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Mental Health Case: David Carter, Part 2

Guided Re8lection Questions

Opening Questions
How did the simulated experience of David Carter’s case make you feel?

It made me feel as if I was actually interac=ng with a real pa=ent with schizophrenia. It is slightly
in=mida=ng naviga=ng through the assessments and interven=ons when dealing with mental illness
mainly because so many factors are subjec=ve. I feel that these simula=ons really help geCng familiar
with asking ques=ons and looking for cues from the pa=ents that will further aid in the treatment

Talk about what went well in the scenario.

On my second aGempt in the scenario I felt that I had a beGer understanding of the order that I should
be asking ques=ons and educa=ng pa=ents on the process of the treatment plan. I also felt I was able to
deliver the empathe=c comments at a more appropriate =me in the assessment.

Reflec=ng on David Carter’s case, were there any ac=ons you would do differently? If so, what were
these ac=ons and why?

In this case I should have asked Mr. Carter earlier on if it was okay that his mother was in the room.

Scenario Analysis Questions*

PCC What needs to be stressed during discharge teaching related to his new medica=on regimen
(sertraline and fluphenazine)?

The pa=ent must understand the importance of taking the medica=ons exactly as they are prescribed
and making sure he is taking them at the same =me each day. It is also important for the pa=ent
to understand what the signs and symptoms are of adverse reac=ons to these medica=ons so
the he can reach out for help when needed and as soon as possible.

PCC/I Iden=fy community resources in your area that are available to David Carter and his family. One
should be for David Carter, one for his mother, and one for the family.

Community resources are group therapy mee=ngs for those who suffer from mental illnesses and those
who are related. Individual counseling sessions are also available for pa=ents and families who
struggle with a wide variety of mental illnesses.

PCC/S What other discharge teaching is recommended for David Carter and his family?

Healthy ea=ng and sleeping habits for Mr. Carter would be a great addi=on for teachings. His mother
could also benefit to learn the early signs and symptoms of posi=ve signs of schizophrenia so she can
reach out to help when needed.

From vSim for Nursing | Mental Health. © Wolters Kluwer.

Concluding Questions
How would you apply the skills and knowledge gained in David Carter’s case to an actual pa=ent
situa=on in different acute care units (emergency room, intensive care unit, obstetrics unit, etc.)?

I am much more familiar now with mental status exams and using the AIMS test. In a real life scenario I
would feel confident using these tools to help treat pa=ents like Mr. Carter. I also feel that I am geCng
more comfortable using a therapeu=c means of communica=ons when speaking with pa=ents like Mr.
Carter and his mother.

* The Scenario Analysis Ques2ons are correlated to the Quality and Safety Educa2on for Nurses (QSEN)
competencies: Pa2ent-Centered Care (PCC), Teamwork and Collabora2on (T&C), Evidence-Based Prac2ce
(EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and Informa2cs (I). Find more informa2on at: hJp://

From vSim for Nursing | Mental Health. © Wolters Kluwer.

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