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Classroom-Based Action Research

Author1, Author2, Author3
Affiliation, 2Affiliation, 3Affiliation
Corresponding Author’s Email Address

This contains the summary of the study conducted. Salient points of every part of this
paper. Not more than 250 words.

Keywords: Choose 3-5 important terms/words used in the study

This contains main points stated in rationale, important RRLs, main concept,
significant theories/foundation of your study. Provide brief background of study.
Discuss why your strategy is important. Proper in-text citation must be used.

~750-1000 words

II. Action Research Questions

State the general objective. Followed by the specific research questions.

III. Implemented Teaching Strategy

Pre-Implementation Implementation Stage Post-Implementation

Stage Stage

Enumerate here the Enumerate here the Enumerate here the

activities you activities/ strategies activities you
conducted before you implemented. conducted after the
the implementation Include here also if implementation of
of your strategy (e.g. there were the strategy.
communication interviews or any This includes survey,
between you and data gathering done post-test (if any),
your cooperating while implementing interviews or any
teacher, survey, pre- the strategy. analysis of data.
test (if any) or any Include also the
interview action planning for
the next cycle

Figure 1. Implementation procedure

Classroom-Based Action Research

a. Pre-Implementation Stage
Discuss here concisely all the activities you placed in the box for pre-implementation
stage in figure 1. Extensively discuss the steps. Be specific. Be logical. ~100-250

b. Implementation Stage
Discuss here concisely all the activities you placed in the box for implementation stage
in figure 1. Extensively discuss the steps. Be specific. Be logical. ~100-250 words.

c. Post-Implementation Stage
Discuss here concisely all the activities you placed in the box for post-implementation
stage in figure 1. Extensively discuss the steps. Be specific. Be logical. ~100-250

IV. Action Research Methods

a. Research Design
Explain here the research design you used.

b. Participants
Present the summary of participants using a table. Provide short description: section,
school, etc.

c. Data Gathering Methods

Discuss here thoroughly all the instruments or tools used in the study. It includes all
the surveys (adopted/adapted), the strategy you implemented, any interview
questions, and/or questionnaires used (adapted/adopted). Do not forget to cite them
properly if you adapt or adopt tools. Discuss how you interpreted the data gathered
using these tools or instruments. Discuss thoroughly the scale you used if any (e.g. 1-
Poor, 2-Satisfactory.. etc.)

V. Results and Discussion

Present and discuss the results here. Use table and figures to show summarized data
and evidence. Be concise. Each result should be provided with evidence and supported
with other studies conducted.

VI. Summary of Findings

Enumerate the highlights of the study. Direct to the point.

VII. Action Plan for the Next Cycle

a. Improving the Implemented Strategy

Classroom-Based Action Research

Provide short description on how you will improve the implemented strategy based
from the findings of the study if ever you will implement again or some teachers will
use it too. ~100-250 words.

b. Action Plan
Provide an action plan on how to implement the new/improved strategy

Table 1. Action plan

Implementation Tools/ Expected Week/Day

Activity Instruments Outputs
Enumerate here Enumerate the
the activities/steps activity sheets,
to implement the instructional
new/improved materials, or any
strategy instruments to be

VIII. Reflection
Provide short but meaningful reflection. State also your challenges during the
implementation and how you overcome them. What are your roles? What
contributions your cooperating teacher give you? How did these help in the
implementation? What are your learning? How did the action research improve your
teaching profession? ~200-250 words.

IX. References
Use prescribed APA format

**Soft copy of this format is provided

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