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(?) what time do you/they wake up ?

does he/she go to bed?

where have lunch?
how go to work?
what do after arrive home?

(+) I/they/we wake up at 5.00

go to bed at 10 pm
(+) I/they/we don’t wake up at 5.00
have lunch in a cafe
go to bed at 10 pm
he/she wakes up at 5.00
have lunch in a cafe
goes to work by car/on foot
he/she doesn’t
has lunch in warteg
*Create a sentence using the prompts below

1) what time/ you/ take a bath ?

2) at 7 a.m
3) what/they/eat for dinner?
4) fried rice
5) how/ he/ go to school?
6) by bicycle
7) where/Sally/ have breakfast every morning?
8) she/ in her bedroom
9) what/you/do every evening?
10) do sports
11) what/she/do every afternoon?
12) take a nap
Habits & Daily Routines (Present Simple Tense)
* find out your partner’s daily routines

Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3

_________________ _________________ _________________

What time / wake up?

What/eat/ for breakfast?

What/do/every Sunday
Where/usually/eat lunch

What/always/do/after you
arrive home?
(now ask about):

Transportation to go to
Activity usually do with
family at the weekend
TV program always watch

Activity during free time

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