Artificial Intelligence As A Sustainable Tool in Wastewater Treatment Using

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Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

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Artificial intelligence as a sustainable tool in wastewater treatment using

membrane bioreactors
Mohammadreza Kamali a, Lise Appels a, *, Xiaobin Yu a, Tejraj M. Aminabhavi b, *, Raf Dewil a
KU Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, Process and Environmental Technology Lab, J. De Nayerlaan 5, 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium
Pharmaceutical Engineering, SETs’ College of Pharmacy, Dharwad 580002, India


Keywords: Efforts are currently in progress to commercialize membrane bioreactor (MBR) technologies already developed at
Artificial intelligence laboratory and pilot scale. To attain this goal, the efficiency of MBRs needs to be high, and they should be
Membrane bioreactors sustainable, reliable and cost-effective. Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is anticipated to have a positive
impact on these criteria. This paper covers the AI-based models used in the treatment of wastewater from various
Operating parameters
sources, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each model. The existing gaps to push for the
Sustainability commercialization of MBR technologies are discussed to provide state-of-the-art insights for future research. The
conclusions and discussions presented in this review show that AI models are useful to predict the performance of
MBR technologies to recover clean water from polluted sources. However, further efforts are still needed to reach
an excellent match between the predictions made by the AI-based techniques and the experimental results to deal
with high strength and highly polluted effluents. This can be achieved through modification and/or integration
of the existing AI-based methods. Also, the development of appropriate variables to optimize the performance of
MBRs, and improving their efficiency to deal with recalcitrant pollutants such as contaminants of emerging
concern (CECs) are among the priorities to promote the application of MBR technologies in real-scale

technology among the existing alternatives. MBSPs are currently

1. Introduction considered as highly sustainable technologies to deal with highly
polluted effluents. In search of the existing best available technologies,
The presence of emerging and persistent pollutants such as absorb­ the combination of a filtration with a biological (microbial) treatment
able organic compounds (AOXs) in wastewater because of increasing process is highly useful since it combines the advantages of physical
industrialization is a growing global concern, leading to the develop­ separation of the pollutants and their degradation using microorganisms
ment of innovative and novel treatment methods. Stringent environ­ [5], which is the case for membrane bioreactors (MBRs).
mental regulations require the adoption of the most sustainable In the literature, various types of aerobic [6] and anaerobic [7] MBRs
technologies. In this regard, membrane-based separation technologies have been developed and implemented for industrial applications, but
(MBSPs) have been widely explored for the treatment of a variety of some issues still have to be overcome. One of the major challenges of
polluted water and wastewater (W&W) originating from various in­ MBSPs is membrane fouling [8], whereas controlling the quality of the
dustrial [1] and municipal [2] sources. The selection of the most suitable treated effluent is related to the composition and performance of the
MBSPs depends on the wastewater pollution load and the available microbial communities. This necessitates developing hybrid technolo­
technologies that are economically feasible, sustainable and eco-friendly gies such as MBRs in order to efficient treatment of highly polluted in­
[3]. In particular, meeting sustainable development goals are essential dustrial effluents. However, the currently employed tools for the
when adopting any of the MBSPs for W&W treatment to satisfy tech­ adjustment of operating parameters such as negative feedback control
nical, environmental, economic and social parameters related to their systems [9–11] are not precise enough to ensure high quality treated
performance outputs. water. Therefore, numerical techniques such as artificial intelligence
In a recent study [4], the treatment efficiency was suggested as the (AI) in the management of wastewater treatment will be useful to pre­
most important sustainability parameter for the selection of a dict the necessary parameters that are otherwise difficult to determine

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (L. Appels), (T.M. Aminabhavi).
Received 9 September 2020; Received in revised form 19 November 2020; Accepted 5 December 2020
Available online 10 December 2020
1385-8947/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

Nomenclature MLP Multilayer Perceptron

MT Model Tree
AFRs Anaerobic Filter Reactors MLPANN-GA Multilayer Perceptron-Genetic Algorithm
ANFIS Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System OLR Organic Loading Rate
AMCMBR Air-Lift Multilevel Circulation Membrane Reactor O-AMSMBR Aerobic-Anaerobic Micro-Sludge Membrane Bioreactor
AI Artificial Intelligence MBSPs Membrane-based Separation Technologies
ANN Artificial Neural Network PCA Principal Component Analysis
6-APA 6-Aminopenicillanic acid PF Particle Filter
AO-MBR Anoxic-Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor PSO Particle Swarm Optimization
BOD5 Biological Oxygen Demand RBF Radial Basis Function
BP Back Propagation RBFANN Radial Basis Function Artificial Neural Network
BN Bayesian Network RBFANN-GA Radial Basis Function Artificial Neural Network-
CA Clustering Algorithm Genetic Algorithm
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand RTC Real-Time Control
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease of 2019 RNN Recurrent Neural Network
CECs Contaminants of Emerging Concern SALR COD surface area loading rate
DO Dissolved Oxygen SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
DM Data Mining SFR Simulated Specific Filtration Resistance
DSSs Decision Support Systems SOM Self-Organizing Map
ENN Elman Neural Network SMBR Submerged Membrane Bioreactor
ES Expert System SVM Support Vector Machine
FFNN Feed Forward Neural Network TDSs Total Dissolved Solids
FIS Fuzzy Inference System TOC Total Organic Carbon
GA Genetic Algorithm TMP Transmembrane Pressure
HRT Hydraulic Retention Time TP Total Phosphorus
IDSSs Intelligent Decision Support Systems UN United Nations
LSTM Long Short Term Memory UASB Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
LSSVM Least Square Support Vector Machine VLR COD volumetric loading rate
MBRs Membrane Bioreactors VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds
MFCs Microbial Fuel Cells W&W Waters & Wastewaters
MLSS Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids WNN Wavelet Neural Network
MLVSS Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids WoS Web of Science

experimentally. (RNN) methodologies.

AI comprises the skill of a computer or a computer controlled ma­
chine pertaining to advanced mental processes such as reasoning, 2. General principles
inferring, generalization and learning from past experiences [12]. Ac­
cording to Russell and Norvig [13], intelligent agents are able to AI can be defined as the intelligence represented by a system
perceive the surrounding environment and take appropriate actions in or machine, which is different from the natural intelligence demon­
order to maximize the chance of successfully achieving the defined strated by humans. In recent years, AI-based modelling techniques have
goals. Various studies have clearly demonstrated the applicability of AI been extensively utilized for the simulation and optimization of complex
in multiple scientific disciplines such as energy applications [14], problems in a number of areas of science and technology including water
manufacturing [15], health [16], agriculture [17], coronavirus disease and wastewater treatment [23–25]. Unlike other mathematical tools
2019 (COVID-19) management [18], crisis and disaster management derived from applied linear algebra such as principal component anal­
[19,20] and many other areas including environmental prediction such ysis (PCA) [26], the AI-based methods such as artificial neural networks
as control of pollution [21]. Application of AI to control water quality (ANNs) are based on non-parametric algorithms that mimic the cogni­
has been valuable in providing clean water sources in various polluted tive functions of the human brain such as learning and problem-solving.
areas [22]. In MBR technologies, AI can assist to predict and optimize Hence, they can be used as powerful modelling tools suited for the study
the system performance and to improve the control of membrane of non-linear relationships between features with a high degree of ac­
fouling, which is currently one of the main barriers for rapid commer­ curacy [27,28]. Thus, AI-based methods can determine the complex
cialization of MBRs in real-scale applications. relationship between input and output variables for optimizing a process
In this review, an overview is presented of literature data on the [29,30].
application of various AI-based methods for the treatment of W&W in Among the various biological and physic-chemical treatment tech­
general, and specifically for the improvement of the MBR-based tech­ nologies, MBRs have proved their potential to play a significant role in
nologies and their performances, including artificial neural network the decontamination of polluted W&W originating from various indus­
(ANN), multilayer perception (MLP), radial basis function (RBF), feed trial and municipal sources [31,32]. They can satisfy the sustainability
forward neural network (FFNN), wavelet neural network (WNN), long criteria such as ease to use, cost-effectiveness, and high efficiency, which
short term memory (LSTM), self-organizing map (SOM), elman neural have made them attractive alternatives in large-scale applications.
network (ENN), Fuzzy inference system (FIS), expert system (ES), model Although their superior properties have been demonstrated well in
tree (MT), data mining (DM), clustering algorithm (CA), Bayesian various industrial and laboratory scale applications, there are still some
network (BN), particle swarm optimization (PSO), support vector ma­ disadvantages such as fouling resulting from the complex chemical and
chine (SVM), adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), back biological processes. For instance, formation of a cake layer is a phe­
propagation (BP), genetic algorithm (GA), and recurrent neural network nomenon that is poorly understood, but obeys some patterns [33,34]. To

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

address these drawbacks, accurate modelling processes such as those sustainable opportunities to develop intelligent systems that are able to
based on AI are considered to be the appropriate alternatives to predict conserve the environment. Recently, Goralski and Tan [57], by ana­
the system performance and optimization [35]. lysing three case studies, concluded that AI can contribute and accel­
The application of AI methods for the optimization of MBRs consists erate the achievement of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable
of six main steps including (i) selection of the AI method, (ii) collection Development Goals (SDGs) and other studies demonstrate the applica­
of the data achieved from a set of experiments, (iii) designing the AI bility of AI towards sustainable development in various industrial sec­
model, (iv) training the designed model, (v) validation, and finally (vi) tors [28,29].
application of the model. In fact, AI models are normally implemented to Table 2 illustrates the high number of publications indexed in the
learn from a big data-base for prediction or detection of the events. In Web of Science (WoS) database by employing various AI methodologies
this regard, a proper design of the model can ensure the effectiveness of for different applications (#2). Around 3000 documents can be found
the method implemented. For this, selecting the right input and output published on the application of AI for wastewater treatment applica­
variables that can influence the performance of the MBR is quite tions, while only 272 documents were found on the application of AI for
important [36,37]. The main AI-based methods, which have so far been membrane-based wastewater treatment. Also, >2 million papers have
implemented for the optimization of wastewater treatment perfor­ been published on the application of membrane technologies for various
mance, are presented in Table 1. The main characteristics of the applications. However, a precise screening effort made in these docu­
mentioned methods are also summarized in the same table. Also, Fig. 1 ments resulted in only 65 papers published on the application of AI for
presents some milestones in the application of AI-based methods used MBR-based technologies. Therefore, we have attempted to summarize
for MBR technologies. these papers to discuss the application of AI in MBR-based systems and
In the following sections, various AI-based methods that have been to provide sustainability recommendations based on the recent findings
implemented so far in MBRs, the input and out variables selected, and in the literature for other similar techniques such as membrane tech­
the effectiveness of such methods on the improvement of the perfor­ nologies for water and wastewater treatment.
mance of MBRs are discussed in detail. The application of membrane technologies for the treatment of ef­
fluents from various origins has been initiated since the 1980s by
3. Literature analysis introducing interfacial polymerized composite membranes that have
provided acceptable fluxes and high rejection capabilities [59]. The first
Currently, a huge amount of water is consumed on a daily basis in report on the application of AI methodologies for MBSP-based waste­
various sectors of the society including household, agriculture and in­ water treatment was published by Netzband and Rohbrecht [60] using
dustrial activities. The generated effluents are high enough to be an expert system (ES) for the treatment of effluent discharged from
considered as a main threat to the environment and the human health. dredged material disposal sites. Fig. 2 demonstrates the number of
Studies have indicated that effluents, generated from various industrial published research articles per year on the treatment of various types of
processes can have ecotoxicological impacts [52–54] and in order to wastewater using AI techniques. Even though there has been a fluctua­
mitigate the toxic effects of the pollutants, there has been an increasing tion in the number of published documents, the cumulative number of
interest among the scientific community to innovate novel efficient documents has increased, especially since the beginning of the 2000s. As
technologies to deal with the polluted W&W. As summarized in Table 2 suggested recently [5], MBRs for the treatment of effluents became more
(#1), research efforts in this area have resulted in the publication of over popular since the 1990s. Fig. 1 also suggests that AI was first adopted to
270,000 scientific articles. However, the number of publications improve the performance of MBRs in the year 2002 by Punal et al., [61].
covering effluent treatment technologies with respect to the sustain­
ability considerations is limited [4,55], which reflects the need to 4. AI for MBRs: advances and opportunities
develop novel technologies/techniques with the capability to improve
the quality of treated effluents, while being environmentally friendly, Recent studies have clearly indicated that among the physicochem­
economically feasible and socially acceptable. ical treatment technologies developed so far for the treatment of efflu­
AI and its derivatives have been extensively used in various appli­ ents from various origins, MBSPs are among the most sustainable
cations of energy, agriculture, environment, ecology and health sectors. alternatives [4,5], but still some issues are to be addressed using these
However, only scanty findings on the application of AI regarding the novel and sustainable techniques. In this section, the most important
sustainability aspects of MBR technologies for the treatment of waste­ barriers for the rapid commercialization of MBSPs to deal with various
water are available [56]. AI can contribute significantly to offer effluents have been discussed and the solutions provided by the litera­
ture using the AI techniques are addressed.
Table 1
The most widely used AI-based methods and their brief definitions. 4.1. Membrane fouling
Method Principals Related
literature Membrane fouling is one of the most important barriers that have
restricted the wider application of MBSPs for large-scale water and
ANNs ANNs are computational models inspired by the neural [38–42]
network of the living organisms. They consist of wastewater treatment [62,63]. The main factors related to membrane
elemental units called “artificial neurons”. Such units are fouling include internal concentration polarization over the membrane
responsible for the processing of the information. surface and the precipitation of solids, resulting in their deposition onto
ESs An expert system is a computer-based branch of AI [43–47] the membrane surface [8]. Fouling thus negatively affects the sustain­
methods to emulate the decision-making ability of an
expert (human). ES-based methodologies utilize if–then
ability of MBSPs by adding additional costs as well as making the
rules rather than conventional procedural codes to solve treatment process more difficult due to periodic maintenance for
complex problems. cleaning or replacing the membranes. Hence, innumerable efforts have
GA GA is an AI-based method inspired by Charles Darwin’s [48–51] been made to mitigate membrane fouling in order to maintain the
theory of natural evolution and natural selection process
appropriate flux by incorporating nanomaterials such as SiO2 [64] onto
where the fittest individuals are selected among all for
the reproduction to produce the next generation. GA- the surface of the membrane, which could provide a hydrophilic prop­
based methodologies are generally used to provide high- erty to the structure of the membrane, or TiO2 [65], which can induce
quality solutions for complex problems using operators self-cleaning of the membrane. AI has been useful here to better un­
such as mutation, crossover, and selection which are derstand the fouling mechanisms and the forces involved such as hy­
inspired by biological phenomena.
drodynamic and short-range interfacial interactions [66].

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

Fig. 1. Some main milestones in the application of various AI methods for MBR technologies and the current trend in this field.

received from the other neurons and then sends outputs, which are in
Table 2
turn the input parameters to subsequent neurons [68]. In this way the
Number of studies performed on various combinations of keywords related to
network learns from the training data and identifies the relationships
treatment of effluents using AI techniques. The advanced search in WoS was
between data points in order to simulate, predict, and optimize the
performed on July 2020 on the title of publications. The fuzzy string represented
as “*” was used to provide the possibility of covering wider ranges of words performance of a system [69–71].
related to the applied keywords. ANN has been employed to extract the models to understand the
mechanisms involved in the fouling of MBRs. Ivnitsky et al., [72] applied
Run/ Keywords used/Description Records
Combinations this technique to demonstrate a reduction in permeate flux rates asso­
ciated with the development of a fouling layer onto the membrane
#1 wastewater* OR “waste water*” OR effluent* 273,237
#2 artificial neural network*“ OR ”multilayer 764,683
surface. They also identified the most important influencing parameters
perception*“ OR ”radial basis function*“ OR ”feed for the development of fouling layer as pressure, total organic carbon
forward neural network*“ OR ”feedforward (TOC), pH and conductivity of the influents. Such information can be
neural network*“ OR ”wavelet neural network*“ practically employed to forecast the likelihood of membrane fouling in
OR ”long short term memor*“ OR ”self-organizing
MBRs. Another important parameter is that of trans-membrane pressure,
map*“ OR ”elman neural network*“ OR ”elman
neural network*“ OR fuzzy OR =(”fuzzy inference which was predicted by AI network to forecast the evolution of trans-
system*“ OR ”expert system*“ OR ”model tree*“ membrane pressure (TMP) in an anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor
OR ”data mining*“ or ”word mining*“ OR (AO-MBR) that was used for the treatment of domestic wastewater [73].
”clustering algorithm*“ OR ”bayesian network*“ The goal of this study was to select the most relevant input parameters to
OR ”particle swarm optimiz*“ OR ”support vector
predict the evolution of TMP based on the performances of ANNs. The
machine*“ OR ”adaptive neuro fuzzy inference
system*“ OR ”back propagation*“ OR ”genetic authors concluded that total nitrogen and alkalinity are the most rele­
algorithm*“ OR ”artificial intelligen*“ OR vant variables for TMP forecasting studies, while wastewater parameters
”recurrent neural network*“ including mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), COD, pH, and DO
#3 *membrane* OR filter* 2,025,824
cannot be linked to TMP.
#1 AND #2 Application AI-based techniques for wastewater 3,023
treatment In a study on the application of MBR for the treatment of petro­
#1 AND #3 Application of membrane-based technologies for 38,363 chemical wastewater [74], it was observed that hydraulic retention time
wastewater treatment (HRT) can play a determining role for the particle size of the cake layer
#1 AND #2 AND Application of AI-based techniques for 272 formed onto the membrane surface (Fig. 3). For instance, an HRT of 20 h
#3 membrane-based wastewater treatments
resulted in a slower membrane fouling rate probably due to a low
#1 AND #2 AND Application of AI-based techniques for membrane 65
#3 bio-reactor technologies compressibility coefficient of the cake layer, low extracellular polymeric
substance concentration and a large sludge particle size. The authors
used the FFNN using the back propagation (BP) algorithms to forecast
A survey of the literature demonstrates that the majority of studies TMP and COD removal. It was found that the best structure for the AI
on membrane fouling using AI have utilized the artificial neural network method used was that of trainlm network consisting of two layers
(ANN) and its derivatives. However, some efforts to combine the ANNs including 17 and 2 neurons in the hidden layer and output layer,
with other methodologies have also been made to enhance the accuracy respectively. A sensitivity analysis [75] was applied to identify the most
of the results achieved. RBFANNs considering five key factors (as input and least TMP influencing parameters such as MLSS and time.
variables) have been applied by [67] in order to investigate the inter­ A combination of various AI-based techniques has been reported to
facial energy in an MBR. Then by using the AI methodology, the authors monitor the MBRs’ performance by utilizing the multi-layer perceptron
captured the non-linear relationship between the influencing parame­ and radial basis function artificial neural networks (RBFANN) [76] for
ters and the interfacial energy created onto the membrane surface. simulating TMP and permeability of a submerged membrane bioreactor
In the wide-spread approach towards AI, the ANNs are modelled (SMMBR) as well as to describe the impacts of simultaneous upward and
based on the biological neurons that are classified in computational downward aeration. Here, GA was applied for the optimization of
intelligence techniques. They are capable of processing nonlinear re­ weights and thresholds of the models. It was found that the aeration
lationships between inputs and outputs, which can aid in describing the applied has no significant positive effect on the removal efficiency of the
process successfully and precisely [39]. In other words, an ANN is a system to deal with pollutants including BOD, COD, TN, NH+4-N and
model to process the data using mathematical models to mimic human TSS. The results of this study demonstrated the increase and decrease in
brain functions. The processing elements and artificial neurons are TMP as well as permeability of the membrane, respectively, by time.
connected by the synapses (weighted values) to form the black box However, the trained models showed a perfect match between the
representations of the systems. Each neuron processes the input signals experimental and simulated variables. The authors further concluded

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

Fig. 2. The number of WoS indexed publications/year on the application of AI for wastewater treatment for membrane-based wastewater treatments and for MBR-
based wastewater treatments.

Fig. 3. A schematics of the topological architectures of multi-layer perceptron (a) and RBF (b) ANNs adapted from by Ahmad et al., (2015) [76] for simulating TMP
and permeability of a SMMBR.

that GA-optimized ANN forecasted the derived variables (i.e., TMP and fuzzy data clustering.
permeability) with higher levels of accuracy compared to the network There have been other studies related to the comparison of various
with a trial-and-error approach calibration. methods for the prediction of membrane fouling of MBRs. In a recent
Few reports have been published on the application of other AI-based study [79], ANN and mathematical models were compared to simulate
methods for MBR monitoring and control. For instance, the validation of the fouling properties under sub-critical conditions. It was concluded
modelling and prediction of membrane fouling using SVMs [77] by the that both models can be used efficiently to predict membrane fouling of
experimental data from a pilot scale palm oil mill effluent MBR has the studied intermittently-aerated MBRs. However, the mathematical
clearly demonstrated the applicability of AI methodology to overcome model applied represented a better stability, but with a relatively low
the drawbacks of MBR fouling. PCA and fuzzy clustering were also prediction performance. Efforts were also made to compare the various
employed by Maere et al., [78] to extract the monitoring information AI-based methods to choose the best option to be used in the treatment
based on TMP of a MBR. The authors used three PCA techniques (i.e., a of polluted W&W using MBRs. In this regard, Shi and Xu [80] evaluated
classic covariance-based PCA, expert-driven functional PCA (FPCA), and the applicability of five methods including the BP neural network,
B-splines FPCA) to conclude that expert FPCA could be the most suited support vector regression, extreme learning machine, gradient boosting
method for future studies in this area; this method is relatively facile and decision tree and stacked auto-encoders to forecast the performance of a
provides the opportunity for comprehensive interpretation of data. It two-stage biofilm system considering COD, NH+ 4 -N, TN, influent flow
was also stated that the fuzzy clustering algorithm, which was applied and reflux ratio of the biofilm system as input variables. The authors also
after PCA, resulted in recognizing the data trends, although the factor employed COD, NH+ 4 -N and TN of biofilm system effluent as the output
analysis was proven to be more practically implemented compared to variables and concluded that the stacked auto-encoders model was the

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

best to predict the system performance. Table 3

Besides the prediction of fouling and the importance of the associ­ A summary of the literature findings on the application of AI methodologies to
ated variables, developmental efforts with regard to the systems for predict and control membrane fouling in MBRs.
enabling the intelligent detection of the conditions leading to fouling Methodology Objectives Effluents Remarks Ref.
were also investigated for real-time control of the MBR function, but ES Prediction of Dredged 80% for [60]
only a limited number of documents are available in this regard. Han system material suspended
et al., [81] integrated the partial least squares method and the recurrent performance disposal sites solids, 60 ~ 90%
fuzzy neural network (to identify the nonlinear relations between the for heavy metals,
75% for COD
membrane permeability and influencing 21 influencing variables), as a
and 98% for
platform to connect the sensors and the software to enable an intelligent ammonium
membrane permeability and fouling detection system. Developing such removal. Also,
systems is of high priority for the sustainability criteria. Such intelligent they achieved
detecting systems are generally inexpensive with a high degree of ac­ nitrification
rates of 1.40 g
curacy, which can provide an early warning system for detecting NH4-N/m2 d in
membrane fouling. Additionally, some specific studies on the applica­ rotating
tion of AI for MBR performance monitoring and optimization, have been biological
made using other AI methodologies to control fouling phenomena in contactor at
10 ◦ C.
MBSPs for water and wastewater treatments such as the LSTM method
ES Improvement in Fibreboard Two frequent [61]
[82], which can be used for controlling the MBR performance. However, the MBRs production anomalous
AI methodologies have not yet been employed for the monitoring and performance factory circumstances
control of membranes for water and wastewater treatments specifically including
in case of MBRs. hydraulic and
Sensitivity analysis can also demonstrate to which extent the system
overloads were
output is affected by the input dependent variables [85]. Hence, it would identified by the
be advantageous to determine the impacts of the operating parameters applied ES
of MBRs such as pH and HRT on membrane fouling. In this regard, there methodology.
ANNs Study of the Simulated The simulated [66]
are studies carried out on the sensitivity analysis of AI-based methods
effects of sewage specific filtration
(especially AAN). Hazrati et al., [74] trained the FNN using BP algo­ hydrogen effluents resistance (SFR)
rithms to predict the COD removal and TMP in an MBR. The authors bonding in gel values calculated
concluded that MLSS and HRT can highly affect the TMP and the for­ fouling using the
mation of cake layer onto the membrane surface. A summary of the phenomenon developed
method were
literature findings on the application of AI methodologies to predict and
close to
control the membrane fouling in MBRs is presented in Table 3. experimental
data achieved.
4.2. Performance optimization Hydrogen
contributed to
In this section, the literature on the application of AI-based meth­ about 20% of
odologies to control, predict and optimization of MBRs efficiencies total gel SFR.
considering the operating parameters is discussed. RBFANN Interfacial – RBF ANNs well [67]
energy assisted to
quantification in capture the
4.2.1. The pH membrane complex non-
The pH is among the most important parameters to determine the fouling process linear
efficiency of chemical and biological treatment systems when dealing relationships
with the polluted W&W. In MBRs, the variation in feed pH affects the between the
reactor performance along with the generation of soluble microbial
energy and the
products [86], membrane fouling [87], production of intermediate or influencing
final products such as volatile fatty acids [88]. Here, the application of factors.
AI can be a good tool to control the performance of MBSPs for water and MT Having better Domestic The most [72]
wastewater treatments [89]. A limited number of reports have been understanding tertiary influential
on the effluents parameters were
made on the application of AI-based methods to investigate the effects of mechanisms identified as
pH in MBRs. For instance, Cai et al., [90] implemented an aerobic- involved in the pressure, TOC,
anaerobic micro-sludge MBR (O-AMSMBR) to study the variation of membrane pH and
pH on the performance in terms of COD and TN removals from a do­ fouling conductivity of
the feed water.
mestic sewage wastewater using WNN and back-propagation neural
ANNs Predict of Domestic Total nitrogen [73]
network models (BPNN) for simulating the effect of pH on the reactor membrane wastewater and alkalinity
performance, suggesting pH as a key parameter in O-AMSMBR system. fouling from were identified
Under acidic pH conditions (pH = 5), the system showed a high degree long-term as the most
of efficiency even under pH shock. anoxic-aerobic relevant
MBR operational parameters for
In continuation of their earlier work, Cai et al., [91] further inves­ data trans-membrane
tigated the effect of pH on O-AMSMBR using a back-propagation- pressure (TMP)
artificial neural network (BP-ANN) method to monitor the perfor­ forecasting
mance of an air-lift multilevel circulation MBR on a marine domestic while.
FFNN Prediction of Petrochemical Reduction in [74]
sewage treatment plant and suggested the effect of several parameters
TMP and COD of effluents HRT resulted in a
on the system performance as per: pH ≈ MLSS > HRT > COD, thus the effluents decrease in the
demonstrating the importance of pH while designing and implementing (continued on next page)
AF techniques for the effectiveness of the MBR systems. In addition, few

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

Table 3 (continued ) Table 3 (continued )

Methodology Objectives Effluents Remarks Ref. Methodology Objectives Effluents Remarks Ref.

particle size of identified. The

the cake layer. simulation and
Mixed liquor experimental
suspended solid results both
(MLSS) and time confirm the
were identified effectiveness of
as the most and the proposed
the least intelligent
sensitive detecting
parameters on system.
TMP, Particle Filter Improvement in – The [82]
respectively. and LSTM the accuracy and methodology
Multi-layer Study of the Municipal Aeration could [76] algorithms precision of the which combined
perceptron effects of the wastewater not enhance the MBR particle filter
and aeration mode efficiency of the performance (PF) and LSTM
RBFANN on the system to deal forecasting overcome each
membrane with pollutants method’s weak
fouling including BOD, points.
COD, TN, NH+ 4-
N, and TSS.GA-
optimized ANN other studies also supported the importance of pH on the anaerobic
showed higher digestion of organic rich effluents. Shi et al., [92] developed a prototype
levels of
up-flow anaerobic sludge bed and anaerobic filter reactor (UASB-AFR)
compared to a to adopt a BP approach to model the effects on various input parameters
network with a on methane production, for which the importance of the parameters
trial-and-error follows the sequence: pH > COD > HRT > alkalinity.
SVM Validation of Palm oil mill SVM was able to [83] 4.2.2. Dissolved oxygen
membrane effluent produce good Dissolved oxygen (DO) is also considered among the most important
fouling prediction as a parameters to determine the performance of biological treatment tech­
prediction using neural network nologies [93]. Low or high levels of DO can prevent the performance of
SVM ANNs model and the
microbial communities that are responsible to eliminate the pollutants
could overcome from the polluted W&W [3,58]. Hence, controlling the DO level near the
the drawbacks of optimum values is essential to achieve the desired quality for the treated
the MBR fouling. effluents; this may also reduce the overall cost of the treatment by
PCA and fuzzy Exploration of Three PCA [78]

preventing system failures. In such a situation, AI can contribute by
clustering techniques techniques were
automatic studied, and introducing efficient methods to maintain the DO level at certain values.
membrane expert FPCA can Few studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of AI methods in this
fouling state be considered as case to provide the correct concentration of DO for microbial commu­
monitoring and the most suited nities during the treatment of pollutants. Hu et al., [94] suggested that
control method for
further studies.
an AI-based sustainable method could be useful for the treatment of
The fuzzy pharmaceutical effluents using a multi-stage vertical variable diameter
clustering MBR. The authors studied the effects of various DO concentrations
algorithm, which ranging from 0.5 to 6 mg/L on the overall performance of the system in
applied after
the removal of COD, BOD, and 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA). They
PCA, was
successful in found an optimum range of DO between 1.5 and 2.1 mg/L, reaching the
recognizing the highest removal efficiency of 87% and 95% for COD and BOD, respec­
data trends. tively. The authors further developed a differential evolution algorithm
ANNs To study the Domestic Both models can [79] integrated with the BP algorithm to train fuzzy neural network offline
membrane wastewater be used
fouling efficiently to
for the successful control of DO concentration, resulting in a consider­
behaviors in predict the able reduction of the operational costs, thereby satisfying the sustain­
aerated MBR. membrane ability considerations.
fouling behavior The application of AI neural networks (ANNs) has also led to precise
predictions of MBR performance as the ANNs require neither the explicit
However, the
ANNs mechanistic model nor normality or linearity assumptions. Electrodial­
represented ysis, [95] on the other hand, claimed that if a large body of data is
better predictive available, high levels of accuracy can be expected to predict MBR pro­
ability but cess performance efficiency by ANN model. Further, these results have
relatively low
been efficiently used for the extrapolation or the interpolation to the
Partial least Evaluation of the Industrial A nonlinear [84] desired range.
squares and MBR wastewater relationship
the performance between the 4.2.3. Salinity
recurrent membrane
The salinity is an important parameter affecting the efficiency of
fuzzy neural permeability and
network influencing 21 MBR treatment method [96] as the process performance depends on
influencing various levels of salinity. Recently, Ahnen et al., [97] studied the effects
variables was of salinity on the composition of microbial communities while deni­
trifying the woodchip bioreactors employed in treating the recirculated

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

aquaculture system effluents to conclude that low levels of pollutant their sustainability in practical applications. In order to ensure the
removal such as nitrate (in this case) can be achieved. Mannina et al., effectiveness of these technologies, AI-based methods have been devel­
[98] used MBRs for the treatment of saline wastewaters as well as for the oped, but these were employed mainly in lab and pilot scale operations
treatment of a synthetic shipboard slops. These results confirmed that [114,115]. In this section, we will review the efforts made on the
nitrification was negatively influenced by the salinities >20 g NaCl/L in application of AI-based techniques for various classes of pollutants even
the autotrophic biomass. The system also demonstrated an acceptable though some pieces of evidence are available indicating the successful
level of performance for the degradation of hydrocarbons, suggesting application of MBRs for the removal of COD from highly polluted ef­
the importance of controlling the salinity and to predict the system fluents [116]. Currently, a limited number of studies are available on the
performance under various salinity conditions. application of AI for COD removal from wastewater. Picos-benítez et al.,
In a recent study, Cai et al., [99] combined the wavelet transforms [36] utilized the combination of ANNs and GAs to predict the perfor­
with neural network in order to model the effects of salinity on the mance COD removal of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
removal of ammonia nitrogen and COD from a ship domestic sewage (UASB) to be used in the treatment of saline effluents, considering other
using an air-lift multilevel circulation membrane reactor (AMCMBR). input parameters such as organic loading rate (OLR) and temperature.
This study also concluded the negative impacts of high salinities (>21 g/ The experimental results were then used to build the ANN model and the
L) on the treatment efficiency, and the authors built a WNN to evaluate efficiency of the system for the removal of COD was assessed using the
the effect of salinity on system performance. Correlation coefficients (R maximum mean absolute percentage error (9.226%) as calculated from
values) achieved in this case for COD removal calculated by the model the values measured and predicted by the model for the COD removal. In
were slightly higher than those for ammonia nitrogen, reflecting that the next step, the authors used the ANN model as a fitness function in a
more complex mechanisms are involved in the removal of NH+ 4 -N. Other GA in order to identify the optimum operational conditions to achieve
reports dealt with an efficient application of AI to predict the behavior of >70% of COD removal by assuming operating conditions including low
MBRs for the treatment of hyper saline effluents. For instance, treatment energy input, high OLR and high salinity.
of hyper saline oily effluents was modelled by the ANN under various The effluent treatment from various origins to deal with the
total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations ranging from emerging and recalcitrant pollutants using MBRs is another area of
35,000–250,000 mg/L, and OLRs ranging from 0.281 to 3.372 kg COD/ active investigation. The literature demonstrates the higher efficiency of
(m3 day) in the cycle time of 12–48 h [100] using a membrane MBRs compared to conventional activated sludge processes depending
sequencing batch reactor. In this study, 193 operational data were uti­ on factors such as the type of the designed modules, sludge retention
lized to train the network and as per the model developed, OLR of 2.44 time (SRT), HRT, and the treatment plant configuration [117]. The
kg COD/(m3 day), TDS of 78,000 mg/L and reaction time (RT) of 40 h application of AI has also been studied to predict and control the
has resulted in an average COD removal rate of 98%. removal of specific pollutants from the wastewater using MBRs. For
instance, Huang et al., [118] employed the BP neural network theory to
4.2.4. HRT develop a mathematical model (Fig. 4) for the simulation of an anaer­
The innovation of high-rate reactors for biological treatment of obic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) for the biodegradation of COD as
wastewater is considered a significant milestone in the development and well as the antibiotics (β-Lactams) from a real pharmaceutical effluent to
application since the 1980s [7], which has resulted in designing the claim that BPNN can be applied in complex and non-linear processes,
reactors with less volume and offering a substantial reduction in oper­ since the method can offer the possibility to substitute experiments with
ating and maintenance costs as well as initial investments. The AI the predictions.
techniques have been successfully applied to control the HRT of the Other studies were performed to predict and control the system
reactors resulting in higher stabilities of the treatment process. In a performance on high COD conditions and in the presence of specific
recent study [101], a pilot-scale AMCMBR technology was employed for pollutants using other types of MBRs. Very recently, Iranpour et al.,
the removal of total nitrogen (TN) as well as COD from a real ship [119] employed a pilot-scale UASB for the treatment of pharmaceutical
sewage, indicating a substantial improvement in the removal of effluent effluents containing berberine. The COD loading rate from 4.64 to 8.68
(COD and TN removals of 91.57% and 81.19%, respectively, and HRT of kg/m3.d as well as various berberine concentrations from 254 to 536
8 h). Even under a low HRT of 4 h, acceptable removals of COD and TN mg/L were obtained to simulate the performance of the system for use in
were achieved (86.93% and 70.49%, respectively). Thus, efficient pharmaceutical wastewater treatment containing berberine to achieve
removal of COD and TN can be achieved when HRT was reduced due to
increased physical removal rate of the pollutants using a biofilm-
assistant membrane filtration.

4.2.5. Pollution load

Industries are currently generating and discharging a huge amount of
effluents loaded with different types of emerging contaminants [102]
and recalcitrants [103] as pollutants. The properties of the produced
effluents (e.g., COD, BOD, etc.) are directly related to the type and na­
ture of the industry, the manufacturing processes applied and the raw
materials used for the production activities [55,104–106]. The toxic
nature of effluents, especially those from the highly polluting industries
such as pulp and paper [3,107], textile [108], and pharmaceuticals
[109] together with the existence of stringent environmental regulations
have forced the industries to choose the most efficient technologies to
deal with the generated effluents. Therefore, the development of the
most sustainable technology among the existing physicochemical or
biological treatments is necessary [4,110,111]. The combination of
MBSPs with biological treatment processes such as MBRs have become
the trend of the present-day tools to solve the environmental pollution Fig. 4. A schematic illustration of BPNN methodology for the prediction of
issues [112,113]. antibiotics biodegradation using an AnMBR by Huang et al., (2018)
In case of MBRs, efficiency is considered a key element to maintain [118] (adopted).

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

68.14% and 57.39% removal for COD and berberine, respectively. This demonstrated that the most important parameters that influence the
model was based on the BP neural network theory and the linear removal of alkylphenols using a moving bed biofilm reactor, are the
regression techniques indicated negligible errors, since they were able to initial concentration of the pollutant, COD surface area loading rate
simulate and predict the removal of COD and berberine using the UASB (SALR), COD volumetric loading rate (VLR), and HRT. Besides the pa­
facilities. rameters discussed in this review, microbial community was also
Submerged membrane bioreactors (SMBRs) are another efficient considered as a very important parameter to assess the performance of
type of MBR that is widely explored in recent years to deal with highly MBR, though the literature analysis has shown a very limited number of
polluted industrial effluents [120,121], combined with novel treatment published documents. Seshan et al., [132] successfully applied the
methodologies such as photochemical degradation of organic com­ support vector regression for the prediction of four membrane-operated
pounds [122]. However, controlling the pollution removal from such sequencing batch reactors to treat the synthetic effluents in terms of
types of MBRs using the AI-based methods may push for further COD, nitrification, and toxic compounds such as 3-chloroaniline using
commercialization of these technologies. Mirbagheri et al., [123] microbial community characteristics as an indicator.
implemented a RBFANN to evaluate and predict the performance of a
SMBR used for the treatment of combined industrial and municipal ef­ 5. Remarks, opportunities and challenges
fluents. The main objective of this type of combination was to increase
the biodegradability to reach a BOD/COD ratio of 0.5. Using such a In the literature, decision support systems (DSSs) have been devel­
combination, the efficiency of the system can be improved, while oped since the 1960s, but in the beginning of 1990s, intelligent decision
decreasing the required HRT to reach the desired quality of the treated support systems (IDSSs) were developed for the treatment of polluted
effluents. W&W [133]. However, the main goals of developing such methodolo­
Although MBRs have shown a promising performance to deal with gies have been to meet sustainability criteria considering the aspects of
various types of polluted effluents, the energy requirement of these technical, environmental, social and environmental indicators. There is
systems is considered a sustainability limitation, which is restricted for currently a growing trend for the water and wastewater treatment
implementing their wider applications [124]. In this regard, membrane- technologies to be equipped with smart infrastructure solutions. In this
based microbial fuel cells (MFCs) [125] have been developed for regard, various types of AI models have been developed and imple­
extracting and harvesting the energy from the activity of specific mi­ mented for such applications as summarized in Table 4. Among the AI-
crobial communities, resulting in the production of energy in the form of based methodologies, ANNs have been the most widely explored tech­
electricity [126,127]. Various types of membranes (mainly proton ex­ niques for MBR technologies as they bring some advantages over the
change membranes [128]) have been used so far in the structure for the conventional methods such as having the learning ability, the capability
MFCs to optimize their performance in order to promote their to deal with imprecise and highly complex non-linear data [134]. Also,
commercialization. The AI method also has been helpful for the opti­ ANN can predict the performance of the system only based on the
mization of MFC performance. experimental data to provide a high degree of correlation coefficient
Giwa et al., [129] studied the COD removal efficiency of the MFC between the experimental data and the model developed.
system while dealing with orthophosphates and ammonium to enhance The AI-based methods are generally able to provide opportunities for
the electricity generation from a medium strength municipal wastewater the treatment of polluted W&W using MBRs. They have the potential to
to achieve >98% for all the implemented variables. Application of ANNs effectively contribute to making the treatment process cost-effective
for modelling the experimental findings, especially when trained with through the prediction and optimization of both the performance and
the Levenberg-Marquardt BP algorithm, and using the input variables energy consumption of the system [135–137]. For instance, the imple­
such as mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS), pH, DO, EC, and mentation of AI-based models can optimize the pump run times. As a
the influent concentration to demonstrate the accuracy of the model to result, they consume the energy to operate only when they need it for the
predict the efficiency of MFC to deal with the studied wastewater pa­ operation of the system [138]. It can also be concluded from the studies
rameters. However, ceramic membrane MFCs [130] may offer advan­ summarized in Table 4 that AI-based methods, especially ANNs, can
tages over the conventional methods for reduced fouling, higher successfully identify the most important parameters, which can affect
resistance and also being less expensive [8]. AI-based techniques may the performance of MBRs for the treatment of polluted W&Ws. In this
further promote the industrial implementation of such configurations regard, pH, MLSS, and HRT seem to be the most important parameters to
[130] to predict the power output by MFCs, when compared to determine the extent of fouling process and hence, the success of the
nonlinear multivariable regression approach. treatment process using MBR technologies. Methods based on AI can
It is a well-established fact that the accuracy of the methodologies also predict the performance of MBR system over a range of operating
used for the reduction of pollution load using MBRs can be enhanced via parameters and alerts in advance to prevent the costly failures of the
utilization of combination of various AI-based methodologies. However, system. Due to this reason, the size and properties of the influents may
there is currently a need for more studies on the effects of such inte­ vary by time, and the MBR systems need to be well-trained to overcome
grative methods on the performance of MBRs. In order to prove the the shocks resulting from the variation in the volume and the properties
applicability of such methods, Iranpour et al., [119] recently developed of the effluents such as pH shock, which can result in the failure of MBRs
two integrated models including the hybrid multilayer perceptron- [139].
genetic (MLPANN-GA) along with the radial basis function artificial It has been well documented in the literature that permeability is a
neural network-genetic (RBFANN-GA) algorithms for accurate predic­ fundamental parameter for the application of MBSP-based technologies,
tion of BOD, COD, TN, and total phosphorus (TP) in a SMMBR. The yet fouling may impose intense technical and economic issues for the
authors used BOD, COD, TN, TP, SRT, MLSS, membrane permeability, industries [140]. In such situations, forecasting the flux decline and
and TMP as the input variables; the training and testing of both the modelling the conditions under which flux decline would occur can
models developed in this study demonstrated a perfect match between potentially aid to prevent membrane fouling and hence, to mitigate the
the experimental and predicted values. Based on the statistical analysis need for periodical cleaning or substitution of the membrane [141]. It
performed, it was concluded that the integration of models with GA can considerably aid to satisfy the economic considerations, especially
offered accurate prediction of the performance of the system to remove in the current competitive and declining market trends for many in­
the pollution load of the effluents. dustries [3,142], in which a decrease in the treatment costs can make the
There are some studies on the sensitivity analysis of MBR perfor­ MBRs most attractive alternatives. It is worth mentioning here that
mance for the removal of specific pollutants. Mohammadi et al., [131], stability is among the main sustainability criteria for the performance of
by carrying out the ANN-PSO and Pearson correlation coefficient, wastewater treatment technologies [4], which can also satisfy the social

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

Table 4
A summary of literature findings on the optimization of MBRs performance using AI methodologies.
ANN Topologies Advantages/Ideas behind Operational parameter Effluents Remarks Ref.

WNN and BPNN WNN was used to replace the neurons of pH (5) Marine domestic pH is a key parameter in the performance [90]
ANN with wavelets which enable using the sewage wastewater of the O-AMSMBR system based on the
known wavelet function as the activation simulation of WNN and BPNN. The
function (instead of Sigmoid function) in implemented system can represent high
training. Both WNN and BPNN were models degrees of efficiency even under pH shock.
fitted well with the real data in terms of
effluent COD and TN.
BP-ANN The simulations by BPANN are ideal means pH (>= 6) Marine domestic pH and MLSS are the most important [91]
to describe and predict the effects of sewage discharge parameters influencing the performance of
influencing parameters (e.g., COD, HRT, the air-lift multilevel circulation MBR
MLSS, and pH) on the performance of the system, which demonstrated the
system (such as the removal of organic importance of pH when designing and
substance. implementing the artificial intelligent
techniques for MBRs.
BP fuzzy neural The improved differential evolution BP DO (1.5–2.1 mg/L) Pharmaceutical The treatment cost was considerably [94]
network fuzzy neural network and the optimization wastewater reduced by controlling the DO using BP
of the BP algorithm enables to control the fuzzy neural network compared to the
dissolved oxygen more efficiently with less uncontrolled DO test.
overshoot than the fuzzy control strategy.
WNN WNN has been developed as a combination Salinity (>21 g/L) Ship domestic High levels of salinity resulted in the [99]
of wavelet transforms with neural networks sewage inhibition of the system performance.
with excellent time–frequency localization
characteristics of wavelet transforms as well
as self-learning properties of neural
WNN In spite of some errors under low HRTs, HRT (4–8 h) Ship sewage Enhanced COD and TN removals were [101]
WNN is a practical model to predict the observed using the AMCMBR system.
COD and TN removal using MBRs. WNN is a suitable method to forecast the
COD and TN removal to ensure the long-
term stable operation of the sewage
treatment system.
ANN-GA In the integrated model, ANN acts as a COD (2.74 to 11.42 g/L) Fishmeal wastewater The best operational conditions of UASB [36]
fitness function in a GA. This can reactor could be achieved by ANN-GA
considerably enhance the accuracy of the model.
ANN-GA model as a tool to achieve the
optimum performance of MBR.
BPNN BPNN has a number of advantages over OLRs (2.4–4.5 kg- Pharmaceutical BPNN theory matched well with the [118]
classical models such as the possibility of COD⋅m− 3⋅d− 1) and wastewater experimental data, which provided the
being applied in complex and non-linear antibiotics loading rates opportunity to simulate the performance
processes as a practical and feasible tool to (ALRs, 19.1–37.9 BLAs⋅ of anaerobic membrane bioreactor
simulate and predict the removal of m− 3⋅d− 1) (AnMBR).
pollutants using MBRs.
BPNN BPNN is a precise model for simulating and COD (4.64 to 8.68 kg/m3d), Pharmaceutical The removal of COD and berberine using [119]
predicting the removal of pollutants using berberine (254 to 536 mg/L) effluents containing UASB installations could be simulated and
MBRs. berberine estimated by BPNN.
RBFANN RBFANNs are the most widely used ANN BOD5 (180 mg/L), COD Combined industrial The efficiency of the SMBR system was [123]
with a number of advantages such as fast (380 mg/L), NH+4 -N (23.1 and municipal improved with RBFANN while decreasing
learning process, robustness, and mg/L), TP (16.54 mg/L), effluents the required HRT to reach the desired
adaptation capability. quality for the treated effluents.
Levenberg- Among various BP algorithms, Levenberg- COD (41.5 mg/L), PO3−
4 -P Medium strength Ensemble model based on Levenberg- [129]
Marquardt back- Marquardt algorithm was best suited in (8 mg/L) and NH+
4 -N (36.1 synthetic wastewater Marquardt back propagation algorithm
propagation order for modeling the experimental data mg/L) was highly fitted with the experimental
algorithm ANN achieved in this study for the treatment of data for the removal of COD, PO3− 4 -P and
effluents using an MBR. NH+ 4 -N.

considerations by providing the continuous flow of the treated water for The complex nature of wastewaters and non-linear behavior or biolog­
various applications; AI can also assist in compliance with the effluent ical treatment methods, especially when integrated with the physical
standards. Prediction of the system performance can also aid in pre­ methods such as membrane technologies requires accurate models to
venting the events and in minimizing the health and safety risks of any forecast the system performance. In this regard, there is a need to
probable failure in the performance of the system [143]. address such uncertainties by reaching out a perfect match (based on the
In addition to the improvements in the performance of MBRs, the AI- values of R2) between the predicted results and the experimental data
based methodologies normally require little engineering by humans, using the AI-based methods. This can be achieved either by using the
and hence can make the operation of MBRs easy to use. In fact, AI can most accurate methods or by integrating various AI-based techniques.
assist the operators by performing sophisticated intelligent decisions, For instance, Hemedi, et al., [145] indicated that the least-squares
which can enhance the accuracy and reliability of the treatment system support vector machine (LSSVM) can be efficiently used for fouling
without the need of analysing the complex variables by the operators. prediction and performance optimization of MBRs with a high R2 (0.99).
Moreover, AI can simplify data integrity by processing the heteroge­ Based on the literature, the integrated AI methods can also lead to
neous data and process [144]. achieving higher accuracies and reliabilities compared to single AI-
In spite of the advantages provided by the AI-based models in MBR based models [70].
technologies, there are still some challenges to be addressed in order to Further detailed studies on the combined AI-based methods are also
push the commercialization of such methodologies in real applications. required to enhance the reliability of the integrated models based on the

M. Kamali et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021) 128070

laboratory results. For instance, GAs can be used efficiently to validate commercialization of these technologies for industrial applications.
the models derived using the ANNs. Such combinations are also highly Some studies related to sustainability evaluation of the large scale MBRs
welcome for developing novel generations of MBRs such as those inte­ [160] are able to be reinforced by the value addition using the AI
grated with the engineered nanomaterials [146,147] to aid the degra­ methodologies.
dation of organic compounds and to mitigate membrane fouling AI-based methods, especially ANNs, can be continuously updated to
processes. address the needs of the dynamic status of the real-scale wastewater
Selecting the appropriate variables is among the existing challenges treatment processes [161]. However, for the real-time control (RTC) of
towards enhancing the accuracy of the AI-based methods in MBR tech­ wastewater treatment plants, there is a need for more comprehensive
nologies. So far, various variables such as BOD, COD, TN, and TSS have data sets to be able to train the neural networks. In this regard, simul­
been used as input or output data in order to predict and improve the taneous data collection from various stages of wastewater treatment
performance of MBRs. However, there is a need to pay particular process and the development of fast as well as facile on-line measure­
attention to select the response variables based on a set of pre-defined ment methods are the essential requirements to facilitate the imple­
criteria for efficient training of the algorithm (e.g., ANN). For mentation of AI-based models for RTC of the MBRs performance. To
instance, when ANNs are employed for such applications, measures such accomplish this goal, more research efforts are needed in the area of
as choosing the initial weights and the number of hidden neurons or the developing new wastewater quality analysers as a concern of the sci­
hidden layers are of critical importance. In addition, the importance of entific community [162,163]. Such automated designs can enhance the
some parameters such as microbial community to deal with highly reliability of MBR technologies for wider adaptability by the industries
polluted effluents can be highlighted [148]. In this regard, further [164].
studies are welcome on the composition and properties of microbial In addition to further research directions as discussed, studies have
communities and their effects on the overall efficiency of the system for been performed so far on the application of AI-based methodologies for
possible applications in the prediction of MBRs performance using AI- MBRs did not seem to consider some of the important sustainability
based methodologies. criteria such as evaluating the operational costs and the impact of pre­
Efficient removal of the contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) diction or optimization of MBRs performance using the AI-based
[117] is also an existing challenge that requires the development of methods on the overall treatment costs. Such studies are of high prior­
efficient and cost-effective methods [149,150]. In this situation, AI can ity to assist the decision makers to choose the most sustainable tech­
be implemented efficiently to monitor and optimize the removal of nologies among the so far developed physico-chemical or biological
various pollutants from polluted W&W. However, there are areas that treatment methods for the treatment of polluted W&W. In addition,
still need further investigation. For instance, volatile organic compounds sensitivity analysis is also of high priority to identify the most important
(VOCs) are classified among the most common environmental contam­ input variables and their effects on the predicted values, mainly fouling
inants released from the various industrial activities into the generated and the removal of pollutants [4–6]. In this regard, more studies are
effluents. These include a wide range of compounds, such as acids, es­ needed when MBR technologies are used for the treatment of polluted
ters, alkynes, alkanes, ethers, olefins, benzene, alcohols, aldehydes, W&W.
ketones, and halogenated hydrocarbons [151]. Their occurrence in
water bodies can bring a number environmental and health issues [152].
Although AI has been used for the treatment of VOCs from the gas Declaration of Competing Interest
streams [153], no report yet exists in the literature for the application of
AI to monitor the removal of such compounds from the polluted efflu­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
ents. Therefore, such compounds become more dominant in many interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
wastewater streams [154], and more studies in this aspect may be highly the work reported in this paper.
recommended for the future.
Even though a number of studies have been so far performed on the Acknowledgments
application of MBRs for water and wastewater treatment, the evidence
on their commercialization for various types of effluents is still rare. One Mohammadreza Kamali holds a postdoctoral research grant awarded
of the main existing barriers for this is the need for energy consumption by the Research Council of KU Leuven [PDM/19/104]. Xiaobin Yu holds
in such systems, which may negatively affect sustainability consider­ a PhD grant awarded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) [grant
ations, especially in terms of operating costs. To overcome this issue, number 201706250033].
generation of the energy using MBRs in the form of electricity has been
considered and MFC technologies have been developed in recent years. References
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