stable and avoid using momentum to pull the bar.
• Focus the movement on your back muscles by ensuring that your elbows stay close to
your body as you pull the bar down.
3. Hold and Contract
• Hold the position below for one second while feeling the contraction in your back
4. Return to Starting Position
• Slowly release the bar back to the starting position by controlling the movement so
that the muscles remain actively working.
• Make sure not to fully lock your elbows when the bar is in its highest position.
5. Repetition
• Repeat the movement according to the number of repetitions you planned.
Pull Up Movement

Pull-ups are movements done by hanging and lifting the body on a support, such as a pull-up bar
or high bar.

Here's how to do pull ups correctly:

1. Hold the pull up bar with your palms facing forward.

2.Pull your body up until your chin is slightly above the bar.

3.Lower your body until your arms are almost completely straight.

4.Repeat the movement several times.

5.As the muscles get stronger, increase the number of repetitions according to ability.

Train your trapezius muscles.

To target the trapezius (the muscle between the neck and shoulders),you can do a very simple
dumbbell exercise.

1.Do a shoulder shrug by holding a dumbbell in each hand at your side.

2.Then make a strong lifting movement of your shoulders, and slowly lower them back to the
normal position
3.Your trapezius muscles will immediately feel tired. And step
4.Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 20 repetitions.
The End goodbye everyone

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