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Enhancing Aquaponic Sustainability:

IoT-Based Monitoring and Automated

Feeding Systems

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of College of Engineering

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree in

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Submitted by:

Alvarado, Jester Jhigs V.

Apolinario, Joshua S.

Baronio, Lady Ann P.

Cabañas, Mark Lawren M.

Dionglay, Keziah Mae S.

Lacson, Jamie B.

Pineda, Jerome L.

Suarez, Eunisse Ghene P.



Background of the Study

Aquaponics is a controlled production system that mimics natural

biological processes, making it an ideal alternative for urban regions with limited

agricultural land and water resources. It is also environmentally friendly, as it is

located near consumers and is considered a sustainable food production method

(David et al., 2022). It signifies an innovative technology that can produce

average fish protein and vegetables with a much smaller environmental impact.

The key concept is to use less land, energy, and water while reducing the need

for the chemicals and fertilizers commonly used in traditional food production

(Obirikorang et al., 2021).

Aquaponics, a combination of hydroponics, involves cultivating plants

without soil, and aquaculture, which focuses on farming fish or other aquatic

organisms. It offers a rapid and efficient approach to cultivating plant and fish

crops simultaneously (Pattillo, 2017). In aquaponics, however, nutrients are

provided through aquaculture wastewater, whereas in hydroponics, nutrients are

directly introduced into a liquid growing medium (Randolek, 2024).

The beauty of aquaponics plant mutualism growth among the system's

fish, microorganisms, and plants. In exchange for nutrients from fish waste, the

plants use bacteria to clean the water that returns to the fish (Deer et al., 2021).

The quality of the water is vital to the effectiveness of the system. Weekly testing
of total dissolved solids and pH levels is required. pH is a crucial water quality

factor in aquaponics systems, affecting the concentration of hydrogen ions in a

solution (Wibowo et al., 2019).

However, one disadvantage of aquaponics is that it requires daily

maintenance. Aquaponic systems need regular attention to ensure the

well-being of both fish and plants. Tasks such as feeding the fish, monitoring

water quality, and maintaining system components may need daily attention

(Underwood & Dunn, 2017). The challenge ahead involves creating methods to

assess the benefits of technology both before and after its implementation.

Simultaneously, this technology must be widely adopted to realize its full

potential benefits. A collaborative effort to develop technology, business models,

and data on benefits could help in two ways: firstly, in maximizing the

advantages of the technology, and secondly, in establishing sustainable food

systems across the entire production and consumption chain. Through benefit

assessments, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and the public can discern between

food production systems with minimal negative impacts (Rizal et al., 2018).

Through the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the merging of

hydroponics and aquaculture promotes organic and environmentally friendly

agricultural practices. This integration allows farmers to remotely supervise and

oversee their aquaponic systems, which promotes efficient resource

management, lower waste production, and increased crop yields. IoT devices

and data analytics enable real-time monitoring and automation, giving farmers

more control over their operations and facilitating the production of high-quality,
organic crops. This innovative strategy shows promise for addressing food

security issues and developing a more sustainable and resilient agricultural

system (Dharani et al., 2023).

Thus, this paper discusses an innovative aquaponic system incorporating

modern technology, specifically IoT-based monitoring. Users can remotely

monitor crucial water quality parameters such as pH and Total Dissolved Solids

(TDS), which enhances resource management and overall efficiency. Moreover, it

incorporates an automated fish feeder, further optimizing operations.

Statement of the Problem

Aquaponics requires daily attention, such as feeding fish and maintaining

water circulation and quality. Neglect can lead to a collapse and failure of the

system. Thus, the lack of Internet of Things (IoT) integration and maintenance of

the aquaponic system becomes challenging, making it hard to leave unattended

for long periods. However, automating the system and incorporating IoT

technology can alleviate these concerns.

The problems associated with using an aquaponic system include

determining how an IoT-based monitoring and automated systems integrated into

the aquaponics setup can improve the traditional aquaponic system. The

reliability of critical parameters, such as pH and TDS levels, the pH dosing

pump's operation, the timing of fish feeding intervals, and the effectiveness of

SMS alert notifications are all essential considerations.

Significance of the Study

This research will benefit the following people:

Students. The study provides valuable insights into IoT technology's use

to improve aquaponic systems' sustainability and efficiency. Students can learn

about the principles of aquaponics, the design and implementation of IoT-based

monitoring and control systems, and the potential benefits of these technologies

for aquaponic production. The study also presents opportunities for students to

develop and apply their skills in IoT technology to solve real-world problems in

aquaponics production. Through this research, students can improve their

technical and analytical skills.

Farmers. The findings of this study can help farmers find the most

effective ways to design, install, and manage aquaponics systems. It includes

information on water quality management, the selection of fish and plants, and

the system's scalability. Research findings can help improve farmers' abilities in

managing aquaculture and hydroponics components, enabling remote monitoring

and control; thereby, enhancing flexibility and reducing the need for on-site


Community. The findings of this study can increase and stabilize fish and

vegetable yields. As a result, local food security is improved by providing the

community with a consistent supply of fresh and nutritious produce. Access to

fresh, locally grown fish and vegetables produced by aquaponics can improve

community members' overall health and nutrition.

Entrepreneurs. The findings of this study can help entrepreneurs by

implementing IoT-based monitoring to ensure high-quality fish and vegetables.

Scalable solutions based on research findings can be implemented to support

the expansion of aquaponics operations. This primarily benefits entrepreneurs

seeking to enter new markets or increase production capacity.

Future Researchers. This study contributes to the growing body of

knowledge on using IoT technology to improve the sustainability and efficiency of

aquaponic systems. Future researchers can use the study findings to develop

new and innovative IoT-based solutions for aquaponic production and address

other challenges of scaling up aquaponic systems for commercial applications.

Objectives of the Study

The study comprises general and specific objectives.

The general objective is to develop an IoT device that will encourage a

shift toward sustainable agriculture by utilizing technology for monitoring and

automation. The outlined specific objectives are as follows:

1. To confirm the microcontroller device's capability to measure accurately,

ensuring at least 95% of readings match the precision of commercial meters:

1.1 pH level
1.2 TDS level

2. To assess the system's ability to ensure and adjust the pH level as needed

after setting the desired pH value.

3. To incorporate fish feeding automation into the aquaponic system and ensure

its proper functionality based on the specified frequency settings.

4. To implement a real-time SMS notification system with minimal delay, triggered

when critical TDS and pH values are detected, ensuring prompt action to

maintain system health and stability.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope, limitations, and delimitations of the study are discussed.

The scope of this study is as follows: the aquaponics monitoring system is

designed to enhance operational efficiency through local and Internet of Things

(IoT) monitoring. It utilizes a pH dosing pump to maintain optimal acidity and

alkalinity levels for a balanced environment for lettuce and tilapia. Additionally, an

automatic fish feeder is integrated to optimize feeding processes. The

aquaponics system supports the cultivation of both lettuce and tilapia. Regular

monitoring methods, whether daily or weekly, carefully evaluate lettuce growing

progress, ensuring that optimal circumstances are continually maintained.

The delimitation of this study is as follows: The system does not address

issues related to pests and insects. While pH levels are monitored, the
monitoring process does not include other water quality parameters such as

ammonia, nitrate, dissolved oxygens, and temperature. Monitoring parameters

also exclude the growth of tilapia and fail to consider external factors like weather

and ambient temperature variations that impact the aquaponics environment.

TDS level adjustments are not incorporated into the automation protocol.

Although the project aims to improve the system's efficiency, certain

environmental factors, such as climate and geographical location, may affect the

efficiency and applicability of the proposed solutions. Furthermore, educational

outreach efforts to increase awareness and adoption of aquaponics methods can

be delimited within the scope of the study, focusing primarily on technical

development and implementation.



This chapter utilizes articles, journals, and other reliable resources to

explore the processes and parameters of the design project. It contains valuable

information that has assisted the researchers in thoroughly understanding the

proposed study.

Foreign Related Literature and Studies


As stated by Kamleshbhai (2023), aquaponics is an innovative

approach to sustainable farming that effortlessly combines the cultivation

of aquatic organisms with plant growth. Its many advantages include

resource efficiency, environmental conservation, and the production of

nutritious food. Education, technological advancements, and the

refinement of best practices continue to be challenges. Nonetheless, the

aquaponics combination of aquaculture and hydroponics represents a

harmonious and sustainable future in which plants and aquatic life thrive,

emphasizing the interrelationship that sustains life on our planet.

According to Bardhan and Ankuria (2023), aquaponic systems

provide a year-round supply of high-quality fish and vegetables, allowing

farmers to capitalize on off-season markets and command higher prices.

The growing emphasis on freshness and the local food movement

increase consumer demand, opening opportunities for profit and market


According to Sharma and Ujjania (2021), the advantages of an

aquaponics system include its sustainability and capacity for intensive

food production. This system efficiently produces two agricultural products,

including fish and vegetables, while utilizing a single nitrogen source—fish

food. Notably, it is highly water-efficient and does not require soil for plant

cultivation. Furthermore, the lack of fertilizers and chemical pesticides

contributes to its environmentally friendly nature. As a result, yields are

higher, and the production process is more qualitative.

Tran et al. (2017) stated that as urbanization accelerates and

population growth increases, aquaponics becomes an alternative solution

for sustainable agriculture. This environmentally friendly method adapts to

climate change and enhances resource efficiency through material reuse

and cycling. Aquaponics is particularly beneficial in remote areas with

limited access, such as highlands or islands, where traditional setups may

be logistically challenging due to material scarcity. Its ease of setup and

transfer, lower costs, and simpler management make it an ideal choice for

remote areas. Aquaponics also conserves water resources, minimizes

waste, and contributes to expanding green spaces and mitigating pollution

in urban areas. It also holds great promise for educating the next

generation, encouraging innovative thinking, and developing efficient

systems for recycling and reusing local materials. This approach is crucial

for preserving natural resources in the context of sustainable agriculture.

IoT in Aquaponics System

The challenges of traditional aquaponics systems can be

addressed by incorporating electronic methods. This innovation has the

potential to inspire people to grow organic and nutritious plants in their

homes for their daily needs. The system's incorporation of the IoT allows

users to remotely access real-time data and gain graphical insights into

various parameters, defining it as an IoT-based aquaponics monitoring

system (Manjula et al., 2023).

Taha et al. (2022) also stated that IoT can potentially bring in a new

green revolution when adequately implemented in agriculture. The use of

4G and 5G technologies can improve network capabilities, making the

application of IoT technologies more viable. This advancement, combined

with the development of new communication technologies, contributes to

the feasibility and effectiveness of IoT in agriculture.

According to Mahmoud et al. (2023), an innovative IoT-based

system has been developed to address issues intelligently while ensuring

the integrity of the process under the guidance of a controller, which is

crucial. Incorporating the IoT offers multiple advantages in overseeing and

managing aquaponics. The suggested system brings various benefits,

including utilizing cloud storage and establishing a dedicated database for

the aquaponics setup. This enables well-informed managerial choices to

enhance growth factors and efficiently preserve resources like water and

nutrients in the long run. Additionally, the system optimizes operational

and monitoring procedures, ultimately boosting the productivity of both

plant and fish farming.

Noordin et al. (2023) stated that using IoT-based monitoring

systems in aquaponics enhances our comprehension of real-time

monitoring and data administration within closed-loop systems. This

technological advancement delivers a more detailed and accurate

portrayal of conditions in an aquaponic system, facilitating improved feed,

water, and nutrient management decision-making. Farmers can boost

yields and reduce expenses by optimizing resource utilization and

minimizing the risk of disease outbreaks, ultimately leading to increased

profits. The efficient use of water, energy, and nutrients increases

productivity and reduces waste and pollution. This highlights the

environmental advantages of using IoT technologies in aquaponics, which

aligns with sustainable and responsible agricultural practices.

pH levels in Aquaponics

Southern and King (2017) stated that a substance's pH (potential of

hydrogen) indicates its acidity or alkalinity on the pH scale, where 7.0

represents a neutral point. Maintaining an optimal pH level is crucial for

the success of an aquaponic system, where a pH below 7.0 is deemed

acidic and above 7.0 is considered alkaline. Effectively managing pH

involves understanding the intricate requirements of plants, fish, and

bacteria. Striking a balance is essential, with the ideal pH typically favoring

plants (usually below 7.0) while ensuring it doesn't drop too low for the

well-being of fish and bacteria. Although fish and bacteria generally thrive

in water with a pH higher than 7.0, accommodating diverse biological

needs is vital to achieving a harmonious aquaponic environment; they can

live in mildly acidic conditions. Plant growth must be prioritized in this

balance due to the considerable income generated by plants. It has been

discovered that a pH range of 6.4 to 6.6, with a consistent pH of 6.5, is


According to Pandey et al. (2023), maintaining a neutral pH of 7.0

is a standard recommendation in aquaponics systems because plants and

fish have different pH preferences. However, the ideal pH range for plants

for optimal nutrient availability is narrower, specifically between 5 and 6.

Even though it may differ from the preferred pH levels of the fish, this more

acidic pH range is better suited to meet the specific nutritional needs of

plants in an aquaponic environment.

Sutherland et al. (2020) also stated that a pH range of 6.8 to 7.0 is

recommended for an ideal aquaponic system. Deviations from this

range—below 6.0 indicating acidity and above 7.0 indicating

alkalinity—can impact the system's health.

Fish and bacteria prefer a slightly alkaline environment with a pH

range of 7.0 to 8.0, but they can adapt to slightly acidic waters.

Conversely, plants thrive in a slightly acidic environment, preferring pH

levels ranging from 5.5 to 6.5. Balancing the pH preferences of plants,

bacteria, and fish is critical. Thus, the optimal pH target in aquaponics is

set between 6.5 and 7.0, promoting plant happiness while minimizing fish

stress. Notably, the pH of the aquaponic system has a direct impact on

plant absorption of macronutrients and micronutrients.

pH stabilization is critical in aquaponic systems for fish and plants

and nitrifying bacteria. While certain compromises may occur, they should

be within the range of tolerance for all biological entities. This will allow for

better fish growth performance, efficient nutrient uptake by plants, and

effective nitrification by nitrifying bacteria. The values for fish and plants

will vary depending on the species chosen, so preliminary trials are

required to establish the standard conditions that will be followed

throughout the production cycle, culminating in harvesting (Wang et al.,


Estim et al. (2020) found that lowering the pH level from 7 to 6

increased the fresh and dry mass of all plant species in aquaponic

systems while having no negative impact on fish yield. Furthermore, lower

pH levels increased tissue nutrients in aquaponic and hydroponic systems

in arugula, cilantro, lettuce, and Swiss chard.

TDS levels in Aquaponics

TDS is an indicator that measures the concentration of dissolved

inorganic and organic ions in a liquid, which includes minerals, salts, and

metals. It consists of cations, positively charged elements such as

calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, along with anions,

negatively charged elements similar to carbonates, nitrates, bicarbonates,

chlorides, sulfates, and a trace of organic matter. TDS is typically

measured in milligrams per unit volume (mg/L), also known as parts per

million (ppm). This parameter is directly related to water purity and quality,

influencing any organic or inorganic entity that uses, inhabits, or interacts

with water, for better or worse. (Munjal et al., 2019).

Gupta and Gupta (2020) stated that high TDS levels contribute to

water salinity and electrical conductivity, frequently used to approximate

TDS, reflecting ionized forms in water. TDS comes from natural sources,

urban runoff, industrial wastewater, chemicals used in water treatment,

and piping materials. TDS in coastal groundwater can be brought up by

seawater intrusion. While a certain level of TDS is required for humans,

animals, and plants, excessively low or high levels can be harmful.

Elevated TDS levels can cause unpleasant taste, hardness, and laxative

effects. It can also limit aquatic and plant growth, corrode water systems,

and reduce the efficiency of water heaters. Consistent TDS levels with

minimal seasonal variations indicate better water quality for drinking and


Measuring TDS in water is essential for monitoring water nutrition in

aquaponics systems. A comprehensive approach facilitates the successful

operation of the aquaponics system and highlights the significance of TDS

measurement as a crucial measure in sustaining water quality and nutrient

levels to support the flourishing of aquatic and plant life (Wibowo et al.,


Because of the continuous generation of nutrients, aquaponic

systems can achieve favorable results with significantly lower levels of

total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from 200 to 400 ppm or electrical

conductivity (EC) ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 mmho/cm (Rakocy et al., 2019).

Optimal pH for Black/Mozambique Tilapia

According to Fitzsimmons (2019), tilapias are crucial in aquaculture

because they breed in controlled environments and adapt to various water

conditions. Mozambique tilapia, in particular, can thrive in a wide pH

range, from acidic (pH 5) to alkaline (pH 9). Furthermore, they have a high

tolerance for saline environments, making them the most adaptable of the
major tilapia species commonly farmed. They can easily adjust to

full-strength saltwater conditions. It was also discovered that a tilapia

known as Oreochromis mossambicus, or Black Mozambique Tilapia, could

survive in water with a very low pH (pH 4) without dying or experiencing

significant changes in body chemistry. This suggests that the fish can

maintain a balance of essential substances in their bodies and do not

experience stress on specific hormone systems when exposed to such

acidic conditions (El-Sayed, 2020). Furthermore, when farming Black

Mozambique Tilapia, it is critical to maintain good water quality, preferably

with a pH of around 6 (Nelloolichalil, 2020). Generally, Tilapia can tolerate

pH values ranging from 5 to 10; however, they prosper best between 6

and 9 (Choudhary & Sharma, 2018).

Optimal pH for Lettuce

In hydroponic systems, lettuce thrives in a slightly acidic pH range

of 5.6 to 6.2, which many other plants share. When the pH falls below this

ideal range, the plant's ability to absorb necessary nutrients from its

growing medium decreases, limiting its growth. The degree of pH

fluctuation from the optimal range impacts the effectiveness of nutrient

absorption, which may cause various growth problems as plants attempt

to adjust to adverse pH conditions (Aizarani, 2021). Henry et al. (2018)

stated that the lettuce seedlings planted in soilless substrates exhibit an

ideal pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. In hydroponic systems, the pH of the nutrient

solution should be between 5.5 and 6.0, with 5.8 being the ideal pH for

optimal growth and development. However, Sandoya et al. (2021) stated

that the optimal pH range for lettuce is 6.0-7.0.


A practical and user-friendly fish-feeding strategy allows fish

owners to ensure timely and proper feeding even while they are away or

have other duties. The development of a modest prototype automatic fish

feeder represents a considerable achievement in this area. The device is

meant to give fish pellets in single doses at predefined intervals, providing

a completely automated solution. Users may change the feed frequency

using a digital control system powered by a microprocessor in the feeder,

giving them control and flexibility. Operating the feeder is simple, with only

the movement of a finger, and it works effortlessly around the clock,

guaranteeing that the fish gets food at all times, giving the owner piece of

mind (El Shal et al., 2021).

Aquaponics vs. Traditional Soil-based System

Using soil-less planting methods, particularly aquaponic systems,

has emerged as a promising option for lettuce growing. According to Teo

and Yap (2019), soil has little effect on lettuce development, making the

traditional soil-based technique seem less efficient. The complexity and

time-consuming nature of combining different soil compositions to improve

crop development emphasizes the limits of conventional methods. In

contrast, adopting aquaponic systems is a simple and easily monitored

solution. It shows that it is more effective than traditional soil-based

methods at promoting the growth of healthier lettuce in shorter periods.

This shift toward soilless culture technologies, such as aquaponics, not

only solves space concerns but also represents a more efficient and

productive approach for lettuce cultivation.

Compared to a traditional soil system, the aquaponics system

produced significantly more lettuce. With 960% greater lettuce growth, the

aquaponics system produced 518 grams of lettuce, whereas the soil

system produced only 54 grams. The aquaponics system generated

significantly more quantities of lettuce than the soil system, with an almost

tenfold difference. This finding supports the claim that increased nitrogen

availability in aquaponics contributed to enhanced lettuce growth (Barnett,


Consumers like aquaponic lettuce because it has stiffer leaves and

a darker green hue and is generally of more excellent quality than lettuce

farmed in traditional soil agriculture. Although lettuces grown in

aquaponics had somewhat higher quality than those grown in soil, the

differences were not statistically significant. Nonetheless, visible

characteristics such as improved leaf texture and richer color increase

consumer preference for aquaponically farmed lettuce (Tunçelli et al.,


Local Related Literature and Studies


According to Tababa (2023), the adaptability of aquaponics in

growing various crops is demonstrated by Elisa and Edmund's success in

cultivating cherry tomatoes, kale, and watercress plants. They claim that

with proper techniques, any plant can thrive in aquaponics. Aquaponics is

similar to managing an aquarium, with plants placed on top of water or in

grow beds. It eliminates manual weeding and reduces water loss, but

introducing harmful chemicals could cause system failure.

IoT in Aquaponics System

Dawa et al., 2022 stated that an IoT-based aquaponics system has

the potential to provide farmers with economic stability, paving the way for

an improved quality of life. A green, intelligent, and user-friendly

infrastructure with autonomous control capabilities is in high demand. The

idea of an aquaponics management system operates in real-time, using

the IoT and wireless technology for effective monitoring and control of all

activities on the aquaponics farm.

TDS levels in Aquaponics

De Leon and Leonor (2021) stated that a sufficient TDS level,

falling within 300-400 ppm, must be maintained when implementing

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. The IPO Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the integration of aquaponics components with IoT

devices for monitoring and automation. The input consists of aquaponics and

device variables that are critical parameters for operation and design to enhance

the system.

The process depicts the data gathering method; variables are collected

using quantitative measures and observations and then analyzed to find patterns.

Lastly, the interpretation of the data will depict results for improvement.

The result is a study on improving Aquaponic Systems using IoT-based

monitoring and automated Feeding that aims to enhance system efficiency using

innovative technologies.
Operational and Definition of Terms

Fish Food. It serves as the primary source of nutrients for the fish and, indirectly,

for the plants in the system (Oluwafemi, 2022).

PVC Pipes. PVC pipes are widely used for constructing the system framework,

grow beds, water distribution, bell siphons, aeration systems, plumbing

connections, and vertical gardening structures. It plays a crucial role in facilitating

the circulation of nutrient-rich water between fish and plants, creating a symbiotic

relationship in the aquaponic system (Amandai, 2023).

Water Pump. It circulates water between the fish tank and grow beds. They

facilitate nutrient transport, aeration for fish, and oxygenation for plant roots.

Pumps are also used in filtration, temperature regulation, and preventing water

stagnation (Struce, 2022)

Oxygen Pump. Serving to freshen the water in the fish tank. It increases

dissolved oxygen levels, supporting fish respiration, preventing stratification, and

indirectly benefiting plant roots. The pump is essential for maintaining fish health,

particularly in high-density or warmer environments.

Fish Tank. Serves as a habitat for fish, producing waste that undergoes

nitrification to generate nutrients for plants. The tank requires regular monitoring

for water quality parameters, and proper design is essential for the success of

the aquaponic system (Beecher, 2022).

Filtration. Involves the removal of solid waste and the maintenance of water

quality. Mechanical filtration uses physical barriers to trap debris, protecting plant

roots and ensuring efficient nutrient distribution. Biological filtration relies on

beneficial bacteria to convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates, supporting the

nitrogen cycle. Filtration minimizes ammonia buildup, crucial for fish health, and

may include optional chemical filtration for additional purification.

IoT. (Internet of Things) Exchange of data using cloud and Internet. In

Aquaponics, critical parameters such as pH and TDS levels will be monitored

that will be displayed in the web or application using ESP 32 microcontroller

connected to the Internet.

pH. It affects the health of fish and the availability of nutrients for plants. Fish

have specific pH preferences, and maintaining the right range is crucial for their

well-being. pH also influences the nitrification process and nutrient uptake by

plants. Regular testing and monitoring, along with adjustments using pH-up or

pH-down solutions, are essential practices in managing pH levels (Wibowo,


Grow Bed. The grow bed is a central component in aquaponics, where plants

are cultivated using nutrient-rich water circulated from the fish tank. Filled with a

growing medium, such as gravel or clay pellets, the grow bed supports plant

roots and serves as a habitat for beneficial bacteria involved in nitrification.

ESP32. It serves as the device that is being used to access IoT or a device that

enables IoT to be used in aquaponics (Gayam, 2019).

Peristaltic Pump. These are positive displacement pumps that operate by

squeezing a flexible tube to move fluids without any contact with pump

components. They offer precise flow control, gentle pumping action, and

versatility in various industries, including aquaponics, pharmaceuticals, and food

processing (Struce 2022).

TDS. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a measure of the concentration of dissolved

substances in water and is used as an important indicator of water quality.

Monitoring TDS is essential, as it helps assess nutrient levels and maintain a

suitable environment for both fish and plants (Jain, 2019).

Bell Siphon. Regulates the water level in a grow bed through a controlled

flooding and draining cycle. Operating on gravity and vacuum principles, it

consists of a standpipe (bell) and a drainpipe. When water reaches a certain

level, it triggers the siphon, causing rapid drainage until air breaks the siphon

(Picard, 2021).


Project Design

The study used an experimental research design described by Asehanabi

(2019) to manipulate dependent variables and establish cause-and-effect

relationships within a specific subject area. This method entailed forming

experimental and control groups and administering treatment to the experimental

group while leaving the control group unaffected. Experimental research is

beneficial for testing hypotheses or objectives because it provides a structured

and systematic approach to investigating causal relationships in a controlled


Specifically, the study utilized experimental methods to test objectives,

such as assessing the accuracy of pH and TDS measurements, evaluating the

system's ability to adjust pH levels, the notification alert systems, and testing the

functionality of fish feeding automation. These experiments were crucial for

understanding the effectiveness and functionality of the implemented

technologies and interventions in enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of

aquaponics systems. The researchers propose the following hypotheses:

pH Accuracy

H0: There is no significant difference in pH values obtained from a

DFRobot Gravity Analog pH Sensor and a digital pH meter.

H1: There is a significant difference in pH values obtained from a

DFRobot Gravity Analog pH Sensor and a digital pH meter.

TDS Accuracy

H0: There is no significant difference between the TDS sensor's

(DFRobot Analog TDS meter) outputs and the Digital TDS & EC meter.

H1: There is a significant difference between the TDS sensor's

(DFRobot Analog TDS meter) outputs and the Digital TDS & EC meter.

Project Development

This section will go over the general design of the Aquaponics system,

incorporating IoT-based monitoring and controlling, as well as the variables and

different factors that need consideration in the planning, programming, and

construction of the entire system.

Hardware Design

Figure 2. Block diagram of electronic devices

Figure 2 shows the integration of the system’s pH and TDS sensors with a

microcontroller to regulate water parameters in aquaponics setups. A peristaltic

pump adjusts pH by pumping a solution to balance the desired pH level when

necessary. In addition, notification alerts will promptly apprise users when TDS

and pH values surpass predetermined thresholds or decline below designated

limits. Local monitoring is facilitated via an LCD, while remote access through a
smartphone application enables real-time data tracking. Additionally, an

automatic fish feeder allows users to customize feeding frequency.

Figure 3. Block diagram of Aquaponics system

Figure 3 outlines the key components of an aquaponics system:

aquaculture tanks for fish and hydroponic beds for plants. It illustrates the cyclical

flow of water, rich in fish waste nutrients, from the fish tanks to the plant beds.

The water will go through a filtration system where it traps solids that generate

ammonia, and it will be eaten by good bacteria enclosed in a biofilter system that

produces nitrates. The plants absorb these nutrients within the plant beds,

purifying the water before recirculating it to the fish tanks. This interconnected

system demonstrates the synergy between aquaculture and hydroponics,

offering an efficient and sustainable approach to food production.

Software Design

Figure 4. System flowchart

Figure 4 outlines the system and shows a detailed procedural roadmap

guiding the operation of the control and monitoring system through its various

stages. The system gears up for subsequent functionalities, starting with system

initialization post-power-up, where electrical energy is systematically distributed

to all devices and sensors.

Following the initialization phase, users can set pH thresholds,

frequencies for the automatic fish feeder, and the SIM card number for

notification. In addition, the system can accommodate both local and remote
control over the pH and TDS levels necessary for the well-being of the fish and

plant and specify the frequency of automated daily fish feeding.

In continuation, the microcontroller will read inputs from designated values

and sensors, process the data, and display the results on the local monitoring

LCD and the remote monitoring application. If the system reads a critical value of

pH and TDS, it will notify the SIM card number set through SMS. After that, if the

displayed pH level reading does not meet the desired pH threshold, the peristaltic

motor will adjust the pH level until the threshold is met. Regarding the automatic

feeder, if the desired frequency is not achieved, set the frequency until the

desired level is reached. If the pH threshold and automatic fish feeder frequency

are met and the set threshold is reached, the system operates efficiently.

Operations and Testing of the Project

In aquaponics, operations and testing are crucial for system reliability.

Operations involve daily tasks, it includes fish feeding and water quality

monitoring. Testing ensures equipment functionality. Key testing procedures

include thorough examination to verify system reliability and accuracy. This is

particularly important for advanced systems with smart features and IoT

monitoring. Despite their intelligence, these systems still require testing to ensure

all components work properly.

1. Calibrate the pH and TDS sensors using the pH and TDS meter. If the

values do not match, the difference between the theoretical and actual
behavior of pH and TDS probe must be compensated for. Calibration is

required to match the pH and TDS meter to the current characteristics of

the used pH and TDS sensors.

2. Submerge the pH sensor and TDS sensor in the system. The reading

should be automatically shown on the local display and mobile application.

3. If the pH reading does not satisfy the optimal values, the system

automatically adjusts the pH through the peristaltic pump.

4. Set the desired threshold for the notification alert system for pH and TDS

sensors. If the critical range is reached, SMS will send a notification.

5. Different samples of the critical range will be set, and the time when

notification is received will be recorded.

6. Record the pH and TDS of the system at 5:00 pm daily for three weeks.

7. Set the automatic fish feeder at different time intervals. The amount of

food the feeder dispensed and the delay period till the fish receive food

will be recorded. Based on the documented information, an average will

be provided.

8. Subsequently, after a 12-day germination period, the plants will be

transferred into the system. After the plants have been transferred, an

8-day data-gathering period will begin. During this time, the plants' length

and weight will be measured.

9. A test will involve exposing plants to various pH levels, such as acid,

neutral, and base. The expected result is to see how various pH values

affect the plants' colors.

After performing these tests, the researchers will use the Independent

t-test to analyze the pH and TDS measurements. The researchers will calculate

the average of the data gathered in the SMS notification system, pH balancer,

and fish feeder.

Operations of the Project

This section provides an overview of the procedural methodologies and

illustrative depictions of the Aquaponic system and the accompanying control

and monitoring system protocols.


Figure 5. Fabrication process

Figure 5 illustrates the summarized fabrication process for assembling an

aquaponics system. It begins with planning the placement of key components,

fish tank and filters. Next, plumbing connections are established to enable
efficient water circulation. Monitoring and control devices, including pH and TDS

sensors, are then installed alongside automated fish feeding mechanisms. A

microcontroller, specifically an ESP32, is integrated for centralized control. Lastly,

connectivity is established, and settings for feeding schedules and pH thresholds

are calibrated to ensure smooth operation and timely alerts for any deviations

from optimal conditions.

Figure 6. Aquaponics system

Figure 6 showcases an aquaponics system enhanced with a monitoring device.

This setup combines aquaculture and hydroponics with the integration of IoT

monitoring and automation devices.

Parameters of the Design

Table 1. Dimensions of Aquaponics System

Length (cm) Width (cm) Height (cm)

Aquaponic System 110 50 80

Frame 110 50 42

Fish Tank 100 39.5 27

Grow Bed 65 39.5 24

Height (cm) Length (cm) Diameter (cm)

Filter Tank 37 31

Clear Hose 150 2.3

30 3.2

PVC Pipe 15 76.2

19 128

Table 1 provides the specifications for the materials required to construct

the aquaponics system. The dimensions are as follows: the height from the

ground to the top of the grow bed is 80 centimeters, with a length of 110

centimeters and a width of 50 centimeters. Including the size and parameters of

pipes, filtration system, grow bed, and fish tank, as shown in the table.
Figure 7. Exploded diagram hardware

Figure 7 displays the actual design of the system and the main electronic

components that will be used for the Enhanced Aquaponic System.


The application, called Aquasync, can be downloaded with the .apk file. It

functions as a web application, an application program stored on a remote server

and delivered over the internet through a browser interface. This setup offers

convenience and accessibility, allowing users to access the application from

various devices without requiring extensive installations.

At the heart of Aquasync lies the Firebase database, a server that

facilitates data storage and retrieval. Firebase offers a seamless and reliable

solution, and notably, it has free features for small projects. With Firebase

handling the backend operations, users can enjoy a smooth and efficient

experience within the Aquasync application, whether managing data, syncing

information across devices, or accessing real-time updates.

Figure 8. Main interface

Figure 8 shows that after downloading the app, an authorization login is

required to ensure the user's control and the security of their data. This login

process is a protective measure, safeguarding sensitive information within the

application. Once the user enters the correct email and password, they gain

access to the dashboard or main menu interface.

This dashboard provides an overview of crucial information, including pH

and TDS values. These values are instrumental in monitoring water quality and

ensuring optimal aquatic and plant life conditions. Additionally, the interface

indicates whether the pH and TDS levels are within normal parameters or if they

are registering as high or low. Furthermore, the time and date of the gathered

data are prominently displayed on the dashboard.

Figure 9. Settings Menu

In the top-left corner of the screen, users can find the menu options,

offering convenient access to various features. Among these options, users can

navigate to settings or sign out of their account.

Selecting the "Settings" option directs users to a dedicated settings menu,

providing them with control and customization options. Users can adjust

parameters within this menu such as the pH and TDS thresholds and offsets. The

offset functionality allows users to define a range for these values, ensuring

precise monitoring and alerting capabilities.

Moreover, users can modify the SMS notification number associated with

the application, allowing them to receive alerts and updates on a designated

phone number. Additionally, users can customize the feeding interval, specifying

the frequency at which feeding occurs in hours.

Tools and Techniques Used

In designing and managing the aquaponics system, various tools and

techniques are utilized to ensure optimal performance and adherence to specific


Total Fish Calculation

According to Garcia and Tibo (2023), the aquaponics system makes use

of a fish tank that has a 100-liter water capacity, with a height of 27.00

centimeters, 100 centimeters in length, and a width of 39.40 centimeters.

According to the rule of thumb, the tank can hold three (3) mature tilapias or one

(1) tilapia for every 19 liters of water.

The management plan considers the mature tilapia's weight, which ranges

from 45 to 50 grams. With an estimated requirement of 5 gallons per fish, a

calculation is performed to determine that the system can accommodate

approximately three adult tilapias. Also, fingerlings are considered in the sizing

calculations. The system can accommodate 285 fingerlings by using a stocking

density of two gallons per pound of fish (Wei et al., 2019).

Tilapia Fish

Adult Tilapia Fingerlings

1 Adult tilapia = 45 to 50 grams Fingerlings tilapia = 20 grams

5 Gallons = 18.927 Liters 22.7 Fingerlings * 20 grams = 0.454

Number of Tilapia kg

= 100 Liters / 18.927 Liters = 5.283 Stocking Density

Number of Tilapia = 5.283 = 7.571 Liters (2 gallons) per 0.454

kilograms of fish.

100 Liters / 7.571 liters per kilogram

= 13.208 kg

Number of Fingerlings

= 13.208 * 22.7 = 299.82

Stocking Density = 299.822 for 100


Number of Tilapia ≈ 3 Adult Tilapia Number of Tilapia ≈ 285 Fingerlings

Equation 1. Calculation of the Total Fish

Amount of Feeds Calculation

To complement the feeding schedule, the choice of feed forms/types plays

a pivotal role. Crumbles, designed for fish weighing 5.1g to 30.0g, are known as

starter crumbles. As tilapia grows, pellets become suitable, with juvenile pellets

specifically formulated for fish weighing 30.1 to 90.0g. The preference for smaller

pellets by tilapia is noted, emphasizing the importance of tailoring feed particle

size to the fish's developmental stage (The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources – NFFTC, 2015)

According to Arman Feeds and Fisheries Limited (2022), the reference

guide for feed calculation further illustrates the tools and techniques used in

determining the daily feed amounts for different weight categories of tilapia.

Using the formula: Daily Feed Amount = No. of Tilapia * Total Weight of Tilapia *

Daily Feed Percentage, calculations are performed for specific weight ranges

(e.g., 45 to 50 grams and 20 grams)​.

Adult Tilapia Fish (for 45 to 50 grams)

Number of Tilapia * Total Weight of Tilapia * Daily Feed Percentage

3 tilapia * 45 grams * 0.05 3 tilapia * 45 grams * 0.06

= 6.75 grams = 8.1 grams

Daily Feed Amount = 6.75 grams to 8.1 grams

3 tilapia * 50 g * 0.05 3 tilapia * 50 g * 0.06
= 7.5 grams = 9 grams

Daily Feed Amount = 7.5 grams to 9 grams

Equation 2. Amount of Feed Calculation for Adult Tilapia

Fingerlings Tilapia Fish (For 20 grams)

Number of Tilapia * Total Weight of Tilapia * Daily Feed Percentage

40 tilapia * 20 grams * 0.06 40 tilapia * 20 grams * 0.07

= 6.75 grams = 8.1 grams

Daily Feed Amount = 48 grams to 56 grams

50 tilapia * 20 grams * 0.06 50 tilapia * 20 grams * 0.07

= 7.5 grams = 9 grams

Daily Feed Amount = 60 grams to 70 grams

Equation 3. Amount of Feed Calculation for Fingerlings Tilapia

The calculated daily feed amounts for tilapia offer valuable insights into

their nutritional requirements in aquaculture. For tilapia weighing 45 grams, with

a daily feed percentage of 6% to 5%, the recommended daily feed ranges from

6.75 to 8.1 grams. For 50-gram tilapia, the same feed percentage suggests a

range of 7.5 to 9 grams. Similarly, for 20-gram tilapia with a daily feed percentage

of 7% to 6%, the estimated daily feed amount ranges from 342 to 399 grams​

(Pushtiraj, 2022)​.

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