Personality Test

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To help me determine your predominate archetype, rate the following statements on a scale of 0 to 5 (0=never true; 5= always true)

________I am proud of my talents and abilities ________ I enjoy adventure ________ I often feel powerful and invincible ________ I am self-assured and act confidently ________ I seek competition and am ambitious ________I enjoy challenges and striving against all odds ________I have difficulty seeing others as my equal ________I trust my judgment on what is right and wrong ________I am a leader ________I feel comfortable taking charge of a situation ________I am comfortable with conflict ________I take pride in public recognition of my talents and achievements ________I am very direct even though it may cause embarrassment for someone ________I work well under pressure ________I strive to always be the best ________I react well in pressure situations ________I know that I am right even if others disagree with me ________I step in and act decisively to get things done ________I am at my best when I am active ________TOTAL

________I am intuitive ________ I am passionate ________ I see the humor in life's experiences ________I enjoy physical contact ________I take things in with all of my senses ________I am animated and full of life ________I prefer emotional intimacy ________ I am very present and focused ________I can be vulnerable with another person ________ I am an optimist ________I am open and honest about myself ________ I am empathic ________I enjoy being attractive and alluring ________ I am easily absorbed in the events around me ________ I am not afraid of my emotions ________ I am attracted to stimulation environments ________ I openly share my thoughts and feelings with others ________ I enjoy getting what I want and need ________I love drama ________ I am sentimental

________ TOTAL

________ I am a peacemaker ________ I enjoy being with others ________ I am diplomatic ________ I like to see conflicts resolved and will do what I can to make it happen ________I care for others and want them to be happy ________ I put other people's needs before my own ________ I am sociable with people I don't know well ________ I am a nurturer ________ I am supportive of others ________ I am accommodating ________ I believe what others say about me ________I am sympathetic to the needs of others ________I help people get along with each other ________I am accessible to people who are important to me ________I get involved in people's lives ________I enjoy pleasing others ________I depend on the skill and intelligence of others ________I enjoy socializing with family and friends ________I am compliant

________I am tactful ________TOTAL

________ Integrity and principles are important to me ________I enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries ________I am neat and orderly ________I tend to be logical and analytical ________I am meticulous and discriminating ________I do most things in moderation ________I plan ahead and get things done on time ________I keep my feelings and emotions in check (under control) ________I refrain from expressing my opinions ________Objective criteria are more important to me than personal biases or intuition ________I do not overly involve myself in other people's affairs ________I prefer a simple, undemanding social life ________I am strongly committed to my moral principles ________ I am more secure when I know proper procedures are being followed ________I enjoy setting and pursuing goals ________I work more efficiently when guidelines are well defined ________I am methodical in my work ________I respect authority, especially with the proper credentials

________I am in control of the way I do things ________I plan my day rather than waiting to see what happens ________TOTAL

E. ________I prefer a quiet environment ________I keep my feelings and opinions to myself ________I am independent and self-sufficient ________I enjoy intellectual endeavors ________I prefer to work alone ________I will defend what I perceive to be the truth ________I am patient and persevering ________I spend a lot of time in introspection ________I enjoy indulging my imagination and curiosity ________I am cautious ________I am often considered different or eccentric ________I am a private person ________I pursue my own interests regardless of what others consider important ________I prefer to only have one or two close friends ________I am philosophical and seek answers to questions about life ________I choose privacy over intimacy ________I prefer to remain anonymous in my endeavors

________I am articulate and well versed ________I pull things apart in order to understand them ________I am rational ________TOTAL

Now, add up the scores for each section. The highest score indicates your predominate archetype. A= Pioneer B= Wizard C= Peacemaker D= Alchemist E= Philosopher The Pioneer Your element is WOOD Notes:

The Wizard Your element is FIRE Notes:

The Peacemaker Your element is EARTH Notes:

The Alchemist Your element is Metal Notes:

The Philosopher Your element is WATER Notes:

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