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The purpose of the IT Asset Management Policy is to outline the guidelines and practices that
govern decisions on asset management for all IT staff involved in the IT Asset Management
Process. The policy is to protect FITA’s asset against loss, reduce company’s risk profile to
external and internal pressures, prevent any incident that may arise, commitment to legal
compliance, to improve productivity through effective IT Asset Management and by doing so
we will protect FITA and the positive impact we have in transforming economic systems to hit
the UN targets.

All FITA Asset User is responsible for maintaining good condition and security of any IT Assets in
there are. IT is responsible for managing the asset transaction, deployment, transfer, return,
leaver, disposal, buy-back, and donations. IT is also responsible for ensuring the process is
communicated to IT Management, and the asset user.

FITA requires that all IT Assets must be recorded and tracked from the day asset deployed until
decommissioned. This Asset Management Policy applies to all assets owned by FITA and this
policy applies to all FITA Asset User.

IT Assets: Any hardware like computers (laptop or desktop), mobile phone, that contributes to
the delivery of an IT product or service.
Asset User: Full time employees that has FITA IT Asset assigned to them.
IT Asset Management System: Tool or application that used to register and track all IT Asset.
End-of lifecycle: IT Asset that reached end-of warranty. Computer (laptop, desktop) normally 4
years/depends on the manufacture, mobile phone is 2 years.

1. IT Asset Registration
All FITA IT Assets must be registered within the company IT Asset document, it must be
protected against data loss and alteration by unauthorized persons.

2. IT Asset Identification
All FITA IT Assets must have a unique assigned asset ID number. The unique assigned asset
ID number must be maintained throughout the IT Asset Lifecyle through Asset Management

3. IT Asset Transfer & Leaver

In a process of FITA user transfer, asset owner and/or HR must inform IT to update asset
location. User may keep assigned laptop during transfer process. On or before their last day
of employment, IT asset must be returned to IT, HR or its designee is responsible for
ensuring that FITA IT asset is returned to IT for reallocation.
4. IT Asset Disposal
IT Assets with residual value to the company must be evaluated for reclamation and re-
deployment within the company. When disposing of any IT Asset, sensitive data must be
removed prior to disposal.
· Hard disk must be securely erased, or full factory reset, or data shall be removed using low
level formatting.
· If the hard drive cannot be securely erased, then it must be physically destroyed.
· IT Asset that are broken (unable to re-use), and at the end of the life cycle must be disposed
by using electronical waste disposal procedure (WEE) and the disposal company must certified
for disposing electrical waste.

5. IT Asset Donation / Buy-back

IT Asset for Donation/buy-back is possible whenever the asset has reached the end of the life
cycle and shall be approved by FITA IT Director. Buy-back process must align with company
value, for instance participating in Tree Planting and must provide the receipt prior FITA IT
Director approval. Other scenario/condition that may arise, shall be discussed and approved by

6. IT Asset Lost/Stolen
Lost IT Asset should be reported to IT along with the sequence of events, Stolen IT Asset should
be reported to Police and provide the Police Report to IT.
Asset Lifecycle

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