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COMPUTER: It is an electronic device which 1) Control unit: Controls the part of

accept data, processes, data & generator the computer.
required information. 2) Arithmetic logic unit: Perform arithmetic
and logical function.
DATA: Collection of raw facts.
3) Memory unit: It is a storage device.
PROCESSING: Work done by the computer as
per our instructions.
KEYBOARD: Contains 104 keys, normal
INFORMATION: Processed data with same
keyboard contains more than 108 keys.
definite meaning.
“Christopher Latham Shales” was an
American inventor who invented the first
There are 3 parts, practical type writer & the QWERTY
keyboard still in use today
1) Input unit
2) Output unit
3) CPU

1) Mechanical Mouse
1) INPUT UNIT: It links internal world of 2) Optical Mouse
computer. 3) Opto - Mechanical Mouse
Ex: keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick,
light pen track ball, MICR (Magnetic Ink The mouse was inverted by Douglass
Character Reader) engelbart of Stanford Research institute in
OCR:(Optical Character Reader /
Binary Digits [Bits] = 0 and 1
OMR: (Optical Mark Reader) barcode, 1 Kilo byte =1024 bytes
reader, web camera, smart cards 1 Mega byte = 1024 KB
1 Giga byte =1024 MB
1 Terabyte =1024 GB
2) OUTPUT UNIT: It links Computer to Byte: It is an unit to measure memory
external world ex: Monitor, printer, capacity.
speaker, and plotter.
Hard Copy: The output from printer
1) Primary Memory (or) Semiconductor
Soft Copy: The output from printer Memory: It is a static device as there are no
violating parts in it.

3) CPU [Central Processing Unit]: It is In Primary Memory there are 2 types

considered as heart / brain of a computer  RAM [Random Access Memory]: It
function of CPU is to execute this is a volatile (temporary memory) it
instruction given to it. accessible to user, user can read (or)
write any information memory
capacity of RAM 1GB to 10 GB.
 ROM [Read Only Memory]: It is a All secondary storage devices are used to transfer
Non-volatile [permanent] memory it data from one machine to another and it is used to
is not accessible to user types of store data permanently for further purpose.
 PROM [Programmable ROM]:
User can store permanent information MOTHERBOARD:
only once. It is the main circuit board /system board of a PC
 EPROM [Erasable PROM]: User (Personal Computer). All the computer
can not delete location entire data is components are connected to motherboard.
 EEPROM [Electrically EPROM]:
These PROM‟S can be erased

RAM is called main memory (or) primary
memory of computer

2) Secondary Memory (or) Magnetic BUS: Collection of wires that carries electronic
Memory: It is not a static device. It is in the signals from one component to another
form of rotating disks. component.
Ex: CD, FD, HD, DVD, pen drive etc…  System Bus: The bus that connects
There are 2 types of Secondary Storage device the major part of computer i.e input,
output & CPU part
 Sequential Access Storage Device :  Data Bus: It transmits and receives
Ex: Tape drive data.
 Direct Access Storage Device:  Control Bus: It transmits and
Ex: FD, CO, DVD, HD, Pen drive, receives sign.
Blue Ray disk etc.  Address Bus: It transmits the address
FLOPPY DISK (FD): memory locations.

Memory capacity -1.44 MB

Size – 3.112

Floppy–„A‟ Drive. PORT:

Compact Disk (CD): Connector there are 3 types of ports

Memory capacity 700 MB diameter of CD 120  Serial Port: Use to connect mouse
MB. modem & any other small devices.
 Parallel Port: Used to connect printers.
Single Layer DVD Capacity: 4.7 GB
 USB Port [Universal Serial Disk] :
Dual Layer DVD Capacity: 8.5 GB Used to connect keyboard , mouse ,
joystick , web camera ,audio device
Single Layer Blue Disk Capacity: 50 GB

MOTHERBOARD: [Expansion Slots]: Used to
insert cards to a pg that gives extra functions to
Pixel: picture element (or) the small dot that
our PC. The different card and network card etc..
appear on the screen.
RAM Stores: Capacity of RAM 1GB to 10 GB
Resolution: Distance between 2 or more pixels is
 SMPS [Switched mode power supply]: It size of the monitor, 14”, 15”, 17”, 21” and so on.
supplies power to all parts of computer.
Printer: Used to take hard copy output print out
 CMOS [Complementary Metal Oxide of our work. There are 2 types of printer.
Semiconductor]: It is a battery used to set
up system data and time & setup  Impact Printers: It makes noise while
parameters. printing ex: Dot Matrix printer, live
 IDE Controller [Integrate Drive printer, dairy wheel printer.
Electronics]: It is used to control hard
drive & CD-ROM drive. Dot Matrix Printer: It prints in the form
 Floppy Controller: Used to control of group of dots. It prints character by
floppy drive. character. It cannot print colour image
 Cache-Memory: It is placed in between speed 30 to 300 [cps character per second].
CPU & RAM. Linear Printer: Prints the line by line,
 Registers: CPU contains number of speed 300 to 300 linear per minute [LPM].
temporary units called registers. It store  Non –Impact Printer: It doesn‟t make
intermediate data. noise white printing.
Ex: Inject printer, loser printer.

MICROPROCESSOR: Inject printer: It contains ink filled

cartridge and small nozzles it can print
It is an integrated circuit on a small chip. The colour images resolution is 300 DPT
companies that develop microprocessor are called [Don‟t per Inches] speed 1 to 4 PPM
chop markers. [Pages per Minute].
 AMD Processor [Advanced Micro devices]:
Alton processor. Loser Printer: It used loser beams for
 Intel Processor: Pentium I, Pentium II, printing speed 4 to 24 PPM resolutions
Pentium III Pentium IV, & dual core processor 600, 1200 DPJ.
core, core i5,
 CYRIX Processor
 Motorola Processor I GENERATION [1945-1955]:
Computers were made up of thermionic
value or vacuum tubes.

It is called VDU [visual display unit]. II GENERATION [1956-1965]:

It is used to view the information. Transistors were used.
Ex: IB, 7000 series, IBM 1620, IMB 1401.
 CRT Monitor [Cathode Ray Tube]
 LCD Monitor [Liquid Crystal Display] III GENERARTION [1966-1070]:
 LED Monitor [Light emitting Diode] Integrated circuits[IC‟s] were used.
EX: IBM 360, IBM 370. He opened his own company called
computing & tabulating recording
IV GENERATION [1970-onwords]: company now it is called IBM.
LSI [Large Scale Integrated Circuits] and
VCSI [Very Large Scale Integrated In 1945 John Van Neumann working
Circuits] were used. for IBM. He designed the basic
EX: Desktop and laptop computers, IBM structure of computer that could do
3080, IBM PC, Apple Series. logical function reparative functions
and storage functions
V GENERATION [Present] [1982 on In 1945 fully electronic ENAIC was
words]: built by exert an John W.M Later he
Artificial intelligence is used. invented EDVAC & UNIVAC.
EX: Super computer.
 ENIAC: Electronic Numeric
HISTORY OF COMPUTER Integrator and Computer.
 EDVAC: Electronic Discrete
 ABACUSE: It is a chines devices Variable Automatic Computer.
made up of wooden frame  UNIVAC: Universal Automatic
containing number of beads used Computer.
for + tion and –tion.  HARDWARE: All the physical
 NAPIER BONES: In 1617 John component of computer.
Napier a Scottish mathematician  SOFTWARE: Set of programs.
invented Napier bones.  System Software: It is used for
In 1642 Blaisé EX: MS-DOS, MS windows,
Pascal a French mathematician Linux, UNIX, computer
invented this calculator. interpreter, linker , loader etc..
1673 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz
invented this calculator. COMPUTER
Charles Babbage an English
Low level languages: Machine
mathematician professor at Cambridge
level language [MLL], assembly
University invented difference engine.
level language [ALL].
improved difference engine he  MLL: Instruction had to be entered
invented Analytical Engine Charles in the form of „0‟ and „1‟.
Babbage if referred to as father of  ALL: English symbols were used
computer. to enter the instructions.
 PUNCHED CARD: In 1804 Joseph Ex: Sum, sub, store, print, etc…
Marin Jacquard invented punched card
to store data.
 Censes Machine: In 1933 Herman General purpose high level language,
Hollerith invented census machine. specific purpose, high level language
HLL: It used English like sentences of Operating system is the mediator between
helps the user to read, write maintain user and computer hardware it is also
documents. called user friendly software it acts as
General Purpose: [HLL]: Used in all

Ex: C, C++ Function of operating system:

Specific Purpose: [HLL]:  Hardware Management.

 File Management.
Ex: COBOL [Common business Oriented
Language] used only in business  Data Management.
application.  Memory Management.
 Network Management.
FORTRAN: [Formula Transaction]  Security Management.

Types of Operating System:

 Based on number of users: There are
 Computer: It is a transistor program 2 types
that converts, the program that
Single User: Only one user can operate
converts the program written in high
level language it translate whole
program at a time. Ex: MS-DOS
Ex: C, C++ Multi User: More than one user can operate
 Interpreter: It is a translator program computer at a time.
or software that converts the program
written in HLL to MLL it converts line Ex: UNIX, OS, LINUX, etc.
by line.
 Based on number of tasks: There are 2
Ex: Visual basics.
 Boot Sector virus: In facts boot sector
Single Tasking: Only one task / work can
on computer disks. It cover writes the
be done.
original boot sector and replacer with
infected program and marks that as a
Multi Tasking: More than one task can be
bad spot on the computer disk.
done at a time.
Name of the Virus: Ex: LINUX, UNIX, window etc.
 Based on application: Therefore 2 types
 Auto Viruses: Software used to delete
TUC [Text Unit Character]: Process
only text related data.
Ex: Norton, MC etc
Factors affecting the processing speed of
GUI [Graphical User Interface]: Text
the computer registers size, RAM size,
picture, video, audio, etc..Multimedia data
clock speed, instruction set, data and
can be processed.
capacity etc.
Ex: Windows, MAC, LINUX etc.

Versions of Operating System:

Operating System:
 LINUX-Red Hat, Mandrake, Sun
Disk Operating System [Dos]:
 SEOUNIX, AIX,IRIX  In 1980 Tim Paterson from IBM invented
 Windows-95/98/200. ME/NT , XP QDO [Quick Dirty Operating System].
 Mac OS-OS, Version 10  In 1981 Bill Gates founder of Microsoft
purchases QDOS & introduced as MS-
Windows OS: Invented in the year Nov- DOS.
20-1985. It supports number of application  DOS supports only text. It is also called
software. It is an user friendly OS. TUI/ CUI [Text/ Character use Interface].
 It user character to operate computer.
Version of Windows OS:
 It provide number of commands with this
 Win-1.0-85, win-2.0-87, win 2.03-88 user can operate computer.
 Win 3.0-90, win 3.1-92, win 95-95  It is a single user and single operating
 Win 98-98, win nie-2000, win NT 3.1- system.
2000  Component of MS DOS-To, SYS, MS
 Win 2000-2000, win XP-2001 win serve DOS< SYS command. Com.
 Win vista-2007, win serves 2008-2009,
win 7.0-2009 Earlier it was called UNIXCS [Unfixed
Information Computing System] later it is known
as UNIX.
 Desktop: The 1st servers that appear on the
 It is designed for client server network. It
consists of kernel which include takes like
 Icons: Small picture on the desktop. The
file access, storage security mechanisms &
default icons are
performs all hardware access.
 My Computer: Store the data in particular
 It is multi-user & multi tasking.
 It consists of commands like VM, cot is
Ex: HDD, FDD, CD, ROM Drive,
Removable Drive etc
 My Documents: It stores all files & LINUX: It is a server of UNIX OS created by
folders LINUX travels in 1990. It is combination of two
 Recycle Bin: It stores deleted files and words UNIX OS & LINUX to words features are
folders. small as that of UNIX OS but is support graphical
 Internet: Explorer, Browser software. use interface application. All features for internet
 Task Bar: It is present at the lower and connecting & it is freeware.
of the desktop. It consists of start button.  CEO of Microsoft-Steve Ballmer.
Date/Time indicator & opened  CEO of Infosys- S. Gopala Krishna
application.  CEO of Wipro- T.K Kurien
Each window contain the following part:  CEO of Chairman of IBM- Smallel
 Title Bar: It is present at the top of the palmsiane
windows. It tells the file name. It  India‟s News fast super computer SAGA-
consists of 3 buttons, minimize, 220
maximize, & restore class options.
 Menu Bar: It contains number of
menus, files edit, view etc.
Window Based Basic Applications:

Notepad, word pad, paint, calculator. INSERT MENU:

NOTEPAD: It is a text editor. The extension of  It helps to design cover page blank
notepad is text. page insert page break.
 It helps to draw to table according to
WORD PAD: It stored text & picture s extension
user requirement.
is RTF [Rich Text format] UTF rich format.
 It allow is to insert picture, clip arts,
PAINT: Image editor extension is bmp. shapes, charts, smart art, hyperlink,
Calculator: Performs calculation. page number, header & footer etc.

 Notepad: Consists following menus file, PAGE LAYOUT MENU:

edit, format, view, help.  It helps to change the entire designs of the
 Paint: File, edit, view, image, colour, document including colours, fonts &
help. themes.
 Word pad: File, view, insert, format, help  It allows you to set the page including
with standard & format, toolbar. paper size, margin & orientation of the
 IT allows us to insert the watermark page
MS WORD: colour & page borders.
It used word processor software word processing REFERENCE MENU:
is developed for the purpose to text processing. A
word processor package help up to create edit & It allows you to insert good note, captain table of
perform various operations of documents. content etc.

Ex: word processor-word perfect word star MAILING MENU:

Microsoft word.  It helps to create & print envelops &
 MS Word is application software used for labels.
documentation. In MS word each  It allow us to create mail merge menus
application is called document by default same message with different address. Mail
the name is document. merge allows to send multiple copies of
 The file of extension of ms word is : doc. same matter with different address or
Important Function of MS Word Home menu:

 It allows us to format an entire document

using font options. REVIEW MENU:
 It supports bullets, numbers, multilevel  It allows us to user to check the
lists, starting line, spacing fill, column & spelling & grammar to synonyms and
border options. to count the number of letter/ word etc.
 There are 4 types of alignment in MS  It gives the options to enter the
word if left, under, right & justify. comment.
 It allows us to find a specific word &  Using protect document option data or
replace the selected word. document can be protected.
 It allow use to move & copy data from
place to another using cut, copy, past
VIEW MENU: The chart wised of MS-Excel allows the user to
create the various kind of charts for selected data.
 MS WORD allows the 5 kinds of views
the default is point by out view. The different type of chart are column line, PIB,
 Point layout area, scuttle other charts.
 Full server leading
To write 75% in excel type 75 then press%
 Web layout
 Outline  When you insert the new column in
 Draft between the column „F‟ and „G‟. The new
 It is used to show or hide the ruler column name will „G‟.
 The document can be zoomed in &  When you insert new row between the row
zoomed out from 10% to 500%. 20 & 21. The new row number will 21.
 Cell address is made up of column
MS EXCEL 2007:
alphabet & row number. Ex: 520.
MS Excel user electronic spread sheet [ESS]  Combination of two or more cells is called
software. Spread sheet means largest sheet merging.
containing number of rows & columns.  In excel by default always text align at left
& number at right.
In excel there are 10.48,576 rows & 16,834
columns, Alphabets indicating columns and  Formula has display formula symbol
number indicating rows. The last column name is number on the selected cells.
XFD  If A6 cell contain grass salary B6 cell
contain deduction. Then get not salary type
Excel is mainly used for calculation. In excel the formula A6-B6.
each application is called book by default. The  To fin the amount in table use the function
name is book1. Each workbook contains number lookup & reference functions.
of worksheets by default. There are 3 sheet i.e
sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3. The extension of excel is LOGICAL FUNCTION:
X15 or X15k.  AND (): Returns true is all its arguments
CELL: Combination of rows & columns in excel are true, return false if any of its arguments
calculation. is false.
Ex: = and (27>13, 58>78,100>500) false
Begins With Symbol: =and (28<10, 50>25) true
To edit cell contents:  OR (): Returns true if any of its argument
is true, returns false if all of its arguments
 Double click on the cell & edit. are true.
 Click on formula bar & edit. Ex: or (28>15, 39<15) true.
 Press F2 to edit.  NOT (): Returns true is the condition is
To Insert Excel rows, column or cell false returns false if the condition is true.
Ex: =not (20>15) false
HOME- INSERT =not (78<10() true
To delete unwanted rows, column, cell-home  IF (): It is a logical function used to cheek
delete to format the cell, rows, column-home, condition. If the condition is true it returns
format cells. the 1st statement. If the condition is false it
returns second statement.
To Insert Chart: INSERT-CHART Ex: If (age>=18, “major”, minor”)
In the above formula if the age value is 20.  Min (): Returns the min of a given
Then condition is true, means 1st statement numbers.
major is returned Ex: Min [20, 50, 40, 70]20


 Today (): The function returns the current
 It allows us to receive data from external data.
sources. Ex: today ()
 The data can be arranged in ascending or  Now (): Returns current data and time.
descending order using sort options. Ex: now ()
 The data can be fettered according to
returns requirements using fitter options.
 It allow us to calculate sub total of a given TEXT FUNCTIONS:
data using sub total options.  Upper (): Convert text into upper case
 It also helps for validation of data using [capital letters].
validation options. Ex: Upper (“hallow”) HELLOW
FUNCTIONS:  Lower (): Convert text into lower case
[small letter].
Mathematical and trigonometric functions: Ex: lwr [“DHARWAD”] dharwad
 SUM (): adds all the number in the given  Proper (): Convert text into proper case.
list. Ex: Proper (“hello”) HELLO
Ex: sum (20, 3050, 80,) 180  Len (): Returns the length of given text.
Ex: Len [“ICS”] 3
 POWER (): Returns the result of a
 Repeat (): Repeat the given text into
number raised to a power
specified numbers of time.
Ex: power (2 3) 23=8 Ex: Rept [“ICS”] ICS
 PRODUCT (): Multiples all the numbers. MS POWER POINT:
Ex: product 92, 3) =6
MS Power Point presentation the graphical
 SQRT (): Returns the square root of a
package for preparing slides power point is used
for presentation and audience.
Ex: sqrt (25) 5
 SUM IF (): Adds the cells specified by the In power point each application is called
condition. presentation. In one presentation we can include
Ex: sum if (range, condition) any number of slides.

STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS: Slide: Individual page of presentation the

extension of power point is PPT or PPTX.
 Average (): Returns the average of a given
numbers. To Create a New Presentation:
Ex: Average [20, 25, 40]36.6
 Count (): Count the numbers.
Ex: Count [2, 5, 9, 8]4  Auto Content wised: Menu pre-prepared
 Max (): Returns the max or biggest slide or ready made slides.
numbers.  Design Template: Create a new
presentation with background designs.
Ex: Max [20, 50, 90, 40]90
 Blank presentation: Create a new  To insert new slide in power point
presentation without background design. presentation select home menu click on
new slide.
To Insert a Slide Numbers:
 Auto content wised means pre-prepared
 VIEW: Header and Footer. slide or ready made slides with design &
 To Change the design of slides: Format matter.
slide design.  To change the design of the slide in one
 To apply animation effects: Slide show- presentation use the optic design
custom animation. template.
 To run slide automatically: slide show-  To change the outline or layout of the
slide transaction. slide use the option layout.
 To insert new slide: Insert new slides.  In power point slides numbers can be
 To insert data and time to a slide: Insert- insert by the slide as a footer option.
data and time.  The different views of a presentation
 To delete a slide: Edit- Delete slide. slides are normal view displays the slides
in normal way.

Slide Sorter: Arranges all slides in single

 MS Power point uses presentation graphics
Slide Show: Display the slide in full screen.
package for preparing slides.
 Power point is used for presentation. Notes Pages: Displays note page area.
 Each application is called presentation by We can present power point presentation using
default the name is presentation-I. monitor projection or movie projector.
 In one presentation any number of slides
can be inserted. ANIMATION MENU:
 Slides mean individual pages of 1. Ti support the user to add animation to the
presentation. slides as per user requirement means
 The extension of power point is PPT or special effect given to the slides.
PPTX. 2. May be movement of text movement of
 To create a new presentation in power the picture or sound effect this can be done
point use the following option using the option animation.
 Bank Template
Slide Show Menu: To view the menu shoe we
 From design Template
use the option slide show.
 Wizard content wizard
To setup the slide & make its rehearsal use the
option setup slide show .ss

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