Socio Eco Probation Report Ravinder Chand Urf Ravi Kumar Jagnoli

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Distt. Kangra (H.P.;

Report regardin g Pre-mat ure release case of life convict Ra vind e r
Chand urf Ravi Kumar S/O Fateh Chand R/o VPO .Jagnoli

The hou se of above mentioned Rav inder Chand ur f Ravi Kumar

S/O Fateh Chand VPO Jagnoli was vi sited along with Pradh an Gram P a n c h ~➔ y; ii
Jagno]i on 12 June 2024. Based on the document s received, statement s or Pand 1< 1 ) ' 1'

Represent atives and neighbour s and teleconference with Rav inder Ch anci url l{u ·

Kumar, his Socio-Eco nomic investigation report is as follo ws:-

1. Family History:- Ravi Kumar, whose actual name registered in Pa rivar Nakai
is Ravinder Chand, is younger son of Lt. Fateh Chand. The vill age Pradh an,
Ward Member and neighbour s have verified the fact that Rav in der Chand an d
Ravi Kumar are one and same person, in their statement s. A lso, an affidavit
regarding one and same person, was produced on 13 June 24 bv ma 1'. 1_r,

establish the fact ( copies attached).

Ravinder Chand urf Ravi Kumar S/O Fateh Chand is resident of
ward no.- 01, VPO & Gram Panchaya t Jagnoli. His parents have expired. He is
married to Ms. Kunta Devi and have two children aged 4 and 2 years
respective ly. Ms. Kunta Devi is working as an outsource d Data Entry Operat,
in Forest Departme nt Dharamsh ala. His elder brother, Rajesh Kumar, is serving
in HP Police and is posted out of Distt. Kangra. The wife and children of his
elder brother reside in Chandigar h in connectio n with studies of chi ldre n as pe r
the informatio n provided by locals.

2. Economic Condition of Family: - The ancestral house of Ravinder Chand urf

Ravi Kumar is single storey pucca house. The family has around 1 ½ Kanai of
land in village Jagnoli. Ravinder Chand urf Ravi Kumar owns a Tax i perrn il

Omni Van at Dharamsh ala and conveys school children to DAV Dharam shaL1.

His wife Ms. Kunta Devi is working as an outsource d Data E ntry O perator in
Forest Department Dharamshala. The family is declared "Above Po, crt), Liri c
(APL)" by Gram Panchayat.
3. Legal History:- Other than the offence, for which Ravinder Chand urf Ravi
Kumar has been convicted for life, no case is registered again st him in e ith e r
Gram Panchayat or Police Station. Report of SHO Fatehpur is attac hed .
4. Summary/Recommendation by Tehsil Welfare Officer:- The village
Pradhan, Ward Member and neighbours, all stated that hi s behavior durin g
parole is peaceful and friendly and have no objection to hi s Pre-Mature re lease .
Also, no other criminal case is registered against him as per reports recei ve d.
The Superintendent of Jail, Lal Lajpat Rai District & Open Air Correctional
Home, Dharamshala (H.P.), has also found his conduct and behavior good and

lawful in his comprehensive note.

Keeping the above mentioned findings in view, l recom mend Ln 1

his Pre-Mature release case may please be considered sympatheticall y. H is Pre-

Mature release will enable him to take better care of his family and raise his

children well.

Tehsil Wei are -Cum-
~ i~ lnllter,
Date: l3 June 2024 fa~iur, Distt. Ka ng ra (H.P. )
Dis\t. Kangra (H.P./
6112124 , 2·50 PM
epa nva ln/Pari varN akalReportDow nload .aspx

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Governm ent of Himachal Pradesh


Certificate No. IN-HP16734901437288W

Certificate Issued Date 13-Jun-2024 10:29 AM
Account Reference NEWIMPACC (SV)/ hp19027904/ DHARAMSAL N HP-KG
Unique Doc. Reference SUBIN-HPHP1 9027904292142034434 73W
Description of Document Article 4 Affidavit
Property Description Not Applicable
Consideration Price (Rs.) 0
Second Party Not Applicable
Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) 20
(Twenty only)

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