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CBSE Worksheet

Class 7 Social Science

Chapter 2: New Kings and Kingdoms

1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) ________ composed by learned Brahmanas.
(b) Earlier the Chauhans were also known as ______.
(c) ________ wrote Kitab-Al-Hind.
(d) Settlements of peasants were known as ____.

2. Who were Maha-Samantas? Give an example.

3. What do you understand about Prashastis?

4. What is the importance of tripartite struggle?

5. Who was the most powerful Chola ruler? Who was his son?

6. Write a small note on the importance of temples.

7. What were the different methods used for irrigation?

8. What do you understand about the term, ‘nadu’?

9. What do you mean by Brahmadeya?

10. State True or False:

(a) Vetti is a type of tax taken in the form of forced labour.
(b) Rajendra I was the Chola ruler who developed the Navy.
(c) Gurjara-Pratihara Harichandra Dynasty was formed in Gujrat.
(d) Temple of Somnath is situated in Rajasthan.

11. How many taxes were imposed in the Chola regime?

CBSE Worksheet 1

12. Who was the founder of Chola Kingdom?

13. Who wrote Kitab-Al-Hind?

14. Which Rashtrakuta ruler overthrew Chalukya overlord?

15. The Tripartite Struggle is associated with which region?

16. State the reason in two lines for the importance of temples.

17. Rajaraja I was the most powerful ruler of which dynasty?

18. Name three major dynasties of that period?

19. What is the name used for association of traders?

20. Prashasthi found in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh describes the exploits of

which dynasty?

21. What is the importance of Kitab-Al-Hind?

22. What do Brahmans get in return for writing Prashastis?

23. Cholas were particularly placed in the state of:

(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Rajasthan
(c) West Bengal
(d) None of these

24. Name the two cities which were in direct control under Chahamanas?
(a) Madras and Madurai
(b) Delhi and Ajmer
(c) Bikaner and Agra
(d) None of these

CBSE Worksheet 2

25. What was the title adopted by the new kings?

Answer for Worksheets

1. (a) Prashastis, (b) Chahamanas, (c) Al-Biruni, (d) ur

2. Samantas were big landlords or warrior chiefs in different regions of the

subcontinent who were expected to bring gifts for their kings and present them in
their courts. They also used to provide military support to the kings. Samantas gained
more power and wealth and declared themselves as maha-samantas. Mahasamantas
asserted their independence over landlords and called themselves the great lord of a
circle. Rashtrakutas who were subordinate to Chalukyas are an example of maha-
samantas. In mid-eighteenth century Dantidurga, a Rahtrakuta chief overthrew his
Chalukya overlord.

3. Prashastis contains details about how a king wanted to depict himself as valiant
and victorious. They were composed by the Brahmans who used to get rewards from
their rulers in return.

4. The tripartite struggle is a long-drawn battle among the three parties. The struggle
of Gurjara-Pratihara, Rashtrakutas and Pala Dynasty to take control over the city of
Kanauj is called the tripartite struggle.

5. Rajaraja I was the most powerful Chola ruler who became the king in 985 CE and
expanded control over many areas. He recognized the administration of the empire.
Rajendra I was his son who continued his policies and even raided the Ganga Valley,
Sri Lanka and countries of Southeast Asia. He also developed a navy for these

6. Temples held great importance and became the nuclei of settlements which grew
around them. Temples were endowed with lands by rulers as well as others. They
were the centre of craft production. Bronze images of deities were made and placed
in the temples. If a ruler had to gain control over any area, temples were built by that

CBSE Worksheet 3

7. A variety of methods were used for irrigation. Wells were dug in many areas for
the purpose of irrigation. Huge tanks were manufactured to collect rainfall for
irrigation. Channels were built over rivers to make the soil fertile and for irrigation
purposes. Organising labour and resources in these activities also hold major

8. Settlement of peasants, known as ur, became prosperous with the spread of

irrigation agriculture. These groups of villages were called nadu.

9. Brahmadeya is a land received by Brahmanas as a grant. This led to a large number

of Brahmana settlements emerging in the Kaveri Valley. These lands were tax free
and were looked after by sabha of prominent brahmana landholders.

10. (a) True, (b) True, (c) False, (d) False

11. There were around 400 kinds of taxes imposed in the Chola regime.

12. Vijayalaya was the founder of Chola Kingdom.

13. Al-Biruni

14. Dantidurga overthrew the Chalukya Ruler

15. City of Kanauj

16. Temples were the nuclei of settlements which grew around them. They are also
important for taking control over any region.

17. Chola Dynasty

18. Chola Dynasty, Chalukya Dynasty and Palla Dynasty

19. Nagarams

CBSE Worksheet 4

20. Nagabhata

21. Kitab-Al-Hind is written by Al-Biruni. The book talks about the life, religion
and languages of India. It addresses the variety of culture present in India. It is also
available in various languages.

22. Brahamans used to get rewards from the kings in return for writing prashastis.

23. (a) Tamil Nadu

24. (b) Delhi and Ajmer

25. Maharaja-Adhiraj

CBSE Worksheet 5

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