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Version 5.0
Fiscal 2023

Manual Authors
Prepared / Revised By Email Address
Taylor Sekhon 2014
Lisa Chen 2020
Hina Sha
Amy Li 2021
Shreya Singh
JingJing Yang 2022
Claire Liu 2023

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Table of Contents




SECTION 3.1: HBA 2/3 COMMITTEE LEAD .........................................................................................................9
SECTION 3.2: MBA/MSc/PhD .................................................................................................................................9
SECTION 3.3: HBA 1/DUAL HBA 2 ........................................................................................................................9


SECTION 4.1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4.1.1: LEADER Alumni Engagement Profile & 5-Year Target (2021) ....................................................... 12
Figure 4.1.2: Alumni Donation Management Process (2021) ................................................................................ 13
Figure 4.1.3: LEADER Endowment Fund Strategy (2009) .................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.1.4: First Nations Funding Initiative (2021) ............................................................................................ 15
SECTION 4.2: HIRING (MAY TO JUL) ................................................................................................................. 16
SECTION 4.3: PLANNING & FORECASTING (AUG).......................................................................................... 16
SECTION 4.4: SUPPORT TEAM (SEP) ................................................................................................................. 17
SECTION 4.5: KICK-OFF A NUMBER OF EVENTS (OCT) ................................................................................ 17
SECTION 4.7: ORGANIZING AN IVEY-WIDE FUNDRAISER (NOV) ................................................................. 20
SECTION 4.8: WRAPPING UP BEFORE CHRISTMAS BREAK (DEC) ............................................................... 21
SECTION 4.9: SITE POTLUCK (JAN)................................................................................................................... 22
SECTION 4.10: VALENTINES DAY FUNDRAISER (FEB) ................................................................................... 23
SECTION 4.11: END OF YEAR EVENTS (MAR) .................................................................................................. 23
................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
SECTION 4.12: WRAP-UP & TRANSITION (APR)............................................................................................... 25
SECTION 4.13: ALUMNI REUNION EVENT ........................................................................................................ 25
Figure 4.13.1: Historical Alumni Event Ticket Sales (2012–2021) ........................................................................ 26
SECTION 4.14: WORKING WITH THE AE BOARD COMMITTEE ..................................................................... 27
SECTION 4.15: GOALS & OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................. 28
SECTION 4.16: KEY LESSONS ............................................................................................................................. 30


Figure 5.1: F&E Committee Timeline .................................................................................................................... 43

Exhibit 6.1: YoY Fundraising Results ..................................................................................................................... 44

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Exhibit 6.2: Top 25 Overall Donors (2012-2023 Period)....................................................................................... 44
Exhibit 6.3: Top Donor of the Year (From 2012-2023) .......................................................................................... 45
Exhibit 6.4: Total Donations YoY (2012-2023) ...................................................................................................... 45
Exhibit 6.5: Additional Donor Statistics (2017-2023) ............................................................................................ 46
Exhibit 6.6: LEADER Advancement Relationship Reset Slides (2021)................................................................... 47
Exhibit 6.7: Illustrative Alumni Engagement Goals (FY2021) ............................................................................... 49
Exhibit 6.8: Past F&E Committee Members........................................................................................................... 50
Exhibit 6.9: PBSN Connect Conference Notes (Past Initiative) ............................................................................. 53
Exhibit 6.10: Alumni Event Debrief (2016) ............................................................................................................ 54
Exhibit 6.11: Alumni Event To-Do List Example (2016) ........................................................................................ 55
Exhibit 6.12: Alumni Engagement Personas .......................................................................................................... 56
Exhibit 6.13: LEADER Alumni Donation Cycle ..................................................................................................... 56
Exhibit 6.14: HubSpot Maintenance & Upkeep Information .................................................................................. 57
Exhibit 6.14: Holiday Card..................................................................................................................................... 59
Exhibit 6.15: Committee Resources ........................................................................................................................ 60

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Table of Figures

Figure 4.1.1: LEADER Alumni Engagement Profile & 5-Year Target (2021) ........................................................... 12
Figure 4.1.2: Alumni Donation Management Process (2021) ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 4.1.3: LEADER Endowment Fund Strategy (2009) ......................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.1.4: First Nations Funding Initiative (2021) .................................................................................................. 15
Figure 4.13.1: Historical Alumni Event Ticket Sales (2012–2021)............................................................................. 26
Figure 5.1: F&E Committee Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 43

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The LEADER Project Fundraising & Engagement (F&E) Committee is responsible for:

Fundraising: Alumni Focused Fundraising

 LEADER focused on an Alumni engagement strategy to engage alumni more effectively and
ultimately convert them into donors for LEADER
 F&E specifically has done significant work with Ivey Advancement to streamline the donation
process and make it more user friendly, so the process is smooth for Alumni members
 F&E has also organized LEADER focused activities at Alumni events

Events: Events Organized for LEADER Alumni

 Traditionally, each year F&E organizes the LEADER event at homecoming and a February or
March LEADER alumni reunion event in Toronto
 The last major alumni event was held for the 25th year celebration
 In 2022 and 2023, F&E developed a stronger relationship with Ivey and ran several initiatives,
including the organization of a LEADER panel at Global Ivey Day and publication of posts,
blogs, and articles on Ivey’s social media channels
 Continued collaborations with Ivey will draw in additional engagement from all of F&E’s
stakeholders – LEADER and Ivey alumni, Pre-Ivey students, and entrepreneurs

Socials: LEADER Team Focused

 F&E is charged with creating a social and welcoming atmosphere among LEADERites to
foster cross-program and cross-committee cohesion within the broader team and to build better
on-site team dynamics in advance of travel
 LEADER is hard work, but it has also traditionally been a very fun Project!

Events: Events Organized for Incoming Ivey Students

 To raise student awareness and increase applications for the Project, F&E collaborated with
the Pre-Business Student’s Network (PBSN) to introduce LEADER to Pre-Ivey students

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Name Program Site E-mail Contact

Claire Liu HBA2 Belgrade, Serbia

Anna Ma HBA1 Bangalore, India

Sujay Nair MBA Belgrade, Serbia

Ritika Chhikaraa MBA Belgrade, Serbia



HBA2/3 HBA2/3


F&E Committee
The F&E Committee is comprised of Committee Lead(s) and Committee Members. Committee
Members are selected from across the HBA, MBA, MSc, and PhD programs at the Ivey Business
School. The role of a Committee Lead is to ensure the successful completion of F&E’s core
initiatives and empower Committee Members in pushing new initiatives throughout the term.

The core responsibilities of Committee Members are to 1) execute on the core F&E initiatives,
and 2) ideate and push the boundaries of what is possible within both the F&E and broader
LEADER organization.

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There is a mix of HBAs, MBA, MSc, and PhD students on LEADER and on the F&E
Committee. Regardless of age, program, or previous experience, all members of the team will be
held to the same level of expectation in terms of passion for the LEADER mission, quality of
deliverables, time commitment to the Project, and overall team accountability. The selection
process for the F&E Committee was meritocratic and screened for both the ability to ideate and
execute, as well as cultural fit.

There is a very flat hierarchy on the team, and all members are expected to take full
accountability for the performance of the Committee. If there is a good idea, we will execute on
it. If there is something that needs improvement, it does not matter if we have been doing it for
decades – as long as there is sufficient reason to back up our claim for change, we will make it
happen together. Mistakes are encouraged to be made. Try new things!

The success of the team depends on clear and open communication. The baseline expectation is
that deliverables will adhere to a mutually decided upon date. If there are obstacles that arise
which will cause the delay of a deliverable, the expectation is that the delay will be
communicated as soon as it is identified. We do not gain anything from hiding challenges or
attempting to chase after one another for deliverables – our promise as Committee Leads is to be
receptive to concerns, work with the Committee to set clear and reasonable timelines and provide
Committee Members with the help they need to achieve our collective Committee goals.

Advisory Board Oversight

The LEADER Advisory Board is designed to provide strategic direction and continuity for the
Project. With annual student leadership turnover, the Board helps ensure innovative initiatives
are continued year-to-year and the Project’s mission and vision is upheld. F&E will be working
most closely with the Alumni Engagement (AE) Committee of the Advisory Board, and on
occasion, the Audit Committee.

The Advisory Board and the LEADER Operating team are not in any form of a hierarchy – both
are member branches of the LEADER organization serving different purposes. When F&E
makes decisions with multi-year, large scale impact, it’s always a good idea to get input from the
Advisory Board.

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 Number of people: 1-2 people
 Lead the group by organizing meetings, checking in with work, fielding questions, and
recording meeting minutes
 Work with the ED to plan out a tentative schedule for the year
 Actively help-out with all events planned; you may take on the role of any other LEADERites
on F&E
 Identify any problems or opportunities in the strategic F&E vision, and develop solutions and
work plans accordingly


 Number of people: 2-3 people
 ALL MBA fundraising events from ideation to execution (i.e. hockey games, bar nights)
 Help with the execution of HBA/MBA events (i.e. creating candy grams)
 Brainstorming new ideas for potential social, fundraising, or alumni events
 Monitor within the MBA cohort for feedback on how social cohesion is evolving and how
events are perceived within the class


 Number of people: 1-2 people (Usually one person if there are two HBA2/3 leads)
 Mainly executing events from ideation to reality including (i.e. buying materials, setting up a
booth, thanking alumni donors)
 Brainstorming new ideas for potential social, fundraising, or alumni events
 Help recruit LEADERites for the next year
 Take detailed notes at meetings
 Absorb key learnings in anticipation of leading the Committee next year

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Committee Introduction
Hello! First and foremost, congratulations on joining LEADER. While this document aims to be
as comprehensive as possible, timelines can be flexible, and creativity is encouraged. Each year
the F&E team has the autonomy to shape events, fundraisers, and socials to be different. We
encourage creativity and failure. Try new things. Do not be afraid to fail.

On a high-level, the major F&E Committee deliverables are:

1. Kick-off social event (October);
2. Homecoming (October);
3. Collective fundraising events (October – March);
4. Site social event (January);
5. Alumni event (February or March) when appropriate, and;
6. Global Ivey Day (May)

Furthermore, while online meetings and calls can be good for quick check-ins, it is
recommended for the F&E team to meet in person to foster Committee camaraderie. High
expectations for the entire team should be set early on.

F&E has created a work plan that consists of 3 main strategic objectives:
1. Alumni Events and Broader Engagement;
2. Alumni Fundraising and Donation Process Management, and;
3. LEADER Team and Campus Engagement.

Alumni Engagement
There has been a much larger emphasis on alumni engagement in recent years and this focus has
ramped up greatly in the 2022 fiscal year. We hold monthly meetings with the Advisory Board
AE Board Committee. Since 2021, we have created a system that told us who to reach out to,
with what content we were reaching out with, and when we should do this type of reach out. We
wanted to know which group of people in our alumni base were most likely to donate their time
and finances to LEADER, and we wanted to know what type of content would spur them into
action. We also wanted to know what types of events alumni want to attend, and what type of
updates they would like to receive. Therefore, our two key objectives for our alumni engagement
processes were as follows:

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1. Execute on alumni engagement initiatives in a virtual environment to generate buy-in,
revive some previous donors, and bring in some new donors
2. Create this alumni engagement system, have clearly laid out metrics of success so that we
know how we have performed, and where we need to be better

Recent Committee Highlights

In 2023, F&E team fostered a strong relationship with Ivey and collaborated on several initiatives:

 Global Ivey Day webinar (1-hour panel)

o LEADER Alumni and past program participants included as participants
o Current LEADERites and entrepreneurs Zoomed in live from the Project’s sites
 Global Ivey Day main celebration (downtown Toronto)
o LEADER manned a booth during the event, connecting with Ivey alumni
 LEADER travel blogs across Ivey social media channels

The Committee also engaged with top donors by sending out holiday cards via Canada Post
shipping in December (see Exhibit 6.16). Further means to engage donors were employed after
each month of donations were received. For example, thank you emails, entrepreneurial
testimonials, and impact statements were sent to these top donors.

In addition, alumni newsletters were produced the fall and winter semesters. These newsletters
summarized our key activities and provided alumni with engagement opportunities biannually.
Topics included LEADER operations and in-person travel, alumni event invitations, and alumni
or student entrepreneur spotlights.

HubSpot Database
In fiscal 2021, F&E transferred all alumni contact information on to HubSpot, a customer
relationship management (CRM) software, to have an up-to-date database with a simple and
transparent contact updating process. Alumni contact information contained within HubSPiot is
updated annually by obtaining the most recent alumni contract information from Ivey’s
Advancement Department. HubSpot as a platform offers greater continuity of alumni
engagement knowledge beyond a LEADERites term on the Project. Historically, any emails and
interactions with alumni were lost once a LEADERite graduated. By using HubSpot as our
primary communications distributor for key alumni emails, we were able to clearly store and
pass on the history of LEADER engagement with each alumni member. Furthermore, we created
a persona ranking system – 1) Highly Engaged, 2) Moderately Engaged, and 3) Not Engaged –
which grouped alumni into lists based on their interactions with the most recent emails,
involvement in alumni volunteer programs, and attendance at recent events. For information
personas, please refer to Exhibit 6.12. This system successfully allowed us to create a clear list
of high potential donors to specifically target for our donation targets. For information on how to
maintain and update HubSpot, please refer to Exhibit 6.14.

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Figure 4.1.1: LEADER Alumni Engagement Profile & 5-Year Target (2021)

Donations Process
There is now a standardized system to solicit donations, thank donors, and categorize donors.
When an alumni member donates, the donation is tracked on their personal profile in HubSpot,
and their status is updated to reflect donation frequency (i.e. high engaged, moderately engaged,
not engaged). It is critical that the F&E team helps to ensure that the current LEADERite team
details are uploaded into HubSpot so this information is accurately captured prior to the current
team becoming LEADER alumni at the end of the year. The team is also responsible to track
monthly donations on a Master Google Sheets that contains donation information dating back to
fiscal 2012.

All alumni will receive the semi-annual LEADER newsletter, and top donors/highly engaged
alumni will receive additional tailored solicitation for funding initiatives and outreach. Ivey
Advancements has finally concluded that having a LEADER-specific donation button is
unfeasible. As a result, the donation page on the LEADER website has been refreshed to give
simple donation instructions.

Ivey Advancement Partnership

The Executive Director of Advancement, Cathy Vitkauskas, has agreed to continue our prior
relationship of cross-referencing alumni information to ensure LEADER’s alumni database is up
to date in fiscal 2021. Caitlin McLellan, Associate Director of Advancement Operations, will
send monthly updates about donations that LEADER has received, and provide the donation
amount, donor contact information, and the donation date. Each new F&E Committee should
plan to schedule an annual touchpoint in September/October with Caitlin McLellan to coordinate
this cross referencing which will take plan on an annual basis moving forward as was done in
previous years.

Note: Careful and respectful management of the relationship with Advancement is critical.

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Figure 4.1.2: Alumni Donation Management Process (2021)

LEADER Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund exists to provide greater financial stability to the LEADER Project and
ensure it has access to capital for select strategic initiatives. It is invested alongside and
administered by the Western University Endowment. Most years the Endowment Fund generates
investment income (that is usually reinvested in the fund), as well as new contributions from
collective donations, alumni volunteer travel, and other one-time events. The Board Chair, also a
member of the Audit Committee, is typically responsible for management of the fund.

The Endowment Fund is not used by the Project unless approved by the Advisory Board. Past
spending from the Endowment Fund included exploratory expenses when visiting potential new
sites (i.e. Nepal, Bosnia, and Whitehorse), as well as the coverage of annual deficits related to
unexpected circumstances events such as the Covid-19 global pandemic.

As of April 2022, the Endowment Fund’s balance was approximately $287,000. As the
Endowment Fund’s balance grows with interest and the small surpluses generated from operating
years. In 2009, the Board proposed certain fund size thresholds for strategic initiatives. These
should be re-evaluated soon, as the fund has grown substantially since then and donors are more
likely to contribute to a specific cause.

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Figure 4.1.3: LEADER Endowment Fund Strategy (2009)

Pilot Milestone: First Nations Funding Initiative

In 2021, F&E started the process of brainstorming financial milestones that would align with
LEADER’s Endowment Fund strategy. As part of that process, we piloted an entrepreneur
funding initiative at our Whitehorse site – the First Nations Funding Initiative – by offering
$2,000 CAD to the winner of the Business Plan Competition. The $2,000 CAD prize was funded
through a F&E led specific outreach through an alumni newsletter seeking donations for the
initiative which raised $1,000 CAD in funds and an additional $1,000 CAD donation from
Yukon University our Site Partner at Whitehorse.

This pilot initiative will test the impact that offering funds to LEADER participants will have on
their entrepreneurial development. Janelle Hagers, Whitehorse participant in 2021, was selected
as the winner for this year’s program. Janelle wants to start IndigiFit - a health and fitness
business that focuses on the health and physical activity of Indigenous populations in rural and
remote areas of Northern Canada. She plans to use the LEADER funding to finance the Fitness
& Nutrition Course and Personal Training courses necessary to start her business.

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So far, the pilot initiative is deemed to be a success, and potentially offering business grants to
the winners of the Business Plan competition can be added to additional sites in the future. We
should take a specific look at regions where $2,000 CAD or a different amount of funds will add
significant value to budding entrepreneurs (i.e. India, Nepal, Vietnam). Furthermore, in future
years, F&E should collaborate with Impact to determine which metrics can be used to assess the
impact LEADER has on grant winners such as Janelle.

Figure 4.1.4: First Nations Funding Initiative (2021)

Note: This email campaign resulted in $1,000 of donations from 5 unique donors. In LEADER
donation history, there is strong evidence of higher success in receiving donations when asks are
linked to direct impact, such as the First Nations Funding Initiative.

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Hiring Plan
 The F&E Committee Leads should help with the hiring process of MBAs such to build
camaraderie and healthy team dynamics from the start
 The MBA ED for F&E will be introduced to Advancement to continue any discussions related
to Homecoming. Typically, conversations begin January/February for the homecoming that
happens later in the year usually in October. Therefore, there may be a hand off between the
previous year F&E team and the new F&E team. Please note that in fiscal 2022 and 2023 we
did not coordinate with Ivey for homecoming and instead focused our efforts on LEADER’s
participation in Global Ivey Day, which is usually held in May.
 Once the MBAA has been formed (usually around May), schedule a meeting with them to talk
about and secure the donation they make to LEADER each year. This conversation should be
led by the Executive Directors and supported by the F&E Committee

• Meet the new MBA EDs (Most likely virtually)
• See through the Alumni Engagement event in July
• Plan for a panel, have enough food and drinks, and create a marketing plan with
MarComm. The venue should be finalized by March/April if the event is in July


Onboarding & Preparation

 Committee Leads compose proposed goals, objectives, and schedule for the year
 Host a meeting with the EDs and to finalize these objectives, set goals, and outline roles and
responsibilities prior to the month's All-Hands meeting
 Once finalized internally, these goals and objectives (G&Os) should be shared with the AE
Board Committee for their input and feedback. The AE Board Committee may have additional
objectives that require collaboration with the F&E Committee throughout the year. There may
also be G&Os carried over from previous years and/or strategic multi-year goals and objectives
 Work with the ED who will oversee the F&E team to review the timeline for Homecoming,
the Alumni Event, and schedule a few internal fundraising activities. Please do not expect these
events to go exactly as planned! You want to ensure that your team has ‘buy-in’ and while you
should have events planned, if your team wishes to do something else, that should prevail
 Plan the first ‘kick-off’ social event, to take place a few days following when the full team is
selected and onboarded

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• Finalize goals and objectives for the year
• Create your upcoming academic year plan (i.e. event ideas, number of team members)
• Brainstorm kick-off social events for all the LEADERites


 Begin to execute on the goals and objectives established for the year despite the entire team
will likely not be formed until the end of the month. Ensure the newly recruited team members
are excited about the goals and objectives. Make adjustments as needed to ensure buy-in
 Help the team with HBA1 LEADER info sessions and interviews as appropriate
 Ensure second meeting occurs between the F&E Committee and the AE Board Committee

• Aid HBA1 interviews for the F&E team; hiring accordingly to your planned ‘roles’
• Work with Ivey Administration to plan for Homecoming in October


Full Team Formation

 All-Hands Meeting will take place at the beginning of October, in which each Committee will
present their proposed goals and objectives for the year to the rest of the Project. The F&E
Committee will also be introduced to the new HBA1 LEADERites. A social event and/or
dinner to follow the All-Hands Meeting
 Hold first full team F&E Committee meeting of the year in-person. Establish meeting cadence
and expectations for the year as a team. Favor in-person work and meetings as often as possible
 Ensure third meeting occurs between the F&E Committee and the AE Board Committee

Committee Leads
 Organize a meeting with the HBAA President. The Executive Directors should be leading
these discussions with the support of the F&E Leads
 Organize a meeting with the social rep for the MBA Ivey cup to see if collaborating on a
fundraiser is possible. In fiscal 2020, the F&E MBA team member (Ryan Mulligan) was also
the Ivey Cup representative, so fundraiser planning was more straightforward. In fiscal 2021
this fundraiser was not run given the Covid-19 pandemic. The Ivey Cup is usually on the first
weekend of the MBA class (March of following year), in past years we did a raffle (50%
went to one winner, 50% to LEADER) and skip-the-line for London bars such as the Ceeps

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F&E Team
Category Task
Scheduling Inform the entire team of key dates fundraising events will be held so they are
able to plan in advance and invite their friends (use all faculty calendars when
choosing dates). Ensure the Logistics Committee inputs schedule into calendar;
collaborate with MarComm Committee
Strategy Organize a meeting with the ED team to go over the finalized goals and
objectives and schedule before all hands meeting. Discussions ensued about all
the Committees and together new strategies were brainstormed as a team.
Fundraising: Every year we struggle to get everyone to fundraise. While this has strayed
Encouraging from being our main focus for the Committee, this is definitely a point of
Personal improvement for the F&E team
Fundraising ▪ The fundraising team is responsible for motivating individuals to fundraise
both for their personal deposit reimbursement and for the group
collectively. You will need to be creative
▪ Suggestions: Make it competitive and make it public, track it and display
results periodically, either by site or individual. Recently, there has been a
trend of selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts. While this plan has yet to come
to fruition, in a girl-guides-style sell-off, LEADERites can be encouraged
to fundraise for their trips by selling pre-orders of doughnuts and/or other
items. However, Ivey doesn’t allow food to be sold from external
restaurants due to fear of liability / allergies therefore, if activities must be
done where you will be selling non-Ivey catering food, the logistics will
have to be looked into
▪ Each LEADERite should be encouraged to make a list of ALL the
connections and skills they have (photography, bartending, bands, and
others) and brainstorm how these can be used for fundraising (or
entertainment at fundraising events)
▪ Try hosting a personal fundraising brainstorming session
Alumni Preliminary work should begin on the annual fundraising event immediately
Event ▪ Begin thinking about dates, locations, and sponsors. Confirm approximate
date and venue by early October if the event is held in the spring
(February/March is typical)
▪ Ensure the AE Board Committee is apart of this process and agree with the
proposed date (as they are the target audience)
▪ Please note, in the 2019 year, F&E partnered with Ivey to host the alumni
event concurrently with Global Ivey Day (GID). If participants purchased
tickets to the LEADER social, Ivey gave them a discount (10%) to GID.

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Category Task
Despite this, the location was held at Firkin on Front (sports bar) and was
not all that popular. Vanessa Leiva ( from Ivey (Alumni
Relations Associate, Alumni Programs Advancement Department) is
always willing to help with the event
Social ▪ Organize LEADER’s first social (ice breaker) event; the objective is for
everyone to get to know each other (In 2018 we went to Palisade for
bowling & food, in 2019 we went apple picking, in 2020 we had a virtual
games night with scavenger hunts and trivia. In 2021 we went to Palisade
for bowling & food, and in 2022 we went to Moxie’s for a team dinner after
the first all-hands meeting).
▪ Once the entire team is selected, this is when Donut Chats begin to take
place. Donut Chats is LEADER’s coined term for ‘coffee chats’. Because
LEADER is an amalgamation of HBAs, MBAs, MsCs, and others it is
important to foster a community feeling by introducing the different cohorts
to each other. One person on F&E should be in charge of organizing Donut
Chats throughout the year; ideally between HBAs and MBAs. We
incentivized LEADERites to participate by creating a Slack channel called
‘Donut Chats’ and after meetings occurred, we asked that a photo of the
two LEADERites was sent into the chat for everyone to see. This tended to
work well. We also started using the “Donut” feature on Slack to
automatically group people in the channel and set up introductions every
few weeks
▪ In past years as well, we have had a private Instagram account. This way
all the LEADERites can see what’s going on throughout the year, but also
during the site teaching period. This was an informal way to keep connected

• Host your first meeting with the entire F&E team and collect everyone’s schedules
• Assign F&E member the role to lead Donut chats and Kudos for future All-Hands
• Create a slide to introduce the F&E team to the full team at the All-Hands meeting
• Host a social for the entire LEADERite team (interactive)
• Begin planning for a November fundraiser
• Select LEADERites who will be a part of the Alumni Engagement Task Force (to
discuss the donation process among other things)

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Committee Chairs
 From the beginning of September onwards, the F&E Committee should be in full swing with
carrying out the respective objectives for the year
 Special emphasis should be placed upon the inclusion of the HBA1 students who will likely
Chair the Committee in the following Project year. While it is up to the F&E Lead(s) to decide
how to structure the year, the fiscal 2020-year Committee assigned roles to each member. For
example, HBA fundraisers were headed by the incoming HBA LEADERites

F&E Team
Category Task
Fundraiser At least one major fundraiser should take place in November
a. In the 2023 fiscal year we had a holiday candy gram for the HBA and
MBA classes. Students really enjoyed the festivities that we planned
for the HBA1 students, where LEADERites would dress up as Santa
and his helper elves to deliver the candy grams to homerooms in Dec
b. In November 2019 we held a candy gram fundraiser (candy canes!) for
the holiday season. Typically, we tried to coincide this fundraiser near
48hr Reports so that it can double as a holiday spirit gift as well as a
‘care-package’ for friends. We opened this candy gram sale up to Ivey
staff as well, and there was a surprising amount of people who do buy
for staff. (Reference: Exhibit 6.1 for past sale results)
d. MBAs in the 2019 fiscal year enjoyed hosting keggers. One major event
they held for an MBA-only event in November was a curling event. The
MBA class tends to be tighter knit compared to the HBA class just
purely based on size (~150 vs. ~800 respectively), so we find that it’s
easier to rally MBAs
Note: the MBA class has donor fatigue after ~2 events before the broader class
will typically lose interest
Alumni ▪ Continue planning for the alumni engagement event
Event ▪ Ensure the AE Board Committee is met with and updated
Social Option to plan another social in November (something small – board game night
as an example. The fundraising event could replace this social alternatively
a. In 2023, the team went to Palisade for food and drinks. The team had a
great time and would recommend the venue for future years.

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• Host a November Fundraiser
• Host smaller November socials (Site team based if information available)


There will be another All-Hands Meeting in which you are to update the entire team on your
progress and any changes that may have been made to the annual goals and objectives and
schedule. This is a quieter month because HBAs have exams early on and MBAs are typically on
their study trips (China/South America).

Fundraising Team
In 2023, the F&E team sent out holiday cards to all donors from the past fiscal year. These holiday
cards expressed our gratitude for their support and also featured a few travel pictures from the
teams during the most recent year.

Photos from previous years can be found using the following link:

Focus on Alumni Event (Reference: Exhibit 6.10 & 6.11 for Alumni Event Debrief & Checklist)
 Event planning should be at an advance stage if the Alumni Event is planned for Feb/Mar
 Silent auctions are an excellent fundraising tool at Alumni Events:
o Analyze which Silent Auction Items sold well in previous years
o Furthermore, the ED overseeing fundraising should have made a request to Ivey
Advancement to have gifttool set up for online ticket sales.
 Encourage team to do personal fundraising around Christmas and set a mandate of each
LEADERite requiring at least one Silent Auction Item

• Begin planning for the Alumni Social for venues
• This will be necessary too if a silent auction will be held. Items will need to be
collected, and those from LEADER entrepreneurs will be the best to get
• Potentially host another HBA fundraiser here as most MBAs will be gone in

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January is an important month to take stock of the F&E Committee’s progress to date. Goals and
objectives should be reassessed to ensure progress for the year is on track. Adjustments should be
made as required and the EDs and AE Board Committee updated.

January typically starts off with lots of hectic schedule planning. Many schedules change
(HBA2/3s, MBAs, and others) so individual schedules should be collected ASAP.

January is typically a good month to host a large team or fundraising focused event before school
begins to get busy once again. Events that manage to focus on building positive team dynamics
within each site team are extremely valuable prior to eventually travelling together. Efforts should
be made to ensure the event is not too time consuming, as HBA1s will be in heart of recruiting.

According to Ivey, this is approximately when they start focusing on the Homecoming schedule
for the next fall, so take time to meet with someone from alumni relations.

For the past few years, LEADER has organized a site-based potluck in January (once everyone
knows where they’ll be going) This past year we budgeted $100, and it was enough to cover:
cutlery, plates, drinks, and napkins. The rest of the food should come from the site teams! In
2023, we had everyone bring their own forks and cutlery in efforts to reduce costs and promote
sustainability. Our goal is for everyone to learn a little more about each other’s sites. In essence,
site teams organize when to meet and cook themselves (and it acts as a first social for their site
team to get together), and then the potluck is held at a LEADERite’s house. In 2023, we also
hosted the potluck after-hours in the Ivey cafeteria to simplify hosting logistics and provide a
central area accessible for everyone.

• Host a site potluck
• Ensure a venue is selected
• Allocate about $100 in the budget for drinks, cutlery, napkins, and plates
• Begin planning for a February (usually Valentines) fundraiser for HBAs & MBAs

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Host another major fundraiser in February. In 2020, we were targeting Valentine’s Day and did
another round of candy-grams. The team had already had experience with logistics from the first
candy gram sale, so it ran smoothly (Reference: Exhibit 6.1 for past sale results).

Planning for the alumni event should be well underway and beginning to be in execution mode.
The event typically takes place during February or March. So final preparations must be made now
for a successful execution to take place.

 Host Alumni Reunion Event
 Execute on the February fundraiser
o Logistically, for candy grams, do a pre-order for about a week & a half online
and then designate 2-days for pick ups


March is a great time for MBA fundraisers because the new class begins (there is overlap between
the incoming and outgoing MBAs). Typically, the MBAs have taken advantage of the student’s
eagerness and willingness to meet others by selling line-bypass wristbands to a selected bar. Ceeps
is always a great choice! This line-skip event is usually organized for the new class’s first day of
class, which is usually a Friday.

In 2023, the MBA F&E members put together a high-level document of key takeaways and
learnings from planning a line by-pass fundraiser for the MBA class. The can be found here:

Also, the outgoing MBAs become more sentimental, their propensity to meet is much higher. In
March 2020, the MBAs helped host an Ivey hockey tournament: The Ivey Cup; and organized a
raffle where 50% of the proceeds went towards LEADER.

In 2023, the team partnered with Ceeps to host a line by-pass fundraiser for the HBA1 and HBA2
classes. We also explored the option of running a table at the UCC to promote the fundraiser for
the broader Western campus.

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March is also typically a time where Pre-Business Students’ Network (PBSN) will host their
Connect Conference (Reference: Exhibit 6.9 for Connect Conference notes). PBSN is there to
serve first and second years on main campus. Typically, these students are hoping to enter Ivey,
and are very career focused. Connect Conference is a consulting conference which hosts MBB
(MicKinsey & Co, Boston Consulting Group, and Bain & Co), among other firms for 2-days.
LEADERites (typically HBA students) act as liaisons for PBSN and help create warm
introductions for the team. In exchange for helping them, PBSN will typically donate ~$2,000 to

In 2020, there were MAJOR issues with Connect Conference planning due to venue changes and
lack of planning. Ivey changed their policy and refused to let the conference be held in the building,
and thus a much more expensive venue (Spencer Leadership) was explored. As a result, LEADER
decided to not participate in that year’s event and were not invited to partner in 2021. In the future,
if F&E hopes to continue this partnership, focus will need to be put on clarifying LEADER’s value
and rebuilding the relationship with PBSN. In addition, we strongly recommend pushing PBSN to
ask sponsors for donations between $1K to $3K, instead of the mid-hundreds amount in previous
years. It is only worth the effort if the dollar figures support it.

In 2023, the F&E team and PBSN worked closely together to try to secure space in the Ivey
building; however, there were still many obstacles with securing venue space for clubs that were
not affiliated with Ivey. Therefore, the more expensive venue of Spencer Leadership was pursued
instead and hindered PBSN’s ability to donate to LEADER. However, LEADER decided to
participate regardless, by providing 3 HBA1 students to speak about their experiences recruiting
for consulting firms and promote LEADER’s mission to the younger prospecting students. While
there should still be a push to secure donations from PBSN in future years, the Connect Conference
is a great opportunity to raise awareness of LEADER for next year’s incoming HBA1s, which is
beneficial to our recruiting efforts.

In 2023, the team also sent out a direct email to our entire alumni network asking for their
donations and support in response to the increased challenges and unique costs that LEADER
faced during the fiscal year. The email was sent through HubSpot but had a personable touch and
explained at a high level the financial challenges the team was facing during that year. There was
an overwhelming positive support that we received from the alumni from this donation ask
initiative. Following the email release, the team was able to raise $950 in the span of two days.

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• Host an MBA fundraiser for the incoming class
• This is typically bar wristbands for free cover
• All details should be finalized for the end-of-year alumni event
• Each LEADERite should be helping with a task
• Ticket sales and silent auction items should be pushed
• Farewell social/get-together should occur


Committee Leads should be putting together and submitting their succession document BEFORE
they leave for travels; this includes a write-up of the Committee section for the annual report,
completing financials, and updating the manual. As well, this is the time to have a wrap up meeting
with each Committee separately to ensure the HBA1s understand everything that happened during
the year so they are ready to take over the Committee in the following year (can also do this
meeting during the summer).

• Make changes and edits to the Manual for the upcoming Committee leads
• Make sure to keep track of Personal Fundraising figures this to submit to the EDs
• Ensure Ivey Advancement they have tabbed the LEADERites for this year and the
prior year in their Alumni Database


Committee Leads
Alumni events will be run by the current HBAs, and the past F&E Lead if possible. After the event,
the Committee and EDs need to create updated timeline and document key learnings from the
event for next year’s team. A finalized budget should be provided to the ED’s early in the fiscal
year and extreme attention to detail should be given to cash at the event to determine the
specific totals raised by each channel (silent auction items, ticket sales, drink sales, and others).

Historically, ticket revenues, alcohol sales, and silent auction items have been the biggest source
of profit. Event spaces constituting the largest cost item.

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IMPORTANT: Make sure to keep cash boxes for each channel separate at the event so you know
how much was earned from each type of sale. Also, take note of how much float you put in each
cash box. Thank you, emails should be sent to, all those who purchased items and to major vendors
and suppliers, as well as key alumni.

All events prior to 2016 were joint events with the China Teaching Project and had higher tickets
numbers as a result.

Figure 4.13.1: Historical Alumni Event Ticket Sales (2012–2021)

Year Location (Toronto) Notes
2012 160 Steamwhistle Brewary Had sponsor of Crystal Head Vodka, Profit of
2013 240 Steamwhistle Brewary Profit of $7,017
2014 257 Steamwhistle Brewary Profit of $7,647
2015 179 The Burroughes (Large amount of ticket sales did not show up to
event) Profit of $1,254.82; Over $10k in expenses
2017 126 Steamwhistle Brewery Creative site-themed drinks were a hit. Event
profits not reported.
2018 50 The Ballroom Speaker: Robert Elensky (LEADER ’91), Site
Partner CANSEE attended. Profits not reported.
2019 15 Firkin on Front Partnered with Global Ivey Day & Held at a loud
bar, Charged $25 via Ivey = Breakeven
2021 25 Virtual Event Virtual event with team games and breakout
(COVID-19) rooms. Promotion was done through newsletter,
social media, and personalized emails to Highly
Engaged Personas.

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Relationship Cadence
As a Committee Lead, the Advisory Board is one of the greatest resources at your disposal. The
Board can aid in large-picture strategic conversations while also providing insights on the
effectiveness of certain operational practices. For instance, the team is equipped with many
experienced members in the fundraising space, and their insights were able to repeatedly steer
the team into more effective initiatives. The team meets monthly with the MarComm Committee
as well. Smaller breakout meetings may be appropriate depending on how the year progresses
and the priorities of the Committee for the year.

Memo-Style Meeting Structure

In 2021, the team put in place a memo-styled meeting such that all core topics would be
discussed more efficiently. Traditional presentations have been a fixture of meetings for years.
They offer speakers the chance to structure ideas so that they can present them. However, it does
not allow the development of a narrative structure that leads to engaged participants and active
discussion. You end up having one person reeling off facts, while participants grow increasingly
distracted as the presentation goes on. In a slightly more engaged, but equally ineffective
PowerPoint scenario, participants jump in with questions as speakers are presenting. Often, the
questions that are asked can be answered by subsequent slides. The back-and-forth in this
scenario where teams attempt to have discussion before all being on the same page often results
in derailed discussion and disrupted narrative.

At the start of each meeting, each participant silently read a narratively structured memo /
PowerPoint deck for 15 minutes. Think study-hall. No distractions and no questions during the
silent reading. The memo laid out the context, updates, challenges, and recommendations,
allowing participants to focus immediately on discussing key issues. Attendees went through the
document making comments on any concerns or questions such that the team could revisit them
during the discussion phase. Meetings no longer involved one person presenting a list of facts in
front of a group. Instead, participants extract context and meaning from the memo, and then
jump straight into the discussion.

Going forward, to the extent a culture of pre-reading materials can be created, collective valuable
time of the Board members can be saved and meetings can be shortened by an average of 15
minutes each time.

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Each year, the F&E Committee sets a main priority in addition to the regular tasks covered in
this manual:

Year Details
2023  Increase specific and targeted relationships with highly engaged LEADER
alumni and donors through customized holiday cards and email
communications showing appreciation and providing real-time updates on
wider-team initiatives
 Connect Ivey alumni with Site Partner entrepreneurs through Global Ivey
Day webinar using Zoom
 Support MarComm with the website redesign by improving various features
of the donation page within that website
2022  Increase alumni engagement efforts to the broader Ivey community by
developing meaningful and long-lasting relationships with:
(i) Ivey Alumni Relations for Ivey Homecoming & Global Ivey Day
(ii) Ivey Marketing & Communications for LEADER spotlights on Ivey
social media platforms, features in Ivey InTouch Fall 2022 Magazine,
and articles published in Ivey News
(iii) Ivey Advancement for donation support and update database with
hundreds of new alumni contacts
 Show appreciation for those who financially support the project through
“Holiday Cards for LEADER’s Top 20” initiative and more consistent
management of gratitude emails to donors.
 Expand student engagement to include pre-Ivey students – one initiative of
the year brought back a pre-COVID collaboration between PBSN &
LEADER and introduced the organization to 30+ prospective candidates.
2021 ▪ Ensure consistent engagement with alumni and high-potential donors in a
virtual environment through new initiatives such as the quarterly newsletter
▪ Solve key pain points (sending thank you emails, having updated alumni
contacts, and others) in the donation process by working with Ivey
▪ Raise money for the operating budget through new fundraising initiatives
which offer a higher impact relative to effort
▪ Introduce and structure the Endowment Fund through milestones, ensuring
internal team transparency, higher accountability to donors, and a clearer
communications plan of LEADER’s strategic plan

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Year Details
2020 ▪ Raise money for the operating fund & for personal fundraising efforts for the
LEADER trip by hosting at least one HBA and MBA fundraiser per semester,
totalling to four fundraisers over the school year
▪ Create comradery among LEADERites throughout the year so that students
are excited to participate by hosting at least one social per semester
▪ Attract, engage, and retain alumni by hosting events (Homecoming, Alumni
event), having structure & schedules at these events, and by working with
MarComm & Impact Committees to have content and data points
2019 ▪ Began more focused efforts with alumni engagement
▪ Two main goals for the year: to organize fundraising events and to engage the
LEADERite community throughout the school year (specifically the HBAs)
2018 ▪ Focused on hosting smaller fundraising events and alumni engagement

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Year Learnings
2023 Increased Donor Engagement
 This year, the team pivoted to identifying customized ways to reach and
engage donors and highly engaged alumni. These methods included
sending additional appreciation letters and cards to generous donors, as
well as keeping track of who clicked on the newsletter links and
interacted with alumni newsletters multiple times.
 The team also set up a booth at the main celebration event of Global
Ivey Day to acquire the interest of the broader Ivey alumni pool,
converting newcomers to potential donors and AVs
 The team also sent out a direct donation ask email to alumni to support
the increased costs faced by the broader organization this year due to a
few logistical and site partner challenges

Return to Candy-gram Fundraiser Events

 This year, the team went back to programming candygram fundraisers
for the first time since the pandemic. We noticed that students in
particular loved having their candy grams delivered to their friends by
Santa and his elves - these festivities promoted intrigue and increased
purchasing of the candy grams. For future fundraisers, similar tactics
should be explored and implemented to maximize fundraiser sales

2022 Relationship with Ivey

 This year, the team pivoted from a 30-Year Event to developing deeper
relationships with (i) Ivey Advancement for donor information, (ii)
Ivey Alumni Relations for Ivey Homecoming & Global Ivey Day, and
(iii) Ivey Marketing & Communications for more advertisements
about LEADER on Ivey social media platforms
 Below are key contacts to continue maintaining these relationships in
future years:

Ivey Advancement
Vanessa Leiva -
Caitlin McLellan -

Ivey Alumni Relations

Jenni Denniston -

Ivey MarComm
Sarah Goldie -

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Year Learnings
Increased Student Engagement
 F&E became aware of lower student engagement with decreased
LEADER application rates in comparison to previous years. To combat
this challenge, the team started collaborating with pre-Ivey clubs (i.e.,
the Pre-Student’s Business Network) and organized a panel at the
Connect Conference to introduce LEADER to interested students
 In future years, we encourage the F&E team to continue expanding
relationships to other business/entrepreneurship clubs and accelerators
(W5, WFN, and others) to appeal to pre-Ivey students from various
2021 MBA Engagement
▪ MBA LEADERites can be one of LEADER’s most valuable assets, with
their breadth of experience and expertise. Having the opportunity to play
a more active role in the hiring process, F&E was able to ensure that these
MBAs were not only knowledgeable but also passionate and reliable. We
further ensured this by having a flexible staffing model, encouraging all
members to actively participate in the Committee projects they found
interesting. This created a very successful culture that encouraged
members to take initiative and stay engaged in the Project
F&E Strategic Vision
▪ As Committee leads, we had the opportunity to take a step back and
evaluate F&Es effectiveness in delivering its value to the organization. In
doing so, we recognized various key pain points, from the donation
process to the lack of transparency for donors into the Endowment Fund.
After identifying these areas for improvement, we were able to push
F&Es agenda to address these issues and make them a part of F&Es core
strategic vision for our year. We encourage you to take initiative, learn
about the organization's previous successes, and challenge the status quo.
After all, the Committee lead role is what you make of it and can be
extremely rewarding if you put in the necessary time!
Working with Ivey Advancement
 It’s important to maintain consistent communication with the
Advancement team. Schedule the first meeting in September/October in
order to cross-reference alumni contact information. Cathy Vitkauskas is
the current Executive Director of Advancement and has agreed to keep
LEADER in mind when institutional or large donors approach Ivey
looking for ways to contribute financially. In order to keep Advancement

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Year Learnings
in the loop about the progress of LEADER, make sure that Caitlin
McLellan and Vanessa Leiva receive all of our outgoing alumni
Working with Alumni Engagement Committee
 We met with the F&E SubCommittee of the Alumni Engagement Board
Committee on a monthly-basis and met with the full Alumni Engagement
Committee on a quarterly-basis. Meetings were used to update the Board
on progress of initiatives and to gather input from the Board on upcoming
initiatives. Specifically, we recommend reaching out to the Board on the
following topics:
o Alumni-facing events, news blasts, and published content
o Discussion of fundraising ideas, targets, and campaigns
o Relationship management with Ivey Advancement
o Keeping track of progress against Year End milestones
2020 Use Your Resources
▪ The F&E portfolio will have to work with Ivey Administration often,
especially for alumni relations. The Ivey Alumni team is incredibly
willing to help with any events regarding Alumni. While it may be a
LEADER event, they are willing to help investigate venues, speakers, and
planning. It is in their interest that LEADER Alumni are involved,
because to them, that is an experience that unites itself with their
experience with Ivey
HBA & MBA Dynamics
▪ LEADER is unlike any other organization in Ivey because it engages
students in both undergraduate and graduate programs. This means it is
natural for HBAs and MBAs to silo themselves into their own subgroups
during socials and meetings. For these group gatherings, the person in
charge should actively manage this situation through planned activities.
For instance, for the Potluck social, do not simply let everyone sit with
who they are comfortable with but mix seating arrangements up
Online Sales Outperform In-Person Sales
▪ In the past two years, fundraisers have been conducted both in-person and
online. Sales online significantly surpass sales in person, and this is
probably due to the convenience of payment (less people carry cash
nowadays). Knowing this, it is important to contact online ticketing
services prior to a fundraiser. These online ticketing platforms typically

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Year Learnings
earn money by charging a commission fee per ticket sold, and so by
contacting them and proving that LEADER is a non-profit, the ticket
agency may decide to waive or lower the fee. As of 2020, the cheapest
yet reliable online ticketing platform we have found is Universe (vs.
Eventbrite). Universe typically charges 2% + a flat fee of $0.59, but
because we e-mailed them that we are a non-profit, they waived the $0.59
fee per ticket and charged us 2%

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

Business as Usual Hire & Onboard Information session,

MBA Members recruiting process, and
onboarding to occur in
this month. Onboarding
August process includes detailed
reading of most up-to-date
F&E Manual and the
Committee Roadmap for
the year.
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Business as Usual Hire & Onboard Information session,
HBA Members recruiting process, and
onboarding to occur in
this month. Onboarding
process includes detailed
reading of most up-to-date
F&E Manual and the
Committee Roadmap for
the year.
Annual Send Donor Internally add all new
Donor/Alumni Information contacts, update contact
Contact Spreadsheet to information, and perform
Information Ivey an annual audit of our
Update Advancement contact information by
for Review sending a spreadsheet
containing all of our
alumni to the Ivey
Advancement Operations
teamto update with new
contact information.

Finalize and update

alumni contact
information before
October's Fall Newsletter.
Fundraising Brainstorm list Plan timeline for
Schedule of fundraising fundraising events
events throughout the months of
October to April.

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

Alumni Brainstorm list Plan timeline for alumni

Engagement of engagement engagement initiatives
Schedule methods with throughout the months of
alumni/donors October to April.
Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over
Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
In for the following month.
Fundraising Meet PBSN Collaborate on PBSN to
Schedule team plan out LEADER's
involvement with the
Connect Conference and
establish a mutual
understanding of
monetary expectations
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Internal All-Hands Team Two F&E team members
Engagement Social will plan the LEADER
social. More info in the
Alumni Fall Newsletter Plan out the contents of
October Communications the newsletter and begin
drafting up the different
Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over
Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
In for the following month.
Business as Usual Select Case Reach out to Dominic Lim Not applicable for the 2022-
writers and to kickstart case writing 2023 year; curriculum team
discuss with process. 2-3 case writers designated a case writer for
institute will be selected this year :)
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
November procedurally in tracker.
Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over
Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
In for the following month.

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

Fundraising Holiday Candy In 2022-2023, the F&E

Schedule Gram team is organizing an
Fundraiser HBA 1&2 and MBA wide
fundraiser in timing with
the festive spirit! For a
few bucks, sudents are
able to purchase candy
canes and write messages
to their friends, and
Santa's little elves will
help deliver them :)
Ivey Alumni Ivey Social First meeting of the
Engagement Media Team operational year with the
Meeting Ivey social media team to
introduce new team
members, go over last
year's social media
analytics and feedback,
and discuss this year's
alumni engagement
strategies. Loop in
MarComm team as well to
this call.
Alumni Holiday Cards Design the holiday cards
Communications Initiative and obtain an updated
address list of LEADER's
top donors in preparation
for packaging and
shipping in December.
Website Redesign Donate Page Revamp and update the
donate page of the
LEADER website in
correspondence with
MarComm team and the
website overhaul
initiative. In 2022-2023
year, we added a dynamic
donations target to show
the % fundraised out of
100% and incorporated
donor tiers
Alumni Fall Newsletter Send out 1st LEADER Scheduled to be sent out
Communications newsletter to alumni to Giving Tuesday (Nov 29) -
increase engagement and having a special push for
transparency. donations as an added

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

F&E Team will write

contents of the newsletter,
MarComm will assist with
formatting and design of
Fundraising PBSN Room Coordinate with PBSN
Schedule Booking team and Ivey's Programs
Request Office to discuss
opportunities to book a
conference room for the
Connect Conference
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Fundraising Holiday Candy
Schedule Gram
Fundraiser Execute the fundraiser!
Internal All-Hands Team Two F&E team members Bowling at Palasad in 2022-
Engagement Social will plan the LEADER 2023 :)
December Alumni Holiday Cards Select top donors over the
Communications Initiative past three years who have
contributed $50+ to
LEADER, send physical
holiday greeting card.
Collect mailing addresses
through Ivey
Advancement team.
Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over
Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
In for the following month.
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Business as Usual Case Writing Two LEADERites will Curriculum is handling case
Initiative write a case for PMI from writing this year
December - April,
generating $5K/case in
fundraising for LEADER.

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over

Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
In for the following month.
Business as Usual Update Alumni Update this year and last
Database year's alumni contact
information by adding
LinkedIn profiles
Internal Site Potluck Send a survey out to the
Engagement Interest team to determine interest
levels for a site team
Alumni Donor Thank- Send thank you emails to
Communications You Emails December donors
Fundraising PBSN Room Coordinate with PBSN Connected PBSN to Nadine
Schedule Booking team and Ivey's Programs De Gannes for coordination
Request Office to discuss on Ivey room booking
opportunities to book a requests
conference room for the
Connect Conference
Global Ivey Day Coordinate Connect with Ivey Alumni
LEADER Relationships to plan
Session for GID LEADER’s collaboration
with GID in May (session
during the day, evening
social activities in
Toronto). Connected with
the Ops Committee for
support in manning the in-
person LEADER booth at
the main celebration event
Fundraising Meet Michelle Discuss fundraising and
Schedule Tice to discuss donation strategy,
strategy especially regarding
highly engaged donors
MBA Fundraiser Fundraising Begin coordination and
logistical planning for a
March fundraiser with the
old and new MBA cohorts
HBA Fundraiser Fundraising Begin coordination and
logistical planning for a
February fundraiser for
the HBA 1 students

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation

of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Ivey Engagement PBSN Connect Collaborate on PBSN
Conference Connect Conference (and
other student organization
opportunities) and obtain
contact information of
first and second year
students interested in
LEADER for future
recruiting purposes
Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over
Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
February In for the following month.
Internal All-Hands Team Host the Site Potluck for
Engagement Social - Site travelling teams to bond
Potluck and share food from their
respective local areas
Alumni Donation Email Draft up email to prepare This email outreach was
Engagement Ask to send donation ask to tremendously successful and
Schedule donors raised $950 in alumni
donations. Send thank-you
emails to all donors after the
mailer was sent out.
Fundraising MBA and HBA Plan fundraisers for the In 2023, both fundraisers will
Schedule Fundraisers HBA and MBA classes. be line bypasses
HBA 1 lead should
coordinate the HBA
fundraiser, and an MBA
lead should coordinate the
MBA fundraiser.
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
March Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over
Committee the previous month, share
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities
In for the following month.
Fundraising MBA This is when MBAs Due to poor planning and
Schedule Fundraisers overlap with each other conflicting MBA schedules,

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

(new/old), and all the new the MBA fundraiser for the
MBAs are really excited 2023 fiscal year was not
to meet each other. Host a carried to fruitio\n
fundraiser (usually bar
wristbands) for the new
MBA class.
Fundraising HBA Fundraiser Plan and execute a In the 2023 fiscal year, the
Schedule fundraiser with the HBA 1 HBA line bypass fundraiser
class raised $250 in profits
Business as Usual PBSN Connect Support the execution of In the 2023 fiscal year,
Conference PBSN Connect PBSN was not able to secure
Conference by screening an Ivey venue and a much
applicants and providing more expensive venue with
the Spencer Leadership
LEADER HBA 1 execs
building was pursued.
for the coffee chats Therefore, there were no
portion of the conference donations that were secured
from the partnership this
year, but the HBA 1 exec
team was able to build
LEADER brand image for
potential incoming HBA 1
recruits through the coffee
Global Ivey Day Planning & Finalize list of panelists
logistics and send out event
description to Global Ivey
Day team for Ivey
Business as Usual Transition Meet with HBA 1 F&E Important things to go over:
begin planning for next year's
lead to review all of the
in-person alumni event, using
year's tasks and prepare
Hubspot for newsletters and
them for transition into the
analytics, sending all contact
HBA 2 F&E lead role for
info for Ivey Advancement,
the upcoming fiscal year
GID team, PBSN, etc.,
monthly donation report
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation Cc HBA 1 lead in the email
of Donation report from Ivey to Caitlin for transition
Tracker Advancement team. process
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Internal All-Hands Team Two F&E team members Many LEADERites are
Engagement Social will plan the second travelling mid April right
LEADER social. after exams
Donor Send Donor Include any new donors in
Information Information spreadsheet for Ivey

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

Spreadsheet to Advancement Operations

Ivey team to update with
advancement for contact information. Add
Review this updated info to
Alumni Spring Send out 2nd LEADER In fiscal year 2023, this
Communications Newsletter newsletter to alumni to newsletter was to promote
increase engagement and the 30-year anniversary
transparency. video. Sent thank you emails
to the video participants and
the Dean's Office after the
Content will include Grant mailer was sent out.
Initiative Update (request
for donations) & site plans
for April-May (including
# of entrepreneurs
attending, localized
curriculum, etc.)

F&E Team will write

contents of the newsletter,
MarComm will assist with
formatting and design of
Business as Usual Monthly AE Updates and progress over In fiscal year 2023, we're
Committee the previous month, share post poning the last meeting
Meeting Check- next steps and priorities to post-travel
In for the following month.
Global Ivey Day Planning for Ensure panelists are in the
LEADER loop with panel questions,
Session for GID panel logistics, etc. Help
Ivey promote GID.
Business as Usual Monthly Update Request monthly donation
of Donation report from Ivey
Tracker Advancement team.
Record donations
procedurally in tracker.
Global Ivey Day Coordinate and Execute LEADER session
Host LEADER at GID (with potential
May Session for GID evening social planned in
Toronto) and collect
contact info of event
Alumni Team Travel Coordinate with
Communications Blogs MarComm traveling
teams LEADERites who
will be blogging their

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Deadline Category Deliverable Specifics LEADER Team Notes

experience to share later

on LEADER social media
and promote on Ivey
social media

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Figure 5.1: F&E Committee Timeline

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Exhibit 6.1: YoY Fundraising Results

2023: $2,360.00
2022: $1,540.00
2021: $3,005.43
2020: $5,000.00
2019: $3,631.00
2018: $2,917.01
2017: $1,165.20
2016: $1,213.85

Exhibit 6.2: Top 25 Overall Donors (2012-2023 Period)

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Exhibit 6.3: Top Donor of the Year (From 2012-2023)

Exhibit 6.4: Total Donations YoY (2012-2023)

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Exhibit 6.5: Additional Donor Statistics (2017-2023)

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Exhibit 6.6: LEADER Advancement Relationship Reset Slides (2021)

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Exhibit 6.7: Illustrative Alumni Engagement Goals (FY2021)

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Exhibit 6.8: Past F&E Committee Members

Past F&E Committee

Name LEADER Year Program
Leah Hillier 2008 HBA
Brittany Baum 2008 HBA
Marcin Malek 2008 MBA
Lyndsay Passmore 2008 MBA
Nadine Ramrattan 2009 HBA
Patrick Duncan 2009 HBA
David Vlemmix* 2009 HBA
Georgia Brown* 2009 HBA
Mukul Ahuja* 2009 MBA
Dalton Barretto* 2009 MBA
Chrissy Wessman 2009 MBA
Manju Rose 2009 MBA
Angie Cowan 2009 MBA
Justin Williams 2009 MBA
Shafeen Mawani 2009 MBA
Patrick Duncan 2010 HBA
Georgia Brown* 2010 HBA
Lauren Passmore 2010 MBA
Katie Daly 2010 MBA
Brandon Gerson 2010 MBA
Susan Wiens 2010 MBA
Syed Pirzada* 2010 MBA
Jimmy Vaiopolous 2010 HBA
Sukhbir Grewal 2010 HBA
Jimmy Vaiopolous 2011 HBA
Jordan Wotten 2011 HBA
Chris Smith 2011 HBA
Joelle Nakhle 2011 MBA
Neha Khera 2011 MBA
Karime Abdel-hay 2011 MBA
Cyrus Zahedi 2011 MBA
Madiha Khan* 2011 HBA
Chris Smith 2012 HBA
Anisha Chotalia 2012 HBA
Danish Ajmeri 2012 HBA
Alan Neal* 2012 HBA
Toral Padia 2012 MBA

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Past F&E Committee
Name LEADER Year Program
Andrew Marfleet 2012 MSc
Ryan Fleming 2012 MBA
Sandra Nestic 2012 MBA
Mark Kenigsberg* 2012 MBA
Olena Lobach* 2012 MBA
Danish Ajmeri 2013 HBA
Nadine Abdallah 2013 HBA
Mohsin Khandwala 2013 HBA
Anisha Chotalia 2013 HBA
John Foley 2013 MBA
Niousha Ghazni 2013 MBA
Karim Lallani 2013 MBA
Sunny Soin 2013 MBA
Hayley Jeffery 2013 MBA
Max Rosenfeld* 2013 MBA
Akash Mayur 2013 MBA
Nadine Abdallah 2014 HBA
Mohsin Khandwala 2014 HBA
George Wong 2014 HBA
Chloe Restivo 2014 HBA
Marco Chan 2014 HBA
Brady Burke 2014 HBA
Johanara Rahemtulla* 2014 HBA
Jonny Wan 2014 MBA
Andres Hurtado 2015 MBA
Mark Pentland 2015 HBA
Mike Chou 2015 MBA
Abimanyu Lamba 2015 MBA
Emily Rowe 2015 HBA
Marco Chan 2015 HBA
Brady Burke 2015 HBA
Emily Rowe 2016 HBA
Mark Pentland 2016 HBA
Alana Green 2016 MBA
Julian Donovan 2016 HBA
Anthony Sage 2016 MBA
Christopher Kim 2016 HBA
Mike Rosenbaum 2017 MBA
Julian Donovan 2017 HBA

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Past F&E Committee
Name LEADER Year Program
Jenny Xue 2017 HBA
Christopher Kim 2017 HBA
Joshua Barr 2017 MBA
Michael Patterson 2018 MBA
Yannick Pichler 2018 MBA
Sara Raza 2018 HBA
Natalie Ngo 2018 HBA
Jenny Xue 2018 HBA
Jason Mangel 2019 MBA
Neneh Thapar 2019 MBA
Natalie Ngo 2019 HBA
Lisa Chen 2019 HBA
Sara Raza 2019 HBA
Lisa Chen 2020 HBA
Ryan Mulligan 2020 MBA
Shreya Singh 2020 HBA
Amy Li 2020 HBA
Andrew Newton 2020 MBA
Sam Hafezi 2020 MBA
Shreya Singh 2021 HBA
Amy Li 2021 HBA
Alina Salemohamed 2021 MBA
Liam Johnson 2021 MBA
JingJing Yang 2021 HBA
JingJing Yang 2022 HBA
Claire Liu 2022 HBA
Michael Misko 2022 MBA
Parker Bollman 2022 MBA
Tega Odjevwe 2022 MBA
Claire Liu 2023 HBA
Anna Ma 2023 HBA
Ritika Chhikaraa 2023 MBA
Sujay Nair 2023 MBA

Note: Names denoted with a * means that they were on the Alumni Relations Committee

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Exhibit 6.9: PBSN Connect Conference Notes (Past Initiative)

This relationship began in the 2018 fiscal school year when Connect Conference, PBSN’s major
conference, shifted to be a consulting-focused event.

Historically, LEADER has always had many consultants in the club. In mid-November, PBSN
will typically begin planning for the Conference and will ask LEADER for help connecting their
two VP Developments to contacts at a variety of firms. Most typically those that attend include
(but are not limited to): McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and Bain & Company.
In the recent years chats have also expanded to: Accenture, Oliver Wyman, Deloitte, KPMG, and
EY. Even if a LEADERite has no direct connection to one of these firms, most likely you may
find someone in HBA/MBA/Alumni who has worked there.

Involvement with PBSN varies, but in 2019-2020, our LEADERite, Shreya Singh, was very
involved. She was a past VP Development of PBSN and knew the inside-outs of the Conference.
Typically, we simply help with the room booking, but in this case, Shreya and I sat in on meetings
with the PBSN team to help understand what their goals were.

In the 2018-2019 year when the Conference last ran, LEADER helped by booking all the breakout
rooms and classrooms. Breakout rooms were not provided by Career Management or Ivey
Facilities, and thus were booked by LEADERites and their friends. With mass coordination via a
excel sheet.

Also, in 2017-2019, LEADER helped read all applications to select who would attend Connect
Conference. Because the Conference is limited to those in first and second year, and the PBSN
team was in second year, there was a direct conflict of interest for the PBSN team to select second
years for the highly competitive conference.

Donation Archive
2018: $1,000
2019: $1,800
2020: $0
2021: $0
2022: $0
2023: $0

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Exhibit 6.10: Alumni Event Debrief (2016)

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Exhibit 6.11: Alumni Event To-Do List Example (2016)

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Exhibit 6.12: Alumni Engagement Personas

Exhibit 6.13: LEADER Alumni Donation Cycle

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Exhibit 6.14: HubSpot Maintenance & Upkeep Information

HubSpot Rules
1. Emails sent through HubSpot are sent through personal Ivey email unless it’s a mass email (ex a
marketing communication). In that event, send the email from Ivey LEADER email
2. All communications to those outside the LEADER program must go through the LEADER account
3. When creating site partner or entrepreneur profiles, there is often not 1:1 match for filters. When there
is no match, make a note, and we will add them to the HubSpot manual. These changes often will not
be intuitive. For an example, please see below:

Leader Function HubSpot Function Name Example

First Name First Name Alina
Last Name Last Name Salemohamed
Email Address Work Email
Phone Phone 7788937254
Street Address Street Address 948 Kings Avenue
City City West Vancouver
Province/State Province/State BCV7T2B7
Postal Code Postal Code V7T2B7
Country Country Canada
Graduation Date Graduation Year 2021
Program at Ivey (HBA/MBA) Degree MBA
Site Membership Notes Yukon
Committee Job Function F and E
Ivey Email Email
Job Company Zs Associates
Title Title Consultant
LinkedIn Website
Current Position Persona LEADER Alumni
Engagement Level Seniority Engaged

There are 4 scenarios that would invoke a change or update to someone’s profile and contact information.
In this section we will highlight the necessary processes to invoke when each of the scenarios occur. The
responsibility for updating these profiles lies with Fundraising & Engagement:

1. A LEADERite graduates and becomes an Alumni

a. Frequency: Annually, conducted by new F&E team at the start of term
b. Processes:
i. Step 1: Click into contact card
ii. Step 2: Change persona to “Alumni”
iii. Step 3: Click list membership. Add to “LEADER Alumni” list
iv. Step 4: Repeat for everyone listed under persona “Current LEADERite”
2. An Alumni donates to LEADER
a. Frequency: Every month advancements sends emails of alumni who have donated
b. Processes:
i. Step 1: Click into contact card
ii. Step 2: Update contact’s primary email with new email provided by
Advancements (if new email is not the same as primary email on file)

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iii. Step 3: Create a pinned note if not already created. Update number of times the
alumni has donated to date and the amount donated to date
iv. Step 4: Click list membership. If not already added, add to “Donors” list
3. An Alumni becomes an Alumni Volunteer
a. Frequency: Annually, once AV’s have been confirmed by Logistics
b. Processes:
i. Step 1: Create an Alumni Volunteers list for your specific year (ie. 2021)
ii. Step 2: Click into contact card
iii. Step 3: Click list membership. Add to “Alumni Volunteers 2021” list
4. LEADER sends Alumni emails
a. Scenario 1: LEADER email bounces back and does not send to receiver
i. Frequency: Every time an email is sent with a bounce back
ii. Processes:
1. Step 1: Click into contact card
2. Step 2: Create a note if not already created. Write “incorrect email on
3. Step 3: Click actions. Click “opt out of email.” This will prevent
incorrect emails from skewing our engagement statistics.
4. Step 4: Click list membership. Add to “Incorrect Email Contacts” list
b. Scenario 2: Alumni interacts with newsletter email (opens email or clicks on link)
i. Frequency: Annually
ii. Processes:
1. Should be automatically updated in the engaged or unengaged alumni
lists. Please double check the functionality of active lists.

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Exhibit 6.14: Holiday Card

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Exhibit 6.15: Committee Resources

Key Resources:

The F&E Committee have all their resources in a Google Drive link.
• 2021 hyperlink
• 2022 hyperlink
• 2023 hyperlink

LEADER has many past documents in this organization wide folder via this hyperlink. Here you
may find resources from the Alumni Engagement (AE) Committee F&E is a part of with the
MarComm team.

For any alumni events, you may want to look through our photo archive from 1991 to 2003.
This can be found here.

Donation tracker can be found via this hyperlink.

Contact Information
Eatertainment Catering:
KELLY BOLT, Senior Event Manager
Tel: (416) 964 1162 x 23

Ivey Administration:
Vanessa Leiva, Alumni Relations Associate, Alumni Programs Ivey Advancement

Steam Whistle Venue:

KATIE PANOUSIS, Events Coordinator
Tel: (416) 362-2337 ext. 252

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