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Published December 27, 2022

NEJM Evid 2022; 2 (1)

DOI: 10.1056/EVIDra2200175


Can the Heart Get an Overuse Sports Injury?

Paul D. Thompson, M.D.,1,2,3 Thijs M. H. Eijsvogels, Ph.D.,4,5 and Jonathan H. Kim, M.D., M.Sc.6,7

Abstract J. Sawalla Guseh, M.D., and

Aaron Baggish, M.D.,
Recent studies suggest that vigorous endurance exercise increases markers of cardiomyocyte
Series Editors
injury and that lifelong endurance exercise may increase myocardial scarring, coronary
artery atherosclerosis, AF, and aortic dilatation. This review summarizes the evidence link- C. Corey Hardin, M.D., Ph.D.,
ing these conditions with physical exertion and an approach to their management. Editor


rofessor Jeremy Morris, leader of the London civil servant studies on the benefits
of exercise, called physical activity (PA) “the best buy in public health.”1 This
comment is justified by multiple epidemiologic studies documenting that the
most active individuals experience 40 to 50% fewer cardiovascular disease (CVD) events
compared with their least active counterparts.2 The large public health benefits of increased
PA are a result, in part, of the high prevalence of sedentary lifestyles in developed countries.
Epidemiologic studies demonstrate that the greatest reduction in CVD risk is between the least
and the slightly more active subgroups.2 Additional increases in PA are associated with addi-
tional, but progressively smaller, reductions in risk, and some studies suggest that there is a
flattening2 or a slight increase3 in risk with the highest volumes of PA. Such reports of
increased risk with prodigious amounts of exercise are limited by the paucity of individuals
performing large amounts of PA. Authors of the most recent Physical Activity Guidelines for
Americans emphasized the benefits of small increases in activity.4 These guidelines recom-
mend that Americans “move more and sit less,” perform 150 to 300 minutes of moderate
(i.e., brisk walking) or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous (i.e., jogging) aerobic exercise weekly, plus
resistance exercise two times per week and some balance training for older individuals.4

Concerns about too much exercise have existed since ancient times. These concerns reap-
peared in Victorian England, when schools and universities for the socially elite started
competing in activities, such as running, cycling, and rowing, sports that had previously The author affiliations are listed at
been work-related competitions among the working class.5 Vigorous exercise in adults can the end of the article.
provoke acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and sudden cardiac death (SCD).6 Exercise-
Dr. Kim can be contacted at
related ST-segment elevation AMI is generally a result of acute coronary thrombosis sec- or at
ondary to atherosclerotic plaque rupture or erosion, whereas SCD is associated with both Emory Clinical Cardiovascular
acute coronary plaque disruption and/or chronic coronary artery disease (CAD).7 SCDs in Research Institute, Emory
University School of Medicine,
young patients are rarely caused by atherosclerotic CAD and are most frequently a result 1462 Clifton Rd., NE, Suite 502,
of inherited, congenital, and acquired cardiac conditions.6 Recent studies have also suggested Atlanta, GA 30322.

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that prolonged, vigorous aerobic exercise can produce acute cTnT and cTnI after prolonged endurance events, such as
myocyte injury, myocardial scarring, coronary artery calcifi- marathons, exceeded the diagnostic level for AMI in .50%
cation (CAC), atrial fibrillation (AF), and aortic dilatation. of participants.12 One marathon study demonstrated that
This review summarizes the evidence linking exercise with all runners had at least some increase in cTnI after the
these conditions and briefly suggest an approach to their race14 (Fig. 1). Increases in cTn are highly variable among
management. individuals as a result of many factors, including age, sex,
training status, health status, and environmental condi-
tions, but exercise intensity and duration are the most
important determinants.12,15,16
Increases in Cardiac Troponin
after Acute Endurance Exercise The mechanisms producing exercise-related increases in
The observation that creatine kinase (CK) levels increase cTn are not defined.12 Increases in cTnI are likely of cardiac
after completion of a 42-km footrace (a marathon) provided origin because we are unaware of any studies demonstrating
the initial data that suggested that prolonged exercise could that training increases skeletal TnI subtype in a manner sim-
produce cardiomyocyte injury. A study of 15 physicians run- ilar to the increase in CK-MB. Tn is present in cardiomyo-
ning the 1979 Boston Marathon, performed when total CK cytes bound to tropomyosin and also freely circulating in
was used to diagnose AMI, observed that CK increased the cytosol. Exercise causes the release of vesicles contain-
from 161 U/l before the race to 3,424 U/l the day after ing myokines, likely for intercellular signaling.17 Unbound
the race (nl,100 U/l).8 Subsequent studies using the more cTn or cTn fragments could be released systemically
cardiac-specific CK myocardial band (CK-MB) demon- because of changes in myocardial sarcolemma permeabil-
strated that CK-MB increased from 6.9–6.4 U/l before the ity produced by stretch or reversible injury. Irreversible
race to 105.3–99.3 IU/l after the race (nl,5 IU/l).9 Gastroc- myocardial cell apoptosis and/or necrosis have also been
nemius muscle biopsy specimens from marathoners con- postulated but are unlikely, given how commonly cTn
tained more than two times the CK-MB concentration of increases after endurance exercise.12
biopsy specimens from sedentary controls (8.9–1.3% vs.
3.3–0.7%),8 indicating that exercise training increases skel- Exercise-related increases in cTn are considered benign,
etal muscle CK-MB concentration. Satellite cells, which but resting cTn levels are a cardiac risk marker. A review
repair injured skeletal muscle and can produce CK-MB, identified 21 prospective studies that measured cTn in
were present in runners’ biopsy specimens.10,11 These find- 64,855 asymptomatic individuals from the general popula-
ings led to the theory that training injures skeletal muscle, tion.18 cTn levels greater than the 99th percentile were
requiring satellite cell repair, which releases CK-MB during found in 5% of the population and were associated with a
subsequent exercise.10 The possibility of cardiomyocyte threefold increase in total and CVD mortality. Simply
injury was largely dismissed until assays for cardiac tropo-
nin (cTn) became available in 1996 and replaced CK-MB
as the biomarker of myocardial injury.12

Troponin (Tn) is part of the Tn-tropomyosin muscle con-

traction complex. Of the three Tn subunits — C, T, and
I — only T and I have skeletal and cardiac muscle–specific
subunits and are used to diagnose cardiac injury.12 cTnI
increases are more specific for cardiac muscle. In one
report, only 4 of 74 patients with skeletal myopathies had
resting cTnI values greater than the upper limit of normal,
whereas 67 patients had cTnT values greater than the
upper limit of normal.13

More than 200 publications have measured cTn after

Figure 1. Change in hsTnI Levels.
Data are for 71 participants in the 2011 Boston Marathon from
exercise and repetitively demonstrated increases in both before to after the race. Each participant is shown as a bar on
cTnT and cTnI. These studies examined a variety of patients the abscissa. hsTnI denotes high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I.
after a variety of endurance exercise events. Levels of Reprinted with permission from Eijsvogels TM, et al.14

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having a detectable cTn level was associated with a 30% to augment cardiac output at peak exercise because exercise
increase in CVD mortality, and risk increased progres- training does not increase maximal HR.
sively with increasing cTn.18
Endurance exercise also produces acute cardiac changes.
To avoid overdiagnosing AMI, clinicians should know that Echocardiographic studies demonstrate only small acute
endurance events increase cTn, but the long-term implica- reductions in left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic
tions of these findings are not clear. cTn levels were greater function, but significant reductions in right ventricle (RV)
than the 99th percentile in 63 of 725 participants (age 54 to function after prolonged exercise.15 An early examination
69 years) immediately after walking 30 to 55 km.19 A major of athletes who completed the Hawaiian Ironman triathlon
CVD event occurred during follow up in 7% and 27% of par- observed decreases in LV and left and right atrial sizes
ticipants whose postexercise cTn levels were less than or immediately after the event, whereas RV size increased,
greater than the 99th percentile, respectively (Fig. 2). Risk suggesting decreased RV contractility.20 RV volumes
remained higher (hazard ratio, 2.48; 95% confidence inter- returned to prerace values 28 hours after the event. Sub-
val, 1.29 to 4.78) after adjusting for age, sex, CVD risk fac- sequent studies have confirmed that RV function
tors, prior disease, and baseline cTnI. These data suggest decreases more than the LV function after prolonged
that elevated postexercise cTn levels may identify indivi- exercise,21 and that decreases in RV function may be
duals who are at risk of CVD events, but this was an older inversely correlated with changes in cTnT22 and cTnI.23
population and not endurance athletes, and such data The decrease in RV performance grows with the duration
require confirmation. of the exercise event and with the athletes’ maximal oxy-
gen uptake,23 meaning that those with the greatest exer-
cise capacity are most vulnerable to decreases in RV
Acute Effects of Endurance
The effects of endurance exercise on the RV may be a
Exercise on the Right Ventricle result of differences in the vascular response to exercise.21
Endurance exercise training decreases heart rate (HR) Pulmonary vascular resistance decreases only 30 to 50%
and increases the size of all four cardiac chambers. This with exercise because of the pulmonary circulation’s lim-
exercise-induced cardiac remodeling facilitates an increased ited vasodilatory capacity, whereas systemic vascular resis-
stroke volume (SV) to maintain resting cardiac output and tance decreases .75% as a result of vasodilatation of the
exercising muscle.21 The estimated increase in RV wall
stress is approximately 170%, whereas the increase in LV
wall stress is only approximately 23%. Moreover, exercise
training increases systemic vasodilatory capacity, but it has
little effect on pulmonary vascular resistance.21 Exercise
training increases maximal SV and maximal oxygen uptake,
meaning that the best athletes have larger SVs ejected into
in an unchanged pulmonary circulation.

The acute and chronic effects of exercise on the RV are

clinically important in individuals with arrhythmogenic
RV cardiomyopathy. Inherited defects in desmosomal pro-
teins produce this cardiomyopathy, but with great variability
in phenotypic expression among individuals with similar
genetic mutations. Both murine24,25 and clinical studies26,27
of arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy document that high
Figure 2. Kaplan–Meier Outcome Plots. levels of exercise are associated with earlier disease expres-
Plots are for 725 participants walking 30 to 55 km with cardiac
troponin I value above (red) or equal to or below (blue) the 99th sion and more rapid disease progression. Current guidelines
percentile before or after the event. Reprinted with permission recommend against vigorous exercise in patients with or at
from Aengevaeren VL, et al.19 genetic risk for this cardiomyopathy.

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meta-analysis.28 The clinical significance of these findings
in young athletes is unknown.
Myocardial Fibrosis in Athletes
Gadolinium with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging The prevalence of LGE at RV insertion sites in endurance
(cMRI) can identify myocardial scar and fibrosis. Normal athletes is consistent with the concept that acute increases
myocardium does not retain gadolinium because of its lin- in RV volume and wall stress with exercise contribute to
ear sarcomeric structure, whereas fibrotic tissue retains gad- fibrosis at this site. The clinical relevance of these findings,
olinium, producing late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). however, is uncertain, and more rigorous follow-up studies
A meta-analysis of cMRI studies in athletes included 14 are required.30 Clinicians should be aware that asymptom-
studies with 1,342 participants.28 LGE was present in 16.6% atic athletes may have LGE at RV insertion sites. There
of athletes and 2.3% of control participants (P,0.001). LGE are reports of worse outcomes in runners with LGE, but
was located at the insertion point of the RV into the intra- LGE in these participants was not limited to insertion
ventricular septum in 7% of athletes and 0.3% of control points and 40% of runners had LGE patterns that were
participants (P50.003; Fig. 3). LGE was still more prevalent typical of CAD scarring.31
in athletes even when those with LGE at RV septal insertion
points were excluded. There was no increase in LGE in
female athletes, but only 119 female athletes and 82 control
participants were included. Unexplained LGE has also been
observed in young athletes. In a study of college athletes
CAC in Endurance Athletes
convalesced from coronavirus disease 2019, 60 nonin- Clarence DeMar won the Boston Marathon seven times
fected control athletes also underwent cMRI and 10 (24%) and ran competitively until the age of 69. He died of colon
demonstrated LGE at RV insertion points.29 LGE was also cancer at age 70. Paul Dudley White, the esteemed Boston
more prevalent in athletes younger than 40 years of age cardiologist, reported DeMar’s autopsy results and noted
(25.7%) than in those older than 40 years (14.6) in the that DeMar’s coronary arteries were two to three times

Figure 3. cMRI of a Normal Participant and Five Endurance Athletes.

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) demonstrates late gadolinium enhancement of the intraventricular septum, often at
insertion points of the right ventricle into the intraventricular septum. Reprinted with permission from La Gerche A, et al.23

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normal size, but that the left main showed “a fair degree of CAD had more CAD after the race, predominantly because
atherosclerosis of the wall, but still with a good lumen.”32 of an increase in noncalcified plaque.37

Subsequent reports affirmed the benefits of exercise train- At least one study has examined the prognosis of in-
ing on coronary size33 and vasoreactivity,34 but recent reports creased CAC among asymptomatic, active male partici-
have examined the possibility that life-long exercise train- pants.38 CAC scores were higher in the most active
ing increases CAC and atherosclerosis. A review of the participants, but this was not associated with a statistically
association between endurance exercise training and coro- significant increased total or CAD mortality. Nevertheless,
nary atherosclerosis measured by CAC and computerized the CVD death rate in the most active group was ninefold
tomographic coronary angiography concluded that CAC higher (1.8 and 0.2 per 1000 person-years) in those with
and coronary atherosclerosis are greater in middle-aged CAC scores greater than or less than 100 Agatston units,
endurance athletes than in control participants and highest respectively. This was not statistically significant, possibly
in the most active athletes.35 The athletes’ coronary pla- because of the low event rate, but it suggests that the
ques are more often calcified and less often noncalcified or increased CAC scores are not benign even in highly active
mixed, implying a more stable atherosclerotic plaque pro- individuals.
file36 (Fig. 4). There are few studies in women, but those
available show no increase in atherosclerosis. The factors responsible for increases in atherosclerosis
and CAC in endurance athletes are uncertain. Acute in-
The prognosis of increased plaque in athletes is unclear. creases in HR and blood pressure during exercise could
Calcified plaques are considered to be more stable, although increase arterial shear stress. Prolonged exercise also acutely,
a small study suggests that soft plaque development is but transiently, increases inflammatory markers.39 Cyclists
stimulated by prodigious amounts of exercise.37 The Race seem to have less plaque than do runners, raising the possi-
Across America is a 140-day foot race in which individuals bility that foot strike–induced changes in arterial hemody-
run 25.7 miles per day with 1 day of rest each week. Eight of namics or calcium metabolism contribute to the process.40
10 participants completed the race and had computerized Exercise also acutely increases parathyroid hormone levels,41
tomographic coronary angiographies performed the day which could accelerate atherosclerotic calcification but
before and after the race. CAD did not progress in those would not explain the increase in atherosclerosis. The
without baseline disease, but all participants with baseline increased heart size of endurance athletes could increase
the excursion and flexing of the coronary arteries, creating
more turbulent flow and accelerating cholesterol deposition.

Management of athletes with asymptomatic CAC and coro-

nary atherosclerosis is based on consensus recommenda-
tions, but it should include excluding exercise-induced
ischemia and aggressive CAD risk factor management.42
Permitting continued athletic participation in such people is
dependent on the risk associated with an exercise-related
CAD event and shared decision-making with the athlete.

The relationship between PA and AF is complex,43 but it
seems to follow a U-shaped pattern, at least in males,44
meaning that AF decreases with low-to-moderate levels of
Figure 4. Comparison of Coronary Atherosclerotic PA activity, but is not different or increases with greater
Plaque Characteristics Between Endurance amounts of PA and/or high-intensity exercise. Females, in
Athletes and Controls. contrast, seem to have a reduction in AF risk at all levels
Reprinted with permission from Merghani A, et al.36 of activity.44 A meta-analysis of studies examining the risk

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of AF in athletes concluded that AF is increased fivefold in
athletes.45 Another meta-analysis of 19 studies demon-
strated a reduction in AF risk in individuals performing Aortic Enlargement
5 to 20 metabolic-equivalent hours per week of PA com- Athletic participation has little effect on aortic size in
pared with less active individuals, but no reduction in AF young athletes. A meta-analysis of studies reporting aortic
risk in individuals performing more than 20 metabolic- size in athletes and control participants found that aortic
equivalent hours per week.46 size at the sinus of Valsalva and aortic annulus was only
3.2 and 1.6 mm larger in athletes (P50.02 and P50.04),
AF also increases with exercise performance as shown by respectively, but even these small changes may have long-
a study in Sweden’s Vasaloppet cross-country ski races. term significance.48
Clinical outcomes for skiers and matched control partici-
pants were compared using national medical databases.47 Computed tomography imaging comparing the size of the
Female skiers had less AF than did nonskiers. Male skiers midascending aorta in former professional American foot-
had higher rates of AF after adjustment for AF risk factors. ball players and control participants (mean age, 57.1 and
AF risk was also higher in men who completed the most 53.6 years, respectively) found that aortic size was larger
races and had the best performance times (Fig. 5). There in former players (38–5 mm vs. 34–4 mm; P,0.001).49
were fewer strokes in both male and female skiers, but More players had aortic diameters .40 mm, the 99th
strokes were more frequent in skiers with AF than in skiers percentile (29.6% vs. 8.6%; P,0.0001); however, this
and nonskiers without AF, indicating that AF in athletes is enlargement may not be related to the sport, but to other
not benign. factors including hypertension, which is prevalent among
active American football players.50 An echocardiographic
The mechanisms increasing AF in endurance athletes are study of mostly retired Australian rugby players (mean
not clear. Increased parasympathetic tone from exercise age, 45–13 years) documented that 41% had an aortic
training and sympathetic tone from acute exercise could diameter .40 mm and 58% had anterior effacement of
increase AF risk. Inflammation from the acute effects of the aortic sinotubular junction, an indicator of abnormal
exercise is also possible. Exercise performance is an indi- aortic enlargement.51 Aortic dilatation was associated with
cator of increased SV, and because AF increased among the length of the player’s career, whereas effacement was
the most active and successful athletes, the increased more common in elite players.
atrial size that occurs with endurance exercise training
could be a factor. Management of AF in athletes should These studies examined participants in sports whose
follow AF guidelines for the general population. training and competition primarily require resistance

Figure 5. Risk of Atrial Fibrillation in Male and Female Competitors in the Vasaloppet Country Ski Races.
Reprinted with permission from Svedberg N, et al.47

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