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Subject/Paper: S2 English / Reading (B)

Name: __________________ Class: 2____ Class No.:_____

Group: G1 / G2 / G4 / G5 / G6 / G7 / G8 / G9 (circle one)

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Question-Answer Book

Instructions to Students:

1. Maximum Score: marks.

2. This paper consists of pages, including this cover page.
3. There are two parts (A and B) in this paper. Attempt ALL questions in BOTH Part A and
Part B.
4. All answers should be written on this Question-Answer Book.
5. Follow the instruction given at the beginning of each section.
6. For multiple-choice questions, mark only ONE answer to each question. Two or more
answers will score NO MARKS.
7. You are advised to use an HB pencil to mark all the answers on the multiple-choice answer
sheet so that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean eraser. You must mark the
answers clearly; you will lose marks if the answers cannot be captured.
8. Write your name, class, class number and circle your group number on this page.

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
Section A Mixed Tenses (10 marks)
You are reading an inspiring article about birthday parties. Read the article. Select the best option
and blacken the box below.

Meet The Woman Who Throws Birthday Parties For Homeless Kids
The Birthday Party Project is a nonprofit devoted to providing special days for the kids who need
them most.

On a flight from Dallas, Texas, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to (1) ______ a friend in 2016, event planner
Paige Chenault daydreamed about the elaborate birthday parties she’d throw for her daughter one
day. (Paige (2) ______ five months pregnant at that time.) Then, flipping through a magazine, she
saw a photo of an impoverished Haitian boy, his belly bloated. “This kid has nothing,” Paige said.

The image stayed with her, and she resolved to do something to help. “I decided I (3) ______ my
talents to throw birthday parties for homeless kids,” Paige said.

For the next four years, Paige and her husband, Colin, (4) ______ time out from parenthood to visit
shelters to determine how best to pull off the parties.

Finally, in January 2020, Paige launched the Birthday Party Project, a nonprofit organization, and
recruited friends and family to help decorate Dallas’s 75-occupant Family Gateway Shelter with
balloons and streamers, (5) ______ the birthdays of 11 boys and girls, with 60 more homeless kids in
attendance. “That first party was better than what I (6) ______ in my life,” said Paige.

Now Paige and her staff of three paid employees work with regional volunteers, aka “birthday
enthusiasts,” to plan monthly themed parties at 15 shelters across the country, some of which
(7) ______ abused or abandoned kids. Each child celebrating a birthday that month (8) ______ a $30
gift, a decorative place mat, and an individual cake or cupcake.

One of Paige’s favorite parts of each party (9) ______ when the kids make a wish and blow out the
candles. “They rarely get a chance to dream big,” said Paige.

Her daughter, Lizzie, now seven, often helps out at the parties. Paige says, “The one thing I
(10) ______ ever since being a mother is for my kid to be generous.”

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
1. A. visiting 6. A. imagine
B. visit B. ever imagine
C. visits C. did ever imagine
D. visited D. could have ever imagined

2. A. is 7. A. house
B. are B. has housed
C. were being C. will house
D. was D. is housing

3. A. have used 8. A. get

B. am using B. gets
C. would use C. got
D. use D. will get

4. A. take 9. A. is
B. took B. are
C. are taking C. will be
D. will take D. have been

5. A. celebrate 10. A. always want

B. has celebrated B. always wanted
C. have celebrated C. have always wanted
D. celebrating D. am always wanting

1 A B C D

2 A B C D
Mark your answers as
follows: A B C D
A B C D 4 A B C D
5 A B C D
Wrong marks should be
completely erased with a 6 A B C D

clean rubber. A B C D

8 A B C D

9 A B C D

10 A B C D
2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
ction B Active and Passive Voice (13 marks)
You are writing an article about a famous conservationist for your school newspaper. Complete the
following article with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

base found justify make murder regard threaten bury

hunt list motivate oppose remember

Dian Fossey: Making the ultimate sacrifice

Dian Fossey (1)________________________________ as one of the world’s most famous

conservationists. She was a scientist who spent 20 years of her life studying and protecting mountain
gorillas in the African nation of Rwanda, from 1966 until her death in 1985. The 1988 film Gorillas
in the Mist, which (2)_________________________ on Fossey’s book of the same title, was a
tribute to the gorilla protector’s life and work.

(3)_______________________ Fossey’s fame ____________________? We think so. Thanks to the

efforts of the team at the Karisoke Research Centre, which (4)______________________ by Fossey
in 1967, the mountain gorillas od Rwanda are the only great ape species whose population has
increased in recent decades. Nowadays, the mountain gorillas (5)__________________________ as
endangered; they used to be critically endangered.

Prior to Fossey’s arrival in Rwanda, the gorillas were facing extinction as they
(6)____________________ by poachers, who (7)_________________ by greed. In addition, their
existence (8)___________________ by disease spread by wildlife tourism. As a result, poaching and
tourism in wildlife habitats were two things that (9)____________________ strongly
__________________ by Fossey and her team.

Fossey worked tirelessly to save the gorillas and promote conservation. Many enemies who aimed at
money-making (10)__________________ along the way. In the end, she (11)_________________
in her cabin in Rwanda in 1985. Fossey (12)____________________ in the gorilla graveyard at
Karisoke, alongside the graves of her primate friends. She (13)___________________ fondly for
many years to come and thanks to her work, the gorillas will have a brighter future.

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
Section C Reported Speech (14 marks)

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
You are the secretary of the Environmental Protection Club at your school. One of the committee
members has prepared a transcript of the last club meeting. Complete the meeting notes by
rephrasing the underlined sentences using the correct form of reporting verbs in brackets.

Tommy: Let’s start the meeting.

Mr Lee: We’ll have a beach clean-up next Saturday. (e.g.) Please send an email to our members
by 5pm next Monday.
Tommy: OK. So we’ll list the date, time and venue of the clean-up. Anything else?
Andy: (1) Remember to include the deadline for application in the email.
Alice: Mr Lee, what do we need to prepare or pay attention to?
Mr Lee: (2) Don’t wear fancy clothes to the beach clean-up. (3) Wear comfortable clothing
like T-shirts and jeans. Tommy and Andy, I know you two helped organise a beach
clean-up last year. Any advice?
Tommy: (4) Bring your gloves and bags for picking up the rubbish.
Andy: (5) Prepare a first-aid kit in case of injuries.
Tommy: Also, we have to take the bags to the drop-off point after the clean-up. (6) Don’t leave
the bags or anything on the beach.
Mr Lee: Right. Lastly, (7) make the clean-up as enjoyable as you can!

Meeting Notes
Date: 12 October, Friday Venue: Room 301
Present: Mr Lee, Tom, Andy, Alice
e.g. Mr Lee requested us to send an email to our members by 5pm next Monday.

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
Section D Conditionals (12 marks)
You are writing an email to your cousin overseas to tell him about some tourist attractions in Hong
Kong. Complete your email with the correct form of the words or phrases in brackets. Add modals
when necessary.

Dear Aaron,

I’m really looking forward to meeting you in Hong Kong. How much do you know about tourist
attractions in Hong Kong? Let me recommend you some popular must-go sites.

Hong Kong is renowned as a shopping paradise. If you like shopping for bargains, (1)
___________________________________________________ (you/visit the Ladies’
Market in Mong Kok). If you go there, (2)
(you/find many stalls offering a wide variety of products), ranging from clothes and accessories to
toys and souvenirs. (3) _____________________________________ (the stalls/be more crowded) if
you visit the market in the evening.

Are you a theme park enthusiast? If you pay a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland), (4)
_____________________________________________________________ (you/get to ride thrilling
roller coasters and meet iconic cartoon characters). If you stay at the park until 8 p.m., you can watch
the daily fireworks display.

Apart from shopping and entertainment, Hong Kong is also a city that celebrates religion and natural
beauty. A symbol of Buddhism, the Big Buddha in Hong Kong is the largest bronze statue of Buddha
in the world! (5) _______________________________ (you/visit Lantau Island) if you are
interested in seeing this magnificent statue. Upon your arrival on Lantau Island, if you decide to visit
the Big Buddha, (6) _______________________________________________________________
(you/not miss the neighbouring Po Lin Monastery. The most convenient way to get to Po Lin
Monastery is taking the Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car. If you take the Ngong Ping Cable Car, you could
enjoy a breathtaking view of Lantau Island and the Big Buddha.

What do you think about these tourist attractions? Is there anywhere else you would like to go?



2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
Section E Proofreading (10 marks)
Proofread the following letter to the editor about the benefits of resuming full-day school. Each of
the numbered line may or may not contain one mistake. Identify the mistakes and put down the
correct answer on the lines on the right following the instructions below. Do not make changes to
 Underline a wrong word and write the correct word on the line on the right.
 Cross out an extra word with an X and write that word on the line on the right.
 Add a missing word with the symbol (^) and write the missing word on the line on the right.
 Put a tick (✓) on the right if there is no mistake in the line.

Dear Editor,

In about a year, students have had half-day school due to the e.g. For

X the option
coronavirus pandemic. Now, schools have had e.g. had

of full-day classes if enough teachers and students vaccinated. e.g. are

I believe that whole-day classes should be resumed as soon as e.g. ✓


Whole-day school is, in my opinion, more beneficial in (1) ______________________

students’ personal development because of students can have (2) ______________________

more time to build friendships and participate ECAs. Under (3) ______________________

half-day schedule, students do not have the chance to take part (4) ______________________

in other school activities. It is important students to explore (5) ______________________

their interests outside the core subjects.

At home, most students lack self-discipline. They played video (6) ______________________

games with their parents’ supervision. If they go to school (7) ______________________

instead of staying at home, they make good use of their time (8) ______________________

and spend their time more wisely.

Full-day schooling is far better than half-day classes in terms of (9) ______________________

students’ learning and social life. Yet, schools should make (10) ______________________

effort to allow students to return to school for the whole day.

Yours faithfully,

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
Mary Young

Section 1 (10 marks)
You are reading a diary entry about friendship. Fill in the blanks using the words or phrases in the
box below. Each word or phrase can only be used ONCE. Do NOT change the word form.

tantrum getaway resemblance judgmental startled

itinerary tempted hidden gem negotiate daunting
authentic sinister secluded browsed contorted

Dear Diary,

What a trip! Life without travelling is so dull, so my best friend and I planned a weekend

(1) ____________________________ to get closer to nature and take a break from the fast-paced

life. Ironically, staying at (2) ____________________________ areas where disturbance is minimal

is a REAL test of friendship. Why didn’t my mum warn me about this?

We (3) ____________________________ the net for recommendations of awesome glamping sites.

The reviews were super positive that we thought glamping could save us all the hassle of preparation

for outdoor adventures. Little did we know what was waiting for us.

Upon arrival, we were very (4) ____________________________ that the AC was out of order. Part

of the nature experience, huh? With no (5) ____________________________ planned and nothing

special to do, we stayed in the bubble-shaped tent and enjoyed our girls’ talk.

And of course, lots of selfies. People love seeing us in pictures together as we bear a strong

(6) ____________________________ to one another, like twins. But then she posted a picture in

which my face (7) ____________________________ weirdly, as if I was having some kind of

muscle coordination disorder! She herself looked stunning instead. I really don’t understand why she

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
threw a (8) ____________________________ when I asked her to delete the picture. Why didn’t she

consider my feelings? So shameless of her to yell back at me when I tried to

(9) ____________________________ with her and suggested blurring my face a bit instead. I bet

she took the ugly sides of me on purpose! What a (10) ____________________________ friend!

My blood is still boiling in my veins! However angry I am, I’m still glad we had the trip together. Or

else I would never see her true colors. Now I know who I should hang out more with!

Getting late now. Will write again tomorrow.



2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
Section 2 (10 marks)
You are Chris Wong, the student ambassador for World Wildlife Fund at your school. You are
preparing a speech to be delivered at the school assembly to promote a campaign that is going to
take place next week. Fill in the blanks using the words or phrases in the box below. Each word or
phrase can only be used ONCE. Do NOT change the word form.

biodiversity conservation efforts contamination cower

culprits defenceless deforestation delicacy
deter displaced fervent slaughtered
solitary trafficked unscrupulous poachers wildlife refuge

Principal, teachers and fellow school mates,

Good morning! I am Chris Wong, the student ambassador of World Wildlife Fund. It is with great

pleasure that I have the opportunity to talk to you today about the ‘Be a hero, save the animals’

campaign that is going to be launched at school next week.

I’m sure you’ve heard about different species going extinct and how it poses a threat to

(1) ______________________________. This may be a result of natural causes, as some weaker

species could fall prey to predators in the wild. However, we must all acknowledge the fact that

humans are the biggest (2) ______________________________.

Many animals are fragile, if not (3) ______________________________ in face of human activities.

(4) ______________________________ in the Amazon Rain Forest, for example, destroys the

natural habitats of the giant otter and the mighty Amazonian jaguar. Illegal wildlife trade, a ludicrous

business for many (5) ______________________________, has also been on the rise. Rhino

poaching in South Africa, for instance, has increased from 13 to a whopping 1,004 in 5 years’ time.

2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB
In the same region, elephants are (6) ______________________________ for their ivory.

Meanwhile, exotic birds and rare species are first caught in the jungles of Brazil and Malaysia and

are then illegally (7) ______________________________ to other countries. Despite persistent

attempts by governments around the world to eliminate illegal poaching by increasing the severity of

punishment, the policies appear to be ineffective to (8) ______________________________ such


In light of this, the WWF is currently constructing a (9) ______________________________ centre

in Cambodia as an attempt to rescue the endangered species in the South Asian region. This is why

we need your help! By participating in the various activities in the ‘Be a hero, save the animals’

campaign, you will help raise awareness of the issue and be part of WWF’s (10)

______________________________ to save the endangered animals! For more information about

the campaign, please follow our Instagram account and sign up for the different activities that you

can take part in!

‘Be a hero, save the animals!’ Thank you.



2022-23/S2/First Term Examination/ELA/ReadingB/QAB

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