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General Chemistry I: Chapter 5 & 10 Worksheet

SI Leader: Emily Siegelman


Define Thermodynamics:

Kinetic Energy Potential Energy

Heat Transfer

Heat symbol à q

Give an example of heat transfer:

Endothermic Exothermic
General Chemistry I: Chapter 5 & 10 Worksheet
SI Leader: Emily Siegelman

What does specific heat depend on?

Molar Heat Capacity

Definition: The quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one mole of a substance 1
degree K or oC.

Water Specific Heat Capacity: 4.184 J g-1 K-1

Formula for Molar Heat Capacity:

1) Determine the energy as the heat needed to increase the temperature of 10 moles of
mercury by 7.5K. The value for c is 27.8 J/ K*mol.

2) When 600 mL of water in an electric kettle is heated from 20 C to 85 C to make a cup of

tea, how much heat flows into the water?
General Chemistry I: Chapter 5 & 10 Worksheet
SI Leader: Emily Siegelman

3) What is the change in temperature of a pot with boiling water when the amount of heat
transferred 65 J, when the amount of water boiled had a mass of 9 kilograms?

4) How much energy is transferred when 2 moles of water is boiled with an initial
temperature of 25 C to a final temperature of 102 C?

Properties of gases:

Gas Laws

Boyles Law:

Charles Law:

Avogadro’s Law:
General Chemistry I: Chapter 5 & 10 Worksheet
SI Leader: Emily Siegelman

Combined Gas Law:

5) Identify the relationship between the variables in Boyle’s and Charles’s Law

6) How will decreasing the temperature effect the volume?

7) 500.0 liters of gas in a flexible-walled container are prepared at 700.0 mmHg and 200.0
°C. The gas is placed into a tank under high pressure. When the tank cools to 20.0 °C, the
gas pressure is 30.0 atm. What is the volume of the gas?

8) What is the volume of gas at 2.00 atm and 200.0 K if its original volume was 300.0 L at
0.250 atm and 400.0 K.
General Chemistry I: Chapter 5 & 10 Worksheet
SI Leader: Emily Siegelman

Ideal Gas Law

Formula Ideal Gas Law:

Define R:

Rules for Ideal Gas Law

1) Always convert temperature to Kelvin (C+273)
2) Convert from grams to moles if needed
3) Be sure to convert to units of R

9) A 24.6 L balloon is filled with 84g of carbon dioxide at 15 C. What is the pressure is kPa?

10) A container contains 4 grams of O2 and has a volume of 6L at 20 C, what is the pressure
in mmHg?

11) How many moles of gas are contained in a 22.41 L at 99.85kPa and 0 degrees Celsius?
General Chemistry I: Chapter 5 & 10 Worksheet
SI Leader: Emily Siegelman

12) What is the pressure required to confine a 0.50 mole of an ideal gas at 33 degrees
Celsius in a volume of 10L?

13) What is the volume of 1.6 moles of H2 kept at a pressure of 100kPa and 20 degrees

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