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reve St ae wm \zexy | Engineering Document | uses. tie Cont Doe no, 2044-00000HS-022160 | Cuent Doe no, R1118117-00000-HS-PRO-00082 DOCUMENT TITLE: Night Work Frocedure Rev. A Paget of 24 Bere | oo Nats Richard 8 Ha Lee CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FOR “THAI CIL CLEAN FUEL PROJECT USE ONLY. pevrotnc © SS aca tam. \zeey 7 Engineering Document | jowwers a e, Cant. Dos no, 2044-00000 NS-GH2169 | cuont Doe no, R1118111-00000-HS-PRO-00052 DOCUMENT TITLE: Night Work Procedure Row A Page2ot24 DOCUMENT REVISIONS HISTORY Rev, ‘Seaton Description of Revision ‘TABULATION OF REVISED SECTIONS / PAGES Rev. Section | Descipten of Change Reference Documents No Rev. Seation Description of Hold \vasey (8) Engineering Document | wn? S a Sittin Cont Doc no 2044-00000H5-01216 | Cuont Doe no, R111811-00000-HS-PRO-00052 [DOCUMENT TITLE: Nigh Werk Frocedure Row A Page sot 24 ‘Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION, 1 Purpose. . 412 Objectives 13. Scope and Application 44 Defintons 1.5. References 2 Planning.. 2.4 Community Impact Management. 22. Night Werk Pan, 2.3. Verlcation and Approval - Nght Work Checkist. 24 PTW (Permit to Work) 25 PSST! ToolBox Takk. 3 Communications and Notfications. 4 Supervision nnn 441 Lone Werkers and SSE. 8 8 Training Requirements, 6 Ste Access, Housekeeping and Material Sto 641. TrpfFall Prevention, 6.2. Housekoeping and Matorial Storage 7 tlumination Lighting 7.4 lumination Requiremers. 10 7.2. Glare, Shadows and Ligt Poluion Mitgation 10 7.3. Bloctcal Safety. 10 74 Emergency Lighting 8 Traffic Management, Vehicles and Mobile Equipment. 8.1. Flag-Persons and Trae Control 182. Patking and Drop-Off Zanes. " 8.3. Night Work Vehicle Rous. 2 cote ae mm, \zcey 9) Engineering Document | gon Cont Dos no, 204400000-HS-O12160 | Cuont Doe no, R111811-00000-HS-PRO-00082 [DOCUMENT TITLE: Night Werk Procedure Row. A Page aot 24 8.4 MEPI (Mobile Equipmen:-Pedestrian Intertace) 12 9 PPE Requirements. 40. Wolter. 414 Health and Fatigue Management. 42. Community and Environmental Management xraur 12.1 Social and Environmental Engagement Review. 4 12.2 Nolse Mitigation “ 12.3 Vibration Miigation. 15 12.4 Light Mitigation - 15 12.8 Ar Emissions (Dust, Parleulate Matter, Odours) 15 18. Emergency Response. 14 Security and Substance Abuse Prevention. 141 Alcohol and Drug Screening 16 Night Work Audits, Inspections and Monitoring 461 Environmental Monitoring 46 APPENDIX... ‘Appendix A= Night Work Checklist ‘Appendix 8 - Ministerial Reguation No, 2 (BE. 2535 (1992))- Lighting intensity standards in general areas and production areas within the business estabishment 20 ‘Appendix C~ Ministerial Reguation No. 2(8.E. 2535 (1992))- Light intensity standards in areas ‘where employees must work, By using the eyes to look ata speci point or having to keep the eyes in place when working 21 ‘Appendix D- Ministerial Reguation No, 2(8.E. 2535 (1982) Light itonsty standards (ux) in ‘the surrounding area where any employee works. By visually looking at specific points in the work 23 ‘Appendix E- Social and Environmental Engagement Form 24 ‘Table of Figures Figure 1 - Supervision Ratios. 8 Figure 2 - Example Night Work SERT OrganisationNight Work SERT Organisation 16 Figure 8 - Incident Reporting Flash Card 7 retotee EF wom a. ngineering Document | ns aassrn ue. Engineering D sme ‘Gont: Dos no, 2044-00000-15-EC2160 | chant Doe no. R118111-00000-HS-PRO-00052 [DOCUMENT TITLE: Night Work Frocedure Rov.A Page Sot24 4 INTRODUCTION 14 Purpose Werking in hours of darkness poses incweased levels of risk and should be avoided. If right Work acthities must be cared aut, effective planning and stct controls must be applied. This procedure outines the CONSORTIUM's safety requirements to operate during hours of darkness or night shits 1.2 Objectives “The abjectves of ths prosedur a te: Prevent accidents related tonight work assoriated risks Provide clear guidance and standards fr night work operations Minimise the envoamental impact and disturbance to the community Provide a framework for right work planning 4 ‘Ths procedure is applicable to al functional aspects ofthe work scope for the Clean Fuel Projact and apples to el CONSORTIUM personnel Including subcontractors, seconditier contractors, vendors, an vistors “The Scope of Work shal be carried aut in accordance with all compliance obligations incuding, but not limited to, national laws, regulations, and standards; O\NNER Safety, Security, Heath ‘and Environmental Polces, standards, and commitments; and al othr relevant international standards, requirements and protocols. rerotne EF aa to zee BF Engineering Document Sikora, Cent Dee no. R1118111-00000-45-PRO-00052 [DOCUMENT TITLE: Night Work Frocedure Rev. A Page Gof 24 44 Definitions ” ea Autry aca "Corporate ars - Community Afrs eR Environmental pact Assessment NohtWow ‘Any work hat aks place ding hows of darknese Prw Pemitio Weck 88 ‘Shor Sevioe Empayees wal Work at Hele 18 References PROJECT

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