(Batch 1) Labor Law Syllabus-Based eREVIEWER 2024

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Labor Law and Social Legislation Syllabus-based Reviewer for the 2024 Bar by Atty. Rehne Gibb N. Larena

Introduction Table of Contents

Civil Code
The Syllabus-based eReviewers of eCodal+Pro is now on its Labor Code
Fundamental Principles and Concepts
4th edition. This passion project started in 2021 while the
DOLE Issuances
author, Atty. RGL, reviewed for the 2020_21 #BestBarEver.
Recruitment and Placement of Workers
State Policies
The review materials are painstakingly curated to address
the topics of the current bar syllabi. Know that the aim here Employer-Employee Relationship Labor as Primary Social Economic
is to be as concise and direct as possible, while making sure Force
all topics are covered. The materials are not envisioned to be Labor Standards Full Protection to Labor
a primary review material as we give deference to the
scholarly works of legal luminaries. It is highly advised that Security of Tenure
Social Welfare Benefits
the materials are to be treated as supplements to reviewers
Social Justice
as prescribed by law school professors.
Management Prerogative Equal Work Opportunities
Please note as well that the author has no crystal ball and is
not in the business of predicting what topics will come out Right to Self-Organization and
in the Bar. What the author would like to impart to the Collective Bargaining
reader is the sense of security and confidence that after
Labor Relations Construction in Favor of Labor
finishing the materials, all topics have been covered.
Lastly, the author wishes to request the reader to be Jurisdiction and Remedies A Sources of Labor Laws
vanguards of the law. If you happen to grab a copy of this
material without having subscribed to eCodal+Pro, please
contact the author at fb.com/ecodalplus, or email him at 1 1987 Constitution
Fundamental Principles and
ecodalplus@gmail.com. I
Concepts Provides limitations in the enactment of Labor Laws.
May you have the strength and peace of mind as you take
one more step into becoming members of the noblest of all 1. Non-impairment Clause. Sec 10 Art III. No law
Sources of Labor Laws
professions. impairing the obligation of contracts shall be
1987 Constitution passed.

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Labor Law and Social Legislation Syllabus-based Reviewer for the 2024 Bar by Atty. Rehne Gibb N. Larena

2. Equal Protection Clause. Sec 1 Art III. No person A statute passed to protect labor is a "legitimate exercise of
Subsequent legislation is still needed to define the
shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without parameters of these guaranteed rights to ensure the police power, although it incidentally destroys existing contract
due process of law, nor shall any person be denied protection and promotion, not only the rights of the labor rights." Contracts regulating relations between capital and
the equal protection of the laws. sector, but of the employers' as well. labor are not merely contractual, and said labor contracts
are impressed with public interest, and must yield to the
3. Prohibition Against Involuntary Servitude. Sec 18(2)
common good.
Art III. No involuntary servitude in any form shall
exist except as a punishment for a crime whereof the 2 Civil Code The relations between capital and labor are not merely
party shall have been duly convicted. contractual as provided in Article 1700 of the Civil Code.
Article 1700. The relations between capital and labor are By statutory declaration, labor contracts are impressed
4. Due Process Clause. Sec 1 Art III. No person shall be
not merely contractual. They are so impressed with public with public interest and, therefore, must yield to the
deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
interest that labor contracts must yield to the common common good. Labor contracts are subject to special laws
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the
good. Therefore, such contracts are subject to the special on wages, working conditions, hours of labor, and similar
equal protection of the laws.
laws on labor unions, collective bargaining, strikes and subjects. In other words, labor contracts are subject to the
Constitutional provisions on the protection of labor are police power of the State. The DO was issued to grant bus
lockouts, closed shop, wages, working conditions, hours
NOT SELF-EXECUTING, and are mere guidelines that need drivers and conductors minimum wages and social
of labor and similar subjects.
enabling laws. They are not judicially enforceable. welfare benefits.
Article 1701. Neither capital nor labor shall act
Council of Teachers & Staff of Colleges & Universities of the oppressively against the other, or impair the interest or
Phils. v. Sec. of Education 2018 En Banc 3 Labor Code
convenience of the public. (Principle of Non-oppression)
The constitutional mandates of protection to labor and a) PD 442, as amended;
security of tenure may be deemed as self-executing in the Article 1702. In case of doubt, all labor legislation and
b) Omnibus Rules implementing the Labor Code.
sense that these are automatically acknowledged and all labor contracts shall be construed in favor of the safety
observed without need for any enabling legislation. and decent living for the laborer.
4 DOLE Issuances
However, to declare that the constitutional provisions are
enough to guarantee the full exercise of the rights a) 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure;
The Provincial Bus Operators Association of the Philippines et
embodied therein, and the realization of ideals therein al v. DOLE, et al. 2018 En Banc b) Single Entry Approach (SEnA IRR);
expressed, would be impractical, if not unrealistic.

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Labor Law and Social Legislation Syllabus-based Reviewer for the 2024 Bar by Atty. Rehne Gibb N. Larena

by this Title. An employee who is unjustly dismissed from all Governments on the time-honored principle of Salus
c) The Revised National Conciliation and Mediation
Board Manual of Procedures for Conciliation and work shall be entitled to Populi est suprema lex.
Preventive Mediation Cases. a) reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and
other privileges and
B State Policies 5 Equal Work Opportunities
b) his full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and
§3 Art XIII 1987 Constitution. The State shall c) his other benefits or their monetary equivalent Constitution, Art. XIII, Sec. 3; Labor Code, Art. 3

1. afford full protection to labor, local and overseas, computed from the time his compensation was a) The State shall promote full employment and
organized and unorganized, and withheld from him up to the time of his actual equality of employment opportunities for all.
2. promote full employment and equality of b) A manifestation of this is the enactment of RA 10911
employment opportunities for all. 4 Social Justice or the Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
The law however accepts of exceptions
Labor as Primary Social Economic Labor Code, Art. 218, as renumbered by DOLE D.A. No.
1 i) Age is a bona fide occupational qualification
Force 01-2015
reasonably necessary in the normal
§18 Art II 1987 Constitution. The State affirms labor §10 Art II 1987 Constitution. The State shall operation of a particular business or where
as a primary social economic force. It shall protect the promote social justice in all phases of national the differentiation is based on reasonable
rights of workers and promote their welfare. development. factors other than age;
Calalang v. Williams ii) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona
2 Full Protection to Labor
fide seniority system that is not intended to
The promotion of the welfare of all the people, the
Constitution, Art. XIII, Sec. 3 evade the purpose of this Act;
adoption by the Government of measures calculated to
insure economic stability of all the component elements of iii) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona
3 Security of Tenure society, through the maintenance of a proper economic fide employee retirement or a voluntary early
and social equilibrium in the interrelation of the members retirement plan consistent with the purpose
ART 294. Security of Tenure. — In cases of regular of the community, constitutionally, through the adoption of this Act; or
employment, the employer shall not terminate the services of measures legally justifiable, or extra-constitutionally iv) The action is duly certified by the SOLE.
of an employee except for a just cause or when authorized through the exercise of powers underlying the existence of

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Labor Law and Social Legislation Syllabus-based Reviewer for the 2024 Bar by Atty. Rehne Gibb N. Larena

interpretation; there is only room for application.

Right to Self-Organization and complaint and notified of the upcoming
6 Only when the law is ambiguous or of doubtful
Collective Bargaining hearing date.
meaning may the court interpret or construe its true
Constitution, Art. XIII, Sec. 3; Labor Code, Arts. 3 and 253 intent. (Leoncio v. MST Marine Services 2017) D. Loon v. Power Master, Inc. pronounced that the
liberality of procedural rules is qualified by two
a) An employee can join a union on the first day of
Reyes v. Rural Bank of San Rafael (Bulacan), Inc 2022 requirements:
The CA erred in affirming the NLRC Decision. 1. a party should adequately explain any delay in
b) Collective bargaining is a contract between workers
the submission of evidence; and
and employers on terms and conditions of A. Respondents were not denied due process. A
employment over and above those mandated by law. liberal interpretation of the procedural rules was 2. a party should sufficiently prove the allegations
not warranted. sought to be proven.
7 Construction in Favor of Labor E. Here, respondents failed to adequately explain and
B. Here, during the proceedings before the arbiter,
respondents have been accorded ample justify their non-participation in the proceedings
Labor Code, Art. 4; Civil Code, Art. 1702
opportunity to present their side. before the arbiter.
Art 4. Construction in Favor of Labor. — All doubts in F. Thus, the application of a more liberal policy is
the implementation and interpretation of the 1. They missed at least two settings.
provisions of this Code, including its implementing 2. They have already obtained a copy of the
rules and regulations, shall be resolved in favor of amended complaint which would have enabled G. Relaxed and liberal interpretation of labor
labor. them to intelligently respond. procedures — mainly for the benefit of employee,
and NOT the employer.
a) In Peñaflor v. Outdoor Clothing 2010, this principle has C. While it may be true that the arbiter failed to issue
summons, such circumstance cannot operate as a H. The principles embodied by all prevailing labor
been extended to cover doubts in the evidence
denial of respondents' right to due process because rules, legislations, and regulations are derived
presented by the employer and the employee.
the fact remains that respondents have already from the Constitution, which intensely protects
b) If doubt exists between the evidence presented by the working individual and deeply promotes social
obtained a copy of the amended complaint, and
the employer and the employee, the scales of justice justice.
have been duly notified of the hearing.
must be tilted in favor of the latter. (Dreamland Hotel
1. The issuance of the summons would have been I. Of course, in certain cases, a liberal approach to
Resort v. Johnson 2014)
a mere superfluity since again, respondents the rules may be had even if it favors the employer.
c) The rule is that where the law speaks in clear and
have already obtained a copy of the amended 1. Such allowance, however, must be measured
categorical language, there is no room for

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Labor Law and Social Legislation Syllabus-based Reviewer for the 2024 Bar by Atty. Rehne Gibb N. Larena

against standards stricter than that imposed

against the worker, and only in compelling and
justified cases where the employer will
definitely suffer injustice should such liberal
interpretation be disallowed.

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