Color Management Using Optimal Three-Dimensional Look-Up Tables

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Journal of Imaging Science and Technology® 54(3): 030402–030402-14, 2010.

© Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2010

Color Management Using Optimal Three-Dimensional

Look-Up Tables
Satyam Srivastava and Edward J. Delp쒀
Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

Thanh H. Ha and Jan P. Allebach쒀

Electronic Imaging Systems Laboratory (EISL), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

tively or subjectively). For many applications the output vi-

Abstract. Digital imaging has seen an unprecedented growth in the
past five years. The variety of imaging systems available to users to
sual stimulus is the most important result. A typical scenario
create and view visual data is enormous. Color management has of visual data delivery is illustrated in Figure 1. The content
become an important aspect of modern imaging and display sys- creator (photographer) would like to ensure that each user
tems. Color profiles have been the de facto tool for achieving faithful
visual reproduction for a long time. In this article, the authors dis-
obtains the “correct” output independent of their display
cuss issues associated with profile-based color management sys- device.
tems. The authors describe an alternative approach motivated by Let the set R consist of all still and moving visual data
the problem of visually matching two known display devices. The
authors use a model-based method to achieve this goal and pro-
and the set I contain all digital image and video data. Then,
pose realizing the method with simple table look-up operations. The using the notation shown in Fig. 1,
authors devise a framework for designing look-up tables (LUTs) ereal , ephotograher , e1 , e2 , . . . , en 苸 R and i , j 苸 I. The goal is to
which are optimal in terms of color reproduction on the displays
based on resource constraints. The LUT-based color management achieve e1 = e2 = ¯ = en = ephotographer. That is, every display
system is shown to be more accurate and memory-efficient than a should look the way the content creator desires it to look. It
comparable International Color Consortium profile-based system. should be noted that our reference for visual matching is the
© 2010 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.
关DOI: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2010.54.3.030402兴 visual output as “desired” by the content creator. This is
important because a digital image (or video) often under-
goes a series of enhancements/processing before being deliv-
ered to a user and hence, may not resemble ereal. Finally,
INTRODUCTION ⌿ : I → R represents the basic functionality of how a display
The quantity of visual data continues to grow as more users, device maps its input to its output.
both amateur and professional, create images using a wide Color management is the general collection of tech-
range of capture devices. Digital images and video have be- niques used for achieving a “visual match” among display/
come immensely popular with the decrease in costs of cam- printing devices. It is an important part of digital imaging
eras, displays, and software tools. Similarly, with the ease of systems. Personal computers and workstations provide sup-
delivery, storage, and display, viewers have enormous choice port for color management at multiple levels including the
of display devices on which to view content. A digital image operating system and application levels.1,2 Most color man-
is a representation of two-dimensional visual data and digital agement systems are based on sharing device properties us-
video can be considered a time-indexed sequence of digital ing color profiles. Color profiles provide a way of transform-
images. A display device recreates a likeness of the visual ing an image from the color space of a device to an
data using the digital representation. These devices may use independent color space which is known as the profile con-
different technologies [such as cathode-ray tube (CRT), liq-
uid crystal display (LCD), and projection systems], and
hence, in most cases it is unlikely that visual data viewed
using these devices would appear the same. More specifi-
cally, a digital image or video when viewed on such displays
will not produce the same visual stimulus (measured objec-

IS&T Member.
Received Sep. 16, 2009; accepted for publication Mar. 22, 2010; published
online May 7, 2010.
1062-3701/2010/54共3兲/030402/14/$20.00. Figure 1. Typical visual data delivery/display framework.

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-1 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

with WINDOWS VISTA™ is one such example.8 This raises

the issue of cross-platform operation because the color
management system cannot use a profile created in a
noncompliant format.
• As illustrated in Fig. 2, a profile-based color manage-
ment system consists of multiple color space transfor-
Figure 2. A profile-based color management system. mations. This requires both rigorous mathematics and
implementation of complex algorithms (such as gamut
mapping, white balancing, and chromatic adaptation).
Clearly, this approach may not be suitable for low power
mobile display systems. This is important because most
mobile platforms (which include iPods™, mobile
phones, and personal digital assistance devices) have
limited computing power but are highly popular for
viewing images.
• This approach is useful for digital images but is not used
with digital videos. In fact, color management for con-
sumer video is a fairly new topic.9 An important appli-
cation dealing with the problem of color management is
Figure 3. An illustration of color profile support in web browsers the cinema industry.
共courtesy: Deb Richardson6兲.
We approach the problem of color management by ex-
nection space (PCS). An example of a profile-based color amining the case of motion pictures. More specifically, we
management system (CMS) is shown in Figure 2. The vari- consider features compatible with the Digital Cinema Initia-
ous transformations between the device spaces and the PCS tives specification10 with the goal of achieving euser = eartist,
are performed in a color management module which is also where eartist is the visual output obtained during cinema post
responsible for gamut mapping that may be required, and is production.11 During post production, the motion picture
part of the user’s display system. These operations may be undergoes several transformations aimed at improving the
implemented in hardware or software (or a combination of audio-visual experience as well as operations such as editing
both) depending the display system and the application. and addition of special effects. To justify the efforts of artists
Although the profile-based approach to color manage- in obtaining the “correct” visual experience for the content,
ment is widely used, there are aspects which limit its use for it is important that the visual output obtained when the
modern display systems and user requirements. Many of motion picture is screened in a cinema theater be as close as
these issues have been reported in the literature3,4 and are possible to that observed by the artists during the post pro-
summarized here: duction process.
From a color management point of view, this problem
• Color management is usually believed to be a tool used
becomes one of visually matching two display devices—the
by professionals so that most casual users do not cali-
cinema theater screen and the displays used in the post pro-
brate their display devices for extended periods of time.5
duction operations. The traditional solution for the cinema
While generating a color profile does require some skill,
industry has been the use of custom displays for the post
in many cases, even the standard profiles are not used.
production. These displays closely match the visual at-
This effectively “turns off” color management.
tributes of the cinema theater and help the artists preview a
• For systems with color management and a calibrated
display, the profile-based system will work only if the rendering of the motion picture, as it would be seen in the
applications used support color profiles. The internet cinema theater. The use of custom displays is expensive and
has become a major vehicle for delivering digital images not very flexible. We also note that a profile based color
and the lack of support for color profiles in many web management may not be applicable in this situation. This is
browsers is disappointing.6 FIREFOX recently introduced primarily because the hardware in a cinema theater projec-
profile support in its 3.* releases. Figure 3 shows an tion system usually does not have the capability to utilize
illustration wherein a digital image with an embedded profiles for color correcting a full length motion picture.
color profile is viewed using two versions of FIREFOX In this article we propose a new approach to color man-
(the images were screen-captured and pasted together agement which is both accurate and hardware-friendly. Our
for comparison). solution is based on the assumption that a reference display
• While the commonly used profile format is well- device exists, and all other display devices can be matched to
standardized by the International Color Consortium this reference. This consists of two steps. In the first step, we
(ICC),7 some vendors have designed their own propri- develop a method for perceptually matching a given display
etary formats which are not compatible with the ICC with a known reference display. Perceptual similarity7,12 is
format. The Windows Color System (WCS) introduced said to be achieved when two colors match in the CIE LAB

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-2 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

colors14,15 by preventing CMY components from leaking-in

when only the K component may be needed.
These profiles can be created using the colorimetric data
measured directly from the two devices. However, many pro-
filing tools can generate a device-link profile indirectly, using
two ICC device profiles.15–17 Balonen-Rosen and Thornton18
Figure 4. Our proposed LUT-based color management system. described a method which allows a user to interactively
modify the existing information in color profiles (including
device-link profiles) to improve the quality of color manage-
ment. This local color correction technique is useful when
an image rendered on a destination device contains multiple
space after accounting for chromatic adaptation of the hu- color regions that are unacceptably different from the image
man visual system13 and ensuring a common white point. rendered on a source device.
We select perceptual matching because it is more suitable for Our LUT-based approach is different from a system that
reproduction of motion content on systems with high dy- uses device-link profiles in the following ways. The ICC
namic ranges and under different viewing conditions.7 This specification does not allow a device-to-device transforma-
first step may be completed offline. In the second step, this tion (contained in a device-link profile) to be represented
method is realized as a faster and simpler operation, by using only by a look-up table. The four acceptable algorithmic
a look-up table (LUT). This is illustrated in Figure 4. We will models for such transformations shown in Figure 5, on page
show that this method provides better color reproduction xii of the ICC standard7 consist of one or more “processing
because we develop a specific solution to match two display elements,” including a multidimensional LUT. The two con-
devices unlike matching a display to an unknown device figurations which utilize a multidimensional LUT also in-
using its profile. clude at least two other processing elements. Thus, a hypo-
It should be noted that the advantages of generating a thetical ICC-compatible CMS that processes only device-
direct device-to-device transformation, as we described link profiles will be more complex than our proposed CMS.
above, have been recognized by color scientists. The ICC7 Second, our approach allows greater flexibility in the
defines a type of profile which contains the information construction (and usage) of the LUT. As we describe later in
about the transformation between two known devices. Such this article, we generate a LUT by selecting a LUT size and
profiles are known as device-link profiles. While a color man- interpolation method and an optimal nonuniform set of
agement system utilizing device-link profiles promises better sample points. The ICC standard only allows interpolation
color accuracy and lower computational complexity, these on a uniformly sampled data set. Our method allows trade-
profiles have been largely used in printing systems but for a offs between accuracy, complexity, and required memory.
different reason. In high quality print systems, the transfor- Thus, our end-to-end design can be more accurate and
mation from one device’s CMYK color space to another de- require fewer resources than a profile-based approach. Since
vice’s CMYK space may suffer loss of information when an our proposed CMS requires only table look-ups and inter-
intermediate space, the profile connection space, or the PCS polations, it is suitable for hardware and embedded imple-
(for example, the CIE LAB space) has only three data chan- mentations. For example, one could design a display device
nels. In such cases, device-link profiles can be used to bypass with an embedded color management capability because of
the PCS and can also be used to preserve the neutral the simplicity of our proposed system.

Figure 5. A test image displayed in a dark room using two monitors that are different models from the same
manufacturer 共test image—courtesy: Color Science AG, Switzerland19兲.

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-3 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

The rest of this article is organized as follows: in the

section Analytical Transformations Using Device Models we
briefly review some of the methods proposed for visual
matching of two displays. In particular we describe our
method for achieving perceptual similarity between two dis-
play devices and represent it as a model of the color man-
agement problem. This model is approximated by three-
dimensional (3D) LUTs in the section Efficient Realization
Using Look-Up Tables. We also describe a process for opti- Figure 6. Block diagram of the model nonlinear transformation with
white point correction 共NLXWP兲.
mizing the parameters of a LUT such that it results in the
lowest approximation errors given resource constraints. In
the Experimental Results section, the performance of our evaluation of color reproduction quality have been
LUT-based color management system is evaluated. We de- proposed.23–27
vise experiments to determine the accuracy of the color re- We use the method we previously described28 to obtain
production and compare it with that of an ICC color profile- the function f. This method uses models of the display de-
based system. vices using CIE LAB as the intermediate space between the
device native color spaces. A block diagram of the method is
shown in Figure 6. We refer to this method as nonlinear
transformation with white point correction (NLXWP). This
method is used because it improved upon the commonly
used display device model, which consists of gray balancing
Consider a situation where we have two arbitrary display curves and a matrix transformation, without making the de-
devices. One of the displays is used to enhance, process, and vice model difficult to invert.
distribute digital images. This display is denoted as the ref- In Fig. 6, the block labeled “forward model of reference
erence device. The second display is representative of the device” represents the function ⌿ref : RGB→ XYZ. This
general class (or model) of devices used to view the images model consists of gray balancing and a linear transforma-
and is referred to as the user device. It is natural that the tion, described next. Similarly, the “inverse model of user
visual output of the two devices will be different unless some device” represents a function ⌿usr −1
: XYZ → RGB and consists
form of color management is used. Figure 5 shows an ex- of operations that are the inverse of the forward model.
ample where a test image is displayed on two Dell LCD Thus, NLXWP achieves an overall transformation
monitors belonging to different generations and under fac- f : RGB→ RGB by coupling the two device models.
tory default settings. The images can look very much We next describe some of the salient features of
different. NLXWP (refer to our previous publication28 for a complete
In many application scenarios a user display may not description):
have a color management system and hence embedding an • Gray balancing is used to convert between nonlinear
ICC profile in the image may not be useful. An alternative and linear RGB spaces and is achieved using one-
method is to change the digital representation of the images dimensional (1D) look-up tables, one for each color
before providing them as inputs to the user monitor such channel. In this article, we explicitly use the term non-
that the visual outputs are matched. In other words, one linear RGB to refer to “gamma corrected”29 RGB as
needs to design a function f : I → I such that if i 苸 I is the opposed to linear RGB values which are proportional to
input to the reference device, f共i兲 苸 I is the input to the user the photon count.
device that ensures ⌿ref共i兲 ⬇ ⌿usr共f共i兲兲. In our discussions • A single 3 ⫻ 3 transformation matrix is used as the
below, the device space I is the RGB color space with 8 bits transform between the linear RGB space and the CIE
used to encode the digital input for each color channel and XYZ space. This matrix is obtained by optimizing the
⬇ represents perceptual similarity as defined in the Intro- conversions with respect to training data. All the colo-
duction. That is, perceptual similarity7,12 is said to be rimetric measurements were done using a Photo Re-
achieved when two colors match in the CIE LAB space after search PR-705 spectroradiometer to record the CIE
accounting for chromatic adaptation of the human visual XYZ values from the display devices.
system13 and ensuring a common white point. • The method incorporates chromatic adaptation capabil-
The problem of visual matching of two display/print ity of the human visual system to achieve a perceptual
media has been studied and many schemes have been pro- match between the two displays. Based on the von-Kries
posed. These methods in turn rely on mathematical model- model,13,30 a chromatic adaptation transformation from
ing of display devices and the transformations between dif- XYZ1 in the viewing condition of the reference display
ferent color spaces. Characterization techniques for both (denoted as display 1) to XYZ2 in the viewing condition
CRT and LCD displays have been devised.20–22 Similarly, of the user display (denoted as display 2) is formulated
methods for monitor-printer matching, gamut mapping, and as

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-4 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

冤 冥
L w2
0 0
L w1

冤冥 冤冥
X2 X1
M w2
Y2 = H−1 0 0 H Y1 , 共1兲
M w1
Z2 Z1
S w2
0 0
S w1

where LMSwi, 共i = 1 , 2兲 are the LMS cone responses30 to

the reference white wi of Display i and H is a
nonsingular matrix which transforms XYZ to LMS. In
the NLXWP model, we assume the reference white
XYZwi, 共i = 1 , 2兲 of the two displays share the same chro-
Figure 7. Illustration of straight chroma clipping 共SCC兲: the red circles
maticity coordinates. Under these conditions, it can be represent out-of-gamut colors and the blue stars represent clipped colors.
shown that Eq. (1) simplifies to

LAB2 = LAB1 , 共2兲 to simulate ideal display devices. The model NLXWP is de-
veloped for perceptually matching these two simulated de-
where LABi, 共i = 1 , 2兲 is the LAB 3-tuple obtained by vices and serves as the function f defined above.
converting XYZi in Eq. (1) to the LAB space with re-
spect to the reference XYZwi.
• It also includes a “white-balancing” step to ensure a
The NLXWP function is computationally complex and may
common white point for the two displays.31 The balanc-
not be easy to implement for all displays. Therefore, we use
ing is implemented in the linear RGB space as follows:
3D LUTs to realize the function in a computationally effi-

冤 冥
Rdw cient manner. LUTs are a convenient tool used in many ap-
0 0 plications in image processing. Consider a function y = f共x兲
Rnw which maps an input x 苸 D to an output y 苸 R, where D and

冤冥 冤冥
Rblin lin
Rnlin R are the domain and the range of f, respectively. The con-
Gblin = 0 lin
0 Gnlin , 共3兲 cept of a table look-up involves computing discrete values of
Gnw f for a set of discrete inputs SD 傺 D and storing them as a set
Bblin Bnlin
Bdw SR 傺 R. In order to evaluate the function at a given input
0 0 lin
x 苸 D, we locate points in SD which surround x. In other
Bnw words, we identify the elements of SD which form a box (or
a polytope) such that x is an internal point of the box. These
where “b” and “n” denote “white-balanced” and “na-
points are known as neighbors of x. Finally, f共x兲 is obtained
tive,” respectively, and “dw” and “nw” denote “desired
by interpolating between the known values of the function at
white” and “native white,” respectively.
its neighbors. The elements of the subset SD for which the
• Gamut mapping is done using the straight chroma clip-
ping (SCC) method which is simple and has been function is evaluated are known as the sample points or knot
shown to work better than many other clipping and points.
compression techniques.25,32 Figure 7 shows the SCC Look-up tables have been used to realize color space
method in which an out-of-gamut color is shifted to the transformations between different media.34 Some of these
destination gamut’s boundary, while its lightness Lⴱ and methods were in use well before the development of stan-
hue hⴱ values are preserved. dardized profile-based methods. In 1975, Pugsley35 described
a method for color correcting the output of a scanner using
We evaluated the accuracy of NLXWP and computed pre-computed values stored in the memory. In 1978, Kotera
the error statistics.28 The transformations achieve an average described LUT-based techniques for Bayesian color
error of 1.94⌬E units with a standard deviation of 0.80⌬E separation.36 Researchers at Polaroid Corporation developed
units. The testing set contained 625 RGB values in the form a LUT-based method in 1989 for managing color transfor-
of a 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 grid, whose elements were randomly selected. mations between photographic films and printed media.37
We later proposed further improvement in the display device McCann describes 3D LUT-based methods to perform color
models by the use of nonsquare transformation matrices space transformations for various applications, including
(for example, 3 ⫻ 4 and 3 ⫻ 11), as well as multiple matrices matching of photographic films with printed media, and
for different color classes.33 Such device models using mul- transforming between the CIE LAB space and a more uni-
tiple rectangular matrices are highly accurate with average form Munsell color space.38,39 These transformations were
errors around 0.5⌬E units and have been used in this article designed on a 8 ⫻ 8 ⫻ 8 hardware LUT and achieved high

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-5 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

Figure 8. Block diagram of the system for constructing and evaluating a 3D LUT 共LUTEVAL兲.

levels of accuracy. The LUT-based techniques were also used smaller. Consider a LUT of size nR ⫻ nG ⫻ nB and sample
for color correction in the successful efforts to create life-size points selected according to the set
replicas of fine art.40
We previously described the applicability of a 3D LUT ⍀ = 兵r0,r1, . . . ,rnR−1其 ⫻ 兵g0,g1, . . . ,gnG−1其
for achieving complex transformations.41 We also described
a method for obtaining the optimal parameters for such a ⫻ 兵b0,b1, . . . ,bnB−1其, 共7兲
system. In the following sections, we provide more detail
about the approach and some motivation behind the pro- where ⫻ denotes a Cartesian product. Then, the function
posed scheme for the optimal sampling of the RGB space. ⌽共 兲 can be specified as:

再 冎
The desired LUT is constructed using the NLXWP function
and also cross-validated against it. Figure 8 illustrates the f共关r,g,b兴兲, ∀关r,g,b兴 苸 ⍀,
method of generating and evaluating the LUT using the ⌽共关r,g,b兴兲 = 共8兲
£共关r,g,b兴兲, otherwise.
NLXWP model. This is referred to as LUTEVAL and is used
(as a black box) in our optimization setup. The block arrow Here £共 兲 represents an interpolation operation which is
between NLXWP and LUT represents the offline process of used to transform the input values not aligned with any of
generating the table by evaluating NLXWP at the desired the table entries.
points. The LUT generated by LUTEVAL is stored as a file The accuracy of a LUT-based transformation is mea-
and, hence, this step does not occur when the LUT is evalu- sured in terms of the deviation of the colors in ⌬E units. Let
ated against the model. ST be a training set of N RGB values taken randomly from
Let f共 兲 represent the nonlinear transformation the RGB space. The difference between the colors produced
(NLXWP) using the device models. Since our transforma- by the NLXWP model 共f兲 and the LUT 共⌽兲 is given by
tions map nonlinear RGB space to nonlinear RGB space, let
关r , g , b兴in and 关r , g , b兴out indicate the input and output vec- ⌬Ei = 储关L,A,B兴NL
− 关L,A,B兴LUT
储. 共9兲
tors, respectively. Next, we let the table look-up be described
by a function ⌽共 兲. As in the previous sections, a subscript 1
An average of all the differences is referred to as the trans-
stands for the first monitor (reference/target device) and
formation error:
subscript 2 stands for the user device or the second monitor.
Then, for the same input 关r , g , b兴in to the two functions:
1 N−1
= ⌽共关r,g,b兴in兲 共4兲
⌬E = 兺
N i=0
⌬Ei . 共10兲

and This average error over the selected training set serves as our
yardstick for evaluating the effects of different parameters of
= f共关r,g,b兴in兲. 共5兲
a LUT-based system.
Using the forward monitor models, we can obtain the cor- Having constructed a method for using a function to
responding values in the LAB space and compute the differ- generate and evaluate a LUT, we next focus on the various
ence between the colors: factors which affect the accuracy with which the LUT can
approximate the function. Given resource constraints, these
⌬E = 储关LAB兴NL
储. 共6兲 can be broadly categorized as follows.
The size of each dimension of a multidimensional LUT
This process is illustrated in Fig. 8. is related to the relative importance of each dimension. In
The transformation f requires a 3D LUT with a vector our problem, this relates to how many sample points are
关r , g , b兴 as input. Each entry in the LUT is also a vector selected from each of R, G, and B color channels (nR , nG , nB,
关r , g , b兴 corresponding to the color-corrected digital input respectively) such that the overall LUT complies with the
for the user device. For 8-bits per channel, the input space is overall size constraint. As an example, one can construct a
of size 256⫻ 256⫻ 256 but practical LUTs would be much 10⫻ 10⫻ 10 LUT or a 10⫻ 12⫻ 8 LUT if no more than

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-6 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

1000 table entries are allowed. In our experiments, we as-

sume an equal number of sample points are collected from
each color channel. Such LUTs are referred to as regular.
A typical (except boundary) point in the 3D space has
eight nearest neighbors where the value of the function is
known. An interpolation algorithm may use all the eight
values or a subset of these to determine the function’s value
at the unknown point. It may also assign unequal weights to
the known values according to the neighbor’s “distance”
from the point. Thus, the method of interpolation is an
important aspect that affects the accuracy of a LUT system.
The sampling set ⍀ contains the elements of the dis-
crete domain of the function. This set is representative of the
function and, hence, the choice of its elements plays a key
role in the successful interpolation of other values. We also Figure 9. An illustration of the neighbors of a point in 3D space.
define a special type of sampling for a regular LUT in which for i = 0 , 1 , . . . , 7, with each fi weighted by the Euclidean dis-
ri = gi = bi ∀ i 苸 兵0 , 1 , . . . , nR − 1其. Such tables will be called tance of the other neighbor (and normalized by the sum of
symmetric and regular tables not meeting this condition will these distances) from the required point s as shown in Figure
be known as nonsymmetric. 9 where the neighbors are denoted by ni. Note that in our
Interpolation problem, the 3D box formed by the eight neighbors is not
Interpolation has been well explored and several interesting required to be a cube, or even a regular polytope because of
methods have been proposed in one and more dimensional nonuniform sampling. A number of schemes exist for inter-
spaces and on regular and irregular shaped data grids. Bala polation using different neighbor sets and different distance
and Klassen42 provide a survey of the commonly used inter- metrics. Shepard’s44 interpolation is a general framework for
polation methods, in the context of color transformations. interpolation on an irregularly spaced data. Another general
They also describe some acceleration techniques that can technique known as sequential linear interpolation opti-
result in faster operation under suitable conditions. Kidner mizes an nD interpolation problem by sequentially reducing
et al.43 reviewed many interpolation and extrapolation meth- the dimensionality while maintaining optimal
ods as applicable to the problem of building sophisticated performance.45
digital elevation models used (among others) in terrain As noted earlier, a point in a 3D space has eight nearest
analysis, infrastructure design, and global positioning. In the neighbors located at the vertices of a bounding box. It is
following discussion, we describe a simple interpolation possible to use a subset of these eight points for interpola-
scheme in three dimensions. We also present some results tion, such as in tetrahedral interpolation.46 In our experi-
demonstrating the relative effectiveness of two derived ments for color space transformation, we employ interpola-
schemes in our problem of approximating the NLXWP tion methods which use all the eight neighbors of the
model. Note that this discussion is included primarily for the unknown point. Let 关r , g , b兴s be the input value for which an
purpose of completeness and as an illustration of the effect output is needed. We define 关r , g , b兴i as the eight neighbors
of choosing an interpolation technique on the performance. of the input, where i = 0 , 1 , . . . , 7, and the order/position is
The focus of our optimization efforts is on the sampling of as indicated in Fig. 9. Observe that 关r , g , b兴0 = 关r , g , b兴s
the RGB space. where   denotes the nearest lower neighbor, that is, the
In the most generalized situation, an input point nearest neighbor of s which can be reached by only reducing
关x , y , z兴s (whose output needs to be predicted) can have k the value of the color channel. Note that in this context  
neighbors 关x , y , z兴i for i = 0 , 1 , . . . k − 1. Let d共i , s兲 be some does not represent the usual integer flooring. Similarly,
metric of distance between the points i and s. Note that each 关r , g , b兴7 is the nearest upper neighbor.
neighbor is an entry of the table and hence their outputs The interpolated value rout can now be obtained in the
f共关x , y , z兴兲i are known. Then using interpolation, following manner. In the following equations, the symbols pi
represent intermediate points as shown in Fig. 9 and ti are
f共关x,y,z兴兲s = ␺共fi,di兲 for i = 0,1, . . . ,k − 1, 共11兲 the corresponding function values. The symbol ri represents
the first component of 关r , g , b兴i and li is a metric of distance
where ␺ is determined by the method used. of the ith neighbor from s. The values of gout and bout can be
For example, a simple linear interpolation in one- similarly obtained;
dimensional (1D) space would be
t1 = 共r0l1 + r1l0兲/共l1 + l0兲, 共13a兲
fs = 关f0d共s,1兲 + f1d共s,0兲兴/关d共s,0兲 + d共s,1兲兴, 共12兲

where d共s , i兲 is the Euclidean distance between s and its ith t2 = 共r2l3 + r3l2兲/共l3 + l2兲, 共13b兲
neighbor. A simple extension to three dimensions (3D)
would be one where fs is evaluated as a weighted sum of fi t3 = 共r4l5 + r5l4兲/共l5 + l4兲, 共13c兲

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-7 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

t4 = 共r6l7 + r7l6兲/共l7 + l6兲, 共13d兲 We note that by defining li = du共s , i兲, we can approxi-
mate Shepard’s interpolation by a sequence of pairwise in-
terpolations represented by Eqs. (13) and (14). It was ob-
t5 = 共t1lp2 + t2lp1兲/共lp2 + lp1兲, 共13e兲
served in our experiments that the use of squared inverse
distance 关li = d2共s , i兲兴 results in lower errors when 3D LUTs
t6 = 共t3lp4 + t4lp3兲/共lp4 + lp3兲, 共13f兲 were used to approximate NLXWP than when using simple
inverse distance 关li = d共s , i兲兴.41 This is summarized in Table I
and finally, where the average errors of the two schemes are presented
rout = 共t5lp6 + t6lp5兲/共lp6 + lp5兲. 共14兲 with respect to a randomly generated testing set of 1000
RGB values. The errors were obtained using the LUTEVAL
In the above formulation, we can define li = d共s , i兲. block described earlier. Here, ⌬Einv is the error correspond-
Then, the known value at a neighbor is linearly weighted by ing to the separable inverse distance scheme and ⌬Esq,inv is
the Euclidean distance of the opposite neighbor from the the error corresponding to the separable squared inverse dis-
unknown point. This can also be viewed as weighting the tance scheme.
value at a neighbor with its inverse distance from the un- All the LUTs were generated by uniformly sampling the
known point. For example, Eq. (13a) can be written as RGB space in these experiments. This ensures that the dif-
ference in the errors resulted only from the choice of the
t1 = 共r0l0−1 + r1l1−1兲/共l0−1 + l1−1兲. 共15兲 interpolation techniques. Note that the impact of squared
Note that this equivalence holds only when interpolating inverse distance interpolation decreases (in both absolute ⌬E
between two points. We refer to this scheme as separable units and in percentage) as the size of the LUT increases.
inverse distance interpolation. We can also define li = d2共s , i兲. This is expected and emphasizes the role that proper selec-
The resultant scheme is referred to as separable squared in- tion of the system parameters can play when the resources
verse distance interpolation in this article. are constrained. We also performed this experiment with the
The choice of nonlinear weighting of the function val- nonseparable Shepard’s interpolation as given in Eq. (16),
ues becomes particularly significant because we are selecting with P = 8. We observed that the nonseparable method re-
the grid points for the LUT in a nonuniform fashion, which sulted in lower average errors compared to the two separable
we describe in the following section. Shepard presented a methods described above. However, the difference between
method for interpolating on an irregular grid in a two- the average errors becomes smaller when interpolating on
dimensional space.44 The central idea of the method can be lattices optimized with respect to the corresponding
described by interploation schemes. It should be emphasized that the

冦 冧
regular structure of the separable methods makes them more
fi if d共s,i兲 = 0 for any i 苸 兵0,P − 1其, suitable for hardware applications particularly when interpo-
P−1 lating in a 3D space. Therefore, in this article, we only pro-

fs =

fid−u共s,i兲 vide detailed results based on the separable inverse distance
, otherwise, interpolation and the separable squared inverse distance in-
terpolation. In subsequent sections, the squared inverse dis-

d−u共s,i兲 tance interpolation is used because it produces lower errors.
We would also like to mention that the use of squared
共16兲 inverse distance interpolation has been selected on the basis
where P specifies the total number of neighbors used in the of accuracy and the simplicity of design. We optimize the
interpolation and the parameter u determines the weighting sampling of the RGB space (in the next section) with the
of grid points. Shepard goes on to describe the criteria for assumption that this interpolation would be done when us-
the selection of u. Based on empirical results, Shepard states ing the optimal LUTs. However, other interpolation schemes
that a value of u = 2 would provide satisfactory results for may be selected based on application-specific requirements
surface mapping and is computationally inexpensive (com- such as simplicity, regularity, and accuracy. While an inter-
pared to fractional values). polation scheme based on only linear interpolations would
be simple and involve lower computational costs, an inter-
polation method based on higher degree polynomials, or on
Table I. Average errors 共⌬E units兲 obtained when approximating the NLXWP model splines, may result in a smoother interpolated surface.
with uniform LUTs using two interpolation methods. Splines are commonly used in image interpolation47,48
because they can produce high levels of accuracy and can be
Size ⌬Einv ⌬Esq,inv ⌬Esq,inv − ⌬Einv selected to satisfy regularity requirements. Splines can be
represented as piecewise polynomial functions of a specified
9⫻9⫻9 5.49 3.79 1.70 共30.9%兲
degree. Thus, unlike higher degree polynomials, splines can
15⫻ 15⫻ 15 3.10 2.16 0.94 共30.3%兲 be designed to avoid excessive oscillation. The theory of ba-
21⫻ 21⫻ 21 2.30 1.65 0.65 共28.3%兲 sis splines (B-splines)49,50 allows interpolation in such a way
that each piecewise function is a linear combination of a set

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-8 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

of basis functions. This results in a reduction in the com-

plexity of spline interpolation. Two common methods for
extending B-splines to a multidimensional space are the use
of tensor product splines51 and the use of thin plate
We do not use spline interpolation for two reasons. The
spline basis functions must be computed directly using the
positions of the knot points. It is not practical for hardware
implementations to precompute these basis functions if the
knot points are irregularly spaced. Second, the actual inter-
polation uses a linear combination of the basis functions and
the coefficients used as weights must also be computed be-
fore interpolation. Therefore, an implementation of splines
in a high dimensional irregular space would be more
Figure 10. Variation in lightness 共Lⴱ兲 with digital red input R.
We summarize this discussion by stating that our opti-
polyhedron like the RGB space. It is quite possible that the
mization framework is agnostic to interpolation and a
space for a given display device is shaped like a deformed
simple modification of the cost function is needed to reflect
sphere. Locating the exact bounding surfaces of the LAB
the change.
space might require enormous computation and it is un-
Sampling likely that such a space can be divided into regularly shaped
Subsampling of the RGB space is a complex problem that subspaces.
has been discussed in the literature. Monga and Bala53 pro- Uniform Lightness Sampling
posed a strategy for the optimization of the knot points (or It is tempting to try achieving at least uniform sampling in
nodes) based on a 3D importance function. They construct the CIE Lⴱ dimension. One would expect that the function
a significance function using the input distribution and the of lightness versus R (or G or B) would be concave with
curvature of the analytical function to be approximated. In- higher gradient near the dark region. Therefore, if the color
stead of trying to determine an exact solution to the prob- channels are sampled for uniform Lⴱ, it should result in
lem of optimal node selection, they devise an efficient algo- more samples collected from the dark areas. A plot of non-
rithm to obtain an approximate optimal lattice, in an linear R versus Lⴱ is shown in Figure 10. Although there is
iterative manner. They later proposed a method to jointly significant nonlinearity near the dark end, most of the func-
optimize node selection and the output values stored at the tion is nearly linear. However, this is not so unexpected if we
nodes54 in order to minimize the expected interpolation er- understand the relationship between the native color space
ror. However, a general solution for approximating 3D func- and the Lⴱ axis. There are two basic steps in going from R to
tions is not available, particularly when the function cannot Lⴱ—first R (along with G and B values) is converted to
be rigorously defined (in order, for example, to compute the linear RGB by a power law correction (gray balancing), and
curvature). Intuition suggests that a discrete domain ⍀ for a then it is transformed to XYZ by a linear transformation.
LUT constructed by uniformly sampling the input space Finally, lightness is obtained using another power law. The
may not deliver the optimal performance. It is possible that two power law corrections reduce the effect of each other to
using more samples from the dark regions of the color space a large extent and hence a near-linear behavior is observed
for ⍀ may lower the average error. This is mainly because a for most inputs.
small change in the RGB values in the low lightness regions
causes a large perceptual change in the response of the hu- Optimal RGB Sampling
man visual system. It is evident that no clear methodology seems to exist for
We experimented with different approaches to arrive at achieving the best sampling map or the set ⍀. Therefore, we
a sampling strategy that would provide an improved perfor- try to obtain the optimal value of ⍀ using constrained op-
mance relative to uniform sampling. These are described timization. Given a specification of the table dimensions
below. nR ⫻ nG ⫻ nB, the universe of all possible sampling maps
(without any constraints) would be roughly 256nR+nG+nB.
Sampling in LAB Space Once we apply some obvious constraints (described below),
A straightforward way to achieve perceptual uniformity this number reduces slightly but it is still O共256nR+nG+nB兲.
would be to use the color space that best models the human Considering the fact that it is unlikely that a particular knot
visual perception. The goal would be to divide the CIE LAB point is selected twice, a more accurate estimate of the size
space into n equal subspaces. The boundaries of these sub- would be 兵256⫻ 共256− 1兲 ⫻ ¯ 关256− 共nR − 1兲兴其3. In simple
spaces could then be translated back to the RGB space using terms, this is an optimization problem in a nR + nG + nB
the available nonlinear monitor models and a LUT could be dimensional space.
constructed from these values. While this approach is attrac- An optimization problem is defined in terms of a cost
tive, it is intractable because the LAB space is not a regular function. In our case, we use the average prediction error ⌬E

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-9 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

Figure 11. Block diagram of the optimization problem of subsampling the RGB space.

as the cost function given the training data set. We obtain a strictly increasing. For example, in the case of the red chan-
training data set ST consisting of 1000 points (RGB triples) nel: r0 ⬍ r1 ⬍ ¯ ⬍ rnR−1.
by constructing a 共10⫻ 10⫻ 10兲 grid in the RGB space: The computation of ⌬E for a given map is a two step
process consisting of generating the LUT by evaluating the
ST = 兵r0, . . . ,r9其 ⫻ 兵g0, . . . ,g9其 ⫻ 兵b0, . . . ,b9其, 共17兲 function according to map and then using this LUT to trans-
form elements of the training set ST to obtain the average
where ⫻ denotes a Cartesian product. Initially all elements
prediction error. Since this process cannot be rigorously de-
of this set were chosen randomly from the RGB space, but
fined, many optimization techniques (such as gradient-based
this approach often returns a skewed data set. Therefore, we
schemes) cannot be used. Figure 11 illustrates the optimiza-
enforce order by adding the eight corners of the RGB space
tion problem graphically, and the problem is solved using
to the set. The remaining 992 elements were randomly se-
the pattern search algorithm.
lected. The size of the training set is chosen to be signifi-
Pattern search55,56 is a nongradient based optimization
cantly larger than the number of unknowns, thereby avoid-
technique which can locate the global minimum of a given
ing the possibilities of overfitting.
We proceed by inserting constraints which make the objective function with linear constraints. It has been used
problem more tractable. First, we assume nR = nG = nB which in a wide variety of optimization problems. At any iteration,
means that we optimize only regular LUTs. Let the algorithm evaluates the objective function at every point
in a set, known as a pattern. The pattern is expanded or
MR = 兵r0,r1, . . . ,rnR−1其, 共18兲 shrunk depending on these values. More specifically, the pat-
tern is expanded if any point in the set results in a lower cost
than the current minimum; otherwise the set is shrunk (usu-
MG = 兵g0,g1, . . . ,gnG−1其, 共19兲 ally by a factor of two). Since the method does not require
computation of derivatives to update the pattern, it can be
MB = 兵b0,b1, . . . ,bnB−1其, 共20兲 used when the objective function is such that this informa-
tion is not available or difficult to obtain. Hence, it is suit-
and able for our optimization problem. The search for the opti-
mum terminates when the pattern shrinks below a specified
map = MR ⫻ MG ⫻ MB . 共21兲 maximum size. The method has been shown to possess ro-
bust convergence properties.57 Software implementations of
Then the method can be obtained in the MATLAB Genetic
Algortihms and Direct Search toolbox,58 in the open source
⍀opt = arg min ⌬E, 共22兲 OPT+ + library from Sandia Corporation59 and from the
authors of the algorithm.60
where the vectors MR , MG , MB are known as channel maps It should be noted that a symmetric sampling might
while map is the Cartesian product of the channel maps and allow greater control over the transformation of the neutral
contains all the knot points at which ⌽共 兲 is evaluated to axis. This may be an important decision for certain applica-
construct the table. ⍀opt is the value of map such that the tions that require pure neutral colors to be faithfully repro-
LUT based prediction model has the smallest ⌬E for a given duced. Similarly, some applications (such as motion pic-
training data set. The minimization is subject to the con- tures) may place more importance on the skin tones. Our
straints that each element of map belongs to 兵0 , 1 , . . . , 255其 optimization setup provides an interesting method of speci-
and the elements of each channel map MR , MG , MB are fying such preferences, which is by allowing the user to care-

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-10 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

Table II. Final values of the cost function 共⌬E units兲 evaluated at the points in the Table III. Testing error statistics 共⌬E units兲 for LUTs evaluated relative to the NLXWP
training set at the end of optimization. 共Numbers inside parentheses indicate percent- model. 共Simple LUTs use separable inverse distance interpolations and a uniform sam-
age improvement over a uniform regular LUT of the same size.兲 pling of the RGB space, and numbers inside the parentheses represent percentage
improvement as obtained by an optimal LUT.兲
Type\Size 6⫻6⫻6 9⫻9⫻9 12⫻ 12⫻ 12
Type\Statistic Mean Median 1-Std. Dev.
Uniform regular 6.21 3.79 2.79
Symmetric optimal 5.38 共13.36%兲 3.39 共10.55%兲 2.38 共14.69%兲 6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6 simple 共E1兲 8.71 7.31 6.81

Nonsymmetric optimal 4.87 共21.58%兲 2.93 共22.69%兲 2.19 共21.51%兲 6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6 optimal 共E2兲 4.84 共44.43%兲 4.21 3.47
9 ⫻ 9 ⫻ 9 simple 共E1兲 5.49 4.69 4.72
9 ⫻ 9 ⫻ 9 optimal 共E 兲 2.92 共46.81%兲 2.49 2.39
12⫻ 12⫻ 12 simple 共E1兲 3.96 3.28 3.80
12⫻ 12⫻ 12 optimal 共E2兲 2.19 共44.70%兲 1.85 1.98

would indicate the success of the corresponding color-

management approach.
We provide the results of the training process described
in the section Efficient Realization Using Look-Up Tables for
LUTs of three sizes in Table II. These were obtained for a
Figure 12. Block diagram for evaluating the optimal and nonoptimal 1000 point training data set as stated earlier. Therefore, the
LUTs against the NLXWP model. values can be seen as the minimum cost at the end of the
optimization process as shown in Fig. 11 (although there is
fully design the training set ST. By an intuitive crafting of ST, no optimization in the case of uniform LUT, we can still
one can instruct the system to acquire greater accuracy in view the value as the cost after a single iteration). Optimi-
the desired regions of the color space. zation was done for both symmetric and nonsymmetric
Let the optimal LUT be represented by ⌽ : I → I such LUTs and the numbers inside the respective parentheses in-
that ⌿reference共i兲 ⬇ ⌿user关⌽共i兲兴 for any i 苸 I. We would like dicate the percentage reduction in the average prediction
to compare the visual similarity achieved by a LUT-based error as compared to a LUT of the same size but with uni-
approach with that achieved by a profile-based approach. formly sampled ⍀. Note that the optimization is carried out
Typical ICC profiles can range from 500 bytes to over 500 only with respect to sampling and all three types of LUTs use
Kbytes61 and a profile-based color management system the same (separable squared inverse distance) interpolation
would use two such profiles as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore, scheme.
for a fair comparison we assume that our LUT can be as These results validate the applicability of our optimiza-
large as two ICC profiles. We perform our comparative ex- tion technique to the problem of generating optimal LUTs
periments using profiles of two sizes—7 and 66 Kbytes. The for color management. It can be seen that by optimizing just
process of generating these profiles and obtaining a color one variable in the LUT-based system (sampling of the RGB
transformation using them is described in the next section. space), we can reduce the average error by more than 20%.
This is true even when the size of the LUT is as small as
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6. We further observe that addition of constraints on
We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed color manage- the optimization problem (resulting in symmetric LUTs) still
ment system in two parts. First, the error statistics of the reduces the average error by over 10% while significantly
optimal LUT-based system are obtained by comparing the reducing the size of the problem as described in the section
colors predicted by the LUT against those predicted by the Efficient Realization Using Look-Up Tables. In the next ex-
NLXWP model which is taken as the “gold standard” refer- periment we test the optimal LUTs against simple LUTs
ence. Some of these results were presented in earlier which do not use any optimized parameters.
publications.41,62 In the second part, we compare the LUT- Figure 12 shows our method for evaluating the accuracy
based system with a profile-based system, and here we do of the optimal LUT. Similar to Fig. 8, the block arrows rep-
not use the NLXWP as a reference. We note that our original resent the offline process of constructing and training the
problem was to obtain a visual output on a given display LUTs. The optimal LUTs (which use optimal sampling and
device (user device) that matches the visual output on a separable squared inverse distance interpolation) were tested
reference device. We use the simulated reference device relative to the NLXWP function using another 1000 point
model to obtain the reference (or desired) visual output for data set, the results are presented in Table III. The statistics
given RGB inputs. Similarly, we obtain the visual outputs for correspond to the errors denoted by E2 in Fig. 12. The func-
the color-corrected RGB inputs (as given by the LUT and the tion was also approximated by nonoptimized LUTs (repre-
profile-based function) using the simulated user device sented as “n ⫻ n ⫻ n Simple” in the table and producing er-
model. The closeness of the two outputs to the reference rors denoted by E1 in the figure) which used separable

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-11 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

inverse distance interpolations on a uniformly sampled ⍀.

While the 共R , G , B兲 values used in the testing set were also
randomly generated from the RGB space, we verified that
the training and testing sets did not have any overlapping
data points.
It can be observed from the statistics that the optimal
LUTs generated by our system offers significant improve-
ment over simple LUTs of the same size. Note that the mean
values (column 2) are comparable to the cost function com-
puted for the optimization, and hence, we compute the per- Figure 13. Block diagram for the comparison of a profile-based and a
LUT-based system using the output of the simulated reference device as the
centage reduction in this quantity as achieved by an optimal reference. Here E1 and E2 are the errors obtained for the profile-based
LUT over a simple LUT (provided inside parentheses). It is and the LUT-based approaches, respectively.
also evident that the effect of two independently selected
methods (optimal sampling and interpolation) is cumulative plays are recorded into corresponding “IT8” files.64 Note
and the percentage reduction in the average error exceeds that unlike a scanner calibration operation, we do not
the percentage reduction obtained in Table II where only the read the RGB values for an IT8 target. Instead we gen-
sampling method was being optimized. This completes our erate an IT8 target by passing known RGB inputs to the
analysis of how well an optimal LUT can approximate a monitors and recording the output in CIE XYZ. For our
given function and we proceed to testing our optimal LUTs experiments, we used 432 RGB values for creating the
in a color management scenario. IT8 files. These consisted of 24 gray, 64 red, 64 green, 64
At this point, we remind the reader that all our experi- blue, and 216 mixed colors.
ments were done on two virtual (or simulated) display de- • LPROF uses the IT8 files as input and generates the cor-
vices. These devices were, essentially, highly accurate models responding “ICM” files. We specify the desired color
of two real display devices (which are shown in Fig. 5). LUT size and the chromatic adaptation model to be
Generating the output with these models (for a given input used as parameters while generating the profiles. The
RGB value) is equivalent to measuring the output obtained color reproduction intent for generating the profiles is
on the actual displays for the same input. specified as “perceptual.”
In order to compare the LUT-based system with a • The profiles thus generated are processed using MATLAB
profile-based system, we require a function g : I → I which with the MATLAB “iccread” function, and the color
achieves perceptual similarity and is obtained from ICC- transformation g is obtained using the MATLAB
compatible device profiles. We used the open source soft- “makecform” function. Note that the steps involved in
ware LPROF63 to generate monitor profiles. The LPROF soft- creating the transformation g is similar to the steps in-
ware is actively supported and is ICC version 2 compatible. volved in generating a device-link profile using the two
It can generate a device profile based on selected parameters device profiles as inputs. Hence, the accuracy of the
and a measurement sheet. The following steps are involved color reproduction using such a device-link profile will
in obtaining the function g: not be significantly different from the accuracy when
using the transformation g. Therefore, we did not per-
• We use the simulated ideal monitors to obtain the set of form separate experiments comparing our LUT-based
measurements required by the profiling software. This approach with device-link profiles.
consists of computing the simulated CIE XYZ values
obtained when different RGB inputs are used. Our set As illustrated in Figure 13, we compare the performance
of RGB inputs contains grayscale, red, green, blue, and of the profile-based transform with that of the LUT-based
composite colors. The measurements for the two dis- transform by using the output of the simulated reference
device as the benchmark. Note that this is different from the
evaluation of the LUT when compared with NLXWP as
Table IV. Testing error statistics 共⌬E units兲 for LUTs and ICC profiles. shown in Fig. 12. There the output of the user device as
predicted by NLXWP was taken as the benchmark, and
Type\Statistic Mean Median 1-Std. Dev. P95 a hence, the error statistics may be different. Table IV summa-
rizes the error statistics achieved by the profile-based trans-
ICC-1b 共7 KB兲 10.12 8.76 5.95 22.76
c form and the LUT-based transform for various profile and
ICC-2 共66 KB兲 10.24 8.91 5.90 22.82
LUT sizes. The numbers inside parentheses represent the
6 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 6 optimal 共0.65 KB兲 9.42 8.88 4.36 15.85 memory required by the two approaches in kilobytes. In the
9 ⫻ 9 ⫻ 9 optimal 共2.14 KB兲 8.15 8.02 3.77 12.92 case of profiles it is the size of the respective “ICM” files,
12⫻ 12⫻ 12 optimal 共5 KB兲 7.86 7.74 3.81 12.61 while in the case of 3D LUT it is the memory required to
The 95th percentile of the distribution.
store the LUT, and the sampling maps MR, MG and MB as
Profiles were generated using Linear Bradford65 chromatic transformation. defined in Eqs. (18)–(20).
Profiles were generated using CIECAM97s 共Ref. 66兲 color adaptation models with simulated dark We observe that the LUT-based system provides more
surroundings. accurate color reproduction than a system that uses ICC

J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 030402-12 May-Jun. 2010

Srivastava et al.: Color management using optimal 3D look-up tables

profiles of much larger sizes. Furthermore, this observation G. Kennel, Color and Mastering for Digital Cinema (Focal Press, St.
is consistent in all the statistics—mean, median, one- Louis, Missouri, 2006).
R. W. G. Hunt, The Reproduction of Color (Wiley, New York, 2004).
standard deviation and the 95th percentile. This agrees with 13
J. V. Kries, Chromatic Adaptation (Festschrift der Albrecht-Ludwig-
the intuition that a one-step transformation between two 14
Universitat, Friboug, Switzerland, 1902).
known devices can be achieved with greater success than a International Color Consortium, “The role of ICC profiles in a color
reproduction system”, ICC White Paper:
multistep transformation in which the devices are only char- ICC_white_paper_7_role_of_ICC_profiles.pdf, December 2004.
acterized by their profiles. It is also seen that a larger optimal A. G. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, “Generation and application of
LUT provides better color reproduction accuracy than a devicelink profiles”, Prinect Color Solutions:
www/html/en/binaries/files/prinect/device link profile pdf, accessed
smaller LUT. This is also not evident for profiles. Our aim in February 2010.
these experiments is to demonstrate the improved color re- Microsoft Corporation, “Using device profiles with WCS”, http://
production offered by a LUT-based approach compared with,
accessed February 2010.
profile-based approaches. 17
M. Maria, “Little CMS engine”,
TUTORIAL.TXT, accessed February 2010.
CONCLUSIONS M. R. Balonen-Rosen and J. E. Thornton, “User-interactive corrective
tuning of color profiles”, US Patent 6,307,961 (2001).
In this article we described a new method for color manage- 19
A. G. Colour Science, “Test images for monitor and printer calibration”,
ment of display devices. Unlike the conventional approach, accessed October 2008.
using ICC color profiles, we design a method based on 3D O. Arslan, Z. Pizlo, and J. P. Allebach, “CRT calibration techniques for
better accuracy including low-luminance colors”, Proc. SPIE 5293, 18–22
LUTs for transforming the digital data such that a perceptual 2004.
match is achieved between the two devices. We believe that a 21
B. Bastani, R. Ghaffari, and B. Funt, “Optimal linear RGB to XYZ
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