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Section –A ( Reading )
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (5marks)
Alfred Hitchcock was a man with a vivid imagination , strong creative skills and a passion for life. He has
always been linked with humour and frightening suspense. With his unique style and God-gifted wit he
produced and directed some of the most thrilling films that had the audience almost swooning with
fright and falling off their seats with laughter .
Alfred Hitchcock was born in 1899, in London. His father was in poultry business. Being a Roman Catholic
, he went to Jesuit schools. It is believed that at the age of five, Alfred was once sent to the police station
by his father. He carried along with him a note for the superintendent . On reading it, the latter locked
the little boy in a cell and told him that his father wanted him to learn what happens to bad children.
Alfred was , rather shocked , that policemen and spies stayed in his mind till the end!
After school , Alfred studied Science and engineering at London University. He was greatly influenced by
American films and magazines . At the age of 20, he took up a job at the office of Paramount Studio,
London . Using imagination , talent and dedication , he made each of his endeavours a success.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions briefly: (2)
1.a) What made Alfred Hitchcock take up films ? Explain his contribution to it .
b) Why was Young Hitchcock sent to jail?
2. Complete the following statements: (2)
a) Alfred Hitchcock was a man with a_____________________
b) At London University, Alfred studied ____________________
3. Find words from the passage which mean the same as : (1)
a) fainting due to fear (para1)
b) efforts (para3)
2.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (5)
1. The earth is occasionally hit by craggy remnants of creation known as asteroids. About 150 are known
to cross the earth’s path .These lie in a loose belt between the Mars and Jupiter like so much rubble left
over from creation . The first asteroid was too faint to be seen by the naked eye. It was discovered by an
Italian monk named Guiseppi Piazzi , working at an observatory in Palermo , Sicily. The largest found so
far is bout 8 km wide.
2 Slamming into the earth at roughly 26 km a second, a large asteroid could explode with the force of a
million hydrogen bombs, lifting enough rock and dust to block most sunlight. Cold and darkness could
last for months , destroying agriculture and probably a good part of modern civilization , leading to the
deaths of a billion or more people from starvation.
3. “The risk is real” , Dr. David Morrison of the Nationa Aeronautics and Space Administration ‘s (NASA) ,
Ames Research Centre in California , who was co-chairman of the study by nealy 100 scientists , said in
an interview . Dr. Morrison further says that the asteroid’s threat has dawned on scientists only slowly
and is hard for layman to comprehend. But the fact, he said, is that mankind lives in a kind of cosmic
shooting gallery.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions carefully:
1. What are asteroid?
2. Who discovered the first asteroids?
3. Where do the asteroids lie?
4. What does Dr. Morrison remark about the threat of asteroids?
5. Full form of NASA is _________________________
Section –B( Writing and Grammar ) 16m
3. Read the outline given below of a story . Write it in full using these outlines and your own ideas.
Write the answer in about 150 words : 7m
Outlines: A man has a hen which lays a golden egg everyday – the man collects ten eggs in ten days –is
happy at this sudden fortune –hopes to become rich soon –then he gets impatient –wants to become
rich overnight –kills the hen- moral
4. You are Lata / Laurence of IX as one of the teachers was busy with an important work she couldn’t
come in time all the students were making noise the leader couldn’t control the class you were doing
your work but some students tried to disturb you when you were shouting at them the teacher entered
the class and punished you she didn’t give you a chance to explain your stand .Write your feelings in the
form of a diary. 4m
5.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect and
the correction in your answer sheet . 4x1/2=2m
Error correction
I have been the chief guest for
Programmes at several place. a) ________ __________
To be a guest anywhere is a honour b) ________ __________
It mean they respect you and c) ________ __________
Expect guidance but leadership d) ________ __________
6. Rearrange the words to make meaningful dialogues : 3m
Neha: dinner /what /is / for /today’s/there ?
Sneha: made /sandwich / cucumber / I /have
Neha: hungry /eat/now / I am /can /I /./?
Section –c (Literature Reader )
7. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 3m
Then the whining school boy , with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwilling to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace , with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.
a) Is the boy willing to go to school? Justify your answer .
b) Describe the lover and give his characteristic traits .
c) Pick out the word from the extract that means the same as ‘full of sadness’.
8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 3m
There’s a fellow at our school who goes about swanking in the most rotten way because he once got Phil
Scott’s autograph . Fellow’s look up to him most awfully and all the time they might have been doing it
to me .That’s what makes me so jolly sick. How long do you suppose they’d go on calling me , ‘Goggles’ if
they knew that you were my father?
a) Why does the fellow mentioned in the extract keep showing off?
b) Harold would not have been named Goggles had his friends known something . What was that ?
c) Which word in the extract is similar to ‘dreadfully’?
9. Answer the following questions briefly : 4x2=8m
i) Why did the poetess go to the dentist ? How could she have avoided it ?
ii) What characteristics does the poet associate with the fourth stage of man? ( The Seven Ages)
iii) What were the Professor’s ambition in the army? How was it crushed?
iv) Why did Mr and Mrs Bramble hide Bill’s Profession from Harold ?How did Harold come to know that
his father was a boxer?

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