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Leveling before printing:

1),Copy the E3D leveling file.gcode to the TF card,

and insert the TF card to Printer.

2),Press the button to start print.

The X.Y.Z will move to “0” position

3),To lower the platform. Use a screwdriver to twist the 4 screws clockwise. To keep a little distance
between the platform and the nozzle.

4),By adjusting the distance between the 1, 2, 3, 4 points and the nozzle in the picture, the thickness of
a sheet of paper is the best, and the platform is good for object stick.

5), adjust the height of the platform by turning the screwdriver clockwise and counterclockwise, the
distance between the platform and the nozzle same as the thickness of a sheet of paper, and there is a
feeling of scratch when pulling the paper.

6), with the same method, adjust the distance between 2, 3, 4, points and nozzle . After the four points
are adjusted, the platform adjustment is completed.

1),把 E3D leveling file.gcode 文件烤到存储卡里,


X.Y.Z 三轴移动到归零位置

3),把平台往下调低,用螺丝刀顺时针方向拧平台上的 4 颗螺丝,让平台与喷嘴之间保持一点间隔距离。

4),通过调整图片上 1,2,3,4 四个点与喷嘴之间的距离都为一张纸的厚度,平台为最佳。


6), 再用同样的方法调整 2, 3, 4,三个点与喷嘴的距离,四个点都调好后,平台调整结束。

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