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Advance English

Question # 01
Sources of Data collection Primary vs secondary with pros and
Research: is a systematic inquiry into materials and Subject. The Primary purpose
of research is to increase the existing stock of knowledge or create something new.
There are two types of Data collection.
Primary Data:
The data, which is collected by researches for the first time, is known as Primary
data, first hand and fresh data.
Interview, survey, questionnaire etc.
• High accuracy and reliability
• Up-to-date and relevant information
• Opportunity for in-depth exploration
• Allow for direct interaction with participants
• Time consuming
• Labor intensive
• Data analysis can be challenging and complex
• Ethical consideration (informal and privacy etc)
• Expensive especially for large scale studies
Secondary data:
Is the data which is not collected by researcher himself, it is the data which is
already available in literature.
Article, books, newspaper websites…
• Time saving and cost effective
• Access to large amount of data
• Data has already been collected and analyzed.
• Reduces the need for primary data collection.
• Data may be outdated or no longer relevant.
• Data may be incomplete or inconsistent
• Data may not be specific to research needs
• Difficulty in verifying data accuracy and validity
Question # 02
Tools of data collection?
Questionnaire is a data collection tool in which the researcher gathers data from
different sources/participants and then combines the data.
There are two types of Questionnaire
Open-ended Questionnaire
Open-ended Questionnaire is a tool of data collection in which the researcher
follows the Subjective approach and answer through freedom.
Example: write an essay on your favorite essay dish.
Close-ended Questionnaire:
Close-ended Questionnaire is a tool of data collection in which researcher bound to
collect the data from the participants according to a limited numbers to response
such as true/false etc
Example: True/false, correct/Incorrect, McQsetc.
2 Interveiw:
Is a tool of data collection through which the researcher gathers key information
from the respondents or participants. It can be written, on call or face to face etc.
There are Three types of interveiw
Structure Interveiw:
Is the interview in which the questions are pre planned and don’t
Un Structure Interveiw:
Is the interview in which the things are not pre planned in advanced rather there is
a live questioning session.
The job interview is generally unstructured in nature.
Semi-Structure Interview:
Are the ones in which we find a combination of pre-planned as well as un-planned
questions. The unplanned are maximum and arise from the responses of the
participants / respondent.

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