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Pilapil, Jekah Anne G. BSA 2.


“Embracing Diversity: Upholding Ethics and Dignity in Body Modification”

My chosen topic is about Modifying/Enhancing Physical Bodies Through Operations

and Procedures. Among all the changes and progress made in medical science and technology
within the past century, alteration or improvement to one's body has finally been placed as the
most profound ethical crisis. From Plastic Surgery that will change the way one looks to
Genetic Enhancement that offers better features, humanity faces today's very challenging
decisions regarding identity, privacy, and acceptance by society.

In this generation, especially here in the Philippines from what I see, rhinoplasty, butt
lifts, and the likes for fillers are some of the common surgical procedures. They are popular
interventions, primarily due to cultural preferences, as the majority of Filipinos believe that
less aesthetically preferable a flat nose, semi-flat buttock, thin lip. And as much as these
enhancements seem as though these people want to adhere to certain beauty standards of
society, choosing to get surgically altered remains an intimate choice.

I believe that every person owns their body and should be respected regardless of what
they do to improve their appearance with cosmetic procedures. If someone wishes to change
the way you look by surgery, then let these people do it because it is their right to do so. One
needs to be more accepting and understanding in this case, everyone has their own idea of what
beauty is and how they choose to express themselves.

Navigating these complexities requires that society balance respect for individual
autonomy with the need for critical dialogue regarding the societal pressures underlying the
trends in cosmetics. Appreciation of diversity in looks and insight into motivations driving
decisions concerning beauty commodities are mainstays for a more inclusive and
compassionate community.
Ultimately, that is what cosmetic surgery does: the event holds a path of self-
improvement and empowerment and lets us think fundamentally about identity, privacy, and
acceptance within society. Having compassion and open-mindedness in these debates will
eventually lead us to be a better support system among people who make decisions regarding
body modification while upholding ethical principles and respecting personal dignity.

In conclusion, cosmetic surgery and body modification is an intriguing mix of

individual autonomy, social norms, and ethical concerns. With the medical technological
revolution, human beings were given a choice—the potential to change their physical
appearances concerning personal and cultural ideals. At the same time that these procedures
represent avenues for self-improvement and empowerment, they also call for some critical
reflections on identity, privacy, and acceptance within society.

Those kinds of choices, related to bodies and including cosmetic surgeries, should be
left to the person without being judged or stigmatized. Diversity of appearance should be
embraced with current societal controls reviewed and challenged that create narrow standards
of beauty that one is expected to fit. By showing open-mindedness and compassion about the
choices people make about body modification, we support a community embracing diversity
while sustaining ethics and personal dignity in every respect involving human bodies.

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