Ioe 5 Full

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A.So sánh hơn
1.So sánh hơn của tính từ / trạng từ ngắn.
Ex: She is taller than her mother.
He runs faster than his brother does.
2. So sánh hơn của tính từ / trạng từ dài
Ex: She is more beautiful than her sister.
My father drives more carefully than my brother.
B.So sánh nhất
1.So sánh nhất của tính từ / trạng từ ngắn.
Ex: Nam is the tallest student in our class.
He runs the fastest in the club.
2.So sánh nhất của tính từ / trạng từ dài.
Ex: Linda is the most intelligent girl in our class.
C.Trường hợp đặc biệt
1.Những tính từ/trạng từ có 2 âm tiết, tận cùng là “y, ow, er, et, le” ta dùng so sánh của
tính từ ngắn.
Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất
happy happier the happiest
narrow (hẹp) narrower the narrowest
clever (thông minh) cleverer the cleverest
quiet quieter the quietest
simple (đơn giản) simpler the simplest
2. Các tính từ/trạng từ đăc biệt
Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất
good / well better the best
bad/badly worse the worst
much/many more the most
little/a little less the least
far farther / further the farthest / the furthest
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1. I suggest + V-ing / that clause
Ex: I suggest collecting some money
2. I think we should + V ( bare inf )
Ex: I think we should go on a travel.
3. Let's + V ( bare inf )
Ex: Let's go swimming.
4. Shall we + V ( bare inf ) ………?
Ex: Shall we have some lunch?
5. Why don't we / you + V ( bare inf ) ………….?
Ex: Why don't we go now?
6. Why not + V ( bare inf ) ……………?
Ex: Why not stay for lunch ?
7. How about / What about + V-ing ?
Ex: How about going out to dinner tonight ?
8. Would you like to + V( bare inf )/ N?
Ex: Would you like to drink some coffee?
9. Do you like + V-ing/ N
Ex: Do you like drinking?
10.Do / Would you mind + V-ing?
Ex: Do you mind opening the window?
11.Do you mind if I + V hiện tại đơn?
Ex: Do you mind if I smoke?
12. Would you mind if I +V quá khứ đơn?
Ex: Would you mind if I opened the window?

III.ĐỘNG TỪ KHIẾM KHUYẾT – Modal verbs S+ MODAL VERBS +V (bare inf)

A. Động từ khiếm khuyết: NÊN
1.Should / shouldn’t= should not: nên / không nên
Ex: You should take a rest. You shouldn’t go out.
2.had better / had better not: nên / không nên
Ex: You had better stay at home. You had better not go to school.
*Note: You’d better = you had better
3.ought to V / ought not to V: nên / không nên
Ex: You ought to finish your homework before going out.
You ought not to smoke here.
*Note: oughtn’t= ought not

B. Động từ khiếm khuyết: CÓ THỂ

1.can: có thể - can’t = cannot: không thể
Ex: I can sing but I can’t dance.
2.could: có thể - couldn’t = could not: không thể (could là quá khứ của can)
Ex: She could cook meals when she was twelve.

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PRACTICE IOE 5 able to +V: có thể làm gì (be = am/is/are hoặc was / were)
Ex: I finished my work early so I was able to go to the music club with my friends.
4.may /might +V: có lẽ, có thể (dùng để xin phép, nói khả năng, …)
Ex: May I take this book?
She was studying so that she might read this book.

C.Động từ khiếm khuyết: PHẢI

1.must +V: phải làm gì
Ex: You must wear a school uniform on Mondays.
2. mustn’t +V: không được phép làm gì
Ex: You mustn’t park your car here.
3. have to +V: phải làm gì
Ex: He have to try his best to get good marks.
D. Động từ khiếm khuyết: SẼ
1. S + will +V
Ex: I will go on a picnic tomorrow.
2. I / we + shall + V
Ex: I shall do what I like.
3. S+would +V ( would là quá khứ của will)
Ex: He said he would send it for me.
IV.THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE – thì hiện tại đơn
*To be: S+am / is / are….
*Động từ thường: S +V / V-s / V-es….
2.USE – cách sử dụng
- Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả 1 hành động lặp đi lặp lại ở hiện tại.
Ex: I always brush my teeth in the morning.
- Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả thói quen.
Ex: My father usually reads a newspaper after dinner.
- Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả chân lý, sự thật luôn đúng.
Ex: The earth goes around the sun.
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại đơn
- Trạng từ chỉ tần suất:
+ always / usually / often/ sometimes / rarely / seldom / never
+ one a week / twice a month, three times a year…
-Trạng từ chỉ thời gian:
+ every day / every week / every month / every year / every Sunday…..
+ in the morning / afternoon / evening

1.some: ít, 1 ít, 1 vài
Ex: I have some books and pens.
Would you like some milk?
Can I have some sugar?
-some: dùng trong câu khẳng định, lời mời, đề nghị.
-some: đứng trước danh từ không đếm được và đếm được số nhiều.
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2.any:ít, bất kì
Ex: There isn’t any water in the bottle.
Do you have any oranges?
-any: dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
-any: đứng trước danh từ không đếm được và đếm được số nhiều.


1.Động từ TO BE
Ex: I am a student. – Tôi là học sinh.
- I am, too. – Tôi cũng vậy. – She is, too. – Chị ấy cũng vậy.
- So am I. – Tôi cũng vậy. – So is she. – Chị ấy cũng vậy.
2.Động từ thường hiện tại đơn.
Ex: I like apple juice. – Tôi thích nước ép táo.
- I do, too. – Tôi cũng vậy. – He does, too. – Anh ấy cũng vậy.
- So do I. – Tôi cũng vậy. – So does he. – Anh ấy cũng vậy.
1.Động từ TO BE
Ex: She isn’t a doctor. –Chị ấy không phải là bác sĩ.
- Neither am I. – Tôi cũng không. - Neither is he. – Anh ấy cũng không.
- I am not, either. – Tôi cũng không. - He is not, either. – Anh ấy cũng không.
2.Động từ thường hiện tại đơn.
Ex: I don’t like beef. –Tôi không thích thịt bò.
- Neither do I. – Tôi cũng không. - Neither does she. – Chị ấy cũng không.
- I do not, either. – Tôi cũng không. - She does not, either. –Chị ấy cũng
1.Little + danh từ không đếm được: rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)
Ex: I have little money, not enough to buy food.
2.A little + danh từ không đếm được: rất ít, đủ để
Ex: I have a little money, enough to buy food.
3.Few+ danh từ đếm được số nhiều: rất ít, không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định)
Ex: I have few books, not enough for reference reading.
4. A few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: rất ít, đủ để
Ex: I have a few records, enough for listening.
*Trong một số trường hợp, khi danh từ ở trên đã được nhắc đến thì ở phía dưới chỉ cần
dùng a little/ a few.
Ex: Are you ready in money? – Yes, a little.
(quá………………đến nỗi…)
It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.
(Trời quá tối đến nỗi tôi không thể nhìn thấy cái gì)
He feels so cold that he is wearing three coats.
(Anh ấy cảm thấy quá lạnh đến nỗi anh ấy đang mặc 3 cái áo khoác.)
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( quá…………………………………………...đến nỗi)
This is such a difficult exercise that we will never finish it.
(Đây là một bài tập quá khó đến nỗi chúng ta sẽ không bao giờ hoàn thành nó.)
It was such terrible weather that we decided to stay at home.
(Thời tiết quá kinh khủng đến nỗi chúng tôi quyết định ở nhà)

(quá…………………đối với ai không thể làm gì)
The river is too dirty for the children to swim.
(Con sông này quá bẩn đối với bọn trẻ con không thể bơi được)
(đã đề nghị ai làm gì / không làm gì)
My teacher asked us to go to school on time.
(Thầy giáo đã yêu cầu chúng tôi đi học đúng giờ)
The principal asked the students not to smoke.
(Thầy hiệu trưởng đã yêu cầu học sinh không hút thuốc.)
(đã khuyên ai làm gì / không nên làm gì)

Eg: The doctor advised me to do morning exercise regularly.

(Bác sĩ đã khuyên tôi tập thể dục buổi sáng thường xuyên.)
The doctor advised the children not to eat too many candies.
(Bác sĩ đã khuyên các em nhỏ không nên ăn quá nhiều kẹo.)

XI.Cách phát âm đuôi ED

1. Đuôi /ed/ được phát âm là /t/: Khi động từ có phát âm kết thúc là âm /s/, /f/, /p/, /ʃ -
sh/, /tʃ - ch/, /k/ và những động từ có từ phát âm cuối là “s”.
Ex: laughed stopped washed watched looked
2. Đuôi /ed/ được phát âm là /id/: Khi động từ có phát âm kết thúc là /t/ hay /d/.
Ex: wanted needed ended added hated
3. Đuôi /ed/ được phát âm là /d/ với những trường hợp còn lại.
Ex: smiled played cried

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XII.Cách phát âm S / ES
1.s và es được phát âm là /ɪz/: khi các từ kết thúc là các chữ: ce, s, x, z, ss, ch, sh, ge
 CE: races (sounds like “race-iz”)
 S: pauses, nurses, buses, rises
 X: fixes, boxes, hoaxes
 Z: amazes, freezes, prizes, quizzes
 SS: kisses, misses, passes, bosses
 CH: churches, sandwiches, witches, teaches
 SH: dishes, wishes, pushes, crashes
 GE: garages, changes, ages, judges
2.Phát âm là /s/: khi các từ kết thúc là các chữ: p, t, k, f, th
 P: cups, stops, sleeps
 T: hats, students, hits, writes
 K: cooks, books, drinks, walks
 F: cliffs, sniffs, beliefs, laughs, graphs, apostrophes (phụ âm “-gh” và “-ph” ở đây được
phát âm như F)
 TH: myths, tablecloths, months (âm vô thanh “th”)
3.Phát âm /z/ trong những trường hợp còn lại
 B: crabs, rubs
 D: cards, words, rides, ends
 G: rugs, bags, begs
 L: deals calls, falls, hills
 M: plums, dreams
 N: fans, drains, runs, pens
 NG: kings, belongs, sings
 R: wears, cures
 V: gloves, wives, shelves, drives
 Y: plays, boys, says
 THE: clothes, bathes, breathes
 Nguyên âm: sees, fleas


Cấu trúc cơ bản của câu hỏi đuôi:
Nếu câu trần thuật là thể khẳng định, thì câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là thể phủ định và ngược lại.
Khẳng định Phủ định
The test is difficult, isn’t it?
Phủ định Khẳng định
You don’t go to school, do you?

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1.Động từ TO BE (is/are / was / were)

Ex: He is a doctor, isn’t he?
They aren’t cooking, are you?
Mai wasn’t at home yesterday, was she?
2. Động từ thường.
Ex: You go to work at 7 o’clock, don’t you?
My father didn’t take part in the festival, did he?
3. Động từ khiếm khuyết (modal verbs)
Ex: He can speak English, can’t he?
Lan won’t go to Hue next week, will she?
4. Hiện tại hoàn thành
Ex: They have left, haven’t they?
He hasn’t met you before, has he?
5.Trường hợp đặc biệt
- Câu giới thiệu dùng “I am”, câu hỏi đuôi là “aren’t I”
Ex: I am a student, aren’t I?
- Câu giới thiệu dùng Let’s, câu hỏi đuôi là “Shall we”
Ex: Let’s go for a picnic, shall we?
- Chủ ngữ là những đại từ bất định “Everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody…”
câu hỏi đuôi là “they”
Ex: Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they?
Nobody phoned, did they?
- Trong câu có các trạng từ phủ định và bán phủ định như: never, seldom, hardly,
scarely, little… thì câu đó được xem như là câu phủ định – phần hỏi đuôi sẽ ở dạng
khẳng định
Ex: He seldom drinks wine, does he?
They never play football, do they?
- Sau câu mệnh lệnh cách (Do…/Don’t do v.v… ), câu hỏi đuôi thường là … will you?:
Ex: Open the door, will you?
Don’t be late, will you?


- Cấu trúc: Chủ ngữ + have / has +động từ phân từ 2 (cột 3).
Ex: I have gone to New York.
My mother has found a wallet full of money.
- Yet: cuối câu phủ định
Ex: I haven’t finished my homework yet. (Tôi vẫn chưa hoàn thành bài tập về nhà)
- Since + 1 mốc thời gian
Ex: I haven’t met my uncle since he moved to America.
He has been my friend since 2000.

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- For + 1 khoảng thời gian

Ex: I have learnt English for ten years.
He has read this book for three days.
- Would like + to V.
Ex: I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.
Would you like to go to the cinema?
- It takes /took (me/him/her/you /sb) + thời gian + to V.
(ai mất bao lâu để làm gì)
Ex: It takes me an hour to walk to school.
It took my father half an hour to drive home last night.
- Chủ ngữ + spend / spent + thời gian/tiền + (on) V-ing.
(ai dành thời gian/tiền vào làm gì)
Ex: My mother spends all of her free time on shopping.
I spent a lot of money buying clothes.
- Would you mind +V-ing? ( Bạn có phiền làm gì?)
Ex: Would you mind closing the door?
- Would you mind if I + Vquá khứ đơn. (Bạn có phiền nếu tôi….?)
Ex: Would you mind if I watched the weather forecast?
- Do you mind if I + V hiện tại đơn? (Bạn có phiền nếu tôi….?)
Ex: Do you mind if I watch the weather forecast?
1.Should / shouldn’t= should not: nên / không nên
Ex: You should take a rest. You shouldn’t go out.
2.had better / had better not: nên / không nên
Ex: You had better stay at home. You had better not go to school.
*Note: You’d better = you had better
3.ought to V / ought not to V: nên / không nên
Ex: You ought to finish your homework before going out.
You ought not to smoke here.
*Note: oughtn’t= ought not
1.Because: bởi vì, vì – nối giữa 2 mệnh đề
Ex: I like Snow White because she is very beautiful and kind.
Beause it snows heavily, we can’t go out for a picnic.
2. Because of + danh từ / cụm danh từ
Ex: Because of the snow, we can’t go out for a picnic.
The students didn’t go camping last weekend because of the bad weather.


Although / Though / Even though + mệnh đề
Ex: Although / Though / Even though he worked very hard, he didn’t pass the exam.
The holiday was great although the hotel wasn’t very nice.


Despite / in spite of + danh từ / cụm danh từ
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Ex: I want to go for a run despite this rain.

In spite of eating McDonalds regularly Mary remained slim.

VIII. HOWEVER: tuy nhiên

- Dùng để chỉ sự tương phản giữa 2 mệnh đề
- Sau However là dấu phẩy
Ex: Everyone played well. However, we still lost the game.


In order to / so as to +V. (để làm gì)
In order not to / so as not to +V (để không làm gì)
Ex: I study hard in order to pass the exam.
I worked hard in order not to fail the test.
I study English so as to speak to my English friend.


1.Which word has different stress?
A.’practice B. example C. repeat D. location
2.A.’dangerous B.’celebrate C. dictation D. ’usually
3.A.’favorite B. police C.’soda D.’thirsty
4.A. evening B.Japanese D. intersection
5.Which word is stressed on the second syllable?(âm thứ 2)
A.’photo B.’temple C.’village D.behind
6. The stress of “weekend” is on the ………………….syllable.
A. one B. first C. second D. two
7. A. delightful B. equation C.’stomachache D. material
8. Which word is stressed on the second syllable?
A.’badminton B. geography C.’fishing D.’pastime
9. Which word is stressed on the second syllable?
A.’bottle B. unload C.’apple D.’sausage
10. Which word has different stress pattern?
A.’medical B. advice C.’vegetables D.’physical
11.A.’comfort B.’nation C. apply C.’moment
12. A. ’orange B. museum C. ’traffic D.’ mountain
13. A.’season B. ’animal C. ’danger D. activity
14. Which word is stressed on the first syllable?(âm tiết thứ nhất)
A.’natural B. pollute C. recycle D. destroy
15. Which word has different stress pattern?
A. produce B. recycle C. destination D. idea
16. A. matter B. carrot C. arrive D.lettuce
17. A. allowance B. vacation C. appliance D.’history
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18.Choose the word that has different stress pattern from the other:
A. afternoon B.’dialogue C.’morning D.’pretty
19.A.’hundred B.’country C.’every D. repair
20.A.’traffic B.’difficult C.’quiet D. between
21. Which word is stressed on the second syllable?
A.’mountain B.’clinic C.’market D. ahead


1.First, it’s going to be a running race. That’s going to start soon. And it’s going to be really
2. I’m going to go on HOLIDAY next week.
3. He’s playing the GUITAR in his room.
4. Grace is going to a summer CAMP. She will sleep in a cabin, make lots of new friends
and learn campfire songs.
5. I play with my ……………after school.
A. father B. friends C. dog D. brother
6. I’ve got a COLLECTION of postcards.
7. Can you turn COMPUTER on?
8. Boris and Ivan are from…………….
A. England B. Germany C. Russia D. America
9. What’s the farmer’s name?
A. Poyles B. Boylis C. Boyles D. Poylis
10. Susan needs a penny for her shoes. It will bring her good LUCK.
11. What’s the matter with him?
A. He has a headache. B. He has a pain in his stomach.
C. He has a temperature. D. All are correct.
12. There are two PEOPLE in the car.
13. What’s WRONG with you? – I have a headache.
14. I get up at SEVEN o’clock every day.
15. Mai will be at the SEASIDE on Saturday.
16. This library will have all of the books in the world in every LANGUAGE.
17. Her favourite food is POTATO salad.
18. Samantha finds an Easter EGG. It’s behind the table.
19. MONKEYS can climb and jump.
20. “Animal Land” zoo is OPEN today.


1.And don’t forget – at 3.00 you can come and watch the PENGUINS.
2.Hippos need water to keep their skin HEALTHY.
3. When it rains, water FALLS from the sky.
4. The ………… the longest river in the world.
A. Nile B. Amazon C. Potamac D. Seine
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5. How many KITES has the boy got?

6.What did the boy do in the evening? - He TOOK a bath.
7. A GIRAFFE is taller than a horse.
8. Where was he last Saturday? - At the CIRCUS.
9. Swifts can SLEEP in the air.
10. Count from 10 DOWN to zero.
11. You must walk on the…………in the park.
A. flowers B. street C. park D. cabbage
12. How do you get to school? – I ride my BIKE.
13. With no trees, rainforest people and animals have no HOMES.
14. Can you turn the RADIO off, Sam?
15. Two children are SITTING on the fence.
16. What is he doing? – He’s LAUGHING.
17. The giant is happy because it is SPRING again.
18. What time does she make her bed?
A. At half past seven. B. At fifteen past eight.
C. At twenty past three. D. At fifteen tpo four.
19. If you don’t know the way, ask a POLICEMAN.
20.She can jump ………..
A. fine B. find C. high d. hi
21.Try to do it to the BEST of your abilities.
22. The Buji Dubai has APARTMENTS, shops, swimming pools, hotels, restaurants and a
23. I can’t REACH the cups. They’re really high.
24. You should cover your mouth when you……….
A. cough B. sneeze C. yawn D. All are correct
25. Families had to learn to make SALT and grow their own vegetables.
26.I go on HOLIDAY in summer.
27. I’m going to pack my SUITCASE tomorrow.
28. On Tuesday I usually take my books back to the LIBRARY.


1.The park was very dirty and there was litter on the GRASS .
2.You take photos with this camera .
3. Why did he stay up late last night?
A. He has to study for his Math test. B. He had to study for his Art test.
C. He had to study for his Computer test. D. He had to study for his Science test.
4.A: What animals first flew on Earth? – B: insects. (côn trùng)
5.There are many different things at the university such as a theater, a bookstore and a
physical EDUCATION building.
6. The library is ………………..the shopping mall.
A. outside B. under C. beside D. inside
7. She can jump ………… A. fine B. find C. high D. hi

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8. An elephant is slower than a lion.

9. Flamingoes live near water. (chim hồng hạc)
10. There’s a concert at the theatre on Sunday.
11. Which sentence is NOT correct?
A. Trevor likes to play in the sand near the beach. B. Trevor doesn’t like surfing.
C. The air is very fresh. D. The water is beautiful.
12. The longest river on Earth is the River Nile in Africa.
13. What does the Australian king parrot look like?
A. It has a red head with yellow circles around each eye, green wings and a blue tail.
B. It has a red head with a yellow circle around each eye, green wings and a blue tail.
C. It has red hair with a yellow circle around each eye, a green wing and a blue tail.
D. It has a red head with a yellow circle around each eye, green wings and a blue tail.
14.Why is that a great day to the boy? – Because……………
A. It’s a hot day. B. It’s his birthday. C. It’s a cold day. D. It’s a bird’s day.
15. You mustn’t walk on the …………….in the park.
A. flowers B. street C. park D. cabbage
16. I go to the supermarket and the shopping mall.
17. You should cover your mouth when you………..
A. cough B. sneeze C. yawn D. All are correct
18.I don’t have enough money to buy such a thing.
19. She never goes ………….with her mum.
A. shopping B. fishing C. eating D. joggings
20. About one billion people don’t have clean water in their homes.
21. How do you make a box? 22. We can windsurf at the beach.
23. Count from 10 down to zero.
24. Where can you eat insects?
A. North America, Latin America and Asia. B. Latin America, Asia and Australia.
C. North America, Latin America and Australia. D. Asia, North America and Australia.
25. Be sure put out the fire before you leave. 26. I always visit my family at weekend.
27. They found the princess in the green room.
28.Which sentence is correct?
A. Jumping spiders can’t make silk. B. Many spiders catch insects by their webs.
C. Jumping spiders jump from their webs to catch insects.
D. A jump of a jumping sider is about 18 times longer than its body length.
29. In Scotland, the first footer on New Year’s Day is believed to decide the family’s luck
for the rest of the year.
30. You use paints to change the colour of walls or doors.
31. We’re on the way home.
32. Dolphins use the sound to call their friends and family.
33. You must …………… your mobile phone in theatre.

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A. turn on B. turn off C. take photo D. play music

34. What did the boy do in the evening? – He took a bath.
35. When did Ellen open her Christmas gifts?
A. On December 18th B. On Christmas Day
C. On January 1 . D. The December 31st.
36. Some animals live in fresh water like rivers and lakes.
37. What time does she make her bed?
A. At half past seven. B. At fifteen past eight.
C. At twenty past three. D. At fifteen to four.
38. How long did it take Ellen MacAuthur to sail around the world?
A. About 120 days. B. Over 70 days. C. More than 90 days. D. 90 days.
39. What is the girl eating?
A. French fries. B. French chicken C. Fruits D. French noodles
40. What should we do to keep safe when swimming in the sea?
A. You should swim outside the area from the red flag to the yellow one.
B. We should swim near the red flag.
C. We should swim near the beach. D. We shouldn’t do all above.
41. What is her favourite season?
A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter
42.Listening to very loud music with earphones can hurt your eras.
43. I love football and I’ve got a collection of football ……….
A. stickers B. cards C. tickets D. shirts
44. What’s her name?
A. Betty Parat B. Barett Betty C. Betty Barratt D. Parrett Betty
45. What is the best way to learn a foreign language? – To talk to other people.
46. What is he doing? – He’s laughing.
47. I really should drink more water before I go for a long run.
48. I go on holiday in summer. 49. A big net fell over the lion.
50. If you don’t know the way, ask a policeman.
51. What does Quan think about Aladdin? – He thinks Aladdin is generous.

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1.going to / Are you / some flowers ? / and cutting / the garden
2.she doesn’t want / new film but / She wants / to go alone. / to see the
3. They don’t _ _ _ _ up late at night. They have to go to bed early.
4. “Mom” is another word for “ _ _ _ _ _ _ “.
5. …………… -They’re playing football in the yard.
A. Who are they playing with? B. What do they do?
C. Why are they playing football? D. What are they doing?
6. What time ………………your lessons start?
A. does B. do C. are D. is
7. 6.30 / He takes / every mornning. / here at / a bus
8. bit far / supermarket. / It is a / from my house / to the
9. Hoa is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a letter to her pen friend in England.
10. Please raise your hands _ _ to answer the teacher’s questions.
11. Tim and Mike ………………tall.
A. are B. has C. are D. is
12. A.brush B. music C. truck D. bus
13. in front of / the police / any lorries / Are there / station?
14. Please raise / your hand / to answer / question. / my second
15. We visit the _ _ _tist to check your teeth.
16. We like our _ _ _ _ _ very much. It is very long and sandy. (nghe)
17. Our uncle is an engineer. “ Our uncle” means “…………………..”
A. he B. him C. his D. they
18. How many syllables are there in the word “location”?
A. three B. four C. five D. two
19. hungry, / Kim isn’t / thirsty. / but she / is
20. the window / Could / open / you / for me?
21. Who is Mrs Nanny? - _ _ _ is my new teacher.
22. Is her ruler red _ _ white?
23. There are ten ………….in my class.
A. boy B. the boy C. boys D. the boys
24. “I’m making a web” says the spider…………the fly.
A. at B/ to C. by D. in
25. I don’t know / are playing / room now. / in their /what they
26. us outside / Please / gate. / wait for / the school
Page 14

27. This is _ _ ink-pot.
28. Peter is Polly’s b_ _ _ _ _ _ .
29. ………………. – We go to school early in the morning.
A. When do you go to school? B. Which school do you go to?
C. How do you go to school? D. How far is your school?
30. ……………is Thu’s school? - It’s in the city.
A. What B. Where C. Who D. How
31. a long / the kitchen. / table in / wooden / There is
32. weather / in winter? / like /What’s / the
33. There’s an intersection a_ _ _ _ . Please slow down.
34. A_ _ _ _ three houses, which one is yours?
35. Every morning, Nancy ………………up at six.
A. gets B. brushes C. washes D. walks
36. A. kisses B. watches C. boxes D. cities
37. he is good / He can do / at Maths. / well because / Maths exercises
38. like a / breakfast? / Would you / cup of / tea for
39. We don’t d_ _ _ _ to work every day.
40. I’m _ _ _ second child in my family.
41. “I go to school on foot” means “…………”
A. I go to school alone. B. I go to school with foot.
C. I go to school by foot. D. I walk to school.
42. There’s a well ……………Minh’s house.
A. next B. to the left C. in fornt D. behind
43. every Sunday. / house / I ride a / bike to my / grandmother’s
44. milk for / like some / I would / breakfast. / bread and
45. Will you go to the ba_ _ _ _ and buy me some cakes?
46. I s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ go to the shooping mall with my mother.
47. Look at ……………..boy over there.
A. these B. those C. this D. the
48. about / What / coffee now? / having a / cup of
49. me tonight? / there will / to go / Would you / like
50. She often _ _ _ a bath in the evning.
51. She has one hun_ _ _ _ pencils in her school bag.
52. How are your new friends? - ………….
A. They’re 12 years old. B. They’re very nice.
C. They’re in class. D. They’re skipping rope.
53. walk there / near a market, / My house is / so I often / and buy things.
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54. Susan’s / having a / moment. / father is / bath at the

55. “ _ _ _” is another word for “father”.
56. We say “ _ _ _ _ _” and we wrire 60.
57. Which verb changes to –ies in plural form?
A. baby B. day C. empty D. crazy
58. Rick do in / What does / gets up? / the bathroom / after he
59. lemon juice, / please. / of iced / a glass / I would like
60. My house is very small. It’s _ _ a big city.
61. Who is waiting _ _ _ him? – His father.
62. Mai gets a letter ……………. her sister every week.
A. from B. at C. by D. to
63. A. close B. city C. class D. clock
64. 6.45 p.m. / family at / has dinner / with her / Janet often
65. a car. / hasn’t / and aunt / got / My uncle
66. Children must _ _ careful when they play near the lake.
67. I walk home and have lunch at t_ _ _ve o’clock.
68. Do you like skipping ………….?
A. race B. baseball C. rope D. tennis
69. in a factory / get a work / Mike is / going to / in Brazil.
70. into that / me not / one way. / He warns / to go
71. “ _ _ _ _” has the opposite meaning to “strong”.
72. Mary is _ _ _ only child of her parents.
73. Is their school big _ _ small?
74. Which sentence is correct?
A. Are these books your? B. Are these books yours?
C. Are these books you’re? D. Are these books of you?
75. takes me to / My dad / uncle every week. / The countryside / to visit my
76. is quite / old but / it is / very nice. / The dress
77.A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a place we go to study things.
78. Who is making that horri_ _ _ noise? - It’s Daisy. She’s practicing the piano.
79. It’s…………………….question.
A. easy B. the easy C. easily D. an easy
80. There aren’t ………………tall trees in the garden.
A. some B. any C. a D. an brother / are from / in Australia. / letters / These
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82. evening / after dinner. / her teeth / every / She brushes

83. We have ten fin_ _ _ _ and toes.
84. Do you like walking ar_ _ _ _ the lake in the evening?
85. …………many students in your class?
A. Have there B. Are there C. Is it D. Are they
86.A. pan B. catch C. car D. add
87. words in / try to learn / You should / 12 new / two days.
88. not busy. / kite / when I’m / fly my / I often
89. The teacher tells us to use a pencil to _ _ _ _ _ our names on the paper.
90. How _ _ _ _ money do you have?
91. Which word contains the sound / e / ? B. ruler C. student D. desk
92. Every day, I …………………..sports after school.
A. play B. plays C. am playing D. playing
93. about / past eight. / home at / He comes / half
94. Is your father / have tea / newspaper? / and read a / going to
95. Remember to wa_ _ your hands before meals.
96. My bag is so heavy. Can you help _ _ ?
97. We say “9.45” and we write ………………
A. ten fifteen B. a quarter to ten C. a quarter to nine D. a quarter past nine
98. is full of / flowers. / pink / beautiful / The garden
99. you. / and that one/ This banana / is for Jamie / is for
100. We use _ _ _ _ _ _ to write things on the blackborad.
101. Tom and I are listening to music. “Tom and I” means…………
A. They B. We C. Us D. Our
102. bus? / your sons / wait for /the school / Where do
103. five / twelve. /plus / makes / Seven
104. Where are your parents? - _ _ _ _ are watching TV in the living room.
105. She would like o_ _ _ _ _ juice.
106. ……………. – They are Mischa and Nicole.
A. Who are they? B. Who they are? C. Who do they? D. Who they do?
107. She stays ……………..bed and watches television all day.
A. at B. to C. of D. in
108. at school? / When you’re / you often / talk with / Who do
Page 17

109. anything / tomorrow/ doing / Are you / evening?

110. Listen carefully and _ _peat after me.
111. …………Mark and Thomas have on Friday.
A. What do B. What does C. What are D. Which are
112. When you meet your friend at 8pm, you say ……..
A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening! D. Goodbye!
114. going to watch / they are / TV in the / At 7 o’clock, / living room.
115. What time is it? – It is eight o’_ _ _ _ _ .
116. We can’t meet you now because we are ha_ _ _ _ a meeting.
117. Which verb adds –es in the third person?
A. teach B. eat C.listen D. walk
118. please go / some flowers? / to the store / and buy me / Could you
119. go out / We can’t / because / heavily. / it is snowing
120. Would you like a g_ _ _ _ of beer? – No, thanks.
121. We say “ _ _ _ hundred” and we write “100”.
122. Which word contains the sound /e/?
A. name B. eraser C. head D. mate
123. and goes / downstairs / He gets dressed / to have / breakfast.
124. husband? / Is / the man / over there / your sister’s
125. It’s five o’_ _ _ _ _ in the morning.
126. The Japanese eat a lot of _ _ _ _ .
127. Is your apartment……..? – No, it isn’t. It’s noisy.
A. old B. small C. big D.q uiet
128. I get dressed / and go / breakfast, / After / to school.
129. big nose? / and a / long face / have a / Does she
130. Today is Lucy’s ten_ _ birthday.
131. We’ll have a _ _ _nic this weekend. Would you like to join us?
132. Which sentence is correct?
A. Do you have any pencil? B. Do you have any pencils?
C. Do you have got any pencil? D. Have you get any pencils?
133. Does he like chicken?
A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he like. D. Yes, he likes.
134. My brother / hair, round / face and / has short / thin lips.
135. lot of money / on their holiday? / going to / spend a / Are they
136. _ _ _ _ do you get up? – I get up at six.
137. He brings his camera to _ _ _ _ some photos.
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138. Are there / drink / fridge? / in the / any cold

139. of / does / What kind / pencil / she want?
140. Mu aunt goes to the _ _ _ _store to get some medicine.
141. This homework is very diffi_ _ _ _ for Anna.
142. Look…….! They are drawing something on the wall.
A. to B. at C. by D. o
143. Susan ………………….long hair.
A. not have B. isn’t have C. does not has D. doesn’t have
144. the afternoon? / What time / classes / start in / do Luna’s
145. Education / at school? / Do you / Physical / have
146. What _ _ _ _ _ visiting my grandparents this Sunday? – That’s a good idea!
147. We _ _ _ _ bikes and drive cars.
148. ………….? – She has 5 pens?
A. Are those her pens? B. Are her pens expensive?
C. How many pens does she have? D. Whose are those pens?
149. A. beautiful B.large C. cheap D. garden
150. He never /goes/ in bad / weather. / jogging
151. Don’t read /finish all / the keys / your exercises. / before you
152. We stand up to greet our teacher, the sit _ _ _ _ .
153. He ……………….breakfast at 6.30.
A. gets B. has C. get D. have
154. When……………they…………………..homework?
A. are / finish B. are / finshing C. do / finishes D. do / finish
155. very short. / table is / legs / of the / The
156. left in / coffee / the cup. / There is / no
157. What time will you ar_ _ _ _ at Ha Noi? – 7 pm.
158. He is travelling _ _ Ha Noi by plane.
159. Where are my books?
A. Here you are. B. Here books are. C. Here it is. D. Here are they.
160. have meals / carefully. / our hands / We will / after washing
161.a box. / You must / put all / dangerous / objects in
162. Goodbye!- Bye. _ _ _ you later.
163. You can’t go straight on. Here, you _ _ _t stop.
164. A. see B. greeting C. engineer D. bee
165. Which word contains the sound /i:/?
A. beautiful B. children C. between D. hospital
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166. Thank you _ _ _ your letter. I’m glad to hear you are well.
167. The po_ _ _ _man tells us to turn left.
168. A. what B. where C. which D. who
169. The sign says “Stop”. We……………….go straight ahead.
A. must B. can C. must not D. are not
170. His lips _ _ _ full.
171. Nam is doing _ _ English crossword.
172. She goes home……………………school.
A. while B. after C. in D. when
173. “There are 32 students in my class” means………………….
A. My class gets 32 students. B. My class have 32 students.
C. My class has 32 students. D. 32 students are in the classroom.
174. Are they f_ _ _ Japan? – Yes, they’re.
175. This is my mother and that is my _ _ _ther.
176. Here are your sandwich and cake. ……..?
A. How does it cost? B. How are they?
C. How much are they? D. How many are they?
177. …………..? – It’s 9 am.
A. What the time is? B. What time is it?
C. What o’clock is it? D. What hour is it?
178. My mother is going to _ _ _ a cake for me.
179.He has breakfast _ _ seven fifteen.
180. I like ……………….and football is my favourite.
A. sporty B. studying C. reading D. sports
181. Are those his pencils?
A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, they’re. C. Yes. They are. D. Yes, it is.
182. All students / uniforms today. / school / beautiful / are in
183. I am a poli_ _ _ _ _ . I love my job.
184. Are they playing soc_ _ _? – Yes, they’re.
185. When do you have ……………..? – We have it on Monday and Wednesday.
A. England B. History events C. Musical D. Maths
186. Odd one out: A. breakfast B. biscuit C. dinner D. lunch
187. buy her / beautiful flowers. / some / I’m going
188. We / do / should / this evening? / What /
189. Does your mother go to work by bus? “Your mother” means:
A. her B. hers C. she D. she’s
190. A. teeth B. mathematics C. thin D. through
191. Goodbye! – Bye! …………………later!
A. To see B. Seeing C. See D. Sees
192. live with / my family / in the / I / country.
193.the boxes / they / Where are / to? / taking
Page 20

194. When do you have Hi_ _ _ _? – On Tuesday.

195. I like seeing our family’s green rice pad_ _ _ _ .
196. Which sentence is correct?
A. Drugstore is between the hospital and restaurant.
B. The drugstore between the hospital and the restaurant.
C. Drugstore is between hospital with restaurant.
D.There is a drugstore between the hospital and the restaurant.
197.Which word has the sound /i/?
A. bus B. busy C. but D. bun and / Are there / art / at school? / clubs
199. a lot. / make / The news / my friend / cry
200. There are five people in my _ _ _ _ly.

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1.on the river / town of / Hoi An lies / Thu Bon. / The ancient
2.very happy / looks / new dress. / in her / She
3. W_NDOW 4. BE_IN
5.Where are the children?
A. He’s in the room. B. She’s in the room.
C. They are in the room. D. We are in the room.
6.Does he………….in Hue?
A. live B. lives C. living D. lived
7. does / Janet / school / What /go to?
8. do / up?/ get / you / What time

9.MO_EY 10. This _ _ _ _ is from Asia.

11. Vietnam has ……………..of beautiful mountains.
A. a lots B. an lots C. lot D. a lot
12. Tan likes ………………weather because he can go swimming.
A. hot B. cold C. windy D. foggy
13. up / My husband / stays / at night. / late
14. his friend / exam / results. / He congratulated / on good
15. There are many flowers in _ _ _ spring.
16. What meat would you like _ _ _ dinner, Jane?
17. Don’t ……………..up late at night.
A. get B. stand C. sit D. stay
18. Who can………………at least the names of ten capital cities in the world?
A. observe B. remember C. explore D. celebrate
19. born? / Where / you / were
20. you celebrated / birthday. / I don’t / know how / your
21. She can’t go to school today because she got a _ _ _ _ ache.
22. Where does he work? – He …………….for a Hanoi Newspaper.
23. Odd one out: A. bus B. train C. foot D. bike
24. A. desk B. engineer C. evening D. dress
25.What’s / the matter / your / cat? / with
26. This is the way we _ _ to school.

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27. Mr Lam and Mrs Hoa are doctors. They work in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
28. My aunt often …………….on Sunday.
A. stays house B. stays at home
C. stays on home D. stays at house
29. My uncle is a ……………….He travels a lot and meets so many people.
A. astronaut B. engineer C. businessman D. teacher
30. dress / do / you / What / like?
31. son. / Mr / Brad’s / Tommy / is
32. I need some stamps. Where is the _ _ _ _ office?
33. Daisy is the prettier of the _ _ _ girls.
34. Listen: A. At 6 a.m B. At 6.30 a.m C. At 6 p.m D. At 7.00 a.m
35. `The weather will be …………..tomorrow?
A. rainy B. windy C. sunny D. cloudy
36. he going / in the / What is / garden? / to plant
37. Thank you / for / the lovely / earings. / very much
38. Is there a vegetable garden in _ _ _ _ _ of the yard?
39. Our ……………..resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally
40. To be healthy, you should do …………….
A. exercises B. morning exercise C. homework D. housework
41. School. / Sam / goes / Woodside / to
42. a big / There is / near his / high school. / hotel

43. I often play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with my friends after school.

44. CHE _ SE
45. There are two………………in our living room.
A. chair B. bench C. benchs D. benches
46. …………….you understand all of the new words? – Yes, I do.
A. Will B. Are C. Do D. Does
47. fresh air. / go / Let’s / outside / for
48. bike? / is / colour / What / your
49.It’s time _ _ _ lunch, Peter.
50. His doctor advised him to _ _ _ _ up smoking.

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51. Come in and have a ………….

A. chair B. table C. seat D. sit
52. Odd one out: A. kind B. clever C. story D. brave
53. time. / having / They are / a good / all
54. my classroom. / is / of / The garden / in front
55. My classroom is next _ _ the music room.
56. The boys like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ games but hate doing lessons.
57. A. sometimes B. come C. love D. home
58. Minh ……………….his breakfast now.
A. is having B. is have C. having D. has
59. my birthday? / Can you / a big / cake for / give me.
60. to school. / always / wears / Her daughter / red shoes
61. GR_EN 62. GR_AT
63. Listen: When will he come back? - ………..o’clock.
A. Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Nine
64. You can buy some books or some pens at the ………………
A. bookshop B. cinema C. post office D. zoo
65. She / every day. / usually brushes / her teeth / at 6.30
66. goes / school. / after / She / home
67. OR_ER 68. “ _ _ _ _ _ A WEEK” aslo means “ two times a week.”
69. How …………… it from your house to school? – It’s about 2 kilometers.
A. old B. much C. far D. often
70.What’s ………….nationality? – He is Japanese.
A. his B. her C. him D. hers
71. talk / the race / Don’t / until / finishes.
72. will be / a good / She / in the future. / doctor
73. We have to _ _ _ _ _ our teeth before bedtime.
74. Her birthday is on the twenty _ _ _ _d of August.
75. This is something ……………….my birthday.
A. to B. for C. at D. with
76. Would you like a glass of lemon juice? - ……….
A. I’m not B. No, I don’t like C. No, thanks D. No, it’s too hot.
77. Can / ride / bicycle? / a / you
78. too / Jenny. / ride / fast, / Don’t
80. Many people are waiting _ _ _ the bus in the rain.
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81. Uncle Ho was born …………….Kim Lien village.

A. in B. at C. from D. on
82. Yesterday _ _ _ hot and sunny. I was so tired then.
83. is / subject. / favourite / my / Music
84. apples / need? / do you / How / many
85. My mother is tall _ _ _ pretty.
86. He has got _ _ _ _ to drink. (listen)
87. She is thirsty. It also means she wants………..
A. a drink B.some meat C. some potatoes D. some bread
88. Listen and tick:
A. After school, Jane plays badminton with her brother.
B. After school, Jane plays volleyball with her father.
C. After school, Jane plays in the garden with her brother.
D. After school, Jane plays badminton with her father.
89. There / in / four seasons / are / our country.
90. breakfast? / do you / do / after / What
91. HOT_L
92. How _ _ _ is it from here to the park?
93. A. house B. minute C. hand D. second
94. A. come B. open C. close D. old
95. lessons / for me. / interesting / are / Science
96. My brother / doesn’t like / on TV. / films / watching
97. My brother often plays _ _ _ _ _ in his free time.
98. _ _ _ you tomorrow, Henry.
99. Please tell me ……………..about your study.
A. many B. more C. few D. much
100. Listen and tick:
A. We’ll cruise around the highland. B. We’ll crush around the islands.
C. We’ll cruise around the irelands. D. We’ll cruise around the Ireland.
101. pets / in / this shop. / many / There are
102. open / with / the door / this key? / Can you

103. We often need a _ _ _ to write.

104. Why does your mother go to the food stall?

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- Because She wants to buy some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

105. I am ………………a picture now.
A. playing B. singing C. drawing D. writing
106. I sometimes go…………… the winter.
A. ski B. skiing C. to ski D. to skiing
107. We are / things. / interesting / doing / many
108. all / They / nice. / very / are
109. He’s from L_ _ _ _ n. He’s English.
110.We don’t like the party _ _ _ _ much. It’s boring.
111. Aunt Alice was born on the ………….of February, so she celebrates her birthday every
four years.
A. the twenty nine B. the twentieth nine
C. the twenty ninth D. the twentieth ninth
112. What is his telephone………………? – 2316544.
A. name B. number C. call D. 0
113. Can you / help me / these dirty / to wash / dishes?
114. this morning. / We / have got / English and / Science
115. _ _ _ is Hoa unhappy? – Because she misses her family very much.
116. Let’s go to see a d _ _ tist.
117. Zebras are the…………………., they are amazing1
A. fast B. faster C. fastest D.most fast
118. I often ………………the Internet in the free time.
A. surf B. break C. look D. go
119. Quang / chess / with me. / wants / to play
120. My classmates / always / have / a picnic twice / a year.
121. What’s her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? - She’s Japanese.
122. “ _ _ _” is another word for “father”.
123. Odd one out: A. bird B. frog C. dog
124. ………………does Lan have literature? – On Tuesday and Saturday.
A. What B.When C. Where D. How many
125. animals / like? / does / Nam / What
126. don’t / We / much / time. / have

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127. I have some _ _ _ _ _ and milk for breakfast.

128. Do you want to play _ _ _ _ _ _ with us? – No, thanks. I’m busy.
129. This is Jean Paul. ………teacher in England.
A. He’s a B. He’s C. He’s the D. He is
130. A. bus B. but C. put D. cut
131. There are / a lot of / parks and / public gardens / in London.
132. usually / school / by bus. / They / go to
133. I often wake _ _ at 6 am every morning.
134. Who are you talking to _ _ the phone now?
135. Which bus should I ………… get to the post office, Bus 19 or Bus 29?
A. get off B. get out C. get in D. get on
136. Yesterday they …………….to Ha Long Bay.
A. went B. go C. are going D. to go
137. flowers in / their garden. / grow / beautiful / They
138. to eat? / you / like / What / would
139. FI _ ST 140. M_ UTH
141. What language does he speak? – He speaks…………………(nghe)
A. French B. English C. Chinese D. Russian
142. I’m thirsty. I’d …………….some orange juice, please.
A. want B. drink C. like D. need
143. of souvenirs / they buy / a lot / and seafood?/ Did
144. the / bookshelf. / reach / I / can’t

145. I usually listen to _ _ _ _ _ in the evening.

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146. Jane _ _ _ _ _ her bike home at 6.

147. She likes going …………………in the fall.
A. fish B. fishing C. fishes D. to fish
148. My little sister never …………..She always goes to bed early.
A. stays up late B. stay up late C. stay late up D. up late stay
149. likes / big city. / He / life /in a
150. What do you do _ _ your free time?
151. Sometimes I go out _ _ _ _ my friends.
152. This is my new shirt. – Oh,…………….color is pretty.
A. it B. its C. their D. they
153. …………….were you born? – I was born in Ha Noi.
A. When B. How C. Who D. Where
154. is / drink / favourite / orange juice. / My
155. is / No / in / ink / the pot.
156. NE_K 157. COL_UR
158. Listen and tick:
A. After school, Jane plays badminton with her brother.
B. After school, Jane plays volleyball with her father.
C. After school, Jane plays in the garden with her brother.
D. After school, Jane plays badminton with her father.
159. A. face B. small C. late D. grade
160. need? / How / do you / ham / much
161. usually / hot / It is / in / summer.
162. There are _ _ _ _ _ days in a week.
163. CHE _ K.
164. What’s the matter with the girl? (nghe)
A. She’s got an headache and a sore throat. B. She’s got an earache and a sore throat
C. She’s got a sore throat and a backache. D. She’s got a cold and an earache.
165. Where is your new friend? – He’s sitting……………of the TV set.
A. on B. next C. in front D. beside
166.sometimes goes to / My cousin / me a book. / the bookshop with / me and gives
167. this / beautiful / box? / in / What is

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168. I like the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the zoo because they are very smart.
169. Hanh is usually early for school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she gets up early.
170. We are going to visit Ha Long ……………….two days.
A. on B. for C. with D. at
171. magazines. / books and / a lot of / The City Library / has
172. we became / friends. / It’s a long / time since / close
173. All the students are listening _ _ the teacher.
174. _ MBRELLA
175. Are your pens in your bag?
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, it isn’t. D. Yes, it is.
176. …………….do you learn to listen to English? – I practice listening ti it every day.
A. How B. What C. Who D. When
177.four / people? / have / Does /Viet’s family
................................................................................................................................................... her. / people / hates / She / staring
179.My sister likes reading books _ _ night.
180.Let me…………….to the market to buy some food.
A. to go B. go C.going going
181. What does Kim’s mother…………? – She’s a nurse.
A. do B. has C. is D. ’s
182. a text / on / She is / zoo animals. / reading
183. Mr Phong is telling a story _ _ _ _ _ Santa Claus.
184. f _ _ _ _ _ n (nghe)
185. Hung and his brother ………… home yesterday.
A. didn’t are B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. not were
186. What……….Hoa……… do this weekend?
A. is / go B. does / go C. is / going D. do / goes
187. It is hot _ _ summer. 188. B _ OUSE
189. A. thank B. family C. bag D. able
190. She…………cooks dinner.
A. sometimes B. everyday C. at night D. in the evening
191. Which sentence is correct?
A. What time you go to school? B. What time you do go to school?
C. What time are you go to school? D. What time do you go to school?
192. Mary and Kate ………………..coming to class today.
A. isn’t B. don’t C. aren’t D. doesn’t
193. One of the students in my class…………….from Thailand.
A. come B. comes C. is coming D. come
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194. Listen and tick:

A. He’s going to spell a word. B. He’s going to give us a poke.
C. He’s going to have a shock. D. He’s going to tell a joke.
195. ……………..are these? – They’re my sisters.
A. Who B. What C. How D. Where
196. He fails the exam ……………..he is lazy.
A. because B. if C. while D. until
197. Odd one out: A. strawberry B. lettuce C. cabbage D. spinach
198. gives me / a pencil. / a piece of / She / paper and
199.are you / What / to do / tomorrow? / going
200. hear / you / the words / in the notebook. / Please write
1.Next Thursday my sister / is Vietnam Independence Day. / to school as usual / because that
day / won’t go
2. always / homework / gives us / Our teacher / after lesson.

3. Don’t walk on the _ _ _ _ _ in my garden.

4. M_ UTH
5. Some of my classmates ……………..from Europe.
A. comes B. come C. coming D. came
6. Whose……………are those? – They’re Andy’s.
A. paints B. pencil C. short D. boot
7. the answers / these / Write / questions. / to
8. he want/ to become / a famous singer? / doesn’t / Why
9. For many city people, forest are places to go _ _ vacation.

10. What’s she doing? – She is _ _ _ _ _ _ a horse.

11. How………….. I learn English well? – Just practice it every day.
A. does B. should C. can D. have
12. Listen and tick: A. ink B. pink C. fingers D. sing
13. Their house / to / a river. / next / is

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14. to Hanoi. / flights / there are / Every week / two
15. There is some fruit juice but there isn’t _ _ _ milk.
16. FA _ SE
17. The alarm clock is……………..the table.
A. on B. in C. under D. off
18. Where are you going on your next holiday? – I’m going on …………with my family.
A. business B. an excursion C. a working visit D. a bus
19. at weekends. / My mom / often / her sister / phones
20. late for / always / school. / is / Jenny
21. The doctor advised me to _ _ _ _ _ a glass of milk every day.
22. Do you often write _ _ your friend in England?
23. ……………use mobile phone and make noise in the class!
A. No B. Not C. Don’t D. Doesn’t
24. What a nice belt, Jack! – Thanks, my mom bought ………………for me.
A. it B. them C. those D. they
25. with / the matter / is / you? / What
26. me where / post office / the nearest / Can you tell / is?
27. Please come _ _ my birthday party. We are waiting to see you there.

28. My little daughter eats _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all the time.

29. A. thick B. long C. forest D. thin
30. A. balcony B. village C. astronaut D. sandcastle
31. on / is / The flower / the window. / vase
32. played / for / an hour. / together / The children
33. Is that your teach_ _ ?
34. Could you show me the way to the railway _ _ _ _ _ _ _, please?
35. There is a lake …….front……….my school.
A. on / of B. in / of C. at / of D. in / on
36. A. wanted B. played C. learned D. climbed
37. children / How many / on / that bus? /go to school
38. Mom _ _ _ _ n’t like doing aerobics.
39. What is the _ _ _ _ today?
40. Whose socks are ………..? – I don’t know.
Page 31

A. those B. there C. this D. that

41. Mr Nam gets up at 7.00 and eats………….
A. a big breakfast B. the big reakfast
C. big breakfast D. a breakfast big
42. that / blouse ? / What / is / colour
43. parents? / live with / Does / her / she
44. LIB _ ARY
45. She had no difficulty in learning the poem by _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
46. Why do you like learning English? – Because it’s very ……….for my life.
A. useful B. useless C. difficult D. boring
47. Whose book are you reading? – It’s………..
A. English book B. interesting C. Mary’s D. about Mary
48. Mr James / to drink / some beer? / like / Would
49. through / running / the trees. / The rabbit / is
50. I don’t have _ _ _ money.
51. How many people _ _ _ _ your family have?
52. They often travel …………….car every summer.
A. in B. with C. on D. by
53. Where…………… live?
A. is B. are C. do D. does
54. room. / in the living / clock / a grandfather / There is
55. lunch? / What time / have / they / do
56. How often does he go there? – He goes there every …………….. (nghe)
57. There are twelve _ _ _ _ _ _ and four seasons in my country.
58. A. chopsticks B. island C. dish D. cinema
59. How many does the seeker have to count to? - ……… (nghe)
A. 50 B. 1000 C. 10 D. 100
60. has got / garden. / small / a / Granny
61. and / cakes. / sweets / really like / I
62. What’s your s _ _ ool like?
63. _ _ _ _ he ever play tag after school?
64. What are they? – They’re ………..pencils.
A. an B. 0 C. a D. the
65. What’s her……………? – She’s French.
A. country B. nationality C. language D. national
66. of / the name / Tony’s / dog? / What’s
67. come back home / What time / every day? / leave home and / does she often
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68. Does she play any _ _ _ _ _ _ in her free time?

69. My friends tell me that the _ _ _ _ _ isn’t crowded at all.

70. children / How many / on / that bus? / go to school
71. I like Friday because I have got IT lessons on that…………..
A. day B. week C. month D. year
72. What is the girl doing? (nghe)
A. Riding a horse. B. Driving a car.
C. Running with a horse. D. Riding a bike.
73. I / Could / your / borrow / newspaper?
74. to close / The teacher / us / tells / the book.
75. The post office closes _ _ 5.30 pm.
76. I saw your children at the p _ _ k yesterday.
77. A. black B. knee C. work D. cook
78. Is he bad …………….Physics?
A. for B. at C. on D. in
79. How often / in the / school’s /do you study / library?
80. works / factory. / a big /She / at

81. The girl in the red _ _ _ _ _ is a student of class 6H.

82. ADDR _ SS
83. It’s very hot. ………………swimming?
A. Why don’t we go B. Let’s go
C. What about going D. All are correct
Page 33

84. What is your favourite skill in English?

A. Watching B. Doing C. Listening D. Hearing
85. the house / My favourite / living room. / is the / room in
86. to the next bus stop / to Ha Noi / railway station? / can I get / How
87. You should make good ……………….of your time? (nghe)
88. Let’s go swimming! – That’s a good _ _ _ _ .
89. Michael is from France. He speaks……………..
A. France B. friend C. French D. French’s
90. How often do you……………..dinner? – Sometimes when my mom is busy.
A. cook B. have C. do D. collect
91. you going / holiday? / to do / What are / this summer
92. mother? / Lam’s / is / old / How
93. Does anyone want some more _ _ _ ? (nghe)
94. W_ _ _ school does Mary go to?
95. We often ………………on foot to school.
A. ride B. drive C. go D. catch
96. There……………….any rulers in my box.
A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t
97. afternoon. / He / plays / volleyball / every
99. live / doesn’t / Hanoi. / Mr Kien / in
100. N _ SE
101. How _ _ _ _ glasses of beer can Bo’s father drink?
102. Why is Nam good at speaking English? (nghe)
– Because he speaks English with his …………….…..every day.
A. Friends B. sister C. parents D. classmates
103. What’s Tom’s survey on? - …………… (nghe)
A. favourite foods B. favourite sports and game
C. favourite movie D. favourte drink
104. is / Mine / yellow. / my umbrella. / That’s not
105. and planes. / Roger / trains / likes / both
106. My mother often tells me not to eat _ _ _ many candies.
107. He always washes his car _ _ Sundays.
108. ………….your favourite movies? – It’s Titanic.
A. What’s B. Where’s C. How’s D. Who’s
109. How many tables does your classroom…………….?
A. are there B. have C. is there D. has
110. put the book / Can you / shelf / on the / for me?
Page 34

111. went to school / when / My sister / 6 years old. / she was

112. Does Ben’s school _ _ _ _ 40 classrooms?
113. PO _ TMAN
114. Where does your uncle live? – He lives on an…………..
A. Ireland B. iceland C. island D. aisle
115. Is your sister’s hair long …………..short?
A. and B. or C. with D. between
116. dress. / with a nice / so beautiful / She looks / white
117. she usually / plays / with her friends. / outside /After school
118. They will make a cake because she is _ _ _ _ ry. (nghe)
119. I’m eighteen years old. What _ _ _ _ _ you?
120. What will they visit? - ……….. (nghe)
A. A museum B. A zoo C. An aquarium D.A park
121. What does he dream of being? - ……………. (nghe)
A. An astronaut B. A pilot C. A singer D. An engineer
122. any / in / the bottle? / water / Is there
123. How many / in your / people /family’s / are there
124. Can Jack and Brain play the piano? – Yes, _ _ _ _ can.
125. I will _ _ a doctor in the future.
126. How far is it from Ha Noi to Hoa Binh? – It…………………about two hours.
A. wants B. goes C. needs D. takes
127. Linda is calling and Emma is ……………….the telephone.
A. speaking B. telling C. answering D. saying
128. lessons after school. / playing the guitar and / My brother likes / often has Music /
singing so he
129. than / She / sings / more beautifully / her friend.

130. Today, the weather is cold and _ _ _ _ _ .

131. My new friends come from Thailand. They are _ _ _ _ .
132. What is the young girl riding? - ………….. (nghe)
A. The bigger horse B. The bigger pony
C. The smaller horse D. The bigger car
133.Are you free on……………..
A. today B. Sunday C. May D. April
134.going to / Da Nang tomorrow? / travel to /are you / How
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135. writing / to / she is /her friend. / a letter
136. Children should br _ _ _ their teeth twice a day.
137. What’s the matter with you, Nam? – I have a toothache.
Oh, _ _ _ _ you.
138. Don’t ……………..sad. Let’s smile.
A. be B. have C. go D. do
139. The cat is under the ……………… (nghe)
A. box B. bed C. shelf D. clothes
140.has / a banana / in / its hand. / The monkey
141. last / Sunday. / rainy / was / It
142. The lamp is on the …………….(nghe)
143. BRU_H
144. What did you…………..and…………….on Minh’s birthday party?
A. ate / drinked B. ate / drink C. eat / drink D. ate / drink
145. Did you go to school on………………or by bike?
A. toe B. foot C. knee D. leg
146. the doctor. / so I want / to see / I have got / a headache
147.We / in / playing games / are / the schoolyard.
148. What’s your favoutite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? – Maths.

149. My uncle takes the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the city by lorry.

150. What is Elena’s date of birth? - …………….
A. September 2nd B. September and 2nd
C. 2nd and September D. Septemer 2
151. The sigh says, “Don’t………………”
A. stop B. stops C. stopping D. stopped
152. half/ past seven. / go to school / at / I often
153.your coat / before / You should / wear / going out.
154. How many fingers _ _ _ _ a person have?
155. MAT_ ER
156. What…………………tomorrow evening?
A. do you do B. will you do C. did you do D. you will do
157. We use a television to………………
A. watch films B. say “ hello” C. write things D. play football

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158. a pizza /is / on / There / the plate.

159. The bakery / a shoe shop / between / is / and a drugstore.
160. What is _ _ _ lunch? – Sandwiches.
161. To the right of the police station, _ _ _ _ _ is a library.
162. Apple juice, soda and………………are cold drinks.
A. noodles B. vegetables C. Coke D. beef
163. A. fall B. always C. walk D. half
164. and her friends / the girl / What game / are / playing?
165. I / don’t like / ice - creams. / or / cakes
166. I have bananas and bread _ _ _ breakfast.

167. Are those your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? – No, they aren’t.

168. I can play the guitar and piano………………I can’t dance.
A. because B. and C. when D. but
169. Lan………………..
A. has a round black eyes B. has eyes round black
C. is round black eyes D. has round black eyes
170. to buy. / These blue / trainers are / for me / too expensive
171. your / new / trousers / Are / black?
172. Where do you _ _ _ _ ? (nghe)

173. On my fifteenth birthday, my father bought me a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

174. I am writing a letter …………… pen friend.
A. to B. at C. on D. in
175. I was pleased ……………the present you gave me on my 10th birthday.
A. with B. about C. of D. to
176.for / to say / your help. / I would like / thank you
177. doesn’t / My mother / eat / for dinner. / much
178. Does your mother live in the country or in the _ _ _ _ ?
179. Kate and I are reading books _ _ _ _ _ pets.
180. I have a glass of water or fruit……………….with my meat.

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A. water B. lemon juice C. juice D. soda

181. A. teacher B.cooker C. farmer D. worker
182. sit / on the sofa / and watch TV together. / they / At night,
183. We/ never / in Hanoi. / in summer / wear sweaters
184. SU _ MARY
185. Linh can’t go to school today because she has a tooth _ _ _ _ .
186. My younger sister was happy ……………….she got high marks in the exam.
A. but B. so C. and D. because
187. ……………………? - He feels tired.
A. How do he feel? B. How is he feel?
C. How does he feel? D. How he feel?
188. her house is /near the office. / Miss Young goes to /by bike because / work
189. him / told / to open / his mouth. / The dentist
190. She buys me a hat, _ _ _ a cap.
191. Is your mother an archi _ _ _ _ , Gwen?
192. I can’t watch TV because I have too …………….homework.
A. much B. very C. a lot D. many
193. very much. / new / your /I like / bicycle
194. Would you _ _ _ _ some noodles? – Yes, please.
195. What do you often do at ni _ _ t?
196. PRIM _ RY
197. _ _ _ _ your father often go fishing? – In the afternoon.

198. We have a _ _ _ _ _ _ when the weather is fine.

199. How many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do you have on your iPod? (nghe)
200. These letters are _ _ _ _ my friend in Australia.

201. Their children want to go _ _ _ _ _ _ this winter.

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TEST 4 / is more / than that / interesting / This book
2. he listened her / favourite music. / Jane didn’t / news, but / watch sport
3. Andy is in the music room now and he is learning to _ _ _ _ the guitar.
4. There are three rulers on the table. _ _ _ _ _ is your ruler?
5. Which sentence is correct? (nghe)
A. Nam watches English cartoon on the Internet.
B. Nam watches sports news in English on TV to learn English vocabulary.
C. Nam practices listening by watching movies in English.
D. Nam watches English cartoons to practice listening to English.
6. This is ………………bike of all.
A.the cheaper B. the cheapest C. a cheaper D. a cheapest
7. Lien’s mother / needs some / so she is going / flour / to the bakery.
8. ham / need? / do you / much / How
9. She is a tall girl _ _ _ _ long black hair and big round eyes.
10. We learn about artists, kinds of pictures and the way to draw or paint a picture in _ _ _
11. We …………….arrive home at 11 am yesterday but the flight was delayed until 1 pm.
A. has to B. have to C. had to D. did have to
12. What’s Vi Da village like? – It’s………………and……………
A. quiet / pretty B. in Hue / pretty C. rainy / high D. far / busier
13. There is / between Arsenal and Liverpool / a very interesting / on TV tonight. / football
14. borrow / to return it. / my pen / You can / if you promise
15. At ten thirteen AM, the students have …………………… (nghe)
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16. When we left the museum, we went _ _ a restaurant and had a pizza.
17. What does Mrs Jane grow? - ………….
A. Some vegetables B. Some chicken C. Some buffalo D. some pigs
18. A. classroom B. desk C. board D. street
19. When / the accident / did / happen, /Quang
20. There aren’t / any / good programs / showing / at the moment.
21. Mom is cooking _ _ _ _ I come home.
22. BES _ DE
23. Don’t eat too much…………..
A. oranges B. apples C. meat D. juice
24. Monday is the ……………… of a week.
A. first B. once C. one D. All are correct
25. We often / talk /about / in the evening. / our daily activities
26. Clara / enjoys / cartoons / watching / after school.
27. Does she …………………her hair every morning? (nghe)
28. T _UCH
29.Sarah is very ……………. She drinks two glasses of water.
A. hungry B. full C. weak D. thirsty
30. We live…………..40A Tran Dang Ninh street.
A. of B. at C. in D. on
31. an engineer / as / for this factory. / works / My father
31. photo. / I’ll / take your / Stand / there and
32. _ TORE
33. _ _ _ you climb the Phanxipan Mount last month? – No, I’m afraid of cold and height.
34. Their house is………………..the cinema.
A. next by B. next from C. next to D. next at
35. He is a waiter. He ……………….food and drinks in a restaurant.
A. serves B. plays C. drinks D. washes
36. living room. / and my brother / are watching / TV in the / My parents
37. and visit / my parents / like to come / next summer? / Would you
38. _ YMNAST

39. You need a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in order to go to the mountains.

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40. What’s ………………lunch? – There is some rice and some meat.

A. for B. in C. to D. at
41. Which sentence is correct? (nghe)
A. Richie’s sailing a boat. B. Richie’s eating an ice cream.
C. Richie’s standing next to a girl in a purple shirt. D. Rchie is the boy’s classmate.
42. traditional / My / shopping to online / shopping. / mother prefers
43. do my / helps me / Geography / housework. / Nicky often
44. The novel “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland” is _ _ _ _ _ the adventure to a fantasy
world of a girl named Alice.
45. Spring roll is one of the popular _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ food in Viet Nam.
46. I’m………………the homework with Susan today.
A. going to do B. do C. will do D. go to do
47. ……………….are students.
A. My both sister B. My sisters both of them
C. Both my sisters D. The both of my sister
48. much sugar / the coffee. / want / I don’t / in
49. grows / This farmer /his small field. / vegetables in /some
50. “ Tom and Jerry” is my favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
51. PART_
52. A. tea B.heavy C. bread D. breakfast
53. She spends a lot of money …………………clothes.
A. to B. on C. with D. at
54. lives / far / She / from /her school.
55. do / time / What / breakfast? / you have
56. I’m very tired. - _ _ too. 57. HUN _ RED
58. A. matter B. glass C. tomato D. banana
59. My dream house will have …………….
A. a tall gate and wooden fences B. a gate tall and wooden fences
C. a gate tall and fences wooden D. tall gate and wooden fences
60. My father / having dinner / likes / restaurant. / at a
61. a kilo of / two oranges? /need half / Does he / beef and
62. I _ _ _ _ a lot of photos when I was in Paris last winter.
63. Who is Jenny waiting _ _ _ at the moment?
64. “What do you intend to do this weekend?” aslo means “………………….”
A. What do you do this weekend? B. What are you going to do this weekend?
C. What has you do this weekend? D. What are you doing this weekend?
65. A. Mid – Autumn B. lantern C. mooncake D. peach blossom
66. cartoons in / the living room. / The boy / is / watching
Page 41

67. stay at home / alone. / too / young to / The baby is
68. Mary is in grade 5. She goes to school six _ _ _ _ _ a week.
69. Viet lives _ _ _ _ his aunt and uncle at 83 Nguyen Trai street.
70. ………………that!
A. Do not B. Don’t C. Not to do D. Don’t do
71. How often do you go fishing? - …………………a week.
A. Much time B. Three time C. Twice D. Many time
72. a taxi / the airport. / to / He usually / takes
73. practise the piano / How often / your sister / in the club? / does
74. When do you eat mooncake? – At Mid _ _ _ _ _ _ .

75. You should protect the environment and wild _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

76. They ……………late for school.
A. never are B. don’t C. are never D. never
77. A. grow B. flow C. cold D. oil
78. new / John’s parents /house in the countryside. / have got a / beautiful
79. to catch / have to leave / They’ll / early in the morning / the train.

80. We shouldn’t eat too much fatty food and s_ _ _ _ .

81. She needs some meat and v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to cook the soup.

82. Why would he like to be a teacher? (nghe)
A. Because he loves children.
B. Because his parents would like him to teach children.
C. Because his parents are teachers too.
D. Because he would like to teach young children.

Page 42

83. Harry Potter” is on at 8 on HBO. Let’s …….at my home and ………..together.

A. gather / watching B. gathering / watching
C. gathers / watches D. gather / watch
84. I would / lemonade / now. / like to / have some
85. but she / for her glasses / them anywhere. / Huong is looking / can’t find
86. BIRT_

87. Vietnam has a lot of beautiful _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , rivers and beaches.

88. What will you……………after school?
A. to do B. doing C. do D. done
89. How………………milk do you want?
A. much B. many C. few D. box
90. television / at night? / you / Do / watch
91. City Hall? / me, could / Excuse / you show / me the way to the
92. Are there any good programs _ _ _ children on TV tonight?
93. Are they interested _ _ learning new English words?
93. ………………he plays the guitar!
A. What beautiful B. How beautifully
C. How beautiful D. What beautifully
94. A. boring B. quiet C. carefully D. lovely
95. about / in Tim’s / There are / 800 stamps / collection.
96. eating. / and fruits / before / Wash vegetables / cooking and
97. There are _ _ _ _ seasons in my country: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
98. Another word for “autumn” is……………
A. fall B. fell C. felt D. feel
99. Do you have any crayons?
A. Yes, I do B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. D. No, I can’t.
100. vegetables in / a few / This farmer / grows / his small field.
101. your school / have? / How many / floors / does
103. Don’t _ _ _ _ noise. The kid is sleeping.
104. It…………… in the summer.
A. is often B. often is C. not often is D. not is often

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105. A. only B. phone C. photograph D. none

106. They don’t have / schoolyard. / at the / a piano class / The girls are
107. like / do you / best? / What / subject
108. When is she going to live? – June the………..……..(nghe)
109. S_OULD
110. After the movie I got …………..the bus and went home.
A. off B. on C. to D. up
111. Don’t be late ………………..your school.
A. on B. at C. to D. for
112. eating / and fruits / before / Wash vegetables / cooking and
113. Don’t be late ……………..your school.
A. on B. at C. to D. for
114. five students / game. / We need / to join / this
115. my relatives / a small village / near Ha Noi. / live in / Some of
116. D_INK 117. COM_LETE
118. Dolphins aren’t dangerous. They are very……………….
A. dangerous B. annoying C. friendly D. funny
119. My aunt must go to the dentist because she is having a …………….
A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache D. flu
120. often help / each other / their homework. / My classmates / with
121. Should we / playing / the piano / after school? / practice
122. Clara leaves the office _ _ _ _ _ finishing all her works.
123. Where do you live, in the city _ _ in the country?
124. Lien spends too much money………………clothes and shoes.
A. at B. to C. for D. on
125. A. face B. late C. date D. after
126. and a TV / a computer / Is there / room? / in Lan’s
127. likes / kinds of / flowers. / all / My sister
128. I……………… my garden every day. (nghe)
129. S_UARE
130. ………………..jacket is this? -It’s Lan’s.
A. Which B. Whose C. Who D. What
131. Which sentence is correct?
A. When we don’t need a light, turn it off.
B. When we not need a light, turn it off.
C. When we don’t need a light, off turn it.
D. When we don’t need a light, it switches off.
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132. very interesting. / Going / in the summer / swimming / is

133. She likes / singing, so / a singer. / she would like / to be
134. What’s the _ _ _ _ _ _ with you? – I’m having a cold.
135. MAR_ER
136. We need a ………………….to go camping.
A. tent B. house C. village D. room
137. Odd one out: A. flower B. grass C. tree D. garden
138. with his / of basketball / classmates yesterday. /to have a game / Jack stayed at school
139. often / tale when we /were young. / told us fairy / My grandmother
141. _ _ _ _ _ _ show me the way to get to your school from here.
142. Elisa is ……………………something on her book.
A. writing B. writting C. wrote D. writes
143. ………………….. - Bread, please.
A. Do you like bread for dinner? B. What do you like for dinner?
C. What do you would like for dinner? D. Would you like bread for dinner?
144. very dangerous to /let / with candles. / It is / children play
145. my class next Sunday / look after my younger sister. / the museum with / because I have
to / I won’t visit
146. I walk home and _ _ _ _ lunch at twelve o’clock.
147. My uncle Jack has some animals in his farm: a h_ _ _ _, three dogs two cats and some

ducks, geese, chickens.

148. What do you do …………….your free time?
A. at B. in C. on D. to
149. Don’t make a fire here. It’s ………………..
A. safe B. natural C. warm D. dangerous
150. Miss Ha / a dozen / of eggs. / wants a kilo /of meat and
151. long / How / the Great Wall / of China? / is
152. Is that her brother? – Yes, _ _ _ name is Thomas.

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153. Why don’t we go to the _ _ _ _ _ this Sunday?

154. ………….. - I’m tired.
A. How are you feel. Ken? B. How do you feel, Ken?
C. How can you feel, Ken? D. How would you feel, Ken?
155. A. father B. car C. care D. park
156. like / in autumn ? / is / the weather / What
157. like a / would / chocolate. /I / box of
158. What’s the weather _ _ _ _ in spring in Paris?
159. My little son’s classmate is _ _ the second floor.
160. Hurry up, or we are late ……………….school.
A. for B. to C. at D. in
161. What time will you arrive ……………the station? – 8 a.m.
A. to B. in C. at D. on
162. has an / library. / The / school / excellent
163. Janes wants to go out tonight but she has got too _ _ _ _ work to do.
164. Does your class _ _ _ _ forty-five students?
165. My school is at………………………
A. 30 Hoang Hoa Tham Road B. Hoan Kiem District
C. a village far frrom here D. Nam Dinh province
166. Selena eats …………………..every morning.
A. a big breakfast B. a bowls of noodles C. rice D. All are correct
167. STA_P
168. _ _ _ _ you go to church with me this Christmas?
169. Dolphins can’t live in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ water, but a lot of the sea is polluted. (nghe)
170. When do you have math? – We have it _ _ Mondays.
171. His job is designing buildings. He is a(n)…………………………..
172. You can’t ………………………..over the wall. It’s too high. (nghe)
173. Thanks for your helping me carry that box? - _ _ pleasure.
174. The other _ _ _ _ of Thanksgiving Day is Turkey Day.
175. Mathew won’t _ _ fishing with his friends.
176. My father gave up smoking be_ _ _ _ _ of his coughs.

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177. It’s four _ _ _ _ _ _ .

178. _ _ one in my class is taller than Anh.
179. Princess Merida has long _ _ _ _ _ red hair.
180. They run down…………………..(nghe)
181. Hong likes to help her parents _ _ _ _ the farm work.

182. Can you go to the supermarket to buy some _ _ _ _ _ _es.

183. LA_GE
184.Joe has a ………………………..cake on his birthday? (nghe)
185. There’s _ _ milk left. You should go to the market to buy some.

186. What’s the weather like today? – It’s _ _ _ _ _ .

187. BI_TH
188. There are a lot of ……………………….under the tree. (nghe)
189. Don’t t_ _ _ _ trash in the street.
190. Their house is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a toy store and a bookstore.
191. Mami, mami, Miu is sick. She doesn’t eat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
192. She’s out at the _ _ _ _ _ _ . Please call back later.
193. Last Sunday, he went to the countryside by…………………….(nghe)
194. They often eat _ _ ice cream after dinner.
195. She was fond _ _ fine art.
196. The school …………………….rings at 8.45 AM.
197. What _ _ _ _ _ playing basketball this afternoon? – Good idea.
198. Phong is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his story and we are listening to him.
199. There will _ _ more computers in classrooms in the future.

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200. Every day my sister and brother ………………..

A. does the housework B. do homework
C. does the homework D. does homework’s

1.a small / in the countryside. / My grandparents / live in / house
2. it. / I know / told me / about / A man
3.Go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ down this street and turn right at the third light. (nghe)
4. Mary is sitting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tom and John.
5. Who…………… English?
A. teach B. does teach C. do teach D. teaches
6. I’m playing table tennis. ……… like table tennis?
A. Have B. Is C. Are D. Do
7. What / your uncle’s / you call / son? / do
8. It costs / a lot of / money / to buy / that car.
9. He is making a phone _ _ _ _ to his friend.
10. Tam goes to the library three _ _ _ _ _ a week.
11. Please speak a little more……………….
A. slow B. slowly C. slower D. slowlier
12. It’s very hot. ……………………swimming?
A. Why don’t we go B. Let’s go
C. What about going D. All are correct
13. Mary and Tom / on a farm. / to spend / their holidays / have a chance
Page 48

14. tomorrow. / I will / your house / repair

15. She watched the children swimming in the ………………..….. (nghe)
16. The girl in the red _ _ _ _ _ is a student of class 6H.
17.When it is hot, people often feel ………….
A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy D. cold
18. Whose book are you reading? – It’s………………….
A. English book B. interesting C. Mary’s D. about Mary
19. volleyball / Do they / after / play / school? /
20. October / 2010. / 8th / Today / is
21.Go and h_ _ _ a bath!
22. She’s …………………….the same age as me. (nghe)
23. I’m tired. I’d like ……………..
A. sit down B. sitting down C. to sit down D. to sitting down
24. Do you enjoy…………….to the movie theater?
A. going B. goes C. go D. to go
25. Is / your classmate? / skirt / in yellow / the girl
26. is too difficult / This / question / understand. / to
27. _ _ _ does she go to school? – She walks to school.
28. They often do their _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the school library.
29. There……………….any milk in the glass.
A. isn’t B.aren’t C. is D. are
30. We were delighted …………..your letter last week.
A. getting B. to get C. get D. got
31. to go to bed / his mother / Does / at 10 ? / tell him
32.He had / trip / last / summer. / a wonderful
33. Tom is reading Snow White and the Seven ………………(nghe)
34. My mother often tells me not to eat _ _ _ many candies.
35. Tan likes ……………….weather because he can go swimming.
A. hot B. cold C. windy D. foggy
36. It’s ……………… travel around Vietnam.
A. interesting B. interested C. interestedly D. interestingly
37. How / have? / toys / do you / many
38. past seven. / half / I often / go to school/at
39. She is unhappy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she often gets bad marks.
40. She likes sports. She always _ _ _ _ aerobics every day.
41. I …………..a lovely holiday in Da Lat last summer.
A. passed B. had C. brought D. make
Page 49

42. People use first aid…………………ease the victim’s pain.

A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. so that to
43. have many / friends / doesn’t she / Why / in Ha Noi?
44. What is / Nam? / the date / today, /

45.Farmers grow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and raise chickens.

46. I don’t think children should drink _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
47. My friend goes to school by motorbike, but I…………..
A. doesn’t B. don’t C. goes D. does
48. Who is ………………………person in your family?
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
49. The children / in the park. / beautiful flowers / among the / spend hours
50. do you / How / the word / “football” ?/ spell
51. You should make good ……………..of your time. (nghe)
52. Is your middle _ _ _ _ Phuong?
53. I can see a boy……………a water buffalo.
A. ride B. riding C. to ride D. rode
54. Mr Baker …………………breakfast at the moment.
A. is having B. are having C. has D. have
55. My mom / often / her sister / at weekends. / phones
56. How many ……………………….do you have on your Ipod? (nghe)
57. My sister puts some English books _ _ the table.
58. ……………milk does your father drink?
A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often
59. Is her school……………….the park?
A. in front of B. next C. in front to D. near to
60. often / semester / September. / starts in / The new
61. have a / I don’t / my bedroom. / bookshelf / in

62. We have a sink, a _ _ _ _ _ _ , a cooker and a cupboard in our kitchen.

63. How much food should I be ……………………my dog? (nghe)
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64. My father is …………………man.

A. a old B. an old C. not young D. not very young
65. Is he bad………………Physics?
A. for B. at C. on D. in
66. students / Many / world / speak English. / in the
67. microwave. / The dog / in front / is / of the
68. Mary sometimes has a _ _ _ _ _ of milk after doing aerobics.
69. How _ _ _ is it from Hai’s house to school?
70. My mother always wants me …………….the piano well.
A. to play B. playing C. play D. to playing
71. Do you mind …………………..the window?
A. to close B. closing C. close D. closed
72. activities / do you / What / often do? / after - school
73. tonight? / interesting / on TV / Is there / anything
74. Which language do you _ _ _ _ _ ? – Vietnamese.

75. I have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and bread for breakfast.

76.I can’t speak French but my brother……………..
A. can B. can’t C. does D. doesn’t
77. It takes me half …………..hour to do this test.
A. a B. an C. the D. o
78. living room. / My favourite / is the / the house / room in
79. please. / up / our teacher, / Stand / to greet
80. What’s Nam’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ subject? – English. (nghe)
81. The sun rises at 6.23 a.m and ………………at 17.03 p.m.
82. Which sentence is correct? (nghe)
A. Marry goes to the cinema twice a week. B. Marry doesn’t like going to the cinema.
C. Marry doesn’t like watching TV at home. D. Marry goes to the cinema once a week.
83. Sports are very good for our ………….
A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health D. healthily
84. What would you _ _ _ _ ? – A cup of tea, please.
85. hair and / blue / She has / long black / eyes .
86. What time / do / lunch? / have / they
87. Is their school big _ _ small?
88. Mr Nam gets up at 7.00 and eats ………………….
A. a big breakfast B. the big breakfast C. big breakfast D. a breakfast big
Page 51

89. Where is Anne from? – She’s from…………….

A. the France B. France C. French D. the country of France
90. always / and finish / start at 7 / Music classes / at 8.
91. to 20, / please. / from 1 / Count
92. Let’s go swimming! – That’s a good _ _ _ _ .
93. Miss Hang tells the class to _ _ _ down.
94. Is this her ………….?
A. erasers B. books C. an eraser D. eraser
95. ………………… you get?
A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often
96. desk? / a pencil / sharpener / Is there / on the teacher’s
97. finish / all / What time / do you / your work?
98. ………………..your hair before you go out. (nghe)
99. What about _ _ _ _ _ by bike? – Nice idea!
100. HCM city is one of……………cities in Viet Nam.
A. most beautiful B. the beautifulest C. beautiful D. the most beautiful
101. The boy looks thin, ……..he is strong.
A. and B. or C. for D. but

102. hide-and-seek / Do you / and your friends / at break time? / play

103. garden? / there / in the / a pond / Is
104. My little sister never _ _ _ _ _ up late. She always goes to bed early.
105. Her office is next to her house. She goes to work on _ _ _ _ .
106. Nam……………his exercise at the moment. writting B. is writing C. writes D. will write
107. What tme………… tomorrow?
A. is she going to visit B.visits she C. she does visit D. she visits
108.are there / How many / rooms / in the / house?
109. Uncle / Ho / President. / call / We
110. I can’t……………..the difference between those two. (nghe)
111. How _ _ _ _ students are there in your class? – Twenty five.
112. Where did Alan go yesterday? – He went to………….. (nghe)
A.the cinema B. the zoo C. the post office D. the bank
113. Do children have math on Monday?
A.Yes, they have. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they don’t. D. No, they not have.
114. Don’t / alone. / leave / those / boys
115. student / a new / Is Hoa / in / class 6A?
Page 52


116. My little daughter eats…………………..all the time

117. Mrs Hoa wants to take her kids to a Chinese _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for dinner.
118. Milk bottles can be …………………after being cleaned.
A. recycled B. thrown away C. broken D. reused
119. We have English …………..Friday.
A. at B. in C. to D. on
120. Nam / questions. / answer / can / those
121. 5 days / a week?/ your father / go to work /Does
122. How many comic _ _ _ _ _ do you have?
123. What’s the matter with you? – I don’t feel well. I have a ………………… (nghe)
124. Tommy has English lessons…………….a week. (nghe)
A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times
125. goes home / o’clock. / often / My father / at five
126. have / does / a job? / your brother
127. Loan goes to the _ _ _ _ office to send some letters.
128. I’m not in………………..of such a plan. (nghe)
129. How far is it from Ha Noi to Hoa Binh? – It…………about two hours.
A. wants B. goes C. needs D. takes
130. We go to school at …………….in the morning.
A. a quarter to seven B. seven to a quarter C. seven quarter D. a quarter seven to
131. I/ your / newspaper? / Could / borrow
132. Is / in the city? / your house / or / in the country
133. Mrs Martha is very good at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ French foods.
134. Our summer holiday lasts _ _ _ 3 months.
135. Lan’s father’s mother is her…………………….
A. grandparents B. grandfather C. grandmother D. aunt
136. Odd one out: A. rice B. bread C. cake D. milk
137. to talk / It’s / boring / very / to Jill.
138. parents? / she / live with / Does / her
139. How long are they going to stay there? - _ _ _ a week.
140. There isn’t………………..milk in the box.

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A. some B. many C. no D. any

141. We live in an old house near the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It’s two kilometers from the center.

142. How many lesson does Quan have today? – He has…………… (nghe)
A. four lessons: Maths, Vietnamese, English and IT.
B. three lessons: Vietnamese, English and IT.
C. four lessons: Maths, Vietnamese, Chinese and IT.
D. three lessons: Maths, Chinese and IT.
143. In the / my sister / watches TV. / evening, / sometimes
144. have /do / they /When / English lessons?
145. What is _ _ _ lunch? – Sandwiches.
146. Tony, get up! Breakfast’s _ _ _ _ _ ! - Sorry, I can’t have breakfast, Mum! (nghe)
147. Mrs White has a daughter. …………… is Hoa.
A. Her B. She’s C. He’s D. His
148. Why is Nam good at speaking English?
– Because he speaks English with his………………..every day. (nghe)
A.friends B. sister C. parents D. classmates
149. Hoang / What time / does / up? / get
150. my town. / The Grand hotel / is a / nice hotel / in
151. Do you want to _ _ _ _ a bike with me?
152. How long does it _ _ _ _ to walk to your school?

153. What’s your ……………….? – I’m Vietnamese.

A. national B. country C. nation D. nationality
154. I have ………………books than she does.
A. little B. few C. less D. fewer
155. Can / take me / photograph?/ you / a
156. me, / my parents / I miss / and they miss / too.
157. I have two different erasers. _ _ _ _ _ one do you like?
158. I’d like you to put me back on the ……………… (nghe)
159. Mary and ………….would like to go to the movie.
A. me B. my C. mine D. I
160. Nam often goes to the …………at weekends to visit his grandparents. (nghe)
A. city B. countryside C. suburb D. seaside
161. She / a big / works / at / hospital.
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162. near / bakery / Is / the supermarket? / the

163. Our apartment is on the third _ _ _ _ _ .
164. I made some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the test. (nghe)
165. What does Mai usually do in her free time? – She usually ……………..(nghe)
A. reads books B. watches TV. cartoons on TV. D. All are correct.
166. My sister likes sweets………………from chocolate.
A. making B. made C. to make D. make
167. there are / two / to Ha Noi. / Every week / flights
168. How ……………… the film? – Two and half an hour.
169. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his teeth twice a day.
170. Which is ………………….., London or Tokyo?
A. the biggest B. bigger C. bigger than D. the big
171. ………………you mind if I smoke?
A. Could B. Don’t C. Do D. Would

172. My mother sometimes travels to Ha Noi by _ _ _ _ _ .

173. They often go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ every Saturday afternoon.

174. The sign says “No smoking”. You …………………….smoke.
A. can B. are not C. must not D. must
175. A. pictures B. pencils C. notebooks D. markers
176. Where is Tony going next weekend? – He is going to Ha Long _ _ _ . (nghe)
177. My sister’s favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at school is Physical Education.
178. How far is it …………………..your house?
A. from / with B. from / to C. to / from D. by / to
179. He……………jogging.
A. doesn’t go often B. often doesn’t go
C. doesn’t often go D. often not goes
180. My house is just ……………….the street. (nghe)
181. Is there anything to drink? I’m very …………………..
182. Do they go jogging…………….it is cold?
A. and B. but C. how D. when
183. On Sunday mornings, I often go……………
A. swimming B. swim C. to swim D. to swimming
184. This is a famous painting _ _ Picasso.
185. Could I please have one more ………………of beer? (nghe)

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186. Mike can play the …………………..very well.

187. My house is very far _ _ _ _ school.
188. I’m thirsty. I want a glass of orange _ _ _ _ _ .
189. A lot of students don’t like ……………..…….sports after school.
190. Mai: What’s the matter with you, Nam? - Nam: I have a bad toothache.
Mai: Oh, _ _ _ _ you! (nghe)
191. What’s the matter with Tony? – He has a ………..…………..I’ll take him to the doctor
after breakfast.
192. Tell me something _ _ _ _ _ your family.
193. I am thinking of going …………………….next year. (nghe)
194. You need a …………………to drive a car. (nghe)
195. We always go to Florida _ _ vacation.
196. Linh can’t go to school today because she has a tooth_ _ _ _.

197. Does she love playing with ……………..……

198. How _ _ _ _ milk is there in the bottle?
199.Minh is ri_ _ _ _ his bike in the schoolyard.
200. Where is he talking his children _ _?
TEST 6 the fashion shop / What / this afternoon? / will you / buy
2. and food / at her / had nice drinks / birthday party. / Jerry’s friends
3. Is _ _ _ _ _ anything to eat? I’m starving!
4. _ _ _ _ time did you come to John’s party last night? - At 8.30.
5. Listen and tick: A. school things B. pink C. swim D. swing
6. Minh dreams ………being an astronaut when he grows up.
A. of B. with C. to D. for
7. your father / go to work / What / time does / every morning?
8. without / to live / in a big city / a good job. / It’s difficult
9. My bedroom is _ _ the third floor.
10. My mother is in_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in cooking new dishes.
11. I have a lot of …………to do, so I can’t watch my favourite programme tonight.
A. exercise B. houseworks C. homework D. homeworks
12. A. desks B. seasons C. lamps D. eats
13. My younger sister / a dentist when / she grows up. / dreams / of being
14. Ha / speaking English / often practices / every day. / with her sister

Page 56

15. Will you go to the cinema _ _ _ _ me next Sunday?

16. Yesterday, my mother was busy so I went _ _ _ for dinner with my friends.
17. I can play the guitar and piano …………... I can’t dance.
A. because B. when C. and D. but
18. Duyen ……………….with us to the museum next weekend.
A. won’t go B. doesn’t go C. not go D. didn’t go
19. a beautiful villa / with white fences / will be / My dream house / around it.
20. the winter / like / is / in your country ? / What
21. Forests are home for many kinds of plants _ _ _ animals.
22. My new friends come from Thailand. They are _ _ _ _ .
23. In the morning, Ha’s mother often ………………breakfast for her family.
A. does B. has C. eats D. makes
24. What does Phong have at breakfast? (nghe)
A. Eggs B. Bread and milk C. Noodle D. Rice
25. do you / Where / hang / your hat and coat / during the lesson?
26. in the / you do / school festival / last summer? / What did
27. How _ _ _ _ does a bottle of cooking oil cost?
28. My grandmother lives in a small house _ _ the village.

29. Lan wants to speak English fluently, so she practices…………………….every day.

A. to speak B. speaking C. spoke D. speak
30. Listen and tick: A. cool B. spoon C. spider D. sheep
31. highest / Mound Everest / in / is the / the world.
32. to learn / Science / in Engish? / When did / you start
33. Vietnam has a lot of b_ _ _ _ _ful beaches.
34. Tom brushes his teeth at 6.20, then he gets d_ _ _ _ _ _ and has breakfast at 6.30.
35. “Different” is opposite of “……….”
A. Similar B. Easy C. Difficult D. Good
36. Lan lives …………the third floor of Phu My Hung block of flats.
A. in B. above C. on D. at
37. travel to / going to / How / are you / Da Nang tomorrow?
38. The students want to / honour / their teachers for / their contribution / to education.
39. Which games and sports did students _ _ _ _ at the festival last Sunday?
- Football, swimming, hide-and-seek.
40. _ _ _ does your brother go to the church every Sunday? – He drives the car.
41. Nam and Ba………..go fishing because they don’t have fishing rods.
A. always B. often C. never D. usually
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42. Did your school…………..Halloween last month?

A. celebrate B. celebrated D. celebrating D. celebration
43. is / school. / late for / Jenny / always
44. her sister / after school. / playing chess / Sarah likes / with
45. Please try to _ _ home before it gets darker.
46. I will write an email as _ _ _ _ as I arrive London.
47. A. day B. week C. month D. holiday
48. What did the teacher draw? (nghe)
A. A horse on the boat B. An elephant on the boat
C. A horse on the truck. D. A dog on the boat
49. It is not / easy for / in Los Angeles. / a new house / my family to buy
50. competition. / and tennis / We played / volleyball / in the sports
51. My father and my brother have to work _ _ _ _ Monday to Friday.
52. _ _ _ didn’t you do homework? – Because I lost my book.
53. How often does your aunt go to the supermarket? - ………..
A. One B. Once a week. C. Two D. Once time
54.Where are the children? (nghe)
A. Outside the yard. B. Inside the school.
C. Outside the school. D. At the school.
55. What / and meat / for dinner? / some noodles / about eating
56. the weather / getting worse. / is / We should / go before
57. Nana is from France, so she _ _ _ _ _ _ French.
57. I will go to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to borrow some English books.
58. We danced, sang and …………………stories in English.
A. told B. said C. spoke D. made
59. A. early B. meat C. teacher D. seafood
60. I went / to school / clock didn’t ring. / late because / my alarm
61. in fifty / be / year’s time? / What will / life
62. In the future, we will walk in space and look _ _ the stars.
63. After _ _ _ _ _ homework, Lien reads books for about thirty minutes and then goes to
64. Did Minh…………….the internet for his school subject?
A. surfs B. online C. surf D. surfed
65. Listen and tick: A. water B. banana C. apple D. mirror
66. in a factory? / Does / your father / an engineer / work as
67. is saving / money / John’s brother / to buy / a new house.
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68. There will be a big garden in front _ _ my dream house.

69. What are your favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? – English and Science.
70. Where does Nga live? (nghe)
A. A house B. In a block of flats C. An apartment D. A dorm
71. A. who B.What C. Where D. When
72. homework I usually / surf the internet. / family and do / After having / dinner with my
73. There are / and we all / many different nationalities / together. / speak English
74. I didn’t have _ _ _ _ _ time to finish the test.
75. Mr Tuan and Mrs Lan are doctors. They _ _ _ _ in a hospital.
76. What has the woman got? (nghe)
A. A bowl of pineapples B. A red skirt
C. A bowl of apple D. A pineapples
77. Jane doesn’t have ………………..
A. hair short blonde B. short blonde hair
C. blonde short hair D. blonde hair short
78. a museum / the life of children / to leatn about / We went to / two thousand years ago.
79. next summer. / go on / his family will / vacation / Ba and
80. This question is _ _ _ difficult for me to find the answer.
81. I help my mother clean the floor and water the plants three _ _ _ _ _ a week.
82. My sister is interested …………….cooking.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
83. A.lamp B. table C. family D. bag
84. on the first floor. / three floors and / my classroom / is / My school has
85. lessons after school ./ often has music / My brother likes / playing the guitar and / singing
so he
86. People s_ _ _ _ _ protect wild animals and some kinds of rare plants.

87. Let’s go to the _ _ _ _ _ .to swim, build sandcastles and have a sunbath.
88.How is Mai’s house? (nghe)
A. big B. small C. nice D. beautiful
89. A. holiday B. lazy C. take D. vacation
90. the Japanese restaurant / Is the supermarket / and / between / the shoe shop?
91. lots of / healthy. / Linh eats / vegetables / and fruit to stay

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92. _ _ _ _ _ does Nam sit every morning to review his lessons? – He sits under the trees in
the school.
93. In the summer camp last month, we _ _ _ different kinds of food.
94. My younger sister was happy …………she got high marks in the exam.
A. but B. so C. and D. because
95. What are you drawing? (nghe)
A. A ball B. A phoenix C. A lion D. A dragon
96. interested / watching / in / football matches / Tuan is very
97. but you should / You can play / sports with friends /complete your school project / in the
98. My grandmother told me stories _ _ _ _ _ life in the countryside when I was a child.
99. Hung’s brother dreams of being an astronaut because he wants to visit other p_ _ _ _ _ _ .
100. The children had ……………of interesting activities in Malaysia.
A. much B. a little C. a lot D. lot
101. Laura …………….her face after she gets up and does morning exercise.
A. washes B. brushes C. gets D. has
102. Can I / the computer / please? / on / play some games
103. 25 classrooms / 1000 students / There are / and / in my school
104. After morning classes, I have lunch with noodles and a glass of orange _ _ _ _ _ .
105. My sister often _ _ _ _ _ the internet in her free time.
106. …………..terrible weather!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
107. My grandfather is learning ………… use a smart phone.
A. where B. what C. when D. how
108. parents bought / a new white / bike for him / Herry’s / last week.
109. the doctor. / I have got / to see / so I want / a headache
110. The dentist advises me to brush my _ _ _ _ _ three times a day.
111. My friend, James, _ _ _ _ _ from America.
112. What………………does Peter often study at school on Tuesday? – He has Art, English
and Math.
A. objects B. subjects C. food D. drink
113. Whose book are you reading? – It’s ……….
A. English book B. interesting C. Mary’s D. about Mary
114. sometimes / a careless person so / accidents. / he has / He is
115. our mother / We gave / a bunch of / International Women’s Day. / flowers on
116. Don’t m_ _ _ noise. The baby is sleeping.
117. Where _ _ _ your family go on vacation last week?
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118. Listen and tick: A. tiger B. tail C. tie D. tea

119. What is your……………….film? – Tom and Jerry.
A. likes B. interested C. favourite D. good
120. good / Playing sports / for / is / our health.
121. and / her eyes / is brown / Joe’s hair / are blue.

122. My uncle is travelling to Ha Noi by _ _ _ .

123. Does your mother live in the country or in the _ _ _ _?
124. You …………….try your best to win the competition.
A. can B. may C. have D. must
125. Reading and writing Japanese is …………..for Lam.
A. same B. difficult C. clever D. different
126. to shop in / next week. / Lien will / floating market / take Mr David
127. Lien is / a picnic lunch / have / going to / with her classmates.
128. I can’t go to the cinema tonight because I have to look _ _ _ _ _ my younger sister.
129. Jack doesn’t like s_ _ _ _ _ _. He never eats fish or shrimp.
130. Why do you like learning English? - Because it’s very …….…for my life.
A. useful B. useless C. difficult D. boring
131. Phong’s school is small, but Linh’s school is …………..
A. late B. in country C. in the city D. big
132. is a big / Air pollution / many cities / in the world. / problem in
133. My brother / doesn’t like it. / plays football / because he / never
134. Look! It’s going to _ _ _ _ . Get into the car or you’ll get wet.
135. There is a big museum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a post office and a library.
136. Look ………..that strange girl. She is looking …………Tuan but he isn’t here.
A. at / at B. at / on C. for / at D. at / for
137. What will be there in the library in the afternoon? – Doctor Smith will give a………..
A. a lesson B. classes C. a show D. fashion
138. at half past six / breakfast / She has a small / at a quarter to twelve. / and a big lunch
139. of the river? / railway station / at the side / are there / How many
140. Linh has got a toothache.She is going to see a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
141. How _ _ _ _ _ do you come and visit your grandparents? – Once a month.
142. A. city B. music C. public D. picnic
143. Where is the man sitting? (nghe)

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A. On the boat B. On the ship C. On the dock D. On the ground

144. people. / Jane likes / reading books / famous / about
145. you like / Would / of / a glass / milk?
146. Jack and Joe are waiting _ _ _ their parents.
147. Jane is an attractive girl _ _ _ _ blue eyes and short blonde hair.
148. This person works outside in fields in the countryside, with animals and plants. Who is
A. dentist B. farmer C. journalist D. astronaut
149. Do you have any lessons …………..Thursday afternoon?
A. on B. at C. in D. of
150. is Vietnam Independence Day./ Next Thursday my sister / won’t go / because that day /
to school as usual
151. at present. / in the kitchen / My mother and / sister are making / cakes
152. _ _ _ _ do you have Maths? – We have it on Tuesday and Thursday.
153. Lien study English very hard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she wants to be an English translator.
154. I don’t have lunch at home from Monday…………Friday.
A. on B. to C. and D. in

155. When my mother is busy with her work, I have to cook……….

A. alone you B. myself C. yourself D. on you
156. so fast / especially after / shouldn’t drive / You / being so sick.
157. milk because it / I drink / and teeth strong. / a lot of / keeps my bones
158. There are twelve _ _ _ _ _ _ and four seasons in my country.
159. Jane wants to be a singer because she love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
160. Where does Sakura come from? – She comes from…………
A. French B. Japan C. Japanese D. English
161. How does she feel about English? (nghe)
A. Interesting B. Easy C. Difficult D. Boring
162. I love / park to see the / the wildlife / going to / birds and animals.
163. go camping / Let’s / Do Son beach / this Sunday. / in
164. After playing badminton _ _ _ _ my school friends, I go home at five o’clock.
165. Ha’s sister _ _ _ born in Hue in 1995.
166. John like sports very much. He usually plays ……………after school.
A. games and math B. soccer and literature
C. volleyball and soccer D. math and swimming
167. Listen and tick: A. train B. chant C. truck D. chalk
168. History / Maths and Science / subjects. / are my / favourite
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169. What colour is her _ _ _ _ ? – Black and it’s very long.
170. On my birthday party, someone……………….lights, so I couldn’t see anything.
A. turned on B. trurned off C. turned of D. turns off
171. Where does Nga live? (nghe)
A. A house B. In a block of flats C. An apartment D. A dorm
172. What is she going to show? (nghe)
A. Some Indonesian mates. B. Some Indonesian masks.
C. Some Indian masks. D. A mask
173. How does your brother often go to work? - …………….motorbike.
A. At B. On C. By D. In
174. Listen and tick: A. body B. boy C. bell D. book
175. What has she got in the library in the afternoon?
A. Lessons B. Classes C. A show D. Fashion
176. Listen and tick: A. a ticket B. a stick C. a rabbit D. a market
177. Jane is from England, so she is ……..
A. French B. Malaysia C. English D. American
178. Where is the man sitting? (nghe)
A. On the boat B. On the ship C. On the dock D. On the ground
179. A. door B. room C. school D. pool
180. Listen and tick: A. a baseball B. a football C. a basketball D. a ball
181. Minh and Tam are reading books ……………………cats and dogs.
A. in B. from C. about D. on
182. Let’s …………… the restaurant and have a big lunch.
A. to go B. going C. go D. goes
183. Who does he often help? (nghe)
A. The Japanese police B. The Japanese detective
C. The Japanese worker D. The Japanese student
184. Who will she be? (nghe)
A. A singer B. A police C. A model D. A dancer
185. I’m American. What’s your……………….?
A. country B. nationality C. city D. language
186. Listen and tick: A. a zebra B. zero C. a zoo D. a room
187. A. wanted B. played C. learned D. climbed
188. Every day, my father drives to work but today he ……………… bus.
A. goes B. is going C. is taking D. takes
189. …………………use your mobile phone and make noise in the class.
A. No B. Not C. Don’t D. Doesn’t
190. What can you see in a filed in the countryside? (nghe)
A. The mouse B. The bull C. The cow D. The house
191. A. clothes B. buses C. changes D. oranges
192. Listen and tick: A. a lift B. a library C. flowers D. letters
193. Listen and tick: A. a nurse B. a snake C. a bird D. a T-shirt
194. What will your sister…………….tomorrow?
A. does B. study C. is studying D. is doing
195. What did they play? (nghe)
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A. Card B. Catching C. Merry-go-round D. Hide-and-seek

196. ……………homework do you get?
A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often
197. My mother works as an …………………in a chemical factory.
A. engine B. engineer C. enginee D. engineering
198. A. brother B. mother C. thank D. weather
199. We go to school……….the morning and …………our homework………..dinner.
A. in / do / after B. on / make / before
C. in / make / after D. on / do / after
200. Water doesn’t have ………………..calories.
A. a B. some C. any D. an

TEST 7 at / What do / weekends? / you / often
2. saw / the zoo. / quietly at / pythons moving / I

3.You shouldn’t play with a _ _ _ _ _

4. Can you bring me your _ _ _ _ _ book tomorrow?

5. Hello. This is film club. How can I ………………you?
A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
6. What……………….you see in the zoo?
A. have B. done C. had D. did
7. do / keep fit. / exercise regularly to / We / morning
8. for Tet / What / holiday? / you / prepare / will
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9. What aout _ _ _ _ _ _ a kite after school?

10. Do you like to travel to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ places? (nghe)
11. What does your mother do in her free time? – She …………shopping in her free time.
A. do B. goes B. makes D. going
12. A. sit B. stand C. call D. went
13. he had an / accident./ Paul missed / because / four classes
14.time / What / breakfast? / you have / do

15. It’s going to rain. Don’t forget your……………………….……

16. This library will have all of the books in the world in every _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
17. Your new backpack is very nice.
A. Thank you. B. Excuse me C. That’s it D. No, I can’t.
18. How many……………….joined the school festival?
A. pupil B. boys and girl C. students D. All are correct
19. favourite / Little Red / my / Riding Hood is / story

20. has an / library. / The / school / excellent

21. What would you like to be in the future? – A writer for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(nghe)
22.He likes watching _ _ _ _ _ _ programs and he often watches them in his free time. (nghe)
23. Architects design………………..for the town.
A. buildings B. websites C. clothes D. cars
24. What’s spring like in Ha Noi?
A. I like travelling in spring. B. It’s warm.
C. Spring likes flowers. D. It’s from January to March.
25. is hard / work. / nurse /a / Working as
................................................................................................................................................... / lion got / hunter’s / caught in a / One day, the
27. Mai does not like the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because they are big and perhaps dangerous.

28. “Chip and Dale” is on at six f_ _ _ _ _ _ on Disney Channel.

29.Mai goes to the movie …………….a month.
A. one B. first C. two D. twice

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30. “Harry Potter” is on at 8 on HBO. Let’s …………at my home and ………..together.

A. gather / watching B. gathering / watching
C. gathers / watches D. gather / watch
31. The / go round and / the bus / round. / wheels on
32. four kilometers / It’s / the city hall. / nearly / from here to
33. I can also learn about…………….people’s live by reading books about them. (nghe)
34. They are ……………………...…….a new house near the lake.
35. Odd one out: A. architect B. doctor C. engineer D. cooker
36. Which sentence is correct?
A. Nam watches English cartoon on the internet.
B. Nam watches sports news in English on TV to learn English vocabulary.
C. Nam practices listening by watching movies in English.
D. Nam watches English cartoons to practice listening to English.
37. Once upon / big castle. / was a beautiful / princess living in a / a time, there
38. your friend’s / mother’s / spell / How do you / name?

39. We like _ _ _ _ _ _ in the winter.

40. What day is it today? – It’s ………………
41. How does she learn vocabulary?(nghe)
A. By writing new words in the notebook and reading them aloud.
B. By learning new words by heart.
C. By reading English novels.
D. By looking up new words in her dictionary.
42. Where…………….Max come from?
A. does B. were C. do D. are
43. the West. / and sets in / The sun / rises / in the East
44. only one. / but I’m not the / say I’m / They may / a dreamer,

45. What _ _ _ _ do you have?

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46. My favourite book is “ C_ _ _ _ _ _ Soup for the Soul”.

47. Last weekend, Linda went to the zoo……………underground.
A. by B. with C. on D. from
48. What do the Swedish decorate their homes with for the festival of Mid-Summer?
A. Flowers and candles. B. Leaves and flowers.
C. Flowers, leaves and beautiful costumes. D. Coorful lights.
49. far / She / from / her school. / lives
50. a helmet. / ride / without wearing / You must not / a motorbike
51. She lives in flat 6 on the …………….floor the AB tower. (nghe)
52. What’s you’re a………..s in Ha Noi?
53. I ………..the story “ Alibaba and the Forty thieves” last Sunday.
A. read B. readed C. reads D. am reading
54. My school is at ……….
A. 30 Hoang Hoa Tham road. B. Hoan Kiem district.
C. a village far from here. D. Nam Dinh province
55. time will you / know / Now I / sing with me? / my ABCs, next
56. What / like / do you / subject / best?
57. …………………do you go to the post office? – Because I want to send Mi a letter.
58. Don’t play with the _ _ _ _ _ knife. You may cut yourself. – OK, I won’t, Mom. (nghe)
59. What’s the matter with him?
A. He has a headache. B. He has a pain in his stomach.
C. He has a temperature. D. All are correct.
60. The crow …………her beak to sing and dropped the meat.
A. opened B. opens C. open D. to open
61. cost? / computer / much / does / your / How
62. five / answer questions / and / Now listen / to ten.
63. _ _ _ I go out?
64. The bus 22 stops right at the zoo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
65. I’d like to be a pilot but I’m …………………of heights.
A. interesting B. bad C. scared D. gentle
66. Why don’t we go…………………..a walk?
A. for B. in C. with D. about
67. Tony / always / his hands / before meals. / washes

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68. cartoons. / children / love / watching / Most


69. I want my father to go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with me on Sunday morning.

70. What would Nam like to be in the future? – He’d like to be a football _ _ _ _ _ _ .(nghe)
71. We have English………..Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
A. in B. on C. about D. for
72. Working in pairs is one of the main……………….in our English lessons.
A. activity B. activities C. action D. acting
73. our / summer / camp. / Welcome / to
74. at break / does / time?/ she do / What
75. What is the _ _ _ _ today? – It’s December 1st.
76. _ _ _ _ _ _ show me the way to get to your school from here.
77. See you later. - ……….
A. Bye. B. Hi C. Nice to meet you. D. Fine, thank you.
78. …………….? – He had a backache.
A. What’s the matter with Quan? B. Why did Quan go to the movie?
C. What was wrong with Quan? D. Was Quan in hospital?
79. We / are / preparing / Tet. / for
80. Japanese by yourself. / It is / for you to / difficult / learn
81. On the first day, we went surfing. The sea was warm but surfing was………………
I’ll try again tomorrow. (nghe)
82. Look at my clothes. I’m wearing a…………..skirt and a green T-shirt. (nghe)
83. She wasn’t happy……………..she couldn’t walk.
A. because B. so C. next D. then
84. We often play in the garden………………our house.
A. in front of B. in front C. front of D. front
85. Doing / your / yoga is / good for / health.
86. from the /What / do you learn / lesson / story?
87. Twenty thousand workers used one thousand elephants and ………..… in 1653. (nghe)
88. I live in a village in the m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
89. You shouldn’t carry heavy things. Let me……………….you.
A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped
90. A. carrot B. spinach C. bean D. orange
91. and an / white / Mary is wearing a / orange skirt. / shirt

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92. stayed up / late last night. / Nga / is tired / because she
93. Talk _ _ me about your future dream, David.
94. Frank is ………………………..on his bed.
95. Mai:…………………..? – Peter: She’s tall and slim.
A. What do your sister look like? B. What is your sister like?
C. What does your sister look like? D. What does your sister like?
96.Where were you last weekend? – I ……………climbing with my friends.
A. go B. goes C. went D. was go
97. summer. / We’re / Da Nang this / to visit / going
98. do / have for / you usually / What / breakfast?
99. You should talke a _ _ _ _ _ _ and shouldn’t play sports for a few days. (nghe)
100. Stand _ _ , please.
101. I’m Jack. I come from……………
A. Brooklyn B. Chinese C. in England D. on China
102. A. pizza B. hamburger C. chung cake D. French fries
103. Aladdin / Lamp. / and the Magic / I’m reading
104. doesn’t / but / He / plays basketball / play soccer.
105. _ _ _ high is Fansipan Mountain?
106. Hello, Miu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. – Hello, Miu. It’s Morrice here. (nghe)
107. Where………….you yesterday, Phong?
A. are B. will C. was D. were

108. Do you like playing basketball?

A. No, I do. B. I love football.
C. Yes. And what about you? D. Me too.
109. evening? / this / What will / do / you
110. Please / with / these books / bring / you.

111. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in my neighourhood don’t know where to play.

112. _ _ _ _ morning, Miss Hien.
113. Phuongw lives ……………….her grandparents in Bat Trang village.
A. on B. with C. of D. to
114. Reading books………… important role in developing children’s creativity.

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A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play

115. there and / I’ll / photo. / take your / Stand
116. late / for school. / up or you / will be / Hurry
117. I want to buy some presents. – Ok, let’s go to the …………………shops. (nghe)
118. Let’s go to school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
119. Do you have any crayons?
A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks. D. No, I can’t.
120. What does Phong’s father often do in his free time? (nghe)
A. He often goes skating. B. He often does karate.
C. He often goes shopping. D. He often does the housework.
121. season and the dry / seasons in Ho Chi Minh city: / the rainy / There are two / season.
122. What does Doraemon use to help Nobita go everywhere he wants?
- It’s a ………………………..door. (nghe)
123. How much are the sun glasses? – They’re ………………………dollars. (nghe)
124. Nam: I have a toothache. – Nga: …………………
A. You should go to the dentist.
B. You should eat more sweets.
C. You shouldn’t brush your teeth after meals.
D. You should have a glass of cold water.
125. How are you today?
A. I’m very well, thanks. B. Fine, thank you.
C. I am fine, thank. D. All are correct.
126. What / music do / you like? / of / kind
127. your teeth / twice / brush / You should / a day.

128. I’m reading a story about ………………..………..

129. Today, most people can read. Most towns have …………………….(nghe)
130. What’s Snow White like?
A. She’s beautiful. B. She likes singing with birds in the forest.
C. She’s kind and gentle. D. She helps Seven Dwarfs with the housework.
131. Is it a ………….? – Yes, very scary.
A. ghost story B. love story C. fairy tale D. fable
132. My younger brother / wants / a pair of running shoes. / to give him / my father
133. do you / most? / Which / character / like
Page 70

134. How _ _ _ _ bread do you eat every day?

135. Thank you for……………………..
136. Would you like ……………….part in the play club with me?
A. take B. to take C. takeing D. taking
137. How …………………milk do you want?
A. much B. many C. few D. box
138. Quang? / did / happen, / the accident / When
139. windy in winter / usually cold and / Vietnam. / in the north / It is
140. First, it’s going to be a running race. That’s going to start soon. And it’s going to be
141. She is _ _ _ most intelligent in our class.
142. Don’t touch the stove. You may get a …………
A. burn B. sunburn C. fire D. knife
143. ………………….pen do you like? – The red one.
A. What B. Whose C. Which D. Where
144. cartoons in / watching / the living room. / The boy is
145. do you / What animal / at the zoo? / want / to see

146. The children are looking forward to watching _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ display.

147. The novel “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland” is _ _ _ _ _ the adventure to a fantasy
world of a girl named Alice.
148. In the end, the princess and Cinderella lived …………….ever after.
A. happy B. happiness C. happily D. happier
149. Choose the correct sentence:
A. I have a headache. B. I have fever.
C. I have a earache. D. I have sore throat.
150. and / He / may fall / break his / leg.
151. make / Neapolitan / pizza, / Can you / Lucy?
152. My flat is on the third _ _ _ _ _ .
153. The student _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the bus No.22 to school every morning.
154. Why would he like to be a teacher?(nghe)
A. Because he loves children.
B. Because his parents would like him to teach children.
C. Because his parents are teachers, too.
D. Because he would like to teach young children.
155. Mr Nam……………….to work at the moment.

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A. drive B. is driving C. drives D. driving

156. What’s / number? / phone / mother’s / your
157. many / changes. / The / brought / revolution
158. My mother uses the _ _ _ _ _ _ to cook pumpkin soup.
159. I’ll write about the palace for my …………………….homework. (nghe)
160. You can buy many things at a ………………….
A. supermarket B. school C. music club D. living room
161. Doraemon is one of ………………..comic book characters in the world.
A. the popularest B. the most popular
C. most popular D. popularest
162. are / facing / serious environmental / pollution. / We
163. to get / to school from / for five minutes / the bus stop. / We walk
164. Is it far _ _ _ _ Xuan Huong lake?
165. What’s your telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
166. Where can you see a peacock?
A. At the zoo. B. In the sea. C. On the sky. D. In the supermarket.
167. The boy may……………..his bike if he rides so fast.
A. fall out B. falling in C. fall off D. fall of
168. and colourful lights at/ People decorate/ Christmas trees/ their homes with / Christmas.
169. _ _ _ _ back to your seat right now.
170. _ _ _ did you go to the cinema? – By bus.
171. You need to complete each following sentence with no more ……………three words.
A. less B. than C. to D. as
172. Can you give me ………………meat?
A. a B. an C. some D. few
173. What’s the weather like today? – It’s …………….
174. Princess Merida has long _ _ _ _ _ red hair.
175. When will Sport Day be?
A. In Saturday. B. On March 10th
C. On November D. In Sunday morning.
176. Which sentence is correct? (nghe)
A. Mai was at the flower festival. B. Too many people went to the sports festival.
C. Mai didn’t enjoy the games at the festival. D. Mai was excited about the sports festival.
177. I would like to be a nurse because I’d like to look after _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
178. It’s 12 p.m. We are having _ _ _ _ _ .
179. …………….Could you show me how to get to the nearest post office?
A. Stop. B. Excuse me? C. Have a nice day! D. There, there.
180. How much is your new dress?
A. It’s cost four hundred thousand dong. B. It costs four hundred thousand dong.
C. Four hundred thousand dongs. D. It is four hundred thousand dongs.
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181. He _ _ _ _ puzzles with his friends every afternoon.

182. Should we cut _ _ _ _ trees in the forest?
183. What is she going to do in her days off? (nghe)
A. She’s going to visit her friend in Da Nang.
B. She’s going to visit her grandparents in her hometown.
C. She’s going to visit her a friend in Bac Giang.
D. She’s going to go for a picnic with her friend.
184. A. daisy B. rose C. peach blossom D. candy

185.Elsa is beautiful in the blue _ _ _ _ _ .

186. How _ _ _ _ are you, Duong? – One hundred and fifty centimeters.
187. When are you going to leave for London?
A. Next week. B. Yesterday. C. Two days ago. D. Last Sunday.

188. It’s four _ _ _ _ _ _ .

189. The supermarket is near the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the pharmacy.
190. “ Tom and Jerry” is my favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

191. The girls are playing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

192. Don’t ride your bike too fast. – Don’t ……………… I won’t. (nghe)
193. When do you eat mooncake? – At Mid _ _ _ _ _ _ .
194. I study about events in the past in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
195. The other _ _ _ _ of Thankgiving Day is Turkey Day.
196. The fox asked “ Can you sing?” “ Yes, …” The Crow opened his beak and said.
He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his meat on the ground. (nghe)
197. I _ _ _ _ _ like a glass of orange juice.
198. My teacher has long s……… hair.
199. Tom prefers eating _ _ cooking.
200. any students / in the school’s / library? / biggest / Are there

Page 73

1.a key to success for / my future. / I love / English / because it’s
2. at night. / candies / You shouldn’t / eat / too / many
3. December is the twelfth _ _ _ _ _ of the year.
4. Let’s meet at 7 in f_ _ _ _ of the park.
5. Why are you wearing sunglasses? What’s the matter with you? – I’ve got…………….
A. a sore throat B. an earache C. sore eyes D. sore ankles
6. We are visiting a ……………….of modern art this weekend.
A. hospital B. museum C. bookshop D. stadium
7. because / it is good / for his health. / likes fruit / Jim
8. you like / What do / wearing / happy? / when you feel
9. Our class will play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class 5A in the final match.

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10. My father put a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tree in the lving room.

11. A. think B. others C. thanks D. third
12. Sit down, please. ………………….a cup of tea?
A. Do you like B. Do you like to drink
C. Would you like D. Will you like
13. these / in your / notebook. / Please write / numbers
14. environmental / I find it / raise’s people / hard to / awareness.
15. He goes to school every day by h………………

16. What time do you usually go to _ _ _ ? – At 10 pm.

17. A. centre B. comb C. cat D. corner
18. What does she often do after meals?
A. She goes often for a walk. B. She often walks her dog to the park
C. She is often goes for a walk. D. She is often walks her dog to the park.
19. is a student / class 5A / of /The girl / in a red dress
20. a full / exercise / stomach. / You shouldn’t / with
21. _ _ _ _ _ is bigger, the sun or the earth?
22. The theatre is on the _ _ _ _ _ _ of White Avenue and Apple Street.
23. There are………………..high buildings in Thailand.
A. many B. lot of C. a lots of D. much
24. We save the earth by not …………………forests.
A. making B. lifting C. cutting D. bringing
25. Linh’s house. / a small park / in front / of / There’s
26. won’t / at the meeting / Mr Smith / tomorrow. / be
27. FU_URE
28. We study about different countries in …………………….lessons.
29. I …………………in the morning.
A. shower B. take showers C. take the shower D. take a shower

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30. She looks ……………….now because she worked hard all day yesterday.
A. exciting B. tired C. interesting D. well
31. hide-and-seek / at the park. / played / they / Last Sunday,
32. some fruits. / picnic / I’ll buy / for a / and jelly
33. Look! Two tigers are jumping th_ _ _ _ _ the fire circle.
34. Ha never goes to the cafeteria at lunch_ _ _ _ .
35. I and my brother often goes ……………….after school.
A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. swims
36. When you go home, you say to your classmates:
A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good bye D. Good afternoon
37. I didn’t know / who / to play and / where / to play with.
38. for us / to go swimming / and fishing. / The lake is / an ideal place
39. His mother is telling him a story _ _ _ _ _ life in the countryside.
40. We use a _ _ _ _ when we go camping.
41. A. autumn B. stadium C. summer D. winter
42. Keri can drive and she had a driving license when she was……………(nghe)
A. 16 years old B. 17 years old C. 18 years old D. 27 years old
43. give you on / What / your last birthday? / presents / did your parents
44. she starts looking / finishes counting, he or / one by one. / When the seeker / for the other
45. It’s easier than you think to grow…………………….(nghe)
46. We need to buy some sugar and milk to _ _ _ _ a cake.

47. Do you like to…………………..?

A. hear to music B. listen music C. listen to music D. listen of music
48. The cinema isn’t very far…………….our house so we are going ………………foot.
A. on / from B. from / on C. from / to D. to / by
49. bought / yesterday. / Lam / ten comic books / in this book shop
50. season like / in the south / the rainy / What’s / of Vietnam?
51. In my spaceship, there will be engineers, scientists, doctors and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

52. Who are they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for at the bus stop?

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53. What does your father do in his free time?

A. He listens to music twice a week. B. He listens to music.
C. He listen to music D. He is listening to music
54. A. tonight B. tomorrow C. weekend D. badmintom
55. came. / for / him but he / never / I waited
56. should / soon. / the doctor’s / go to / You
57. C_UNTRY 58. T_PIC
59. I like listening to music and dancing so I often go to the…………
A. sport B. music C. art D. game

60. What is your dog doing right now? – He is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the ball.

61. to enjoy their holiday. / to the seaside / Lan’s family / The following morning, / and their
relatives went
62. be / here. / a supermarket near / There / is going to

63. Look at the picture. What animal are they? – They are pe_ _ _ _ _ _ .
64. Christmas Day is on December twenty - _ _ _ _ _ .
65. We play soccer in a ………………near our house.
A. hospital B. museum C. bookshop D. stadium
66. My favourite ………………….is shrimp.
A. seafood B. seashore C. beach D. seaside
67. the gardening / this weekend. / to do / I’m going / with my father
68. My class / and French / students . / any Chinese / doesn’t have
69. FING_R 70 .Let’s make a _ _ _ _ _e.
71. What time does Heather’s brother arrive in town? (nghe)
A. 7 pm Thursday B. 9 pm Tuesday
C. 8 pm Tuesday D. 8 pm Thursday
72. The sign says “ No smoking”. You ………………..smoke.
A. can B. are no C. must not D. must
73. the board. / asleep / fell / The hare / on

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74. is a very exciting / indoor and outdoor. / game and we can / Hide-and-seek / play it both
75. I have to go to work six d_ _ _ a week.
76. My sister helps me _ _ _ _ my math homework.
77. What’s her……………….? – She’s French.
A. country B. nationality C. language D. national
78. Are those your English books, Jane? – Yes, ……….
A. this is B. those are C. they are D. these are
79. your homework / Do / you / in the evening? / often do
80. I go on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in summer. (nghe)
81. On _ _ _ _ occasion do you wear your favourite clothes?
82. A. cook B. city C. centre D. pencil
83. The room of my parents is small. “The room of my parents” means: ……..
A. My room’s parents B. My parents’s room
C. My parents’ room D. My room’s parent
84. the package. / out / He took / bread / of
85. plants. / animals and / a text about / are reading / Her friends
86. The children are excited _ _ _ _ _ going for a trip.
87. _TAND
88. There will ………………..a robot to do housework in my dream house.
A. is B. are C. be D. been
89. Which ……………… you like in this story? – I like the fox. It’s very clever.
A. content B. character C. title D. subject
90. I went out / with / for lunch / my parents / yesterday.

91. The customer / wants /in his tea. / and milk /sugar
92. What did your mother buy you yesterday?

– She bought me a pair of blue _ _ _ _ _ .

93. What should we do to protect our teeth? – We should c_ _ _ _ our teeth after meals.
94. ………………do you have Music lessons? – Every Monday afternoon.
A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long
95. Is Mrs Barbara going to buy some apples ………………….her children?
A. with B. for C. to D. about
96. a week. / work /He / six days / goes to
Page 78

97. the English / Mary and I / to join / Speaking Club. / would like
98. Eggs are very easy to c_ _ _ and are a favourite food.
100. Don’t talk too loud. The baby ………………..
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. sleep D. sleeping
101. Elisa is ………………….something on her book.
A. writing B. writing C. wrote D. writes
102. scenery / I can enjoy / the beautiful / way. / on the
103. newspapers / before / My father / bed time. / usually reads some

104. What music instrument can you play? – I can play the o_ _ _ _ .
105. She cut holes in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to make eyes, a nose and a mouth at Halloween.

106. A.pens B. hands C. keys D. cups

107. I have to…………… clothes before……………to my grandparents.
A. finish washing / going B. finish to wash /going
C. to finish wash / go D. finish to wash / to go

108. last / on the planet. / the / northern while rhino / Najin and Fatu are
109. near our school / going to wait / We are / for you / this weekend.
110. JA_KET
111. Britain is rather small, o_ _ _ 242,000km2.
112. A. evening B. morning C. noon D. breakfast
113. It’s very hot. Let’s ………………….a cold drink!
A. to get B. get C. gets D. getting
114. to see / the pictures /Why does / of your family? / he want
115. about / having a cup /now? / What / of coffee
116. I want to be your email _ _ _ friend. (nghe)
117. SUB_ECT
118. What does the cat…………….? – Meow meow.
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A. speak B. talk C. bark D. say

119. A. giving B. singing C. playground D. kangaroo
120. took off / came into / Tony / his shoes and / the house.
121. ride your bike / to your uncle’s / do you / How often / farm?
122. They couldn’t _ _ _ anything because it was dark.
123. The supermarket is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the post office.
124. Why shouldn’t he play with a…………..? – Because he may cause a big fire.
A. lighter B. horn C. radio D. boiling water
125. A. high B. big C. city D. dinner
126. 11 of / is / April / 2015. / Today
127. Browns are / The / living / room. / sitting in the
128. Our family usually vitsits the ……………………….on the first day of every lunar year.

129. What birthday present would you like?

– I’d like a pair of new _ _ _ _ _ .

130. Which word is a verb?
A. colour B. shirt C. soft D. about
131. What does Meri like to eat? (nghe)
A. Hamburgers B.Chips C. Fishes D. Ham
132. from Ha Noi / to London / was / your flight / How long
133. Lan / than Nga? / hours / learn more / Does
134. Carla likes playing _ _ _ _s in her free time.
135. There are _ _ _ _ _ _ months in a year.
136. …………………do your children watch TV? – Twice a day.
A. How often B. What often C. When often D. How many
137. A. car B. bike C. horse D. lorry
138. but he likes / He never / watching soccer matches / plays soccer, / on TV.
139. after / How do / morning exercise? / you feel / doing

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140. YA_D 141. M_SICIAN

142. A. Maths B. Physics C. English D. Badminton
143. You ……………..take photographs in here. It’s forbidden.
A. can B. may C. mustn’t D. don’t
144. mustn’t / make / Why / we / any noise?
145. any / orange juice / Is there / after breakfast? / to drink
147. We often talk _ _ _ _ _ our day during dinner.
148. What are she eat? (nghe) A. Orange B. Ant C. Apple D. Egg
149. A. right B. turn C. left D. ahead
150. Jane / does / weather / like? / What
151. Doing / morning exercise / for our / health. / is very useful
152. WIN_OW 153. VILL_GE
154. …………..are going to the cinema this evening.
A. My brother and me B. Me and my brother
C. My brother and I D. I and my brother
155. John likes sports very much. He usually plays ……………after achool.
A. games and geography B. soccer and literature
C. volleyball and soccer D. volleyball and swimming
156. is examining / The doctor /at / the mment. / some patients
157. first / What do / in / the morning? / you do
158. There’s a good _ _ _ _ at Dai Nam cinema this afternoon.
159. ‘Looking after” has similar meaning to “ taking _ _ _ _ of”.

160. At school we have a lot of ………..: learning, practising and playing.

A. facilities B. actions C. activities D. arts
161. What is the cartoon “ Inside Out”…………..?
A. for B. about C. on D. in
162. We / and 9.20 a.m. / between 9.00 a.m / have / no lesson
163. umbrella. It’s / Remember to / going to / rain. / take your
164. Are there _ _ _ English students in your class? – No, there aren’t.
165. He plays soccer _ _ _ _ his friend in his free time.
166. A. only B. phone C. photograph D. none
167. Dolphins can’t breath under water, but they can stay under water for about……………
A. 50 minutes B. 55 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 15 minutes
168. for / We are / Ha Long Bay / going to / three days.
169. protect / eyes from / Eyelashes / your / dust and dirt.
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170. Where do you go after you finish elementary school? - _ _ _ _ school. (nghe)
171. When I _ _ _ a little girl, I liked candies very much.
172. Where ……………… yesterday? You didn’t go to school.
A. were B. is C. are D. was
173. ……………….they classmates? -Yes, ……………..
A. Are / they are B. Are / they aren’t
C. Do / they do D. Do / they don’t
174. on the wall. / picture / There’s / of the flowers /a colourful
175. many stores /are there / town? / in your small / How

176. Now I’m studying hard at _ _ _ _ _ _ .

177. Excuse me, could you please tell me where Ngo Gia Tu primary school is?
- Go along the street. Turn right _ _ the second corner. The school is next to the cinema.
178. We are doing a project on …………home accidents for children.
A. avoid B. avoiding C. to avoid D. to avoiding
179. You mustn’t walk on the ……………… the park.
A. flowers B. street C. park D. cabbage
180. for his friends. / He / bought / souvenirs / a lot of
181. The students / are waiting / the teacher / for / over there.
182. She often eats breakfast at the food_ _ _ll near her school.
183. Don’t _ _ _ attention to the boss. (nghe)
184. My brother …………..because he …………the bed when …………
A. hurt / rolls of / slept B. hurt / rolled off / sleeping
C. hurted / rolled off / sleeping D. hurted / rolls off / sleeping
185. What can’t you use a pencil for? - …………..
A. Writing a letter B. Drawing a picture
C. Doing exercise D. Cleaning my teeth
186. about / the seasons / Let’s write / and weather / in Vietnam.
187. She usually reads / English novels / English. / practise reading / to
188. She doesn’t want _ _ _ coffee. She wants some tea.
189. The opposite of “ heavy” is “ _ _ _ _ _’
190. What did the crow do in the story “ The clever Fox and the Crow” have?
- I t had a piece of …………..
Page 82

A. paper B. meat C. fish D. sugar

191. ………….I go out, teacher? – I need some water.
A. Do B. May C. Will D. Would
192. the morning? / in / like drinking / milk / Do you
193. to / the airport. / I’m going / up at / pick you
194. My brother likes writing many game and study programs for teenager. He wants to be
an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ technician.
195. _ _ _ is the weather today? – It’s cold.
196. His mother is at the store. She ………………..some things.
A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. is buying
197. What’s her name? (nghe)
A. Betty Parat B. Barett Betty C. Betty Barratt D. Parrett Betty
198. warm. / home and / stay / keep / You should
199. It / that the weather / is very interesting / is not the same. / in different areas of Vietnam
200. HCM city is one of……………cities in Viet Nam.
A. most beautiful B. the beautifulest
C. beautiful D. the most beautiful

1 _ _ _ _ _ is the nearest bookshop, please?

2. There are a lot of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

3. The doctor advised me …………………exercise in the morning.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. does
4. He asked me ……………….. the door.
A. open B. opening C. opened D. to open
5.I like to play sports such _ _ badminton and football.
6. You don’t have to do that work. In _ _ _ _ _ words, it’s unnecessary for you.

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7. This house is different _ _ _ _ my house.

8. study in / How many hours / the library? / do you / a week
9. The number of cars on the road ………………………
A. increase B. is increasing
C. are going to increase D. are increasing
10. I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me to look …………………..them?
A. forward B. at C. after D. for
11. Living in the country is not expensive. And it isn’t complex,…………..
A. either B. too C. neither D. so
12. I like beef. - _ _ do I.
13. I don’t like coffee. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do I.
14. I don’t like drinking wine. – I don’t, _ _ _ _ _ _ .
15. The new shopping mall is quite………………the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
16. His doctor advised him to _ _ _ _ up smoking.
17. Hoa finds English ………………….
A. interesting B. interest C. interested D. interested in
18. Don’t come in.Please wait …………………….for a few minutes.
A. inside B. insides C. outside D. outsides
19. Deaf-mutes can …………………….speak……………………..hear.
A. both / and B. not only / but also
C. neither / nor D. either / or
20. Lam is ………………..lift this box.
A. enough strong to B. enough strong for
C. strong enough for D. strong enough to
21. When my mother was young, she used……………………….very well.
A. to sing B. sing C. sining D. sang
22. Mary is beautiful. She has…………………….hair.
A. fair long B. a long fair C. long fair D. the long fair
23. My grandfather often wears………………..clothes on the Tet holiday.
A. same B. traditional C. magical D. normal
24. Nam has learnt English ………………….three years.
A. since B. in C. at D. for
25. He is working very hard ………………get poor grades.
A. in order to B. in order not to C. to D. not to
26. It’s very kind _ _ you to help me.
27. Her clothes are different _ _ _ _ the other students.
28. Will you come _ _ my house on the weekend?
29. This exam is _ _ _ difficult to get high mark.
30. A. bag B. sandal C. waste D. matter
31. The sea and river are too……………………to swim in.
A. dirt B. dirtily C. dirty D. dirtiness
32. Cloth bags ought ………………..used instead of plastic bags.
A. be B. to been C. been D. to be
33. It is important …………..students attend all the lectures.
Page 84

A. that B. in order to C. to D. 0
34. I threw ………………….all the broken toys.
A. aside B. away C. down D. in
35. I / listening / music / to / like / free time. / in my
36. My sister / long / black / has got / hair, too.
37. library? / How often / the / do / to / you / go
38. like/ you / Would / cup / of / a / tea?
39. to/ up at/ pick you/ I’m going/ the airport.
40. There are only two seasons in the south of Vietnam: _ _ _ season and rainy season.
41. I was in London _ _ _ a month last year.
42. We often talk _ _ _ _ _ our day during dinner.
43. Why did your brother work _ _ a doctor in the city hospital?
44. –Jane: How _ _ _ _ is this shirt? - Shop girl: 20 dollars.
45. Are there _ _ _ English students in your class? – No, there aren’t.
46.Hoa: What _ _ _ _ _ you like for lunch?
- Peter: I’d like some noodles and some tea, please.
47. How many workers _ _ _ _ there in your father’s factory last year? 48.hea_ache
49.It’s very difficult ……………..a car on a snow day.
A. drive B. drives C. to drive D. driving
50. What weather does she like?- She likes……………
A. weather warm B. warm C. a warm weather D. warm weather

51. The boy is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a balloon.

52.Why are you wearing sunglasses? What’s the matter with you? –I’ve got………….
A. a sore throat B. an earache C. sore eyes D. sore ankles
53. I brush my teeth _ _ _ _ _ breakfast, lunch and dinner.
54. They are going to watch a football _ _ _ _ _ on sports channel.
55.I usually go swimming in hot…………………….
A. water B. autumn C. day D. summer
56. He…………….beef or chicken.
A. never eats B. eats never C. is never eating D. never is eating
57. What’s the _ _ _ _ _ _ with you?
58. You should brush your teeth _ _ _ _ _ meals.
59. What do you want to do at the weekend? - ………………………….
A. I do, too. B. I’m free at the weekend.
C. Yes, that’s great. D. Play volleyball with my friend.
60. ……………………… you work? – I work at a school.
A. What B. Where C. When D. How
61. A. three B. thank C. than D. thin
Page 85

62. Are you happy _ _ _ _ your study at school?

63. You……………………give up smoking because it is harmful to your health.
A. should B. could C. may D. am going to
64. We should use ……………bags instead of plastic bags.
A. clothed B. clothe C. cloth D. clothing
65. It is difficult ……………………learn how to cook.
A. for B. to C. at D. with
66. . ....... the lights when you leave the room!
A. Turn of B. Turn off C. Pick up D. Switch of
67. “Are there any rivers in your village? Also means:
A. Does your village have any rivers? B. Is you village having any rivers?
C. Are rivers in your village? D. Does your village have rivers?
68. Does Mike play video games ......... day?
A. sometimes B. often C. every D. never
69. What are the children doing in the garden? They’re………. boats.
A. swimming B. flying C. playing D. riding
70. ........... do you have music lessons? Every Monday afternoon.
A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long
71. Why .... you come here? Because I’m busy.
A. aren’t B. won’t C. don’t D. can
72. .............. do you have Music lessons? Every Monday afternoon.
A. How often B. How much C. How many D. How old
73. You shouldn’t go barefoot. You may get a bad _ _ _ .

74. Don’t play with the _ _ _ _ _. You may get a cut.

75. can happen / Accidents / in the home. / to young children / any where
76. ..........? It’s aerobics.
A. Does Paula like aerobics or not B. Does Paula do aerobics
C. What is Paula doing D. What is Paula’s favourite sport
77. It often _ _ _ _ _ me 20 minutes to go to school.
78. What _ _ _ _ does the library close? It closes at about half past four.
79. I didn’t have _ _ _ _ _ _ time to finish the test.
80. My new friends come from Thailand. They are _ _ _ _ .
81. …………...... homework do you get?
A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often
82. James lives ................... 60 Rose Avenue.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
83. What did/ you do / in the / last summer? / school festival
84. go on / next summer. / Ba and / vacation / his family will
85. In the summer camp last month, we _ _ _ different kinds of food.
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86. _ _ _ didn’t you do homework? Because I lost my book.

87. I have a lot of ........ to do, so I can’t watch my favourite programme tonight.
A. exercise B. houseworks C. homework D. homeworks
88. Is the supermarket / the shoe shop? / the Japanese restaurant / and / between
89. a museum / We went to / to learn about / the life of children / two thousand years ago.
90. Jane is an attractive girl _ _ _ _ blue eyes and short blonde hair.
91. I will write an email to you as ._ _ _ _ as I arrive London.
92. .................... use mobile phone and make noise in the class!
A. No B. Not C. Don’t D. doesn’t
93. Since we ................... to be at the party by 10.30, we can take a taxi.
A. can B. may C. have D. must
94. go before / the weather / We should / is / getting worse.
95. keeps my bones / milk because it / and teeth strong. / I drink / a lot of
96. Will you go to the cinema _ _ _ _ me next Sunday?
97. Hung’s brother dreams of being an astronaut because he wants to visit other p_ _ _ _ _.
98. Did Minh ................. the internet for his school subject?
A. surfs B. online C. surf D. surfed
99. railway stations / at the side / of the river? / How many / are there
100. clock didn’t ring. / late because / my alarm / to school / I went
101.Yesterday, my mother was busy so I went _ _ _ for dinner with my friends.
102. I can’t go to the cinema tonight because I have to look _ _ _ _ _ my younger sister.
103. Duyen ................... with us to the museum next weekend.
A. won’t go B. doesn’t go C. not go D. didn’t go

104. at her / and food / birthday party. / had nice drinks / Jerry’s friends
105. is a big / in the world. / Air pollution / problem in / many cities
106. Ha’s sister _ _ _ born in Hue in 1995.
107. Please try to _ _ home before it gets darker.
108. This person works outside in fields in the countryside, with animals and plants.
Who is he?
A. Dentist B. Farmer C. Journalist D. Astronaut
109. work as / in a factory? / Does / an engineer / your father
110. to the shop / Are you going / this afternoon? / to buy / a pair of shoes
111. Where _ _ _ your family go on vacation last winter?
112. Mr Tuan and Ms Lan are doctors. They ______ in a hospital.
113. going to / Lien is / a picnic lunch / with her classmates. / have
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114. breakfast / and a big lunch / She has a small / at half past six / at a quarter to twelve.
115. _ _ _ _ do we have Maths? - We have it on Tuesday and Thursday.
116. Jane wants to be a singer because she loves _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
117. Jane doesn’t have ...........................
A. hair short blonde B. short blonde hair
C. blonde short hair D. blonde hair short
118. the wildlife / birds and animals. / I love / going to / park to see the
119. is Vietnam Independence Day. / won’t go / to school as usual / Next Thursday my
sister / because that day
120. Does your mother live in the country or in the _ _ _ _ ?
121. There are twelve _ _ _ _ _ and four seasons in my country.
122. On my birthday party, someone ....................... the lights, so I couldn’t see anything.
A. turned on B. turned off C. turned of D. turns off
123. in / Do Son beach / this Sunday. / go camping / Let’s
124. in the evening. / games in the afternoon / do homework / You can play / but you must
125. The dentist advised me to brush my _ _ _ _ _ three times a day.
126. This question is _ _ _ difficult for me to find the answer.
127. What will your sister ........................ tomorrow?
A. does B. study C. is studying D. is doing
128. accidents. / He is / sometimes / he has / a careless person so

129. on the first floor. / three floors and / my classroom / My school has / is
130. _ _ _ _ time did you come to John’s party last night? - At 8.30 my / as Nam. / as careful / class is / No one
132.Why don’t we go to the movies? - ………….
A. Because I like it. B. Good idea. C. Yes, we do. D. I don’t think so.
133…………………straight cross the road.
A.Don’t run B. Not run C. No run D. Can’t run
134. Don’t forget to put the……………….in the waste-basket.
A. milk bottles B. bottle milk C. bottles D. milks bottles
135. She…………….Lan and Hoa to her birthday party last Sunday.
A. brought B. invited C. conducted D. left
136. ………………… angry with him?
A. Do B. Why C. How D. Are
137. Mr Nam gets up at 7.00 and eats………………..
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A. a big breakfast B. the big breakfast

C. big breakfast D. a breakfast big
138. My mother wants a good pair of shoes because she often goes…………………
A. cooking B. fishing C. walking D. singing
139. Americans often say “Thank you” when you help them…………….something.
A. do B. doing C. to do D. A and C are correct
140. Let’s go for a…………………… weekend.
A. picnic B. beach C. fishing D. short trip
141. We usually play football in the winter…………….it’s cold.
A. when B. where C. so D. time
142. A. cool B. food C. cook D. school
143.I’m going to draw my h_ _ _e.
144. Can I help you? - ………….., please. I need a kilo of beef.
A. Sorry B. Yes C. Can D. No
145. A. bottle B. job C. movie D. chocolate
146. The Bakers ………………….dinner at the moment.
A. is having B. are having C. eating D. is eating
147.I will never forget your h_ _p.
148. …………………present, the price of this book is ten thousand dong.
A. At B. On C. In D. For
149. Some people can speak many……………….
A. countries B. nationalities C. languages D. speeches
150. Do you…………….my turning the TV on now?
A. mind B. want C. object D. disaprove
151. They will attend the school f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ this week.
152. His mother is a doctor. She works in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
153. She spends a lot of money …………………clothes.
A. to B. on C. with D. at
154. lives / far / She / from /her school.
155. show me / Can you / please? / your student / card,
156. How many floors does you school _ _ _ _ ?
157. The drugstore is oppo_ _ _ _ the bakery.
158. Where is there a concert? (nghe)
A. In the square B. In the hall C. In the schoolyard D. In the park
159. ……………..are they? – Ther are Tom and Susan.
A. How many B. Who C. What D. Where
160. for breakfast. / often have / bread / and milk / My son
161. their house / paint / in spring. / never / They
162. It’s _ _ _ _ _ o’clock. (nghe)
163. They always have Litera_ _ _ _ on Monday.
164. How many syllables are there in the word “neighborhood”?
A. two B. four C. Three D. one
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165. A. ride B. rice C. rite D. risk

166. walks / at five. / My dad / home / often
167. often tells her / at night. / in English / old stories / Her grandmother
168. Mr Hai is a busi_ _ _ _man. He travels to many places in the world.
169. What do you do _ _ the morning?
170……………is behind the house? – The garden.
A. Who B. Where C. What D. Whose
171. A. butter B. put C. sugar D. push
172. She / spends / hours / housework. / doing
173. supermarket? / near / live / the city’s / Do you
174. This street is quite dange_ _ _ _ . Be careful!
175. Is she go_ _ _ to clean the table after dinner?
176. Do your exercises ……………to get good marks.
A. care B. careful C. carefully D. be careful
177. very well. / can / bikes / repair / My father
178. buy a house / want to / His father / near / the stadium.
179. We are doctors. We are going to _ _ _ hospital.
180. Here is a _ _ _ture of my country.
181. Walk!!
A. Nothing B. No C. Don’t D. You don’t
182……………… - He’s going to the cinema.
A. Does Ted often go to the cinema? B. How is Ted going to the cinema?
C.Where’s Ted going? D. What are they doing?
183. all the students / stay at / play sports?/ school and / Do
184.a market, / noisy. / My house is / so it’s / near
185. Does your brother play vol_ _ _ball? – No, he doesn’t.
186. Kim lives in an a_ _ _ _ment in town.
187. I’m waiting ……………..the train.
A. for B. to C. as D. about
188. Linda / today. / school / go to / can’t
189. chess / in the classroom. / playing / They are
190. We use maps when we learn _ _ _graphy.
191. Where is Pike? – He is wa_ _ _ _ _ _ television in the living room.
192. Peter…………………..after school.
A. does play soccer B. play soccer C. plays soccer D. has soccer
193. Our teacher / with care. / the road / often tells us / to cross
Page 90

194. road / mean? / do the / What / signs
195. How many chairs are _ _ _ _ _ in your family?
196. Lemonade ia my favourite …………
A. drink B. fruit C. meat D. vegetable
197. when you / the road. / be careful / You should / cross
198. he likes / skiing / Bach says / in winter / very much.
199.How does she travel to Ha Noi? – She travels to Ha Noi by pl_ _ _ .
200. Does your brother _ _ _ _ soccer? – No, he doesn’t.

1. _ _ _ do you feel today? – I feel much better.
2. I took / Last week / the biggest zoo / my children to / in town.
3. cartoons on / Mai enjoys / evening. / TV every / watching
4. Every morning she gets up ear_ _ .
5. My grandmother will pre_ _ _ _ some food for the picnic.
6. Ba usually plays volleyball but sometimes _ _ _ _ sailing.
7. Do you watch TV or _ _ _ _ sports after school? have / a pen / friend from / I want / England.
9. I used / sister. / to chase / butterflies / with my
10. After _ _ _ _ _ homework, Lien reads books for about thirty minutes and then goes to
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11. Do you have any lessons ......... Thursday afternoon?

A. on B. at C. in D. of
12. There are / 1000 students / and / in my school. / 25 classrooms
13. a tall / with short / She is / girl / black hair.
14. _ _ _ _ _ do Nam sit every morning to review his lessons?
He sits under the trees in the school.
15. After playing badminton _ _ _ _ my school friends, I go home at five o’clock.
16. What is your ........................ film? - Tom and Jerry.
A. likes B. interested C. favourite D. good
17. It’s difficult / a good job. /without / to live / in a big city
18. a new white / last week. / parents bought / Herry’s / bike for him

19. My uncle is travelling to Hanoi by _ _ _.

20. I help my mother clean the floor and water the plants three _ _ _ _ _ a week.
21. A. desks B. seasons C. lamps D. eats
22. My grandfather is learning ………………….... to use a smart phone.
A. where B. what C. when D. how
23. doesn’t like it. / My brother / plays football / never / because he
24. the traffic lights. / at / To get to / the shop you / turn right
25. People s_ _ _ _ _ protect wild animals and some kinds of rare plants.
26. What colour is her _ _ _ _ ? - Black and it’s very long.
27. Ha wants to speak English fluently, so she practices …………...... everyday.
A. to speak B. speaking C. spoke D. speaks
28. In the morning, Ha’s mother often …………….. breakfast for her family.
A. does B. eats C. has D. makes
29. on / play some games / Can I / please? / the computer
30. I have got / so I want / a headache / the doctor. / to see
31. Forests are home for many kinds of plants _ _ _ animals.
32. Tom brushes his teeth at 6.20, then he gets d_ _ _ _ _ _ and has breakfast at 6.30.
33. A. city B. music C. public D. picnic
34. Nam and Ba .......................... go fishing because they don’t have fishing rods.
A. always B. often C. never D. usually
35. What / is / the winter / like / in your country?

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36. There are / and we all / together. / speak English / many different nationalities
37. A. thick B. others C. thanks D. third
38. How much does it ………………… to travel to Dalat by plane?
A. take B. give C. cost D. spend
39. vill_ge
40. He stays _ _ too late and he is always tired the next morning.
41.The seeker / children. / he or she finds / wins when / all of the
42. My mother / at / cooking. / very good / is
43. Lan doesn’t like fish so she ………………….eats it.
A. always B. often C. never D. usually
44. Tuan is good……………..English and Maths.
A. at B. in C. on D. under
45. There’s a bottle _ _ milk in the fridge.
46. the name of / What’s / the main character / “The Legend of Water melon”? / in the book
47. three weeks / He stayed at / last summer. / for / his uncle’s house
48. Where is your school?
A. It’s a bank. B. It’s next a banhk.
C. It’s near a bank. D. It’s between a bank.
49.Mai: Why shouldn’t he play with a …………………..?
Tom: Because he may cause a big fire.
A. lighter B. horn C. radio D. boiling water
50. After dinner, they usually eat some cakes and _ _ _ _ _ fruit juice.
51. _ _ _ _ activities can you do at the festival?
52.The artists / in front of / the Town Hall. / are painting / a big picture
53.It’s / winter. / hot /in / never
54. What does Peter do after school? – He does ……………….homework.
A. him B. he C. her D. his
55.The traffic light is yellow. You must………………………
A. slow down B. go faster C. stop D. go ahead
56. ………………..don’t you go with us? – Because I am busy with my homework.
57. _ideo
58. by the sea. / a very large / live in / My grandparents / comfortable house
59. A cage for a chicken is a………………
A. chicken shed B. chicken coop C. buffalo shed D. (A, B, C)
60. I’d like………………….this letter to Hanoi.
A. to send B. sending C. send D. sent
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61. There is a souvenir shop ………………..Tran Phu Street.

A. on B. at C. from D. in
62. She has …………………money than me.
A. less B. fewer C. much D. many
63.Our …………….resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. natured D. naturaling
64. Many adults learn English because it’s useful _ _ _ their work.
65. Hanh is usually early for school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she gets up early.

66. Hoa is learning how to use a _ _ _ _ _ _ machine.

67. What are you going to do when you grow _ _ ?
68. stops / money. / smoking / My father / to save
69. the house / to sell / you want / Didn’t / yesterday?
70. John doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play tennis. This means:
A. Both John and David doesn’t play tennis.
B. Neither John nor David plays tennis.
C. Not either John and David play tennis.
D. Not only John but also David doesn’t play tennis.
71. _ _ _ are you going to get to Hung King Temple next weekend? – By bus.
72. You must m_ _ _ a quick decision about who wins the contest.
73. yesterday?Did / they / New York / arrive in
74. “Don’t shout.” I said to Jim.This also means:
A. I told Jim don’t shout. B. I told to Jim not to shout.
C. I told Jim not to shout. D. I told Jim not shout.
75. He’d rather play golf _ _ _ _ tennis.
76. She told me she would come so be p_ _ _ _ _ _ and let’s wait for her.
77. You _ _ _ _ _ _ wash your hands before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
78. laugh a / lot. / his friends / often make / His jokes
79. I take part _ _ most youth activities of my school.
80. _ _ _ _ did you buy this dress? – I bought it two days ago.
81. After _ _ _ _ _ _ an aspirin, her headache disappears.
82. than her / in our / more intelligent / school. / No one is
83. for at / in the steamer /the meat / Cook / least 30 minutes.
84. They’re getting married _ _ the end of June.
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85. Some people feel that towns are _ _ _ noisy for them to live in.
86. The opposite of “strong” is……………………….
A. heavy B. weak C. big D. thin
87. I like ……….Vietnamese ……………………English.
A. both / and B. both / to C. both / too C. and / both
88. Do you think I ought ……………..him the newspaper.
A. lend B. lends C. to lend D. lent
89. You must……………….home right after school.
A. go B. goes C. going D. went
90. She is studying hard ……………………the final exams.
A. but for passing B. in order to pass
C. so as pass D. so that she pass
91. It’s too cold outside. ……………….close the door, please?
A. Do you B. Can you
C. Would you mind D. Why don’t you
92. The sun ……………… 5.16 tomorrow.
A. rise B. rises C. is rising D. is going to rise
93. The doctor advised him………………a rest and …………….any heavy work.
A. to take / to do B. to take / not do
C. to take / don’t do D. to take / not to do
94. She gave me a form and told me ……………………in it.
A. fill B. to fill C. filling D. fills
95. It takes me an hour ……….…….the housework.
A. to do B. do C. doing D. does
96. A. south B. mouth C. sound D. touch
97. A. nice B. knife C. kitchen D. fine
98. It’s hard work looking …………………three children all day.
A. after B. before C. about D. at
99. I ……………… a lot, but I don’t play very often now.
A. used to play B. was playing C. am used to play D. play
100. My grandmother ……………….us when my parents were away from home.
A. looked for B. looked after C. looked at D. looked up
101. Yesterday, I ………………….to the cinema.
A. go B. will go C. went D. has to
102. ……………..a nice day!
A. How B. What C. When D. Who
103. She is a student. - ……………… I.
104. A. shine B. time C. kind D. thin
105. A. birthday B. thirteen C. that D. thing
106. A. church B. toothache C. chair D. cheese
107. A. poor B. soon C. tooth D. school
108. They…………….with me to the beach next weekend.
A. don’t go B. don’t will go C. won’t go D. go
109. She will ………………..some friends to her birthday party.
A. call B. tell C. have D. invite
110. Jane is ………………beautiful than her sister.
Page 95

A. more B. the most C. fewer D. the more

111. Will you / comic book / your new / lend me /tomorrow?
112. and Hoa / to do? / Minh / going / What are
113. his friends /birthday party. / go to/ his /All of
114. of football players / candy / packets./ come from / These pictures
115. a week / He works / 40 hours. / for about / five days
116. the president of / Ba is / club. / the stamp / collectors’
117. The school cafeteria / opens / only / at lunchtime.
118. They should not jump into the river. You may _ _ _ _ _ .
119. He shouldn’t _ _ _ _ _ down the staircase because he may _ _ _ _ _ your leg.

120. I saw a _ _ _ _ on the roof of the cowshed yesterday.

121. He’s got a sore _ _ _ _ _ _ .
122. She walked ……………..the kitchen and put her packages …………the table.
A. in / into B. on / into C. into / in D. into / on
123. Television is one of the most …………………..of the media.
A. important mean B. important means
C. importance mean D. importance means
124.John and Daisy greeted ……………..
A. himself B. herself C. themselves D. each other
125.My grandfather has a broken leg so he has to use ………… walk by himself.
A. stretcher B. crutches C. wheelchair D. scale
126. My friend Nam is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . He loves giving things to other people.
127. Don’t forget ………….our teeth before going to bed.
A. brush B. to brush C. brusing D. not to brush
128.You would _ _ _ _ _ _ not read those magazines.
129. His new shoes are different …………mine, but his new shirt is similar …………mine.
A. to / from B. from / to C. with / to D. from / from
130. When I was young, I _ _ _ _ to live on a farm.
131.My sister and I are very different ……………we get on well together.
A. to B. from C. so D. but
132. Boys like playing marbles or catch while girls like playing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rope or
133. You should take a hot shower right now or you may catch a _ _ _ _ .
134. to her. / Hana’s class / children in / were very nice / The other
Page 96

135. He stopped _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because cigarettes are harmful to his health.

137. to improve / I will join / May be / an English club / my English speaking.
138. He never / plays soccer, / watching soccer matches / but he likes / on TV.
139. buy / What / in the supermarket / near your house? / can you
140. I received a letter ………… friend yesterday.
A. from B. by C. on D. at
141. As a child, he …………. his parents .
A. ought obey B. ought obeying C. ought to obey D. ought to obeying
142. She needed …………….these postcards to her friends.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. sends
143. I’d like to ......... swimming.
A. have B. do C. play D. go

144. You have to make sure children don’t play with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

145. I practise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ English with my friends.
146. In the morning, Lam gets up at six, then she gets dr_ _ _ _ _ .
147. Would you like to play football _ _ _ _ us?
148. I’m Vietnamese. What’s _ _ _ _ nationality?
149. It is very small. We can not see it with our ……………........
A. ears B. nose C. eyes D. mouth
150. in your / city? / supermarkets / are there / How many
151. I hope the …………………can repair our car quickly.
A. mechanic B. reporter C. architect D. dentist
152. …………………….does she want for dinner? – Rice and chicken.
A. Where B. What C. Who D. When
153. live with / my family / in the / I / country.
154.the boxes / they / Where are / to? / taking
155. When do you have Hi_ _ _ _? – On Tuesday.
156. I like seeing our family’s green rice pad_ _ _ _ .
157. Which sentence is correct?
A. Drugstore is between the hospital and restaurant.
B. The drugstore between the hospital and the restaurant.
C. Drugstore is between hospital with restaurant.
D.There is a drugstore between the hospital and the restaurant.
158.Which word has the sound /i/?
A. bus B. busy C. but D. bun and / Are there / art / at school? / clubs
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160. a lot. / make / The news / my friend / cry

161. There are _ _ _ _ _ _ months in a year.
162. …………………do your children watch TV? – Twice a day.
A. How often B. What often C. When often D. How many
163. A. car B. bike C. horse D. lorry
164. but he likes / He never / watching soccer matches / plays soccer, / on TV.
165. after / How do / morning exercise? / you feel / doing
166. YA_D 167. M_SICIAN
168. A. Maths B. Physics C. English D. Badminton
169. You ……………..take photographs in here. It’s forbidden.
A. can B. may C. mustn’t D. don’t
170. mustn’t / make / Why / we / any noise?
171. any / orange juice / Is there / after breakfast? / to drink
173. We often talk _ _ _ _ _ our day during dinner.
173. How does your brother often go to work? - …………….motorbike.
A. At B. On C. By D. In
174. What has she got in the library in the afternoon?
A. Lessons B. Classes C. A show D. Fashion
175. Jane is from England, so she is ……..
A. French B. Malaysia C. English D. American
176. A. door B. room C. school D. pool
177. Listen and tick: A. a baseball B. a football C. a basketball D. a ball
178. Minh and Tam are reading books ……………………cats and dogs.
A. in B. from C. about D. on
179. How _ _ _ _ bread do you eat every day?
180. Thank you for……………………..
181. What kind of food do you eat on Mid-Autumn Day?

-________ .
182. We should _ _ _ _ _ more trees to reduce air pollution.
183. ……………….books are they? – They are my books.
A. Which B. What C. Whose D. How
184. I am…………………………., so I don’t want to eat any more.
A. thirsty B. full C. starving D. hungry
185. beaches near the / My grandma likes / sandy / sea. / walking on the
186. Starting / happy. / all the year / the year with / a laugh make

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187. Where…………….Max come from?
A. does B. were C. do D. are
188. the West. / and sets in / The sun / rises / in the East
189. only one. / but I’m not the / say I’m / They may / a dreamer,

190. What _ _ _ _ do you have?

191. My favourite book is “ C_ _ _ _ _ _ Soup for the Soul”.

192. Last weekend, Linda went to the zoo……………underground.
A. by B. with C. on D. from
193. Our uncle is an engineer. “ Our uncle” means “…………………..”
A. he B. him C. his D. they
194. How many syllables are there in the word “location”?
A. three B. four C. five D. two
195. hungry, / Kim isn’t / thirsty. / but she / is
196. the window / Could / open / you / for me?
197. Who is Mrs Nanny? - _ _ _ is my new teacher.
198. Please raise your hands _ _ to answer the teacher’s questions.
199. There’s an intersection a_ _ _ _ . Please slow down.
200. A_ _ _ _ three houses, which one is yours?

1. can/ Can you / me to open the/ help/ of peas?
2. sell many kinds/ opposite my/ house/ The new shop/ of flowers.
3. What does your sister _ _? – She is a student.
4. The meal we have in the evening is called _ _ _ _ _ _.
5. Why … join us?- I’m busy. A/ aren’t B/ don’t C/ hasn’t D/ haven’t
6. Many wild animals are …danger because of pollution.
A. to B. for C. at D. in
7. There/ to the nearby/ is / a bus/ airport hotel./
8. We are/ the airport tonight./ friends at/ going to/ meet our/
9. My family is going to visit Cat Ba island this Wed_ _ _day.

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10.When do you have _ _ _ lessons? (listen).

11.Which sentence is correct?
A. I always put a little of salt in my soup.
B. I always put a little of salts in my soup.
C. I put always a little salt in my soup.
D. I always put a little salt in my soup.
12.My sister works …than me.
A. less hours B. few hours C. more hours D. little hours
13.never/ are/ late for/ Minh and Mai/ school./
14. How many/ produce?/ his chickens/ do/ eggs/
15.We can see wild animals in the _ _ _.
16.What’s the _ _ _ _ _er like in the summer?
17.We’re…the lands by producing trash.
A. pollute B. pollution C. polluted D. polluting
18.Don’t make a fire here. It’s …..
A. safe B. natural C. warm D. dangerous
19.playing in the/ teams/ light rain./ The football/ are/
20.What/ do/ in their/ do they/ free time?
21.My uncle is worker. He works at the City Fac_ _ _ _.
22.Who are you going _ _ visit tomorrow?
23.She has ……………..…close friends in Paris.
A. a few B. little C. few D. a little
24.They drink …………………coffee in the morning.
A. some B. few C. a few D. any
25.their/ faces to show anger/ and love./ Monkeys/ use/
26.Is/ very/ under water/ swimming/ difficult?/
27.The birthday party was at 7 o’clock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( listen – yesterday)
28.Many old people enjoy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( listen – gardening)
29.There aren’t ………………..deserts in Viet Nam.
A. not B. no C. none D. any
30.Mekong River is …………….…river in Viet Nam.
A. longest B. longer C. the longer D. the longest
31.stay/ will you/ in the countryside?/ How long/
32.walking in the / on a/ mountains/ We love/ sunny day.
33._ _ _ is going to clean the floor? – Henry is.
34.Music is my _ _ _ _ rite subject.
35. A. buffalo B. pull C. structure D. uncle
36. A. cat B. man C. waste D scrap
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37. How many people/ invite to the party/ going to/ on Sunday?/ are you/
38.dirty clothes on/ leaving his/ my bed./ always/ My brother is/
39.My sons like playing soc_ _ _ very much.
40.The teacher asks the class to ans_ _ _ all the questions.
41.“ Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight? “ also means “……”
A. Let’s going out for dinner tonight. C. Shall we have dinner tonight?
B. Shall we have dinner tonight? D. What’re we going to do for dinner tonight?
42.Our village has a …………………....of 3,000.
A. pollution B. nation C. nationality D. population
43.girl in/ but poor/ our class./ an intelligent / Janet is/
44.cans and/ collect/ bottles./ paper,/ Please/
45.Thank you _ _ _ helping me with my housework.
46.My grandmother often eats a lot of fruits and vege_ _ _ _ _ _.
47.“………………...” means giving foods to animals.
A. burn B. plow C. produce D. feed
48.Peter plays football…than my brother.
A. good B. worst C. the best D. better
49.London./ store in/ Harrods/ is a very/ famous department/
50.plays tennis/ She / three/ times/ a week./
51.Four _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a year are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
52.There _ _ _ two new stadiums in town.
53.Which word has the different stress pattern?
A. Produce B. recycle C. destination D. idea
54.They buy some bread but ………………..…milk.
A. any B. not C. no D. none
55.going to/ have a new/ We are/ classmate/ from Germany./
56.Write / exercise book./ in/ the answers/ your/
57.Does she do her home_ _ _ _ at 8?
58.Would you like some tea?- _ _, thanks.
59.Which word has the different stress pattern?
A. Nationality B. capital C. buffalo D. building
60. “ What do you intend to do this weekend?” also means “………………..”
A. What do you do this weekend? C. What has you do this weekend?
B. What are you going to do this weekend? D. What are you doing this weekend?
61. one or/ two nights/ My mother works/ a month./ late only/
62.We must/ Mountains./ cancel the/ the Marble/ visit to /
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63. My school is oppo_ _ _ _ an old museum.

64. I go to school by _ _ _ _ _bike.
65. Would you buy some toys …………….your children?
A. to B. in C. on D. for
66.Which word has the different stress pattern?
A. destroy B. tower C. recycle vacation
67.we can enjoy/ the beautiful scenery/ In Hoi An/ Thu Bon River./ of the/
………………………………………………………………………………………….. the park/ in the afternoon./ go for/ We always/ a walk/
69.Why don’t _ _ get there and buy some books? – Nice idea!
70.Where do you live? – They live _ _ France.
71.What should we do? ( listen)
A. Clean our room every day. C. go to classroom every day.
B. Clean our room every week. D. Clean our classroom every day.
72.….…weather is often cool in autumn. A. A B. The C. O D. Some
73. fun at/ the party in/ lot of/ There is a / the garden./
74.the cinema/ at eight. / meet outside/ We are/ going to/
75.When it’s hot, Bach goes _ _ _ _ming.
76.She has English lessons every Thursday after_ _ _ _.
77.These trees produce ……………fruits than those.
A. many B. less C. little D. fewer
78. A. difficult B. tube C. usually D. student
79. reading a hundred- page/ I am/ the moment. / the library at/ book at/
80.for lunch./ for lunch,/ For you/ I’m here/ are here/
81._ _ _ don’t we eat out tonight?- Nice idea!
82.When does she _ _ her homework?- At night.
83.Listen and tick.
A. She has long and black hair. C. She has long and blonde hair.
B. She has strong and black hair. D. She has blonde and black hair.
84.The bird is….. ( listen)
A. really big. B/ a bit small C. quite beautiful D. very clever.
85.Elephants / can’t / hear them./ make/ sounds but humans/
86.After work/ soccer or/ plays/ my father usually/ baseball with me./
87.Behind the tall trees, there are moun_ _ _ _ _.
88.Who are they speaking _ _? – Their boss.
89.The opposite of “save” is “…..”
A. Wait B. waste C. safe D. recycle
90.Some cows in my farm produce…..
A. pork B. chicken C. milk D. eggs
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91.on the first day/ of new year?/ give you/ Do your parents/ lucky money/
92.correctly./ I can’t/ the word/ spell/ “ lettuce” /
93.How many _ _ _ _ _ _ are there in her class? ( listen- pupils)
94.Are they cook _ _ _ dinner in the kitchen?
95.We use waste foods to ……...our pigs. A. recycle B. feed C. reuse D. save
96.A. bean B. bread C. head D.ready
97.take a/ the world/ I want to/ by boat./ trip around/
98.often / He/ in/ the mountains./ goes/ walking/
99.What _ _ _ _ _ do you like best?- I like purple best.
100. Our students often wear uni_ _ _ _ every Monday.
101. What does she do on the phone? ( listen)
A. She raises a sheep. B. She played Bingo
C. She feeds an animal. D. She takes a selfie photo.
102. A. sugar B. sandwich C. summer D. scrap
103. so high/ flying/ up in/ the sky./ The kites are/
104. Denmark./ is / the capital/ Copenhagen / of/
105. There are two hund_ _ _ pencils in this large box.
106. Does she _ _ _ _ a round face?- Yes, she does.
107. What’s the …of your town? – It’s very green.
A. natural B. nature C. feature D. nation
108. odd one out: A. tower B. natural C. citadel D. capital
109. buying/ a bottle/ My mother is/ of cough medicine / for me./
110. like you/ Julia/ my cousin,/ Tan, I’d / to meet/
111. We would like to go to Hoi An this summer vaca_ _ _ _.
112. Is your birthday on Ja_ _ _ _ _ ?- No, It’s on May.
113. What’s your…? – I am French.
A. nation B. national C. nationality D. nationally
114. A. packet B. gram C. gray D. black
115. to dessert?/ a pear/ apple or/ like an/ Would you/
116. and pull/ the fields/ plow/ the carts./ the buffalos/
117. She has got lessons at school in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( listen – morning)
118. Their house is _ _ _ ween a toystore and a bookstore.
119. She brushed her…. ( listen) A. teeth B. clothes C. hair D. cheeks
120. Which word has the different stress pattern?
A. Structure B. language C. collect D. damage
121. places a/ My mother always/ of the living room./ in a corner/ green plant/
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122. My father/ for/ always on time/ is/ everything./
123. Why do you want to go to the market? – Be_ _ _ _ _ I want to do some shopping.
124. _ _ _ plus nine makes nineteen.
125. We have lots of….in the summer. A. rain B. rains C. raining D. rainy
126. Whose book is this, … or …?
A. your/ her B. yours/ hers C. you/ she D. yours/ her
127. school./ my first/ This is/ in this/ year learning/
128. Do you/ eat breakfast/ always/ before coming/ to class?
129. Do you need any_ _ _ _ esle? – No, thanks.
130. What do you and Nga often do af_ _ _ school? – We play tennis.
131. The chickens produce a lot of…..
A. eggs B. fruits C. pork D. beef
132. Their children want to go …this winter.
A. ski B. to ski C. skiing D. sking
133. Let’s/ morning./ clean/ the dishes/ in the/
134. girl is/ The lovely/ her shirt./ wearing a red/ rose on /
135. Where are you going this _ _ _ _end? – I will stay at home.
136. You should drive care_ _ _ _ _.
137. Can you speak….?- Sure.
A. Japan B. France C. English D. China
138. Cutting ….trees can affect the environment.
A. down B. off C. on D. up
139. with/ play tag/ fun to/ It is/ my friends./
140. A computer/ think/ itself./can’t/ for/
141. This is my house’s biggest bath_ _ _ _.
142. We sometimes play volley_ _ _ _ in the schoolyard.
143. Which ocean does the Amazon River…into?
A. fly B. visit C. water d. flow
144. A.cold B. bottle C. box D. volleyball
145. Can you/ notepaper/ on this/ write your name/ for me?
146. planning to buy/ We are/ new television set/ this week./ ourselves a/
147. Is her room small _ _ large? – It’s large.
148. We can go swimming in a swimming _ _ _ _.
149. Many people think this is the ……………..…hotel in town.
A. good B. well C. nice D. best
150. A. gases B. cabbages C. movies D. glasses
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151. the house./ around/ the cat/ chasing after/ The dog is/
152. do they pay/ you for/ How much/ a month money/ working here?
153. Yoko comes from Tokyo. She is Japan_ _ _.
154. Who is waiting _ _ _ you at the cinema?- My friends.
155. A. destination B. action C. suggestion D. suggestion
156. There…much beer in the glass.
A. isn’t B. aren’t C. hasn’t D. doesn’t have
157. the sun rise/ or/ Does/ in the east/ the west?
158. a red/ and has/ dress/ short hair. / wearing/ She’s /
159. Which lan_ _ _ _ _ does Tom speak? – He speaks English.
160. How do you go to work? – By _ _ _ ( bus).
161. This house is 30 years…..
A. olds B. age C. old D. ages
162. “ ………..…” means giving foods to animals.
A. Burn B. Plow C. Produce D. Feed
163. Why / farmers/ the forest?/ burn/ do/
164. with my aunt/ I am / a week./ going to stay/ for/
165. Mr. Ha is a business_ _ _. He works very hard.
166. He works from Monday to _ _ _ _ _ _. ( listen)
167. It is often ……….….in June.
A. summer B. autumn C. hot D. winter
168. David and I …………..…having a great holiday in Hanoi.
A. is B.are C. am D. will
169. every New/ family usually/ Year’s Eve?/ do on/ What do you/
170. of snow/ they get/ a lot/ in the winter./ In Canada,
171. I like bears, but my little sister likes ele_ _ _ _ _ _.
172. There isn’t _ _ _ cooking oil in the bottle.
173. What’s she doing?- She is …………….…a horse.
A. riding B. walking C. jogging D. running
174. ………………….do Mrs. Fiona’s hens produce?
A. How much eggs B. How many eggs C. How much egg D. How many egg
175. play sports,/ They/ sometimes/ not always./ but/
176. going to/ movie with/ My sister is/ be in a/ her idol./
177. She feels thirsty and she wants some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( listen- lemonade)
178. Playing football on the street is very danger_ _ _.
179. ……………does Larry fly kites? – Never.
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A. When B. How long C. How often D. How usually

180. Odd one out: A. pull B. push C. cart D. plow
181. rainbow?/ Can you/ of a/ name three/ colours/
182. at/ morning?/ five in the/ Where are/ you going/
183. How many pets _ _ _ there in your family?
184. Amy _ _ _ _ shopping with her mother every Sunday.
185. A. destroy B. recycle C. idea D. tent
186. Tokyo is …..than Mexico city.
A. very small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smaller
187. Minh lives in the city _ _ _ _ his parents.
188. The sign says “ _ _ smoking”. You can’t smoke here.
189. She goes to the movies twice ………………..a year.
A.time B. times C. time’s D. O
190. Do you have any pets? – Yes , I have …………..…cats.
A. two small black B. two black small C. small two black D. black two small
191. Thanks for your help. – You’re wel _ _ _ _.
192. Mary’s bags aren’t as new as mine. _ _ _ _ are very old and dirty.
193. Who would like some tea? ( listen)
A. Oscar B. Jenny C. The speaker D. Oscar’s friend
194. Another word for “ autumn” is “……….…”
A. fall B. fell C. felt D. feel
195. People work on a farm are called _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
196. Would you like a hambur_ _ _ ?- Yes, please. I’m hungry.
197. ……………………off the grass, please.
A. Stay B. Keep C. Walk D. Play
198. Students are waiting for the bus at the bus stop….. B. at a moment C. at a present D. yesterday
199. She reads in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from 7 o’clock to 9:30. ( listen)
200. Mrs. Mai is a nurse and she works at the village’s hos_ _ _ _ _
TEST 12 How/ long/ the Great Wall/ of China?/
2.start to work/ in / the morning./ at 6/ These farmers often/
3.I brush my teeth every night, but s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I forget.
4.Lan’s elder brother is a jour_ _ _ _ _ _. He writes for magazines.
5.Do you….going to a movie tonight?
A/ feel like B. come to C. look forward D. want to
6.I …eat ice-creams because I don’t like it very much.
A/ always B. some time C. rarely D. do
7.your new school/ different/ from/ What makes/ others?
……………………………………….…………………………………………………. have breakfast?/ they/ usually/ What time/
Page 106

9.My mother doesn’t like apple j_ _ _ _ much.

10.I am very hungry. Now I can eat three _ _ _ _ _ of noodles.
A/ home B. close C. rod D. telephone
11.What is the seventh letter of the English alphabet?
A.E B. F C. G D. K
12.please/ see/ a dripping faucet,/ When you/ turn it off./
13.the weather/ What/ like/ is/ in summer?/
14.We always wear strong _ _ _ _ _ and warm clothes in these rainy winter days.
15.There are _ _ _ _ _ in the evening ? ( listen)
16.Odd one out: A. sail B. stay C. throw D. desert
17.After lunch, he usually takes…short rest.
A. a B. an C. the D. O
18.a movie/ tonight./ see/ going to/ We are/
19.and/ wild animals/ We are/ plants./ destroying/
20.Let’s go to the post _ _ _ _ _ _ . I need to send some letters.
21.We h_ _ _ to learn English at school because it is one of our subjects.
22.Actually, I really………… take a break right now. wanting B. am not wanting C. wants D. don’t want
23.Where is she? – She ……………her room.
A. studies at B. studies in C. is studying in D. is studying at
24.have to/ make sure/ You/ children don’t/ play with/ matches.
25.Mr. Grim/ sitting in a boat/ Why is/ interested in/ and fishing?/
26.What’s his _ _ _? – He’s a doctor.
27.How do you get around in Melbourne? – Do you take the _ _ _? ( listen)
28.John doesn’t want to work …………….his house.
A. next B. besides C. front of D. far from
29.In Viet Nam, children start……………….school at the age of six.
A. secondary B. primary C. nursery D. high you/ Which/ to visit?/ country/ want/
31.You/ if/ can have/ you are tired./ a headache/
32.Because our Mathematics _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is very pleasant we can’t miss his lessons.
33.The little boy visits his grandma about _ _ _ _ a month.
34.Thomas is sitting…..his mother and father. B. in front C. between D. near of
35.Where is he taking his dog…..? A. for B. at C. out D. to
36.on my next birthday. / a new watch/ going to buy/ me/ Dad is/
37.The population / very fast./ of the world/ is/ growing/
Page 107

38.My brother doesn’t play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ every afternoon. ( listen)
39.Go to bed early. You can _ _ very tired in the morning.
40.When you see a dripping faucet, please ………….it off.
A.leave B. pick C. turn D. destroy
41.What is the synonym of “handsome”?
A.well B. good C. good looking D. nice
42.does/ How much/ milk/ his cow/ produce?/
43.much / ham/ do you/ How/ need?
44.Wash your hands before you have dinner! They are really _ _ _ _ _.
45.You must not _ _ _ _ your car in front of the entrance.
46.Which of the following are not vegetables?
A. cucumber B. tomatoes C. beans D. strawberry
47.A. flow B. tower C. low D. so
48.a present from Harry?/ you receive/ when/ would you feel/ How/
49.ocean/ into/ does the Nile River/ flow/ Which/
50.What do you like? – I like _ _ _ _ coffee with milk.
51.We should use the _ _ _ _ _ _ instead of baths to save water.
52.I always…goodbye to my parents before I go to school with my sister.
A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk
53.We shouldn’t …trash in the street. A. pollute B. plant C. pull D. throw catch/ Nick/ has to/ the morning train. / wake up early./
55.many/ This is/ nice lakes/ one of/ in Hanoi./
56.Disney Park is an interesting place for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
57.My sister is a student. She is nine_ _ _ _ years old.
58.What is her first class today? ( listen)
A/ Music B. Math C. Arts D. Literature
59.She is …………….…student in her class.
A.most tall B. the most tall C. the taller D. the tallest
60.has/ a few/ paddy fields/ in the countryside./ He/
…………………………………………….…………………………………………… me/ the way/ please?/ to the supermarket,/ Could/
62._ _ _ _ _ everybody! And look at the camera!
63.This build_ _ _ is the highest one in town.
64.They never have breakfast before………………..
A. take bath B. have a bath C. taking bath D. having a bath
65.We don’t have milk………….…the evening.
A. on B. for C. with D. at
66.grows/ a few/ vegetables in/ his small field./ This farmer/
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67.and/ Tracy’s pastimes/ swimming./ are/ collecting stamps/
68_ _ _ Smiths are all fond of drawing.
69.They are going to b_ _ _ _ a new bridge near my house.
70.The train….at the station.
A. arrives B. leaves C. is arriving D. is leaving
71.Who did David fly to see last summer? ( listen)
A. his grandmother B. his grandfather C. his grandparents D. his brothers
72.What/ the summer vacation?/ during/ plan to do/ do you/
73.I’m pleased / that/ you and your family/ well./ are/
74.I am looking for a book about traditional _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Vietnam. ( le hoi)
75.My h_ _ _ is the blue house between the green one and the white one.
76.………….put garbage bins around the school yard.
A.She B. Let us C. They like D. He wants
77.My father tries to start the car but it doesn’t….
A. go B. run C. work D. take
78.studying hard/ next week./ you are/ I hope/ for your exams/
79.come/ does/ from?/ the pollution/ Where/
80.Phong is with his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the city. ( listen)
81.Have you got _ _ _ _ pen, or would you like to borrow mine?
A. store B. work C. walk D. short
82.………...usually learn things from………..
A. Boy/ his father B. Boys / his father C. Boys/ their fathers D. The boys/ his fathers
83.How many/ your school/ floors/ does/ have?/
……………………………………………………………………..………………….. plane?/ it take/ does/ How long/ to get to Hanoi/
85.They are waiting _ _ _ the doctor in the waiting room.
86.The Japanese eat a lot of _ _ _ _ . ( listen)
87.What time does he get up? ( listen)
A. at 6 a.m B. at 6:30 a.m C. at 6:15 a.m D. at 7:00 a.m
88.I ask my mother to …my dog when I am not at home.
A/ see B. look after C. watch D. hear Physics./ study/ We/ how things/ work/
90.more expensive/ than/ its neighborhood./ Everything/ in this city is/
91.There are few people on the _ _ _ _ _. ( bai bien)
92.We are loading the truck with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(rau)
93.How much is the packet of noodles ? – It’s…..
A. five thousands eight hundreds B. five thousand and eight hundreds
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C. five thousand eight hundreds D. five thousand and eight hundred

94.Please………me with you, Mom. A. leave B. let’s C. take D. help
95.goes out with/ sometimes/ a friend/ Clara/ for dinner./
96.environment./ the/ protect/ should/ We/
97.We are having dinner at a restaurant. The food is g_ _ _ _.
98.My brother _ _ _ _ _ me postcards every time he goes away.
99.May I help you, Madam? – No, thank you…………..…
A. I’m just walking B. I’m just standing C. I’m just sitting D. I’m just siting
100.Which of these vegetables is not green?
A. Carrot B. cabbage C. lettuce D. peas new/ to/ the neighborhood./ Molly/
………………………………………………………………………………………… in/ as/ the centre hospital / a nurse./ My sister/
103.Do you want to go to the ci_ _ _ _ with me tonight?
104.A man and a woman are sitting in front of us. I think _ _ _ man is Italian.
105.Barbara is a nice person, but she always has her own……… and never listens to others .
A/ way B. road C. path D. head
106.What animals produce pork? – The…………….
A/ chickens B. buffalos C. pigs D. cows
107.hates living / in the countryside/ it is boring./ Mike/ because/
108.having/ problems/ my study report./ with/ I am/
109.I love making Chung _ _ _ _ with my father.
110.I _ _ _ _ _ buy book and I always borrow them from the library.
111.Choose the word which has different stress pattern:
A/ magazine B. beautiful C. vegetables D. supermarket
112.A/ bow B. stove C. Latino D. dove
113.this winter/ to do/ holiday?/ going/ What are you/
……………………..…………………………………………………………………… stay/ We/ by letter./ touch/
115.What time is it? – It’s a _ _ _ _ter past four.
116.I really enjoy playing football at the w_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
117.Which can you buy from a furniture shop?
A. a stamp B. bread and cakes C. meat D. a sofa
118.Would you like a piece of cake? …….
A. Yes, I would B. Yes, I do like
C. Yes, please D. Yes, of course
119.shouldn’t/ too much/ eat/ Children/ candy at night./
120.We / can help/ these rules./ the environment/ by following/
Page 110

121.There is a famous doctor next _ _ _ _.

122.She likes doing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in her free time. ( listen)
123.“Tan: Are you open on Sunday?” Where is Tan now? the library B. at a bus stop C. at home D. at home
124………Philippine Islands are to………..South East of Vietnam.
A. The-a B. A- the C. The-The D. O- O
125.can send and/ Today people/ receive messages / using computer./ by/
126.These buffalo / plow/ the paddies/ and pull/ the carts./
127.What would you like ?- I_ _ _ drinks or hot drinks?
128.Tod_ _ is Thursday.
129.Because he doesn’t work hard, he is not going to …………..this test.
A. pass B/ make C. check D. fail
130.What’s the weather like? ( listen) A.sunny B. stormy C. snowy D. cloudy
131.sailing./ go to/ go/ Let’s/ the beach and/
133.go to the cafeteria / at lunch time./ He/ alone/ never/
134.She would like _ _ _ _ _ _ juice. ( listen- nuoc cam)
135.We always _ _ _ _ _ and decorate the house before Tet.
136.Can you tell me what …word for “father” is?- I’m sorry, I don’t know ….
A. Russian- Russian B. the Russian/ the Russian
C. the Russian/ Russian D. Russian/ the Russian
137.What is the opposite of “ happy”?
A/ sad B. bored C. worried D. lucky come and/ while/ stay with us/ Would you like/ you’re in town?
139.Physics/ We/ on Tuesday / and Thursday./ have/
140.How many flowers do you want? -Give me a _ _ _ _ _.
141.This _ _ _ of soap smells like apple.
142.Because I …………….mistakes, my teacher gets angry with me. always having B. have got C. am always making D. making
143.It is very noisy here because the family next door………..… a party.
A.have B. are having C. are going to have D. are going to has
144.She/ for inviting / thanks me/ her/ to the party./
145.going to stay in/ the biggest/ Are you/ of town?/ hotel/
146.We can’t go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because the water is tough.
147.It is pleasant to play a _ _ _ _ of tennis on a summer afternoon.
148.Which sentence is correct?
A.When we don’t need a light, turn it off. B. When we not need a light , turn it off.
C.When we don’t need a light , off turn it. D. When we don’t need light, its witch off.
149.Usually we have breakfast at home, but today we ………breakfast at a restaurant.
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A.have B. are having C. are having got D. have got

150.the moment./ doing/ some experiments/ at/ They are/
151.near Hanoi./ my relatives/ a small village / Some of / live in/
152.The book on those shelves is an interesting book about h_ _ _ _ _ _.
153.Do your homework by yourself! Don’t _ _ _ _ his work!
154.You………………play with the knife. It may hurt you.
A.can’t B. don’t C. aren’t D. shouldn’t
155……………the weather like in winter in London?
A. How is B. How does C. What does D. What is you/ Can I / with / Mrs. Jones?/ your bags,/
157.with/ Who will/ you/ go shopping/ tomorrow afternoon?
158.The little boy over there is very famous for _ _ _ intelligence.
159.She goes to the food st_ _ _ to get some fruits there.
160.Which word is stressed on the first syllable?
A.natural B. pollute C. recycle D. destroy
161.Which is the third letter from the end of the English alphabet?
A. Y B. X C. W D. V
162.every year./ produces/ rice/ He/ a lot of/
……………………………………………………..………………………………….. do you/ eggs/ a day?/ How many/
164.Bird _ _ _ _ vary greatly in size, shape and color.
165.I think it is going to rain but it turns out to be a beautiful _ _ _.
166.How far is your house…………your office, John?
A/ to B. away C. at D/ in
167.What are the boy and the girl doing? ( listen)
A.playing together B. climbing together C. whispering together D. running together
168.cartoons/ watching/ Clara/ enjoys/ after school./
169.How many/ brush your teeth?/ a day/ times/ do you/
170.The Great Wall of China is the world’s long_ _ _ structure.
171.I feel too tired to go out for dinner. Let’s _ _ _ in again tonight.
172.We are going to the mountain for camping. What we bring with us is:
A/ a bed B. a tent C. a fridge D. a house
173.Mary likes playing…guitar, but her brother likes playing…chess and …football.
A. the/ O/ the B. O/ the/ O C. the/ O/ O D. O/O/O
174.than/ fewer holidays / Nicky/ has/ her sisters.
175.How far/ to the park?/ from here/ is/ it/
176.I don’t usually go to pagoda but my parents _ _.
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177.His father is a safe _ _ _ _ _ _. He drives carefully.

178.Odd one out: A. lion B. kangaroo C. tiger D. leopard
179.He drives………………than his brother.
A.more carefully B. more careful C. most careful D. most carefully
180.often fishes/ any fish./ for hours/ without catching/ Jack/
181.taller/ The Eiffel Tower/ the Pyramid Cheops./ is/ than
182.You can’t speak to Tim at the moment because he is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to his mother.
183.My father often lets me use his mobile _ _ _ _ _.
184.Who ……………..…student in your school?
A. does the most intelligent B. is most intelligent
C. is the most intelligent D. is more intelligent
185.Can you please………….me a little about yourself?
A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. going to tell
186.My parents have a small cozy flat on the second _ _ _ _ _ of this building
187.He doesn’t see the _ _ _ _. It is right in front of him. ( biển báo)
188.Which word has the different stress pattern ?
A.season B. animal C. danger D. activity
189.What time do you……………? ( listen)
A.go up B. get up C. get off D. go off
190.She looks so beautiful with a small nose and big d_ _ _ eyes.
191.His father works on the farm in the country_ _ _ _.
192.What meal do you eat between 11 and 2 in the afternoon?
A.dinner B. supper C. lunch D. desert
193.On which date of October is Tony’s birthday? ( listen)
A.the fifteenth B. the nineteenth C. the sixteenth D. the seventeenth
194.Do you often go to the _ _ _ at the weekends? ( sở thú)
195.Can you put these plates into the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ over there, please? ( tủ chén)
196.It is impossible for them to enter the country…..
A.on present B. in moment C. at present D. on now
197.A. do B. book C. look D. foot
198.She always wat_ _ _ _ TV at night.
199.He usually watches the news…TV at 6 o’clock in the morning.
A. with B. in C. at D. on
200. “ What do you intend to do this weekend?” also means “………………..”
C. What do you do this weekend? C. What has you do this weekend?
D. What are you going to do this weekend? D. What are you doing this weekend?

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1.How much does the dictionary _ _ _ _ ? – 284, 000 dong.
2. What colour are traditional for Chinese buildings? (nghe)
A. Red B. Gold C. Red and gold D. Other colours
3. We……………a lot of fun on Children’s Day.
A. were B. had C. played D. took
4. English? / practise / do you / writing / How
5. way. / on the / scenery / I can enjoy / the beautiful

6. My favourite story is “ The litte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ”

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7. Let’s go to the stadium by bus. The bus stop is right at the stadium entrance. It’s cheap and
c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
8. What is the book’s price?
A. It cost twenty dollar. B. It is cost twenty dollar.
C. Its price is twenty dollar. D. It is twenty dollars.
9. Which statement is correct? (nghe)
A. In Netherlands, about 15 percent of people don’t ride bicycles.’
B. Cycling in Netherlands is unsafe.
C. There are 70, 000 kilometres of paths for cycling in Netherlands.
D. People driving cars always have to wait for ones cycling in Netherlands.
10. She usually reads / to / English. / English novels / practise reading
11. The tigers / loudly so we were / roared very / scared / of them.
12. Before you listen, take a _ _ _ _ at question 1 to 10.
13. Baby cranes learn to fly by following a……………………..and a small airplane. (nghe)
14. The cheetahs ………………………when I was at the zoo.
A. run very fast B. run very fastly C. ran very fast D. ran very fastly
15. I would like ……………….
A. pair of shoes B. doing puzzles
C. a goggle D. to make some coffee
16. Central Park. / way to / Please tell / the / me
17. from December to / April . / The Ice Hotel / is / open
18. What kind of food do you eat on Mid-Autumn Day?

-________ .
19. We should _ _ _ _ _ more trees to reduce air pollution.
20. ……………….books are they? – They are my books.
A. Which B. What C. Whose D. How
21. I am…………………………., so I don’t want to eat any more.
A. thirsty B. full C. starving D. hungry
22. beaches near the / My grandma likes / sandy / sea. / walking on the
23. Starting / happy. / all the year / the year with / a laugh make
24. My classmates are going to join a lot of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on Sports Day.
25. Ha Long Bay is one of the _ _ _ _ attractive place in Vietnam.
26. A. giving B. singing C. playground D. kangaroo
27. What’s your height?
A. I’m 130 centimetres height. B. I’m 130 centimetres high.
C. My height is 130. D. My height is 130 centimetres high.

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28. not / eating too much chocolate is / think / good for your health. / I do
29. The teacher told him to / made / stand up / because he / noise in the class.
30. Could you tell me the way to the ABC Bookshop?
– Go _ _ _ _ _ the street. It’s on the corner of the street.
31. There are lots of water sports like sailing, surfing, swimming, waterskiing
and _ _ _ _ _ _. (nghe) diving
32. We enjoy……………….at break time.
A. play football B. to skipping C. singing D. to be reading books
33. It’s necessary ………………morning exercise regularly.
A. to do B. doing C. for doing D. to doing
34. How often / do you / write / an essay? / learn to
35. You can / the right / come from / hear when sounds / or left ear.
36. My sister is 10 years old. Anna is 10 years old, too. They are the same _ _ _ .
37. All the water in the _ _ _ _ _ _ and seas is salt water.(nghe)
38. A. see B. meet C. beak D. great
39.What time does he leave home for work? (nghe)
A. No later than six thirty. B. No later than seven thirty.
C. No later than eight o’clock. D. No later than eight thirty.
40. those trees / might / rain, / die. / Without
41. school together? / we / Shall / cycle / to
42. About one billion people don’t have _ _ _ _ _ water in their home. (nghe)
43. The Nile _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lives in rivers and lakes in Africa. (nghe)
44. We are doing a project on ……………….home accidents for children.
A. avoid B. avoiding C. to avoid D. to avoiding
45. ……………..up late is not a good habit.
A. Stay B. Staying C. Stayed D. Stays
46. season in / the/ prettiest / your country? / What is
47. Please give me / of milk. / two glasses / a carton / of coffee and
48. Students have to learn how to _ _ _ _ _ _t the nature.

49. My friends and I _ _ _ _ the kites last Saturday afternoon.

50. When do you go to school?
A. I go to school at morning. B. I go to school from on Monday to Friday.
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C. I go to school in Monday morning. D. I go to school at seven.

51. I saw some peacocks at the zoo. They moved …………….
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautifuly
52. eyes from / protect / dust and dirt. / Eyelashes / your
53. Diwali is / for Hindus / in the world. / a very big / festival
54. How do you practise your English listening skills? - _ _ watching American TV show.
55. _ _ _ on your coat or you may get sick.
56. An anaconda is ……….. (nghe)
A. a snake B. a fish C. a big cat D. a bird
57. I find English …………………I expected.
A. interesting than B. more interesting
C. more interesting than D. interestinger than
58. in their / The children / presents / shoes. / find
59. Tokyo Skytree / is the / tallest / the world. / tower in
60. Our e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is getting dirtier than it was many years ago.
61. Some animals live in _ _ _ _ _ water like rivers and lakes. (nghe)
62. In the north of Canada, winter……… Setember and ……….in June.
A. start /end B. is starting / is ending
C. starts / ends D. started / ended
63. Hoa wants……………….her Mom prepare for Tet.
A. to help B. helping C. help D. helps
64. the forest / one day to / We went to / for sick koalas . / look
65. make air pollution more / serious. / Going by motorbike / is convenient / but it
66. I dream of travelling _ _ _ _ _ _ the world.
67. The Buji Dubai has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , shops, swimming pools, hotels, restaurants and a
library. (nghe)
68. Which sentence is correct?
A. My class is going to visit to Huong Pagoda next weekend.
B. My class is going to visit Huong Pagoda next weekend.
C. My class is visiting Huong Pagoda at the next weekend.
D. My class will visit to Huong Pagoda at next weekend.
69. difficult to / live / are / in. / The jungles
70. Are / fridge? / in the / eggs / there any
71. Hippos need water to keep their skin ……………….(nghe)

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72. There is a big _ _ _ _ _ _ in our school yard.

73. What a beautiful dress! - ………..
A. No thanks. B. Thank you. C. No problem. D. Ok, I will.
74. My father usually drives to work by car, but today he……………….
A. go by motorbike B. rides my bicycle
C. is going by motorbike D. is going to go by motorbike
75. was wrong / What / with /bike? / your
76. I don’t know / where /who / to play and / to play with.
77. He is in class 5E, Quang Trung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School.
78. I _ _ _ _ a picture of my cat in the Art lesson yesterday.
79. Kevin had better ………….less chocolate because it has……………fat and sugar.
A. to eat / a lot of B. eats / lots of C. eat / much D. eating / many
80. Did you go by train ……………by coach.
A. or B. to C. than D. from
81. day at /camp. / It’s our / summer / third
82. the library / stayed / all afternoon. / at /I

83. Never throw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the street.

84. I’m fond of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the internet.
85. the house / My favourite / living room. / is the / room in
86. to the next bus stop / to Ha Noi / railway station? / can I get / How
87. You should make good ……………….of your time? (nghe)
88. Let’s go swimming! – That’s a good _ _ _ _ .
89. Listen: Which sentence is correct?
A. 70% of our brain is water.
B. Our bones have no water
C. We can’t live for three days without food.
D. People may die withour water more than about three days.
90. Listen: Which sentence is NOT correct?
A. Chameleons can change their colours.
B. When a chameleon wants to hide, it changes its colour.
C. A chameleon feels scared, so it changes its colour.
D. An angry panther chameleon is green.
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91. like/ didn’t/ you/ Why/ the tigers?

92. collecting comic books./ The girls/ often/ interested in/ are

93. Lan often makes paper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in her free time.

94. She cut holes in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to make eyes, a nose and a mouth at Halloween.

95. A. television B. pleasure C. cruise D. treasure

96. Listen: What should we do to keep safe when swimming in the sea?
A. We should swim outside the area from the red flag to the yellow.
B. We should swim near the red flag.
C. We should swim near the beach.
D. We shouldn’t do all above.
97. the lion/ when you/ were there?/ do/ What did
98. took me/ twenty minutes to/ walk to/ my old school./ It
99. The children are excited _ _ _ _ _ going for a trip.
100. Why didn’t Tom go to school this morning?- Because he _ _ _ _ _ _a cold.
101. Parents must prevent their children ……………... falling.
A. from B. of C. about D. on
102. “Phong goes sometimes to school with Quan.” Which word is incorrect?
A. Goes sometimes B. To C. School D. With
103.because it was/ so/ Mai didn’t/ enjoy the sports festival/ crowded
104. farm animals/ I’d like to/ rice./ raise/ and grow
105. With no trees, rainforest people and animals have no _ _ _ _ _ . (homes)
106. You mustn’t _ _ _ _ _ on the right side in England.
107. …………………....?- Over 2 kilometres.
A. How far from here to West Lake? B. How long is the bridge?
C. How long does it take to get to West Lake? D. All are correct.
108. What did Peter do yesterday?- He …………………. yesterday.
A. goes swimming B. went swimming
C. go swimming D. was went swimming
109. of/ out/ He took/ the package./ bread
110. The Death Sea/ is so salty/ in it./ that you/ can float
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111. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ river on Earth is the River Nile in Africa.
112. Mexican people give candy and ________ in the shape of skulls in the Day of the Dead.
(nghe) (chocolate)
113. “ I often take my dog for a walk.” This sentence has the same meaning as :
A. I often walk my dog. B. I often let my dog walk
C. I often go with my dog. D. I often go jogging with my dog
114. What are you doing at the moment?- I’m learning the poem by ….
A. mind B. mouth C. heart D. eyes
115. delicious/ the evening./ My family had/ seafood at a/ restaurant in
116. of interesting/ There were/ Brazils./ lots/ animals in
117. Dam Sen Park is more exciting _ _ _ _ I expected.

118. Sharp _ _ _ _ _ _ are too dangerous to play.

119. No animals are … than Blue Whales.
A. more heavy B. heavier C. more heavily D. heavilier
120. “My parent lives on a village in the mountais.” Which word is incorrect in the sentence?
A. parents B. lives C. on D. mountains
121.Mausoleum/ aregoing/ visit Ho Chi Minh/ to/ They
122. her/ She/ classmates on the way to/ often meets/ school.
123. You can feel the tem_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the air around you, so you know when to wear
warm or cool clothes.
124. Listen: What does Quan think about Aladdin?
- He thinks Aladdin is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
125. “ My sister and I bought a bunch of flowers to my mom on her birthday”. Which word
is incorrect in the sentence?
A. I B. Flowers C. To D. On
126. How much is ...... of cooking oil?
A. a packet B. A bottle C. a can D. a box
127. My grandfather/ taught/ to/ ride my bicycle./ me
128. Rivers give/ fish/ to/ eat./ people
129. Another name of the Beijing National Stadium is the Bird’s _ _ _ _. (nest)
130. Listen: Families had to learn how to make salt and grow their own vegetables.
131. Keep silent! The boy ………………...his homework next door.
A. does B. Do C. did D. is doing
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132. He prefers listening to music ....... playing sports in his free time.
A. than B. rather than C. to D. better than
133. any questions./ call me/ if you/ Please/ have
134. Museum/ Is/ near/ here?/ the History
135. Our family usually visits the _ _ _ _ _ _ on the first day of every lunar year.

136. Our class will play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class 5A in the final match.

137. Stress: A. Holiday B. underground C. baseball D. television
138. Listen: How long did it take Ellen MacAuthur to sail around the world?
A. About 120 days B. Over 70 days C. more than 90 days D. 90 days
139. players in/ futsal team./ There are/ five/ a
140. What things/ good/ you?/ smell/ to
141. What will the weather be like in ________ Vietnam?

142. At New Year, many people watch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

143. What’s her phone number?
A. 81825270 B. 8182527700 C. 8182527070 D. 818252700
144. What foreign language do you have at school?
A. American B. Canadian C. British D. Japanese
145. club./ Nam does/ to the/ not go/ French
146. It is not/ the centre/ far/ from/ of Ha Noi.
147. _ _ _ _ ourwondeful water!
148. Cinderella is my favourite _ _ _ _ _ tale.
149. The Pacific Ocean is ……………….....than the USA.
A. about 50 times bigger B. about 50 times smaller
C. about 15 times bigger D. about 15 times smaller
150. Thai Nguyen Province is ................... north Viet Nam.
A. in B. on C. to D. from
151. the/ Don’t/ play football/ in/ street.
152. help/ Could you/ carry/ me/ the heavy bag?
153. I would like to become a pilot in the future because I want to _ _ _ a plane.

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154. Let’s turn on the television and watch the weather _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

155. They have breakfast before ...................... the chickens.
A. they will feed B. feeding C. will feed D.feed
156. I have to clothes before .............. to my grandparents.
A. finish washing/ going B. finish to wash/ going
C. to finish wash/ go D. finish to wash/ to go
157. Her family lives on/ of/ a block/ of flats./ the second floor
158. to/ up at/ pick you/ I’m going/ the airport.
159. Remember to _ _ _ _ _ _ the book to the library.
160. The opposite of “heavy” is “ _ _ _ _ _”.
161. What are you doing? – I’m ...... a dictation.
A. Writing B. taking C. playing D. running
162. Could you show me how ......................the cinema?
A. to get B. to get to C. getting D. getting to
163. animals/ at the/ What/ did you see/ zoo?
164. pizza?/ of/ smell/ the/ Do you like
165. I am reading the story ‘ Snow White And Seven _ _ _ _ _ _”.
166. Fresh water is n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to everybody.
167. Listen: What did she do last Friday?
A. She played basketball with her friends at break time.
B. She and her friends played sports with girls from another school.
C. She went to the park and played baseball with her friends.
D. She came back home with her friends after school.
168. A. Autumn B. Column C. Environment D. Solemn
169. football./ playing/ like/ People/ watching and
170. What did you think _ _ _ _ _ the film last night on TV?
171. Long ago, the Incas lived in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city.
172. Don’t .....rubbish on the street.
A. throw B. fall C. drop D. see
173. Talking to foreign friends .... practise speaking English.
A. to help B. helping C. helps D. help
174. It’s cold outside. You had _ _ _ _ _ _ stay at home.
175. A jellyfish doesn’t have a skeleton. (jellyfish: con sứa)
176. What did you have ...... breakfast this morning?
A. with B. for C. to D. over
177. Why don’t we go for a picnic?
A. That’s a good idea. B. Yes, please.
C. No, thanks. D. Thank you. I won’t.
178. Listen: It’s easier than you think to grow __________.
179. Why do you learn English?- Because it’s i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for my studies.
180. “..................” Mai is friendly and hard-working.
Page 122

A. What does Mai look like? B. What do you think of Mai?

C. How’s Mai today? D. What does mai like?
181. Stress: A. Australia B. Vietnam C. Japan D. England
182. What p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did you see last night?
- I saw “ MasterChef Junior” on Fox Life Channel.
183. Did you enjoy your trip?- Yes, of course. I had a w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time.
184. Where ……………… last Sunday?
A. did B. was C. were D. do
185. How does he usually go to school?- ........
A. He usually go to school by bus. B. He cycles usually to school.
C. He usually walks to school. D. He usually goes to school by foot.
186. Taekwondo, the national sport in South Korea, is the most popular ______ art in the

187. You should wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when going out at noon.

188. A. houses B. horses C. rises D. chooses
189. _ _ _’s the weather today?- It’s cold.
190. He spent last summer _ _ doing a research on animals.
191. Are you going to the swimming pool?

Remember to bring your _______

192. She can sing beautifully. She can dance, _ _ _.
193. When is Vietnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ce Day?- It’s on September 2nd.

194. The little child likes to sits on his father’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

195. The supermarket is _ _ _ _ _ _ the post office.
196. You must stop if the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ light turns red.
197. While Vietnamese is our mother _ _ _ _ _ , English is a foreign language.

198. There are all the colours of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in white lights.

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199. When will the English Singing Contest be?- it’s on F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20th.
200. Christmas Day is on December twenty- _ _ _ _ _.

TEST 14 / money. / haven’t / I / any
2.The Eiffel Tower / the Pyramid of Cheops. / is / taller / than
3. I will _ _ a doctor in the future.
4.What about _ _ _ _ _ by bike? – Nice dea!
5.My father is hard-working……………careful.
A. and B. or C. but D. so
6.Nam does shopping once a month. She…………does it.
A. usually B. never C. rarely D. always
7.often fishes / any fish. / without catching / Jack / for hours
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. travel / very tired. / because I’m / to Hue / I don’t want
Page 124

9. I can’t go to the cinema tonight because I have to look _ _ _ _ _ my younger sister.

10. My grandmother lives in a small house _ _ a village.
11. Who is that? – It’s…………sister. ……….name is Anne.
A. Mary’s / Her B. Mary / Her C. Mary / Hers D. Mary’s / She
12. Do they go jogging…………it is cold?
A. and B. but C. how D. when
13. along /walked / Their children / yesterday. / the seaside
14. Is the man / your sister’s / over there / husband?
15. Does your son often brush his teeth? – Yes, he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his teeth every day.
16. They will go _ _ _ _ _ing now. (nghe) swimming
17. Tokyo is…………than Mexico City.
A. very small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smaller
18. The children ……….at their grandmother’s house yesterday.
A. played B. plays C. play D. playing
19. at / music/ the school’s / I am / festival.
20. me where / post office / is? / Can you tell / the nearest
21. Jim drinks a lot _ _ coffee. It’s his favourite drink.
22. Where is Tony going next weekend? – He’s going to Ha Long _ _ _ . (nghe)
23. Is her school ……………..the park?
A. in front of B. next fron to D. near to
24. Odd one out: A. global B. map C. desk D. these
25. In the afternoon / help his mother / with the housework. / and / he plays with her brother
26. book / are you / looking for, / James? / What
27. _ _ _ lunch, I usually have a salad and a glass of milk.
28. It is pleasant to play a g_ _ _ of tennis on a summer afternoon.
29. How many tables does your classroom……………?
A. are there B. have C. is there D. has
30. What do you often do in your free time?
A. I do housework. B. I does housework.
C. I did housework. D. I to do housework.
31. found the wallet / After I / the police. / full of money, / I went to
32. you going / Where are / morning? / at / five in the
33. It’s easier to teach children than _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
34. We should always be careful of _ _ _ health.
35. His……………… American. He comes from The United State.
A. nationality B. city C. hometown D. country
36. Do you often…………….the art gallery?
A. visit B. come C. go D. travel
Page 125

37. going to / on Sunday? / How many people / are you / invite to the party
38. hear / to / I am / that. / sorry
39. I give Sam a doll _ _ _ her birthday.
40. How many _ _ _ _ _ _ are there in your class? (nghe)
41. What present ……………………your teacher?
A. did you give B. do you give C. gave you D. will you give
42. On my birthday party, someone…………….the lights, so I couldn’t see anything.
A. turned on B. turned off C. turned of D. turns off
43. and tigers on TV? /watching / Are you / about monkeys / the programme
44. sailing. / Let’s / go / the beach and / go to
45. Did Linda come to the book_ _ _ _ last weekend? – Yes, she did.

46. Hoang like playing the _ _ _ _ _ , too.

47. ………… spell your name again, Sir?
A.Should B. Will C. Can D.Do
48. What is she going to show? - ……… (nghe)
A. Some Indonesian mates. B. Some Indonesian masks.
C. Some Indian masks. D. A mask
49. is / that / colour / blouse? / What
50. to play / want / you / badminton ? / Do
51. We are happier today _ _ _ _ yesterday.
52. I have bananas and bread _ _ _ breakfast.
53. Whose socks are…………? – I don’t know.
A.those B. there C. this D. that
54. They drink……………coffee in the morning.
A. some B. few C. a few D. any
55. they / on the sofa / and watch TV together. / sit / At night
56. Thank you / for / the delicious / very much / meal.
57. As soon as I can _ _ _ _ _ _ to buy a house, I will. (nghe)
58. In the summer camp last month, we _ _ _ different kinds of food.
59. Who will win when he or she finds all of the children? (nghe)
A. The finder B. The chaser C. The seeker D. The player
60. Yesterday she……………….(nghe)
A. listened to the radio B. watched TV

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C. had a shower D. went to school late

61. Joe want / the stadium / to go to / Why doesn’t / with his friends?
62. yesterday? / with / the matter / What was / Jimmy
63. Did you play _ _ _ _ _ _ yesterday? – Yes, we played volleyball and soccer.
64. When did you do your _ _ _ _work? (nghe)
65. When does she stay at home and surf for free e-books for kids? - ………..
A. Saturday B. Sundays C. Mondays D. Fridays
66. You see Hoa in the morning. You say:
A. Good afternoon B. Good evening
C. Good morning D. Goodnight
67. Let’s / go camping / Do Son beach / this Sunday. / in
68. on / little brother’s / birthday / Is your / May 16th?
69. I’d like some mineral _ _ _ _ _ . I’m thirsty.
70. The balloon was _ _ _ _ in the sky. (nghe)
71. A. do B. book C. foot D. look
72. I’m going to……………a taxi to the airport.
A. have B. travel C. take D. None is correct
73. were / a lot of / there. / There / students
74. on TV but / There is / the children are / the cartoon / not watching it.
75. To_ _ _ is Thursday.
76. I would like some bread and milk _ _ _ breakfast.
77. Don’t make a fire here. It’s …………….
A. safe B. natural C. warm D. dangerous
78. What is her first class today? (nghe)
A. Music B. Math C. Arts D. Literature
79. in Da Lat / They are going to / a friend’s house / for three days.
80. a / reading / I’m / picture / book.
81. _ _ _ _ your hair before you go out. (nghe) wash
82. Ther _ _ _n’t listening to the teacher.
83.Where does Nga live? (nghe)
A. A house B. In a block of flats C. An apartment D. A dorm
84. My elder sister was born …………….2014.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
85. went to / a farm / Last week / in the countryside. / our class
86. the morning train. / wake up early / has to / to catch / Nick
87. _ _ _ _ _ do Nam sit every morning to review his lessons?
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– He sits under the trees in the school.

88. There is a white f_ _ _ _ in front of the house.
89. What is his……….? – He is Russian.
A. nation B. nationality C. national D. nations
90. How does your brother often go to work? - ………………motorbike.
A. At B. On C. By D. In
91. so I want / I have got/to see / a headache / the doctor.
92. have / your brother / a job? / Does
93. Did you play _ _ _ _ _ _ yesterday? – Yes, we played volleyball and soccer.
94.I was born _ _ July.
95. My shoes are black. Are your new shoes……………, too?
A. black B. red C. white D. brown
96. The boy tells the girl to put the………………under the sofa.
A. toys B. scarf C. shoes D. clothes
97. to do / going / this winter / holiday? / What are you
98. a /reading / I’m / picture / bok.
99. _ _ _ _ time do they have lunch?
100.Odd one out: A. book B. pillow C. board D. chalk
101.A. wet B. chess C. yesterday D. pretty
102. at 10? / to go to bed / Does / his mother / tell him
103. to do / going / this winter / holiday? / What are you
104. in / We / are / grade / 6.
105. She w_ _t shopping with her mother last Sunday.
106. Where did you live _ _ _ _ you were a child?
107. It’s ……………to travel around Vietnam.
A. interesting B. interested C. interestedly D.interestingly
108.What has she got in the library in the afternoon? - ………….. (nghe)
A. Lessons B. Classes C. A show D. Fashion
109.did you / party? / wear / What clothes / at the
110. much / How / need? / do you / ham
111. _ _ _ is going to clean the floor? – Henry is.
112. Who did David fly to see last summer? (nghe)
A. his grandmother B. his grandfather
C. his grandparents D. his brothers
113. Does Mike play video games…………… – No, he doesn’t.
A. sometimes B. often C. every D. never
114. microwave. / of the / The dog / is / in front
Page 128

115. Would you / tomorrow? / like to go / shopping / with us
116. Do they have any apples _ _ oranges at home?
117. On Jane’s birthday party, we ate the cake, _ _ _ _ a song and watched cartoons.
118. Listen and tick: A. class B. glasses C. grass D. wash
119. Do you go to work ……………?
A. everyday B. day by day C. every days D. everydays
120. is / picture / My family’s / the wall / is
121. is a big / Air pollution / problem in / in the world. / many cities
122. I have English lessons _ _ _ _ Monday evenings to Friday evenings.

123. I’d like vegetable soup and fried _ _ _ _ _ _ _, please.

124. What ………….these? – They are pens.
A. is B. am C. colors D. are
125. She played the role of a …………girl who saved her whole family during a storm.
A. miserable B. brave C. friendly D. hard-working
126. with a nice / dress. / She looks / so beautiful / white
127. school / big. / very / My / is
128. The earth goes _ _ _ _ _ the sun.
129. Her family lives on the third fl_ _ _ .
130. What……..does Peter often study at school on Tuesday?
– He has Maths, English AND Art.
A. objects B. subjects C. food D. drink
131. Because I ……………..mistakes, my teacher gets angry with me.
A. am always having B. have got C. am always making D. making
132. your girlfriend / Which / go to / school / does
133. They / can / English / speak / and Chinese.
134. We eat and drink _ _ _ _ ou mouth.
135. Did you _ _ _ _ a great time?
136. ………………..? – It’s aerobics.
A. Does Paula like aerobics or not B. Does Paula do aerobics
C. What is Paula doing D. What is Paula’s favourire sport
137. The eagle is …………. (nghe)
A. really big B. a bit small C. quite beautiful D. very clever
138. Let’s / buy / her wedding party. / present for / a
Page 129

139. We are / see / going to / tonight. / a movie

140. What’s this? - _ _’s a desk. 141. What class are you _ _? – I’m in class 6A.
142. A. gases B. cabbages C. movies D. glasses
143. You…………………try your best to win the competition.
A. can B. may C. have D. must
144. Is there / this bread? / in / butter / any
145. life / years’ time? / be / in fifty / What will
146.She often drinks lot _ _ beer at night.
147. Which _ _ _ do you like best?
148. She cannot go to the cinema because she doesn’t have a………………
A. lamp B. tent C. ticket D. fishing rod
149. A. ruler B. purple C. full D. beautiful
150. We’ll come / home from / the holiday / week’s time. / in two
151. My parents have a small cozy flat on the second _ _ _ _ _ of this building.
152. _ _ _ does your brother go to the church every Sunday? – He drives the car.
153. What are these? - ……………are tables.
A. They B. You C. They’re D. You’re
154. A. cook B.floor C. sooner D. toothache
155. The boy is br_ _ _ and friendly.
156. How _ _ _ _ did you stay in that hotel? – For 2 days.
157. Listen and tick: A. a village B. a ticket C. afraid D. a market
158. We are…………… the moment.
A. on B. in C. at D. with
159. He often has dinner _ _ _ _ fish, meat and vegetables.
160. She has English lessons every Thursday after_ _ _ _ .
161. ……………….weather is often cool in autumn.
A. A B. The C. 0 D. some
162. Who will she be? (nghe)
A. A singer B. A police C. a model D. A dancer
163. It made her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to see him walking with another girl.

164. How often do you _ _ _ _ _ your room?

165. Can I it here for a while? - …………..
A. I’m sure! B. In sure! C. At sure! D. Sure
166. Whose ……….are those? – They’re Andy’s.
A. paints B. pencil C. short D. boot
167. My cousin is the best badminton _ _ _ _ _ _ in his team.
169. What did you do last night? – I…………….some books.

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A. went B. came C. read D. got

170. There are ……………….days in a week.
A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine
171. Sam and his uncle were in the jungle for six _ _ _ _. (nghe)
172. The children went for a w_ _k with their dog.
173. “………..” means giving foods to animals.
A. Burn B. Plow C. Produce D. Feed
174. I don’t have my ………….here. What do we have today?
– Maths, English and Literature.
A. time B. table C. pen D. timetable
175. We are having l_ _ ch in the canteen.
176. We always turn _ _ _ the light before leaving.

177. My father often lets me use his mobile _ _ _ _ _ _ .

178. What subject do you like b_ _ _ ?
179. Hung’s brother dreams of being an astronaut because he wants to visit other

p_ _ _ _ _ _ .
180. _ _ _ _ do you have Maths? – I have it on Tuesday and Thursday.

181. My uncle is travelling to Ha Noi by _ _ _ .

182. What does Ben want _ _ _ his birthday?
183. She never plays badminton _ _ _ _ her friends on weekdays.
184. Is your middle _ _ _ _ Phuong?
185. I will go to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to borrow some English books.
186. Children should br_ _ _ their teeth twice a day.

187. Nick has to wake up early to catch the morning _ _ _ _ _ .

188. The book on those shelves is an interesting book about h_ _ _ _ _ _ .
189. What is Jane’s national_ _ _ ?
190. How _ _ _ is it from Hoan Kiem Lake to Noi Bai International airport?
191. We went to the Grand Plaza to shop _ _ _ _ Mum.
192. What _ _ _ _ _ _ do you like best? – I like purple best.
193. When were you b_ _ _, Jenny?
194. Loan goes to the _ _ _ _ office to send some letters.

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195. What time is it? – It’s a _ _ _ _ter past four.

196. How do you l_ _ _n to speak English?
197. Can Jack and Brain play the piano? – Yes, _ _ _ _ can.
198. Was Mai _ _ home yesterday?
199. My mother is in_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in cooking new dishes.
200. _ _ _ _ you go to church with me this Christmas?

1.Jerry’s friends / and food / had nice drinks / at her / birthday party.
2. Why / go out / don’t we / for a walk / tonight?

3. Their children want to go _ _ _ _ _ _ this winter.

4. Wh_ _ _ were you born? – In London.
5. A. chopsticks B. island C. dish D. cinema
6. What did your little sister do yesterday? – She ……………..the museum.
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A. visited B. visits C. was visiting D. visit

7. It / very cold / was / yesterday / morning.
8. They / the guitar / can play / and / sing.
9. After morning classes, I have lunch with noodles and a glass of orange _ _ _ _ _ .
10. Go and h_ _ _ a bath.
11. Some cows in my farm produce………….
A. pork B. chicken C. milk D. eggs
12. What month do you like best?
A. Tuesday B. July C. Birthday D. Piano
13. What do / at / you do / break / time?
14. How many / do you / eggs / eat / a day?
15. Could I please have one more _ _ _ of beer. (nghe) can
16. Let’s _ _ camping this weekend.
17. Do you……………..going to a movie tonight.
A. feel like B. come to C. look forward D. want to
18. When is your birthday, Emily? – It is on………………….
A. the September 25 B. September 25th
C. September of 25th D. 25 of September
19. When you / you need / go camping, / a camping / stove to cook.
20. Can you / on this / write your name / notepaper / for me?
21. There _ _ _ two new stadiums in town. 22. W_ _ _school does Mary go to?
23. A. city B. cinema C. café D. bicycle
24. What present ………………..your teacher?
A. did you give B. do you give C. you gave D. will you give
25. My English / has small / teacher / white / teeth.
26. How many / a day / times / do you / brush your teeth?
27. How do you get around in Melbourne? Do you take the _ _ _ ? (nghe) bus
28. These letters are _ _ _ _ my friend in Australia.
29. What’s…………..dinner today? Bread or rice?
A. on B. for C. in D. of
30. We use a television to………………
A. watch films B. say “hello” C. write things D. play football
31.Can / help me / you / for / a minute?
32. I am / book at / reading a hundred-page / the library at / the moment.
33. Listen to _ _ . I am speaking English.
34. The book on those shelves is an interesting book about h_ _ _ _ _ _ .
Page 133

35. What should they do before you open the gift? - …………..
A. Turn on the music. B. Turn on the light.
C. Turn off the light. D. Turn off the fan.
36. They /work / all / very / hard.
37. Roger / both / likes / trains / and planes.
38. _ _ _ _ do you have Maths? – We have it on Tuesday and Thursday.
39. Do you often write _ _ your friend in England?
40. How did your friend get ………her hometown last holiday? – She came there by plane.
A. from B. to C. in D. at
41. What has the woman got? - ………
A. A bowl of pineapples B. A red skirt
C. A bowl of apple D. A pineapples
42. Is / in yellow / the girl / skirt / your classmate?
43. How / is / old / Lam’s / mother?
44. We h_ _ a great time last Sunday.
45. She feels thirsty and she wants some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(nghe) lemonade
46. Why………….you come here? – Because I’m busy.
A. aren’t B. won’t C. don’t D. can
47. The Smiths live ………..Room 4001 on the fourth floor.
A.on B. in C. to D. of
48. What will / be / life / in fifty / year’s time?
49. I / in / live / a / city.
50. I saw your children at the p_ _ k yesterday.
51. He saw the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the way to school.
52. Who did you go on vacation …………..last weekend?
A. to B. with C. from D. and
53. How often do you ………….dinner? – Sometimes when my mom is busy.
A. cook B. have C. do D. collect
54. You / eat / shouldn’t / much / salt.
55. I am / the school’s / at / music / festival.

56. _ _ _ _ _ everybody! And look at the camera!

57. _ _ _ _ _ are the boys playing soccer now? – On the schoolyard.
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58. …………….weather is often cool in autumn.

A. A B. The C.0 D. Some
59. Vietnamese Women’s Day …………..on the twentieth of October.
A. is B. are C. am D. do
60. During / my grandmother usually / the week / has dinner / at home.
61. Who do you live _ _ _ _ ? – My parents.
62. Did you read “Magic _ _ _ _” yesterday?
63. Uncle Tom was born on the……………….of March.
A.two B. twoth C. second D. secondth
64. In Vietnam, on the first of the New Year, adults…………….children lucky money.
A. give B. celebrate C. prepare D. present
65. Vietnamese women’s Day …………..on the twentieth of October.
A. is B. are C. am D. do
66. We / an English Language / had / Festival / last
week. ...........................................................................................................................................
67.She sometimes / to China / travels / by /
plane. ...........................................................................................................................................
68. He / a lot of / produces / rice / every
year. ............................................................................................................................................
69. H_AD
70. His father works on the farm in the county_ _ _ _ .
71. What animals produce pork? – The……….
A. chickens B. buffalos C. pigs D. cows
72. I’m playing table tennis. ………….you like table tennis?
A. Have B. is C. are D. do
73. Does / go to work / your father / 5 days / a
week? ..........................................................................................................................................
74. It’s / boring / very / to talk / to
Jill. ..............................................................................................................................................
75. What are you doing, Thomas? – I’m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a letter from Tony.

76. How much _ _ _ _ have we got?

77. A. cook B. floor C. sooner D. toothache
78. What didn’t happen this morning? (nghe)
A. The children were all asleep. B. The man mended the basket.
C. The man walked into the jungle. D. The lion stood in front of the man.

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79. We / our / visited / grandparents / last

Saturday. .....................................................................................................................................
80. How many / a day / hours / does / your father
work? ..........................................................................................................................................
81. She climbed a _ _ _ _ yesterday. (nghe) tree
82. The alarm clock isn’t r_ _ _ing.
83. What did the monkey do? (nghe)
A. It watched them quickly. B. It jumped happily to see human.
C. It climbed the hill. D. It ate bananas.
84. What _ _ _ _ do you get up? – I get up at 7 am.
85. What’s the matter with Tony? (nghe) fever
– He has a _ _ _ _ _ . I’ll take him to the doctor after breakfast.
86. Tom:……………. – Mary: My school has 2 floors.
A. How many floors is these in your school?
B. How much floors is there in your school?
C. How many floors are there in your school?
D. How much floors are there in your school?
87. In the evening, my brother often watches a TV show……………animals.
A. for B. to C. about D. of
88. What’s the weather like? (nghe)
A. sunny B. stormy C. snowy D. cloudy
89. He / often / doesn’t / watch TV / in the
evening. .......................................................................................................................................
90. What / your sister wear / did / for / the
party? ..........................................................................................................................................
91. Please / paper, / collect / cans and /
bottles. .........................................................................................................................................
92. Let me tell you _ _ _ _ _ a day in my life.
93. Is _ _ _ _ _ anything to eat? I’m starving!
94. Listen and tick:
A. a lake B. a cake C. a snake D. black
95. Whose book are you reading? –It’s…………..
A. English book B. interesting C. Mary’s D. about Mary
96. They / speak / can / English / and
Chinese. ......................................................................................................................................
97. Does / have / your brother / a
job? .............................................................................................................................................
98. My father lets me use his mobile _ _ _ _ _ _.
99. _ _ _ _ about going to the zoo? – Nice idea!
Page 136

100. Can you speak…………..?- Sure!

A. Japan B. France C. English D. China
101. I’d like to send this letter………..China.
A. to B. on C. in D. at
102. She / very late / arrived home / yesterday /
evening. .......................................................................................................................................
103. This farmer / a few / grows / vegetables in / his small
field. ............................................................................................................................................
104. What time is it? – It’s a _ _ _ _ter past four.
105. Which grade is your little sister _ _ ?
106. We go to school six days …………..
A. a week B. in a week C. on a week D. at a week
107. Mr Nam gets up at 7.00 and eats………….
A. a big breakfast B. the big reakfast
C. big breakfast D. a breakfast big
108. Air pollution / problem / is a big / many cities / in the
world. ..........................................................................................................................................
109. He / a few / has / paddy fields / in the
countryside. .................................................................................................................................
110. You need a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to drive a car. (nghe)
111. Wash your hands before you have dinner! They are really _ _ _ _ _ .
112. Odd one out: A. sun B. snowy C. cloud D. wind
113. Peter and I are staying ……………15 Newton Road.
A. at B. on C. of D. in
114. The dog is / the cat / chasing after / around / the
house. ..........................................................................................................................................
115. I / sweets / really like / and /
cakes. ..........................................................................................................................................
116. The lamp is on the ……………… (nghe) desk
117. My best friend lives _ _ 77 Hoang Quoc Viet Street.
118. What do they send to their teacher? - …………..(nghe)
A. A present B. A card C. Flowers D. Cards and flowers
119. Nam……………English on Monday and Friday.
A. not have B. isn’t have C. don’t have D. doesn’t have
120. The cats / with / are playing / a ball / in the living
room. ...........................................................................................................................................
121. The Mekong / longer than / River is / the Red /
River. ..........................................................................................................................................
Page 137

122. I always have a big breakfast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I don’t have lunch at school.

123. I will ex_ _ _re the island some day.
124. Do you go to work………….?
A. everyday B. day by day C. every days D. everydays
125. Sports are very good for our………….
A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health D. healthily
126. What makes / different / your new school / from /
others? .........................................................................................................................................
127. Which / do you / country / want / to
visit ? ...........................................................................................................................................
128. There _ _ much water in the glass.
129. What are your favourite s_ _ _ _ _ _ _? – English and Science.
130. ……………do you spell your name? – L-I-N-D-A.
A. What B. How C. Which D. When
131. Listen and tick: A. class B. glasses C. grass D. wash
132. Clara / goes out with / sometimes / a friend / for dinner.
133. What / buy /will you / at the fashion shop / this afternoon?
134. _ _ _ _ time did you come to John’s party last night? – At 8.30.
135. How often does Larry _ _ _ kites? –Never.
136. Odd one out: A. January B. May C. Monday D. October
137. They visit their parents every month. “ Visit” here also means:
A. watch B. look at C. look after D. see
138. My room / small / is / but / very tidy.
139. Janet is / but poor / an intelligent / girl in / our class.
140. What was the matter _ _ _ _ John yesterday?
141. How _ _ _ _ does an apple cost?
142. Yesterday they ……………their old friend at the supermarket.
A. said B. met C. did D. went
143. ……………….is your favourite singer? – Celine Dion – an American French singer.
A. What B. How C. Who D. Where
144. After having / family and do / dinner with my / homework I usually / surf the internet.
................................................................................................................................................... .
145. The monkey / a banana / has / in / its
hand. ............................................................................................................................................
146. The birthday party was at 7 o’clock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe) yesterday.
147. How _ _ _ is it from Hoan Kiem Lake to Noi Bai International airport?
148. A thing in a student’s school bag:
A. a ruler B. a desk C. a television D. a bookshelf
Page 138

149. Jack can play the guitar and the piano…………

A. bad B.good C. well D. beautiful
150. Their children / along / walked / the seaside /
yesterday. ....................................................................................................................................
151. Who is Katherine / for / waiting / at /
present? .......................................................................................................................................
152. Thanks for your help. – You are wel_ _ _ _ .
153. Did you go to school ……………..foot? – Yes, I do.
A. on B. by C. with D. in
154. “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight?” also means “……………………..”
A. Let’s going out for dinner tonight. B. Shall we have dinner tonight?
C. Could you have dinner tonight? D. What’re we going to do for dinner tonight?
155. They / to their / came back / hometown / last
Sunday. .......................................................................................................................................
156. My mother is / a bottle / buying / of cough medicine / for me
157. _ _ _ don’t you like your neighbour? – Because she is unfriendly.
158. CAPI_AL
159. …………… the matter with him? – He has got a bad cold.
A. Who B. Where C. What D. How
160. There isn’t ……………..milk in the box.
A. some B. many C. no D. any
161. My father / collecting many / loves / types / of wine
162. We must / visit to / cancel the / the Marble / Mountain.
163. Yesterday Tim didn’t go to school be_ _ _ _ _ he had a toothache.
164. My brother doesn’t play …………….……….every afternoon. (nghe) volleyball
165. Where did she come back from?- ………
A. The winter camp B. The jungle
C. The summer camp D. Cuc Phuong National Park
166. She has………….lips and small white ……………..
A. short / eyes B. long / eyes C. full / teeth D. short / teeth
167. My mother / making / is / some lemonade / in the kitchen.
168. She is / girl / a tall / with short / black hair.
169. They buy some bread but _ _ milk.
170. What’s this? - _ _’s a desk.
171. Would you like a piece of cake? - ……………
A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I do like. C. Yes, please. D. Yes, of course.
172. What is your……………… – Tom and Jerry.
A. likes B. interested C. favourite D. good
Page 139

173. All / children / his / speak / French.

174. There / a lot of / were / students / there.
175. OF_ICE
176. Amy _ _ _ _ shopping with her mother every Sunday.
177. What would you like to eat? - …………….
A. Yes, please. B. Please, noodles. C. Noodles, please. D. No, I don’t like.
178. Where………Yoko come from? – She comes from Japan.
A. do B. does C. have D. has
179. During / they usually / the break time. / play chess / with their
classmates. ..................................................................................................................................
180. I have a cold so I f_ _ _ very tired.
181. I am thinking of going _ _ _ _ _ _ next year. (nghe)
182. I always……………..goodbye to my parents before I go to school with my sister.
A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk
183. Nancy is tired. She’d like to ……………….
A. run B. sit down C. jump D. work
184. Tony is my new pen _ _ _ _ _ _ .
185. Where _ _ _ your family go on vacation last winter?
186. Who is that? – It is……………..
A. book B. Mr John C. ruler D. I
187. There are 28 ……………..29 days in February.
A. in B. on C. or D.and
188. What does Ben want _ _ _ his birthday?
189. …………………..Philippine Islands are to……………..South-East of Vietnam.
A. The / a B. A/ the C. The / the D. 0/0
190. You……………….eat too many candies.
A. didn’t have to B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. haven’t
191. Do you often visit the art museum……………….?
A. last weekend B. at weekends C. the weekend D. weekends
192. What is ………… drink? – Soda and coke.
A. this B. that C. there D.have
193. What……………..your mother like? – She is very friendly.
A. does B. doesn’t C. is D. has
194. John likes sports very much. He usually plays…………..after school.
A. games and Maths B. soccer and Literature
C. volleyball and soccer D. Maths and swimming
195. Don’t ……………sad. Let’s smile.
A. be B. have C. go D. do
196. Maria has…………………hair.
A. long beautiful black B. black beautiful long
C. black beautiful long D. beautiful long black
197. My grandfather is learning…………….to use a smart phone.
A. where B. what C. when D. how
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198. ……………usually learn things from ………………..

A. Boy / his father B. Boys / his father
C. Boys / their father D. The boys / his fathers
200.Do you mind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ down music? I’m trying to finsh my homework.

1. Would you like to come and ............. this Christmas with us?
A. pass B. spend C. bring D. make
2. They’re loading the truck ................ fruits.
A. with B. in C. over D. on
3. church./ goes to one/ different/ Every Sunday, / Rose
4. The River/ into/ the Atlantic/ Ocean./ Amazon flows
5. I can never p_ _ _ my car on a crowed street.

6. Jack and his friend are …………………………….

A.playing blind man’s bluff B. playing marbles
C. flying kites D. skipping ropes
7. My uncle is employed at the local beach to rescue people in danger in the water. He is a
A. lifeguard B. diver C. athlete D. cyclist Hue. / some postcards / I bought / before returning / in the souvenir shop
9. equipment. / A diver can / stay underwater / for a long time / with special breathing
10.My mother bought a colourful lantern _ _ _ me.
11.Will you 14 next year? – No, I _ _ _ ’t. I will be 15 next year.
12. “What’s distance between Ha Noi and Thai Nguyen?” means “How far……………?”
A. It is between Ha Noi and Thai Nguyen
B. is it from Ha Noi to Thai Nguyen
C. Is it between Ha Noi to Thai Nguyen
D. it is from Thai Nguyen to Ha Noi
13. John is ……………………..than Adam.
A. fifteen centimeters taller B. taller fifteen centimeters
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C. fifteen taller centimeters D. taller centimeters fifteen

14. _ _ _ _ _ I was going window shopping, I met an old friend of mine.
15. My uncle taught me _ _ _ to make pottery since I was a little girl.
16. Do you need any help?- …….
A. Sorry, I’m really busy B. Yes. That’s very kind of you.
C. No problem D. Of course
17. There’s a new exhibition of drawings on at the city …….
A. museum B. gallery C. business centre D. gym
18. right/ in the schoolyard/ are/ Many children/ now.
19. with/ happy/ at school?/ Are you/ your study
20. Rosy is _ _ _ _ on cooking. She wants to become a cook when she is older.
21. Both Lan and Huong are not old enough to take care of them_ _ _ _ _ _.
22. rides her bike/ at weekend./ She/ sometimes/ to town
23. The centre is enrolling candidates _ _ _ the new programme.
24. He wondered _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she liked the dress he gave her on Valentine’s Day.
25. Nga asked Lan if she …. to Sydney Opera House.
A. has ever been B. had ever been C. was ever D. is ever
26. the light is red?/ Do people/ the car/ have to stop/ when
27. with his sister/ He/ walks home/ and has lunch/ at twelve o’clock.
28. Mary looked at _ _ _self in the mirror and smile.
29. outside/ wants to go/ My daughter/ Hanoi./ somewhere
30. Our children go to the _ _ _ _ school as theirs.
31. Santa Claus believed by children to bring them presents _ _ Christmas Eve.
32. You must not let children ….. with scissors or knives.
A. play B. to play C. paying D. plays
33. are they/ going to/ travel to/ How/ the national park?
34. The prince fell in _ _ _ _ with her when they first met.
35. My laptop is still _ _ _ _ _ guarantee so I will take it to the store so that they can repair it.
36. Don’t let your child sit in the ….. seat of the car.
A. behind B. after C. before D. front
37. They were on their honeymoon in France ….. two weeks.
A. since B. for C. while D. during
38. Justin’s mother/ in the yard./ flowers and/ grows/ plants
39. very noisy/ The street/ is/ I live in/ at night.
40. Could you _ _ me a favour?
41. We _ _ _ _ just returned from a trip to Phong Nha Cave in Quang Binh.
42.I had a bad cold yesterday _ _ I was absent from school.
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43I often study in the library _ _ _ _ _ school on Monday and Thursday.

44. ………………..John and Jack like collecting stamps from all over the world.
45. Nguyen Du, a Vietnamese author, was famous………………Truyen Kieu.
A. of B. for C. about D. in
46……………does it take to get to Ha Noi from Ho Chi Minh city by plane? – About 2
A.How far B. How many C. How long D. How high
47.History is difficult_ _ _ me. I can’t remember all past events.
48. The video camera in the store helps the police ………………..the robbers.
A. identify B. describe C. discover D. classify
49.My father sometimes helps my mother ……………..the household chores.
50.My parents are now working ………………….a farm.
51. David is looking ………………..a steady job in the city.
A. at B. out C. down D. for
52.among children / in Vietnam. / Drowning is / one of leading / causes of death
53. Tan likes………………weather because he can go swimming.
A. hot B. cold C. windy D. foggy
54. John doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play tennis. This means:
A. Both John and David doesn’t play tennis.
B. Neither John nor David plays tennis.
C. Not either John and David play tennis.
D. Not only John but also David doesn’t play tennis.
55. _ _ _ are you going to get to Hung King Temple next weekend? – By bus.
56. You must m_ _ _ a quick decision about who wins the contest.
57. How is your vacation in Thailand? - …………….
A. I get there by plane. B. It is very interesting.
C. It takes me two hours to get there. D. I like Thailand very much.
58. When it becomes hot, people often feel………………….
A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy D. worried
59. learns how/ Chicken/ to read/ and write/ at school.
60 ……….… him almost two hours to drive from the city center to the beach.
A. They spent B. He spent C. It took D. He took
61. How does An work?- …….
A. Much hard than her friends B. Less harder than her friends
62. You…………………forget what I told you. It’s very important.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. can’t
63.What time does he class end? – At……………
A. afternoon B. evening C. night D. 11 a.m
64. She is too young to ………………….married.
65. The children are old enough to ………………………….after themselves.
66. “ Cabbage” has ……………….syllables.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
67. Baseball is different ………………
C. Much easier than her friends D. Less easier than her friends
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68. Mary and I are looking forward to……………….you.

69. Today, natural gas is stored in large tanks and _ _ _ _ for lighting, cooking and heating.
70. Would you mind opening the window? – Sure, I’m hot, _ _ _ .
71. We can look _ _ _ information on recycling things in the local library.
72. He is delighted _ _ _ _ you have paid attention to recycling.
73. He wanted …………..a market in Ho Chi Minh city so she asked me to suggest one.
A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visits
74. Mary regretted not bringing warm clothes…………..her. It was very cold.
A. for B. to C. on D. with

75. This is…………….mushroom soup that I’ve ever eaten.

A. more delicious B. the most delicious
C. the more delicious D. most delicious
76. When my father ……………home yesterday, someone………………a call to him.
A. goes / will make B. went / made
C. went / makes D. is going / made
77. Mr Brown ……………..a list of all the wine producers in the region.
A. complied B. collected C. ordered D. united
78. A. award B. carol C. canoe D. urban
79. When John……………….home, his wife …………………..for dinner.
A. arrived / was preparing B. was arriving / prepared
C. arrives / is preparing D. arrived / has prepared
80.I was reading ……… sisters were playing with their dolls.
A. when B. while C. at which D. at time
81. It was very kind _ _ you to help him.
82. me. / This drink / little / strong to / tastes
83. The content is meaningful, and the scenes are picturesque. A…………………r it is such
a great film.
84. A. police B. correct C. doctor D. orange
85. I received a letter _ _ _ _ my fiends yesterday.
86. because she is / always tasting / things while / She gets fat / she is cooking.
87 She hasn’t finished the letter _ _ _ .
88. He believed that his ability to jump down from the fourth storey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ getting
89. Millions of Christmas cards ………………every year.
A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending
90. my mother / hour watching / spends one / Every day / television.
91. Would you like to _ _ for a walk later.
92. waiting for / minutes? / mind / Would you / a few
93. If you want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your English, we will help you.
94. Robert has been _ _ _ of work for two years.
95. The destruction of forests has brought _ _ _ _ _ floods recently.
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96. We invited 20 people to the party, but only 10 showed _ _ .

97. I’d love to live in a house with a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ban công)
98. I wanted to speak to Nga but she was out so I _ _ _ _ her a message yesterday
99. The students were excited _ _ _ _ _ the famous singer appeared on the stage
100. Tom is in such a hurry that he didn’t stop at _ _ _ traffic lights
101. Ngoc….from me and she never ….to pay me back
A. always borrow /remember B.always borrowed / remembered
C. is always borrowing / remembers D.always borrowed / remember

102. What do you want?A _ _ _ _ _ ,a bracelet,or a mobile?

103. We have to live_ _ _ from my parents as they work in the city.
104. Would you mind if I borrow your mobile phone?- …….
A. Not at all B. I hate it C. It’s OK I guess D. Not bad
105. morning because/clock didn’t go/off./my alarm/I overslept this
106. When I was small, my aunt used to _ _ _ _ me and tell me stories.

107. He knelt _ _ _ _ on his knee and declared his love for her.
108.You’re speaking very quietly.I can’t _ _ _ _ you.
109. My brother volunteered to clean the _ _ _ _ of the house on weekends.

110. The children hadn’t met……………their grandparents or their uncle before.

A. or B. nor C. neither D. either
111. I’ll call in my parents on my … the festival
A.road B.way C.route D.path
112.You have to make sure children can touch the ………………. sockets
A.clectric B.electricity C.electrically D.electrical
113.Learning a foreign language helps me to understand more of my…..
A. mother’s tongue B. mother tongue
C. mothers’tongue D. mother language

114.My mother takes me to………………….once several months.

A. the hairdresser’s B. the grocery store C. the florist’s D. the drugstore
115. “I’m too short to reach the picture on the wall”, also means “I’m…………..”
A. short enough to reach the picture on the wall.
B. not tall enough to reach the picture on the wall.
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C. the same height as the picture on the wall.

D. shorter than the picture on the wall.
116. Where does / sometimes / on Friday evening? / Herry / go
117. The room was in a mess. Books, shoes and clothes _ _ _ _ jumbled together on the
118. He left _ _ _ _ _ _ some money and a letter to his wife.
119. You would _ _ _ _ _ _ not read those magazines.
120. The newspaper is a mean of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tion.
121…………………….the series “ Vampire Diaries” yet?
A. Have you watched B. Did you watched
C. Were you watching D. Will you watch
122. ago./in our village/two years/There wasn’t/any electricity
123. bravery/last year./a medal/for/They awarded him
124. speaking/Jack finished/down./and sat/hurriedly
125. She hasn’t/been able/tenis since she/to play/broken her arm.
126. Last night someone/and stole the color TV/we were upstairs./while/broke into the house
127.Rose is the most intelligent _ _ the girls.
128.He is looking _ _ _ his friend’s information in a directory.
129.You may think it’s dark here but it’s _ _ _ _ _ _ in the cellar.
130.She promises that she ……………...on time for the party
A. comes B. will come C. came D. is coming
131.He is always late for work. He ………………be late again.
A. hadn’t better B. won’t C. shouldn’t D. doesn’t have to
132. After 10 years working as the best consultant for the company, he is promoted and gets
the highest………………
A. place B. work C. position D. chair
133.His father was a poor but ……………..Russian immigrant.He always helps poor people.
A. mean B. kind - hearted C. handsome D. hardworking
134.and April/Does it rain/in March/in many parts/of Asian countries?
135.of the/early hours/morning./They/talked until the
136.putting it into/We should learn/how a word/is used by/an example sentence.
137.the delivery of/Mrs.Trang’s home./the furniture to/has arranged for/The company
138.It is not good for Peter to see the honor film because he is _ _ _ young.
139. Let’s put the coffee table in the middle _ _ the room.
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140.Since she worked at the company she………....a day off through illness.
A. have had B. hasn’t C. hasn’t had D. has got
141.I want to earn ………….. money not to steal it from others.
A. clear B. honest C. frank D. great

142. My brother together with his friends often …………... in the park.
A. jogs B. jogging C.jog D. to jog
143.The street too crowed. You should walk on the………….
A. sidewalk B. street C. avenue D. road to/Rose/asked/you up./pick
145. His _ _ _ _ _ of humor always makes people laugh.
146. My sister doesn’t play tennis as well as she _ _ _ last year.
147. Would you like ………… to spend our summer holiday together?- I’d love to.
A. come B. to come C. coming D. came
148. to receive / He was / his aunt’s / delighted / letter.
149. Janet doesn’t / at night. / want me to / alone /go
150. truth. / She / she was / telling the /said that
151. She is very busy _ _ _ _ the children and housework.

152. It is compulsory to wear a _ _ _ _ _ _ on a motorbike.

153. to on / you talking/ Who are /now? / the phone
154. on TV / Is there / interesting / tonight? / anything
155. She went to market _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buying anything.
156. This ruler ……………………… of plastic
A. make B. made C. is making D. is made
157.It was a long time _ _ _ _ _ I lived here.
158.That’s / embarrassed./ seen Jane look / time I’ve / the first
159. A. shoot B. mood C. poor D. smooth
160. A. seat B. heavy C. reason D. neat
161. A. kissed B. helped C. forced D. wanted
162. The girl sitting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my father and Michael is my little sister.
163. She always keeps all dangerous objects out of children’s _ _ _ _ _ .
164. Do you think living in a house is much _ _ _ _ comfortable than living in a flat?
165. I have got to pay the money back _ _ the end of the month.
166. B.else C.secretary D.position
167.The children hadn’t met……………..…their grandparents or their uncle before.
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A.or B.nor C.neither D.either

168. What do you want?A _ _ _ _ _ ,a bracelet,or a mobile?

169. We have to live_ _ _ from my parents as they work in the city.
170.I was reading ……… sisters were playing with their dolls.
A. when B. while C. at which D. at time
171. It was very kind _ _ you to help him.
172. me. / This drink / little / strong to / tastes
173. The content is meaningful, and the scenes are picturesque. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r it is such a
great film.
174. A. police B. correct C. doctor D. orange
175. I received a letter _ _ _ _ my fiends yesterday.
176. because she is / always tasting / things while / She gets fat / she is cooking.
177. about 200 / employees / in this / company. / There are
178. She hasn’t finished the letter _ _ _ .
179. He believed that his ability to jump down from the fourth storey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ getting
180. Millions of Christmas cards ………………every year.
A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending
181. my mother / hour watching / spends one / Every day / television.
182. Would you like to _ _ for a walk later.
183. waiting for / minutes? / mind / Would you / a few
184. Finding an / apartment in / city is / not easy. / a big
185. If you want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your English, we will help you.
186. Robert has been _ _ _ of work for two years.
187. When John……………….home, his wife …………………..for dinner.
A. arrived / was preparing B. was arriving / prepared
C. arrives / is preparing D. arrived / has prepared
188. Please…………………..this word. It’s very important.
A. come across B. underline C. stick D. promise
189. want to spend / in Vietnam. / The Browns / summer vacation / their coming
190. tomorrow morning? / San Francisco / going to / with Tom / Are you
191. You must look in the entertainment section of the newspaper to _ _ _ _ out what films
are showing.
192. A. accommodation B. abroad C. arrive D. alright
193. The man: Would you mind if I smoked here? – The man: …………………

Page 148

A. No, thanks. B. Why not ?

C. I’d rather you didn’t. D. Oh, no.
194. . .......... him a few words of Italian? The waiter
A. Who taught B. What did he teach
C. Who did teach D. Whom did he teach
195. I ....... that it is important to respect other people’s opinions.
A. am feeling B. has felt C. feel D. will feel
196………………….the shoes before you buy them.
A. Put off B. Take away C. Try on D. Make up
197. take university / courses at home with / You can / of a VCR. / the help
198.soon as / We will send / message as / her the / she comes back.
199………………in town, mine is the largest.
A. Of all schools B. All of schools
C. To all the schools D. Of all the schools
200.It is the ………………….restaurant in the town. The dishes here are so awful.
A. worst B. worse C. word D. world

Page 149

1.roared very/ The tigers / loudly so we were / of them. / scared
2. like outdoor activities / Taylor/ flying kites. / rowing and / : Swimming, fishing
3. Don’t _ _ _ attention to the boss. (nghe)
5. I usually go swimming in hot…………
A. winter B. autumn C. day D. summer
6. Why are you wearing sunglasses? What’s the matter with you? – I’ve got…………
A. a sore throat B. an earache C. sore eyes D. sore ankles
7. Viet Nam? / day in / When / is / the teacher’s
8. What / we / every day? / eat / should
9. It was a hot day, and after about half an hour I was thirsty again. (nghe)

10. Where’s your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

– It’s a small town in the sound of Viet Nam.
11. The exercise …………..very easy yesterday.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
12. When you want to know the time, you ask “…………”
A. What time it is? B. Have you got the time?
C. What is time? D. What time is?
13. schol subjects. / writing / to talk / about my favourite / I’m
14. the matter / you / right eye? / with / What’s
15. C_ICKEN 16. R_TURN
17. What weather does she like?
A. weather warm B. warm C. a warm weather D. warm weather
18. There are four……….in a year: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Page 150

A. activities B. pastimes C. seasons D. weathers

19. in the new supermarket / near my / school yesterday. / My mother went / shopping
20. He / goes to the cafeteria / never / alone / at lunchtime.
21. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the greatest m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
22. SEA_ON
23. Lan doesn’t like playing the guitar, she ………….plays it.
A. usually B. never C. always D. often
24. ……….. – I’m tired.
A. How are you feel? B. How do you feel, Ken?
C. How can you feel, Ken? D. How would you feel, Ken?
25. bring / You / need / your pens and rulers. / to
26. of his / the address / send you / Did Tom / hotel?
27. In the story, there was a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ living in the jungle.(nghe)
28. Please don’t _ _ _ _ any noise, I’m very tired.
29. They are keen……………..puzzles.
A. on playing B. to playing C. in playing D. with to playing
30. …………….. – It’s 200 pounds.
A. How much does this television? B. How does this television cost?
C. How much is this television cost? D. What is the price of this television?
31. so / Mai didn’t / crowded. / enjoy the sports festival / because it was
32. die. / those trees / Without / might / rain,
33. _ _ _ on your coat or you may get sick.
34. Can you lend me some _ _ _ _ _ until tomorrow?
35. I don’t like living in Sa Pa because it ……….
A. always rains B. always to rains C. rain always D. always rain
36. What time is “ Phineas and Ferbs”…………….? – At 8 on Disney Chanel.
A. at B. from C. on D. in
37. Tony / the house. / took off / came into / his shoes and
38. How often / write / learn to / an essay? / do you
39. Another name of fruit bats are flying _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
40. Ha Long Bay is one of the _ _ _ _ attractive place in Viet Nam.
41. He…………some fish in the fish tank.
A. does B. cares C. takes D. keeps
42. There is a hospital……………the park.
A. near B. next C. between D. among
43. English? / practice / How / do you / writing
44. to my birthday party / are coming / All of / next Friday. / my classmates
Page 151

45. Fresh water is n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to everybody.

46. Don’t climb the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .It’s very dangerous.

47. How…………….does it take to get to the bus station?
A. far B. long C. tall D. high
48. I’m bored. - Why………… go fishing?
A. do B. does C. doesn’t D. don’t
49. My class / many / old students. / doesn’t / have

50. Celsius degree. / boils /100 / at / Water

51. My daughter want to _ _ _ _me a teacher of English.
52. He never goes to the cafeteria at lunch_ _ _ _.
53. The bookstore is …………the toy store and the hospital.
A. across B. from C. between D. on
54. A. story B. nobody C. post D. copy
55. going to wait / We are / for you / near your school / this weekend.
56. in / food / the classroom. / You shouldn’t / eat
57. Now she won’t have to go out to work any _ _ _ _ .
58. I’ll visit Malaysian Twin _ _ _ _ _ _ in Kuala Lumper next summer.
59. …………..don’t you go to the cinema for a new film tonight?
A. Why B. What C. When D. How
60. How about………………for a walk? -That’s a good idea.
A. go B. to go C. going D. went
61. thanked me / for inviting / She / her / to my party.
62. Do you / is more / difficult / than English? / think that Vietnamese
63. In Ireland we always have a lot of _ _ _ _ . (nghe)
64. She spent last summer _ _ doing a research on animals.
65. Do you like pop music? - ……….
A. I would B. Yes, a lot. C. No, I like it D. Yes, we are
66. A.Well B. Where C. How D. When
67. to the /The bookshelf / window. / is /next
68. wonderful place / is / to visit. / a / Hawaii
69. Hoa never drinks t_ _ because she doesn’t like it.
70. What music instrument can you play? -I can play the o_ _ _ _ .

Page 152

71. “I often take my dog for a walk.” This sentence has the same meaning as “……….”
A. I often walk my dog. B. I often let my dog walk.
C. I often go with my dog. D. I often go jogging with my dog.
72. What…………would you like for lunch? –I’d like some noddles and some tea, please.
A. will B. would C. do D. are
73. There were /at the concert / about 90 / last night. / to 100 people.

74. uaually / the internet. / My sister / movies on / watches

75. What colour _ _ _ your eyes? - Black. ]
76. MINU_E
77. A. aunt B. uncle C. friend D. sister
78. Which sentence is correct?
A. How much rice there is in the kitchen? B. How much rice in the kitchen there is.
C. How much rice is there in the kitchen? D. How much rice are there in the kitchen?
79. What/ do you / summer vacation? / next / plan to do
80. railway station? / to the next bus stop / to Ha Noi / can I get / How
81. He _ _ _ _s playing chess with his father.
82. TW_CE
83. Are there any films that you ……………like to see at the moment?
A. are B. would C. should D. being
84. Don’t talk too loud. The baby …………..
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. sleep D. sleeping
85. is in / clouds / Some of the / and rain. / fresh water

86. Did Tim / of his / the photo / hotel / send you

87. They use _ _ _ _ to keep their meat fresh for a long time, so they are never hungry.
88. I sometimes go to school _ _ Saturday.
89. A. great B. interesting C. good D. travel
90. What does your mother do? - …………
A. She is cooking. B. She is a cook.
C. She works hard. D. Well, she is nice.
91. jump / on ? / What / animals / do jumping spiders
92. Lan / hours / Does / than Nga? /learn more
93. We live in a _ _ _ _ near the park. (nghe)
94. We study about different countries in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lessons.
95. Which sentence is correct?
A. Are you wanting some fruit juice? B. You want some fruit juice?
C. Are you going to want some fruit juice? D. Do you want some fruit juice?
96. A. city B. nationality C. country D. dry
Page 153

97. any Chinese / My class / doesn’t have / and French / students.

98. in / Is / the spring? / warm / it usually
99. Her son is _ _ _ year old.
100. The supermarket is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the post office.
101. Hi, my name is ……….(nghe)
A. Josh B. John C. Jacob D. Jared
102. Children usually fly ……………in this summer.
A. butterflies B. boats C. kites D. planes
103. this book / to? / belong / Who / does
104. Discovery Channel. / by watching programmes on / many things / about life / I learn
105. There is a big _ _ _ _ _ _ in the school yard.
106. The dentist told us not to bite hard things with our t_ _ _ _ .
107. A. tonight B. tomorrow C. weekend D. badminton
108. She doesn’t have ……………..friends at school.
A. a B. some C. many D. much
109. and fruits / eating. / before / cooking and / Wash vegetables
110. Can you tell / post office / is? / me where / the nearest
111. There are only two seasons in the south of Viet Nam: _ _ _ season and rainy season.
112. _ _ _ _ you very much for your help.
113. A. school B. lunch C. chemistry D. christmas
114. What should we do to keep safe when swimming in the sea? (nghe)
A. You should swim outside the area from the red flag to the yellow one.
B. We should swim near the red flag.
C. We should swim near the beach.
D. We shouldn’t do all above.
115. any books on / the / you have / shelf? / Do
116. me / the / Please tell / Central Park. / way to
117. He plays soccer _ _ _ _ his friends in his free time.
118. What’s another word for “small”? – It’s “_ _ _ _ _ _” - Correct.
119. Who is the…………….in your class?
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. more tall
120. Steve is the ……..boy in my class.
A. smallest B. fattest C. shortest D. tallest
121. you do / in / What do / the morning? / first
122. works / the centre hospital. / as a nurse / My siter / at
123. Tokyo is the capital of _ _ _ _ _ .
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124. You use paints to _ _ _ _ _ _ the colour of walls or doors. (nghe)

125. Is it your book? – Yes, it’s ………
A. mine B. my C. me D. I
126. Tomatoes, lettuce and potatoes are……………
A. fruits B. vegetables C. drinks D. flowers

127. My parents / give me / a gift / at Christmas. / usually

128. with housework? / Do you / your mother / help / often
129. Swifts can _ _ _ _ _ in the air.
130. It was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to look at all the old pctures. (nghe)
131. A. man B. bank C. cake D. hat
132. ………….are going to the cinema this evening.
A. My brother and me B. Me and my brother
C. My brother and I D. I and my brother
133. your house? / flower garden / in front of / Is there / any

134. tomorrow. / are eager / the children / for a picnic / to go

135. Some people can’t see well, but they can read Braille books by feeling with

their _ _ _ _ _ _ _
136. People collect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the beach. (nghe)
137. What did you have…………breakfast this morning?
A. with B. for C. to D. over
138. Stress: A. dangerous B. celebrate C. dictation D. usually
139. your friend / does / What / talk about? / want to
140. stand up / because he / The teacher told him to / noise in the class. / made
141. What happened at the end of the story “The Fox and the Crow”?

The Fox grabbed the meat and r_ _ away.

142. P_ESENT
143.Have you got a balloon? - …….
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I am not. C. Yes, I have. D. No, I don’t.

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144. I am……………, so I don’t want to eat any more.

A. thirsty B. full C. starving D. hungry
145. What are you / summer vacation? / going to do / on your

146. He / a week. / goes to /work /six days

147. They’re going to watch a football _ _ _ _ _ on sports channel.
148. BOT_LE
149. A. brother B. sister C. father D. mate
150. My brother ……..because he………the bed when……..
A. hurt / rolls off / slept B. hurt / rolled off / sleeping
C. hurted / rolled off / sleeping D. hurted / rolls off / sleeping
151. very enjoyable. / on television / was / The cartoon / last night
152. would / How / much / rice and beef / you want?
153. It’s good _ _ _ your health to eat fruits every day.
154. Benny hates g_ _ _ _ _ _ up early in the morning.
155. A. teeth B. nose C. ears D. eyes
156. What does Mari like to eat? (nghe)
A. Hamburgers B. Chips C. Fishes D. Ham
157. fresh air / enjoy / the countryside and / Go to / there.
158. any noise? / Why / mustn’t / we / make
159. P_CTURE
160. Why don’t we go to the b_ _ _ _ on Sunday?
161. What time does he leave home for work? (nghe)
A. No later than six thirty. B. No later than seven thirty.
C. No later than eight o’clock. D. No later than eight thirty.
162. Where…………you last Sunday?
A. did B. was C. were D. do
163. at break time? / What do you / your classmates / and / play
164. silent. / sit / Please / down / and keep
165. AH_AD 166. CO_B
167. What does the Australian king parrot look like?
A. It has a red head with yellow circles around each eye, green wings and a blue tail.
B. It has a red head with a yellow circle around each eye, green wings and a blue tail.
C. It has red hair with a yellow circle around each eye, a green wing and a blue tail.
D. It has a red head with a yellow circle around each eye, green wings and a blue tail.
168. I like playing the violin ………..playing sports.
A. to B. than C. rather D. better than
169. the highest / What’s / in Ha Noi / temperature / this summer?
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170. spend / Where / are you / going to / your next holiday?
171. There are _ _ _ _ _ _ months in a year.
172. It’s cold outside. You had _ _ _ _ _ _ stay at home.
173. When you go home, you say to your classmate:
A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good bye D. Good afternoon
174. My English class is…….the second floor.
A. at B. in C. over D. on
175. We must wear / motorbike ride. / we get / helmets / when
176. collecting comic books. / interested in / are / The girls / often
177. SOMEON_
178. Thanks for helping me carry that box. - _ _ pleasure.
179. A. mechanic B. chicken C. kitchen D. watch
180. Which is NOT in the audio? (nghe)
A. Machu Picchu is in Peru.
B. The whole of Andes is in Peru.
C. Machu Picchu was the place where the Incas lived long ago.
D. The city Machu Picchu disappeared many centuries ago.
181. living on the /is the / Earth. / tallest animal / Giraffe
182. does/ want? / What kind / she / of dress
183. Are there _ _ _ English students in your class? -No, there aren’t.
184. How many _ _ _ _ _ have the boy got? (nghe)
185. How many………….are there? – Two. Mary and Jane.
A. girl B. boy C. girls D. boys
186. I saw some peacocks at the zoo. They moved ……………. B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautifuly
187. didn’t / the tiger? / like / you / Why
188. your / my question. / listen to / book and / Close
189. B_ANK
190. _ _ _ _ _ grade is Lan’s little sister in?
191. There are often traffic jams ………rush hours in the big cities.
A. for B. at C. during D. on

192. What is Anna doing right now? – She is…………..

A. climbing a tree B. sitting at the desk

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C. having breakfast with her mother D. having dinner

193. Tokyo Skytree / is the / tallest / the world. / tower in
194. the kitchen. / in / rice / There is / only some
195. Does Nicole like or d_ _ _ _ _ _ living there? – She likes living there.
196.Mrs Jenney is my teacher. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me History.
197. Parents must prevent their children ……………falling.
A. from B. of C. about D. on

198. We ……………..ride your bike in the park.

199. How much is……………of cooking oil?
A. a packet B. a bottle C. a can D. a box
200. A. business person B. funny C. runner D. pump
201. What is the best way to learn a foreign language? (nghe)
– To _ _ _ _ to other people.
202. Do you know where my keys are? I’m looking _ _ _ them.
203. They will have breakfast before ……………the chickens.
A. they will feed B. feeding C. will feed D. feed
204. What are we going to do? - ………….
A. Let we go camping. B. Why do we go camping?
C. What about going camping? D. What about to go camping?
205. They find out that the ……………….has everything they need to survive. (nghe)
206. You mustn’t _ _ _ _ _ on the right side in England.
207. A. spaceship B. facebook C. racer D. rabbit
208. How often do you do morning exercises in the summer?
A. I sometimes do B. Yes, I do C. I like it D. I play soccer
209. How much does it…………you to travel to Da Lat by plane?
A. take B. give C. cost D. spend
210. A. situation B. signal C. information D. dialogue
211. Miss Lien is standing in _ _ _ _ _ of the classroom.
212. Who’s the main _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the book “ Alibaba and the 40 thieves”?
-It’s Alibaba.
213. What……….you……… do tomorrow? – I’ll go to the seaside.
A. does/go B. is /going C. are /going D. do/go
214. They are staying at a ………..flat until they find a new house.
A. friend B. friends C. friends’ D. friend’s
215. They often go _ _ _ a walk after school. 216. MO_TH
217. There …………..some cheese in the fridge.
A. are B. is C. be D. have
218. A. sing B. idea C. bring D. visit
219. Go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ahead.
220. Vegetables and fruits are good _ _ _ us.

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221. The sun …………in the east.

A. is rising B. rising C. rises D. rise
222.How do you feel?
A. I’m hungry. B. Fine, thanks. C. I’m tall. D. I’m fifteen.
223.About one billion people don’t have _ _ _ _ _ water in their homes. (nghe)
224.Is there a _ _ _ _ _ _ in your house? – Yes.
225.Which sentence is correct?
A. There are some chairs in our classroom.
B. In our classroom have some chairs there.
C. There have some chairs in our classroom.
D. There in our classroom are some chairs.
226.Thank you very much.
A. That’s all. B. You are all right. C. That’s alright. D. Welcome to you.
227. n summer, we eat in the _ _ _ _ _ _. (nghe)
228. The boy is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a balloon.
229. A. head B. beat C. please D. meat
230.A. drink B. favourite C. cooking D. nine
232. At the Children’s museum, there are giant models _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ outside. (nghe)
233. Stress: A. museum B. mountain C. children D. village
234. Yesterday we went sightseeing and ………….a lot of photos.
A. took B. take C. takes D. to take
236. I have to go to work six d_ _ _ a week.
237.The cheetahs…………..when I was at the zoo.
A. run very fast B. run very fastly
C. ran very fast D. ran very fastly
238. What will their dream apartment…………like?
A. is B. are C. be D. been
239. Dolphins use the _ _ _ _ _ _ to call their friends and family. (nghe)
240. I don’t _ _ _w how to dance.
241.What does she eating? (nghe)
A. Orange B. ant C. apple C. egg
242.When the weather is cold and wet, they move to a……..and make a home there.
A. hotel B. cave C. house D. tent
243. My favourite………….is shrimp.
A. seafood B. seashore C. beach D. seaside
244. He prefers listening to music …………playing sports in his free time.
A. than B. rather than C. to B. better than
245. I love football and I’ve got a collection of football…………….. (nghe)
A. stickers B. cards C. tickets D. shirts
246. She is not doing………… the walking, just walking about.
A. anything B. nothing C.something D. one thing

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TEST 18 write / Don’t / to me. /forget / a letter
2.It takes me /to have breakfast / every day. / fifteen / minutes
3.My grandmother only _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us during the summer. (nghe)
4. The newspaper is a mean of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _tion.
5. A. stamp B. sew C. opposite D .bookstore
6. “Five thirty” also means “……………….”
A. half past five B. half past four
C. a quarter past five D. a quarter past four
7. problems. / health / polluted water / Swimming in / can cause
8. class next / join my / Would you / like to / Sunday?
9. Hia office is _ _ the sixth floor of the building.
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is not my favourite subject. (nghe) history
11. I smiled and ……………..Hello to her.
A. said B. spoke C. called D. tell
12. Do you want some……………….these cakes?
A. to B. of C. with D. on
13. anybody / visit / Are you / tomorrow? / going to
14. about two hours / each day / It takes me / my homework. / to do
15. He said that he had a lot of free time because I……………him so much. (nghe) helped
16. Minh is one of the b_ _ _ students in our class.
17. Stress: A. correct B. ahead C. ruler D. erase
18. Are………………any pictures in your house?
A. there B. this C. that D. those
19. next month. / visit me / coming / My pen pal is / to
20. I received a present _ _ _ _ my brother last week.
21. I am going to travel _ _ _ _ _ _ the world with my family with summer.
22. ………… without milk is yours?
A. The B. An C. A D. 0
23. A. classroom B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer
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24. get married? / going to / you / are / When

25. now. / waiting for / Everybody is / in the hall / the president
26. She is too young to _ _ _ married.
27. The children are old enough to _ _ _ _ after themseleves.
28. “Cabbage” has ………………..syllables.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
29. Baseball is different ………….soccer.
A. from B. of C. for D. with
30. new to / I remember / that I have / something / tell you.
31. We laughed a lot and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each other’s company. (nghe) – enjoyed
32. My mother says that nobody is _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (nghe)-perfect: hoàn hảo
33. A. chicken B. coach C. orchestra D. change
34. A. talked B. fitted C. needed D. visited
35. don’t you / Why / come and help Tom / plant / some trees?
36. Jane will be / she misses / late for / the train. / school if
37. I bought a cup of coffee and some pizza _ _ _ lunch.
38. She is going to buy a car and a tent to travel all over _ _ _ world.
39. …………….? – Two, please.
A. What do you need? B. How many apples do you need?
C. How many apples are there? D. How much is an apple?
40. He was only thirteen, but he ate ……………..his father did.
A. as much as B. more that C. much than D. as much than
41. music to / the concert. / listening to / Nam prefers / going to
42. He usually /works / very hard / tests. / before
43. Jane and Jack stood in _ _ _ _ _ of the mirror and looked at themselves.
44. Every Sunday, his family spends the whole evening _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV.
45. What time does his class end? – At……………..
A. afternon B. evening C. night D. 11 AM
46. to see / a movie. / cinema / to the / She goes
47. my village / The farmers in / often begin / their work very / early in the morning.
48. Baby birds depend _ _ their parents for food.
49. On the right side _ _ the living room, there is a window.
50. Cuong is visiting his grandparents. He always…………..them at weekend.
A. visiting B. visits C. visited D. to visit
51. What class ……………they in?
A. do B. are C. is D. does
52. Can I / call / make a / mobile phone? / on your
Page 161

53. take me an / hour to do / It will / the household chores.
54. There’s a garage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the house and the garden.
55. The doctor tole him that he had to _ _ _ _ smoking. (nghe) stop
56………… her later. She’s not home now.
A. Please B. Have C. Do D. Is
57.These apples are mine and those are ………………..
A. she’s B. she is C. her D. hers
58. finishing. / He is / his father / about / talking to
58. holiday. / a new raincoat / get / You should / before going on
59. What does your grandmother look l_ _ _ ?
60. What time is it? – It’s……………past ten.
A. the quarter B. a quarter C. some quarter D. quarters
61. Harry’s favoirite drink is……………apple juice.
A. an B. o C. a D. one
62. learn Japanese? / it / you find / difficult to / Do
63. My grandma is too old. She can’t _ _ _ without her glasses.
64. I made a …………………………card for my dad. (nghe)
65. The opposite of “young” is “…………….”
A. year B. old C. age D. elder
66. She is thirsty. It also means “She wants…………..”
A. a drink B. some meat C. some potatoes D. some bread
67. our parents / movie with / to see a detective / We are going / this afternoon.
68. Jenifer’s / Tomorrow / 9th / birthday. / will be
69. I was so tired so I had a glass of ………………….(nghe) lemonade
70.What is it? – It is ……………….picture book.
A. a English B. the English C. an English D. English
71. …………………my house, there’s a large garden.
72. left a message / for you / A man / at the hotel. / called Peter
73. for the / money / dictionary? / Does she / need some
74. Victoria is always worried _ _ _ _ _ the safety of her family.
75. I often……………….my friend in front of the school gate.
A. say B. talk C. speak D. meet
76. These are their books and those are ………….. A. we B. our C. ours D. us
77. someone / draw the / picture? / Did / help you
78. the game / with them? / How about / part in / taking
Page 162

79. You should be ca_ _ _ _l when driving.

80. In Britain, students have to wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when they go to school.
81. A. temple B. help C. market D. hotel
82. Bill……………..his bike to school every day.
A. runs B. travels C. rides D. drives

83. in the afternoon? / the piano / Do they often / practice / playing

84. next month. / years old / will be / twenty-one / He
85. A. village B. town C. city D. ocean
86. ……………..? – He’s a policeman.
A. What does he do B. Who is he C. What does he want D. A and B are correct
87. When / class / music / does your / finish?
88. have enough / money to / pay for / a taxi. / I don’t
89. Hoa wants to get up early so she’s buying an alarm _ _ _ _ _ .
90. We’re going to stay there for………………days.
A. one B. once C. second D. three
91. I’m………………….enough to have a lot of friends.
A. lucky B.luckily C. luck D. luckier
92. have fewer / than American / ones. / vacations / Vietnamese students
93. good / sense of / humor. / Dave / has a
94. I swept the …………………and the paths. (nghe) sidewalks
95. Is Mexico city b_ _ _ _ _ t city in the world?
96. ………………comes after August.
A. July B. June C. September D. October
97. Which sentence is correct?
A. There aren’t any orange on the table. B. On the table aren’t there any oranges.
C. There aren’t oranges any on the table. D. There aren’t any oranges on the table.
98. them. / Vegetables from / often have / the farm / dirt on
99. I can already speak French, Italian, and German and I want to learn
another _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
100. I am / morning. / tomorrow / thinking of / my test
101.A. sun B. fun C. pull D. lunch
102. Is your hair black ……………brown? – It’s brown.
A. but B. and C. or D. is
103. drinking tea in / along with / his friend is / the living room. / My father
104. are / Sundays. / never free / on / We
Page 163

105. Is she going to ………… this summer?

A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting
106. Could you show me the way ……….the railway station, please?
A. near to B. at C. next D. to

107. wear / have to / They / on Mondays. / uniforms

108. going / out / What bout / some coffee now? / for
109. We were sitting there …………..when suddenly mu cat stood up. (nghe) quietly
110. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time with each other. (nghe)
111. The child is ……………because she wants to go to bed now.
A. thirsty B. hungry C. sleepy D. sleep
112. stress:
A. hungry B. between C. police D. museum
113. mother in front / of Da Nang / I saw your / morning. / Supermarket yesterday
114. hat /she has! / beautiful / a / What
115. I’m back _ _ _ _ school and I’m hungry.
116. Be _ _ _ _ _ , please! Our father is sleeping.
117. “………” has opposite meaning to “……….”
A. Full /thin B. Ful / low C. Full / heavy D. Full / weight
118. Is her hair red ………… A. to B. at C. but D. or
119. my books / Don’t / without / take / asking.
120. me / Six bananas / six / cost / dollars.
121. He stayed at his office _ _ _ _ _ he finish the report.
122. Mrs Lana’s children seem to be excited when they saw many different types of fish in

the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
123. Some scientists spend most of their lives ………………at rocks.
A. look B. looking C. looked D. to look
124. Be ……………when you cross the road. It’s dangerous!
A. quiet B. careful C. noisy D. slowly
125. for the meeting. / Hurry up / late / you will be / or
126. audience / laugh at / didn’t / The / his joke.
127. Will you pick me _ _ after the party?

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128. How _ _ _ _ did he give you? – He gave me 20 dollars.

129. How much pork does she need? - ………….
A. A tube B. A kilo C. A packet D. A dozen
130. A. nine B. fine C. sit D. line
131. she / On Sunday evening, / early. / goes to / bed
132. my favourite / Fishing is / jogging. / sport / not
133. My mum would use a sew_ _ _ machine to make clothes instead of buying them.
134. Are you free _ _ Sunday mornings?
135. Who are you going out……………? – Jamie and Sam.
A. to B. with C. at D. from
136. A. gram B. packet C. need D. kilo
137. Are / there / on the tree? / any / birds
138. I have to go to the hospital two hours before the ………(nghe) surgery-phẫu thuật
139. He usually _ _ _ _ _ _ milk at night. He likes milk very much.
140. Stress: A. orange B. museum C. traffic D. mountain
141. She …………………here next year.
A. will be B. was C. is D. were
142. A man tole me that he would …………… how to dance. (nghe) teach
143. It rained a _ _ _ in Chicago last week.
144. We listen to sounds and noises with our ………….
A. eyes B. nose C. mouth D. ears
145. A. flower B. shower C. window D. town
146. I spend most of my time _ _ _ _ my friend.
147. Don’t go _ _ _side. It’s too cold now.
148. The weather is warm enough for us ……………..
A. to go out B. to going out C. going out D. go out
149. Alexander Graham Bell worked with people who could neither speak _ _ _ hear.
150. She told me many ………………about when she was a young girl. (nghe) stories
151. I talked to my ………….and I helped her trim a tree. (nghe) neighbour
152. Did you ever have to call for ………….(nghe) help
153. She walks to school. It means she goes to school on f_ _ _ .
154. My mother’s _ _ _ _ are weak, so she has to wear glasses.
155. She _ _ _ _ few mistakes on her last examination.
156. I’m tired of being ……………..and having sore throats. (nghe) sick
157. She _ _ _ _ aerobics and plays badminton every day.
158. I _ _ _ _ off my shoes because they were dirty.
159. Telling ………..and making people laugh is extremely difficult. (nghe) jokes
160. Could you _ _ _ _ me where the post office is?
161. My brother works _ _ _ a big company in Ho Chi Minh City.
162. I know that he is working in the library _ _ this moment.
163. His brother finished high school 6 years _ _ _ .
164. I thought that he might like some candy but my father really doesn’t eat
many _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe) sweets
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165. What are you looking _ _ _? – I’ve lost my pencil.

166. My mother is always giving me …………………..(nghe)
167. He can’t hear because of his de_ _ _ _ss.
168. She says that I should eat vegetables if you want to be strong when I grow up. (nghe)
169.She used to be a singer in a band. (nghe)
170.How _ _ _ _ _ do you read an English magazine? –Every month.
171. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ many of her old friends to her birthday party on Saturday.
172. He is of the same age _ _ me.
173. The doctor and the nurses will be busy in the operating room. (nghe)
174. The roads are rough in m_ _ _ _ _ _ nous areas, so it’s hard to travel by road.
175. Do people have the right to smoke in _ _ _ _ _ ? (nghe) public – nơi công cộng

176. In Viet Nam, most people use a rice _ _ _ _ _ _ to cook rice.

177. Some people dicided to give up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe) smoking
178. I ……………..out the clothes on the clothesline. (nghe) hung - treo
179. Some of these things are ………………….to understand. (nghe) difficult
180. My dad and I are good friends. (nghe)
181. Some people think Friday 13th is an unlucky day. (nghe)
182. I _ _ _ _ _ people by how they treat me, and I try to treat like I would want to be
treated. (nghe)
183. What time is it? – It’s a quarter _ _ one.
184. Many women in Vietnam often stay at home to take care of the house and
look _ _ _ _ _ their children.
184. I have had a lot of teachers. Some of them were good, and some of them
were……………… (nghe) boring
185. Why do you learn English? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it is very interesting.

Page 166

1.How much does the dictionary _ _ _ _ ? – 284, 000 dong.
2. What colour are traditional for Chinese buildings? (nghe)
A. Red B. Gold C. Red and gold D. Other colours
3. We……………a lot of fun on Children’s Day.
A. were B. had C. played D. took
4. English? / practise / do you / writing / How
5. way. / on the / scenery / I can enjoy / the beautiful

6. My favourite story is “ The litte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ”

7. Let’s go to the stadium by bus. The bus stop is right at the stadium entrance. It’s cheap and
c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
8. What is the book’s price?
A. It cost twenty dollar. B. It is cost twenty dollar.
C. Its price is twenty dollar. D. It is twenty dollars.
9. Which statement is correct? (nghe)
A. In Netherlands, about 15 percent of people don’t ride bicycles.’
B. Cycling in Netherlands is unsafe.
C. There are 70, 000 kilometres of paths for cycling in Netherlands.
D. People driving cars always have to wait for ones cycling in Netherlands.
10. She usually reads / to / English. / English novels / practise reading
11. The tigers / loudly so we were / roared very / scared / of them.
12. Before you listen, take a _ _ _ _ at question 1 to 10.
13. Baby cranes learn to fly by following a……………………..and a small airplane. (nghe)
14. The cheetahs ………………………when I was at the zoo.
A. run very fast B. run very fastly C. ran very fast D. ran very fastly
15. I would like ……………….
A. pair of shoes B. doing puzzles
C. a goggle D. to make some coffee
16. Central Park. / way to / Please tell / the / me
Page 167

17. from December to / April . / The Ice Hotel / is / open

18. What kind of food do you eat on Mid-Autumn Day?

-________ .
19. We should _ _ _ _ _ more trees to reduce air pollution.
20. ……………….books are they? – They are my books.
A. Which B. What C. Whose D. How
21. I am…………………………., so I don’t want to eat any more.
A. thirsty B. full C. starving D. hungry
22. beaches near the / My grandma likes / sandy / sea. / walking on the
23. Starting / happy. / all the year / the year with / a laugh make
24. My classmates are going to join a lot of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on Sports Day.
25. Ha Long Bay is one of the _ _ _ _ attractive place in Vietnam.
26. A. giving B. singing C. playground D. kangaroo
27. What’s your height?
A. I’m 130 centimetres height. B. I’m 130 centimetres high.
C. My height is 130. D. My height is 130 centimetres high.
28. not / eating too much chocolate is / think / good for your health. / I do
29. The teacher told him to / made / stand up / because he / noise in the class.
30. Could you tell me the way to the ABC Bookshop?
– Go _ _ _ _ _ the street. It’s on the corner of the street.
31. There are lots of water sports like sailing, surfing, swimming, waterskiing
and _ _ _ _ _ _. (nghe) diving
32. We enjoy……………….at break time.
A. play football B. to skipping C. singing D. to be reading books
33. It’s necessary ………………morning exercise regularly.
A. to do B. doing C. for doing D. to doing
34. How often / do you / write / an essay? / learn to
35. You can / the right / come from / hear when sounds / or left ear.
36. My sister is 10 years old. Anna is 10 years old, too. They are the same _ _ _ .
37. All the water in the _ _ _ _ _ _ and seas is salt water.(nghe)
38. A. see B. meet C. beak D. great
39.What time does he leave home for work? (nghe)
A. No later than six thirty. B. No later than seven thirty.
C. No later than eight o’clock. D. No later than eight thirty.
40. those trees / might / rain, / die. / Without
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41. school together? / we / Shall / cycle / to

42. About one billion people don’t have _ _ _ _ _ water in their home. (nghe)
43. The Nile _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lives in rivers and lakes in Africa. (nghe)
44. We are doing a project on ……………….home accidents for children.
A. avoid B. avoiding C. to avoid D. to avoiding

45. ……………..up late is not a good habit.

A. Stay B. Staying C. Stayed D. Stays
46. season in / the/ prettiest / your country? / What is
47. Please give me / of milk. / two glasses / a carton / of coffee and
48. Students have to learn how to _ _ _ _ _ _t the nature.

49. My friends and I _ _ _ _ the kites last Saturday afternoon.

50. When do you go to school?
A. I go to school at morning. B. I go to school from on Monday to Friday.
C. I go to school in Monday morning. D. I go to school at seven.
51. I saw some peacocks at the zoo. They moved …………….
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautifuly
52. eyes from / protect / dust and dirt. / Eyelashes / your
53. Diwali is / for Hindus / in the world. / a very big / festival
54. How do you practise your English listening skills? - _ _ watching American TV show.
55. _ _ _ on your coat or you may get sick.
56. An anaconda is ……….. (nghe)
A. a snake B. a fish C. a big cat D. a bird
57. I find English …………………I expected.
A. interesting than B. more interesting
C. more interesting than D. interestinger than
58. in their / The children / presents / shoes. / find
59. Tokyo Skytree / is the / tallest / the world. / tower in
60. Our e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is getting dirtier than it was many years ago.
61. Some animals live in _ _ _ _ _ water like rivers and lakes. (nghe)
62. In the north of Canada, winter……… Setember and ……….in June.
A. start /end B. is starting / is ending
C. starts / ends D. started / ended
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63. Hoa wants……………….her Mom prepare for Tet.

A. to help B. helping C. help D. helps
64. the forest / one day to / We went to / for sick koalas . / look
65. make air pollution more / serious. / Going by motorbike / is convenient / but it
66. I dream of travelling _ _ _ _ _ _ the world.
67. The Buji Dubai has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , shops, swimming pools, hotels, restaurants and a
library. (nghe)
68. Which sentence is correct?
A. My class is going to visit to Huong Pagoda next weekend.
B. My class is going to visit Huong Pagoda next weekend.
C. My class is visiting Huong Pagoda at the next weekend.
D. My class will visit to Huong Pagoda at next weekend.
69. difficult to / live / are / in. / The jungles
70. Are / fridge? / in the / eggs / there any
71. Hippos need water to keep their skin ……………….(nghe)

72. There is a big _ _ _ _ _ _ in our school yard.

73. What a beautiful dress! - ………..
A. No thanks. B. Thank you. C. No problem. D. Ok, I will.
74. My father usually drives to work by car, but today he……………….
A. go by motorbike B. rides my bicycle
C. is going by motorbike D. is going to go by motorbike
75. was wrong / What / with /bike? / your
76. I don’t know / where /who / to play and / to play with.
77. He is in class 5E, Quang Trung _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School.
78. I _ _ _ _ a picture of my cat in the Art lesson yesterday.
79. Kevin had better ………….less chocolate because it has……………fat and sugar.
A. to eat / a lot of B. eats / lots of C. eat / much D. eating / many
80. Did you go by train ……………by coach.
A. or B. to C. than D. from
81. day at /camp. / It’s our / summer / third
82. the library / stayed / all afternoon. / at /I

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83. Never throw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the street.

84. I’m fond of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the internet.
85. the house / My favourite / living room. / is the / room in
86. to the next bus stop / to Ha Noi / railway station? / can I get / How
87. You should make good ……………….of your time? (nghe)
88. Let’s go swimming! – That’s a good _ _ _ _ .
89. Listen: Which sentence is correct?
A. 70% of our brain is water.
B. Our bones have no water
C. We can’t live for three days without food.
D. People may die withour water more than about three days.
90. Listen: Which sentence is NOT correct?
A. Chameleons can change their colours.
B. When a chameleon wants to hide, it changes its colour.
C. A chameleon feels scared, so it changes its colour.
D. An angry panther chameleon is green.
91. like/ didn’t/ you/ Why/ the tigers?
92. collecting comic books./ The girls/ often/ interested in/ are

93. Lan often makes paper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in her free time.

94. She cut holes in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to make eyes, a nose and a mouth at Halloween.

95. A. television B. pleasure C. cruise D. treasure

96. Listen: What should we do to keep safe when swimming in the sea?
A. We should swim outside the area from the red flag to the yellow.
B. We should swim near the red flag.
C. We should swim near the beach.
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D. We shouldn’t do all above.

97. the lion/ when you/ were there?/ do/ What did
98. took me/ twenty minutes to/ walk to/ my old school./ It
99. The children are excited _ _ _ _ _ going for a trip.
100. Why didn’t Tom go to school this morning?- Because he _ _ _ _ _ _a cold.
101. Parents must prevent their children ……………... falling.
A. from B. of C. about D. on
102. “Phong goes sometimes to school with Quan.” Which word is incorrect?
A. Goes sometimes B. To C. School D. With
103.because it was/ so/ Mai didn’t/ enjoy the sports festival/ crowded
104. farm animals/ I’d like to/ rice./ raise/ and grow
105. With no trees, rainforest people and animals have no _ _ _ _ _ . (homes)
106. You mustn’t _ _ _ _ _ on the right side in England.
107. …………………....?- Over 2 kilometres.
A. How far from here to West Lake? B. How long is the bridge?
C. How long does it take to get to West Lake? D. All are correct.
108. What did Peter do yesterday?- He …………………. yesterday.
A. goes swimming B. went swimming
C. go swimming D. was went swimming
109. of/ out/ He took/ the package./ bread
110. The Death Sea/ is so salty/ in it./ that you/ can float
111. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ river on Earth is the River Nile in Africa.
112. Mexican people give candy and ________ in the shape of skulls in the Day of the Dead.
(nghe) (chocolate)
113. “ I often take my dog for a walk.” This sentence has the same meaning as :
A. I often walk my dog. B. I often let my dog walk
C. I often go with my dog. D. I often go jogging with my dog
114. What are you doing at the moment?- I’m learning the poem by ….
A. mind B. mouth C. heart D. eyes
115. delicious/ the evening./ My family had/ seafood at a/ restaurant in
116. of interesting/ There were/ Brazils./ lots/ animals in
117. Dam Sen Park is more exciting _ _ _ _ I expected.

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118. Sharp _ _ _ _ _ _ are too dangerous to play.

119. No animals are … than Blue Whales.
A. more heavy B. heavier C. more heavily D. heavilier
120. “My parent lives on a village in the mountais.” Which word is incorrect in the sentence?
A. parents B. lives C. on D. mountains
121.Mausoleum/ aregoing/ visit Ho Chi Minh/ to/ They
122. her/ She/ classmates on the way to/ often meets/ school.
123. You can feel the tem_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the air around you, so you know when to wear
warm or cool clothes.
124. Listen: What does Quan think about Aladdin?
- He thinks Aladdin is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
125. “ My sister and I bought a bunch of flowers to my mom on her birthday”. Which word
is incorrect in the sentence?
A. I B. Flowers C. To D. On
126. How much is ...... of cooking oil?
A. a packet B. A bottle C. a can D. a box
127. My grandfather/ taught/ to/ ride my bicycle./ me
128. Rivers give/ fish/ to/ eat./ people
129. Another name of the Beijing National Stadium is the Bird’s _ _ _ _. (nest)
130. Listen: Families had to learn how to make salt and grow their own vegetables.
131. Keep silent! The boy ………………...his homework next door.
A. does B. Do C. did D. is doing
132. He prefers listening to music ....... playing sports in his free time.
A. than B. rather than C. to D. better than
133. any questions./ call me/ if you/ Please/ have
134. Museum/ Is/ near/ here?/ the History
135. Our family usually visits the _ _ _ _ _ _ on the first day of every lunar year.

136. Our class will play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ class 5A in the final match.

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137. Stress: A. Holiday B. underground C. baseball D. television

138. Listen: How long did it take Ellen MacAuthur to sail around the world?
A. About 120 days B. Over 70 days C. more than 90 days D. 90 days
139. players in/ futsal team./ There are/ five/ a
140. What things/ good/ you?/ smell/ to
141. What will the weather be like in ________ Vietnam?

142. At New Year, many people watch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

143. What’s her phone number?
A. 81825270 B. 8182527700 C. 8182527070 D. 818252700
144. What foreign language do you have at school?
A. American B. Canadian C. British D. Japanese
145. club./ Nam does/ to the/ not go/ French
146. It is not/ the centre/ far/ from/ of Ha Noi.
147. _ _ _ _ ourwondeful water!
148. Cinderella is my favourite _ _ _ _ _ tale.
149. The Pacific Ocean is ……………….....than the USA.
A. about 50 times bigger B. about 50 times smaller
C. about 15 times bigger D. about 15 times smaller
150. Thai Nguyen Province is ................... north Viet Nam.
A. in B. on C. to D. from
151. the/ Don’t/ play football/ in/ street.
152. help/ Could you/ carry/ me/ the heavy bag?
153. I would like to become a pilot in the future because I want to _ _ _ a plane.
154. Let’s turn on the television and watch the weather _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
155. They have breakfast before ...................... the chickens.
A. they will feed B. feeding C. will feed D.feed
156. I have to clothes before .............. to my grandparents.
A. finish washing/ going B. finish to wash/ going
C. to finish wash/ go D. finish to wash/ to go
157. Her family lives on/ of/ a block/ of flats./ the second floor
158. to/ up at/ pick you/ I’m going/ the airport.
159. Remember to _ _ _ _ _ _ the book to the library.
160. The opposite of “heavy” is “ _ _ _ _ _”.

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161. What are you doing? – I’m ...... a dictation.

A. Writing B. taking C. playing D. running
162. Could you show me how ......................the cinema?
A. to get B. to get to C. getting D. getting to
163. animals/ at the/ What/ did you see/ zoo?

164. pizza?/ of/ smell/ the/ Do you like

165. I am reading the story ‘ Snow White And Seven _ _ _ _ _ _”.
166. Fresh water is n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to everybody.
167. Listen: What did she do last Friday?
A. She played basketball with her friends at break time.
B. She and her friends played sports with girls from another school.
C. She went to the park and played baseball with her friends.
D. She came back home with her friends after school.
168. A. Autumn B. Column C. Environment D. Solemn
169. football./ playing/ like/ People/ watching and
170. What did you think _ _ _ _ _ the film last night on TV?
171. Long ago, the Incas lived in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city.
172. Don’t .....rubbish on the street.
A. throw B. fall C. drop D. see
173. Talking to foreign friends .... practise speaking English.
A. to help B. helping C. helps D. help
174. It’s cold outside. You had _ _ _ _ _ _ stay at home.
175. A jellyfish doesn’t have a skeleton. (jellyfish: con sứa)
176. What did you have ...... breakfast this morning?
A. with B. for C. to D. over
177. Why don’t we go for a picnic?
A. That’s a good idea. B. Yes, please.
C. No, thanks. D. Thank you. I won’t.
178. Listen: It’s easier than you think to grow __________.
179. Why do you learn English?- Because it’s i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for my studies.
180. “..................” Mai is friendly and hard-working.
A. What does Mai look like? B. What do you think of Mai?
C. How’s Mai today? D. What does mai like?
181. Stress: A. Australia B. Vietnam C. Japan D. England
182. What p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did you see last night?
- I saw “ MasterChef Junior” on Fox Life Channel.
183. Did you enjoy your trip?- Yes, of course. I had a w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time.
184. Where ……………… last Sunday?
A. did B. was C. were D. do
185. How does he usually go to school?- ........
A. He usually go to school by bus. B. He cycles usually to school.
C. He usually walks to school. D. He usually goes to school by foot.
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186. Taekwondo, the national sport in South Korea, is the most popular ______ art in the

187. You should wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when going out at noon.

188. A. houses B. horses C. rises D. chooses
189. _ _ _’s the weather today?- It’s cold.
190. He spent last summer _ _ doing a research on animals.
191. Are you going to the swimming pool?

Remember to bring your _______

192. She can sing beautifully. She can dance, _ _ _.
193. When is Vietnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ce Day?- It’s on September 2nd.

194. The little child likes to sits on his father’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

195. The supermarket is _ _ _ _ _ _ the post office.
196. You must stop if the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ light turns red.
197. While Vietnamese is our mother _ _ _ _ _ , English is a foreign language.

198. There are all the colours of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in white lights.

199. When will the English Singing Contest be?- it’s on F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20th.
200. Christmas Day is on December twenty- _ _ _ _ _.

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1.physical / education. / school is / subject at / My favourite
2. soon as / We will send / message as / her the / she comes back.
3.Could you give me a………………………….. , please. (nghe)
4. Get over the ………………, the restaurant will be on your left. (nghe) - bridge
5. …………….in town, mine is the largest.
A. Od all schools B. All of schools
C. In all the school D. Of all the schools
6. It’s the……………….restaurant in town. The dishes here are so awful.
A. worst B. worse C. word D. world
7. that group. / sad that / I wasn’t / I’m very / accepted in
8. Our library / opens / 11 o’clock. / and closes at / at 6/30
9. What _ _ interesting movie!
10. There’s a dish _ _ _ _er in my kitchen. You don’t have to wash the dishes after the meals.
11. These bags are…………..than those ones.
A. enpensiver B. more expensive
C. more expensiver D. the most expensive
12. Do you know the girl ……………to Miss Lien?
A. talk B. talking C. talks D. is talking
13. spent half / work yesterday. / walking to / an hour / Mr Hoang
14. addictive? / Do you / video games / know that / may be
15. My father has a portable computer. He often brings it with him when he’s away _ _
16. Old car tires are recycled to _ _ _ _ shoes and sandals.
17. How………….do you go to the cinema? – Once a week.
A. long B. far C. often D. much
18. What did you see? (nghe)
A. A very strong fish B. A very small fish
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C. A very strange fish D.A very long fish

19. rehearsing a / anniversary celebration. / the school / play for / They are
20. house while / Will you / care of the / please take / we are away?
21. Why don’t you put _ _ your hat? It’s sunny.
22. Thanks for helping me. - _ _ _ _ pleasure.
23. Most people enjoy ………… different parts of the world.
A. to travel B. travel C. travelling D. travelled
24. It often………… 15 minutes to go to school by bike.
A. takes B. gets C. gives D. has
25. to play / than my / less time / friend. / I have
26. the party. / invite me to / you to / kind of / It’s very
27. In the USA, students have two 20- _ _ _ _ _ _ breaks esch day.
28. I haven’t talked to my uncle _ _ _ _ _ he bought a new house in the city centre.
29. ……..we go to the theatre? – Yes, let’s.
A. Will B. Shall C. Do D. Should
30. ………….the students go home after school.
A. A lot B. Some C. No D. All
31. keeps / forgetting / Van / homework. / his
32. interesting. / vacation / abroad is / very / Having a
33. Would you like to see a movie? – Thanks. I _ _ _ _ _ love to.
34. The sign says “ _ _ smoking” . You can’t smoke here.
35. This orange tastes …………..
A. sweetly B. sweety C. sweet D. sweets
36. Tim and Hoa are of the same ………..
A. old B. year C. years old D. age
37. mail a letter / cost to / to England ? / How much / does it
38. in the evening / than there is / There is / in the morning. / less work
39. We take part in many different activities _ _ recess.
40. We were very interested _ _ playing soccer when we lived in the countryside.
41. She is not doing …………in the garden, just walking with her dog.
A. anything B. nothing C. something D. one thing
42. ………………does this cost?
A. How many B. How much C. How far D. How often
43. Were Hong / yesterday? / class / absent from / and Nam
44. Miss / Lan / English / teaches / well.
45. The _ _ _ _ _ is bleeding but she’s still conscious. (nghe)
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46. You should make an _ _ _ _ _ ntment with your doctor before you go to see him.
47. Stress: A.comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment
48. She has ……………..days off than me.
A. much B. many C. fewer D. less
49. a week / from Monday / five days / to Friday. / She works
50. that the children / couldn’t swim / was so cold / The water / in it.
51. Does he _ _ _vel by bus? – No, by bike.
52. He enjoys school very _ _ _ _ .
53. I don’t want much sugar in coffee. Just ………………., please.
A. a little B. little C. few D. a few
54. What time ……………….back?
A. is she coming B. comes she C. she does com D. does she comes
55. when there is / Some of the / a break. / children, mainly boys, / play marbles
56. to work / to travelling / got used /Mr Ba soon / by bicycle.
57. It’s recess. The students are eating and drinking as _ _ _ _ as chatting.
58. The hens and cocks live in a _ _ _ _ .
59. Where do the bats live? (nghe)
A. In caves or in logs B. In caves or in trees
C. In jungles or in trees D. In caves or in jungles
60. What ……………..beautiful photos! I love them so much.
A. a B. the C. much D. 0
61. has a / of stamps. / collection / My sister / big
62. how to get / to the police /station, please? / tell me / Could you
63. Yesterday I was _ _ _ _ _ _ from school because I was ill.
64. In the USA, millions of car _ _ _ _ _ are thrown away every year, (nghe)
65. Alex’s birthday is on the ...............of July.
A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelfth D. twelf
66. My mother takes care of the house and baby sister.
A. for B. At C. Over D. after
67. You / food. / eat / unhealthy / shouldn’t
68. service. / It’s a / to do / god thing / community
69. My brother is 17 years old and he is in _ _ _ _ _ 12.
70. Lee comes from China. He speaks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
71. Is there anything to drink? I’m...............
A. hungry B. tired C. thirsty D. cold
72. ..............time do you spend learning English every day?
A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often
73. there is / good restaurant; / very tasty. / It’s a / the food
Page 179

74. four / musicians / There are / pop music. / in that
75. My sister is a student. She is nine_ _ _ _ years old.
76. He loves c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stamps. He has hundreds of stamps in his collection.
77. David prefers pork............beef.
A. on B. at C. to D. for
78. Come in and ......................a seat.
A. do B. give C. have D. sit
79. part in / service? / Why don’t / you take / community
80. Eating and talking / recess in many countries. / ways of relaxing at / the most common /
with friends are
82. Parents should take care of their children to prevent them _ _ _ _ danger.
83. I like black coffee, but I like white coffee even _ _ _ _ .
84. A. improved B. returned C. arrived D. stopped
85. A. chopsticks B. plate C. bowl D. sugar
86. not any / the fridge. / is / milk in / There
87. girl can’t / to stories. / A little / her time listening / spend all
88. Does your sister _ _ _ _tice the piano after school?
89. The _ _ _ _ _ _ leaving at 6.10 has been delayed. (nghe) flight
90. You are too fat. You shouldn’t eat much...............
A. meat B. fruit C. fish D. vegetables
91. Excuse me. I’d like to................this letter to the USA.
A. send B. have C. post office D. make
92. the head? /have pains / Can people / on only / one side of
93. welcomed / warmly. / the visitors / villagers / The
94. Please send an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Nguyen Trai School, a student is hurt. (nghe)
95. What time is it? – It is a _ _ _ _ter past four.
96. Is there any intersting the newspaper today?
A. new B. news C. old D. young
97. What was the matter with small baby elephant? (nghe)
A. He had a very bad cold. B. He had a very bad cough.
C. He had a very bad book. D. He had a very bad cook.
98. doing my / each day / I spend / homework. / two hours
99. to help me / I would / chairs away. / like you / put the
100. I need to buy some s_ _ _ _ _ to send letters to a pen pal in America.
101. How _ _ _ _ are these cards? – They are 20,000 dong each.
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102. Look ..........the strange man! He is looking .............Lan but she isn’t here.
A. for / at B. at / for C. at / after D. at/on
103. A. event B. enjoy C. experiment D. bell
104. when they/ to the public / finish it. / the time machine / They will show

105. after I / took / the tablets. / disappered / My stomachache

106. Jenna is interested in learning how to _ _ _ _ dresses.
107. I buy a pen, a pencil and two notebooks. What’s the _ _ _ _ _ cost?
108. My brother is ...............grade 7.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
109. Why does he love his job? (nghe)
A. Because he can meet a lot of people. B. Because he can see a lot of people.
C. Because he can see a lot of animals. D. Because he can meet a lot of actors.
110. He is / a member / school soccer / team. / of the
111. than Vietnamese / American / ones. / students have / more vacations
112. The ................moved up and down the water. (nghe) canoe
113. A boat appeared and .......................them. (nghe) rescured
114. A. swimming pool B. lifeguard C. swimmer D. cyclist
115. homework before / do your / watching / You must / TV.
116. care / takes / people. / of sick / He
117. I am very delighted that you pass your English exam. (nghe)
118. It is only a small car, so there isn’t enough _ _ _ _ for all of us.
119. .............he plays the guitar!
A. What beautiful B. How beautifully
C. How beautiful D. What beautifully
120. people often / In the countryside, / know all / their neighbourhood. / the people in
121. is / building? / What / the height / of this
122. Please don’t _ _ _ _ any noise; I’m very tired.
123. An English friend of mine, Mary, usually sends me stamps _ _ _ _ England.
124. Lenka and Cristina the cinema tonight. Would you like to come?
A. shall go B. will go C. go D. goes
125. in / to music? / listening / interested / Are you
126. to go to / with us tonight? / Would / you like / the movies
127. Don’t let the victim get cold. (nghe)
128. Would you like a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? – Yes, please.I’m hungry.
129. My brother and I ................our grandmother next weekend.
Page 181

A. visit B. am going to visit C. am visiting D. are going to visit

130. A. happy B. apple C. act D. aunt
131. in her / the most / Hoa is / class. / beautiful girl

132. marks. / She often / feels unhappy / when she / gets bad
133. My new school is _ _ _ _ _ _ent from the old one.
134. This chocolate bar is more de_ _ _ _ous than that one.
135. Jane feels unhappy ...................she misses her parents and her friends.
A. although B. though C. because D. but
136. He wants to learn use the computer.
A. what B. how C. why D. who
137. household / they learn / to repair / In electronics, / appliances.
138. I prefer / listening to / TV. / music to / watching
139. _ _ _ _ _ is more expensive, the book or the bag?
140. My mother is a teacher. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ maths at a school near my house.
141. They are enjoying the quiet and sand beaches of Nha Trang. (nghe)
142. people need more food? – Because there are more people.
A. What B. Why C. Where D. How
143. important. / clean is / very / Keeping / the environment
144. delighted to / aunt’s / letter. / receive his / He was
145. In industry, most glass is recycled. (nghe)
146. A. nervous B. scout C. household D. mouse
147. The dentist looked at my teeth and told me _ _ _ to worry.
148. If you want to look up the meaning of new words, you use a _ _ _ _ _ onary.
149. At an intersection, we must ...................
A. ride quickly B. go fast C. slow down D. run out
150. What can / have / headaches? / when they /people see
151. from your / hometown to / your school? / How far / is it
152. He drove c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and had an accident.
153. Excuse me. I need to buy a phone _ _ _ _ .
154. It’s not, so I often walk.
A. to B. with C. from D. over
155. and more / In the future, / money to spend. / we have / less work
156. Tri Nguyen /fish at / many colourful / Liz saw / aquarium.
157. The Browns have bought a lot of food because they are going to _ _ _ _ a party.
158. What _ _ _ _ will you leave? – I will leave at 9.
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159. A. good B. well C. slow D. quick

160. It’s twelve o’clock, Mai Anh. Let’s ..............home.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. go

161. than my / less time / friends. / I have / to play

162. We can reuse our old clothes. (nghe)
163. Will you look after the cat _ _ _ _ _ we are away.

164. My mother always wants me ...........the piano well.

A. to play B. playing C. play D. to playing
165. He’s ............tall as his brother.
A. than B. so C. as D. very
166. We should use make fertilizer. (nghe) garbage
167. She didn’t buy rice and vegetables yesterday and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did we.
168. The students have got about their exams.
A. many B. some C. a D. a few
169. Stress: A. medical B. advice C. vegetables D. physical
170. _ _ _ _ about going to the cinema tonight?
171. That is the _ _ _ _ comfortable arm chair I have.
172. Please let Tom ................with you.
A. to go B. going C. go D. goes
173. She is ...................intelligent than her classmates.
A. much B. more C. fewer D. less
174. My brother doesn’t like fish and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do my parents.
175. We often go to the concert _ _ weekends.
176. There.....................a lot of students in the school yard.
A. is B. am C. are D. be
177. Remember to write a letter as _ _ _ _ as you arrive.
178. Linh’s parents are very proud of him because he always _ _ _ _ good marks.
179. What’s ..................lunch? – There is some rice and some beef.
A. for B. in C. to D. at
180. A. last B. taste C. fast D. task
181. Eating and talking with frinds are the most common ways of relaxing _ _ recess in
many countries.
182. Books _ _ _ _ a very important part in my life.
183. The boy looks a little thin, .................he is strong.
A. and B. for C. or D. but
184. Hoa’s new school is different _ _ _ _ her old school in Hue.
185. It _ _ _ _ Mr Lam half an hour to walk to work yesterday.
186. Would you _ _ _ _ taking us a photo? (nghe)
187. Could you give me a handkerchief, please. (nghe)
188.Stress: A. mixture B. arrival C. relief D. collect
189.Stress: A. careful B. action C. remove D. letter
190. dollars./ are worth / kept in/ The toys/ the box
Page 183

191.such a/ beautiful/ It was/ over the bay/ sunrise

192.Let’s wait for a _ _ _ minutes and try to call her again.
193.your / know how / I don’t / birthday. / you celebrated
194. the farmer’s / wisdom. / to see / The tiger / wanted
195. I’ve lost my key. Can you help me to look _ _ _ them?
196. They usually play badminton when they are _ _ vacation.
197. The children enjoy ............ to traditional stories.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened
198. start to / medicine? / did you / When / learn
199. the house / Didn’t / last year? / to sell / you want
200. Hoa is learning how to use a _ _ _ _ _ _ machine. (máy khâu)
201. You must m_ _ _ a quick decision about who wins the contest.
202. Would you mind ........ ..... in the front seat of the taxi, mark?
A. to sit B. sit C. to sitting D. sitting
203. His jokes / often makes / laugh a / his friends / lot.
204. sport does /in the school / team? / Mai play / Which
205. You shouldn’t translate each sentence _ _ _ _ Vietnamese.
206. The boys like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ games but hate doing lessons.
207. Lan is ..................... and she has a flower shop in Hanoi.
A. a flower seller B. a florist C. a flower girl D. a flower lady
208. My mother believes that my brother is ................. than me.
A. good B. gooder C. better D. best
209. of troubles / He had / at the beginning. / a lot / with English
210. The weather / was fine / us to / go camping. / enough for
211. He mother _ _ _ _ _ as a nurse at Hue hospital.
212. I am making some cakes when the electricity _ _ _ _ out yesterday.
213. Do you think your father will worry if we’re late? Maybe we’d better ... him.
A. call B. be calling to C. to call D. will call
214. The family ......... when the mailman came.
A. was sleeping B. is sleeping C. has slept D. have slept
215. meeting before / a parting / leaving. / better have / You’d
216. There is / for every / no charge / student. / tenth
217. Peter is so c_ _ _ _ _ _ . He often checks his writing twice before giving it to the
218. She was always _ _ _ _ - working at school. She spent most of the time studying.
Page 184

219. The students went on a canoe trip yesterday. I heart I was ......................
A. excited B. exciting C. exciteful D. an excitement
230. the world. / They want / to many / places in /to travel
231. People in Asia often drink .......
A. some tea B. the tea C. tea D. many tea
232. time since / we became /close / friends. / It’s a long
233. beautiful. / I live in / are very / a small village / and its surroundings
234. The bakers never go camping because they don’t have a _ _ _ _ .
235. _ _ _ _ is the nationality of Thomas Edison?
236. Because he didn’t like the first pair of trousers, he asked for ........................
A. the others ones B. other trousers C. an other trousers D. an other pair
237. Her birthday is ....................... January.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
238. There are / of traditional / festivals in / a lot / Vietnam.
239. Could you / about the / train, please? / some information / tell me
240. My brother and I are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ television in the living-room now.
241. Lan went to the doctor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she had a headache.
242. A. visited B. wanted C. decided D. looked
243. encourages us / always / hard. / Our teacher / to work
244. yesterday? / New York / they / Did / arrive in
245. I will phone you as _ _ _ _ as I arrive in Ho Chi Minh city.
246. Don’t m_ _ _ a fire here. It’s very dangerous.
247. Her students were excited ........ the circus show last night.
A. about B. for C. of D. in
248. Congratulation ......... passing the exam.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
249. cook / My mother / enough to / tonight. / is tired
250. in Hoi An? / beautiful places / lot of / Can tourists / visit a

Page 185

1.An Tiem’s family exchanged the watermelons………………food and drink.
A. for B. with C. without D. of

2. Falling is a co_ _ _ _ type of accident for young children at home.

3. Make him / and wrap him / a hot drink / to keep him warm. / in a blanket
4. Why does Josh not feel well? (nghe)
A. Because he’s scared of his Maths teacher.
B. Because he’s scared of the Maths test.
C. Because he didn’t do his homework.
D. Because he is sick.
5. Anna got a burn because she used the stove ……………
A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly
6. Liz sets her alarm _ _ _ _ _ to wake up in time tomorrow.
7. My favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is “Tom and Jerry”.
8. I went to the post office because …………..
A. I need to send my letter. B. I needed some stamps.
C. I needed some bread. D. I need to meet my friends.
9. The opposite of “North” is “ _ _ _ _ _”.
10. John wants to try _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riding because it looks fun and he love horses. (nghe)
11.Why does Kelly look healthy?
A. Because she doesn’t eat fast food. B. Because she studies a lot.
C. Because she plays sports a lot. D. Because she sleeps a lot.
12. There………………one bed and two drawers in my bedroom.
A. is B. are C. were D. be
13. How long / her to / it take / does / finish her homework?
14. tell you / about / me / my hobbies. / Let
15. I’m in a ……………….because I don’t want to be late for school.
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A. hurry B. hury C. hungry D. harry

16. elephants / about 70 years. / The African / for / can live
17.A. chalk B. change C. kitchen D. machine
18. Thirty minus ten makes _ _ _ _ _.
19. My brother is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Nature programme, so he watches it every day.
20. Larry spent his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Canada with his parents. (nghe) holiday
21. Ingrid could play the violin _ _ _ _ he was six.
22. Let’s go to the cinema tonight. = …………….
A. How about go to the cinema tomorrow?
B. Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow?
C. Why will you go to the cinema tomorrow?
D. Wy do you go to the cinema tomorrow?
23. You room is in amess. Let’s…………..
A. clean up B. come here
C. count the sheep D. make a circle
24. fall / Don’t climb / the tree. / You may / down. /
25. The Earth will be _ _ danger someday.
26. The past simple form of “finish” is “_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _”.
27. the city center. / My grandparents’ / house / is far / from
28. Is /next month? / her mother / a new house /going to buy
29. Stress:
A. enjoy B. tonight C. begin D. yogurt
30. animal / What / swimgs / to tree? / from tree
31. is/ Playing sports / a week / suitable./ three times
32. What happ_ _ _ _ at the end of the show?

33. GRASS_ _ _ _ _ _
34. Choose the incorrect word or phrase: “I drink a big cup of water because I was thirsty.”
A. a B. of C. because D. was
35. exciting game. / thinks / football / Cristina / is an
36. Choose the incorrect word or phrase: “ You should stay up late at night.”
A. should B. stay C. late D. at
37. Lisa and her Mom will go shopping this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe) Saturday
38. People should reduce plastic waste ……………the environment.
A. to protect B. protect C. protecting D. to protecting
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39. The similar of “start” is “ _ _ _ _ _” .

40. I go for a _ _ _ after dinner every Tuesday and Thursday. (nghe) jog
41. I want to …………….a doctor in the future.
A. work B. be as C. work as D. is
42. The opposite of “easy” is “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _” .
43. The opposite of “noisy” is “ _ _ _ _ _” .
44. My father taught me _ _ _ to ride a bike.
45. I like knitting. I knitted scarves, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and mittens for my family. (nghe)

46. It’s raining outside. Let’s close the _ _ _ _ _ _ .

47. He had a hamburger, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and a pear on Tuesday. (nghe) milkshake

48. There are some _ _ _ _ _ _ in the kitchen.

49. goals / How many / did your team / score / in the first half?

50. Remember to put on sun_ _ _ _ _ _ when you go out in summer.

51. The similar of “intelligent” is “_ _ _ _ _ _”.
52. Kim doesn’t watch scary _ _ _ _ _ _ . movies
52. What is the place for people to live?
A. department B. division C. apartment D. company
53. Odd one out:
A. Hide-and-seek B. Blind man’s bluff
C. Festival D. Skipping
54. We should eat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and fruits at least five times a day. (nghe) vegetables

55. Where are you from?

A. Vietnam B. France C. America D. Germany
56. Her birthday is ………………25 February.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
57. My grandpa has a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. He can’t carry heavy things.

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58. A. how B. town C. slow D. power

59. They have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on Wednesday and Friday.

60. Choose the incorrect word or phrase: There are some milk in the glass.
A. There B. are C. milk D. in

61. John broke his arm because he _ _ _ down the stairs too fast.
62. my cat.Do / I don’t / you know / find / where it is?
63. What do you do at the weekend?
A. I play football with my friends.
B. I stayed at home to do my homework.
C. They are listening to music.
D. She is going to watching TV.
64. A. pleasure B. meat C. please D. heat
65. I / for breakfast. / and bananas / would like / some bread
66. are you / What / the weekend? / going to do / at

67. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
68. Who / of / the writer / Harry Potter? / is

69. She turns on the _ _ _ _ _ because she wants to listen to the news.
70. the lights / when / Turn off / you leave / the room.
71. There are millions of accidents every year because of ………….
A. ride too fast B. riding too fast
Page 189

C. ride too fastly D. riding too fastly

72. The sky looks cloudy. It’s _ _ _ _ _ to rain.
73. …………………….. – I like football best.
A. What is your sport?
B. What’s your favourite sport?
C. What sport do you like?
D. What’s your favourite sports?
74. Choose the incorrect word or phrase: Simon doesn’t go to school and stayed at home
A. doesn’t B. stayed C. at D. yesterday
75. We / in London. / famous museum / visited / the most
76. He’s / his friend / at the gate. / for / waiting
77. What would you like after lunch? – Some ……………, please!
A. banana B. coffee C. desert D. breads
78. The past form of “leave” is “ _ _ _ _” .
79. Last Sunday, our school’s team played _ _ _ _ _ _ _ another school and we won.
80. _ _ _ _ _ will your future house be? – I’m not sure. I may be in the mountains.
81. Spring, summer, fall and winter are 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a year.
82. it was / time for snack. / When / the children / woke up,

83. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
84. I feel very hot. I think I have a ………….
A. headache B. stomach ache C. fever D. earache
85. She was / November 10 / born / on / in Ha Noi.
86. I read the book three time, _ _ _ I can’t understand it.
87. The knife is very sh_ _ _ and you can hurt yourself.
87. …………….the baby to play in the balcony alone. It’s dangerous.
A. Allow B. Do allow C. Don’t allow D. Not allow
88. You should keep a …………of at least 2 meters to prevent COVID-19.
A. distance B. contact C. far D. near
89. I / a comedy. / funny. / It’s / am watching
90. Don’t ……….the baby near the stairs. He may fall down the stairs.
A. let B. let’s C. lets D. to let
91. Their mother / gathering / the clothes / together. / is
92. Are you going to ride a bike tomorrow?
Page 190

A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t.

C. Yes. I will go out tomorrow. D. No. I’m going to stay at home tomorrow.
93. or playing / watching TV/ spend too much time / video games. / Children often
94. How _ _ _ _ time do you spend reading books? – One or two hours a day.
95. me to / every day. / The doctor / advises / brush my teeth
96. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV is the most popular form of home entertainment.
97. Odd one out: A. Month B. May C. December D. April
98. bedrooms / his dream house / How many / have? / will
99. Do you want some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (nghe) spinach
100. in the story. / That’s / the name / the character / of
101. Which country does not have sea?
A. Vietnam B. The United Kingdon
C. Cambodia D. Laos
102. a historic/ city / York / in North Yorkshire. / is
103. I started _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dools when I was 5 years old. (nghe) collecting
104. That’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (nghe) interesting
105. Choose the correctsentence
A. When did you go to the cinema with yesterday?
B. Who do you go to the cinema with yesterday?
C. Who did you go to the cinema yesterday?
D. When do you go to the cinema with yesterday?
106. Choose the correctsentence
A. Where did you go to learn karate tomorrow?
B. Where will you go to learn karate tomorrow?
C. Who do you go to learn karate tomorrow?
D. What are you go to learn karate tomorrow?
107. Mason fell _ _ _ _ _ _ the floor was wet.
108. Stress: A. foreign B. design C. between D. remember

109. What language can you speak?

A. Chinese B. Russian C. English D. German
110.The police station is in front of the store. = ………..
A. The store is behind the policestation.
B. The store is behind of the police station.
C. The store behind the police station.
D. The store is near to the policestation.
111. What is the official language of Singapore?
A. Singaporean B. English C. Vietnamese D. German
112. When it’s cold, you can keep warm with ……….

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A. some hot drink B. a snowman

C. a white T-Shirt D. some rain
113. Jenny helps me plant vegetables. She knows a lot _ _ _ _ _ gardening.
114. I have three cats. I love ……………..
A. all of they B. all they C. all them D. all of them
115. We learn about essays in lite_ _ _ _ _ _ .
116. It is a race ………………….time to defeat COVID-19.
A. with B. in C. on D. against
117. Doctor, my son has a fever. What should I do? – Put a wet……………..on his forehead
to cool him.
A. paper B. towel C. tower D. picture
118. You can visit the citadel and Huong River when you go to …………….
A. Hanoi B. Hue C. Ha Long Bay D. Ho Chi Minh City
119. People in Asia eat rice as the main…………
A. meal B. drink C. dessert D. food
120. “…….” Is opposite to “…………..”
A. father – daddy B. alone-gather
C. great-better D. crowded – quite
121. Stop……………..trees to prevent pollution.
A. to cut B. cutting C. to cutting D. cut
122. They were in close comtact ………..the decreased man at a meeting on 2 nd February.
A. to B. for C. on D. with
123. Follow these tips to pre_ _ _ _ children from falling.
124. The children …………..still tired today because they ……………..a big party
A. are-have B. was-had C. are-had D. were-have
125. Stress: A. mountain B. yesterday C. routine D. tower
126. A. watches B. washes C. changes D. potatoes
127. The past simple forn of “forget” is “_ _ _ _ _ _”.
128. He had eggs, beans and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on Friday. (nghe) sausages

129. I wanted to go for a walk but it was raining _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

130. Matthew had three _ _ _ _ _ _ of chocolate already. (nghe) pieces

131. What does Melissa to _ _ _ _ _ to art class today? – Coloured pencils.
132. They’re going to become good friends because they have the same favourite
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (nghe) subjects

133. Where are they from?

A. Vietnam B. France C. America D. Germany

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134. Choose the correct sentence:

A. There isn’t any rice in the cooker.
B. There aren’t any rice in the cooker.
C. There aren’t some rice in the cooker.
D. There isn’t some rice in the cooker.
135. My mother ………….me to be a doctor but I want ……………pictures in the future.
A. want – draw B. wants – to draw
C. want – to draw D. wants – drawing
136. A. notebook B. cabbage C. bag D. climb
137. ……………… - One is on the table and two are on the shelf.
A. How many notebooks are on the table?
B. Where are your three notebooks?
C. What are on the shelf?
D. Are they your notebooks?
138. a terrible / skiing / two years ago. / accident / It was
139. Have healthy food and drink to avoid ……….
A. health B. happiness C. diseases D. strength
140. She plays sports at _ _ _ _ _ four times a week. (nghe) least
141. People should reduce plastic waste ……………..the environment.
A. to protect B. protect C. protecting D. to protecting

142. A low area of land between hills or mountains. It is a va_ _ _ _ .

143. I want to ……………a doctor in the future.
A. work B. be as C. work as D. is
144. Choose the correct sentence
A. I am so like this cake. B. I likes this cake so much.
C. I very like this cake. D. I really like this cake.
145. ………….the baby to play in the balcony alone. It’s dangerous.
A. Allow B. Do allow C. Don’t allow D.Not allow
146. People should keep a …………….of at least 2 meters to prevent COVID -19.
A. distance B. contact C. far D. near
147. “………” is similar to “…………”
A. problem- issue B. little-very
C. few-many D. direction-intersection
148. There ……………one bed and two drawes in my bedroom.
A. is B. are C. were D. be
149. The supermarket is between the bookshop and the coffee shop = ……………….
A. The bookshop is opposite the supermarket.
B. The bookshop is next to the coffee shop.
C. The bookshop is next to the supermarket.
D. The supermarket is behind the bookshop.
150. I can’t sleep after I _ _ _ _ _ that horror movie.
151. At the moment, they…………….TV in the living room.
Page 193

A. are listening B. were watching

C. are listening D. are watching
152. Children shouldn’t s_ _ _ _ too much time watching television.
153. If you get there by _ _ _ _, I hope you arrive on time. (nghe) boat
154. ………….the end, they got married and lived happily ever after.
A. At B. On C. In D. During
155. In the past, people used stones to d_ _ _ pictures on the walls of caves.
156. Your room is in a mess. Let’s ………..
A. clean up B. come here C. count the sheep D. make a circle
157. when / rains. / Bring / it / your umbrella
158. with her family / Last weekend, she / went on a picnic / Linda wasn’t / at the party
159. Their mother / the clothes . gathering / together / is
160.Kate is busy because she’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a model bridge. (nghe) building
161. football / Cristina / exciting game. / is an / thinks
162. You can visit Nha Rong Harbor and Ben Thanh market when you go to………….
A. Hanoi B. Nghe An
C. Ha Long Bay D. Ho Chi Minh city
163. Are you going to ride a bike tomorrow?
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t.
C. Yes, I will go out tomorrow. D. No, I’m going to stay at home tomorrow.
164. _ _ _ _ did you buy this dress? - I bought it 2 days ago.
165. He’d rather play golf _ _ _ _ tennis.
166. You use a ........................... to cook rice.
A. steamer B. rice cooker C. saucepan D. frying pan

167. She ........................ all her homework this morning.

A. does B. did C. do D. to do

168. _ _ _ _THROAT
169. Ken’s summer was _ _ _ _ _ _ good. (nghe) pretty
170. How long / her to / it take / finish her homework? / does
171. What does Lisa have to bring to gym class today? – Inline – s_ _ _ _ _. (nghe) skates
172. Twenty plus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ makes thirty-eight.
173. basketball / and volleyball. / Thomas is / very / good at
174. _ _ _ do you usually watch TV? – In the evening.
175. The past simple of “start” is “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _” .
Page 194

176. next summer? / will you /spend / Where / your vacation


177. I don’t go to school by bike or bus. I _ _ _ _ to school.

178.drinking tea in / My father/ his friends is/ along with / the living room./
179.My uncle/ his kids to/ every Sunday./ often takes/ the zoo./
180. While solar calendar is popular all over the world, some countries in Asia still
A. lunar calendar B. moon calendar
C. unsolar calendar D. solary calendar
181. How many times should we eat dairy products? (nghe)
A. At least twice a day. B. At least twice a week.
C. At least three times a month. D. At least five times a month.

182. Keep your _ _ _ _ _ short and clean.

183. Choose the incorrect word or phrase: Simon doesn’t go to school ans stayed at home
A. doesn’t B. stayed C. at D. yesterday

184. A _ _ _ _ _ _ leg.
185. You should ask him. He may know Susan’s telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ .
186. The similar of ‘quick” is “ _ _ _ _” .
187. They …………………a lot of photos with their family on the trip last year.
188. You may have an earache because you ……………..
A. watch TV too much B. don’t wear a mask to go out
C. spend time playing video games. D. listen to loud music
189. prefer / Do you / individual sports? / or / team sports
190. Jasmine couldn’t _ _ _ _ _ last night because she heard strange noises.
191. at the weekend. / to do / know / what / I don’t
192. Let’s go to the zoo. - ………
A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes. That’s a good idea.
Page 195

C. I don’t know. D. Thank you.

193. It’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to make new friends in a new school. (nghe) difficult
194. They are going to go on a trip to Japan by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(nghe) airplane
196. How far is it _ _ _ _ here to your house?
197. You must turn left heer. “Must” here means……….
A. need B. want C. have to D. had
198. My parents ……….to visit Kuala Lumpur next year.
A. come B. will come C. comes D. to come
199. She knows she plays the piano…………..
A. badly B. good C. great D. wonderful
200.It’s difficult …................ this computer with all its devices.
A. fixing B. to fix C. fixed D. of fixing

Page 196

1.but I’m / your birthday party / I’d love to / much too busy. / come to
2. in Vietnam is /of England. / different / The climate / from that
3. Thank you very much _ _ _ the flowers you sent me last night.
4. The feelings for him are so strong that the word “ love” can’t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ them.
5. I got wet because I lost my umbrealla. – You………..your umbrella.
A. alsways lose B. are always losing C. are always lose D. always lost
6.I’d rather you…………….that.
A. do B. don’t do C. won’t do D. didn’t do
7.the two / beautiful of / the more / Linda is / girls.
8.write essays. / In Literartre, / we learn / about the / great works by well known authors and
9.Jane doesn’t spend much money _ _ clothes.
10.Mrs Lan has to get up early this morning in order to get to the meeting on _ _ _ _ .
11.A.tablet B. chocolate C. medicine D. pill
12.My dog as well as my cats …………….twice a day.
A. eat B. eats C. has eaten D. have eaten
13.instruction at / remember all the / It is / the same time. / difficult to
……………………………………………………….……………………………………… / maths / better at / Mai is / than
15.I’m reading a book _ _ _ _ _ the history of China.
16.Don’t _ _ _ children play near the lake.
17.When should we brush your teeth? (nghe)
A. After school B. After meals C. Before bedtime D. Before breakfast
18. I received a letter ……………my friend yesterday.
A. from B. by C. on D. at
19.because she is / always tasting / things while / She gets fat / she is cooking
20.about 200 / employees / in this / company. / There are
21.She hasn’t finished the letter _ _ _ .
22.He believed in his ability to jump down from the fourth strey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ getting hurt.
23.Millions of Christmas cards …………..every year.
A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending
24.When will she have an appointment? (nghe)
A. 3.40 am B. 3.40 pm C. 4.30 pm D. 4.40 pm the / Were there / night? / many people / party last
Page 197
PRACTICE IOE 5 mother / hour watching / spends one / Every day / television.

27.i put my hat on in order to p_ _ _ _ _ _ my face from the sunlight.
28.He doesn’t have much imagination. (nghe)
29.A. cough B. runny nose C. fever D. stomachache
30.The old lamp …………in China is five dollars.
A. make B. makes C. to make D. made
31. can’t spend / to stories. / all her / A little girl / time listening
32. costs? / know how / banana / Do you / much a
33. He is never absent _ _ _ _ school.
34. _ _ next September, I will have paid 4,000 pounds in income tax.
35. What did her parents do? (nghe)
A.They took a lot of photos. B. They bought a lot of souvenirs.
C. They booked a hotel. D. They bought some chocolate.
36.Would you like to………….for a walk later?
A. have B. make C. do D. go
37. waiting for / minutes? / mind / Would you / a few
38. Finding an / apartment in / city is / not easy. / a big
39. What’s the name of the movie which you are going to see? (nghe)
40.If you want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your English, we can help you. (nghe) improve
41. As a child, he……………his parents.
A. ought obey B. ought obeying
C. ought to obey D. ought to obeying
42. Where are they going? (nghe)
A. The village B. The market
C. The supermarket D. The ticket hall
43. age / Hoa. / as / the same / Tim is of
44. in the world / in London. / Most of / the best museums / are situated
45. He works five days a week from Monday to _ _ _ _ _ _ .
46.I’m going to watch TV tonight to see a movie _ _ _ _ _ America.
47. Who is your brother? - ………….
A. He is the boy wearing a white T-shirt.
B. He is the boy won a white T-shirt.
C. He is the boy is wearing a white T-shirt.
D. He is the boy is won a white T-shirt.
48. What is important? (nghe)
A. Brushing our teeth B. Washing our face
C. Brushing out hair D. Washing our hands
49. music room. /Ba is / in the / play the guitar / learning to
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50. are in / at the back / English. /Those books / of the library

51. Last year my brother worked _ _ an engineer in a printing factory.
52. Hoi An is famous _ _ _ old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and narrow streets.
53. When did they arrive home? (nghe)
A. In the morning B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening D. At midnight
54. Can you wait………………please?
A. out B. out of C. outside D. for
55. will be / a famous / says Ba / artist one day. / The teacher
56. Video games / fun but / players must / be careful. / are good
57. They built this house more than one hundred years _ _ _ .
58. At this time next week they _ _ _ _ be sitting on the train on their way to Paris.
59. If he eats all that food, he’ll eat…………
A. quite much B. too many C. quite many D. too much
60. Stress: A. computer B. shortage C. village D. teacher
61. so there are / more and more / old people. / living longer / People are
62. Does / a library? / have / school / your
63. The family are celebrating with a party. (nghe)
64. Mr Tam used to type faster than he _ _ _ _ now.
65. In the past, women used to wash clothes by hand. Now we have …………..
A. steamers B. dishwashers C. hair dryers D. washing machines
66. He had his father ……………..his watch.
A. fixed B. fixing C. to fix D. fix
67. wonderful. / Liz’s / visit to / was / Cham Temple
68. the assitants are / all polite and / It’s a nice / very helpful. / shop and
69. Can I help you? - _ _ _, please. I need a kilo of beef.
70. This morning I had bread and milk _ _ _ breakfast.
71. We may know the land very well, but we know very………about the oceans.
A. few B. little C. much D. a little
72. Playing chess after dinner sounds ………to me.
A. boring B. bored C. boringly D. boredom
73. if I / photo? / Do you / take a / mind
74. for his mother / a telegram / to learn / He sent / good news.
75. The strange man asked me to show him the _ _ _ t the post office.
76. The weather was fine so we decided to go _ _ foot.
77. Stress: A. important B. community C. organize D. diseases
78. What does she do in the morning? (nghe)
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A.She buys some dresses B. She takes her sister to school

C. She makes her dresses D. She gets dressed then goes to school
79. are playing / bluff and catch. / blind man’s / Some students / games like

80. sugar. / much fatty / We shouldn’t / food and / eat too

81. Suddenly, the canoe overturned and everyone fell _ _ _ _ the deep and dangerous water.
82. You don’t like foreign films, do you? (nghe)
83. What do they want to buy? (nghe)
A. An apple and some bananas. B. A pineapple and a banana.
C. An orange and a banana. D. A pineapple and some bananas.
84. What is the weather like today? (nghe)
A. Awesome B. Awful C. Horrible D. Wonderful
85. everyday. / doing my / homework / I spend /an hour
86. There are / February. / often / in / 28 days
87. Don’t make too much _ _ _ _ _ . You might awake the baby. (nghe)
88. Who will _ _ _ _ care of the house while we are away?
89. My brother speaks………………
A. English perfect B. perfected English
C. English perfectly D. perfectly English
90. How are the people in Nha Trang? (nghe)
A. They are happy B. They are friendly
C. They are lovely D. They are funny
91. you a cup / like me / of tea? / to bring / Would you
92. last year? / How often / the stadium / did you / go to
93. Robert has been _ _ _ of work for two years.
94. The destruction of forests has brought _ _ _ _ _ floods recently.
95. A. wrong B. stomach C. cough D. online
96. Take this cake and cut it into eight ………..pieces.
A. same B. like C. alike D. equal
97. Now people / of Cheop / can / in Egypt. / admire the Pyramid
98. about us. / me tell you / Here is the / family and let / photo of my
99. She is afraid _ _ crossing the busy street.
100. Life today is different from life in 50 years _ _ _ .
101. Stress: A.cartoon B. open C. paper D. answer
102. That was a ……………ceremony.
A. prepared-well B. prepare-well C. well-prepared D. well-prepare
103. no one / who does / it. / There is / not know
Page 200

104. to hear / that you / are well. / I am pleased / and your family
105. That man has been standing at the bus stop _ _ _ the last half hour.
106. Water has _ _ color. It is a colorless liquid.

107. He asked me ………………a driving license.

A. if I have B. whether I have C. if I had D. whether I have had
108. You…………..forget what I told you. It is very important.
A. must B. have to C. can’t D. mustn’t
109. to go / to the / meeting on / Don’t forget / time.
110. Will you / help you? / if he / be angry / refuses to
112. The students learn _ _ _ to recycle waste paper. They are very excited.
113. _ _ her youth, she was a very beautiful girl.
114. What was wrong with your printer? - ……….
A. It didn’t work. B. It doesn’t. C. It hasn’t work. D. It’s won’t work.
115. My mother often gives me advice ……….water.
A. to save B. how to save C. on how to save D. with how to save
116. in comics / are interested / very / My children / much.
117. rather than / new car / a used one. / to buy a / Bill decided
118. He congratulated me _ _ winning the competition.
119. My aunt sliced the beef _ _ _ _ thin strips.
120. I have a ………………….sister.
A. seven years old B. seven-years-old C. seven-year-old D. seven year
121. Milk bottles can be ………………after being cleaned.
A. reused B. recycle C. thrown away D. broken
122. fewer TV / programs for teenagers / There are / for adults / than there were

123. after / this one. / There aren’t / buses / any


124. Is it all right if I _ _ _ _ some photograps.

125. It was unkind of you not to help him when he was _ _ trouble.
126. Of all the students in my class, Nam is………………
A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. the tallest
127. ……………the next turning on the right, the post office is in front of you.
A. Go B. Make C. See D. Take
128. stories / Have you / ever read / by Nam Cao? / short
Page 201

129. celebration for / hiloday is the / Vietnamese people. / most important /Tet of Lunar New
130. Psychology is important for the security. (nghe)
131. I often get up nat 6.00 and do morning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . After that I wash my face then I
eat breakfast.
132. She needed ……….these postcards to her friends.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. sends
133. Do it right now,…………..?
A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. don’t you
134.happens / careless / The accident / driving. / because of
135. He reads / about Yoga / a book / problem. / for medical
136.Their parents are happy to hear good news _ _ _ _ their teacher.
137. I kicked the ball _ _ _ _ the gaol yesterday.
138. My new friend, Nam is……………His jokes often ake his friends laugh a lot.
A. generous B. humourous C. out-going D. unusual
139. A. probably B.woman C. aquairum D. finally
140. Vietnam are / those in / different from / the USA. / Schools in
141. English / speak / all over the / People /world
142. You had better not eat to many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because they are not good for your teeth.
143. Mrs Robinson is asking Nga how to _ _ _ _ spring rolls.
144. I was cooking for dinner………..
A. then the phone rang B. then the phone ring
C. when the phone rang D. When the phone was ringing
145. A. doctor B. nurse C. dentist D. teacher
146. mind lending / dictionary? / Would you / your / me
147. past six. / since a / He has / waited there / quarter
148. When my father has free time, he often _ _ _ _ _ us funny stories.
149. She started learning English _ _ _ _ she was eighteen.
150. Are there ………………..for me this morning?
A. any letters B. letter C. any letter D. some letters
151. is bigger / in Britain / the cities / than London. / None of
152. very worried / taking / after / He became / the medicine.
153. Big trees may fall down. (nghe)
154. Color television was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by John Logie Baird in 1928.
155. Hung and his brother ………….at home yesterday.
A. didn’t are B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. not were
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156. Helen doesn’t / or meat but she / eat chicken / to vegetables. / prefers fish
157. travel around / tourists to / It’s not / easy for / London.
158. It was a bad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .(nghe) accident
159. I take part _ _ most youth activities of my school.
160. A. enough B. young C. country D. mountain
161. of animals / does she / best? / What kind / like
162. are in / author. / These cards / and by / alphabetical order
163. The shirt looked beautiful. I tried it _ _ but it doesn’t fit.
164. It is far _ _ _ _ your house to the school.
165. A. virus B. flu C. headace D. stomachache
166. My mother doesn’t like coffee and ……………………
A. neither do I B. neither I do C. either D. I don’t too
167. This lovely / two bedrooms / apartment has / and it / is furnished.
168. It’s not difficult to translate this sentence _ _ _ _ English.
169. In Da Lat, it is usually cold at night, but it’s warm _ _ _ _ _ _ the day.
170. The Statue of Liberty was…………to the USA by the French.
A. constructed B. disigned C. completed D. presented
171. She talked to her friends ……………her vacation in Da Lat.
A. about B. on C. with D. for
172. I have to stay all day at home on Sundays, so _ _ _ _ she.
173. Billions of cans are thrown _ _ _ _ every year all over the world.
174. Is there anything good ……………..TV tonight?
A. on B. in C. near D. at
175. My father is a ……………… player.
A. skill B. skilled C. skillfully D. skillful
176. After many years of failure, Edison finally succeeded _ _ inventing the light bulb.
177. The sun and stars shine in the black sky. (nghe)
178. Tow team members try to make a fire …………rubbing pieces ……bamboo together.
A. with/by B. by/with C. of/by D. by/of
179. A. result B. undersea C. scuba D. adult
180. I have to go to the bank in _ _ _ _ _ to exchange some money.
181. Thank you for your invitation to the party. (nghe) invitation – lời mời
182. …………… next birthday.
A. I am 14 on B. I will be 14th
C. I will be 14 on D. I am going to be 14 on
183. A. ill B. sick C. sad D. unwell
184. Hoi An is famous _ _ _ its ancient houses.
185. She got _ _ late this morning because her alarm clock didn’t go up.
186. Yesterday, we took part in a ………contest in our village.
A. cook-ricing B. rice cooking C. cooking-rice D. rice-cooking
187. A. series B. detective C. equipment D. vessel
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188. Children in Africa don’t have enough food to eat and warm clothes to _ _ _ _ .
189. Their wedding party …………….at the Rex Hotel next week.
A. is held B. is being held C. will be held D. is going to hol
190. We are now wet. You……………the raincoats with you.
A. should bring B. should have brought C. must bring D. have to bring
191. My sister doesn’t want to drink coffee, and……………….
A. I do neither B. I do, too C. so do I D. neither do I
192. Tuan is a good student. He always answers the etacher’s questions ………….
A. quick B. quickly C. too quick D. very quick
193.It’s recess. The students are eating and drinking as _ _ _ _ as chatting.
194. My mother and I ……………..our grandmother next weekend.
A. visit B. am going to visit C. am visiting D. are going to visit
195. Tim and Hoa are of the same……………..
A. old B. year C. years old D. age
196.Can you tell me what…….word for “father” is? – I’m sorry, I don’t know…….
A. Russian/Russian B. the Russian / the Russian
C.the Russian / Russian D. Russian / the Russian
197.Farmers are very hard-working. They work from morning _ _ _ _ night on their farms.
198. My sister tried her new dress _ _ but it doesn’t fit.
200.Jane feels unhappy……….she misses her parents and her friends.
A. although B. though C. because D. but

Page 204

1.your / know how / I don’t / birthday. / you celebrated
2. the farmer’s / wisdom. / to see / The tiger / wanted
3. I’ve lost my key. Can you help me to look _ _ _ them?
4. They usually play badminton when they are _ _ vacation.
5. The children enjoy ............ to traditional stories.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened
6. start to / medicine? / did you / When / learn
7. the house / Didn’t / last year? / to sell / you want
8. Hoa is learning how to use a _ _ _ _ _ _ machine. (máy khâu)
9. You must m_ _ _ a quick decision about who wins the contest.
10. Would you mind ........ ..... in the front seat of the taxi, mark?
A. to sit B. sit C. to sitting D. sitting
11. His jokes / often makes / laugh a / his friends / lot.
12. sport does /in the school / team? / Mai play / Which
13. You shouldn’t translate each sentence _ _ _ _ Vietnamese.
14. The boys like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ games but hate doing lessons.
15. Lan is ..................... and she has a flower shop in Hanoi.
A. a flower seller B. a florist C. a flower girl D. a flower lady
16. My mother believes that my brother is ................. than me.
A. good B. gooder C. better D. best
17. of troubles / He had / at the beginning. / a lot / with English
18. The weather / was fine / us to / go camping. / enough for
19. He mother _ _ _ _ _ as a nurse at Hue hospital.
20. I am making some cakes when the electricity _ _ _ _ out yesterday.
21. Do you think your father will worry if we’re late? Maybe we’d better ... him.
A. call B. be calling to C. to call D. will call
22. The family ......... when the mailman came.
A. was sleeping B. is sleeping C. has slept D. have slept
23. meeting before / a parting / leaving. / better have / You’d
24. There is / for every / no charge / student. / tenth
25. Peter is so c_ _ _ _ _ _ . He often checks his writing twice before giving it to the teacher.
26. She was always _ _ _ _ - working at school. She spent most of the time studying.
Page 205

27. The students went on a canoe trip yesterday. I heart I was ......................
A. excited B. exciting C. exciteful D. an excitement
28. the world. / They want / to many / places in /to travel
29. People in Asia often drink .......
A. some tea B. the tea C. tea D. many tea
30. time since / we became /close / friends. / It’s a long
31. beautiful. / I live in / are very / a small village / and its surroundings
32. The bakers never go camping because they don’t have a _ _ _ _ .
33. _ _ _ _ is the nationality of Thomas Edison?
34. Because he didn’t like the first pair of trousers, he asked for ........................
A. the others ones B. other trousers C. an other trousers D. an other pair
35. Her birthday is ....................... January.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
36. There are / of traditional / festivals in / a lot / Vietnam.
37. Could you / about the / train, please? / some information / tell me
38. My brother and I are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ television in the living-room now.
39. Lan went to the doctor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she had a headache.
40. A. visited B. wanted C. decided D. looked
41. encourages us / always / hard. / Our teacher / to work
42. yesterday? / New York / they / Did / arrive in
43. I will phone you as _ _ _ _ as I arrive in Ho Chi Minh city.
44. Don’t m_ _ _ a fire here. It’s very dangerous.
45. Her students were excited ........ the circus show last night.
A. about B. for C. of D. in
46. Congratulation ......... passing the exam.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
47. cook / My mother / enough to / tonight. / is tired
48. in Hoi An? / beautiful places / lot of / Can tourists / visit a
49. I don’t like pork. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do I.
50. Hanh is a beautiful girl _ _ _ _ big black eyes and an oval rosy face.
51. There is a detective film ......................... at the Thang Long Theater.
A. on B. in C. inside D. outside
52. holiday. / was very / excited / about the / Every pupil
53. talk / the race / Don’t / finishes. / until
Page 206

54. Some people feel that towns are _ _ _ noisy for them to live in.
55. Students should have a medical check- _ _ every year.
56. She succeeded .............................. teaching and she loved her job.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
57. Last night he didn’t go home ........ 10 o’clock.
A. until B. at C. after D. in front of
58. given / the money / back last / Sunday. / He was
59. again! / see you / How / glad I / am to
60. We must be c_ _ _ _ _ _ when we cross the road.
61. I brush my teeth three _ _ _ _ _ a day.
62. I said “happy birthday” before ...... Lan a present.
A. give B. will give C. gave D. giving
63. in our / more intelligent / No one is / than her / school.
64. sugar / to eat / It’s unhealthy / too much / and fat.
65. There are _ _ _ _ fingers in one hand.
66. _ _ _ are you going to get to Hung King Temple next weekend? - By bus.
67. I’m sorry but you have to cook dinner .....
A. along you B. himself C. yourself D. on you
68. Tam ......... last night when the telephone .........
A. slept/rang B. slept / was ringing
C. was sleeping / rang D. was sleeping / was ringing
69. Do you / have / any / friends? / close
70. We spent / several weeks / summer. / bay last / in Ha Long
71. It’s difficult to prevent people _ _ _ _ parking here.
72. My mother is always proud _ _ me and my brother.
73. We used to wash clothes by hand. Now we have a ..............................
A. washing machine B . dishwasher C. hair dryer D. refrigerator
74. fell / asleep / during the / performance. / The boy
75. used. / computer / This is / I’ve ever / the best
76. Who does he usually play soccer _ _ _ _ ?
77. His grandma had to do everything _ _ _ _ the help of modern equipment.
78. to walk / in the / It’s dangerous / evening. / home late
79. Our class / museum next / to that / is going / Thursday.
80. The desk is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the chair and the bed.
81. There are _ _ _ _ _ students in my class. Twenty boys and twenty girls.
82. is one of / like best. / the traditional / stories I / “The lost shoe”
Page 207

83. English / man. / He speaks / like an / English
84. The teacher asked me not to _ _ _ _ noise in class.
85. Phuong is very good _ _ English and history, but she doesn’t like Maths much.
86. They’re getting married ........................ the end of June.
A. on B. in C. at D. during
87. He / money. / stops / to save / smoking
88. Lien enjoys / talking / about her / star. / favourite film
89. _ _ _ _ _ you mind telling us about the West Lake?
90. Look _ _ the picture on the wall, please.
91. Hoa was very surprised when she looked at ...... in the mirror.
A. she B. hers C. herself D. her
92. ......... she plays the piano!
A. How well B. How good C. What well D. What good
93. years / least 6 / Students must / old. / be at
94. He congratulated / results. / his friend / on good / exam
95. _ _ _ _ did you buy this dress? - I bought it 2 days ago.
96. He’d rather play golf _ _ _ _ tennis.
97. You use a ........................... to cook rice.
A. steamer B. rice cooker C. saucepan D. frying pan
98. She ........................ all her homework this morning.
A. does B. did C. do D. to do
99. My brother / often does / pleasure. / experiments about / electricity for
100. watching their / They are / favourite TV / programmes at / the moment.
101. You don’t have to do that work. In _ _ _ _ _ works, it’s unnecessary for you.
102. Look at those black clouds. It is going to _ _ _ _ .
103.A. character B. chemistry C. Christmas D. cheese
104. front / door? / at the / we meet / Shall
105. usually / oranges. / cheaper / Apples are / than
106. _ _ _ _ are you doing this afternoon? - I don’t know, but I’d like to go swimming.
107. Is this your school bag? Yes, it is. It’s _ _ _ _ .
108. the games. / look / eager to / start / The participants
109. My brother / watches TV / more often / do. / than I
110. Hanh is usually early for school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she gets up early.
111. His doctor advised him to _ _ _ _ up smoking.
Page 208

112. I have a lot of ......... to do, so I can’t go with you.

A. homework B. homeworks C. houseworks D. homeless
113. This ruler ....... of plastic.
A. make B. made C. is making D. is made
114. the colour / Do you / invented? / television was / know when
115. Hanoi to / kilometres from / my house. / It is / about 30
116. There is a _ _ _ _ , a computer and some books on my desk.
117. Lan is standing near the store and she is waiting _ _ _ the bus.
118. Life here is very ..........................
A. peace B. peacefully C. peaceful D. peacefulness
119. Do you collect stamps or other things? - Yes, I am a stamp ........
A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collection
120. Thu Bon. / The ancient / on the river / town of / Hoi An lies
121. plenty to / There is / menu. / choose / from the
122. What are you going to do when you grow _ _?
123. Tea is warm _ _ _ _ _ _ for me to drink.
124. Since we have to be there by 8.30, we ...... take a taxi.
A. had better B. may C. ought D. are able to
125. Our ......... resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally
126. same time. / at the / It’s difficult / two languages / to learn
127. start to / learn / When / did you / medicine?
128. I’m Vietnamese. What’s your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
129. Many adults learn English because it’s useful _ _ _ their work.
130. I like my sister’s house. It is a ......
A. new beautiful house B. beautiful house new
C. beautiful new house D. a beautiful new house
131. out of / children’s reach? / these things / Why must / we put
132. for at / the meat / in the steamer / Cook / least 30 minutes
133. This car is different _ _ _ _ mine.
134. Hung is interested in collecting _ _ _ _ _ . (Tem)
135. build a bridge / People are / going to / house. / over my
136. book? / buy me / an English / Could you / exercise
137. Is there a vegetable garden in _ _ _ _ _ of the yard?
138. It is a three - _____ hotel but it is not very expensive. (Ngôi sao)
139. John doesn’t play tennis. David doesn’t play tennis . This also means:
Page 209

A. Both John and David doesn’t play tennis

B. Neither John nor David plays tennis
C. Not either John or David plays tennis
D. Not only John but also David doesn’t play tennis.
140. Please ask them ..................... in this area.
A. don’t smoke B. not smoking C. to not smoke D. not to smoke
141. medal. / a gold / The athletics / winning / dream of
142. My house / cinema. / of the / is to / the left
143. _ _ _ _ _ his father died, he was sent to an orphanage.
144. After _ _ _ _ _ _ an aspirin, her headache disappears.
145. Come and ......... badminton, Nam!
A. do B. make C. take D. play
146. for her / birthday? / What do / you intend / to buy Loan
147. Last week, Mr Tan went to Ho Chi Minh City _ _ _ a trip.
148. The children are old enough to look after .....
A. ourselves B. herself C. themselves D. himself
149. Are you interested ..... playing badminton after class?
A. in B. with C. on D. for
150. the same / Lan is / height / as / Hoa.
151. It is very dangerous ....... in the polluted environment.
A. to live B. lives C. living D. live
152. Did he use to ...... in the library?
A. work B. working C. worked D. works
153. A. hair B.hour C.height D. house
154. The new shopping mall is quite .............. the present shopping area.
A. different from B. the same C. like to D. similar
155. She went to market without ...................... anything.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying
156. I’m sorry. I’m not ........ to help you lift the table.
A. enough strong B. too strong C. strong enough D. enough strength
157. The first Olympic games were held ........ Greece.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
158. A. send B. mend C. serve D. spend
159. What ........? She is very nice.
A. did Sandra like B. is Sandra like C. does Sandra like D. was Sandra like
160. “Don’t shout” I said to Jim. This also means:
A. I told Jim don’t shout B. I told to Jim not to shout
C. I told Jim not to shout D. I said Jim don’t shout
161. Paul is said ....... the brightest student in class.
A. was B. being C. to be D. he was
162. A. sun B. sugar C. sound D. seat
163. My father goes to work .......... motorbike.
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A. on B. by C. with D. in
164. Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight? .........
A. Yes, please B. I’m sorry. I’d love to C. No, thanks D. Yes, I’d love to
165. A(n) ...... can take a patient to hospital quickly.
A. emergency B. bleeding C. wound D. ambulance
166. I take part ........ most youth activities of my school.
A. in B. of C. on D. at
167. Living in the country is not expensive. And it isn’t complex .......
A. either B. too C. neither D. so
168. Are you proud ....... your country and its tradition?
A. about B. on C. of D. for
169. It is raining outside, and Tom brought his umbrella with him ...................... he
wouldn’t get wet.
A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to
170. If a patient can’t walk, he can use ....... to move around.
A. an eye chart B. a stretcher C. a wheelchair D. a scale
171. I hope to become a pilot but I’m _ _ _ _ _ _ of height.
172. A: Don’t ride your bike so fast. B: ............
A. Yes, I will B. Ok, I won’t C. yes, let’s D. that’s a good idea
173. Nguyen Du is a famous _ _ _ _. His _ _ _ _ _ were very good.
174. How do you learn English grammar? I practice making sen_ _ _ces.
175. He is a bu_ _ _ _ss person so he travels a lot.
176. There is a detective film ...... at the Thang Long Theater.
A. on B. in C. inside D. outside
177. the traditional / stories I / is one of / “ The lost shoe” / like best.
178. places in / the world. / to travel / They want / to many
179. It’s difficult to prevent people _ _ _ _ parking here.
180. Some people feel that towns are _ _ _ noisy for them to live in.
181. Our .................... resources are limited so we should recycle all used things.
A. nature B. natural C. naturing D. naturally
182. Look at ...... . He can do a magic trick.
A. he B. she C. they D. him
183. ......... of books in the library are in English.
A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred’s D. To hundred
184. in the / millions / sky. / There are / of stars
185. I want to be a million _ _ _ _ in the future.
186. Which of the folowing sentences is correct?
A. Her and her father took her and I to lunch.
B. Her and her father took him and myself to lunch.
C. She and her father took him and I to lunch.
D. She and her father took him and me to lunch.
187. We need more sugar. There is……..sugar in the pot.
A. much B. few C. any D. little
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188. We had an interesting discussion _ _ _ _ _ football.

189. Which word has different stress pattern?
A. structure B. language C. collect D. damage
190. …………..repairs machine.
A. An architect B. A journalist C. A mechanic D. An author
191. Remember _ _ _ to tell anyone about my mistakes.
192. You need not only to fill your ca_ _ _ _ _ _ but to pull your decayed teeth.
193. I don’t think I’ll come on Saturday. I have a lot of work to do. B_ _ _ _ _ _, I don’t
really like parties.
194. A. switch B. stomach C. match D. catch
196. A. much B. drug C. future D. buffalo
197. A. local B. photo C. improve D. buffalo
198. The food was delecious, but most things …………….cheap.
A. wasn’t B. aren’t C. didn’t D. weren’t
199. The dentist look at my teeth and told me _ _ _ to worry.
200. She couldn’t dance anymore ……………..her foot problem.
A. because B. thanks to C. due to D. as

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TEST 24 buy / That car. / you not / I / advise
................................................................................................................................................ yet. / I wonder / whether / the tickets / were on
3.It is a nice shop and the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are all polite and very helpful. Người bán hàng
4.There are a lot of ……………. In this book. Thong tin
5.Which film does she like to watch?
A.The little wish B. A little witch C. A little wish D. The little witch
6.I am better …… English than Nam.
A.than B. with C. at D. for
7.Keeping / important. / is very / the environment / clean
8.going to / tomorrow. / at their house / They are / hold a party

9.My mother never lets me use the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

10.Mai is too young to look after …..
A. herself B. myself C. himself D. yourself
11. I would rather you …….. me the story.
A. tell B. told C. to tell D. telling
12.a few / minutes. / off in / The plane / will take
13.they turn / didn’t / on the / Why / lights?
14.How many tons of _ _ _ _ were exported to Japan last year? Gạo
15. to be / with you. / It’s a / great / pleasure
16.enough / the film. / We didn’t / to see / arrive early
17.Eating _ _ _ much sugar will be bad for your teeth.
18.The boy injured in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is now in the hospital
19. She spends most of her free time …….. volunteer work.
A.Do B. doing C. to do D. for doing
20. Kim Tan town is ……. busier.
A.becoming B. doing C. making D. having
21. much about / the mysterious / knows /man. / No one
22. lock it. / but / don’t / the door / Shut
23. The teacher told the student _ _ _ to do that.

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24. It takes me half an hour to travel to work by ______________ everyday. Xe may

25. I want to ask my parents ….. some money.
A.from B. for C. with D. about
26.The window ….. last night has been repaired.
A.break B. breaked C. broken D. breaking
27.No one / well as / Tom./ in the team / plays as
A lot of / have been / planted / green trees / this year.
29.I’m sorry that the manager is out at the moment. Would you like to _ _ _ _ _ a message?
30.Sarah and her husband are ______________. Thong minh
31. It took him ages to ….. living in the new town.
A.get use to B. be used to C. will used to D. will use to
32. What is she doing? …….
A.Nothing B. Doing C. Feeding D. Sweeping
33. still work / in the countryside /seven days / Many people / a week.
34.eats / than I. / She / more / chocolate
35.We had an interesting discussion _ _ _ _ football.
36. His …… towards me is very strange.
A. behave B. behavior C. behaved D. behaving
38. you mind / Would / opened the / door? / if I
39. to him. / The teacher / asked / to listen / the class
40. These are new born _ _ _ _ _ of our farm. Vịt
41. Monkeys / faces to / use their / and love. / show anger
42. What can / from your / bedroom / window? / you see
43. Lan always talks too much _ _ _ _ _ nothing.
44. This _ _ _ _ _ is made of plastic. Thước
45. He likes _______ more than durians. Cam
46. A. agree B. village C. arrange D. message
47. would you / sitting in /mind / the front seat / of the taxi?
48. bringing not / TV is / but also / entertainment. / only information
49. I’ll play games _ _ _ _ my cousins at the rice paddies.
50. Warm clothes / bad / from / weather. / protect us
51. do. / carefully / as I / / doesn’t drive / My brother

52. We are all looking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to seeing you again.

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53. I live in Da Lat, _ _ _ _ _ is one of the most beautiful cities of Viet Nam.
54. It is / as /same / ours. / the
55. Nam is / to do / work. / heavy / strong enough
56. to see / How glad / you / again! / I am
57. Helen is my aunt’s daughter so she is my ……..
A. sister B. cousin C. niece D. friend
58. He seldom goes fishing, …………..?
A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he
59. to save / smoking / He / money. / stops
60. has used / this house / long time. / for a / Nobody
61. Those buses are not going to the airport and _ _ _ _ _ _ are taxis.
62. ……… is a book in which you can look up telephone number.
A. Mobile phone B. Public telephone
C. Telephone directory D. Answering machine
63. A.watched B.reduced C.coughed D.raised
64. I don’t / people. / by other / enjoy being / laughed at
65. the first / When did / ceremony / award / take place?
66. They are going to hold a _ _ _ _ _ at their house tomorrow.
67. Those _ _ _ _ _ are not going to the airport and neither are taxies. Xe buyt
68. What covers most of the world’s surface?
A. Rivers B . Ocean C. Land D. Water
69. us / work / Our teacher / harder. / made
70. nervous / The man / to me / was very /sitting next
71. It’s difficult to prevent people _ _ _ _ parking here.
72. Be careful with that _ _ _ _ _! You may hurt somebody. Con dao
73. are / How / neighborhood? / the people / in your
74. is on / hill. / of a / My house / the top
75. after taking an aspirin, her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disappears. Đau đầu
76. She went out the room _ _ _ _ _ _ _ saying a word.
77. …….. is a large piece of furniture where you can hang your clothes.
A. wardrobe B. refrigerator C. Desk D. Counter
78. was about / The lesson / year. / the seasons / of the
79. How far / from your / school? / is it / home to
Page 215

80. The heavy _ _ _ _ prevented us from playing soccer. mưa

81. Are you proud ….. your country and its tradition?
A. about B. on C. of D. for
82. It is nearly ten years ….. I last saw her.
A. when B. since C. for D. while
83. long / How / last? / did / the course
84. much chocolate / as she / I don’t / does. / eat as
85. All these photographs were _ _ _ _ with a very cheap camera.
86. I must thank Jane and Alice _ _ _ their presents.
87. I can’t go to the cinema tonight. I ……. do my homework.
A. should B. must C. have to D. ought
88. Ba is strong enough ……. His father with the work on the farm.
A. helping B. help C. helps D . to help
89. Do you / should practice / every day? / listening English / think I
90. tires are / Old car / and sandals. / recycled to / make shoes
91. My brother is trying to _ _ _ _ _ _ my old bicycle. Sửa xe
92. The building was but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1962 and 1969.
93. John has lived in Paris ……. last summer.
A. yet B. in C. since D. for
94. Heavy rain …… the plane for several hours.
A. stopped B. prevented C. delayed D. kept
95. Keeping / calm is / of passing / your test. /the secret
96. is / you think / for? / this machine / What do
97. My father can read well _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glasses.
98. His car is the same color _ _ my uncle’s.
99. stress: A. collect B. advise C. practice D. prepare
100. spending money / it. / prefer / Most people / to earning
101. a mile / to run / It is / good exercise / a day.
102. Ha Long Bay is famous _ _ _ its beautiful limestone island.
103. I _ _ _ _ part in most youth activities of my school.
104. Jane really enjoyed .........…. to dinner parties.
A. inviting B. being inviting C. being invited D. be invited
105. a better / Couldn’t / you / find / hotel?

106. What / the countryside / like? / look / does

107. The teacher told her not to _ _ _ _ up late.
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108. In History, we study past and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ events in Vietnam and around the world.
109. Sorry to keep you ……….
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
110. He drives as ……. His father does.
A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as
111. last summer? / What / Xuan decide / to do / did
112. there? / anything / useful / find / Do you
113. It was such bad news that Helen burst _ _ _ _ tears.
114. The film is _ _ interesting that we would watch it many times.
115. I tried my …….. not to laugh, but I couldn’t.
A. good B. well C. best D. better
116. The Smiths never go out in the evening, ……….?
A.Do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t he D. does he
117. People should stop experiments on ________. Con vat
118. We have Maths on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It means we have Maths
three _ _ _ _ _ a week.
119. A. flood B. food C. blood D. nothing
120. It’s interesting to …… friends with people from other countries.
A. have B. do C. make D. go
121. The doctor told me to eat more and more ____________. Rau
122. Tet holiday is celebrated on the _ _ _ _ _ day of the Lunar New Year.
123. Stress: A. orphanage B. exhibition C. magically D. interest
124. My father _ _ _ _ _ his car every week. Lau chui
125. Remember _ _ _ to tell anyone about my mistakes.
126. _ _ _ _ _ _ his old friends, he is very impolite.
127. This is a contest in which people have to arrange flowers so it’s a ……. Contest.
A. flower-arranging B. flowers-arranging
C. arranging – flower D. flower-arrange
128. He’d rather play golf than _ _ _ _ _ _. Quần vợt
129. His …… always makes people laugh.
A. quiet character B. sense of humor C. smiles D. humorous
130. “War and Peace” ……. the longest book I have ever read.
A.Are B. was C. were D. is
131. The school _ _ _ _ was crowed with students. San truong
132. My father didn’t like ______ and neither did my mother. Cà phê
133. The Sun ……. in the East.
A. rised B. is rising C. rise D. rises
134. That’s a ……… building .
A. five-floor B. five-floors C. five-floor’s D. five-floors’
135. Riding a motorbike without a _ _ _ _ _ _ is very dangerous. Mũ bảo hiểm
136. In Nha Trang, tourist can take _ _ _ _ in some outdoor activities such as scuba diving
137. I spoke to several people at the cocktail party. Was John …. One with the red hair?
A. 0 B. the C. a D. an
138. My father spends half an hour _ _ _ _ _ morning exercise.
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139. You must go to school ….. the ages of 5 and 16. It is compulsory.
A. from B. over C. during D. between
140. stress: A. scissors B. transmit C. hello D. arrange
141. At Christmas, millions of greeting cards are _ _ _ _ to friends and relatives.
142. They asked me not to _ _ _ _ noise in class.
143. You can find / librarian’s desk. / near the / on the rack / newspapers
144. It’s very _ _ _. Let’s go swimming.
145. Luke’s sister: ……… calling? This is Daisy’s calling. Can I speak to Luke, please.
A. Who’s B. Who C. What D. What’s
146. I need umbrella. _ _ _ _ you are.
147. I want those trousers. Here t_ _ _ are.
148. How do you go to the supermarket? …………..
A. I go by bike B. It’s 3 kilometers
C. it’s near the post office D. I go with my friend
149. visit / some famous / by bus? / places / in town / Will they
150. I’m very tired. _ _ too.
151. Are you free tonight? Would you like to go to the cinema with me? - Yes, ………
152. enjoy / Does Jane / or not? / a pleasant evening / always
153. We had / in /a wonderful / the United Kindom. / time
154. There is a wardrobe _ _ the right of the bedroom.
155. The song “Love Story” was written _ _ Taylor Swift.
156. Sarah closed the door ………… behind her.
A. soft B. softly C. softness D. softy
157. my birthday. / My mother / a pretty dress / bought / for me on
158. a yellow cat. / sat on / a bench / Benny / with
159. Oh _ _ _ _! I’ve just lost my wallet.
160. any / students / in your class? / Are there / German
161. During / the summer holiday / the last week of / for school. / we prepare things
162. Mark hasn’t received a letter from his parents _ _ _.
163. Mrs Quyen will pick you _ _ at the airport.

164. A: ……. does she look like? B: She is beautiful with long hair.
A. What B. Which C. How D. Who
165. since 2008. / this school / has taught / Mr Thanh / English at
166. We are not sure / will be / he / there / on time.
167. Your house is _ _ large as mine.
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168. Sarah plays the piano …. than Tracy does.

A. more beautiful B. more beautifully
C. the most beautiful D. the most beautifully
169. Could / lift / this box? / help me / you
170. The nurse / asked about / of / the injured person. / the condition
171. A: Hello, I’m Sarah Smith. B: ……… do you do? I’m David Johnson.
172. A: How _ _ _ _ have you worked here? B: Two months.
173. The telephone / first / was / introduced / in 1876.
174. has / The hotel / of / a wonderful view / the city.
175. Could you _ _ me a favour?
176. We _ _ _ _ just returned from a trip to phong Nha Cave in Quang Binh.
177. there. / going / fun / It’s / by bike
178. primary / did you / school / Which / go to?
179. The prince fell in _ _ _ _ with her when they first met.
180. M laptop is still _ _ _ _ _ guarantee so I will take it to the store so that they can repair
181. Don’t let your children sit in the ….. seat of the car.
A. behind B. after C. before D. front
182. They were on their honeymoon in France …. two weeks.
A. since B. for C. while D. during
183. Justin’s mother / in the yard. / flowers and / grows / plants
184. very noisy / The street / is / I live in / at night.
185. A: It’s hot. _ _ _ _ you open the window? B: Of course.
186. A: Do you mind getting me a cup of tea? B: No, never _ _ _ _.
187. Have you decide …. to go for your holiday?
A. where B. what C. how D. which
188. We needed to change our dollars ……. the local currency.
A. into B. onto C. from D .with
189. sharp knives. / when / You / must be careful / using
190. I / to send / to London. / this parcel /want
191. My father asked me to help my mother _ _ _ _ the household chores.
192. We had a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ afternoon without the children. (PEACE)
193. Mother ……. is the language which you first learn to speak when you are a baby.
A. mouth B. tongue C. head D. face
194. ought to / drive / is old / a car. / My brother
Page 219

195. The hotel is / because / a main road. / it is on / quite noisy

196. My uncle has just bought a villa _ _ the western shore of Naples Bay.
197. My English teacher asked us to learn by _ _ _ _ _ five new words and their uses every
198. The word “sociable” has the similar meaning to …..
A. faithful B. talkative C. honest D. outgoing
199. gave up / ago. / two years / smoking / Dennis
200. outside / wants to go / My daughter / Hanoi. / somewhere

Page 220

1. The crow / and dropped his / opened his beak/ piece of meat / to sing
2. King Hung allowed An Tiem and his family ….. back home.
A.go B. to go C. going D. went
3. In the end, the prince married the ………, and they lived happily ever after.
A.King B. Queen C. Princess D. Prince
4. I like the hare and the tortoise, it’s a _ _ _ _ tale.
5. _ _ the end, the tortoise won the hare.
6. like best? / What character / do you / in the story
7.there was / One day, / between the hare / a race / and a tortoise.
8.The animals cheered ……. for the winner.
A.loud B. aloud C. louding D. loudly
9.The past simple of “wake” is . ……………………
10.It is better to go slowly _ _ _ _ quickly and carelessly.
11.The similar meaning of quickly is _ _ _ _.
12.the land / got most of / The elder brother / and all the money / his parents. / left by
13. How do you improve your English? _ _ talking with my foreign friends.
14.The younger brother had only a small piece of land and a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tree.
15. “In the end, the younger brother fell into the sea.” Which is incorrect:
A.In B. younger C. fell D. into
16. The younger brother / in the bag / of the bird / to fly home. / put gold / and climbed on
the back
17.The greedy elder brother knew _ _ _ _ _ the starfruit tree. He wait for the bird and put
gold _ _ _ _ a very big bag.
18.What would you like to be when you grow _ _.
19.Why would you like to be a _________? Because I’d like to write stories for children.
20. I’d like to work in a farm in the mountains. Which is not correct in this sentence.
A. like B. in C. farm D. mountains.
21. I hope my dream _ _ _ _ come true one day.
22.I’d / patients / like to / and work with / look after / in a hospital. / other people
23.A: Can you help me? B: ……..
A. Certainly B. Yes, a lot C. Thanks D. Ok, I won’t
24. We visited some places _ _ _ _ as the City Theatre, the zoo and Ben Thanh market.
25. The bus stop is at the zoo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
26. Turn right _ _ the next corner.
27. Co To Island is ……. I expected.
Page 221

A. attractive more than B. more than attractive

C. more attractive than D. than more attractive
28. Knee is one of _ _ _ _ _ of the body.
29. There are / too / on the wall. / many / pictures
30. My family are / staying at /a hotel / of the city. / in the center
31. I like tea. And you? So _ _ I.
32. New York is one of the most modern cities in the _ _ _ _ _.
33. …… for a lovely party.
A. Thanking you B. Thank you C. Thanks you D. I’ll thank you
34. Yao Ming is ….. player in his basketball team.
A.taller B. tallest C. the tallest D. the taller
35. is/ Nam / thinks / Geography / difficult.
36. house. / behind / mountains / There are / the
37. My father doesn’t know _ _ _ to use the laptop.
38. I never go there by train so I didn’t know _ _ _ _ _ train to catch.
39. A. please B. leap C. great D. speak
40. skipping / The girl / now. / rope /is
41. Maths / subject. / is / her / favourite
42. Nam isn’t very sporty. He never _ _ _ _ _ any outdoor games.
43. Are they 12 years old? Yes, they ______.
44. A. that B. birthday C. thirteen D. thing
45. Please let Tom …. with you.
A. to go B. goes C. go D. going
46. do / you like /subject / best? / Which
47. hers. / next / an apartment / He rented / door to
48. _ _ _’s go to the zoo, shall we?
49. A. how B. low C. slow D.know
50. far from / The / national park / my house. / is not
51. Tom: What _ _ _ _ of men does Jane like?
- Mary: She likes intelligent and funny men.
52. Stress: A. destroy B. practice C. listen D. answer
53. He never drinks wine, ……..?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. won’t he D. he does
54. What’s this? It’s a _ _ _ _washer.
55. A. number B. fun C. uncle D. future
56. lines so they / can buy their food / up in straight / The students queue / and drinks
Page 222

57. The students queue up in s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ line so they can buy their drink fast.
58. good / and games / for / Are sports / our body?
59. We write “ May 10th” and we say : “The ________ of May”.
60. What ……. you do next Sunday morning, Emma?
A. do B. is C. will D. would
61. us? / you like / skiing with / Would / to go
62. stress: A. today B. market C. parent D. question
63. to the / It’s five /kilometers from / post office. / my house
64. How old will you be on your …… birthday?
A. next B. last C. following D. All are correct
65. full of / room is / modern / My son’s / toys.
66. is the / highest in / world? / Which mountain / the
67. are talking / Some students / eating hungrily. / to their friends / while others are
68. Our children go to the _ _ _ _ school as theirs.
69. Santa Claus is believed by children to bring them presents _ _ Christmas Eve.
70. You must not let children ………. with scissors or knives.
A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays
71. are they / going to / travel to / How / the National Park?
72. rides her bike / at weekend. / She /sometimes / to town
73. the car / when / the light is red? / Do people / have to stop
74. When my father …… home yesterday, someone …. a call to him.
A. goes /will make B. went / made C. went / makes D. is going / made
75. Mr Brown ……… a list of all the wine producers in the region.
A. complied B. collected C. ordered D. united
76. A. award B. carol C. canoe D. urban
77. When john ……. Home, his wife ….. for dinner.
A. arrived / was preparing B. was arriving / prepared
C. arrives / is preparing D. arrived / has prepared
78. Would you mind …….. that again, please?
A. to explain B. explaining C. explain D. explained
79. A: I have a terrible headache. B: wait here and I ….. some aspirin for you.
A. will get B. am getting C. am going to get D. gets
80. The horse is …… on the lush grass.
A. grazing B. wandering C. resting D. working
81. She avoided …….. at him when she spoke.
A. looking B to look C. looked D. look
Page 223

82. “I’m too short to reach the picture on the wall.” Also means “I’m ……..”
A. short enough to reach the picture on the wall.
B. not tall enough to reach the picture on the wall.
C. the same height as the picture on the wall
D. shorter than the picture on the wall.
83. My classmate, Hung, is very ……… He enjoys spending time with other people.
A. generous B. reserved C. humourous D. helpful
84. In _ _ _ _ _ of his age, he works as hard as he used to
85. Tom is in such a hurry that he didn’t stop at _ _ _ traffic.
86. There ....... any meat in the fridge.
A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t
87. On the right side _ _ the living room, there is a window.
88. Mr Chris _ _ _ blue oval eyes.
89. How ________ meat do you want?
90. Tom goes on talking loudly wh_ _ _ his sister is studying.
91. Which word has different stress pattern?
A. stadium B. village C. arrive D. difficult
92. He doesn’t need my help. He can do his homework him______.
93. stress pattern: A. purple B. museum C. routine D. erase
94. _ _ _ _ _ I carry that luggage for you? Thanks
95. stress pattern: A. correct B. ahead C. ruler D. eraser
96. She has to finish all as_ _ _ _ ments this afternoon.
97. Thomas is a naughty boy. He ......................... a lot of noise in the class.
A. always makes B. is making always
C. always is making D. is always making
98. I’m back _ _ _ _ school and I’m hungry.
99. VTV 7 is an educational _______. We can learn much from its programs.
100. Which sentence is correct?
A. She wanted me not wash those jeans. B. She wanted me to not wash those jeans.
C. She wanted me not washing those jeans D. She wanted me not to wash those jeans.
101. ................... home now. It’s late.
A. Going B. Goes C. Went D. Go
102. She doesn’t have as many stamps as I do. It means .......
A. She has more stamps than I do B. She has fewer stamps than I do
C. She has least stamps than I do D. She has little stamps than I do
103. Lan promises to ........ her best in learning English.
A. try B. make C. work D. learn
104. Phong Nha-Ke Bang national Park was recognised as UNESCO world Natural H______
Site in 2003 and 2015.
105. Summer is on its _ _ _.
106. These children like su_______ weather.
107. Oh, no. It is raining. _ _ _ _ a pity!
108. How is your new roommate? He’s ........
A. interesting B. well C. good at D. fond of
109. He never gets _ _ _ good marks because he is too lazy.
110. Having a ....... nose is a symptom of a cold.
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A. run B. ran C. runs D. runny

111. The cinema is at ........ center of the town.
A. a B. an C.  D. all are correct
112. ......... the programme is broadcast late, we will not wait to watch it.
A. If B. Unless C. When D. So
113. You have a b_ _ _ _ _ leg. You should go to see the doctor soon.
114. We have a day off. Let’s go to the beach, shall ...........?
A. us B. our C. we D we’re
115. George and I have been friends _ _ _ _ _ he came to live next door.
116. I always _ _ _ _ for a long and happy life for my parents.
117. We can’t go camping because _ _ the bad weather .
118.on the floor./ all the boys/ out of the box/ and let them/ He took
119.of your own life./ big decision/ to make/ You have/ all your
121. He was so eager for the first time he flew a p_ _ _ _ airplane.
122.She read about her patient’s case history ............… the development of the disease.
A. so as to follow B. so as to following
C. so as to be followed D. so as to not follow
123.It’s difficult …................ this computer with all its devices.
A. fixing B. to fix C. fixed D. of fixing near/ thought./ The town/ as we/ wasn’t
125.our country./ proud/ always/ We are/ of
126.Choose the odd one out: A. glass B. metal C. plastic D. vegetable
127.secondary school./ are learning/ higher/ Many countryside students/ in
................................................................................................................................................ much/ saw him./ taller than/ when I last/ Your son/
129. ..............…. quiet? I’m trying to learn.
A. Are you please be B. are you please being
C. Will you please be D. Has you please been
130.His teacher advised him …..... listening to the radio from now on.
A. start B. to start C. starting D. started
131.The front row/ We moved to/ a better view./ wanted to get/ because we
132.Vietnamese students/ It’s very/ soccer./ popular for/ to play
133.Miss Smith is our teacher. She is very nice _ _ me.
134.You have to hurry up or t _ e will pass you by.
135.It is very kind … you to give me a hand with my homework.
A. for B. to C. with D. of
136.You …................... forget what I told you. It’s very important.
A. needn’t B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. can
137.Thu/ peaceful/ the/ atmosphere./ enjoyed
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138.currency?/ of/ unit/ What is/ the Japanese

139.Tommy can hardly understand the differences from right and w_ _ _ _.
141.How much money does Hai compared to Thang? …
A. Least money B. More money C. Much money. D. Less money
142.Hoai seems ................ when she tells me about her new classmate.
A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. happiest France./ decided/ to settle/ permanently/ She
144.way./ and Jimmy/ in every/ Tommy/ are different
145.The sun always rises in the East. Look, it is _ _ _ _ _ _ !
146.Surgeons use a …. to perform an operation.
A. cutter B. razor C. sword D. knife
147.Choose the word underlined part pronounced differently:
A. undo B. uniform C. university D. unit
148.reveal after/ was amazed/ all the doctors./ the operation/ His speedy
149.are doing/ Our governments/ improve the people’s/ quality of life./ their best to
150.Choose the word that has different stress pattern:
A. feeling B. happen C. disease D. package
151.The doctor usually leaves the patient …. flat when she/ he is faint.
A. lie B. lying C. lies D. lay
152.runs as/ legs could/ The dog/ fast as its/ carry it.
153.between/ on a couch/ in the living room./ Hung and Hong/ Lan is sitting
154.These exercises are too difficult for students to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mistakes.
155.As I felt so much better, my doctor …. me to take a holiday by the sea.
A. suggested B. accepted. C. realize D. advised
156.Choose the different stress pattern:
A. elevator B. terrible C. exciting D. careful
157.penicillin/ my arm./ into/ The doctor/ injected
................................................................................................................................................ crying./ and saw the/ pass by/ happened to/ His mother
159.She ran _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and opened the front door.
160.Stress: A. captain B. attempt C. housewife D. letter
161.I …........... that it is important to respect other people’s opinions.
A. am feeling B. has felt C. feel D. will feel
162.against/ Lucy has/ no/ ill- feeling/ her classmates.
163.Don’t/ others/ blindly believe/ say./ in what
Page 226


165.My son was hit …................ a stick while he was working in the field.
A. by B. with C. without D. out
166.The student years provided me … knowledge,… experiences.
A. so/ that B. neither/ or C. more/ than D. not only/ but also
167.This house/ aloud/ repaired/ be/ by the company.
168.The brandy/ but/ She fainted/ her./ soon revived
169.The doctor told me to eat more _ _ _ more vegetables.
170.Everyone suffers .........… the common cold at some time or the other.
A. of B. from C. with D. about
171.He likes travel, and ….............. does she.
A. too B. such C. so D. but
172.the revolution./ who bled for/ A monument/ was erected/ to solders
173.talking about./ what/ can’t/ understand/ he is
174.The brother gave the baby a blue ball to play _ _ _ _.
175.“ I’d like to introduce ...................... My name is Dahlia Ross”
A. myself B. yourself C. me D. ourselves
176.My mother likes to watch TV, listen to classical music, and …….
A. does aerobics B. to do aerobics C. doing aerobics D. do aerobics
177.a small pox/ was five./ injection/ when I/ I had
................................................................................................................................................ are changing/ People’s/ in rural areas/ day after day.
179.Is it all right if you _ _ _ care of the children?
180.My family is going to have a .............… summer vacation in Paris next week.
A. two- week B. two- weeks C. twice week D. twice weeks
181...…. I borrow your lighter for a minute?- Sure, no problem. Actually, you …. keep it as
A. could/ may B. May/ could C. could/ can D. could/ could
182.His garden/ mine./ as large/ isn’t/ as
183.A dog bite/ The victim/ anti- tetanus injection./ who has/ needs an
184.You can find her address in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the table over there.
185.…................. is a type of bed used for carrying the sick or injured people.
A. Stretcher B. Ambulance C. Bandage D. Crutch

186.What are they going to do this summer? - ….

A. going to for a trip B. going overseas C. Flying abroad D. going abroad
187.Did you start/ classical music?/ When/ to/ to listen
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188.We / stay / Could/ forever ? / young

189.Tim and I s _ _ _ _ the love of music.
190.Daniel is …. there, Jane. He is waiting … us at the bus stop.
A. at/ for B. over/ for C. for/ for D. over/ to
191.Who … his grandparents when he … away?
A. is going look after/ will be B. will look after/ is
C. will look after/ will be D. is going to look after/ be
192.Stronger/ my brother/ am./ than I / is far
193.Go to Nha Trang/ when they/ were younger./ used to/ They
194.Keep all dangerous things _ _ _ of children’s reach.
196.She is afraid …. It will rain very soon.
A. so B. that C. when D. such
197.Where is Chicago situated? ….
A. On the right shore of Lake Michigan B. Right on the side of Lake Michigan
C. On the right side of Lake Michigan D. Right on the shore of Lake Michigan
198.Lights the / on my / My father / birthday cake. / fourteen candles
199.The table / lay/ open on / the book / now
200.Our children enjoy _ _ _ _ _taken to the zoo every weekend.

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1.I’m very / accepted in / sad that / I wasn’t / that group.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… England? / mail a letter / How much / cost to / does it
3. The fl_ _ _ _ leaving at 6.10 has been delayed. (nghe)
4. Would you like a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? – Yes, please. I’m hungry.
5.How……………….do you go to the cinema? – Once a week.
A. long B. far C. often D. much
6. It often ……………me 15 minutes to go to school by bike.
A. takes B. gets C. gives D. has
7. A little / her time listening / to stories. / girl can’t / spend all
8. to travelling / by bicycle. / Mr Ba soon / to work / got used
9. Will you please look after the cat _ _ _ _ _ we are away?
10. An English friend of mine, Mary usually sends me stamps _ _ _ _ England.
11. What should we do?(nghe)
A. Clean our room every day. B. Clean our room every week.
C. Go to classroom every day. D. Clean our classroom every day.
12. ………… town, mine is the largest.
A. Of all schools B. All of schools C. In all the school D. Of all the schools
13. less work / in the evening / There is / than there is / in the morning.
14. disappeared / took / the tablets. / after I / My stomachache
15. You should make an _ _ _ _ _ntment with your doctor before you go to see him.
16. My mother is a teacher. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ maths at a school near my house.
17. She has…………..days off than me.
A. much B. many C. fewer D. less
18. Please let Tom………………with me.
A. to go B. going C. go D. goes
19. of stamps. / has a / big / collection / My sister
20.two hours / doing my / I spend / each day / homework.
21. Eating and talking with friends are the most common ways of relaxing _ _ recess in many
22. That is the _ _ _ _ comfortable armchair I have.
23. A. last B. taste C. fast D. task
24. The boy looks a little thin, ………….he is strong.
A. and B. for C. or D. but
25. your school? / from your / How far / is it / hometwon to
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26. The water / in it. / that the children / was so cold / couldn’t swim
27. He loves c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stamps. He has hundred of stamps in his collection.
28. The sign says “ _ _ smoking”. You can’t smoke here.
29. A. swimming pool B. lifeguard C. swimmer D. cyclist
30.What was the weather like? (nghe)
A. It was rainy and windy. B. It was snowy and rainy.
C. It was snowy and cloudy. D. It was snowy and windy.
31. Liz saw / Tri Nguyen / fish at / many colourful / aquarium.
32. Would you like to see a movie? – Thanks. I _ _ _ _ _ love to.
33. Does he _ _ _vel by bus? – No. By bike.
34. It’s not far ……………here, so I often walk.
A. to B. with C. from D. over
35. station, please. / how to get / Could you / to the police / tell me
36. Look…………..that strange man! He is looking ………..Lan but she isn’t here.
A. for / at B. at / for C. at / after D. at / on
37. five days / from Monday / She works / to Friday. / a week
38. It’s a / to do / good thing / community / service.
39. Don’t let the _ _ _ _ _ _ get cold. (nghe) victim – nạn nhân
40. We were very intersted _ _ playing soccer when we lived in the countryside.
41. A. happy B. apple C. act D.aunt
42. I don’t want much sugar in coffee. Just………………., please.
A. a little B. little C. few D. a few
43. It is twelve o’clock, Mai Anh. Let’s…………..home.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. go
44. play for / They are / rehearsing a / the school / anniversary celebration.
45. money to spend. / In the future, / we have / less work / and more
46. What _ _ interesting movie! 47. He enjoys school very _ _ _ _ .
48. It’s the…………….restaurant in town. The dishes here are so awful.
A. worst B. worse C. word D. world
49. Are you / listening / in / to music? / interested
50. clean is / very / the environment / important. / Keeping
51. How _ _ _ _ are the cards? – They are 20.000 each.
52. _ _ _ _ _ is more expensive, the book or the bag?
53. Jane feels unhappy………………she misses her parents and her friends.
A. although B. though C. because D. but
54. ………………….does this cost?
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A. How many B. How much C. How far D. How often

55. lasts / months. / Our summer / two / vacation
56. invite me to / you to / It’s very / kind of / the party.
57. My brother doesn’t like fish and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do my parents.
58. The dentist looked at my teeth and told me _ _ _ to worry.
59. ……………….he plays the guitar!
A. What beautiful B. How beautifully C. How beautiful D. What beautifully
60. Where were Robot and Ben? (nghe)
A. Outside the cave. B. Inside the cave. C. Beside the cave. D. Opposite the cave.
61. subject at / physical / school is / My favourite /education.
62. It’s a / the food / very tasty. / good restaurant; / there is
63. We often go to concert _ _ weekends.
64. Books _ _ _ _ an important part in my life.
65. At an intersection, we must………………
A. ride quickly B. go fast C. slow down D. run out
66. A. improved B. returned C. arrived D. stopped
67. walking to / spent half / Mr Hoang / work yesterday. / an hour
68. watching / TV. / I prefer / listening to / music to
69. I buy a pen, a pencil and two notebooks. What’s the _ _ _ _ _ cost?
70. Could you give me a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , please? (nghe) –khăn tay - handkerchief
71. There…………….. a lot of students in the school yard.
A. is B. am C. are D. be
72. Most people enjoy……………to different parts of the world.
A. to travel B. travel C. travelling D. travelled
73. What/ of this / building? / is / the height
74. milk in / the fridge. / There is / not any
75. Yesterday I was _ _ _ _ _ _ from school because I was ill.
76. Lee comes from China. He speaks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
77. A. chopsticks B. bowl C. plate D. sugar
78. Where do the bats live? (nghe)
A. In caves or in logs. B. In caves or in trees.
C. In jungles or in trees. D. In caves or in jungles.
79. to play / friends. / I have / than my / less time
80.Janna is interested in learning how to _ _ _ _ dresses.
81. In the USA, students have two 20- _ _ _ _ _ _ breaks each day.
82. My mother always wants me …………….the piano well.
A. to play B. playing C. play D. to playing
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83. What time is it? - It is…………….(4:45)

A. half past five B. teen past five C. five forty- five D. a quarter to five
84. to repair / household / they learn / In electronics, / appliances.
85.get bad / marks. / when she / feels unhappy / She often
86.There’s a dish _ _ _ _ er in my kitchen.You don’t have to wash the dishes after meals.
87. In the USA, millions of cars _ _ _ _ _ are thrown away every year. (nghe)
88. What is the boy with black hair doing? (nghe)
A. Laying five forks on the table. B. Laying nine forks on the table.
C. Laying five knives on the table. D. Laying five kinves and forks on the table.
89. Stress pattern: A. medical B. advice C. vegetables D. physical
90. welcomed / warmly. / villagers / the visitors / The
91.the head? / on side of / Can people / on only / have pains
92. If you want to look up the meaning of new words, you use a _ _ _ _ _ onary.
93. Why don’t you put _ _ you hat? It’s sunny.
94. Excuse me. I’d like to ……………..this letter to the USA.
A. send B. have C. post office D. make
95.Lenka and Cristina …………….to the cinema tonight. Would you like to come?
A. shall go B. will go C. go D. goes
96. You / shouldn’t / eat / unhealthy / food.
97. Van / forgetting / homework. / keeps / his
98. Would you _ _ _ _ taking us a photo? (nghe)
99. Remember write me a letter as _ _ _ _ as you arrive.
100. What did he see? (nghe)
A. A very strong fish B. A very small fish C. A very strange fish D. A very long fish
101. Why did William climb the coco tree and get a coconut? (nghe)
A. Because David was so thin. B. Because David was so thirsty.
C. Because William was so thirsty. D. Because William was so hungry.
102. abroad is / Having a / interesting. / very / vacation
103. a member / of the / team. / school soccer / He is
104. I need to buy some _ _ _ _ _ _ to send letters to a pen pal in America.
105. Excuse me. I need to buy some phone _ _ _ _ _.
106. …………..the students go home after school.
A. A lot B. Some C. No D. All
107. A. good B. well C. slow D. quick
108. students have / American / ones. / more vacations / than Vietnamese
109. ways of relaxing at / with friends are / Eating and talking / recess in many countries. /
the most common
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110. Linh’s parents are very proud of him because he always _ _ _ _ good marks.
111. Old car tires are recycled to _ _ _ _ shoes and sandals.
112. Who…………… English?
A. teach B. do teach C. does teach D. teaches
113. She is not doing ……………in the garden, just walking with the dog.
A. anything B. nothing C. something D. one thing
114. people. / care of / sick / takes / He
115. please take / we are away / Will you / care of the / house while
116. This chocolate bar is more de_ _ _ _ous than that one.
117. Get over the _ _ _ _ _ _ , the restaurant will be on your left. (nghe) – cái cầu
118. Is there anything to drink? I’m………
A. hungry B. tired C. thirsty D. cold
119. He’s………tall as his brother. A. than B. so C. as D. very
120. Were Hong / yesterday? / class / and Nam / absent from
121. well. / Miss / teaches / English / Lan
122. What time is it? – It’s _ _ _ _ter past four.
123. We take part in many different activities _ _ recess.
124. You are too fast. You shouldn’t eat much…………..
A. meat B. fruit C. fish D. vegetables
125. She is ………………intelligent than her classmates.
A. much B. more C. fewer D. less
126. you like / with us tonight? / Would / to go to / the movies
127. aunt’s / letter. / receive his / delighted to / He was
128. In industry, most glass is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (nghe) – recycled – được tái chế
129. I am very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that you passed your English exam. (nghe)- delighted-vui
130. Stress: A. comfort B. nation C. apply C. moment
131. What……………….beautiful photos! I love them so much.
A. a B. the C. much D. 0
132. They will show / when they / to the public / the time machine / finish it.
133. addictive? / Do you / video games / know that / may be
134. They are enjoying the quiet sand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Nha Trang. (nghe)
135. I haven’t talked to my uncle _ _ _ _ _ he bought a new house in the city centre.
136. Where is the lake? (nghe)
A. To the right of the house. B. Next to the house.
C. To the left of the house. D. Beside the house.
137. ……………..we go to the theatre? – Yes, let’s.
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A. Will B. Shall C. Do D. Would

138. service? / Why don’t / part in / you take / community
139. four / musicians / There are / pop music. / in that
140. Thanks for helping me! - _ _ _ _ pleasure.
141. The Browns have bought a lot of food because they are going to _ _ _ _ a party.
142. Alex’s birthday is on the ……………..of July.
A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelfth D. twelf
143. What is the monkey doing?(nghe)
A. Playing on something. B. Playing on a wing.
C. Sleeping on a wing. D. Playing on a swing.
144. she comes back. / her the / message as / We will send / soon as
145. Parents should take care of their children to prevent them _ _ _ _ danger.
146. The hens and cocks live in the _ _ _ _ .
147. Why does he love his job? (nghe)
A. Because he can meet a lot of people. B. Because he can see a lot of people.
C. Because he can see a lot of animals. D. Because he can meet a lot of actors.
148. I would / chairs away. / put the / like you / to help me
149. everybody. / Catching / the common / cold is / unpleasant for
150. My father has a portable computer. He often brings it with him when he’s away _ _
151.It’s recess. The students are eating and drinking as _ _ _ _ as chatting.
152. My mother and I ……………..our grandmother next weekend.
A. visit B. am going to visit C. am visiting D. are going to visit
153. Tim and Hoa are of the same……………..
A. old B. year C. years old D. age
154. class. / in her / the most / beautiful girl / Hoa
155. know all / the people in / people often / In the countryside, / their neighbourhood.
156. I like black coffee, but I like white coffee even _ _ _ _ .
157. We can _ _ _ _ _ our old clothes. (nghe) –reuse –sử dụng lại
158. Is there any interesting …………in the newspaper today?
A. new B. news C. old D. young
159. Come in and ………………a seat.
A. do B. give C. have D. sit
160. homework before / You must / do your / watching / TV.
161. What can / headaches? / people see / when they / have
162. Please send an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Nguyen Trai School, a student is hurt.(nghe)
Page 234

163. _ _ _ _ about going to the cinema tonight?

164. What’s her uncle’s job? (nghe)
A. An author B. A banker C. An actor D. A teacher
165. A. event B. enjoy C. experiment D. bell
166. children, mainly boys, / a break. / play marbles / when there is / Some of the
167. She didn’t buy rice and vegetables yesterday and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did we.
168. My brother is 17 years old and he is in _ _ _ _ _ 12.
169. This orange tastes…………….
A. sweetly B. sweety C. sweet D. sweets
170.The…………….is bleeding but she’s still conscious. (nghe) – wound –vết thương
171. Please don’t _ _ _ _ any noise, I’m very tired.
172. David prefers pork ……………. fish.
A. on B. at C. to D. for
173. Do you know the girl …………….to Miss Lien?
A. talk B.talking C. talks D. is talking
174. My sister is a student. She is nine_ _ _ _ years old.
175. My mother takes care of the house and looks …………my baby sister.
A. for B. at C. over D. after
176. Hoa’s new school is different _ _ _ _ her old school in Hue.
177. A boat appeared and …………………..them.(nghe) – rescued
178. These bags are…………than those ones.
A. enpensver B. more expensive
C. more expensiver D. the most expensive
179. The students have got ………….news about their exams.
A. many B. some C. a D. a few
180. We should use ……………… make fertilizer. (nghe) garbage
181. It is only a small car, so there isn’t enough _ _ _ _ for all of us.
182. He wants to learn ……… use the computer.
A. what B. how C. why D. who
183. It _ _ _ _ Mr Lam half an hour to walk to work yesterday.
184. Does your sister _ _ _tice the piano after school.
185. ………………… people need more food? -Because there are more people.
A. What B. Why C. Where D. How
186. …………….time do you spend learning English every day?
A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often
187. My new school is _ _ _ _ _ _ent from the old one.
188. He drove c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and had an accident.
189. My brother is ……………grade 7.
A. at B. in C. on D.of
190. What _ _ _ _ will you leave? – I will leave at 9.
191. What’s ………………lunch? – There is some rice and some beef.
A. for C. to D. at
192. What time…………………..back?
A. is she coming B. comes she
C. she does come D. does she comes
Page 235

193.The teacher tole her not to _ _ _ _ up late.

194. My mother never lets me use the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

195. My sister’s birthday is on _ _ _ ninth of December.
196. Look at _ _ _ _ girl over there.
197. Come on! Let’s go! I’m tired ………………..waiting.
A. to B. for C. in D. of
198. much / Her new bike is / her old one. / expensive than / more
199. from other classes. / with my friends / in the schoolyard / Every Saturday afternoon, /
we play football
200. I have talked to my uncle _ _ _ _ _ he bough a new house in the city centre.

Page 236

1.are / many kinds of plants / in the garden. / and flowers / There
2. Don’t let / the children / play / near / the street.
3. Is your bedroom small _ _ large? – It’s large.
5………….usually learn things from…………
A.Boy / his father B. Boys / his father
C. Boys / their fathers D. The boys / his fathers
6.How……… this pen? – Only 1 dollar.
A. many B. a lot C. more D. much
7.doesn’t / your sister / Why / to school? / ride bike
8. you feel / morning exercise? / doing / How do / after
9.I’m trying ti get in t_ _ _ _ with Jane. Do you have her number?
10.She didn’t buy rice and vegetables yesterday and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did we.
11. A. painter B. winter C. stories D. author
12. Let’s go to the cinema,……..we?
A. will B. can C. shall D. are
13. omelette / without breaking / You can’t / make an / eggs.
14. less time / than my / friend. / to play / I have
15. Can you show me the way to the city court? – Just go straight a_ _ _ _ for one kilo meter
more, remember not to turn left or right.
17. Let’s eat soon, I’m very…………
A. hunger B. hungry C. hungrier D. hungrily
18. I am hungry. I …………..a pizza.
A. want B. wanted C. am wanting D. don’t want
19. They are / the school / rehearsing a / anniversary celebration. / play for
20. pleasure / of life. / the simple / She / enjoys
21. AP_EAR
22. In the evning, he usually eats in a restaurant because he doesn’t like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
23. ……..are you going to have your party? – Tonight in our garden.
A. When time B. What is time C. When D. B and C
24. A. twice B. tennis C. picnic D. skip
25. often lasts / holiday / Our Tet / 2 weeks. / for almost
26. Who went / daughter? / to the / movie theater / with your
Page 237


27. Cows are moving freely across the grassy p_ _ _ _ .

28. Her flat is _ _ _ _ the park. (nghe)
29. Mai usually ……………her lessons in the early evening.
A. studies B. studys C. study D. studying
30. She is………….intelligent than her classmates.
A. much B. more C. fever D. less
31. Walking / gives me / in / pleasure. / the rain
32. What do / do with / factories / waste / and scrap?

33. The hens and cocks live in a _ _ _ _ .

34. What happened next? – A white _ _ _ _ _ _ ran past Alice.

35. The party will start …………5.00…………Monday evening.
A. on / on B. at / in C. at / on D. by / on
36. ………her mobile phone number? – 0912345678.
A. How’s B. What’s C. What D. Which
37. It is / eat supper. / by the / always dark / time we
38. have a / cold. / unpleasant to / common / It’s very
39. I learn many interesting things about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
41. Excuse me. I’d like to………….this letter to the USA.
A. send B. have C. post office D. make
42. What………….they like? – They are very friendly.
A. do B. are C. have D. don’t
43. Lan / teaches / well, / Miss / English
44. mustn’t / during / eat food / You / the class.
45. Lan was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the piano while her sister was reading comics at 7 o’clock
last night. (nghe)

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46. He placed the letter in a d_ _ _ _ _ .

47. What is her first class today? (nghe)
A. Music B. Math C. Arts D. Literature
48. A. soldier B. dinner C. taxi driver D. police man
49. opens / and closes at / Our library / at 6.30 / 11 o’clock.
50. next to / chair / There / is a / the table.
51. What _ _ _ _ will you leave? – I will leave at 9.
53. The train …………at the station.
A. arrives B. leaves C. is arriving D. is leaving
54. May I help you, Madam? -No, thank you. ………….
A. I’m just walking. B. I’m just standing.
C. I’m just sitting D. I’m just looking.
55. and the / men share housework / How much do / with women? / care of children
56. of flowers / bought a lot / for my mother’s / My sister / birthday.
57. A _ _ _ _ _r of workers are on strike.
58. Cindy forgot to _ _ _e her bag with her when she got off the bus.
59.Where did they buy some gifts? - ………….. (nghe)
A. The gift shop B. The souvenir shop C. The book shop D. The CD shop
60. Odd one out: A. swimming pool B. lifeguard C. swimmer D. cyclist
61. Dis she / in that white / dress? / look / pretty
62. stamp club’s / members get / together and talk / about stamps? / When do the
63. The doctor told me to eat more and more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . rau

64. Jenna is interested in learning how to _ _ _ _ dresses.

65. Odd one out: A. vacation B. souvenir C. holiday D. day off
66. A. chance B. chemistry C. chair D. chat
67. Physics. / is / last / Peter’s / lesson
68. guitar and / play the / sing songs. / Mary will / I will
69. Which _ _ _ _ _ are you in? – Class 7A.
70. I want to see cinema with Laura. Did you sit side _ _ side?

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71. You must go to school………..the ages of 5 and 16. It’s compulsory.

A. from B. over C. during D. between
72. A. watch B. want C. bank D. what
73. at home in / Thanks / the warmth. / think I will say / for your offer, but I
74. My bike / is in good / well. / condition and / works
75. I have fewer books _ _ _ _ my classmates.
76. There is a list of all my re_ _ _ _ _ _ _ books at the end of this essay.
77. What is her ………….? – She is Australian.
A. language B. nationality C. country D. city
78. Who is wearing a hat?
A. The man in the red car. B. The man with the red card.
C. The woman in the red car. D. The woman with the red card.
79. took off / Tony / his shoes and / came into / the house.
80. Hue and her parents / Yen, a new / 7A, is from / still live there. / student in class
81. LIT_LE 82. NE_VOUS
83. A watermelon is ………..a lemon.
A. more sweeter than B. much sweeter than
C. less sweeter than D. few time sweeter than
84. People …….for two basic purposes – warmth and decoration.
A. wear usually clothing B. clothing usually wear
C. clothing usually wearing D. usually wear clothing
85. in the / city. / is one of / Our library / the largest
86. at home when / he came. / she wasn’t / says that /She
88. _ _ _ will clean our room tomorrow, Jack? – Robert and David.
89. “Will you be free on Saturday morning?” – “………………”
A. Yes, I won’t. B. No, I will. C. No, I won’t. D. Yes, I do.
90. …………….color do you like? – Purple.
A. Where B. Who C. Why D. What
91. his children. / often spends / most of / his time with / Mr Black
92. to eat sandwich / instead of / hamburger. / I would like

93. Would you like a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? – Yes, please. I’m hungry.

94. Zidane is _ _ _ _ _ the greatest football players in the world.
95. Would you like some pizza, Alice? – No, …………I’m full. Thanks.
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A. I wouldn’t B. I don’t C. I’m not D. I don’t like

96. Lucy need help because he cannot …………..the math problem.
A. solve B. cure C. ask D. dealt
97. broke her arm. / tennis since she / She hasn’t / to play / been able
98. helmets / We must wear / we get / motorbike ride. / when
99. PH_ASE
100. I have a lot of things that I must ………….. with. (nghe)
101. It is twelve o’clock, Mai Anh. Let’s …………home.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. go
102. A. dolphin B. poster C. problem D. hobby
103. wear sunglasses / is very strong / My sister / because the sun / often
104. the morning. / around the / like walking / lake in / My sister
105. PER_OD
106. There was _ _ _h discussion about the reasons for the failure. They talked about that all
the time.
107. They are going to see the temple tomorrow. “See” here means………….
A. look at B. watch C. visit D. pay attention to
108. The world would be safer with……….bombs and ………….hostility.
A. less / fewer B. little / less C. little / fewer D. fewer / less
109. Why / go to / do you / want to / the bank?
110. good teacher. / he / a / She thinks / is
112. Which _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the highest in Vietnam? (nghe) MOUNTAIN
113…… tired after the short trip to the center of the town yesterday evening?
A. Were B. Was C. Did D. Are
114. My younger brother and ………….always go to school together every morning.
A. I B. me C. myself D. my
115. The Tower / of London / I am going / tomorrow. / to visit
116. out / a walk now. / go / I can’t / for
117.Could you ask the driver to slow _ _ _ _ the car a bit, please.
118. Tet holiday is celebrated on the _ _ _ _ _ day of the Lunar New Year.
119. “Learn” has similar meaning to “…………….”
A. think B. rehearse C. study D. return
120. Each of you ……….a share in the work.
A. to have B. have C. having D. has
121. without costume. / perform the play / is waiting, / The audience / but we can’t

122. Having a / interesting. / abroad is / very / vacation

Page 241

123. She is a _ _ _ tired because of this awful weather.
124. Please don’t _ _ _ _ any noise, I’m very tired.
125. My brother and I ……………our grandmother next weekend.
A. visit B. am going to visit C. am visiting D. are going to visit
126. ……………she plays the piano!
A. How beautiful B. How beautifully C. What good D. What well
127. and love. / faces to / Monkeys / show anger / use their
128. do / Never / I go / late. / to school
129. Is the tallest building n the world _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Malaysia? (nghe) LOCATED
130.Margeret …… London last year, but now she……….in Manchester.
A. lives / lives B. lived / lives C. lived / live D. lives / lived
131. It’s difficult for her………………..this Math problem.
A. doing B. to do C. did D. does
132. My family are / of the city. / staying at / a hotel / in the center
133. wants to / some friends to / his birthday party. / invite / Peter
135. On…………….., we often go out.
A. nights of Saturday B. Saturday nights
C. Saturday’s nights D. None is correct
136. Reid is a lorry driver. It means “…………….”
A. He can’t drive a lorry. B. He can drive a lorry.
C. He going to drive a lorry. D. He is driving a lorry.
137. Let’s give Tom a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ welcome party. (nghe)
138. best? / do / subject / you like / Which
139. What are / in the / you going / winter vacation? / to do
140. I’d like to put some things in the hotel _ _ _ _ .(nghe)
141. I want you to stop thinking and moving. Just sit down, _ _ _ _x, and enjoy the movie.
142. Luke’s sister: ……….calling? – This is Daisy’s calling. Can I speak to Luke, please?
A. Who’s B. Who C. What D. What’s
143. Many wild animals are……….danger because of pollution.
A. to B. for C. at D. in
144. daily activities. / very interesting / American students’ / to know about / It is
145. taking / to? / the chairs / Where is / your father
146. What time is it? It is a _ _ _ _ter past four.
147. When it becomes hot, people often feel th_ _ _ _ _ .

148. Nancy’s new dress is totally…………..from her old ones.

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A. similar B. different C. same D. like

149. Please fill ………..these blanks with words.
A. at B. in C. to D. with
150. to Friday. / cycle to / My children / school / from Monday
151. time / It is usually / at this / of year. / much colder
152. It’s very _ _ _ . Let’s go swimming.
153. The room will look brighter if there is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the wall.
154. I tried my ……….not to laugh, but I couldn’t.
A. good B. well C. best D. better
155. Alex’s birthday is on the ………………of July.
A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelfth D. twelf
156. every year? / How many / we visit / the dentist / times should
157. report before / is an / Giving a book / interesting activity. / the class
158. It doesn’t _ _ _ _ _ _ me to walk in the rain. (nghe)
159. FRU_T
160. What can’t man do before? - ………. (nghe)
A. Swim underwater for long. B. Stay underwater for long.
C. Dive underwater for long. D. Breath underwater for long.
161. What are you going to do, Hung and Thao? - ……………
A. Nam and Mai are going to practice their English.
B. We are going to practice our English.
C. They are practicing their English.
D. Yes, we are going to practice our English.
162. six years / Josbua / university. / It took / to finish
163. can pay. / is the great / compliment you / to someone / To listen
164. CIN_MA
165. She is going to get an award for her …………intelligence.
A. extraordinary B. unexpected
C. unusual exceptionally D. fairly
166. You want to know who is calling you, you say:
A. Hello. Who’s are you? B. Sorry. Who’s saying?
C. Excuse me. Who’s speaking? D. Hello. Who is talking.
167. Today / April / is / 2015. / 11 of
168. worse than / The weather / it was / today is / yesterday.
169. My sister’s birthday is on _ _ _ ninth of December.
170. I taught m_ _ _ _ _ to paint.
171. She often receives gifts from friends at Christmas. “Receive” means “………”
A. take B. bring C. show D. get
Page 243

172. His namw is John. He’s from…………

A. American B. America C. English D. Japanese
173. destroying / are burning / the plants. / Those people / forests and
174.Luckily, my / thought my / mother / mistakes was / very funny.
175. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ will meet next Tuesday. (nghe)
176. For lunch, we usually have a salad _ _ soup and sandwich.
177. What did he see? (nghe)
A. A very strong fish. B. A very small fish.
C. A very strange fish. D. A very long fish.
178. A librarian……………..
A. works in a library B. reads in a library
C. plays games in a library D. studies in a library
179. the door / to any strangers. / to open / Tell her / she is not
180. I like to live in the country_ _ _ _ because people there are more friendly.
181. SP_ING
182. Richard had ………… up his studying.
A. any intention of B. no intention of
C. any intention for D. no intention for
183. Lan promises to _ _ _ her best in learning English.
185. You should _ _ in the gyms by 2 p.m to prepare for the competition.
186. The child threw herself to the ground and began to cry her ………out.
A. tongue B. nose C. breath D. eyes
187. Look………that strange man! He is looking ………….Lan but she isn’t here.
A. for / at B. at / for C. at / after D. at / on
189. How far is it _ _ _ _ here to your house?
190. You must turn left heer. “Must” here means……….
A. need B. want C. have to D. had
191. My parents ……….to visit Kuala Lumpur next year.
A. come B. will come C. comes D. to come
192. She knows she plays the piano…………..
A. badly B. good C. great D. wonderful
193. A. away B. banana C. woman D. sugar
194. It’s…………………restaurant in town, The dishes here are very awful.
A. worst B. worse C. word D. world
195. What should children do? (nghe)
A. Be with those of the old age. B. Be with those of their own age.
C. Be with those of other age. D. Be with those of all age.
196. A. author B. always C. bank D.all
197. ………in town, mine is the largest.
A. Of all schools B. All of schools
C. In all the school D. Of all the schools
Page 244

198. Why didn’t Anna go to school last Friday? (nghe)

A. She had a bad coughing. B. She had a bad flu.
C. She had a bad cold. D. She had a bad fever.
199 .A. comfortable B. come C. lovely D. comb

Page 245

1.Does/ Lan/ hours/ than Nga?/ learn more/
2.Please tell/ call again/ after/ eleven./ him I’ll/
3.When is your birthday? -_ _gust 20th .
4.Spread some butter on the bread as thin as _ _ _ _ _ble.
5.We feel…when we have a stomachache.
A/ sneeze B. cough C. painful D. running nose
6.Sugar is not a(an) ….food.
A/ healthy B. unhealthy C. health D. healthily test/ morning./ tomorrow/ I am/ thinking of/
8.I’m not/ a new/ interested/ in finding/job./
9.You will _ _ fine after taking these medicines.
10.If you want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your English, we can help you. ( listen- improve)
11.Every girl ought to learn …………..….to cook.
A/ what B/ when C/ how D/ where
12.………………....comes after August.
A/ July B/ June C/ September D/ October
13.abroad for/ Are you/ next year?/ going/ your vacation/
……………………………………………………………………………………………… take/ this exam./ me/ encouraged / My teacher/
15.A pain in your head is a head_ _ _ _.
16.His father bou_ _ _ him a new schoolbag yesterday.
17.I smiled and ……..….” Hello” to her.
A/ said B/ spoke C/ called D/ tell
18.Which sentence is correct?
A/ It rains heavily now. B/ It rains heavy now
C/ It is raining heavy now. D/ It is raining heavily now.
19.drinking tea in / My father/ his friends is/ along with / the living room./
20.My uncle/ his kids to/ every Sunday./ often takes/ the zoo./
21.I left my wallet at office and I just have few co_ _ _ in my pocket. ( xu)
22.I washed all of the windows on the house from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( listen – outside)
23.Spring is coming and the weather is getting ……
A/ to warmer B/ warmer C/ more warmer D/ warmest
24.……………...? – Five thousand dong, please.
A/ How much is it B/ How about it C/ How many is it D/ How is it
25.information about/ please give/ me some/ Would you/ the train?/
26.didn’t/ The/ his joke./ audience /laugh at/
Page 246

27.She looked at my teeth and told me _ _ _ to worry.

28.She is going to buy a car and a tent to travel all over _ _ _ world.
29.What…they like? – They are very friendly.
A/ do B/ are C/ have D/ don’t
30.Mr.Lam is a firefighter . He has a ……………...job.
A/ difficult B/ careful C/ fast D/ strong reasonable/ prices./ for sale/ have goods/ These shops/
32.older people/ drive/ young people?/ more slowly than/ Do you think/
33.Our party will be from ten o’clock to half _ _ _ _ eleven in the morning.
35.She takes her children out…….
A/ for the walk B. for a walk C. for walk D. walk
36.My little brother ….many cavities because he doesn’t brush his teeth regularly.
A/ get B. has C. does D. takes
37.with/ is filling/ The child/ water./ the hole/
…………………………………………………………..…………………………………. Can you/ show me/ of your/ the rest/
39.Give me something to drink please! I’m dying of _ _ _ _ _ _.
40.Boys like playing marbles or catch while the girls enjoy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rope or chatting.
41.What should game players do?....... ( listen)
A/ Be careful B. Be harmful
C. Be beautiful D. Be skillful
42.Come ….my new house. It’s very nice!
A/ sees B. seeing C. to see D. saw
43.only lasts/ This year/ our Tet/ holiday/ for nine days./
44.They are/and excited / all happy/ comes./ when summer/
45.The boss wants his secretary to _ _ _ _ some letters. ( đánh máy)
46.Many women in Vietnam often stay at home to take care of the house and
look _ _ _ _ _ their children.
47.What did they do last Monday? – They………………….…
A/ play on the beach B. walk on the beach
C. went swimming D. did went to the movies
48.A pilot is the…………..
A/ driver od an airplane B. driver of a bus
C. driver of a coach D. driver of a train
49.something to say./ she has/ My little/ daughter only/ speaks when /
50.with me?/ want to/ go / Do you/ fishing/
51.MATERI_L 52.They are Sammy _ _ _ Leon.
53………..…at those black clouds. It……………..
Page 247

A/ Looking/ is raining B/ Look/ is raining

C. Looks/ is going to rain D. Look/ rains
54.I often……… . ….my friends in front of the school gate.
A/ say B. talk C.speak D. meet
55.vegetables./ favorite/ are my/ Spinach and/ cucumber/
……………………………………………………………………………………………… favourite / not/ sport/ jogging./ Fishing is/
57.Why don’t we _ _ camping this weekend?
58.Don’t be late _ _ _ your important interview next week.
59.Which sentence is correct?
A/ My mother and I go jogging in the early morning.
B/ My mother and I go jogging in the morning early.
C/ My mother and I go jogging in morning early.
D/ My mother and I go jogging the early morning.
60.The city has a ….3.6 millions.
A/ person B. people C. population of D. population’s
61.more/ a writer than/ as a singer./ famous as/ Linda is/
62.won’t be difficult/ Thanks to the/ internet, it / with your friends./ to keep in touch/
63.Where can we cross the road? – Use the _ _ _ _ _ crossing.
64.Every Sunday, his family spends the whole evening _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV.
65.“Slim” means………..…
A. thin B. fat C. strong D. weak
66.Let’s go dancing,………………….?
A. will we B. shall us C. do we D. shall we
67.finish my work./ to spend/ the whole/ evening to / I had/
68.April/ 2015./ is/ 11th of/ Today
69.I don’t like the _ _ _ _ _ _. It’s usually much too cold for me. ( listen- winter)
70.You should take a hot shower right now or you may catch a _ _ _ _.
71.He was only thirteen, but he ate…..his father did.
A/ as much as B. more that C. much than D. as much than
72.I tried …to him but he still misunderstood.
A/ explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explained
73. well but/ speak English/ Jessica can/ English songs. / she can’t sing/
74.good way/ to develop people’s/ knowledge ./ Reading/ books is a/
75.How _ _ _ _ _ do you read an English magazine? – Every month.
76.My school team took _ _ _ _ in the walking competition last year.
77.I will ask the nurse to check my…………..….again.
A/ high B. height C. tall D. weigh
78.What….you do the last time you…..a bad toothache?
Page 248

A/ do- had B. did-have C. did- had D. do- have

79.out/ going/ some coffee now?/ What about/ for/
…………………………………………………………………..………………………… collect/ He began/ years ago./ stamps 5/ foreign/
81.I’m from Great Britain. I’m Bri_ _ _ _ .
82.What is it that _ _ _ _ _ somebody your friend? ( listen – makes)
83.The pineapples are not ripe. ….are the bananas.
A. so B. Either C. Neither d. Both
84.A. horrible B. uniform C. order D. author month/ in London/ last year./ I was/ for/
86.Are milk/ your health?/ good for/ and cheese/
87.She is not the kind _ _ _ _ _ y person. She likes lying in bed and reading books.
88. _ _ _ John and his friends lazy? – No, they work very hard.
89.In almost….towns in England, people know the line- dancing.
A/ all B. every C. many D. of
90.She is often absent from school because of illness. It means she is……
A/ strong B. unhealthy C. fit D. moderate
91.cold two/ caught a/ Ban/ days ago./ terrible/
92.the price/ cooking oil?/ bottle of/ What is / of a/
93.May I help you? – I want a _ _ _ _r of cow milk, please.
94.There is a _ _ _ _ which is walking behind the horses. ( listen – goat)
95.She didn’t do….homework. She was too lazy. A. some B. any C.
few D. many
96.It is twenty- five past……
A/ fifty B. a quarter C. four o’clock D. ten
97.Ashamed/ feel/ What do/ of/ you/
98.Doing / useful for/ our health./ morning exercise / is very/
99.RELIE_E 100.Would you get _ _ the scales , please?
101.A. town B. flow C. now D. cow
102.Change these sentences …………….English, please.
A/ into B. to C. up to D. in
103.with my friends/ in the school yard/ Every Saturday afternoon,/ we play football/ from
other classes./
……………………………………………………………………………….…………. one of/ diseases that/ the infectious/ children get./ Measles/
105.Excuse _ _, where can I buy bread?
106.Every year millions of people ca_ _ _ the common cold.
Page 249

107.She………………here next year.

A. will be B. was C. is D. were
108.Choose the word which has different stress pattern:
A/ orchestra B. campaign C. collection D. appliances
109.for few days./ No matter./ What you do,/ your cold/ will last/
110.a cup of coffee/ after breakfast/ She/ drinks / sometimes/
111.Are you free _ _ Sunday morning?
112.A runny nose is a symptom of a _ _ _ _.
113.He was absent from work because …..illness.
A/ the B. an C. for D. of
114.I will need …………………….about this machine before I make a final decision.
A/ a little information B. a little informations
C. few information D. few informations
115.actions./ more/ Unlike the/ novels,/ films show/
116.million./ has a/ around 250 / The United States/ population of/
117.Never should you w_ _ _ _ your food.
118.My brother looks quite thin _ _ _ he is strong.
119.We have a day off. Let’s go to the beach, shall…..?
A/ us B. our C. we D. we’re
120.Which word is stressed on the second syllable?
A/ idea B. citadel C. sometimes D. weekend
121.did you/ morning?/ get to / work yesterday/ What time/
…………………………………………………………………………………………….. tests./ very hard/ He usually/ before/
123.I’d rather stay at home _ _ _ _ work for him.
124.Tan helps me a lot _ _ _ _ my homework.
125…………..…come to the party last week ?- Because I was busy.
A/ Why don’t you B. Why wasn’t you
C. Why weren’t you D. Why didn’t you
126.Hung and Hieu are ……………....
A. a student B. an student C. student D. students
127.cakes and / drink tea/ coffee shop ./in a / We eat/
128.last year?/ go to/ did you/ How often/ the stadium/
129.Edison’s most famous invention was the electronic _ _ _ _.
131.A/ tool B. tooth C. door D. boots
132.A/ flower B. shower C. window D. town
133.have/ like to/ Would you/ lemon tea?/ a cup of /
Page 250

134.Some students / are following/ to the/ video room./

135.I spend two hours _ _ _ _ day doing my homework.
136.His neigh _ _ _ is a dressmaker.

137.You don’t need to buy anything for your room. It is…………..….

A/ boring B. delicious C. awful D. furnished
138.Take a deep …..and then go to sleep .
A/ breath B. breathe C. breathing D. breather
139.each day/ It takes her/ two hours/ her homework./ to do /
140.a yellow cat./ a bench/ sat on/Benny/ with/
141.Jane leaves me a _ _ _e of thanks for my present.
142.The factory workers work from seven in the morning _ _ _ _ l five in the afternoon.
143.Odd one out: A. classroom B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer
144.My brother is 1.7 meters….. I’m much shorter than him.
A/ high B. height C. tall D. long
145.holding/ The chairman/ another meeting/ next week./ suggested /
146.the three./ of / This book/ is the most/ interesting/
147. _ ORLD
148.In a game of singles, two players play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each other.
149.What’s your new teacher…? – She’s very pretty.
A/ like B. likes C. liking D. would like
151.Can she ….a car? A. drives B. driving C. drive D. drove
152.the No.5/ What will/ you get to/ Highway?/ you do when/
……………………………………………..………………………………………………. go/ Do you/ with me?/ shopping/ want/
154.She bought some souvenirs _ _ _ _ the shop and so did I .
155.Nam: What do you call the time between afternoon and night?
Jane: It’s the _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
156.Jakes wakes up………………....
A/ early morning B. early in morning
C. the early morning D. early in the morning
157.What does Lan hate? ……. ( listen )
A/ the busy roads B. the noise and the busy roads
C/ The busy roads’ noise D. the noisy roads
158.your/ flight/ Remember/ to check/ numbers./
159.favourite work./ On Wednesday/ and Friday I / It was my/ planted trees./
160.She likes not _ _ _ _ English but also French.
161.She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ many of her old friends to her birthday party on Saturday.
Page 251

162.Choose the word which has different stress pattern:

A/ holiday B. public C. patient D. select
163.She is going to see Ngoc Son temple. We can replace “ see” by “…………”.
A/ watch B/ visit C. look D. travel
164.on TV./ football matches/ watching important/ People in/ Britain enjoy/
165.It _ _ _ _ _ the boy three hours a day to learn the lesson.
166.Should I take p_ _ _ in our youth organization ? I want to do something useful in my free
167.What could man do after the invention of breathing equipment? ( listen )
A/ Man could breathe freely underwater.
B. Man could swim freely undersea
C/ Man could swim freely underwater
D. Man could breathe freely in the swimming pool
168.Why don’t we go out for dinner _ _ night?
169.He is of the same age _ _ me.
170.Listen and tick:
A. Today I go to the library and borrow some story books.
B. Today I go to the library and chose some scary books.
C. Today I go to the library and choose some story books.
D. Today I goes to the library and chooses some story books.
171.Thank you very much. - ……………………….
A/ You welcome B. Yours truly C. My pleasure D. Never mine
172.I was so tired , so I had a glass of ……… ( listen – lemonade)
174.Our new car is smaller, so it uses …..petrol.
A/ more B. fewer C. less D. little
175.She knows she plays the piano…..
A/ badly B. good C. great D. wonderful
177.Tom: What’s there in the bowl? – Loan: There is a lovely golden _ _ _ _ ( ca’)
178.The children are playing….in the park.
A/ catch B. blindman’s bluff C. hide-and –seek D. marbles
179.….seeing beautiful sites, visitors enjoy traditional food.
A/ According to B. Together C. Apart D. As well as
180._ _ _ _ _ I carry that luggage for you?- Thanks.
181.We say “ chicken c_ _ _” and “ buffalo shed”.
182.……………?- Black. And it is very long.
A/ What color are her lips B. What color is her hair
C/ What color are her teeth D. What color are her hair
183.He has a garage. The garage is ……..…
A. him B. of him C. his D. of his
184.“ Repair” has similar meaning to “ _ _ _”.
185.My grandmother always feels h_ _ _ _ ( vui)

186……………..…his friends are over 50 years old.

Page 252

A. Little B. A lot C. Most D. Most of

187.Tom: What does your mother do?- Mary:……………..….
A/ She is cooking B. She is a cook
C. She works hard D. Well, she is nice
188.How much does it _ _ _ _ to mail a letter to England?
189.How many times in a day do you brush your _ _ _ _ _?

190.She is lying on the beach…the sun.

A/ on B. under C. above D. below
191.Do you want some ……these cakes?
A/ to B. of C. with D. on
192.What’s your nation_ _ _ _ _ ? – I’m Japanese.
193.His father has some ……….…..problems two months ago.
A/ health B. healthy C. healthily D. unhealthy
194.There are ……….…flowers in the vase.
A/ a little B. little C. some D. lot of
195.What does Peter learn?............... ( listen)
A/ He learns how to commerce B. He learns how to use the poster
C/ He learns how to use the calculator D. He learns how to use the computer.
196.These trees produce ………..…fruits than those.
A. many B. less C. little D. fewer
197.I want an ice cream.- I want an ice cream,………..
A. either B. too C. neither D. so
198.Listen and tick :
A/ Ho Chi Minh city is more convenient than Hai Phong city.
B/ Ho Chi Minh city is more modern than Hai Phong city.
C/ Ho Chi Minh city is more modern than Ha Noi.
D/ Ho Chi Minh city is more convenient than Ha Noi.
199.Which word has different stress pattern?
A. cavity B. useful C. typical D. neglect
200.It’s my birthday tomorrow. Don’t forget!- No, I….
A/ don’t B. would C. won’t D. aren’t

Page 253

1………….….class are you in?
A. what B. Whose C. How D. Where
2………..…is he?
A. which B. what C. Whom D. Who
3.Choose the word that has the different stress pattern:
A. awful B. comfortable C. delicious D. dryer
4.Can I have your ……………....? – Sure. It’s 0438262019.
A. telephone B. telephone home
C. telephone number D. telephone directory
5.Peter can swim and …………….... his sister
A. too can B. so can C. can so D. can too
6.……the student go home after school.
A. a lot B. some C. No D. all
7.Choose the word that has the different stress pattern:
A. campaign B. experiment C. atlas D. appliance
8.Tuan is in class 7B and so ……..…..
A. is she B. she is C. is her D. her is
9.My teacher’s name ……….. Mai. She comes from Hue
A. are B. am C. aren’t D. is
10.“What time will it start?” also means:…………………
A. What will it start? B. Will it start?
C. How will it start? D. When will it start?
11.I don’t want ………………. tonight.
A. to go B. go C. goes D. going
12.We go to the ….to buy some snacks and drinks.
A. cafeteria B. library C. bookshop D. stadium
13.I’m very ……………… to see you again.
A.pleasing B. pleased C. interested D. interesting.
14.I’d like ………... pieces of cake, please!
A. one B.a C. the D. two
15.Many thanks ………….your letter. I’m glad to hear ……………you.
A. to/to B. for/from C. for/ for D. in/ from
16.What do they often do in the afternoon?(nghe)
A. do their homework B. play video games C. play badminton D. go to school
17.My new house is ….than my old house.
A.big B. biger C. more bigger D. bigger
18.I …….. they…….busy now. I won’t call them. working/ are B.know/ are being
C. know/ are D.know/do
19.Choose the word that has the underline part pronounced differently:
A.delicious B. different C.refrigerator D. like
20.They have………….interesting games.
A.much B. any C.a lot of D. a lots of
21.Excuse me, can you tell me…? – sorry, I don’t know
A.the way the bus station B.the way bus station
Page 254

C.the way come to the bus station D. the way to the bus station
22.…………… it from your house to the zoo? – About 2 kilometrers
A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How far
23.(Listen c) Listen and tick
A. Eat much, exercise and you will be fat and wealthy.
B. Eat well, do your exercises and you will be fit and healthy.
C. Eat well, exercise and you will be fit and healthy
D. eat less, do your exercise and you will be fit and healthy.
24.The picture is more ……………………than that one.
A. expensive B. more expensive C. cheap D. cheapest
25.…………grade are you in? – I’m in grade 8
A. what’s B. Which C. How D.Where

26.She’s ……………….clothes now.

A.washing B.folding C.ironing
27.Is Lan …………………Math now? B.studys C. studies D.studying
28.Ba runs …………...than I do.
A.more fast B. more faster C. fast D. faster
29.“Let’s play volleyball” means “…………………”
A. We play volleyball B. Is playing volleyball your pastime?
C. What about playing volleyball? D. Why do we play volleyball?
30.Who is the………...person in your family? – My brother
A.tall B. taller C.tallest D.the tallest
31.My brother and I often …TV in the living room. B.watching watching
32.I am interested ………….. those picture.
A.on D.of
33.James is badly ill. He ………….to the hospital.
A.needs going B. needs to go
C. is needing to go D. does need going
34.Which sentences is correct?
A. our school is one largest school in the city
B. Our school is one of the largest schools in the city.
C. Our school is one of the largest school in th city
D. Our school is one of the large school in the city.
35._ _ _ _ morning, how are you?- I’m very well.
36. Where do/your family/members/to watch TV?/often gather
37.She never touches ……
A.healthy B.unhealthy C.good D.delicious
38.I think she looks …..

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A.happy B.happily happy be happy

39.What’s your daughter’s _ _ _ _? – she’s Kate.
41.the youngest/of our school’s/ Benny is/football team./member
42.miss her much/ I will/ when she/moves to/ a different school.
43.What lesson did he have in the morning?
A. Maths B. Music C Art D. P.E
44.He can buy everything. He has ……………….money.
A.many B.a lot of C.few D.much
46.I take great care of my _ _ _ _ _. (nghe )
47.kilometers/She/a day./5/ jogs
48.the mountain./from our house/five kilometers/to/ It’s
49.Life in the city is ……..….different from that in the countryside.
A.many B.much C.a lot D. lots
50. Her mother is a doctor. She takes care ………….…sick people.
A.of B. about C. for D. in
51.How _ _ _ _ _ do you visit your grandparents, Tien? – Every month.
52.No one can work all day long, and all _ _ _ _ _ long.
53.badminton/sometimes/ He/ plays/ in the morning.
54. Trying hard/ to do/ I am/question./this math
55.The New Year party ……………….. miss Loan’s.
A.will be on B.will be C.will be at D.will be in
56. She always helps old people with their ………….and…………... B.go shopping/ go cleaning cleaning D. shops/cleans
58.We _ _ _ _ badminton every afternoon.
59. John’s/ my school/than/is nearer/ the local hospital
……………………………………………………………………………..……………….. Wall/ of China?/the /How long
61.It’s raining heavily and I can’t go out. What an …..….day!
A.good C.nice D.awful
62.Hoang is better …………….... maths than I am.
A. to C.with D.on
63.Please don’t _ _ _ _ any noise. I’m very tired. 64.ELE_TRIC.
65.swimming/He/ doesn’t go/the weekend./on

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66.English/ classmate./new/This is/our

67.Would you like …………… my house for lunch? come B.come C.coming D.comes
68.My …………..…is on May 25 . of birth of birth C.dates of birth D.birth day
70.Nam is not spor_ _ because he never plays any sports.’t/ at the moment.
72.are for/ Many/entertainment/ teenagers./kind of
73.…..don’t you come to my house? – Ok. Let’s go.
A.Let’s B.Why C. When D.What
74.My parents _ _ _ teachers.
75._ _ _ _ _ aren’t many students in Hoa’s school.
76.Come /and/in/seat./have/a ………………………………………………..…………….. there/ elderly people./ are more/ People are/ living longer
78.A: I don’t like reading books. B: ……………………
A.I do, too B.So I do C.I do neither D.I don’t, either.
79.What is the most popular sport in the United States?- …………....(nghe)
A.Basketball B.Football C.Volleyball D.Baseball
80.Children should go _ _ bed early.
81.The teacher asks the class to ans_ _ _ all the questions.
82.In AD 79 by/ Pompeii was/ completely destroyed/ Mount Vesuvius./an eruption of
83.What/ you do/in/do/your free time?
84.his friends/ about movies./often get together/to talk/ He and
85.I sometimes listen to music …..…my free time. C.on D. of
86.Peter’s mother gives him 50 notebooks. He now has ….notebooks
A.some B.lots C. a lot of D.few
88.Mai …………….…in Hue. B.lives live D. living
89.“still” is an ……….. of time.
A.noun B.adverb C.adjective D.word
90._ _ _ _ Lan, Hoa is a very keen student.
91.My father knows how _ _ use the computer.
92.How many/ late?/ days a week/ centre open/ does the sports

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94.the light?/turn on/ Could/ you please

………………………………………………………………………….…………………… a/bit/tired./I
96.I go to school by bike and so ……………..….Ha. B. does C. is
97.Hoang runs ……than me. He is the ….student in my class. B.more fast/fastest C.faster/fastest D. faster/more fast
98.Relax for some minutes and you’ll _ _ _ more comfortable.
100.after / school./ play soccer/ I/ usually
……………………………………………………………………….…………………….. Let’s/ go / center./ the amusement
102.……………....are you doing? – I am cooking.
A. Where B. Which C. What D.How
103.How many …… you want? – A dozen.
A. noodles oil C. carrot D.eggs
105.Amy _ _ _ _ shopping with her mother every Sunday.
106.Where / the/ is/ book?/ nearest ………………………………………….
107.The show/ of the country./from different parts/ six contestants/ feature
108.The Japanese ……….…eating healthy food, for example, fish and vegetables. B.are liking C. likes D. loves
109.A bus station is a piece that we can …………. foods movies C. wait for the bus D.send letters
110.What time is it? – It’s a _ _ _ter past four.
111.We’re playing hide - _ _ _ -seek.
112.or not?/ Does Jane / enjoy/always/ a pleasant evening ……………………..
113.don’t forget/ go out./ before you/all the lights/ to switch off
114.. She is a _ _ _ tired because of this awful weather.
115._ _ _ _ is your name? – My name is Lam.
116.What should we _ _ on Saturday evening?
117.will mail/ his pen pal./his letter/Trung/ to Bruce
118.mistakes in/ his composition./ made/no/ He has
119.A.dynamite B.terrify C.symbol D.deny
120.We need more players. Why ….you come along? B. are C.aren’t D.don’t
122.Who is _ _ _ best student in your class?
Page 258

123.learning/Are you/ Geography?/ interested/ in

………………………………………………..……………………………………………. for/ I want/ me./ helping/ to thank
125……………………...will attend the meeting tonight.
A. Many my mother’s friends B. Many of my mother’s friends
C. Many my mother friends D. Many my mother’s friend
126.Could you help me ………….the wasing up?
A. about B. for C of D with
127.We look _ _ the new words in the dictionary.
128.The armchairs aren’t far from the television. They are _ _ _ _ the TV.
129.the housework/Lan/ often/ after dinner./does ………………………………………….
130.They/ next month./ Brazil/ will fly/ to …………………………………………………….
131.Some friends will …….…the party at 10 pm.
A. leaves B. to leave C. leaving D. leave
132.………..….visiting Ha Long Bay? – That’s a good idea.
A. How about B. Let’s C. What about D. A&C are correct
133.The attractions in Vietnam range _ _ _ _ the stunning Ha Long Bay to the massive sand
dunes of Mui Ne.
134.We walked to the nearest restaurant from 8 o’clock to 9 o’clock. It _ _ _ _ _ us an hour
to get there.
135.I prefer/ work late/ staying at/ home with me./ to talking work
136.The park/ my house is / quiet./ near/ large and
137.There …………..…..many books in our library. C.are D.have
138.miss her much/I will/when she/moves to/ a different
school ..........................................................................................................................................
139.It’s raining heavily and I can’t go out. What an…………….!
A.good C.nice D.awful They/ playing/aren’t/at the
moment. ......................................................................................................................................
141.are for/Many/entertainment/teenagers./kinds
of ................................................................................................................................................
142.......don’t you come to my house? – Ok, let’s go.
A.Let’s B.Why C.When D. What
143.American students take part ..... different activities at recess.
A.on B. At D.for
144.Are Barbara and her sister talking _ _ the phone now?
145.People work on a farm are called _ _ _ _ _ _.
Page 259
PRACTICE IOE 5 a hospital/the city./works/in/He

147.are/my father’s/ watching/ newmotobike.
/They ...........................................................................................................................................
148.Some scientists spend most of their lives ……………… rocks.
A.looking B.look look D. Looked
149.Nam is ……………
A.tall than B.more tall C.taller D.taller than
150.Mary is the only child _ _ her parents.
151._ _ _ _ _ racks have magazines and those have newspapers.
152.It’s very/ to help/housework./kind of you/with
my ...............................................................................................................................................
153.Talk/ for/hours./ on the phone/ She isn’t going
to ..............................................................................................................................................
154.How is playing game in the amusement cantre?- ……………. (Nghe) – expensive cooking dinner? Mary is
A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. Whom
156.He is fond of travelling by _ _ _ _ _ so he can admire the sight along the railway.
157.The book is open in _ _ _ _ _ of her on the desk.
158.this present./will/ I hope/you/love
159.want/ Why does/ to be/ an
engineer?/Phillip .........................................................................................................................
160.I’d like ................., please.
A. Some beef B. Some beefs C.a beef D. Many beef
161.Which sentence is correct?
A. It rains heavily now. B. It rains heavy now
C.It is raining heavy now. D. It is raining heavily now.
162.Tomorrow is her birthday. She ………………. some friends.
A.invites invite C. will invite D. inviting
163.She would like _ _ _ _ _ juice.
164.Flowers and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are popular gifts on Christmas Day.
165.The scientists/ when a/ erupt nowadays./ volcano will/ can know
166.they have/ breakfast?/ time/ do/ What
167.There are many ….transport in Hanoi.
A.mean B. means C. means of D. mean of
168.What lesson does Sandy have every Tuesday after school?
A.guitar B. violin C.piano D. cello
169._ _ _ _ _ is this pencil?- It’s Mary’s.
170.Sarah is waiting for her parents at a bus _ _ _ _. a bike/ with me?/ ride/ will
Page 260

172.Toan is …video games.

A.interest in playing B. interested in playing
C. interesting in playing D. interesting for playing
173.There are ……syllables in the word “supermarket”
A.two B.three C.four D.five
174.Our house is older _ _ _ _ any other house in the living centre.
175.I am interested in learning e_ _ _tions in Maths.
176.your/ exercise book./the answers/in/ Write ……………………….
177.young people/ Many/ to look for/ go to the city/ work.
178.There is a park ….of our school. the left B. next to C. between D. near
179.I hope the party will ………………….interesting. B. are C. to be
180.Students take _ _ _ _ in many activities at recess.
181._ _ _ does Nam have a toothache? – Because he eats too many cakes. taller/ than/ Nam/ any students/ in his class.
183.often/ I / pictures/ myself./ draws
184.Keep silent please! My students are ………….….!
A.taking exam B. exam taking
C. an exam taking D. taking an exam
185.I live ………………..… 120 Dai Co Viet street.
A. at B. on D. of
186.My father likes jogging, and _ _ does my mother.
187._ARKET like/ Would/ some/ tea?
189.She’s/ in/ talking to Pike/ a/ friendly way.
190……….….? – He’s over 80 years old.
A.How old is grandfather of you? B. How old is your grandfather?
C. How old is yours grandfather? D. How old is you’re grandfather?
191.There ……………..….two wooden tables in my house. B. are C. will D. am
192.Most children are scared _ _ seeing in the dentist. in/ an/ in town./ apartment / I
…………………………………………………………………………………………..…. backache./ you carry/ help/ these boxes with/ I can’t
195.She eats ………….….. Fruit for breakfast.
A.some B. a few C.a little D. many
196.Planting …………..….trees can make the environment greener.
A. much B. little C.a D. a lot of
Page 261

198.You can use a phone _ _ _ _ to make a phone call.
199.A. nice B. uncle C. office D. distance
200.Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or _ _ _ _ _ February.
1.Would you / me / your / please lend / compass?
2. contest. / She said / she was / in the rice-cooking / interested
3. What time does Mr Hung have lunch? - He _ _ _ lunch at seven.
4. Bre_ _ _ _ _ _ is the meal we have in the morning.
5. Miss Ngoc often goes to the …………………... to buy foods.
A. post office B. market C. theatre D. bus stop
6. My funny story made the whole class ..................................
A. smile B. laughing C. laugh D. crying
7. these animals / People / a day. / feed / twice
8. has / eight / hundred / How’s collection / stamps.
9. Which _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ does he speak? He speaks English.
10. Where do they live? They live _ _ France.
11. A. drought B. ought C. brought D. bought
12. Do you ........................... my turning the TV on now?
A. mind B. disapprove C. want D. object
13. soon. / expected that / the strike /will end / It is
14. in the same / I am / working / tired of / place.
15. What time _ _ they go to school? - 7 o’clock
16. What is your ..............................Hoa? - It’s Nguyen.
A. full name B. name C. family name D. address
17. You’d / eat / meat. / too much / better not
18. He has / in his / mistakes / made no / composition.
19. Excuse me. _____ can I buy a map? In a bookshop over there.
20. _ _ _ _ do you go jogging? - At 6.
21. The letter arrived ……………..... post.
A. by B. with C. through D. from
22. go camping / this Sunday? / Shall we / in / Ba Vi
23. I had bread / This morning / and drank / for breakfast. / milk
24. Could you show me _ _ _ to do this exercise? - Sure!
25. _ _ _ does your mother travel to work? - By bus.
26. at sunset? / watch / want to / the sky / Do you
Page 262

27. seeing / her sister. / She is / looking / forward to
28. My brother is a bus _ _ _ _ _ _ .
29. He was only thirteen, but he ate ...................... his father did.
A. as much as B. more than C. much than D. as much than
30. It is fun to camp in the forest, but it is very important to know how to …....... nature clean
before we leave.
A. give B. get C. keep D. take
31. words. / ways of / learning / There are / many different
32. We / delivered / our mall / yesterday. / got
33. Her lips _ _ _ not full. They’re thin.
34.Stress: A. important B. chemistry C. history D. different
35. There are two restaurant in the town and …………....... of them are extremely old.
A. each B. all C. both D. most
36. of the police / the post office / in front / station? / Is
37. have enough / warm clothes / to wear. / food to eat and / Children don’t
38. The first a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ went into space about 40 years ago, and some people went to
the moon about 8 years later.
39. I wish you ..................... stop correcting every word I say.
A. should B. will C. would D. could
40. homework. / with / Mary / her / is busy
41. free time playing / part of their /electronic games. / spend only a small / Children should
42. Do you have _ _ _ bananas? No, I don’t
43. We have lots _ _ rain, so the country is very green.
44. .......................... from your house to the museum?
A. How far is B. How far it is C. How far is it D. How it is far
45. heart / You don’t / this poem. / learn by / have to
46. I used / with / butterflies / my sister. / to chase
47. Let’s go to the post _ _ _ _ _ _ . I need to send some letters.
48. Is your birthday on Ja_ _ _ _ _ ? No, it’s on May.
49. Would you like ………………… a cartoon with us tonight?
A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watches
50. on advertising / every day. / People / money / spend a lot of
51. English / like / man. / He speaks / an English
Page 263

52. Are there any flowers in your garden? Yes, _ _ _ _ _ are.

53. He isn’t fat. He is _ _ _ _ .
54. She advised me ......................... an apple everyday to stay healthy.
A. eating B. to eat C. I should eat D. please, eat
55. A. chicken B. couch C. orchestra D. change
56. She was / by her mother / for going out / punished yesterday / without permission.
57. candies because they are / for your teeth. / not eat too many / not good / You had better
58. Which _______ does Lanh play? She swims and plays badminton.
59. The meat of a pig is ..............................
A. beef B. pork C. chicken D. lamb
60. far. / The singer / three albums / has had / so
61. soon got / travelling to / Mr Ba / used to / work by bicycle.
62. I would like _ can of soda.
63. The sign says “Stop”, so we _ _ _ _ not go straight ahead.
64. “Was the competition a success?” “Yes, .............. people took part in it than usual”.
A. more B. fewer C. less D. many
65. my sister’s. / different from / school / My sister’s / isn’t
66. of modern equipment / everything / years ago. / People did / without the help
67. She is _ _ _ _ _ aerobics.
68. What _ _ _ _ _ _ is her hair? - It’s black.
69. My parents like fish, but .........................
A. so do I B. neither do I C. I do too D. I don’t
70. Lan did not know the world. Tomy didn’t ………………....
A. so B. neither C. either D. too
71. at the party. / my house / girl near / The little / sings beautifully
72. of good / in the city / has thousand / books. / The public library
73. _ _ _ _ is your name? - My name is Nga.
74. I like bears, but my little sister likes ele_ _ _ _ _ _ .
75. He practices .......................... English everyday with his friends.
A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. speaks
76. Children / the world. / Sundays on / don’t go to / school on
77. in / Everybody / can / this contest. / take part
78. Why does the world need more food? Because there’re _ _ _ _ people.
79. When they _ _ _ _ children, they often played with together.
80. His idea is quite different ................... mine.
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A. with B. of C. on D. from
81. Some scientists spend most of their lives .................... at rocks.
A. look B. looking C. looked D. to look
82. the medicine. / very worried / after / He became / taking
83. It is / at the / difficult to / learn two languages / same time.
84. How _ _ _ _ are they going to stay? - They’re going to stay for a week.
85. She is from France. She speaks _ _ _ _ _ _ .
86. A. unit B. migrant C. habit D. sink
87. Electronic / must be careful. / but players / games / are good fun
88. in front of / building / my house. / a ten-floors / There is
89. Why do you want to go to the market? Be_ _ _ _ I want to do some shopping.
90. _ _ _ is in the living room? - Bin is in the living room.
91. Mai is very ..................... in computers.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestedly
92. His mother wouldn’t ........................ her ride a bicycle.
A. allow B. permit C. let D. accept
93. My Dad / has / vacation./ always / a three-week
94. Mr Lam is / a face-mask / now wearing / to protect him / from breathing in dust.
95. He _ _ _ swim but I can’t.
96. This sign says “No right turn”. We must _ _ _ turn right.
97. My sister has a ................... summer vacation.
A. five-weeks B. five-week’s C. five weeks’ D. five-week
98. Nam is ....................... boy in my class.
A. the shorter B. the shortest C. shortest D. shorter
99. on the scale / Hoa is / at the moment. / measuring her height / and weighing
100. a bottle of / cost? / cooking oil / How much / does
101. Behind the tall trees, there are moun_ _ _ _ _ .
102. How _ _ _ _ is your summer vacation? - It often lasts for 3 months.
103. You should be careful when playing games, video games can be …………......
A. addicting B. addictive C. addiction D. addicted
104. ................. the time you reached the station, they were playing games.
A. On B. At C. In D. By
105. today. / necessary to finish / It isn’t / the work
106. you doing / occurred? / the storm / What were /when
107. What about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ football? - It’s a nice idea.
108. Hung lives _ _ _ _ his uncle and aunt.
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109. What about ....................... to the movie theatre tonight?

A. go B. to go C. is going D. going
110. the width / the / What is / of / West Lake?
111. to work / hour walking / Mr Hoang / spent half an / yesterday.
112. When it’s hot, Bach goes _ _ _ _ ming.
113. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are four _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a year.
114. Of the two girls, Nga is ............................
A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the more beautiful D. the most beautiful
115. my younger brother and / sister when / I used to / look after / my parents were at work.
116. play / often do / How / sports? / Jack and Tom
117. Mike prefers detective stories .......................... science fictions.
A. than B. to C. from D. as
118. Gold was / California / in the / 19 century. / discovered in
119. to / badminton / prefers / My sister / soccer.
120. I often _ _ _ dressed at 7 o’clock.
121. How _ _ _ _ books are there? - There’re 3 books.
122. Would you like to see a movie with me? - ......................
A. No, OK B. Yes, I’d love to C. Yes, please D. Yes, but I can’t come.
123. question. / This is / the same / the fifth time /you have asked
124. The servant / looks / after / children. / my
125. My mother doesn’t like apple j_ _ _ _ much.
126. What’s his _ _ _ ? - He’s a doctor.
127. She needed ...................... these postcards to her friends.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. send
128. borrow books regularly. / The public library / in the city / has thousand of books / and
Lan begins to
129. tropical / grow rice / They / countries. / in
130. Mrs. Mai is a nurse and she works at the village’s hos_ _ _ _ _ .

131. I’m going to the lunch room. - Yes, ………….........

A. I am B. you are C. me too D. I do
132. Some people are used to .................... in crowed buses, and don’t mind it at all.
A. riding B. ride C. rode D. rides
133. is the / as / My book / yours. / same
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134. happy. / their best / to keep / the family / They do
135. I like iced tea. It’s my fa_ _ _ _ _ _ _ drink.
136. John is looking .................. an apartment in Hanoi for his family.
A. at B. after C. for D. forward
137. about Yoga / for medical / problems. / He read / a book
138. at a / worked as an engineer / printing factory. / Last year / my brother
139. What is the weather _ _ _ _ in the spring? It’s sunny.
140. Lan did not know the world. Hoa didn’t, _ _ _ _ _ _ .
141. The news on TV last night ............... very good.
A. was B. has C. were D. be
142. Pupils have .......... vacations than students.
A. few B. fewer C. a few D. more
143. train / plane. / Going by / going by / is cheaper than
144. Do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Lan? - Yes, I do. I like peas and beans.
145. His father works on the farm in the country_ _ _ _ .
146. Susan looked very ......................... when I told her the news.
A. happy B. happily C. unhappiness C. happiness
147. How do you _ _ _ _ _ your name? - N-G-A
148. Mr Nam .......................... to work yesterday.
A. wasn’t drive B. not drive C. didn’t drove D. didn’t drive
149. Does Nam play soccer ….................... recess?
A. in B. on C. at D. with
150. What is in _ _ _ _ _ of your house? - It’s a tree.
151. Is there any milk? No, There isn’t _ _ _ milk.
152. John enjoys ............. tennis.
A. playing B. play C. played D. to play
153. A. lunar B. mark C. arrange D. sugar
154. At an intersection, you must _ _ _ _ down.
155. How many pets a_ _ there in your family?
156. Mr Lam usually .......................... vegetables on his farm.
A. grows B. meets C. plays D. raises
157. ............... we saw surprised us.
A. Which B. What C. That D. Thing
158. He is talking _ _ his father about fishing.
159. How do you _ _ _ _ , John? - I’m thirsty.

160. Nam’s character is different ................. his father’s.

A. from B. with C. to D. in
161. Mom, I would like _ _ _ _ coffee. Here you are.
162. In ........................... , we do some experiments.
A. Maths B. History C. Physic D. English
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163. When I was a boy, I ..................... tea to coffee.

A. prefer B. preferred C. prefers D. preferring
164. A. add B. affect C. amount D. appointment
165. The boss wants his ………………….... to type some letters.
A. secretary B. novelist C. journalist D. musician
166. ..................... coffee without milk is your?
A. The B. An C. A D. It
167. A. tribe B. limestone C. victim D. giant
168. Could you show me the way ........................... the railway station please?
A. near to B. at C. next D. to
169. Every girl ought to learn ........................... to cook.
A. what B. when C. how D. where
170. those / for? / you buying / What are / flowers
171. Is the man / your sister’s / husband? / over there
172. Please keep our country clean. We shouldn’t leave our _ _ _ _ _ on the street.
173. spend a / on their holiday? / going to / lot of money / Are they
174. He never _ _ _ _ fishing in winter. He stays home.
175. A jellyfish doesn’t have a skeleton. (jellyfish: con sứa)
176. What did you have ...... breakfast this morning?
A. with B. for C. to D. over
177. Why don’t we go for a picnic?
A. That’s a good idea. B. Yes, please.
C. No, thanks. D. Thank you. I won’t.
178. Listen: It’s easier than you think to grow __________.
179. Why do you learn English?- Because it’s i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for my studies.
180. “..................” Mai is friendly and hard-working.
A. What does Mai look like? B. What do you think of Mai?
C. How’s Mai today? D. What does mai like?
181. Stress: A. Australia B. Vietnam C. Japan D. England
182. What p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did you see last night?
- I saw “ MasterChef Junior” on Fox Life Channel.
183. Did you enjoy your trip?- Yes, of course. I had a w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time.
184. Where ……………… last Sunday?
A. did B. was C. were D. do
185. How does he usually go to school?- ........
A. He usually go to school by bus. B. He cycles usually to school.
C. He usually walks to school. D. He usually goes to school by foot.
186. Taekwondo, the national sport in South Korea, is the most popular ______ art in the

187. You should wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when going out at noon.

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188. A. houses B. horses C. rises D. chooses

189. _ _ _’s the weather today?- It’s cold.
190. He spent last summer _ _ doing a research on animals.
191. Are you going to the swimming pool?

Remember to bring your _______

192. She can sing beautifully. She can dance, _ _ _.
193. When is Vietnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ce Day?- It’s on September 2nd.

194. The little child likes to sits on his father’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

195. The supermarket is _ _ _ _ _ _ the post office.
196. You must stop if the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ light turns red.
197. While Vietnamese is our mother _ _ _ _ _ , English is a foreign language.

198. There are all the colours of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in white lights.

199. When will the English Singing Contest be?- it’s on F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20th.
200. Christmas Day is on December twenty- _ _ _ _ _.

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