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A Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Education
Dumanjug Extension Campus, Cebu

In Partial Fulfilment of
the Requirements for the Degree
Major in Home Economics


Table of Contents

CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................................1
THE PROBLEM AND ITS DESIGN...........................................................................................1
Rationale of the Study.............................................................................................................1
Theoretical Basis......................................................................................................................4
Figure 1.................................................................................................................................4
Technology Acceptance Model..........................................................................................4
Figure 2.................................................................................................................................5
Proposed Model...................................................................................................................5
Related Studies........................................................................................................................6
Literature Review.....................................................................................................................8
Statement of the Problem.....................................................................................................12
Significance of the Study......................................................................................................14
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................................15
Research Design....................................................................................................................15
Flow of the Study...................................................................................................................16
Figure 3...............................................................................................................................18
Research Environment..........................................................................................................18
Figure 4...............................................................................................................................19
Location of the Study.........................................................................................................19
Research Instrument.............................................................................................................19
Table 1.....................................................................................................................................20
Research Participants...........................................................................................................20
Data Gathering Procedure....................................................................................................20
Treatment of Data/ Statistical Data......................................................................................21

Table 2.................................................................................................................................22
Treatment of Data..............................................................................................................22
Scoring Procedure.................................................................................................................26
Table 3.................................................................................................................................27
Scaling Approach...............................................................................................................27
Definition of Terms.....................................................................................................................28


Rationale of the Study

The adoption of e-commerce among students has increased due to the

widespread use of digital platforms in everyday life. Shopee and TikTok are
popular because they mix shopping with social interaction, which appeals to
younger people. Shopee offers a fun shopping experience and low prices, which
attract budget-conscious students (Kim & Park, 2022). TikTok uses its algorithm
to show personalized product recommendations through short videos, leading to
spontaneous purchases (Chen & Wang, 2022).

Social media and peer reviews greatly influence students' buying

decisions on these platforms, as they often trust their peers' experiences (Li &
Zhang, 2022). The convenience and variety offered by Shopee and TikTok make
them more attractive than traditional stores, driving their popularity among
students (Brown, 2021). Understanding these factors is important for businesses
targeting this tech-savvy market segment (Nguyen, 2020).

Studying students' use of e-commerce platforms like Shopee and TikTok

is crucial to understand their changing online shopping behaviors. As digital
natives, students are quick to adopt new technologies and set future trends in e-
commerce (Smith, 2022). These platforms also serve as social spaces where
peer influence and social validation are important in making purchase decisions
(Brown & Lee, 2021).

This research shows how social media and e-commerce are intertwined,
with entertainment and convenience being key factors for students' purchases
(Gonzalez & Harris, 2021). Businesses can use these insights to create better

marketing strategies to engage young consumers (Nguyen & Tran, 2020). By

focusing on Shopee and TikTok, the study addresses the gap in understanding
how digital innovations affect consumer behaviour (Martinez & Clark, 2023).

The rise of e-commerce among students, especially on Shopee and

TikTok, brings both opportunities and challenges. One major issue is impulse
buying, as these platforms use techniques that encourage immediate purchases,
possibly leading to overspending (Jones & Salim, 2020). The convenience of
these platforms might also distract students from their studies, affecting their
academic performance (Lin & Lu, 2019).

Privacy and security concerns arise due to the collection of personal data
for targeted ads, leading to ethical issues (Chang & Yu, 2018). The influence of
social media influencers can also blur the line between genuine
recommendations and sponsored content, which might result in poorly informed
purchases (Lee & Hong, 2021). The lack of financial literacy among students can
worsen these negative effects, highlighting the need for education on responsible
online shopping (Lau & Cheung, 2017).

The framework for studying students' adoption of e-commerce platforms

like Shopee and TikTok combines various theories to provide a thorough
understanding. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) explains how
perceived ease of use and usefulness affect students' acceptance of these
platforms (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh & Bala, 2008). Social Influence Theory
highlights the impact of peer recommendations and social proof on students'
buying decisions (Ajzen, 1991; Li & Zhang, 2022). By integrating these theories,
the framework offers a comprehensive insight into what drives students to use e-
commerce on platforms like Shopee and TikTok.

While there is substantial research on the general factors influencing e-

commerce adoption among students, such as social media influence and

convenience, there is a specific need to explore how digital innovations like

Shopee and TikTok, which blend social interaction with shopping, uniquely
impact student behaviour. Existing studies have not sufficiently addressed how
these platforms’ specific features, such as Shopee’s budget-friendly environment
and TikTok’s personalized recommendations, contribute to impulsive buying and
potential negative consequences such as overspending and distraction from

This study aims to address the gap by investigating the unique features of
Shopee and TikTok that drive e-commerce adoption among students. It will
examine how elements like personalized recommendations on TikTok and the
budget-friendly shopping experience on Shopee influence students' purchasing
behaviours, including impulse buying. Additionally, the study will explore the
potential negative impacts, such as overspending and academic distraction, and
how privacy and security concerns play a role in students' decisions to use these

The research will utilize a mixed-methods approach to gain a

comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing students' adoption of e-
commerce on Shopee and TikTok. Quantitative data will be collected through
surveys distributed to a diverse sample of university students, focusing on their
experiences and behaviours related to these platforms. Qualitative data will be
gathered through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews to delve
deeper into students' motivations, concerns, and the social dynamics influencing
their e-commerce activities. Data analysis will involve statistical techniques for
the survey data and thematic analysis for the qualitative insights.

The primary aim of this study is to explore and understand the

determinants of e-commerce adoption among students on Shopee and TikTok
platforms. Specifically, the research seeks to identify how features like
personalized recommendations, budget-friendly options, social interactions, and

peer reviews influence students’ purchasing behaviours. The study also aims to
uncover the potential negative impacts of these platforms, such as impulse
buying and academic distraction, and to provide actionable insights for
businesses and educators on how to better engage and support this tech-savvy

Theoretical Basis

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a theory that explains how

users come to accept and use a technology (Davis, 1989). It suggests that the
actual use of a system is directly determined by the user's intention to use it,
which is influenced by their attitude and perceptions (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh &
Davis, 2000).

Perceived Usefulness

Intentions to Use Actual Use

Perceived Ease of Use

Figure 1.

Technology Acceptance Model

The two key factors that determine a user's attitude and intention are
perceived usefulness (the degree to which the user believes the system will
improve their performance) and perceived ease of use (the degree to which the
user believes the system will be free of effort) (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh, 2000;
Venkatesh & Bala, 2008).

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) offers a valuable framework for

examining the adoption of e-commerce platforms among students. According to
TAM, the acceptance and use of technology are driven by perceived usefulness
and perceived ease of use (Davis, 1989). In other words, students are more
inclined to adopt and utilize platforms such as Shopee and TikTok if they believe
these platforms enhance their performance and are easy to use.

Perceived Usefulness

Intentions to Use Actual Use

Perceived Ease of Use


Figure 2.

Proposed Model

Applying TAM to our research will enable us to analyze how students view
the usefulness and ease of use of these platforms and how these views influence
their intention to adopt them. This approach can yield valuable insights into the
determinants of e-commerce platform adoption among students and guide
strategies to encourage their use.

Related Studies

The background of student adoption of e-commerce on platforms like

Shopee and TikTok reveals a significant shift in online shopping behaviours
among university students. Akram et al. (2021) identify convenience, trust, and
social influence as critical factors driving online purchases among this
demographic. These elements underscore the increasing reliance of students on
digital platforms for their shopping needs, reflecting broader trends in e-
commerce adoption among younger generations (Akram et al., 2021). The
prominence of these factors highlights the evolving nature of consumer
behaviour in the digital age.

The relevance of this study is underscored by the engaging nature of

platforms like Shopee and TikTok. Wang et al. (2021) emphasize the importance
of perceived usefulness, confirmation of expectations, and playfulness in
fostering consumer satisfaction and continued use of livestream e-commerce.
This engagement is particularly relevant for university students, who are often
early adopters of new technologies and trends (Wang et al., 2021).
Understanding these dynamics is crucial for e-commerce platforms aiming to
capture and retain this valuable market segment.

Issues identified in the context of e-commerce adoption include impulsive

buying behaviour driven by engaging content. Lee and Chen (2022) highlight
TikTok's impact on impulsive buying behaviour, particularly through its
captivating Shopee Finds videos. This behaviour underscores potential
challenges related to financial management and the psychological impact of
impulsive spending among young consumers (Lee & Chen, 2022). Addressing
these issues is critical for creating sustainable e-commerce practices that benefit
both consumers and platforms.

Theoretical frameworks supporting this research include the concepts of

perceived usefulness, confirmation of expectations, and playfulness. Wang et al.
(2021) discuss how these factors influence satisfaction and stickiness in
livestream e-commerce. This framework is essential for understanding how
students interact with e-commerce platforms and what drives their continued
engagement (Wang et al., 2021). These theoretical insights provide a foundation
for developing strategies to enhance user experience and satisfaction on
platforms like Shopee and TikTok.

Despite extensive research, there remains a gap in understanding the

specific factors that drive e-commerce adoption among university students on
platforms like Shopee and TikTok. A Kantar Profiles (2023) survey underscores
the preference of Southeast Asian Gen Z for e-commerce platforms, highlighting
digital literacy and ease of use as critical components for adoption. However,
more research is needed to explore the unique behaviours and motivations of
this demographic in greater detail (Kantar Profiles, 2023). Addressing this gap
will provide a more comprehensive understanding of e-commerce adoption
among university students.

In conclusion, while current studies provide valuable insights into the

factors influencing student e-commerce adoption, there is a need for more
focused research on the specific behaviours and motivations of university
students using platforms like Shopee and TikTok. This research will help develop
targeted strategies to enhance user experience, address impulsive buying
behaviour, and leverage the engaging nature of these platforms to foster long-
term consumer loyalty (Akram et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021; Lee & Chen, 2022;
Kantar Profiles, 2023).

Literature Review

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), identifies perceived ease of

use and perceived usefulness as primary factors influencing user acceptance of
technology (Davis, 1989). Perceived ease of use refers to the degree to which a
person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort, while
perceived usefulness refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would enhance their performance (Davis, 1989). This model is
foundational for studying technology adoption behaviours, providing a basis for
understanding user acceptance of new technologies (Davis, 1989).

The role of user beliefs and attitudes in technology acceptance (Sun &
Zhang, 2006). Their research found that positive user beliefs about the
technology's usefulness and ease of use lead to favorable attitudes towards
adoption (Sun & Zhang, 2006). These attitudes, in turn, significantly influence the
user's intention to use the technology, confirming that user beliefs and attitudes
play a pivotal role in technology adoption behaviour, supporting the core tenets of
TAM (Sun & Zhang, 2006).

Gefen, Karahanna, and Straub (2003) highlighted that trust and perceived
risk are crucial factors affecting online shopping adoption (Gefen, Karahanna, &
Straub, 2003). Trust in the online vendor significantly impacts consumers'
intentions to purchase, and perceived risk acts as a barrier to online transactions
(Gefen, Karahanna, & Straub, 2003). Trust reduces the uncertainty and
perceived risk associated with online shopping, thus fostering consumer
adoption, providing a comprehensive framework for studying technology adoption
and integrating various theoretical perspectives to offer a unified view (Gefen,
Karahanna, & Straub, 2003).

Pavlou (2003) found that perceived trust and perceived risk significantly
affect online consumer behavior (Pavlou, 2003). Trust is built through perceived

security and the reliability of the online vendor, while perceived risk involves the
potential negative outcomes of online transactions (Pavlou, 2003). The balance
between trust and perceived risk determines the likelihood of a consumer
engaging in online shopping, highlighting the critical importance of trust in e-
commerce contexts, influencing consumer confidence and decision-making
(Pavlou, 2003).

Kim, Ferrin, and Rao (2008) explored the role of trust and satisfaction in e-
commerce customer retention (Kim, Ferrin, & Rao, 2008). Their findings indicate
that both trust and satisfaction are key drivers of repeat purchase behavior (Kim,
Ferrin, & Rao, 2008). Trust in the e-commerce platform enhances consumer
satisfaction, which in turn increases the likelihood of repeat purchases and
customer loyalty, emphasizing trust as a major driver of repeated online
purchases, essential for long-term customer relationships (Kim, Ferrin, & Rao,

Ha and Stoel (2009) examined the impact of perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness on online apparel shopping (Ha & Stoel, 2009). Their
findings suggest that these factors are critical in shaping consumers' attitudes
towards online shopping for apparel (Ha & Stoel, 2009). A user-friendly and
beneficial platform increases consumer confidence and willingness to shop
online, confirming TAM's applicability to specific e-commerce contexts, such as
online apparel shopping (Ha & Stoel, 2009).

Zhou, Lu, and Wang (2010) found that perceived enjoyment is a

significant factor influencing user acceptance of mobile services (Zhou, Lu, &
Wang, 2010). The study suggests that when users find a technology enjoyable,
they are more likely to use it frequently and recommend it to others (Zhou, Lu, &
Wang, 2010). Enjoyment enhances the user's positive attitude towards the
technology, leading to higher adoption rates, adding a hedonic aspect to the
technology acceptance framework (Zhou, Lu, & Wang, 2010).

Chen, Gillenson, and Sherrell (2002) investigated the role of convenience

in online shopping adoption (Chen, Gillenson, & Sherrell, 2002). They discovered
that perceived convenience significantly affects consumers' attitudes towards
online shopping (Chen, Gillenson, & Sherrell, 2002). Convenience relates to the
ease of finding products, time savings, and the overall simplicity of the shopping
process, demonstrating that convenience is a key factor in the adoption of e-
commerce, influencing consumer preferences for online shopping (Chen,
Gillenson, & Sherrell, 2002).

Yadav and Pavlou (2014) reviewed the state of research in e-commerce,

emphasizing the significance of mobile technologies and social media in
transforming consumer shopping behaviours (Yadav & Pavlou, 2014). They
found that mobile access and social media integration are critical for student
adoption of e-commerce, providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving e-
commerce landscape and the importance of mobile and social media
technologies (Yadav & Pavlou, 2014).

Kim and Park (2013) explored the influence of online reviews and social
media on consumer purchase decisions (Kim & Park, 2013). They found that
positive online reviews and active social media presence significantly impact
students’ e-commerce adoption (Kim & Park, 2013). This demonstrates the
critical role of online reviews and social media engagement in influencing student
e-commerce behaviour (Kim & Park, 2013).

This study aims to address the gap identified in the research by examining
the factors influencing students’ adoption of e-commerce on Shopee and TikTok
platforms. While previous studies have highlighted the significance of mobile
technologies, social media integration, online reviews, and social interactions in
e-commerce adoption, there is a need for more focused research on how these
factors specifically affect student populations. By investigating the unique

attributes and functionalities of Shopee and TikTok, this study seeks to provide
deeper insights into how trust, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness,
enjoyment, and social influence drive students’ engagement and purchasing
behaviours on these platforms.

The study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative

and qualitative data collection techniques to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the factors influencing students' adoption of e-commerce on
Shopee and TikTok. A survey will be administered to a representative sample of
students from various universities, capturing their perceptions of trust, ease of
use, usefulness, enjoyment, and social influence related to these platforms.
Additionally, in-depth interviews will be conducted with a subset of survey
participants to gain nuanced insights into their experiences and motivations. Data
analysis will involve statistical techniques to identify significant predictors of e-
commerce adoption and thematic analysis to explore qualitative data.

The primary aim of this study is to explore and understand the

determinants of e-commerce adoption among students using Shopee and TikTok
platforms. Specifically, the study seeks to identify how factors such as trust,
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, enjoyment, and social influence
impact students’ intention to use these platforms for online shopping. By doing
so, the research aims to provide actionable insights for e-commerce platforms
and marketers to enhance user experiences, build trust, and effectively engage
the student demographic, ultimately driving higher adoption rates.

Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to assess the adoption and usage of e-commerce
platforms, particularly Shopee and TikTok, among students enrolled in the
College of Education at Cebu Technological University- Dumanjug Extension
Campus during the academic year 2024-2025 as basis for a techno guide on e-
commerce platforms.

Specifically, the research seeks to address the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

2. What is the respondents level of perception in the adoption of Shopee and

Tiktok as describe by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in terms of:

2.1 perceived usefulness;

2.2 perceived ease of use;

2.3 intention to use; and

2.4 actual use

3. Is there a significant relationship among the following:

3.1 gender and perceived usefulness; and

3.2 gender and perceived ease of use

4. Based on the findings, what techno guide can be crafted?



H1. Perceived usefulness of e-commerce platforms (Shopee and TikTok)

positively affects students' intention to use these platforms.

H2. Perceived ease of use of e-commerce platforms (Shopee and TikTok)

positively affects students' intention to use these platforms.

H3. Students' intention to use e-commerce platforms (Shopee and TikTok)

positively affects their actual use of these platforms.

H4. Gender has a significant impact on perceived usefulness of e-

commerce platforms (Shopee and TikTok) among students.

H5. Gender has a significant impact on perceived usefulness of e-

commerce platforms (Shopee and TikTok) among students.

Significance of the Study

Business. Understanding the distinctions and commonalities between Shopee

and TikTok as online shopping platforms is essential for businesses aiming to
refine their e-commerce strategies. This study offers detailed insights into user
experiences, engagement methods, and conversion rates on these platforms.
Companies can utilize this information to strengthen their presence on both
platforms, customize their marketing strategies to fit each platform's unique
attributes, and boost their sales and market reach. By identifying which platform
aligns better with their target audience, businesses can allocate resources more
efficiently and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI).

Education. This study illuminates how students interact with and use various
online shopping platforms, showcasing their digital literacy and online
behaviours. Educators can leverage these insights to integrate practical

examples of e-commerce and digital marketing into their curriculum. This

approach not only aids students in comprehending the mechanics of online
shopping but also equips them with essential skills to navigate and effectively
utilize these platforms. Moreover, the study can guide the development of
educational content and tools that resonate with students' online habits, thereby
enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of digital learning materials.

Economy. The comparative analysis of Shoppe and TikTok provides valuable

data on consumer spending patterns, preferences, and behaviours across
different e-commerce platforms. This information is essential for understanding
the broader economic impact of online shopping trends. Policymakers and
economic analysts can use these insights to predict market movements, develop
economic strategies, and support the growth of the digital economy. By
recognizing which platform drives more significant economic activity,
stakeholders can better understand the dynamics of online consumerism and its
implications for future.

Society. This study offers a window into the evolving online shopping behaviors
of students, reflecting broader societal trends in technology use and
consumerism. By understanding why students prefer one platform over another,
we can gain insights into societal values, lifestyle shifts, and the impact of social
media on purchasing decisions. This knowledge can inform community
programs, social marketing campaigns, and initiatives aimed at promoting
responsible and informed online shopping habits. It also sheds light on the
cultural and social factors that influence digital engagement among young

Government. For government bodies and regulatory authorities, the findings of

this study are critical in shaping policies that ensure a safe, fair, and equitable
online shopping environment. By comparing the strengths and weaknesses of
Shoppe and TikTok as e-commerce platforms, the study can highlight areas
where regulatory oversight is needed. This includes issues related to data

privacy, consumer protection, and fair trading practices. Policymakers can use
this information to develop regulations that protect consumers, particularly young
shoppers, and foster a trustworthy digital marketplace.


Research Design

This study uses a quantitative approach to examine how students at CTU

Dumanjug Extension Campus use Shopee and TikTok during the 2024-2025
academic year. By collecting numerical data through surveys, the study aims to
understand students' behaviours, usage patterns, and satisfaction levels with
these e-commerce platforms. This method helps provide detailed insights into
how students interact with Shopee and TikTok.

Flow of the Study

The study begins by collecting socio-demographic data from students at

CTU Dumanjug Extension Campus. This includes information on gender
distribution and other demographic factors. Next, the study applies the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine the key factors influencing the
adoption of Shopee and TikTok, including perceived usefulness, ease of use,
intention to use, and actual use.

The study then analyzes the correlations between these factors and actual
system usage on Shopee and TikTok. The findings will provide insights into how
students interact with these platforms and inform strategies for optimizing e-
commerce platforms and enhancing user experiences.


Maximizing Actual
1. What is the socio-demographic
 Transmittal Use:
profile of the respondents in terms of:
Letter Guidelines for
1.1 Gender  Data Gathering students on how to
 Tabulation effectively integrate
2. What is the respondents level of
 Presentation the use of Shopee
perception in the adoption of Shopee
 Data Analysis and TikTok into
and Tiktok as describe by the
and their daily routines
Technology Acceptance Model
Interpretation for both educational
(TAM) in terms of:
and personal
2.1 perceived usefulness; purposes.

2.2 perceived ease of use;

2.3 intention to use; and

2.4 actual use

3. Is there a significant relationship

among the following:

3.1 gender and perceived

usefulness; and

3.2 gender and perceived

ease of use

4. Based on the findings, what

techno guide can be crafted?

Figure 3.

Flow of the Study

Research Environment

The study took place at Cebu Technological University (CTU) Dumanjug

Extension Campus in Dumanjug, Cebu, Philippines. This location was chosen
because it represents a typical college setting where students are highly
engaged with digital technology and online shopping. During the academic year
2024-2025, we used the campus's multi-purpose rooms for conducting surveys
with minimal disruption to student activities.

We selected this campus because its students regularly use online

platforms like Shopee and TikTok, making them ideal participants for
understanding user experiences on these platforms. The familiar campus
environment helped students feel comfortable, ensuring honest and accurate
responses about their online shopping behaviors and preferences.

Conducting the study here also provide practical insights into how
students, as digital natives, interact with e-commerce platforms. This information
is crucial for understanding how young people engage with digital shopping and
helps inform strategies to improve their online shopping experience.

Figure 4.

Location of the Study

Research Instrument

To evaluate students' adoption and usage on Shopee and TikTok, the

researchers utilized a structured survey questionnaire. This tool was designed to
collect quantitative data on key aspects such as online shopping behaviors, trust
in transactions, and perceptions of each platform. The questionnaire was divided
into sections that included demographic information, details about online
shopping habits, trust levels in Shopee and TikTok, and overall impressions of
each platform’s user-friendliness and attractiveness. Questions were crafted to
directly support the study’s goal of understanding how students engage on online
shopping specifically on Shopee and TikTok, ensuring each question was
relevant and aligned with the research objectives.


The study involved 100 students from the College of Education at Cebu
Technological University (CTU) Dumanjug Extension Campus, selected to
provide insights for the integration of e-commerce technology in educational
settings. A systematic sampling method was used to ensure a balanced
representation, with 50 students each from the Bachelor of Elementary Education
(BEED) and Bachelor of Technical Livelihood Education (BTLED) programs.
These participants, who were actively enrolled during the academic year 2024-
2025 and consistently involved in campus activities, were chosen to shed light on
their online shopping behaviours and preferences. This approach aimed to
uncover factors influencing their e-commerce choices and experiences on

Shopee and TikTok, enhancing the understanding of e-commerce adoption

among students in this educational setting.

Table 1.

Research Participants

Department Frequency Percentage

BEED 50 50%

College of BTLED 50 50%


Total: 100 100%

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering process for our study, “Student’s Adoption of

Ec0mmerce: A Study on Shopee and Tiktok Platforms," will commence with
obtaining approval from the administration of Cebu Technological University
Dumanjug Extension Campus, particularly from the Campus Director’s Office, for
conducting a survey on student adoption of e-commerce.

Once approval is secured, the researchers will distribute printed

questionnaire papers to all eligible respondents, including Bachelor of
Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLED) and Bachelor of Elementary
Education (BEED) students enrolled in various disciplines for the academic year

These questionnaire papers will be delivered directly to designated

classrooms or with the assistance of instructors during class hours. Students will

receive clear instructions regarding the study's purpose, the significance of their
participation, and the confidentiality of their responses.

Students will have sufficient time to complete the questionnaire at their

convenience. Researchers will be available to address any queries or concerns
raised by respondents during the data collection process, ensuring clarity and
accuracy of responses.

After collecting the data, thorough analysis using appropriate statistical

techniques will be conducted. The findings will be evaluated to draw meaningful
conclusions and insights regarding students' adoption of e-commerce at Cebu
Technological University, specifically focusing on their experiences with Shopee
and TikTok as online shopping platforms.

Treatment of Data/ Statistical Data

The treatment of data in the study “Student’s Adoption of E-commerce: A

Study on Shopee and Tiktok Platforms," involves meticulous collation, tallying,
and statistical analysis of survey responses from students at CTU Dumanjug
Extension Campus. Survey responses were categorized using a 5-point Likert
scale and subjected to descriptive statistics, including frequencies, mean scores,
and weighted mean, to provide a comprehensive understanding of user
engagement, purchase behavior, and satisfaction with both platforms. The
scoring procedure, based on a defined scale range, facilitates the interpretation
of qualitative perceptions into quantifiable metrics for statistical analysis. Through
this rigorous data treatment, the study aims to uncover significant in user
experiences between Shopee and TikTok, offering empirical evidence to optimize
e-commerce strategies based on the platforms' respective strengths and

The following statistical procedures will be used to interpret the data


gathered from the participants of the study.

Table 2.
Treatment of Data

Variable Specific Problem Treatment Data

Frequency and Simple

1. Profile Percentage
1. What is the socio-
demographic profile of Frequency and simple percentage
the respondents in analysis are particularly useful for
terms of: examining the demographic profile

1.1 Gender of respondents based on gender.

Frequency distribution involves
counting the number of respondents
in each gender category, providing
a clear and immediate overview of
how many individuals identify as
male, female, non-binary, or other
gender identities in the sample. This
straightforward count establishes a
foundational understanding of the
data. Calculating simple
percentages further translates these
counts into proportions of the total
sample, allowing researchers to
understand the relative
representation of each gender
category. This percentage
breakdown helps highlight the
distribution of each gender group,

facilitating comparisons of their

prevalence within the studied

Weighted Mean

2. Indicators What is the In our study titled "Students'

respondents level of Adoption of E-commerce: A Study
perception in the on Shopee and TikTok Platforms,"
adoption of Shopee and applying a weighted mean involves
Tiktok as describe by assessing how different aspects of
the Technology the Technology Acceptance Model
Acceptance Model (TAM) influence students'
(TAM) in terms of: motivation to use these platforms.
We begin by identifying key TAM
2.1 perceived
indicators like perceived usefulness,
ease of use, intention to use, and
2.2 perceived actual usage. Each indicator is
ease of use; given a weight based on its
importance, determined by previous
2.3 intention to
research or its perceived impact.
use; and
We collect data from students
2.4 actual use through surveys to measure their
perceptions and behaviors related
to Shopee and TikTok. Using these
responses, we calculate weighted
scores for each indicator,
multiplying their rating by the
assigned weight. By analyzing
these scores across all
respondents, we gain insights into

which TAM indicators most strongly

influence students' adoption
behavior. This helps us tailor
strategies to enhance aspects like
usefulness or ease of use, aiming to
increase students' adoption and
engagement with e-commerce
platforms effectively.

Pearsons Correlation Technique

3.Relationship To apply the Pearson r correlation

s 3. Is there a significant
technique to investigate the
relationship among the
relationships in our study titled
"Students' Adoption of E-commerce:
3.1 gender and A Study on Shopee and TikTok
perceived usefulness; Platforms," we focus on how
and perceived usefulness, ease of use,
and intention to use correlate with
3.2 gender and
actual system usage on these
perceived ease of use
platforms. Firstly, we examine how
perceived usefulness of Shopee
and TikTok correlates with actual
system usage among users,
assessing whether users who find
the platforms more useful also tend
to use them more frequently.
Secondly, we explore the
relationship between perceived
ease of use and actual system
usage, determining if easier-to-use

interfaces lead to higher usage

rates. Thirdly, we investigate how
intention to use Shopee and TikTok
influences actual system usage,
examining whether users' intentions
to use the platforms translate into
increased usage. By calculating
Pearson correlation coefficients for
these relationships, we aim to
quantify and understand the
strength and direction of these
associations, providing insights into
factors driving adoption and
engagement with e-commerce
platforms among students.

Scoring Procedure

A 5-point Likert scale was employed to measure the qualitative and

quantitative data obtained from the surveys. This scaling approach is
instrumental in translating subjective user experiences into quantifiable metrics,
facilitating statistical analysis and comparison.

Table 3.
Scaling Approach

Weight Range Verbal Interpretation


Indicates very frequent occurrences,

suggesting that students consistently
engage with specific features or

5 4.21-5.00 Always functionalities of Shopee or TikTok,

reflecting a high level of involvement and
utilization of these platforms in their
online shopping experiences.

Reflects regular but not constant

engagement, pointing to frequent but
4 3.41-4.20 Often varied interactions with different aspects
of Shopee or TikTok. This level of
engagement indicates active
participation and usage patterns among
the students.

Represents moderate engagement,

indicating balanced use without a strong
bias towards frequent or infrequent
3 2.61-3.40 Sometimes interactions. Students at this level may
use Shopee or TikTok periodically,
incorporating these platforms into their
online shopping routines.

Shows infrequent engagement,

suggesting minimal impact or relevance
2 1.81-2.60 Rarely in their usage of specific features or
functionalities on Shopee or TikTok. This
level of engagement may indicate areas
of the platforms that are underutilized or
less appealing to the students.

Indicates no engagement with particular

aspects of Shopee or TikTok,
1 1.00-1.80 Never highlighting features or functionalities
that students do not utilize or find
relevant to their online shopping

Definition of Terms

Actual Use (AU), as defined by Davis (1989), encompasses the observable

degree to which individuals engage with a system or technology in their daily
activities, providing empirical evidence of its integration and impact. According to
Venkatesh et al. (2003), AU represents the tangible manifestation of users'
interaction with a system, indicating the extent to which it is integrated into their
operational workflows and tasks. This construct serves as a measure of the
technology's effectiveness and adoption in practical settings, reflecting the real-
world utility and fulfilment of users' needs and objectives.

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce), refers to the buying and selling of goods

and services over the internet, encompassing various online commercial
activities such as online sales, electronic fund transfers, and digital marketing, as
defined by Laudon and Traver (2020). Chaffey (2019) further elaborates on this
concept, emphasizing the use of electronic systems and the internet to facilitate
commercial transactions, enabling businesses and consumers to engage in trade
without physical boundaries. This digital exchange of goods and services often
involves the transfer of money and data to execute transactions securely and
efficiently, transforming traditional commerce into a digital marketplace (Laudon
& Traver, 2020). E-commerce platforms provide virtual market spaces where
businesses can showcase their products and services, and consumers can
browse, select, and purchase items conveniently from their devices, contributing
to the global expansion of online trade (Chaffey, 2019). E-commerce has
revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with customers, offering
new avenues for market expansion and revenue generation in the digital era
(Laudon & Traver, 2020).

Intention to Use (IU). In the context of technology adoption refers to an

individual's planned or anticipated engagement with a specific technology in the
future (Davis, 1989). According to Venkatesh et al. (2003), it reflects the user's
readiness to employ the technology based on perceived usefulness and ease of
use. Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) conceptualize intention to use as the immediate
precursor to actual behavior, shaped by beliefs and subjective norms. Ajzen

(1991) describes it as motivated by an individual's beliefs about the outcomes of

using the technology and their perceived social pressures. Taylor and Todd
(1995) emphasize that intention to use is determined by the perceived benefits
and ease of using the technology, as well as external factors like social
influences. These perspectives collectively highlight intention to use as a critical
predictor of technology adoption and usage behavior.

Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), refers to the extent to which an individual

believes that interacting with a particular system or technology will be
straightforward and require minimal effort, as defined by Davis (1989). Gefen and
Straub (2000) further elucidate this concept, emphasizing the user's perception of
the ease with which they can navigate and utilize a system's functionalities.
PEOU reflects the user's subjective assessment of the system's usability and
intuitiveness, influencing their willingness to engage with it (Davis, 1989). Users
are more likely to adopt technologies that they perceive as easy to use, as it
reduces the cognitive burden associated with learning and operating the system
(Gefen & Straub, 2000). This construct plays a crucial role in technology
acceptance models, where perceived ease of use contributes significantly to
users' attitudes and behavioral intentions towards adopting new technologies
(Davis, 1989).

Perceived Usefulness (PU), is defined as the degree to which an individual

believes that using a particular system or technology would enhance their job
performance, as conceptualized by Davis (1989). Igbaria et al. (1995) further
elaborate on this construct, highlighting the user's perception of the system's
utility in facilitating their tasks and achieving their objectives. PU reflects the
user's subjective evaluation of the system's effectiveness in fulfilling their needs
and improving their productivity (Davis, 1989). Users are more inclined to adopt
technologies that they perceive as useful, as it offers tangible benefits and value
in their work or daily activities (Igbaria et al., 1995). This construct is a
fundamental component of technology acceptance models, where perceived

usefulness significantly influences users' attitudes and intentions towards

adopting new technologies (Davis, 1989).


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Letters and Informed Consent Document

Appendix A1



Campus Director
Cebu Technological University- Dumanjug Extension Campus
Liong, Dumanjug Cebu

Dr. Pajaron,


We are presently working on our research study titled STUDENT’S

PLATFORMS. The purpose of this research is to assess student’s adoption of e-
commerce platforms among the students of College of Education at Cebu
Technological University- Dumanjug Extension Campus. In this connection, we
would like to ask permission from your office to conduct this study.

Rest assured that the data collected will be solely used for this
research and will be treated with strictest confidentiality. Your favorable
consideration and approval for this request are very much appreciated. Thank
you very much and God bless us all!

Sincerely yours,









Research Adviser

Approved by:


Campus Director

Appendix A2
Letter to Respondents

Date: _____________

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day!

We are presently working on our research study with the title

TIKTOK PLATFORMS. In this connection, we would like to invite you as one
of our research participants to take part in the study The purpose of this
research is to assess student’s adoption of e-commerce platforms among the
students of College of Education at Cebu Technological University- Dumanjug
Extension Campus, located at Liong Dumanjug Cebu through the lens of
understanding behaviors, preferences, and usage patterns regarding Shopee
and TikTok. Your participation will involve answering a questionnaire designed
to gather insights into how students interact with these platforms, their
motivations for using them, and any challenges they may face. Your
responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose of
academic research. Your contribution to this study is invaluable in advancing
our understanding of e-commerce adoption among students.

This study involves absolutely NO risks in terms of physical, non-

physical risks such as social, psychological, or economic harm; criminal or civil
liability; or damage to financial standing, employability, or reputation. Your
participation in this study is voluntary. It will only take you 15 minutes to
respond. You have the right not to participate at all, or to withdraw from this
study at any time.

Rest assured that we will protect your responses from unauthorized

disclosure and treat your responses with utmost confidentiality and anonymity.
Your favorable response is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,









Research Adviser



Campus Director

Appendix A3


Liong, Dumanjug, Cebu

Subject: Informed Consent Form for Participation in Research Study

Dear Respondent,

We are writing to inform you about a research study entitled STUDENT’S

YBAÑEZ, students at the Cebu Technological University - Dumanjug
Extension Campus. This study is being undertaken as part of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have been selected to

participate in this study and give my informed consent to do so.

Purpose and Procedure:

The research aims to assess student’s adoption of e-commerce platforms
among the students of Cebu Technological University Extension Campus.
Data collection will be conducted via Survey questionnaires, which will be
distributed face to face. Participation will involve responding to a
questionnaire, estimated to take approximately 15-20 minutes, with potential
follow-up contacts for additional information.

Voluntary Participation:
Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. Even after signing this Informed
Consent Form, I am free to withdraw at any time without providing a reason. I

may also choose not to answer specific questions. Withdrawal from the study
will not affect any relationship I have with the researchers. Should I withdraw
before data collection is complete, my data will be destroyed.

Participation in this study will enhance my understanding on students adoption
of e-commerce platforms. I am entitled to request the results of the research.
LADY HEART YBAÑEZ and Dr. Alven A. Lopez are available to address any
questions about the study or my rights as a participant.

My responses will be kept anonymous. The researchers will ensure the
confidentiality of the data by storing it in a password-protected file, in
compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Thank you for considering participation in this important research.


Signed this:

_____________________ _____________ _____________

Name of the participant Signature Date

Sincerely yours,










Research Adviser



Campus Director

Appendix B2
Research Instrument

Name (optional):____________________ Course & Year:______________

Section 1: Demographic Information

Direction: Please fill in the information needed.

1. Gender:
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

Section 2: Survey Questions

Directions: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following

statements based on your experiences with Shopee and TikTok for e-commerce.
Use the scale below to respond:

Always - 5

Often - 4

Sometimes- 3

Rarely - 2

Never - 1

Perceived Usefulness (PU)

(A) (O) (S) (R) (N)

PU1: Using Shopee/TikTok for shopping

increases my productivity.

PU2: Shopee/TikTok improves my shopping


PU3: Shopee/TikTok enhances the

effectiveness of my shopping activities

PU4: Using Shopee/TikTok improves the

quality of my shopping decisions.

Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)

(A) (O) (S) (R) (N)

PEOU1: Learning to use Shopee/TikTok for

shopping is easy for me.

PEOU2: My interaction with Shopee/TikTok

is clear and understandable.

PEOU3: I find Shopee/TikTok easy to use

for my shopping needs.

PEOU4: It is easy for me to become skillful

at using Shopee/TikTok.

Intention to Use (IU)

(A) (O) (S) (R) (N)

IU1: I intend to use Shopee/TikTok for my

future shopping.

IU2: I will frequently use Shopee/TikTok for

my shopping activities.

IU3: I plan to explore more features of

Shopee/TikTok for shopping.

Actual System Use (ASU) (A) (O) (S) (R) (N)

ASU1: I use Shopee/TikTok for searching

and browsing products.

ASU2: I use Shopee/TikTok for making


ASU3: I use Shopee/TikTok for comparing

prices and reading reviews.

ASU4: I use Shopee/TikTok for sharing and

recommending products


Appendix C1
Timetable of Activities

Note: Just fill in the table with color yellow.

Month and Year Started: February 2024
Month and Year Finished: April 2025
2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 1/
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25

Enrolling the subject for


Reviewing of the
Important Parts of
Research Paper

Submitting our
Research Outlines

Crafting our 1st Draft of

Chapter 1

Submitting our 1st Draft

of Chapter 1

Counselling with

Revision of our Chapter


Submitting our Revised

Research (Chapter 1)

Counselling with Group


Submitting our Printed

Chapter 1


Integration of
suggestion and
corrections from the

Conduct of the study

(collecting and

Treatment of Data

Analysing and
interpreting the data

Completion of Chapter
3, output of the study,
and other parts of the

Submitting our
complete research to
the adviser for checking

Revision of suggestion
and comments from
research adviser

Final defense.

Integration of
suggestion and
corrections from the

Submission for
checking to the panel
and adviser

Submission of

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