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18th Century Novel MT Exam Key

Student Name: _______________________________________________ Number: __

Fill in the blanks with words from the list.

agenda, birth, copyright, emerging, established, great,

guise, literature, opportunity, potential, prisons, skin

Henry Fielding had a radical reforming _______agenda________.

Fielding saw in the novel the _______potential________ to challenge and renovate

everything that was wrong with society, and all under the _______guise________of

It's a journey that takes us under the _______skin________ of 18th century Britain as we
move from the homes of the good and the _______great________ to the North
Yorkshire moors, and from Britain's lowliest _______prisons________ to its outposts

The _______birth________ of the British novel was a revolution, not just for literature,
but also for society.

New laws surrounding censorship and _______copyright________ gave authors greater

freedom and commercial _______opportunity________ than before.

Defoe detected a new spirit _______emerging________ on the streets of London, and

saw that commerce could challenge the _______established________ social order.

True (T) or False (F)?

-Daniel Defoe is the person who brought the British novel into being. T
-Daniel Defoe was not a business practitioner. F
-Defoe worked as a horse dealer. T
-Defoe's literary breakthrough came at the beginning of a long and colorful life. F
-Dutch is the language of Germany. F

-Political thrillers do not involve crime or espionage. F
-Robinson Crusoe was published in 1709. F
-The novel was a new emergent art form at the time of Henry Fielding. T
-There's no poetry in Robinson Crusoe. T
-Within four months, Robinson Crusoe went through fourteen editions. F

Match sentence parts in A with their completion in B.


1- A maverick is… a- the way he pares prose back to its

2- An outpost is… bare essentials.
3- Britain's first professional police b- that answers our modern
force was… description of a novel.
4- I had hung them up… c- stretched out with sticks in the sun.
5- I saved the skins of all the creatures d- radical change.
that I killed, … e- into French, German and Dutch.
6- In the 18th century, the ground was f- I mean four-footed ones.
set for something remarkable to g- called Bow Street Runners.
happen, … h- but it would take a maverick misfit
7- Revolutions involve… to make the breakthrough.
8- Robinson Crusoe is the account of i- an independent-minded person.
9- Robinson Crusoe is the first work of j- a remote place.
fiction… k- a castaway marooned on a desert
10- Robinson Crusoe was translated… island.
11- What is so brilliant and original
about Daniel Defoe is…

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

B i j g c f h d k b e a

Write down the correct synonyms from the boxes:

censorship, disorder, form, formulate, misfit,

rebuild, remarkable, set, smart, unlikely

chaos a genius template lay down renovate

smart form formulate rebuild


restriction prepared wonderful freethinker unexpected

censorship set remarkable misfit unlikely

account, appear, castaway, florid, made up,

marooned, observe, oppose, publication, trade

story shipwrecked isolated decorated invented

account castaway marooned florid made up

detect emerge commerce challenge edition

observe appear trade oppose publication

Answer the following questions.

-Mention two of the writers who laid down the basic templates for the novel.

Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift… (Laurence Sterne, Fanny Burney)

-Mention two of the literary genres established during the eighteenth century.

Horror, chick lit… [the political thriller (involving crime or espionage).]

-Defoe was a visionary. What does it mean?

A person with original ideas about the future.

-What does fiction mean?

Literature in prose that describes imaginary events and people.

-Robinson Crusoe was the first best seller. What does “best seller” mean?

Sold in very large numbers.

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