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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

November 14, 2011 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Mary Burns, James Savage, Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Ryan Tira, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer and Chief Gill The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests and Visitors: Dorrance May, and Ray Lunger are interested in purchasing a building on the corner of Water & Railroad Street; they would like to demolish the existing building and replace that with a modular unit and storage facilities in the parking lot. The proposal will need to go before the Zoning Hearing Board. David Bressler, Mark Maroney (Sun-Gazette) Approve Agenda: November 14, 2011 Michael moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: October 24, 2011 Michael moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Solicitors Report: Ryan Tira Police Report: Gill said that the 2012 Charger is here. Keystone is working on installing the equipment. Mayors Report: Reed received a check from the Lycoming Fair Association for police protection during the July Fair. The denotation was for $2,500. Emergency Management Report: Bressler working on updating our current EOP; needs to be updated every 2 years and sent to the County with revisions. Public Works Report: Cahn said leaf collection is almost done. Water Report: Accept Water reports June-September, 2011. Michael moved, seconded by Savage. 2012 Budget for $684,870. Mook moved to accept, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc.-cited Beiler and Bachman properties (letters attached) East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes Treasurers Report:

General Fund - Check# 7207-7241 $ 41,262.63 Payroll - Direct Deposit 26,854.29 ACH Debits 21,506.71 Burns moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

Borough Secretary: Moyer said that the Greater Hughesville Business Association would like to put up a street banner for the holidays but hoped that Council would approve a resolution allowing them as well as other organizations to do it without needing to get permission each time. Along with the banner design they included copies of other Borough resolutions and PennDot requirements. The Solicitor suggested an Ordinance but felt Council needed more time to discuss. Business: Risk Map Discovery Meeting December 7, 2011 Lycoming County Planning Review Emergency Management Attached 2012 Assessment figures from County Contract for 2011Audit Richard Lowe, PC not to exceed $3,000 Smith moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Comcast phone system discussion; Council would like to see a revised copy of the contract.

Approve 2012 Health insurance rates (3% increase) Savage moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed. Amendment to previous agent designation - Richard Smith as PEMA Borough representative Mook moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed. General Code proposal of revitalization of all previous coding into new structure - Tabled Resignation of ELRA member Donald Myers. Smith moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

Executive session was called: 8:30 PM Burns moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed Re-opened: 9:05 PM Mook moved seconded by Burns. Motion passed First reading of 2012 Operating Budget for $831,000 Smith moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Final adoption will be at the December 12, 2011 Meeting. The Budget is available for review to the general public until than. Approve Horse & Buggy rides sponsored by the Greater Hughesville Business Association. Rides will be conducted during day light hours; using only side streets. Mook moved seconded by Smith. Motion passed.

Committee Reports: None

Adjournment: 9:45 PM Burns moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed.

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