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Mar Ugarte Millones


Dear Robin,
First of all, I want to thank you for trusting me and telling me about
your problem, you are right, I never have problems when it comes to
my sleep schedule, so of course I can share some tips for you.
The first thing you can do in order to sleep better is stop using
electronic devices such as your phone, laptop or tablet, otherwise
your brain will be active for longer. Turning off your electronic
devices also helps you to relax and to stop procrastinating.
And the other recommendation I can give you is to be active during
the day, you can go for a run, cycle, or even go to the gym, if you do
this for at least one hour, you will feel tired by night, and you will
sleep so much better.
I really hope these tips help you to rest better, I hope you do great at
your exam.

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