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8 Principle and Construction of Directional control valves

As the name implies directional control valves are used to control the direction of flow
in a hydraulic circuit.They are used to extend, retract or reciprocate hydraulic cylinder
and other components for linear motion. Valves contains ports that are external openings
for fiuid to enter and leave vig connecting pipelines, The number of ports on a directional
control valve (DCV ) is usually identified by the term Way". For example. a with
four ports is named as four-way valve.
Directional control valves can be classified in a number of ways:
1. According to type of construction:
Poppet valves
Spool valves
2. According to number of
working ports:
Two- way valves
Three way valves
Four- way valves
3. According to number of switchiug position:
Three position
4. Actuating mechanism:
Manual actuation
Mechanical actuation
Solenoid actuation
Hydraulic actuation
Pneumatic actuation
Direetion control valves (DV's)
2/2 way valve Two closed ports in the
eutral position and flow
durng actuated position
2 3/2 way valve Ia the first position low
akes place to the cylinder
TIT In the second position flow
takes out of the cy!inder to
the exhaust (Single acting
4/2 way valve For doubie acting cylinder
all the ports are open
4 2
4/3 way valve Two open positions and
one closed neutral position
5/2 way valve Two open positions wilh
two exhaust ports
Direction control valve actuation methods
General manual actuation Manual operation of Dcv
Push button actuatiun
Lever actuation
Dctent lever actuation
Toot pedal actuation Mechanical actuation uf
Roller lever actuatioOn
dle return roller actuation
pring actuation
Direct pneumatic actuation PneumatiC actuation of
5.9 Principle and Construction of Flow control valves
Flow-control valves, as the nanme suggests, control the rate of flow of a fluid through
a hydraulic circuit. Flow-control valves
accurately limit the fluid voiume rate from fixed
displacement pump to or from branch circuits. Their function is to provide velocity control
of linear actuators, or speed control of rotary actuators.
Typical application include regulating cutting tool speeds, spindie speeds, surface grinder
speeds, and the travel rate oî vertically
supported loads moved upward and downward by
forklifts, and dump lifts. A ver common
to the fluid flow controi valve is the
household tap
Classification of Flow-Control Valves
Flow-control valves can be classified as follows:
1. Non-pressure compensated.
2. Pressure compensated.
Butterfly valve
can rotate inside the
A butterfiy valve is shown in Figure
3.29. It consists ofa disc which
restriction. Butterfly valve can be made to any size
pipe. The angle of disc determines the These valves have many types which have for
and is widely used to control the flow ofgas.
valve uses the flexibility
different pressure ranges and applications. The resilient butterfly
valves havea
ofubber and has the lowest pressure rating. The high performance butterfiy and decreases
slight offset in the way the dise is positioned. It increases its sealing ability
the wear. For high-pressure systems, the triple offset butterfly valve is suitable which
use of a metal scat and is therefore able to withstand high pressure. It has higher risk of
leakage on the shut-off position and suffer from the dynamic torque effect. Butterfly valves
are favoured because of their lower cost and lighter weight. The dise
the fow therefore a
is ahways present m
pressure drop is induced regardless ofthe valve position
Pig 3.29 Bntterfy valve
Ball Vave
The bali valve is showa in Figure 3.30. This type offow control valve usesaball rotated
inside a machined seat. The ball has a through hole as showa in Figure 5.5.14. It has very
less leakage in its shut-off condition. These valves are durable and usually work
for many years. They are excellent choice for shutoff
applications. They do not offer fine
control which may be necessary in throttling applications. These valves are
in industries because of their
widely used
versatility, high supporting pressures (up to 1000 bar) andd
temperatures (up to 250°C). They are easy to repair and operate.
Fig 3.30 Ball valve

Carn Ring Outtet Pressure
Compesaaor Cornpensator
Spring Piston
Maximum Zero
Postlon (Deadhead)
Constructional features sliding spool
The spool valve consists ofa spool which is a cylindrical member that has large-
valve body. The spool valves
lands nmachined to slide in a very close- fitting bore of the
are sealed along the clearance between the moving spool
and the housing. The degree of
on the level
sealing depends on the size of the gap, the viscosity of the fluid and especially
Especially at high pressures (up to 350 bar) leakage occurs to such a
of pressure.
The amount
that it must be taken into account when determining the system efficiency.
of leakage is primarily dependent on the gap between spool and housing. Hence as the
operating pressure increases the gap must be reduced or the length of overlap
lands provide the
The radial clearance is usualy less than 20 u. The grooves between the
flow passage between ports.
Spool type check valve
Lever for manual actuation
Bore Port A Valvc body

Port P a) Valve closed

Port A



Port P b) Valve opened by actuatiou

Solenoid actuated valves
A very common way to actuate a spool valve is by using a solenoid, as ilustrated in
figure 5.29. As shown, when the electric coil (solenoid) is energized, it creates a magnetic
force that pulls the armature into the coil. This causes the armature push on the push pin
to move the spool of the valve. The solenoid valve has a flow capaeity of 45 Ipm and a
maximum operating pressure of 250 bar.
Solenoid-operated valves commonly work at 24 V DC or 110 V AC. A solenoid can
Cxert a pull or push of'about 5-10 kg. This is adequate for most pneumatic spool valves,
but is too low for direct operation of large-capacity hydraulic valves. There are two types
of solenoid designs used to dissipate the heat developed in electric current flowing in the
coil. The first type dissipates the heat into surrounding air and is referred to as an "air gap
solenoid." In the second type "wet pin solenoid," the push pin contains an internal passage
way that allows the tank port oil to communicate between the housing of the valve and the
housing of the solenoid. Wet pin solenoids do a better job in dissipating heat because the
cool oil represents a good heat sink to absorb heat from the solenoid. As the oil circulates,
the heat is carried into the hydraulic system where it can be easily dealt with.
IWhencoil is 2. Armature is
energized pulled against
push pin
Arnmature Coil
Push Pin

3. Push Pin
moves spool

solenoid actuated DCV

Fig 5.29(a) Operation of a

|Energy supply Air filier This device is
combination of filter and
Ar comprcssor One direction of rotation watcr separator
only with constant
displacement volume For drying the air
A recever COmpressed ar trom the
0 compressor is stored
diverted to the system when

Lubricator For lubrication of
connccled devices, sniall
amuunt of oil is added to
thie air Nowng Uirough this
One directon and vO
directionof rotation with
constant displacenient Regulator Tu regulate te air pressure
!, draulic puap Onc dirccton and Lwo
dircction ot rotton i t h
variable displacemen FRI unit Cornbincd filter. regulator
aud lubrica'or system
Rotary actuators
Ouc drection d tuo
Directivn cuntrol valves (1DCTs)
directon o r o t o ith
constant displacenient 2 way valve Two closed ports in the
voiume :losed
c u m a t i c niotor neulral position and flow
O:ie directu and tiv
durng actuated posiion
direction of rottion with
variable displacement In the first position low
3/2 way valve
lakes piace to the cylinder
Onc drcction and iwo In. the second position tlow
1akes out of the cylinder tu
Jirectivn of roltion with |
the exhaust (Single act1ng
constant dispiaceinent
ydraulic motor 4/2 way vaive For double acting cylinder
One directiou and o all the ports are open
dircclion of rotation iwith
variable displacement XI
4/3 way valve Two open positions and
one closed neutral position
Quick exhaust valve For
ro open posilions with quick exhaust of air to
5/2 way valve cause rapid Cxlension
two exhaust ports
retraction of cylinder

Flow control valves
Direction control valve actuation methods
Flow control valve To allow
Manual operalion of DCV
controlled flow
General nanual actuation

Flow control valve with To allow

Push button actualion controlied flow in
one way adjustnent one direction and free
1 other
Lever actuation
Pressure control valves

Pressure relieving valveNon relieving type

Detent lever actnaun

Toot pedal aclualion Mechanical aclualion ol

Relieving ype with
overload being vented vut
Roller lever ictuiti0n

iule return roller aclualion

Pressure rcducng valve Maintains the reduced
pressure specified
Tocalion tt hydraulic system
Spring actuation

Direct pneumatic actuation Pneumatic actuation o Unloading valve Allows pump to build
pressure lo an aujustable
pressure setting and then
allow il to be discharged to
Non return valves lank

Check valve Allows low in one Counter balante valvc Cuntrols the muvement ot
direction and blocks flow in vertical hydraudie cylinder
and prevents its descend due
other direction
Spring loaded check valve to external load weight

Shuttle OR valve When any one of the input Actuators

giventhe output is
produced Spring loaded cylinder wilth
Single acting cylinder
retraction taking place by
AND valve Only when both the inputs spring force
are given Output IS
produced CxICnsio

E Double acting cylinder Both

pneumatic/hydraulic force
of a Hydrauilic System & its Functions
5 11 Basic Components
Motor 1-O 2 -
Forward 3 Return

Filter egulator



Oil ank

Figure 5.38 Components ofa hydraulic syste

Hydraulic systems are pover-transmitting assemblies employing pressurized iquid as

a tluid for transmitling energy trom an energy-generating source to an energy-ISing pom

to accomplish usctiul work. Figurc 5.38 shows a simple circuit of a hydraulic system with
basic conponentsS
tunctions of the components shown in Fig. 5.38 are as follovs:

. The hydraulic actuator is a device used t0 convert the fluid pewer into mechanica
power to do useful work. The actuator may be of the linear type (e.g.. hydraulic
cylinder) or rotary type (e g., nydraulic motor) to provide linear or rotary motion
22The hydraulic pump is used to force the fluid fron the reservoir to restof the hydraulic
Circuit by converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy.
Valves used tu control the direction, pressure ad flow rate of
arc a fuid Mowin
through the circuit.
4. External power supply (motor) is
required to drive tle punip
5. Reservoir is used to hold the
hydraulic liquid, usually hydiaulie oiu.
Piping system carries the hydraulic oil from one
place to another.
7 Filters are used to remove
any foreign particles so as the fluid system clean and
efficient, as well as avoid damage to the actuator and keep
8 Pressure regulator reguiates (i.e., maintains) thc
required level of pressure in the
hydraulic fuid.


Directional contiol valve



Presspre regulalor




Figure 5.39 Comp0nents of hylraulie systen1 (shown

u using symbols).
The applications of statoinary hy drauics are as foliows:
Production and assembly of vehicles of all tvpes

Machine tools and transfer lincs.

Lifting and conveyng devices
Metal-forming presses.
Plastic machinery such aS injectio1-1nolding maclnes.
Rolling machines.
Food processing machnery.
Automatic handlung equipment and robots.

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