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Otherworldly Patrons

Look above, ant: what are those dots in the night sky? Knowest you of their vastness? Of their infinite churning chaos? Of the
blighted worlds they each claim as their own?
Warlocks know too well the gross orders of scale which the ants crawling upon the dirt could not possibly understand. Indeed,

warlocks are like ants too, stealing motes of power from beings too vast, too ancient to fully grasp. Their bargains are humble
and transactional—a patron and their loyal servant— but not all otherworldly patrons recognize their warlocks. Some are too
distant or too ambivalent to focus their attentions on a lowly mortal.
Warlocks do not usually form communities around their patrons, for each pact struck is a personal, and often desperate,
bargain. Congregations that do form around otherworldly patrons are aptly labeled cults, and range from benign fraternities to
esoteric apocalypse-bringers. As such, warlocks bear the stigma of mad arcanists and necromancers, a brand that is not
always undeserved.

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Otherworldly Patrons
Archfey Your connection to nature and the fairy realm grants you unique magical abilities.
Archmage Seeker of the deepest mysteries of magic, wielding the very forces that shape the multiverse.
Celestial You become a defender of justice, channel celestial energy to heal and protect.
Coven Provides a sense of community and learning spells and arcane secrets together.
Dark Powers Your magic is dark, allowing you to cast spells of death, curses and control sinister forces.
Dead Mists The necromantic astral fog converts hit points into spell slots, and vice versa
Elder Sphinx Access to a unique magic centered on wisdom, divination and enigma solving.
Fathomless Oceanic secrets, your magic will reflect the power and influence of the deep waters.
Fiend An infernal pact with a diabolical being, granting you corrupt and dark magical powers.
Otherworldly Patrons
First Vampire By making a pact with this entity, Warlocks gain unique and sinister vampiric powers.

Future You Via strange chronomancy, your patron is you—from the future.
Great Genie Exceptional magical abilities related to manipulating elements and granting wishes.
Great Old One These entities give access to psychic powers and abilities that transcend reality.
Great Trickster Access to magical abilities related to deception, illusion and mischief.
Great Wyrm Magical abilities related to draconia, wisdom and dragon energy manipulation.
GM The “Meta Warlock”: your patron is the enigmatic Game Master
Icebound Magical powers and abilities related to extreme cold and glacial manipulation.
Legacy Performs anime-esque transformations to use battle dice
Librarian Magical abilities related to the acquisition of knowledge and the manipulation of information.
Magician A master of stagecraft that offers magic tricks and wizardly knowledge
Mummy Lord Often linked to ancient cultures and the curse of the undead, grants dark and deadly abilities.
Parasite Abilities that allow them to absorb life energy and manipulate health and vitality.
Primeval Growth Magical powers related to the growth of nature and the protection of forests.
Seeker An entity that embodies the constant search for knowledge and secrets in the multiverse.
Symbiont An oozelike parasite dwells inside the body, emerging for deadly melee combat.
Titan Magical abilities related to strength, endurance and control of titanic energies.
Unblinking Magical powers related to supernatural perception,the ability to see through the veils.
Undead Magical abilities related to non-life, necromancy and manipulation of the dead.
Undying Magical powers related to endurance, healing and survival beyond death.
Undying Light Ability to cast bright light spells, heal wounds and damage undead and creatures of darkness.
Wild Hunt Ability to track your prey and summon the power of nature in the form of wild beasts.

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