Performance and Reliability Improvement of Hfsion Gate Dielectrics Using Chlorine Plasma Treatment

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Performance and reliability improvement of HfSiON gate dielectrics using chlorine

plasma treatment
Hong Bae Park, Byongsun Ju, Chang Yong Kang, Chanro Park, Chang Seo Park, Byoung Hun Lee, Tea Wan
Kim, Beom Seok Kim, and Rino Choi

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 94, 042911 (2009); doi: 10.1063/1.3078277

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Performance and reliability improvement of HfSiON gate dielectrics using

chlorine plasma treatment
Hong Bae Park,1 Byongsun Ju,1 Chang Yong Kang,2 Chanro Park,2 Chang Seo Park,2
Byoung Hun Lee,3 Tea Wan Kim,4 Beom Seok Kim,4 and Rino Choi4,a兲
Samsung Electronics R&D Center, Republic of Korea
SEMATECH, Austin, Texas 78741, USA
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
Inha University, 253 Yonghyun-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon 402-751, Republic of Korea
共Received 3 November 2008; accepted 6 January 2009; published online 30 January 2009兲
The effects of chlorine plasma treatment on HfSiON gate dielectrics were investigated with respect
to device performance and reliability characteristics. The chlorine plasma treatment was performed
on atomic layer deposited HfSiON films to remove the residual carbon content. The optimal chlorine
plasma treatment is shown to lower gate leakage current density without increasing equivalent oxide
thickness of the gate stack. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy depth profiling showed that the carbon
residue in HfSiON was reduced by the chlorine plasma treatment. It is demonstrated that an
optimized chlorine plasma treatment improves the transistor Ion-Ioff characteristics and reduces
negative-bias temperature instability. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.3078277兴

After 30 yrs of rapid downsizing of transistors, geo- In this study, we introduce an effective way to selec-
metrical scaling has clearly reached fundamental material tively remove residual carbon in high-k films without in-
limits and is now in the era where further scaling can be creasing the EOT. In addition, we investigated the effects of
realized mainly by new materials and/or device chlorine plasma treatment on HfSiON gate dielectrics in
architecture.1–6 The aggressive scaling of metal-oxide semi- terms of device performance and reliability characteristics.
conductor field effect transistors 共MOSFETs兲 requires metal p-MOSFETs were fabricated on 200 mm wafers using a
gate electrodes and high-k gate dielectrics to replace the con- conventional complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
ventional polycrystalline silicon gate electrode and SiO2 gate process flow. HfSiO film was deposited using ALD, followed
dielectrics in order to alleviate their excessive gate leakage by a postdeposition annealing 共PDA兲 共700 ° C / 30 s at nitro-
current and polycrystalline silicon gate depletion.1–4 Al- gen ambient兲 to incorporate nitrogen in the HfSiO film.
though the gate leakage current was shown to be less than Chlorine plasma treatment was done at various stages of the
SiO2, the degradation of carrier mobility and reliability is high-k deposition process. The control sample did not get
still a challenging problem for devices with the high-k/metal any chlorine plasma treatment. Sample HK was treated by
gate stacks.7–9 In addition, impurities such as chlorine and chlorine plasma after high-k deposition. For sample mid-HK,
carbon in high-k films inevitably incorporated during chemi- the chlorine treatment was performed after the deposition of
cal vapor deposition or atomic layer deposition 共ALD兲 have approximately one-half of the total HfSiO thickness, fol-
negative effects on reliability and device performance.10–13 lowed by the deposition of the rest of the high-k film. The
Specifically, a high carbon content in high-k films was found chlorine plasma treatment was performed at low temperature
to increase both gate leakage current and equivalent oxide with no bias power to minimize plasma etching damage.
thickness 共EOT兲. Recently, Cho et al.14 showed the effects of Subsequently, a very thin ALD Al2O3 capping layer was de-
carbon residue in HfO2 films by varying the O3 density in the posited on top of HfSiO to lower the device threshold volt-
oxidation cycles during ALD of HfO2. They reported that a
lower carbon concentration in HfO2 films improved gate
leakage current density and time-dependent dielectric break- 0
Capacitance [μF/cm ]

J[A/cm ]

down. However, reducing carbon residue by a higher O3 den- 2.0 10
sity or oxygen plasma treatment increases the EOT due to 10
accelerated interfacial oxidation. 1.5 -8
10 -3 -2 -1 0
Another way of reducing the residual carbon from the Gate Voltage [V]
dielectrics is chlorine plasma because chlorine can easily re- 1.0
act with carbon to form CCl4. With chlorine plasma treat-
ments, therefore, it is expected that the carbons incorporated 0.5 Control
in the high-k layer diffuse out of the dielectric resulting in Mid-HK
the formation of CCl4 as a reaction by-product,15 0.0
-2 -1 0 1 2
Gate voltage [V]
C + 4Cl → CCl4共⌬H f = − 95.7 Kcal/mol兲.
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 C-V curves of HfSiON with and without chlorine
plasma treatment. The chlorine plasma-treated samples show lower EOT
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: and lower gate leakage current density 共inset兲 at the same time. The EOTs of Tel.: 82-32-860-7529. FAX: 82-32-862-5546. the control, HK, and mid-HK samples are 2.2, 2.0, and 1.9 nm, respectively.

This article 94,is042911-1
is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content © 2009 American InstituteDownloaded
subject to the terms at: of Physics to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 03:40:47
042911-2 Park et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 042911 共2009兲

Vdd = -1.2V
Control HK Mid-HK 10

Ioff [nA/μm]
Al2O3 10
-1 Control
-2 Mid-HK
204 255

10 nm 0 100 200
Ion [μA/μm]
300 400

FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Ion-Ioff characteristics of each sample measured at

FIG. 2. HRTEM images of high-k gate stacks. Amorphous silicon was de-
Vdd = −1.2 V. Note the improved Ion-Ioff characteristics with chlorine plasma
posited on top of TaCN gate electrode and has been crystallized during
postannealing. No physical thickness change was observed with and without
chlorine plasma treatment.

filing of a poly-Si/ TaCN/ Al2O3 / HfSiON/ SiO2 / Si gate

age due to dipole formation.16 A thin ALD TaCN layer was stack was performed 共Fig. 3兲. The 12C peak in the
used as a metal gate, followed by a polycrystalline silicon Al2O3 / HfSiON/ SiO2 dielectric stacks gradually decreases
cap layer. A spike activation annealing was employed for the with the chlorine plasma treatment, which means that chlo-
source/drain activation, followed by a forming gas annealing. rine plasma under well-controlled conditions such as tem-
Capacitance-voltage 共C-V兲 measurements were performed at perature, pressure, and no bias power is an effective method
a frequency of 100 kHz. The EOT was extracted using the of removing the residual carbon content incorporated in the
NCSU CVC program with quantum corrections. For depth HfSiON films during ALD of HfSiO. A mid-HK sample
profiling of the poly-Si/ TaCN/ Al2O3 / HfSiON/ SiO2 / Si gate shows the lowest carbon peak level throughout the gate di-
stack, secondary ion mass spectroscopy 共SIMS兲 was per- electric stacks, indicating that this process for the chlorine
formed. plasma treatment is preferable. Figure 4 shows the Ion-Ioff
High frequency C-V curves of HfSiON with and without characteristics of each sample measured at Vdd = −1.2 V. The
chlorine plasma treatment are plotted in Fig. 1. The chlorine chlorine plasma-treated samples demonstrate improved
plasma-treated samples exhibit higher capacitance 共lower Ion-Ioff characteristics compared to the nontreated sample.
EOT兲 than the nontreated sample. In addition, the chlorine Furthermore, the mid-HK samples show significantly im-
plasma-treated samples show a lower gate leakage current proved Ion-Ioff characteristics, over 25%, due to the reduced
density as shown in the inset of Fig. 1. More importantly, the EOT and improved quality of the gate stacks with reduced
mid-HK sample shows a significant reduction in EOT and residual carbon content. In addition, transconductance in the
gate leakage current density. This demonstrates that a well- devices with the chlorine plasma treated gate stacks was bet-
tuned plasma treatment can significantly reduce both EOT ter than the nontreated sample 共not shown here兲. The effec-
and gate leakage current density. High resolution transmis- tive mobility of the chlorine plasma treated samples was al-
sion electron microscopy 共HRTEM兲 images of the samples most identical with the nontreated samples. Therefore, the
are shown in Fig. 2. No apparent physical thickness change primary reason of the improved on-current is believed to be
was observed in the high-k and interfacial SiO2 layers be- the reduced EOT.
tween the samples with and without chlorine plasma treat- Figure 5 shows the negative-bias temperature instability
ments, indicating the chlorine plasma does not cause plasma 共NBTI兲 characteristics as function of stress time measured on
damage in high-k gate stacks. the W / L = 10/ 1 ␮m p-MOS transistors. The threshold volt-
To analyze the residual carbon content in high-k gate age 共Vt兲 shift after the 10 000 s stress in the mid-HK sample
stacks after chlorine plasma treatment, the SIMS depth pro-
∆Vt [mV]

Control 10

Mid-HK Vg-Vt=-1.6V
0.1 Control
100 HK
10 Mid-HK
∆Vt [mV]


Al2O3 o
@125 C, 10/1μm Vg-Vt=-1.0V
TaCN SiO2 Si 0.1
3 /HK 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
10 Stress Time [s]
0 5 10 15 20
Depth [nm]
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 NBTI as a function of stress time measured at
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 The SIMS depth profiling of a 125 ° C. The improved NBTI for the optimal chlorine plasma treatment
poly-Si/ TaCN/ Al2O3 / HfSiON/ SiO2 / Si gate stack. The carbon peaks in indicates that chlorine plasma treatment on HfSiON shows defect-curing
high-kis gate
This article stacks decrease
copyrighted with chlorine
as indicated plasma Reuse
in the article. treatment. effects
of AIP content is subject on terms
to the high-k at:
gate 1 ␮m.
stacks. The gate length of the samples isDownloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 03:40:47
042911-3 Park et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 042911 共2009兲

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