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Student (Beginning of the Year) Survey

(25 Questions)

1. Legal Name: Nikolas Reece

2. Preferred name to be used in class: Nik

3. Birthdate: March 5th, 2007

4. What extracurricular activities or hobbies are you involved in/enjoy participating in?

I do d and d as well as play video games from time to time as well as go to the gym

5. Overall, how did last year go for you? Explain your answer.

It went alright about how I expected it to go honestly.

6. List a least 1 goal for this semester (It can be an academic, emotional or social goal)

To get A on all test this year

7. Tell me about your family/caretakers & home environment:

a. Who lives with you (permanently or occasionally):

Mom, Dad, My brother Dyllon, and 3 cats.

b. What languages are spoken in your home:


c. On a scale of 1-10 (10 is the highest), how supportive is your family towards
you and your school success?


d. Who in your family has a college degree?

My mom in horse and stable management.

8. Some of my favorite things in life are ...

Dungeons and Dragons, Video games, My friends

9. Some of my least favorite things or some of my pet-peeves are …

Nails on a chalkboard and people who smell.

10. If I could go anywhere, I would…

Ireland and Japan

11. Three adjectives my parents/caregivers might use to describe me are…

Loud, Tall, caring

12. Three adjectives my friends might use to describe me are...

Loud, Tall, Caring

13. Three adjectives I would use to describe myself are …

Tall, Tired, Loud

14. I learn the most when the teacher…

Talks infrunt of the call and i can take notes

15. I learn the most when I…

Take notes and color code thoes notes.

16. Last year I was most successful in …


17. Last year I was least successful in ...


18. After high school, I will probably...

Go to college for my doctorate

19. My ideal job would be...

Cardiovascular surgeon

20. My definition of Social Studies is...

The study of different social societies and people.

21. Tell me about an event that helped shape the person you are today

My appendix rupturing
22. Who is the most influential person currently in your life?

My mom and Dad

23. Tell me something I should probably know about you.

I can be loud sometimes but I mostly keep to myself.

24. What tends to motivate you when you most need it?

Video games the thought of playing them when i get home from school.

25. How would you prefer to be acknowledged in class for doing positive things?
(Highlight your answer)
a. Candy
b. Positive praise in front the whole class
c. Positive praise just to you
d. Phone/Email home to your parents/guardians/caretakers

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