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4 Write a diary entry. (WORKSHEET - III)
5 Prepare all the topics taught before summer vacation
1 against the clock
Meaning: if you work against the clock, you are trying very hard to finish something before a deadline
Use: Police are working against the clock to find the evidence they need.

2 around the clock

Meaning: all day and all night
Use: The nurses worked around the clock to look after the injured child.

3 back in the day

Meaning: a time in the past; used mostly when you are remembering nice things
Use: My parents say Hong Kong’s pollution wasn’t a problem back in the day, and the sky was always blue.

4 behind the times

Meaning: old-fashioned; not modern
Use: Anyone who isn’t on Snapchat is behind the times and needs to catch up!

5 call it a day/night
Meaning: decide that you have finished doing something for now
Use: We’ve been working on this project since 6am. Let’s call it a day, and finish it tomorrow.

6 crunch time
Meaning: a point at which something difficult must be done
Use: The elections have been entertaining, but now it’s crunch time, and the candidates must prove they are

7 day in the sun

Meaning: a time when you get attention and are appreciated
Use: If she keeps working so hard, she will have her day in the sun and be promoted.

8 someone’s days are numbered

Meaning: they will not exist for much longer
Use: After it got knocked over by that truck, my bike’s days are numbered.

9 at the eleventh hour

Meaning: at the last moment; almost too late
Use: The director was making changes to the script at the eleventh hour – I mean, the audience were already
in the hall!

10. Step up your game

Meaning: To start performing better

Use: Jennifer better step up her game if she wants to make big in Basketball.

11 make good time

Meaning: travel quickly
Use: Luckily there was no traffic, and we made good time to the border.

12 never in a month of Sundays

Meaning: very, very unlikely to happen
Use: Shelley will never in a month of Sundays agree to go out with Richa!

13 in the nick of time

Meaning: at the last possible moment
Use: Mum saw the plate falling and caught it in the nick of time.

14 once in a blue moon

Meaning: very, very rarely
Use: Once in a blue moon, I really feel like watching a musical, but generally I prefer action thrillers.

15 play for time

Meaning: to purposely delay doing something, or do it more slowly than usual, so you have more time to
decide what to do

Use: When Dad asked Molly what happened to the window, she gave him a big hug and said how much she
loved him. But she was just playing for time – I know she broke it!

16 since time immemorial

Meaning: for a very, very long time; since before anyone can remember
Use: Our school has had the same, ugly uniform since time immemorial.

17 a stitch in time saves nine

Meaning: it is better to deal with problems immediately, otherwise they will get worse and take even longer to
deal with
Use: Andy and Alex should really break up if they argue so much. It will be painful, but a stitch in time saves
nine, and it’s better to do it before they say something they can’t take back!

18 time flies
Meaning: time passes surprisingly quickly
Use: Time flies when you have three essays to write in a night.

19 time on your hands

Meaning: a period when you have nothing to do
Use: Grandma has a lot of time on her hands now she’s retired, so she volunteers at the SPCA.

20 time is money
Meaning: time is valuable, and you shouldn’t waste it.
Use: Why are you just sitting staring at the ceiling? Time is money! Get up and do something practical!

21 time is on my side
Meaning: I have a lot of time to finish something
Use: Since Mr Nag gave us an extension on that project, time is on my side, and I can make it really great.
22 to the end of time
Meaning: forever
Use: I will be a Justin Bieber fan to the end of time, even if he stops singing.

23 wasn’t born yesterday

Meaning: not stupid or naive
Use: I tried to trick my aunt into sticking her hand in a bag full of jelly, but she said she wasn’t born yesterday,
and tipped it over my head!

a couch potato a person who watches a lot of television
what you do is more important that what
action speak louder than words you say.
all eyes and ears listening and watching carefully
something might not be as beneficial as it
all that giltters is not gold appears
as cool as cumber very calm
as quiet as a mouse very quiet
try to do something that is too difficult for
bitten off more than I could chew. you
brought me down to earth make something more realistically
play a musical instrument without formal
by ear training
caught my eye attract one's attention
caught red -handed caught in the act of doing something wrong
do everything by the book. do something exactly as the rules tell you
driving everyone nuts exasperate
hung out spend time with
at a time when you are too angry to think
In the heat of the moment carefully
make up my mind decide to do some thing
not achieve something you were trying to
missed the mark do
Never in a million years not at any point
Once in a blue moon rarely
out of control reckless or wild
out of line behave improperly
Over my dead body I will not allow you to do this
you become better at something if you do it
Practice makes perfect! often
pull the wool over eyes deceive someone by hiding the truth
scared of their shadow extremely nervous
taken off successful
the black sheep different in negative way
The sky is the limit anything is possible
to think outside the box think creatively
to turn over a new leaf make fresh start
_________________________ did I think I would become a successful business owner! I used to be
___________________of my family. ___________________________ with my behaviour. As a teenager, I
would drive my parent's car very fast. I _____________ with some kids who liked to do bad things in the
neighbourhood. My parents didn't know all the bad things I was doing. I
would_________________________________________ , saying I was staying after school. When I was really
meeting up with my friends. I ____________________________________ quite often, but once I
was________________________ . I was at my friend Tony's house while his parents were out of town. We
were playing and listening to loud music. I got into an argument with him and
________________________________I shoved him and he fell down the stairs! Normally I wouldn't hurt a fly
but I was ____________________ because of anger. Tony was badly injured. I had to call my parents to take
him to the hospital. My parents took Tony to the hospital, but they told me that I was __________________. I
realized that ____________________________ and I had been acting foolishly. I told my parents I was sorry but
_____________________________________. They didn't trust me after that day. I wasn't allowed to use the
car or go to my friend's house for a long time. ________________________! my dad would say to me when I
wanted to take the car. So I soon became _________________. I wasn't interested in school and I refused to do
my schoolwork. My grades were always bad because I was lazy. ______________________ I would do my
homework, but most of the time I thought there was no point. Instead, I wanted to be in a rock band! I learned
to play the guitar ____________ and I thought I was really good! I was using music to distract me from my
failures. That same school, I had a teacher, Mrs Romita, who challenged me. Her style of teaching
___________________ from the very beginning.
We were ____________________ while she was teaching. The classroom was
_________________________. She told me I was good at reading and writing. _____________________!
You just have to believe in yourself. Work on yourself every day and good things will happen. She
challenged me_______________________. Giving me challenging material and helping me to
______________________about it. __________________________! Even when I felt I had
_______________________________, she encouraged me that I could do it. Soon I became a very good
student. Everyone was surprised, including me! Sometimes I still _____________________, but that only
encouraged me to try harder. I began to ___________________________. I listened to my parents and
never stayed out too late. I realized education is very important, because it can open so many doors.
' Two friends were passing through a dense forest. Suddenly they heard some animal
1 screaming………..''
My knack for giving speeches- zonal speech competition- participated- best speaker-
2 received prestigious award- parents formed a part of the audience.
4 Write a diary entry.
You are Mehak/ Rohit. You participated in a play at the National School of Drama. It was
1 recorded and will be telecast next week. Make a diary entry using the following clues in
100- 150 words sharing your experience.
Great actors- experienced and senior- learnt a lot- waiting for the show to be telecast on
TV- excited- learnt controlled actions- playful practice.

You are Karan/ Kiran. You saved a girl from drowning in the river which flows near your
2 home, but it is a mystery to you how you got the courage to do so. Write your experience
and feelings in the form of a diary entry in 100- 150 words

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