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Economic Insights


David Ricardo
Theory of Free International Trade

Few ideas have been as widely accepted David Ricardo was born in London
in 1772, one of 17 children. His parents
by economists and as roundly rejected by
were Sephardic Jews who had emi-
many other people as the doctrine of free grated to England. His father, Abraham,
international trade. Economists base their was a successful stockbroker. Ricardo’s
business career started when he began
acceptance of the mutual benefits from such
working for his father at age 14, but at
trade on a concept called comparative 21 he married a Quaker, which created
advantage. The theory is most closely associ- a family rift that sent Ricardo into the
world completely on his own. He none-
ated with the writings of the great English clas-
theless prospered as a stockbroker and
sical school economist David Ricardo. left a vast estate at his death.
Although his career in the field of political Having no money problems,
Ricardo could afford to spend a great
economy was brief, Ricardo became one
deal of time in intellectual pursuits, and
of the most influential—and financially he became interested in many subjects.
successful—practitioners the discipline has Besides political economy, which he
took up after reading Adam Smith’s
ever known. David Ricardo
Wealth of Nations in 1799, he also stud-
Today, world trade agreements are ied mathematics, mineralogy, chemistry
under increasing attack. Many people are and geology. His career as an active
political economist lasted but 14 years.1 This helped to cement in the pub-
deeply concerned about such issues as out-
Ricardo’s first major work in the lic’s mind the idea that Ricardo was an
sourcing and the physical location—and field of economics, The High Price of economist of some standing. That sta-
relocation—of firms doing business across Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of tus brought him into contact with other
Bank Notes, was published in 1810. famous political economists of his time,
national borders. In light of these develop-
This pamphlet became very influential, notably James Mill and Thomas Robert
ments, we offer this latest Economic Insights making Ricardo’s name familiar to those Malthus. Mill became Ricardo’s mentor,
on the life and ideas of one of free trade’s most in government who sought economic coaching him and inspiring him to write
advice. A parliamentary inquiry into the more in their shared field.
ardent theoretical defenders. Anyone inter-
high bullion price may have been the In 1814, Ricardo retired from busi-
ested in this issue should become familiar with direct result of the pamphlet’s publica- ness life and bought an estate in Glou-
Ricardo’s work. We hope this short piece pro- tion, but that’s speculative. In any case, cestershire. A year later, he published
the government report’s conclusion— his next major work in economics,
vides a useful starting point.
that the inflation then occurring in Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of
— Bob McTeer England was the result of too many Corn on the Profits of Stock. In that
President paper banknotes being created—was work, Ricardo laid out what was to
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Ricardo’s own claim in his pamphlet. become a key idea in neoclassical eco-
nomics: the so-called law of diminish-
The Beneficent Effects of ing returns as it applied to labor and Taxation Impedes Growth,
capital. Generally, as it applies to culti- and Its Incidence Falls
Free Trade and National
vation of crops, this law states that
Profit Equalization increasing the quantities of inputs will Not Necessarily Where
increase total production up to a point, the Law Says
Under a system of perfectly free com- but then output must decline, given
merce, each country naturally devotes its that the land used is fixed in size. There are no taxes which have not a
capital and labour to such employments Although increasing production is pos- tendency to lessen the power to accumu-
as are most beneficial to each. This pursuit sible, and perhaps common at first, at late. All taxes must either fall on capital or
of individual advantage is admirably con- some point the marginal returns to revenue. If they encroach on capital, they
nected with the universal good of the
additional inputs must decline, fol-
must proportionably diminish that fund by
lowed by their average returns and,
whole. By stimulating industry, by reward- whose extent the extent of the productive
thus, total output must decline as well.
ing ingenuity, and by using most effica- industry of the country must always be
Ricardo’s purpose in exploring the
ciously the peculiar powers bestowed regulated; and if they fall on revenue, they
issue of land rents was British legisla-
by nature, it distributes labour most effec- must either lessen accumulation, or force
tion called the Corn Laws. Passed in
tively and most economically: while, by in- the contributors to save the amount of the
1815, these laws forbade the importa-
creasing the general mass of productions, tax, by making a corresponding diminution
tion into England of food grown else-
it diffuses general benefit, and binds to- where and sought to maintain the of their former unproductive consumption
gether by one common tie of interest and rising prices for British agricultural of the necessaries and luxuries of life.
intercourse, the universal society of products that had occurred during the Some taxes will produce these effects in a
nations throughout the civilized world. It is Napoleonic wars, when the French navy much greater degree than others; but the
this principle which determines that wine had embargoed British ports. Facing great evil of taxation is to be found, not so
shall be made in France and Portugal, that the loss of food imports, Britain had to much in any selection of its objects, as in
corn shall be grown in America and Poland, use more of its own land to feed its the general amount of its effects taken col-
and that hardware and other goods shall be population. This caused crop prices, lectively.
manufactured in England. and hence, land rents to rise at rapid Taxes are not necessarily taxes on
In one and the same country, profits rates during the war period. The pro- capital because they are laid on capital; nor
are, generally speaking, always on the tectionist Corn Laws were an attempt to on income because they are laid on in-
same level; or differ only as the employ- maintain the agricultural status quo after come…. The desire which every man has
ment of capital may be more or less secure Napoleon’s defeat and a return to peace- to keep his station in life, and to maintain
and agreeable. It is not so between differ- ful conditions. his wealth at the height which it has once
ent countries. If the profits of capital em- Ricardo, himself a landowner who attained, occasions most taxes, whether
ployed in Yorkshire should exceed those of was profiting from the rising rents, nev- laid on capital or on income, to be paid
capital employed in London, capital would ertheless argued that the Corn Laws from income; and therefore as taxation pro-
speedily move from London to Yorkshire,
should not be enacted and, after they
ceeds, or as government increases its
were, continued to argue strenuously
and an equality of profits would be ef- expenditure, the annual enjoyments of
for their repeal. Beyond that, the ob-
fected; but if in consequence of the dimin- the people must be diminished, unless they
served rent increases suggested to Ri-
ished rate of production in the lands of are enabled proportionally to increase
cardo a general theory of land rent.
England, from the increase of capital and their capitals and income. It should be the
The reason rent exists, he argued, was
population, wages should rise, and profits policy of governments to encourage a dis-
that as more and more land of dimin-
fall, it would not follow that capital and position to do this in the people, and never
ishing fertility was applied to growing
population would necessarily move from food, the better lands commanded a to lay such taxes as will inevitably fall on
England to Holland, or Spain, or Russia, premium. This was an argument for capital; since by so doing, they impair the
where profits might be higher. n rent on the extensive margin, that is, as funds for the maintenance of labour, and
more land was cultivated. But Ricardo thereby diminish the future production of
— On the Principles of Political Economy also argued for rent on the intensive the country. n
and Taxation (Cambridge, UK: margin, that is, where similar lands
Cambridge University Press, 1983), experienced different diminishing returns —On the Principles of Political Economy
133–34 to capital and labor. In Ricardo’s view, and Taxation, 152 – 53
the Corn Laws generated rents both ex-
tensively and intensively. His analysis of
the effects of the Corn Laws produced The Potential Pitfalls
the famous Ricardian theory of rent.2
In 1817, he expanded his pamphlet for Paper Monies
on rent and retitled it On the Principles
of Political Economy and Taxation. By There is no point more important in issuing paper money, than to be fully impressed with the
1819, he had been elected to the House effects which follow from the principle of limitation of quantity. It will scarcely be believed fifty
of Commons, where he continued to years hence, that Bank directors and ministers gravely contended in our times, both in parliament,
be an active participant in the policy and before committees of parliament, that the issue of notes by the Bank of England, unchecked
discussions of his time. by any power in the holders of such notes, to demand in exchange either specie, or bullion, had
Ricardo died suddenly of an ear not, nor could have any effect on the prices of commodities, bullion, or foreign exchanges. After
infection in 1823, leaving an estate esti- the establishment of Banks, the State has not the sole power of coining or issuing money. The cur-
mated at $126 million (current dollars). rency may as effectually be increased by paper as by coin; so that if a State were to debase its
As Mark Blaug comments: “Ricardo may money, and limit its quantity, it could not support its value, because the Banks would have an equal
or may not have been the greatest power of adding to the whole quantity of circulation. On these principles, it will be seen that it is
economist that ever lived, but he was not necessary that paper money should be payable in specie to secure its value; it is only neces-
certainly the richest.”3 sary that its quantity should be regulated according to the value of the metal which is declared to
be the standard. If the standard were gold of a given weight and fineness, paper might be
Ricardo’s Contributions increased with every fall in the value of gold, or, which is the same thing in its effects, with every
and System rise in the price of goods…. Experience, however, shows, that neither a State nor a Bank ever have
Ricardo’s approach to economics had the unrestricted power of issuing paper money, without abusing that power: in all States,
differed markedly from that of Adam therefore, the issue of paper money ought to be under some check and control; and none seems
Smith. Ricardo was a pure theoretician, so proper for that purpose, as that of subjecting the issuers of paper money to the obligation of
paying their notes, either in gold coin or bullion. n
an architect of a simple, highly abstract
model from which he drew policy con-
clusions. His most important assump-
— On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 353 – 54, 356
tion was that economic growth must
decline and end due to the scarcity of
land and its falling marginal productiv-
ity. In this, we see the origin of John
Stuart Mill’s later contention that eco- lation and economic growth.4 Because One of the ideas for which Ricardo
nomic stagnation would flow from the his model produced a falling rate of is most remembered is the theory of
working out of the capitalist productive profit and an ever-rising price for corn comparative advantage. Ricardo demon-
process. It also is very suggestive of later (grains), Ricardo favored an end to the strated that for two nations without
arguments by John Maynard Keynes of Corn Laws, arguing that Britain ought input factor mobility, specialization and
the continuing potential macrostagnation to import corn from countries better trade could result in increased total
that, according to Keynes and many of equipped to produce it at lower cost. output and lower costs than if each
his followers, flows from a chronic He hated the rising rents he attributed nation tried to produce in isolation.
insufficiency of aggregate demand in to the laws, since they came, in his Since Ricardo’s exposition, the distinc-
any relatively closed-market economy. view, at the expense of the driving tion between absolute and comparative
Ricardo’s foremost contemporary force of the economy—profits. advantage has been taught as one of
critic was Malthus, author of the famous Twenty-three years after his death, the field’s most brilliant insights.
pamphlet An Essay on the Principle of the laws were repealed and Ricardo’s Nations will export not only what they
Population. It was from Malthus that international free trade agenda became have an absolute advantage in produc-
Ricardo took the argument of an ever- one with British public policy. Ricardo ing, but also what they have a compar-
growing population that pressed had provided an answer to Britain’s ative cost edge in producing. Some his-
against all economic expansions, an long-term growth problems, and Britain torians of economic thought have
assumption that lay at the heart of became the “workshop of the world,” sought to show that others, specifically
Ricardo’s model. His central considera- importing most of its food and “out- James Mill and Robert Torrens, stated
tion in his Principles was to show how sourcing” most of its agricultural employ- the idea, or something close to it, prior
distributional changes between wages, ment. Ricardo’s ideas became “the to Ricardo. Such writers tend to dis-
rent, interest and profit affected the fountainhead of all nineteenth-century count Ricardo’s version of the theory as
prospects for long-run capital accumu- free trade doctrine!”5 very short and possibly even incorrect.6
Other economic historians defend money change prices instead of real Ekelund, Jr., and Robert F. Hébert, 4th ed.,
Ricardo and argue the contrary.7 factors. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997, pp. 144–46.
Regardless of ongoing academic dis- Ricardo’s theory of rent was tied 3
Great Economists before Keynes, by Mark
putes, it is unlikely that historians of directly to the marginal productivity of Blaug, New York: Cambridge University
economic thought will reverse their land, his theory of value was tied Press, 1986, p. 201.
position on Ricardo’s original author- directly to labor costs, and his theory of 4
Ekelund and Hébert (1997), p. 147.
ship of this idea. distribution stood atop both concepts, 5
Blaug (1986), p. 203.
Another major contribution Ricar- with Malthusian economic stagnation 6
Classical Economics: An Austrian
do made to economics was the doc- as a major assumption. Ricardo was not Perspective on the History of Economic
trine of fiscal equivalence, or, as it has so naive as to attempt to explain all Thought, by Murray Rothbard, vol. 2, Hants,
come to be known today, Ricardian market prices by labor costs. He recog- UK: Edward Elgar, 1995, pp. 96 – 98.
equivalence. His argument, as put forth nized the importance of “nonreproduc- 7
“David Ricardo’s Discovery of Comparative
in Chapter 17 of his Principles, is as fol- ible” commodities whose value was Advantage,” by Roy J. Ruffin, History of
lows: It doesn’t matter whether govern- solely determined by their rarity in the Political Economy, vol. 34, Winter 2002,
ment finances itself through taxes market. However, he considered these pp. 727 – 48.
or debt. They are equivalent and things—rare paintings, fine wines—to 8
Ekelund and Hébert (1997), p. 148.
have no appreciable effect on house- be a small portion of overall market 9
The General Theory of Employment, Interest
hold consumption or capital formation. consumption. He also allowed a role and Money, by John Maynard Keynes, New
This is because either the public for capital in determining value and York: Harcourt Brace, 1936, p. 32.
sector will save or run a deficit, or argued that an increase in fixed (more
households will do likewise and at the permanent) capital as opposed to cir-
same rate. Further, expectantly, taxpay- culating (perishable) capital would in-
ers view a deficit as a future tax crease value. By allowing value to be
increase and will save to pay for it, influenced by capital, Ricardo indirectly
while a surplus is viewed as a future suggested that time played a major role
tax cut with an opposite result. in value, a discovery later generally
Households will arrange their private attributed to other economists.8
affairs to frustrate the long-run effects Ricardo’s model, abstract and highly
of either finance approach, as judged deductive, became the means by which
from a macroeconomic policy perspec- he advocated public policy. A free
tive. (To be sure, Ricardo did not want trade enthusiast, he also was not a fan
government to issue debt rather than of public expenditure, believing most
raise tax revenue, regardless of the truth such spending to be at worst wasteful
of his equivalence insight.) or at best incapable of changing aggre-
Other concerns that Ricardo de- gate well-being and output. His influ-
voted himself to were monetary re- ence should not be underestimated,
form, the distribution of national in- especially in Great Britain, for as Keynes
come and the determination of an wrote, “Ricardo conquered England as
invariant measure of value. Ricardo completely as the Holy Inquisition con-
favored redemption of paper money in quered Spain.”9 n
gold bullion, argued for decoupling
the Bank of England from that nation’s — Robert L. Formaini
money supply creation and contended Senior Economist Economic Insights is a publication of the
that labor costs were the best long- Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views
run invariant measure of the value of expressed are those of the authors and should
not be attributed to the Federal Reserve System.
goods and services—a labor cost the- Notes
ory of value not unlike what Smith 1
“David Ricardo,” by G. de Vivo, in The New Please address all correspondence to
had also proposed in Wealth of Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, ed. Economic Insights
Nations. Ricardo was a believer in the John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Public Affairs Department
strict quantity theory of money, Newman, vol. 4, London: Macmillan Press, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
P.O. Box 655906
whereby the price level is directly pro- 1987, pp. 183 – 98.
Dallas, TX 75265-5906
portional to the quantity of money cir- 2
See the general discussion in A History of
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culating and changes in that quantity of Economic Theory and Method, by Robert B.

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