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MQ2 Sensor

The paper “Detection of Gas Leaks Using The MQ-2 Gas Sensor on the Autonomous Mobile Sensor” by
Agung Nugroho Jati, Isro Wasisto and Novera (2019) presents study for gas leak detection in indoor and
closed environments by using a mobile robot. The main goal of the mobile robot is the detection of
volatile gas leak sources in indoor and closed environments. The mobile sensor has been able to
autonomously explore the indoor areas by performing one of the SLAM methods based on the use of a
LiDAR sensor. The gas sensor is connected to a mobile sensor and installed in four different directions.
MQ-2 was chosen because it has a low price and good durability. MQ-2 is a gas sensor that has a high
sensitivity to types of flammable gases such as LPG, Propane, and Hydrogen. In this research, the mobile
sensor used was TurtleBot. The TurtleBot will detect and calculate the gas value around it. After getting
the value, a graph will be created to make it easier to compare and read the value of the leakage. It is
expected that the resulting accuracy reaches 80% with 10-20 cm from the sensor to the point of leakage.
An experiment tested the gas sensor's accuracy in detecting leaks at distances of 0, 10, and 20 cm using
lighters as substitutes for LPG gas leaks. Each distance was tested 10 times, with each test lasting about
five seconds. The sensor showed high accuracy at 0 cm, while at 10 cm, the detected value did not reach
200 ppm, and at 20 cm, it did not reach 100 ppm. From the experimental results it can be analyzed that,
the closer the sensor distance to the leakage point the better the gas sensor detection results. This is
because the nature of the gas that spreads fills the empty space so that the farther the distance, the
intensity of the gas has spread in all directions and the value that reaches the gas sensor becomes small.
As future work more different types of gas sensors will be implemented in mobile sensors in order to
adapt and improve the accuracy and efficiency of mobile sensors in other types of environments.

Trisnawan, I. K. N., Jati, A. N., Istiqomah, N., & Wasisto, I. (2019). "Detection of gas leaks using the
MQ-2 gas sensor on the autonomous mobile sensor.” 2019 International Conference on Computer,
Control, Informatics and Its Applications (IC3INA).
In their study, Mukhtarov et al. (2024) analyze the effectiveness of the MQ2 and MQ4 gas sensors, which
are widely used for detecting various gases due to their simplicity, affordability, and ease of use. The
MQ2 sensor is versatile, capable of detecting multiple gases including methane, propane, carbon
monoxide, and smoke, making it suitable for a broad range of applications. In contrast, the MQ4 sensor is
specifically designed for detecting methane and natural gas, offering high sensitivity and reliability in
these areas. Through comparison between the MQ2 and MQ4 gas sensors, different results were obtained.
It was observed that the MQ2 sensor displayed higher accuracy in detecting carbon monoxide and
alcohol, while the MQ4 sensor excelled in detecting natural gas and LPG. Furthermore, the MQ2 sensor
exhibited a faster response time compared to the MQ4 sensor. Based on these results, it can be concluded
that both the MQ2 and MQ4 gas sensors are highly efficient and dependable in their respective areas of
gas detection. The choice between these sensors would depend on the specific requirements and gases
that need to be monitored. In conclusion, the study of the working principles and parameters of the MQ2
and MQ4 gas sensors resulted in valuable insights into their performance and capabilities. Their accuracy,
sensitivity, and response time were thoroughly analyzed, leading to conclusions that can assist in making
informed decisions regarding their usage in various industries and applications. As a result of the
experiments, the results were obtained and analyzed using the Power of Sensitivity body(Ps) and
Resistance of sensor(Rs) formulas. Heater consumption 31Q±3Q (Room Tem.) and 28.5Q±3Q (Room
Tem.). It was found that MQ2 and MQ4 differ in gas sensors. Experiments have shown that both can
detect methane in Detection Gas. When evaluating the gas content in the air, a ratio of 9.83 was employed
to gauge the gas levels collected from the MQ2 and MQ4 gas sensors. The outcomes of this comparison
revealed that both sensors produced nearly identical results.

Mukhtarov, F., Jo‘rayev, N., Zokirov, S., Sadikova, M., Muhammadjonov, A., & Iskandarova, N. (2024).
Analysis of automation through sensors: Gas sensors in different directions. E3S Web of Conferences,
508, 06004.

The MQ-2 sensor, a popular choice for gas detection applications, covers a wide range of gases including
methane (CH4), butane (C4H10), propane (C3H8), hydrogen (H2), LPG, alcohol, and smoke. Its
detection range varies significantly depending on the gas type, typically spanning from 200 to 10000 parts
per million (ppm). This sensor relies on a tin dioxide (SnO2) semiconductor layer whose conductivity
increases in the presence of detectable gases. This change in conductivity is converted into an analog
signal, which can then be interpreted by a microcontroller or other electronic systems, making it highly
versatile for integration into safety devices. The MQ-2's broad detection range and sensitivity make it
suitable for a variety of applications, such as household gas leak detectors, industrial safety monitors, and
environmental sensing systems. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy in providing rapid and reliable
detection, contributing to enhanced safety and prevention of gas-related hazards (Sharma & Kumar,

Sharma, A., & Kumar, N. (2019). "Design and Implementation of Wireless Gas Leakage Detection
System." International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(3), 6511-6514.

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