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Persuasive Writing

Structuring a Speech
Use this template to help structure your speech for the motion: “Young
people rely too much on technology these days.”

You will be provided with some sentence starters and tips to help you.

Task 1:
Use this box to help with your research. Find some supporting evidence for
each of the following arguments to include in your speech.

Argument Supporting Evidence

Argument 1: Impact on

social skills

Argument 2: Effects on

mental health

Argument 3: Impact on

overall wellbeing

Top Tips for Speech Writing: AFOREST
• Support each argument you make A: Alliteration
with facts, statistics and/or real life
examples. F: Facts

• Structure your speech, including O: Opinion

just one argument in each R: Rhetorical Question
paragraph. Don’t forget an effective
introduction and conclusion. E: Emotive Language
• Refer to AFOREST and include at S: Statistics
least three of these in your speech.
T: Triplets

Task 2:
You will now write a speech for the motion: “Young people rely too much on
technology these days.”

Use the following template to help you write your speech.

Dear classmates,
I am here to talk to you today about the impact of technology
on young people.
In our rapidly evolving world, it is impossible to ignore the
influence of technology. But, have we, the younger generation,
become too dependent on it?


Begin with an attention- 

grabbing statement or 

To begin, the excessive use of technology has a profound impact
on our social skills, hindering our ability to connect on a deeper,
more personal level.

Argument 1:

Impact on social skills.

Include your supporting

Secondly, the constant interaction with screens can take a toll

on our mental health, contributing to issues like anxiety and

Argument 2:

Effects on mental health.

Include your supporting

Lastly, the overreliance on technology can negatively impact our
physical health and overall wellbeing.

Argument 3: 
Impact on overall wellbeing. 
Include your supporting 

In conclusion, it is evident that young people today rely too

much on technology, affecting crucial aspects of our lives.


Reinforce your position on
the motion. 

Reiterate your points, 

highlighting your main 

Finish with a strong call to

action or a thought-provoking
Let’s strive for a balanced approach to technology use, one that
enhances our lives without compromising our essential human
connections and wellbeing.

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