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Course Development Team

Head of Programme : Dr Millie Su Yun

Course Developer(s) : Dr Brandon Koh

Revised By : Name

Contributor(s) : Name

Technical Writer : Name, ETP

Video Production : Name, ETP

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HRM261 Course Guide

How to cite this Study Guide (APA):

Koh. B. (2024). HRM261 Work Motivation. Singapore University of Social Sciences.

Table of Contents

Course Guide

1. Welcome............................................................................................................... CG-1

2. Course Description and Aims............................................................................ CG-2

3. Learning Outcomes.............................................................................................. CG-3

4. Learning Material................................................................................................. CG-4

5. Assessment Overview.......................................................................................... CG-5

6. Course Schedule.................................................................................................... CG-6

7. Learning Mode...................................................................................................... CG-7

Study Unit 1: Foundational Perspectives of Work Motivation

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................. SU1-2

Overview ................................................................................................................... SU1-3

Chapter 1 : Work Motivation and its Measurement ........................................... SU1-4

Chapter 2 : Goal Setting Theory ........................................................................... SU1-15

References ............................................................................................................... SU1-23

Table of Contents

Study Unit 2: Intrinsic Motivation

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................. SU2-2

Overview ................................................................................................................... SU2-3

Chapter 1 : Self-Determination Theory ................................................................. SU2-4

Chapter 2 : Job Characteristics Model and Job Design ....................................... SU2-9

References ............................................................................................................... SU2-13

Study Unit 3: Mindsets and Goal Orientations

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................. SU3-2

Overview ................................................................................................................... SU3-3

Chapter 1 : Regulatory Focus Theory.................................................................... SU3-4

Chapter 2 : Growth Mindset and Goal Orientations ........................................ SU3-11

References ............................................................................................................... SU3-20

Study Unit 4: Psychological Well-being and Meaning at Work

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................. SU4-2

Overview ................................................................................................................... SU4-3

Chapter 1 : Learned Helplessness and Self-Efficacy ........................................... SU4-4

Chapter 2 : Psychological Well-being and Meaning at Work .......................... SU4-14

References ............................................................................................................... SU4-24

Table of Contents

Study Unit 5: Managing Motivation in a Diverse Environment

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................. SU5-2

Overview ................................................................................................................... SU5-3

Chapter 1 : Motivation Across the Lifespan......................................................... SU5-4

Chapter 2 : Growth Mindsets in Age-Diverse Workforces .............................. SU5-15

References ............................................................................................................... SU5-20

Study Unit 6: Busyness, Workaholism, and Recovery

Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................. SU6-2

Overview ................................................................................................................... SU6-3

Chapter 1 : Busyness and Workaholism ............................................................... SU6-4

Chapter 2 : Stressor-Detachment Model and Cultivating Restful Leisure ...... SU6-8

References ............................................................................................................... SU6-17

Table of Contents

Course Guide

HRM261 Course Guide

1. Welcome

Presenter: Brandon Koh Yuan Rui

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Welcome to HRM261 – Work Motivation, a 5-credit-unit (CU) course.

This StudyGuide will be your personal learning resource to take you through the
course learning journey. The guide is divided into two main sections—the Course
Guide and Study Units.

The Course Guide describes the structure of the entire course and provides you with
an overview of the Study Units. It serves as a roadmap of the different learning
components within the course. This Course Guide contains important information
regarding the course learning outcomes, learning materials and resources,
assessments and weightings, and additional course information.

HRM261 Course Guide

2. Course Description and Aims

This course equips you with a scientifically grounded understanding of human

motivation. You will learn how to conceptualize motivational problems through the
lens of well-validated psychological theories and how to apply them to generate
targeted solutions to motivate employees at work. You may also apply these theories
to yourself to accelerate your personal growth, productivity, and performance.

Course Structure

This course is a 5-credit-unit course.

There are six Study Units in this course. The following provides an overview of each
Study Unit.

Study Unit 1 – Foundational Perspectives of Work Motivation

In this foundational unit, you will learn essential components of motivation.

Additionally, you will learn different ways that motivational states and processes can
be measured in research settings and organizations. You will also learn about the goal-
setting theory, which summarizes about five decades of research about how to set
performance-enhancing goals and when similar practices may backfire.

Study Unit 2 - Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a powerful force that drives us from within, pushing us to

engage in activities purely for its own sake. Intrinsic motivation taps into your true
inner potential. In this unit, you will learn about the self-determination theory, which
can be applied across many situations to understand and generate intrinsic motivation.
You will also learn about the job characteristics model, which provides the theoretical
foundation for job design and enrichment. Together, these theories will help human
resource practitioners create intrinsically engaging workplaces.

HRM261 Course Guide

Study Unit 3 - Mindsets and Goal Orientations

For any given goal, people approach them with markedly different focus and
orientations. Some seek big gains, while others avoid risk and loss. Some see
challenges as learning opportunities, while others see them as means to validate their
abilities. You will learn how promotion-prevention and growth-fixed mindsets affect
individual performance and team and organizational culture.

Study Unit 4 - Psychological Well-being and Meaning at Work

What is happiness, and how does work make us happy? In this unit, you will learn
about well-being, ranging from learned helplessness on one end to finding meaning
at work on the other. You will learn various theories to help you navigate different
aspects of well-being and what leaders can do to help followers experience meaning
at work.

Study Unit 5 - Managing Motivation in a Diverse Environment

How different are baby boomers, Gen Xs, millennials, Gen Zs, and Gen Alphas? What
implications do these popularized categories have for workplaces that human
resource practitioners should be so alarmed about? This unit will unpack the research
on real and illusory mindset differences in a diverse workforce. Students may use this
knowledge to generate forward-thinking solutions for tomorrow’s workplace.

Study Unit 6 - Busyness, Workaholism, and Recovery

Busy, Busy, Busy. This chapter is a must-read for the busy person. You will learn about
the deleterious effects of workaholism and the dangers of managers leading with
workaholic beliefs in the workplace. Yet, stress reduction cannot be a universal
solution as some busyness and high work engagement are often desirable qualities in
the workplace. To meet high demands, people need effective ways to recover, which
you will analyze through the lens of the stressor-detachment model.

3. Learning Outcomes
HRM261 Course Guide

Knowledge & Understanding (Theory Component)

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Explain the key factors of human needs and psychological well-being that
motivate people to work.
• Describe types of individual mindsets and goal orientations and how they
influence or fit in with the organizational culture.
• Analyze the motivational impact of various organizational practices and their
downstream impact on organizational effectiveness.

Key Skills (Practical Component)

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Implement interventions in an individualized or situation-specific manner to

manage motivational issues.
• Demonstrate delivering feedback in a way that elicits desirable motivational
• Illustrate sensitivities towards diversity in age, culture, job class, and other
needs by considering employees’ well-being when dispensing managerial

HRM261 Course Guide

4. Learning Material

There is no required textbook for this course. Many chapters in the study guide are
authored like textbook chapters for your concise understanding of the relevant
contents. Additional assigned readings specific to each study unit will be made
available via the learning management system.

HRM261 Course Guide

5. Assessment Overview

The overall assessment weighting for this course is as follows:

Assessment Description Weight Allocation

Assessment 1 Group-based Assignment 40%

Assessment 2 Class Test 10%

Assessment 3 Class Participation 10%

Examinable End-of-course Assessment 40%


TOTAL 100%

The following section provides important information regarding Assessments.

Continuous Assessment:

There will be continuous assessment in the form of one Group-based Assignment

(GBA; 40%), one mid-semester MCQ class test (10%), and a class participation score
evaluated according to your instructor’s expectation of active in-class and outside-
class engagement. Together, the assessments constitute 60 percent of the overall
assessment for this course. All components are compulsory and are non-substitutable.


The 2-week End-of-Course Assessment will further test your ability to apply
motivational theories to analyze case studies, including to embark on your
independent investigation of an organizational case. This sharpens your skills to
conceptualize and formulate solutions important to human resource practitioners. All
topics covered in the course outline will be examinable.

HRM261 Course Guide

Passing Mark:

To successfully pass the course, you must obtain a minimum passing mark of 40 for
OCAS, that is, your average mark for the GBA, class test, and class participation must
be 40 percent or more. You must also obtain a minimum mark of 40 percent for the
ECA. For detailed information on the course grading policy, please refer to the Student
Handbook (Award of Grades section under Assessment and Examination
Regulations). The Student Handbook is available on the Student Portal.

Non-Graded Learning Activities:

Each study unit consists of activities for self-directed learning. These learning
activities are meant to help you assess your own understanding and achievement of
the learning outcomes. The activities can be in the form of Formative Assessments,
Quizzes, Review Questions, or Application-Based Questions. You are expected to
complete the suggested activities either independently or collaboratively.

HRM261 Course Guide

6. Course Schedule

To pace yourself and monitor your study progress, pay special attention to your
Course Schedule. It contains study-unit-related activities including Assignments, Self-
Assessments, and Examinations. Please refer to the Course Timetable on the Student
Portal for the most current Course Schedule.

Note: Always make it a point to check the Student Portal for announcements and

HRM261 Course Guide

7. Learning Mode

The learning approach for this course is structured along the following lines:

a. Self-study guided by the study guide units.

Independent study will require at least 3 hours per week.
b. Working on assignments, either individually or in groups.
c. Six classroom seminars.


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