Lesson - 22

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Verbal base + verbal terminations = verb

Verbal bases
● Verbal base ending in ‘a’: dhāva (to run)
● _______________ in ‘ā’: kiṇā (to buy)
● _______________ in ‘o’: karo (to do)
● _______________ in ‘e’: dese (to expound)

Verbal terminations
● Present tense
● Future tense
● Past
● Imperative
● Optative

Present verbal terminations

Verbal bases sl pl per
dhāva, kiṇā, karo, dese mi ma 1st
si tha 2nd
ti (a)nti 3rd
dhāvāmi (I run, I do run, I am running)
Future verbal bases
Verbal bases sl pl per
dhāva (i)ssāi = dhāvissāmi (i)ssāmi (i)ssāma 1st
(i)ssasi (i)ssatha 2nd
dese (-) ssāmi (i)ssati (i)ssanti 3rd
Translation: dhāvissāmi (I will run)

Pat verbal terminations

Verbal bases sl pl per
dhāva + (i)ṃ = dhāviṃ (i)ṃ (i)mhā,(i)mha 1st
o, i (i)ttha 2nd
dese + (s) + iṃ i (i)ṃsu, uṃ 3rd
Translation: dhāviṃ (I ran)

Imperative verbal terminations

Verbal bases sl pl per
dhāvāhi (dhāva), kiṇāhi (kiṇa) mi ma 1st
hi tha 2nd
tu (a)ntu 3rd
Translation: dhāvāmi (I may run, May I run, Let me run). Run ,
Optative verbal terminations
Verbal bases sl pl per
Eyyāmi (emi) Eyyāma (ema) 1st
Eyyāsi (esi) Eyyātha (etha) 2nd
Eyya (e) Eyyuṃ 3rd
translation : dhāveyyāmi (dhāvemi) (I may, might, should, would run)

Lesson 1 to 4 = present tense

Lesson 5 = future tense
Lesson 6 = imperative
Lesson 7 = optative
Lesson 8 = past

● Nouns
● Three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter
● Two number: singular & plural
● Eight cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, instrumental,
ablative, dative, genitive and locative

Masculine nouns (stem + case ending = noun)

1. The stem ending in ‘a’: Buddha
2. _______________ ‘i’: muni
3. _____________ ‘ī’: senānṣī
4. _____________ ‘u’: garu
5. ______________ ‘ū’: vidū
6. ______________ ‘o’: go
Feminine nouns
1. Stem ending in ‘ā’: kaññā
2. _____________ ‘i’: ratti
3. _____________ ‘ī’: nadī
4. ___________ ‘u’: yāgu
5. _______________ ‘ū’: vadhū

Neuter nouns
1. Stem ending ‘a’: citta
2. _________ ‘i’: aṭṭhi
3. ________ ‘ī’: sudhī
4. __________ ‘u’: cakkhu
5. ____________ ‘ū’: gotrabhū

Lesson 10 to 17 = masculine nouns

Lesson 18 = neuter nouns
Lesson 19 - 20 = feminine nouns

● Two stems
(a) Stem ending in vowel
(b) Stem ending in consonant

Lesson 10 - 20 = stem ending in vowel

21 + = stem ending in consonant

Dhanavant / dhanavat (masculine)

Dhanavant (ī) / dhanavat (ī) (feminine)

1) Verb
a) Present tense
b) Future tense
c) Past tense
d) Imperative mood
e) Optative mood

2) Verbal forms; gerund, infinitive and past participle

3) Nouns
a) Three genders, two numbers and eight cases
Three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter
Two numbers: singular and plural
Eight cases:
1) Nominative
It is used to express the subject.
(a)Buddho dhammaṃ deseti.
The Buddha expounds the Dhamma.
2) Vocative
It is used to call or to address
(a)Ahaṃ, amma, nagaraṃ gacchissāmi.
Oh mother, I will go to the city.
3) Accusative
It is used to indicate direct object and goal of motion.
(a) Puriso rukkhaṃ chindati.
The man cuts the tree. (direct object)
(b) Ahaṃ gāmaṃ gacchissāmi.
I will go to the village. (goal of motion: thing)
(c) So buddhaṃ upasaṅkamati.
He approaches the Buddha. (goal of motion:
4) Instrumental & ablative
It is used to express the instrument or helper of the
Puriso parasunā rukkhaṃ chindati.
The man cuts the tree with a hatchet.
Buddhena: by the Buddha, with the Buddha, by means
of buddha, because of Buddha.
(a) Mayaṃ dhammena jīvāma, na tu adhammena.
We live with Dhamma but not Adhamma.

Ablative: buddhasmā (from the Buddha, out of the Buddha)

5) Dative & genitive

Dative is used to express indirective object or receiver.
(a)Puriso yācakassa annaṃ deti.
The man gives food to the bagger.
(b) Puriso bodhirukkhassa udakaṃ deti.
The man gives water to the Bodhi-tree.
Buddhassa putto: Buddha’s alms bowl or an alms of the

6) Locative
It is used to express locus.
Bhikkhu āsane nisīdati.
A monk sits on the seat.

In, at, on, among

Lesson = 21

● Possessive adjective: vant, mant, in > ī

❖ vant
a/ā + vant
(a)dhana (wealth) + vant = dhanavant (wealthy)
(b) paññā (wisdom) + vant = paññavant (wise)
❖ mant
- Other stems apart from a/ā + mant
(a)sati + mant = satimant
(b) dhī (intelligence) + mant = dhīmant (intelligent)
(c) cakkhu + mant = cakkhumant (having eyes)
(d) bhū (earth) + mant = bhūmant (having earth or king)
(e) go + mant = gomant (having cow)
❖ in
(a) phala + in = phalin (fruitful)
(b) mālā + in = mālin (having flower)
Dhanavant (long form)
Dhanavat (short form)

ins&abl dhanavat (ā)

dat&gen dhanavat (o) dhanavat (aṃ)
Lac dhanavat (i)

Dhanavant (ī)
Dhanavat (ī)

Masculine noun
1) Stem ending in ‘a’: buddha
2) _________ ‘i’: muni
3) _________ ‘ī’: senānī
4) ________ ‘u’: garu
5) ________ ‘ū’: vidū
6) ________ ‘o’: go

Feninine noun
1) Stem ending in ‘ā’: kaññā
2) ____________ ‘i’ : ratti
3) ____________ ‘ī’ : nadī
4) ___________ ‘u’: yāgu
5) ____________ ‘ū’: vadhū

Neuter noun
1) Stem ending in ‘a’: phala
2) ___________ ‘i’: aṭṭhi
3) ___________ ‘ī’: sudhī
4) ___________ ‘u’: cakkhu
5) ___________’ ū’: gotrabhū

Dhana + in = dhanin > dhanī

Dhanin + ī = dhaninī

Lesson – 22
Active present participle
❖ Active verbal base + nt
❖ Active verbal base + māna
❖ Active verbal base + āna

❖ gaccha + nt = gacchant (gacchat-ā/o/i) = gacchant (ī)
❖ gaccha + māna = gacchamāna
❖ gaccha + āna = gacchāna
❖ vada + nt = vadant
❖ vada + māna = vadamāna
❖ vada + āna = vadāna

● Final ‘ā’ of the verbal base before ‘nt’ and ‘māna’ becomes
❖ dadā + nt = dadant
❖ dadā + māna = dadamāna
● Final ‘e’ of the verbal base before ‘māna’ and ‘āna’ is
changed into ‘aya’.
❖ dese (e> aya) + māna = desayamāna
❖ dese (e> aya) + āna = desayāna

The use of the present participle

1. To express the action happening at the same time
2. As a noun
3. As an adjective
4. To express the idea of “should one” or “if one should”
1. To express an action happening at the same time
(a)So sallapati. He talks.
(b) So hasati. He laughs.
(c) So sallapati hasati.
(d) So sallapanto /sallapamāno hasati
While talking, he laughs.
(a) Sā sallapati. She talks.
(b) Sā hasati. She laughs.
(c) Sā sallapati hasati.
Sallapa + nt = sallapant
Sallapa + māna = sallapamāna
(d) Sā sallapantī /sallapamānā hasati.
While talking, she laughs.
(a) Sissā pāḷibhāsaṃ uggaṇhanti. Students studiy the Pali
(b) Sissā āsane sayanti. Students sleep on the seat.
(c) Sissā pāḷibhāsaṃ uggaṇhanti āsane sayanti.
Uggaṇhā +nt = uggaṇhant
(d) Sissā pāḷibhāsaṃ uggaṇhantā āsane sayanti.
While studying the Pali language, students are sleeping on
the seat.
2. as an adjective
(a) Bhikkhu dhammaṃ anussarati. The monk calls to mind the
(b) Bhikkhu saddhammā na parihāyati. The monk does not
fall away from the True Dhamma.
(c) Bhikkhu dhammaṃ anussarati saddhammā na parihāyati.
Anussara + nt = anussarant
(d) dhammaṃ anussaranto bhikkhu saddhammā na
The monk who calls to mind the Dhamma does not fall away
from the True Dhamma.

3. as a noun
(a) Paraṃ viheṭhayati. One hurts another.
(b) na samaṇo hoti. He is not a recluse.
(c) Paraṃ viheṭhayanto na samaṇo hoti.
One who hurts another is not a recluse.

4. To express the idea of “should one” or “if one should”

(a) Tathāgato, Ānanda, ākaṅkhati. The Buddha wishes.
(b) Tathāgato kappaṃ tiṭṭheyya. The Buddha would stand for
(c) Ākaṅkhamāno,Ananda, Tathāgato kappaṃ tiṭṭheyya.
Should the Tathāgata wish, ________
If the the Tathāgata should wish ________
Root ending in ‘m’ > n + ta

√sam + ta = santa
√dam + ta = danta
vi √bham + ta = vibbhanta
√vam + ta = vanta
√yam + ta = yanta
pa √kam + ta = pakkanta
(a)sallapati (to converse, to talk)
Saṃ √lap + a + ti = sallapati (ṃl> ll)
sallapant (verbal from)
(b) apakkamati (to go away)
apa √kam + a + ti = apakkamati (Sk. kram > kkam)
apakkamitvā / apakamma
Apa √kam + ya = apakkamma (my> mm)
(c)Saṅkaḍḍhati (to collect)
saṃ √kaḍḍh + a + ti = saṅkaḍḍhati
Saṅkaḍḍhant /saṅkaḍḍhamāna

(d) gāyati (to sing)

√gā + ya + ti = gāyati

(e)uddharati (to pick up)

ud √dhar + a +ti = uddharati
uddharant / uddharamāna

(f) vissamati (to take rest)

vi √sam + a + ti = vissamati
vissamitvā /vissamma
vissamita /vissanta
vissamant/ vissamamāna

(g) dakkhati
√dis > dakkh + a + ti = dakkhati (to see)
passitvā/ disvā
passituṃ/ daṭṭhuṃ
passita/ diṭṭha
dakkhant/ dakkhamāna

(h) pasīdati (to be delighted in)

pa √sad + a + ti = pasīdati
pa √sad + na = pasanna
pasīdant/ pasīdamāna

(i) vahati
√vah + a + ti = vahati (to carry)
vahitvā / vuyha
vahita/ vuḷha
vahant / vahamāna

(j) anugacchati (to follow)

anu √gam + a + ti = anugacchati
anugantvā / anugamma
anugacchant/ anugacchamāna

(k) anussarati (to call to mind)

anu √sar + a + ti = anussarati

(l) vigacchati
vi √gam + a + ti = vigacchati (to disappear)
vigacchant/ vigacchamāna

(m) caṅkamati (to walk up and down)

√kam > kamkam + a + ti = kamkamati > camkamati >caṅkamati
caṅkamant / caṅmamāna

(n) āpādeti
ā √pad + e + ti = āpādeti
āpādent /āpādayamāna

(o) ārabhati (to begin)

ā√rabh + a + ti = ārabhati
ārabhant/ ārabhamāna
a. Translate into English
1.Bhikkhu āsane nisīdanto samīpe tiṭṭhantena upāsakena
saddhiṃ sallapati.
= The monk who sits on the seat converses together with the lay
devotee who stands near by.
= while sitting on the seat, the monk converses together with the
lay devotee who stands near by.

= nisīsati (to sit)

● Bhikhu āsane nisīdati. The monk sits on the seat.
Bhikkhu āsene nisīdanto /māno
The monk who sits on the seat

= tiṭṭhati (to stand)

● Upāsako samīpe tiṭṭhati. The lay devotee stands near by.
Upāsako samīpe tiṭṭhanto.
Samipe tiṭṭhantena upāsakena saddhiṃ
Together with the lay devotee who stands near by

= sallapati (to converse)

● Bhikkhu upāsakena saddhiṃ sallapati. The monk converses
together with the lay devotee.

= verb form - sallapati

= verbal form - nisīda-nto /tiṭṭha-nt-ena
2. Bhikkhunī vīthiyaṃ piṇḍāya caramānā āgacchantaṃ rathaṃ
disvā maggato apakkami.

= verbal from - caramānā / carati (to move about)

āgaccha-nt-aṃ = āgacchati (to come)
disvā = passati (to see)
= verb from - apakkami/apakkamati (to go away)
3. Arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṃ.
4. Tumhe idha kiṃ kurumānā viharatha.
5. Rukkhehi pata-ntāni phalāni samīpe nisīdantiyā gahapatāniyā
sevakā saṅkaḍḍhanti.
6. Khettesu kassakā gītāni gāyanti.
7. Gītaṃ gāyantiyā dārūni uddharantiyā itthiyā saddaṃ suṇantā
te mahato rukkhassa chāyāyaṃ vissamiṃsu.
8. Siddhatto kumāro rathena uyyānaṃ gacchanto maggassa
passe semānaṃ gilānaṃ purisaṃ addakkhi.
9. Araññe senāsane viharantesu bhikkhūsu manussā bhiyyo
10. Rathaṃ vahato assassa pāde anugacchantāni cakkāni
viya pāpānaṃ kammānaṃ vipākā tāni karonte anugacchanti.

b. Translate into Pali.

1. The man who is living here is a rich one.
2. Wealth does not follow the person who is dying.
3. Should you call to mind the Buddha, the Dhamma and the
Saṃgha, it will dispel all your fear.
4. In the mind of the monk Meghiya who was staying in the
mango-grove there arose many evil and unwholesome
5. While walking up and down he brought many small creatures
to destruction.
6. She, while remembering (her) dead son began to weep.
7. Don’t talk while you eat (while eating).
8. The child beaten by (his) brother came home crying.
9. The man fell from the horse that was running fast.
10. Men doing good deeds will go to (a) happy state after

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