Presentasi Bhs Inggris 2

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 Hello everyone
 Thank you for all coming here today
 Here we are group 4
 Let us introduce ourselves
My name is vidya fitrah my nick name is vidya and my friends
Thank you vidya my name is diah pratiwi you can call me diah my friend
Thank you diah my name is haikal, you can call me haikal
And my name is rudi you can call me rudi
 As you can see on the screen, our topic today is “3 domain secure”
(slide menunjukan judul)
 We think it’s a very interesting topic
 Because, the purpose of this presentation is to :
Help you to prevent fraud in online credit and debit card transaction
 We shall only take 5 minutes of your time
 And we are going to focus on 5 main points
(slide menunjukan outline ada 5 poin pentiing)
First we’ll start with “definition 3 domain secure”
Then,we’ll tell you about “how to use 3 domain secure”
Next we’ll look at “advantages of using 3 domain secure”
Next we’ll show you to “how to prevent hacking”
And finally is conclusion
 If you have any question, please feel free to interrupt
 Ok, all right before we start, I want to ask a question for you
Do you ever heard about 3 domain secure?
Did you know that 3ds is very important for online transaction security?
 Let me start by explaining about definition of 3 domain secure

Furthermore, what is the meaning of 3D secure? 3D Secure is a technology developed by

Arcot Systems (Currently CA Technologies) and was first used by VISA to provide
protection against online transactions (Credit Card and Debit Card). Then VISA
developed this technology to improve security and began to be used by many people
under the name Verified by VISA (Brand Visa Secure). The existence of 3D secure is to
ensure that every online transaction that occurs or has occurred can be known by the
credit card owner. Although this technology does not provide a 100% security guarantee,
this technology can reduce the occurrence of crime and misuse of your credit card.

 The next speaker, Diah, time is yours

 Thank you vidya, the next point is how to use 3 domain secure
Registration is very easy and free of charge, and registration is done only once. Every
standard chartered credit card holder is required to register a standard chartered credit
card for online transaction.
1. Visit
2. Create a 3d secure password for your credit card account
3. Your online transaction is now safe
4. Use your password every time you make an online transaction

 The next slide is advantages of using 3d secure in online transaction

Acrot system is the company that started to develop the 3DS. With the 3DS, the crime of
breaking into credit cards has been successfully minimized. Acrot system as a company
that is instrumental in developing this technology really understands the big gap in
the online transaction scheme . With the 3DS, this security hole can be closed. But you
still have to be careful when transacting online. Never give the OTP code to anyone else.
So start being aware of using 3DS for the sake of securing online transactions .

 Next we’ll show you to how to prevent hacking

The First .There are lots of hacking modes that can be prevented when you use 3d secure.This
method is done by directing the victim to a link similar to a popular site such as social media. For
example with phishing sites like Pay attention to the link, if you are careful then
you can see that it is not an official link from Facebook.

The Second .Never give your OTP code to ohers.

The Third .If you find suspicious things like this, you better be careful and don’t respond
further. Or you can directly contact the credit card provider for temporary blocking.

 And finally the conclusion is For those of you who like online transactions, it is very
important to know the security in transactions. Therefore it is very important to use 3 d
secure for security in your credit card transactions.
 We hope it can be useful for you
 Thank you for you attention
Wassalamualikum wr. Wb
The end.

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