Thailand 2021 SMP 2562 Translated

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Volume 138, Special Section 149 D Royal Gazette 5 July 2021

Announcement of the Broadcasting Commission Television business and the

National Telecommunications Commission

Subject: Frequency Management Master Plan No. 2 (2021)

Whereas it is appropriate to revise the appendix and table A to determine the national frequency spectrum of the master plan

Frequency Management (2019) to comply with the provisions of the Act.

Frequency allocation and distribution organization to regulate the radio broadcasting business Radio, television and business

Telecommunications (No. 3) B.E. 2019 and the Radio Regulations Edition of 2020 of the International Telecommunications

Union. Including being in line with the usage policy

Current and future frequencies of the country

By virtue of Section 27 (1) of the Frequency Allocation Organization Act.

and regulate the radio broadcasting business television radio and Telecommunications Business B.E. 2010, which was

amended by the Frequency Allocation and Regulation Organization Act. to regulate the radio broadcasting business television

radio and Telecommunications Business (No. 3) B.E. 2019, Section 27 (12/1) of the Frequency Allocation and Regulation

Organization Act to regulate the radio broadcasting business television radio and Telecommunications Business B.E. 2010,

which was amended by the Frequency Allocation Organization Act.

and regulate the radio broadcasting business television radio and Telecommunications Business (No. 2) B.E. 2017, Section

27 (24) and Section 48 of the Frequency Allocation Organization Act.

and regulate the radio broadcasting business television radio and Telecommunications Act 2010, Broadcasting
Commission Television business and the National Telecommunications Commission Therefore, the following

announcement has been issued.

1 This announcement shall come into force from the day following the date of its publication in the Royal Gazette

onwards, except for the enforcement of the schedule. The National Frequency Spectrum (2021) must be determined in accordance with

the Radio Regulations, 2020 edition of the International Telecommunications Union.

Clause 2: Repeal Appendix A at the end of the Broadcasting Commission announcement. Television

business and the National Telecommunications Commission on the Frequency Management Master Plan (2019)

dated 27 August 2019 and use Appendix A at the end of this announcement instead.

Clause 3: Repeal Appendix B at the end of the Broadcasting Commission announcement. Television

business and the National Telecommunications Commission on the Frequency Management Master Plan (2019)

dated 27 August 2019 and use Appendix B at the end of this announcement instead.
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Volume 138, Special Section 149 D Royal Gazette 5 July 2021

Item 4: Cancel Schedule A. Specifying the National Frequency Spectrum (2019) attached to the announcement of the

Broadcasting Commission Television business and the National Telecommunications Commission regarding the master plan

Frequency Management (2019) dated 27 August 2019 and use the schedule.

National Frequency Spectrum (2021) appended to this announcement instead.

Announced on 1 4 June
B.E. 25 6 4

General Sukit Khamasunthon

Director of Broadcasting Business Television business

and the National Telecommunications Commission

Serves as Chairman of the Broadcasting Business Committee

Television business and the National Telecommunications Commission

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Appendix A
Details about the frequencies specified specified for use in the broadcasting and television businesses

Telecommunications business and other businesses


ÿ. Details of the frequency spectrum specified for use in the broadcasting and television business or

Telecommunications, any business or two joint ventures According to the law on frequency allocation organizations

and regulate the radio broadcasting business television radio and telecommunications business are as follows: 1 2 3 4

ÿ.ÿ Frequency 470 – 694 MHz

1.2 Frequency 703 – 748/758 – 803 MHz

ÿ.ÿ Frequency 814 – 824/859 – 869 MHz

1.4 Frequency 824 – 839/869 – 884 MHz

1.5 Frequency 890 – 915/935 – 960 MHz

1.6 Frequency 1710 – 1785/1805 – 1880 MHz

1.7 Frequency 1920 – 1980/2110 – 2170 MHz and

2010–2025 MHz

1.8 Frequency 2300 – 2400 MHz

1.9 Frequency 2500 – 2690 MHz

Frequency 3.4 – 3.7 GHz (see T-P11) Frequency

24.25 – 29.5 GHz (see T-P12)

1.12 Other frequencies as specified by the NBTC.

2. Details of the frequency spectrum specified specified for use in broadcasting and television businesses

According to the law on frequency allocation and regulation organizations to regulate the radio broadcasting business
Television and telecommunications business are as follows: 2

Frequency bands which table A National frequency spectrum determination specified for broadcasting businesses and businesses

Television (not specified in item 1)

3. Details of the frequency spectrum specified specified for use in the telecommunications business According to the law on spectrum allocation organizations

Frequency and regulation of radio broadcasting business television radio and telecommunications business are as follows: 2 3 4

ÿ.ÿ Frequency that specified for use in mobile and fixed businesses (especially businesses

international mobile telecommunications) in the national frequency spectrum schedule as follows:

ÿ.ÿ.ÿ Frequency 450 – 470 MHz

3.1.2 Frequency 1427 – 1518 MHz

ÿ.ÿ.ÿ Frequency 37 – 43.5 GHz

3.1.4 Frequency 66 – 71 gigahertz

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3.2 Frequency bands which are in table A National frequency spectrum determination The regulations specified for

the satellite business are as follows: 3.2.1

Fixed business via satellite 3.2.2 Mobile

business via satellite 3.2.3 Broadcasting business and television business via satellite

3.3 Frequency bands designated for use for mobile business according to the relevant NBTC announcements are as


ÿ.ÿ.ÿ Frequency 380 – 399.9 MHz

3.3.2 Frequency 410 – 430 MHz 3.3.3 Frequency 806 –

814 and 851 – 859 MHz

3.4 Frequency bands allowed for use in fixed business according to the relevant NBTC announcements as follows:

3.4.1 Frequency bands 2.0255 – 2.0535 and 2.2005 – 2.285. Gigahertz 3.4.2 Frequency 4.4 – 5

GHz 3.4.3 Frequency 6.43 – 7.11 GHz 3.4.4

Frequency 7.11 – 7.4 25 gigahertz 3. 4.5 Frequency wave

7.425 – 7.725 gigahertz 3.4.6 Frequency wave 7.725 –

8.285 gigahertz 3.4.7 Frequency wave 10. 15 – 10.3 and 10.5

- 10 .65 gigahertz 3.4.8 frequency band 10.7 – 11.7 gigahertz

3.4.9 frequency band 12.75 – 13.25 gigahertz 3.4.1 0Frequency 14.5 – 15.35 Gigahertz

3.4.11Frequency 17.7 – 19.7 GHz 3.4.12Frequency 21.2

– 23.6 GHz 3.4.13Frequency 7 1 – 76 and 81 – 86 GHz

3.5 Frequency spectrum permitted for general use according to the relevant NBTC announcements as follows:

3.5.1 Frequency 920 – 925 MHz 3.5.2 Frequency 2400 –

2500 MHz 3.5.3 Frequency 5150 – 5 350 MHz 3.5.4

Frequency 5470 – 5725 MHz 3.5.5 Wave Frequency 5725 –

5850 MHz 3.5.6 Frequency 57 – 66 GHz

3.6 Other frequencies as specified by the NBTC.

4. Details of the frequency spectrum specified specified for use in the radio communications business According to the law on

allocation organizations Frequency and to regulate the radio broadcasting business television radio and telecommunications business

and other businesses are as follows:

Frequency bands which table A National frequency spectrum determination specified for the following

businesses: 4.1 Mobile businesses (not specified for use ÿ clause ÿ.ÿ and item 3.3)

according to 4.2 Land mobile businesses

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4.3 Maritime mobility business 4.4

Aviation mobility business 4.5 Aviation

mobility business on commercial flight routes 4.6 Aviation mobility

business outside commercial flight routes 4.7 Fixed-flight business (not

designated Specified to be used according to Section 4.8 Radio ÿ clause ÿ.ÿ and section 3.4)

Navigation Business 4.9 Marine

Radio Navigation Business 4.10 Aviation

Radio Navigation Business 4.11 Radio

Positioning Business 4.12 Radio

Business Amateur 4.13

Meteorological assistance business

4.14 Space operations business 4.15

Space research business 4.16

Standard frequency and time signal business 4.17 Radio

astronomy business 4.18 Amateur

radio via satellite business 4.19 Exploring the world

via satellite 4.20 Communication between

satellites 4.21 Meteorological business via

satellite 4.22 Radio surveillance and search

business via satellite 4.23 Radio navigation business via satellite 4.24

Standard frequency and time signal business

via satellite

The designation of frequencies for use in the broadcasting business and television business or telecommunications

business, any one business, or for the use of two businesses together, for each frequency spectrum, shall be as

specified by the NBTC. .Announcement specifying the permission to use frequencies. Such frequency must be in
accordance with the criteria, methods and conditions announced by the NBTC. 2 The above

frequencies may be specified. It is specified to be used in other businesses as well according to the schedule. Specify the frequency spectr


3 cases where the specified frequency spectrum is used specified for use in the telecommunications business to use for
religious purposes Telecommunications in any specific business or on a special basis that is not a business

Telecommunications business according to the law on telecommunications business operations or distribution business

sound or television business according to the law on broadcasting business and business Television is considered to

be used in the radio communications business. The 4

frequencies specified that are specified for use in the telecommunications business may be used in the radiocommunication business as
NBTC specifies

5 means including the frequency spectrum according to the NBTC announcement regarding the radio frequency plan.

mobile business Land and fixed business in the frequency band 137 - 174 megahertz (MHz) that was previously

permitted for telecommunications business operations before the effective date of the radio frequency plan.
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Appendix B

Guidelines for Spectrum Reclamation Guidelines for returning friends' frequencies to be

reallocated and guidelines for improving the use of frequency bands

(2019 – 2023)

Guidelines for reclaiming spectrum Guidelines for returning friends' frequencies to be reallocated and

guidelines for improving the use of frequency bands The objective is to identify potential frequencies for spectrum reclamation.

Returning friends' frequencies to be reallocated and improving the use of frequencies country over a period of 5 years (2019 -

2023) to enable all stakeholders in the use of frequencies in all regions The section was informed of the time frame. To prepare

the relevant parts of the NBTC in the overall picture and business. Broadcasting and television business Telecommunications

business and radio communications business

in preparing guidelines for reclaiming spectrum Guidelines for returning frequency spectrum for reallocation

and guidelines for improving the use of NBTC frequencies by virtue of the Act. Frequency allocation and distribution organization

to regulate the radio broadcasting business Radio, Television and Telecommunications Business B.E. 2010 and the

amendments as follows:

1) Section 27

The NBTC shall have the following powers and duties:

(12/1) Reclaim unused frequencies. or use it not worth it or use it for more value as specified in the

plan prepared according to (1) [Frequency Management Master Plan and Spectrum Assignment Schedule National] from those

who have authorized friends The shares will be re-allocated in accordance with the criteria, methods and conditions specified

by the NBTC. Such conditions must be specified. To determine methods for replacement, compensation, or payment of

compensation for those whose frequencies have been reclaimed, taking into account the rights of those affected by the frequency recall.

In each case also

2) Section 48

There shall be a spectrum management master plan which must contain at least the following items:


(4) Guidelines for returning fellow frequencies will be allocated for reallocation or improvement of use

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Therefore, the frequency This is specified in the guidelines for guidelines for restoring spectrum, guidelines for

Return your friend's frequency to be reallocated and guidelines for improving the use of the country's frequency spectrum over a period of

5 years (2019 - 2023) consisting of the following frequencies:

(1) Frequency spectrum that has the possibility of being recalled. will be re-allocated before the end

Permission period according to Section 27 (12/1)

(2) Frequency spectrum that must be returned when it expires. Specifying the duration for granting permission to friends to be reallocated

According to Section 48 (4), which has already established guidelines in the National Frequency Management Master Plan (2012)

(3) Frequency bands that need to be improved for use according to section 48 (4) and the Thailand footnote at the
end of the national frequency spectrum schedule.

In addition, it has also considered proceed in accordance with the instructions Order of the head of the Council for Peace and Order

National Order No. 76/2016, dated December 20, 2016, and the order of the Head of the Council for Peace and Order

National Act No. 4/2019, dated 11 April 2019.

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Appendix B – 1

Policy objectives for guidelines for reclaiming spectrum Guidelines for returning frequency for re-allocation

and guidelines for improving frequency use

Frequency management for maximum benefit to the nation and people is the direct duty of the NBTC

as specified by law. Frequency is a resource that has specific characteristics, that is, it is a resource that is available in large

quantities. The spectrum is limited but can be reused. There are many types of uses of the frequency spectrum. From use

for the general public, organizations, and national infrastructure

Frequency recall Returning friends' frequencies to be reallocated and improvements The use of

spectrum is one of the methods for managing spectrum for maximum benefit. Therefore, many factors must be taken into

account, including technical aspects, economic aspects, and international relations, as follows.

1) Technical aspect

Frequency management must create efficient use of frequency with the number of frequency

channels consistent with the amount of use, taking into account current usage conditions. and prevent it from occurring

Harmful interference to the use of frequency bands both domestically and internationally.

2) Economic aspect:

Frequency spectrum is a resource that has economic value because it can be put to good use.

Commercially, it creates income and profits, affecting the development of products and services. and increase potential in

the country's competition The value of spectrum varies according to market demand. Trends in technology change,

availability of equipment from producing countries. international agreements and usage policy Thailand frequency bands

3) International relations

Frequency waves have physical characteristics that can propagate through the air, not limited by

international borders. Using frequencies to avoid interference Must be in accordance with the area agreement international

border and as a member country of the International Telecommunication Union Thailand must comply with radio regulations

which are enforced as international law as well. In addition, promoting the use of frequency bands to be the same (Spectrum

Harmonization) both regionally and globally should be taken into consideration because it makes management The

frequency is effective. Reduce interference problems and make technology development unified and at reasonable costs.
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Appendix B – 2

Analysis of the frequency usage situation in Thailand

and guidelines for consideration for restoring spectrum Returning friends' frequencies to be reallocated

and improving the use of frequency bands

MF/HF frequency band (below 30 MHz)

At present, the frequency band lower than 30 megahertz is used in broadcasting businesses.

Stationary, mobile business Aviation business according to the agreement of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Frequency users include security agencies and government agencies. This frequency band is sufficient for use.

Current work It is in accordance with international agreements and there is no need for for the use of frequency bands

new in the future

Summary of MF/HF frequency bands

ÿ) Frequencies with the possibility of being recalled to friends will be re-allocated before the end

Permission period according to Section 27 (12/1)

do not have

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be returned when it expires The permission period has been set for re-allocation.

According to Section 48 (4)

The frequency spectrum is used in the AM broadcasting business (526.5 - 1606.5 kilohertz), which will expire in

the year 2022 according to the order of the Head of the Council for Peace and Order.

National No. 76/2016, dated 20 December 2016

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be improved for use during 2019 - 2023 according to Section

ÿÿ (ÿ)

do not have

VHF frequency band (30 – 300 MHz)

The VHF frequency band is a frequency band that is used in broadcasting and television businesses, including FM

broadcasting (87 - 108 megahertz), digital broadcasting.

(174 – 230 MHz) Radio communications business includes fixed business, mobile business. mobile business

Land, amateur radio (144 - 147 MHz), maritime mobile (156 - 162.05 MHz) and aviation according to the International Civil Aviation

Organization (ICAO)

Details appear as shown in Figure 1.

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30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

87 108 174 188

FM Radio

31.5 137
Digital Radio
Land Mobile Land Mobile

31.1 82.3 151.4 185.12

Mobile Mobile
78 79
115.3 137 156 162.05
Radiocommunications CB
Aeronautical Mobile/Satellite Maritime Mobile
75 108 117.975 144

Aeronautical Radio Navigation Aeronautical Mobile Amateur

139 169


190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 MHz

188 230

Broadcasting Digital Radio

227.4 298

Aeronautical Mobile

230.1 298.1

Radiocommunications Mobile
245 247


picture ÿ Use in the VHF frequency band

The VHF frequency band is a frequency band that is generally used according to the relevant radio frequency plans.

Including international agreements. and there is still no need It is necessary to improve the usability now because there is still

The spectrum is sufficient and able to support current demand. However, the NBTC views that the spectrum

Frequencies of 50 - 54 megahertz can be used to be more efficient. If updated to be compatible

Between the mobile service, the fixed service, and the amateur radio service (T–P9)

Summary of VHF frequency bands

ÿ) Frequencies with the possibility of being recalled to friends will be re-allocated before the end

Permission period according to Section 27 (12/1)

do not have

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be returned when it expires The permission period has been set for re-allocation.

According to Section 48 (4)

Frequency spectrum used in the FM broadcasting business (87 - 108 megahertz), which will expire in 2022 according

to the order of the Head of the National Council for Peace and Order.

No. 76/2016, dated 20 December 2016

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ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be improved for use during 2019 - 2023 according to Section

ÿÿ (ÿ)

None (apart from improving the use of frequencies in the 50 - 54 MHz band

According to the Thailand footnote T-P9 and according to the NBTC announcement on criteria for improving the use of

frequency spectrum. Land mobile business and fixed business, frequency band 137 - 174 megahertz (MHz) and amendments)
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UHF frequency band (300 MHz – 3 GHz)

The UHF frequency band is a frequency band that is heavily used in both television and business.

Telecommunications, satellite communications and radio communications business Users include: Government agencies, state

enterprises, security agencies Private agency Telecommunications operators and business operators

Television. Details appear in Figure 2. This frequency band has high economic value. Reflected from the results

Auction of frequencies in the bands 700, 900, 1800, 2100 and 2600 MHz, which are used in business.

International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Past

300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800

470 694
Broadcasting Digital TV
1710 1805
703 758 824 869 890 935
1785 1880
748 803 839 884 915 960

380 399.9 794 806851

Trunked Radio Wireless Mic Trunked Radio
300 494
960 1215 1227.6 1290 1428.5 1524 1680
Fixed/Mobile/Land Mobile/
Aeronautical Mobile/ Aeronautical Radio Navigation/ Radio Navigation/ Metrological

Aeronautical Mobile (R)/ Radio location Aid

Aeronautical Radio Navigation

Aeronautical Radio Navigation-Satellite

Satellite 308.05 406.05 1529.8 1660.5 1695

Fixed Satellite
Mobile Satellite With Sat

1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 MHz

1920 2010 2110 2170 2300 2400 2500 2690

Telecommunication IMT IMT IMT IMT IMT
1980 2025

Radiocommunications 2025.5 2200.5 2400 2700 2900 3100

Fixed Fixed
2053.5 2285 2500
Aeronautical Radio Navigation/ Radio

Metrological Aid Navigation

2035.9625 2211

Fixed Satellite

Picture 2. Use in the UHF frequency band.

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Summary of UHF frequency bands

ÿ) Frequencies with the possibility of being recalled to friends will be reallocated before the end of the period.

Permission according to Section 27 (12/1)

1427 – 1518 MHz because it is a frequency that has economic value.

Applied in the international mobile telecommunications business as specified in the regulations table. can determine the national frequency spectrum in

Currently, there are licensees to use the said frequency spectrum in fixed business, whose license expiration period does not exceed.

Year 2025

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be returned when it expires The permission period has been set for re-allocation.

According to Section 48 (4)

do not have

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that needs to be improved in use during 2019 - 2023 according to Section

ÿÿ (ÿ)

None (apart from the NBTC announcement on criteria for improving the use of spectrum in the frequency band 380 -

510 megahertz (MHz) and the NBTC announcement on criteria for improving the use of spectrum

Frequency: Frequency bands 806 – 824 megahertz (MHz) and 851 – 869 megahertz (MHz) and NBTC announcement on criteria for using

frequencies for for radio communications equipment Types of wireless microphones and where they are fixed

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SHF frequency band (3 – 30 gigahertz)

The SHF frequency band is a frequency band with short wavelengths called “microwave frequencies”.

Businesses currently in use include radio communications business, fixed business, mobile business. Aviation business

and satellite communications business Main users include Government agencies and security agencies Other users include television

operators. Telecommunications business operators The nature of use is

Used in point-to-point communication, radar, and satellite communications, making it possible to use repeated frequencies. that can be done in the area

are different, so they do not face the problem of shortages Details appear in picture 3.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

4.415 8.485 10.15 15.341

Fixed Fixed

Radiocommunications 5.6 5.813

Metrological Aid

3.05 4.3 5.402 9.17 15.7

3.11 4.33 5.897 9.438 15.86

5.15 5.47 Aeronautical Radio Navigation



3.4 4.2 5.85 6.6625 8.38 8.44 10.95 12.75 13.75 14.10


Fixed Satellite/SRS

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GHz

15.7 17.2 17.728 19.618 21.238 22.631

Radiocommunications Fixed Fixed
Radio Location
18.3 20.0 27.0 30.05

18.72 20.2
Fixed Satellite

24.3 27.0
Telecommunication IMT

Picture 3: Use in the SHF frequency band.

At present, there is a demand for the use of certain frequency bands in the SHF band for use in telecommunications.

international mobile for supporting 5G technology because it is technically appropriate Frequency bands below 6 gigahertz can be used

in a wide area and support large amounts of data transmission. There are a lot of people at the level. As for ÿÿÿ Megabit Yes

frequencies in the area higher than 6 gigahertz, used to support very high speed data communication because

large frequency band width

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1) 3.4 – 3.7 gigahertz

National frequency spectrum schedule specified for use in fixed business, fixed business that has passed

Satellite (space-to-Earth) and mobile operations are the main activities. Currently, the frequency band in this area is used.

To provide services in the satellite communications business As for 5G technology, although this frequency band has

Highly complex to use with existing businesses But there is equipment for for testing and ready in the market It is also a wave.

Frequencies that the telecommunications industry intends to be used to support 5G technology

2) 27.0 – 29.5 GHz

National frequency spectrum schedule It is specified to be able to be used in fixed business, mobile business.

and regular business via satellite (Earth to Space) is the main business. At present, radio frequency bands are used.

as mentioned in order to provide services in the satellite communications business. In terms of 5G technology, although this frequency band

Highly complex in using with existing businesses But there is equipment for for testing and ready in the market.

It is a frequency band that the telecommunications industry intends to use as a frequency band to support 5G technology.

Summary of SHF frequency

ÿ) bands. Frequency bands that are likely to be recalled. to be reallocated before the end of the period

Permission according to Section 27 (12/1)

do not have

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be returned when it expires The permission period has been set for re-allocation.

According to Section 48 (4)

do not have

3) Frequency spectrum that must be improved for use during 2019 - 2023 according to Section 48 (4)

Frequency waves in the range 3.4 - 3.7 gigahertz and 27.0 - 29.5 gigahertz because

It is a frequency band that has economic value and can be used in international mobile telecommunications business as specified.
in the national frequency spectrum schedule
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EHF frequency band (30 – 300 GHz)

The EHF frequency band is an extremely high frequency band. and has a very short wavelength Therefore it is called a frequency wave.

Millimeter Wave At present, there is not much use of the relevant frequencies according to the NBTC announcement. It consists of using

Frequency spectrum for fixed business and for short range radio communications equipment (Short Range Devices) in the range 57 - 66 GHz. The use of

frequency spectrum for for radio communications equipment, radar systems used to install in cars in the range 76 - 81 gigahertz and the use of frequencies

for for fixed business in the range 71 - 76 GHz

and 81 – 86 gigahertz. Details appear in Figure 4.

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

57 66 71 76 81 86

Short Range Devices Fixed Fixed
Vehicle Radar

37 43.5 66 71


160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 GHz

Picture 4: Plan for using the EHF frequency band.

As for 5G technology, the 2019 World Conference on Radiocommunications

(WRC-19) has specified frequency bands for additional regulations for international mobile telecommunications business are as follows

37 – 43.5 GHz

66 – 71 gigahertz

Summary of EHF frequency bands

ÿ) Frequencies with the possibility of being recalled to friends will be re-allocated before the end

Permission period according to Section 27 (12/1)

do not have

ÿ) Frequency spectrum that must be returned when it expires The permission period has been set for re-allocation.

According to Section 48 (4)

do not have

3) Frequency spectrum that must be adjusted for use during the year 2019 - 2023

According to Section 48 (4)

do not have
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Appendix B–3

Summary of the results of considering guidelines for for restoring spectrum Guidelines for returning friends' frequencies to be

reallocated and guidelines for improving the use of frequency bands

(2019 – 2023)

Criteria for

Guidelines Frequency Current use demand for waves consideration agreement Related Laws/ Within a

new frequency format between country or agreement

of equipment readiness Frequency Usage Policy year

For the future, The border area (Thailand footnote) It is

Recall to re- ÿÿÿÿ – ÿÿÿÿ have there is –

has possible. to ÿÿÿÿ

allocate first MHz restore before the end

End of period Permission period for

Permitted according re-allocation according to

to Section 27 (12/1)* Section 27 (12/1)

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Consideration criteria

Usage demand for waves readiness agreement between Related laws/

Frequency inside
Guidelines country or Frequency usage policy
current new frequency format of equipment

For the future Area agreement (Thailand footnote)

Must be returned when due. ÿÿÿ.ÿ – have


Return according to the specified period of time. ÿÿÿÿ

Permission period ÿÿÿÿ.ÿ Permission is granted according to section 7 of the order.

According to Section 48 (4) kilohertz Head of the Peacekeeping Council

which has set guidelines National No. 76/2016 on measures

already in the master plan to promote business

Frequency management Radio broadcasting business

National (2012) Television and business

Telecommunications for benefit


ÿÿ – ÿÿÿ have


Return according to the specified period of time. ÿÿÿÿ

MHz Permission is granted according to section 7 of the order.

Head of the Peacekeeping Council

National No. 76/2016 on measures

to promote business

Radio broadcasting business

Television and business

Telecommunications for benefit

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Consideration criteria

Usage demand for waves readiness agreement between

Related laws/
Frequency inside
Guidelines country or Frequency usage policy
current new frequency format of equipment

For the future Area agreement (Thailand footnote)


Need to improve usability

ÿÿ – ÿÿ have


Frequency bands that need to be improved


According to section 48 (4) and MHz Use according to the country footnote.

Thailand footnote at the Thailand T–P9

end of the wave schedule table ÿÿÿÿ – have have

frequency bands that need to be improved

national frequency ÿÿÿÿ Use according to the country footnote.

MHz Thailand T–P6

ÿ.ÿ – ÿ.ÿ have have have

Frequency bands that need to be improved


gigahertz (5G) Use according to the country footnote.

Thailand T–P11

ÿÿ.ÿ – ÿÿ.ÿ have have have

Frequency bands that need to be improved


gigahertz (5G) Use according to the country footnote.

Thailand T–P12

*Note: In the case of being unable to restore your friend's frequency spectrum If the money can be reallocated according to Section 27 (12/1), it must be done when it is due. to determine the period for permission and/or improvement

According to use (according to the footnote in Thailand at the end of the table specifying national frequency bands) according to Section 48 (4) next.
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Office of the Broadcasting Commission

National Television and Telecommunications
Business (NBTC Office)

National frequency schedule

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Table of contents

National frequency schedule i

Appendix A 133

Format and general characteristics of the table frequency spectrum

Appendix B 135

Vocabulary and meaning which is used in table a frequency spectrum

Appendix C 141

Articles, annexes, resolutions and recommendations referred to in international footnotes

Appendix D 142

Thai translation and English vocabulary


International footnote 147

Thailand footnote 241

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National frequency schedule

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National frequency schedule

1. “Frequency assignment table” means the assignment of radio frequency bands for radio broadcasting.

Radio, television, radio communications, telecommunications, and others for use under the conditions specified by the NBTC.

2. Determination of the type of business (Service) as shown in the schedule. The national frequency spectrum is set to

Determining the type of radio communications use in each radio frequency band with reference to radio regulations

(Radio Regulations) of the International Telecommunication Union Consisting of the following businesses


Business: Broadcasting and television broadcasting service

business Satellite broadcasting and television broadcasting-satellite service
business mobile mobile service

business ship movement ship movement service

business Aviation mobile aeronautical mobile service

business Aeronautical mobile (OR) service outside commercial flight routes

Aeronautical mobile (R) service on commercial flight routes

Satellite aviation mobility business Satellite aeronautical mobile-satellite service

aviation mobility business aeronautical mobile-satellite (OR) service

Outside commercial flight routes

Satellite aviation mobility business aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service

on commercial flight routes

Maritime mobile business maritime mobile service

Maritime mobility via satellite land mobile maritime mobile-satellite service

business Land mobile land mobile service

business via satellite Mobile business land mobile-satellite service

via satellite Business of standard mobile-satellite service

frequency and time signals standard frequency and time signal


Business of standard frequency and transit time signals standard frequency and time signal-
satellite satellite service

Meteorological assistance meteorological aids service

business Port operations port operations service

Space operations business, space operation service

fixed business, fixed service

fixed business through satellite fixed-satellite service

Business between satellites inter-satellite service

Space research space research service

business Radio Astronomy radio astronomy service

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Business Service

Radio surveillance and search business radiodetermination service

Radio surveillance and search business radiodetermination-satellite service


radio navigation radionavigation service

business, radio navigation business radionavigation-satellite service

via satellite, radio navigation aeronautical radionavigation service

business, aviation radio navigation business via satellite aeronautical radionavigation-satellite


Maritime radio navigation maritime radionavigation service

business. Maritime radio navigation business maritime radionavigation- satellite service

via satellite. Amateur amateur service

radio business Amateur radio business amateur-satellite service

via satellite Radio locating radiolocation service

business. Radio locating business. radiolocation-satellite service

Positioning via satellite, Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration-satellite service

Meteorological business via satellite meteorological-satellite service

Business for safety safety service
Special business special service

(R) : route means on a commercial flight route

(OR) : off – route means outside of commercial flight routes.

3. The use of frequencies in any business other than the business specified in the schedule. The national frequency spectrum is specified.

must not cause serious disturbances. or request rights to protect against interference from the use of frequencies according to

Business on schedule The national frequency spectrum is specified. and the use of such frequencies Must be in accordance with the NBTC.


4. The use of frequencies on the border of Thailand and neighboring countries is in accordance with the mutual agreement between

Thailand and neighboring countries as specified by the NBTC.

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Table details to determine the national frequency spectrum

8.3-110 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 lower Region 2 (not Region 3

than 8.3 determined)

5.53 5.54

8.3-9 Meteorological aid business 5.54A 5.54B 5.54C

9-11.3 Meteorological aid business 5.54A

Radio navigation
11.3-14 business Radio
14-19.95 navigation

business Fixed business Maritime mobile business 5.57

5.55 5.56

19.95-20.05 Standard frequency and time signal business (20 kHz) Fixed
20.05-70 business Marine

mobile business 5.57

5.56 5.58

70-72 70-90 70-72

Radio navigation business 5.60 Fixed business Radio navigation business

Marine mobile business 5.57 Maritime 5.60 Fixed

radio navigation business 5.60 Radio business Marine mobile business 5.57

positioning business 5.59

72-84 72-84

Fixed business, Fixed business,

maritime mobile business 5.57, radio maritime mobile business 5.57, radio

navigation business 5.60 navigation business 5.60


84-86 84-86

Radio navigation business 5.60 Radio navigation business

5.60 Fixed

business Marine mobile business 5.57


86-90 86-90

Fixed business, Fixed business,

maritime mobile business 5.57 Radio maritime mobile business 5.57, radio

navigation business navigation business 5.60

5.56 5.61

90-110 Radio navigation business

5.62 Fixed business
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8.3-110 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand (not Thailand footnote

Below 8.3 determined) T-General use

5.53 5.54

8.3-9 Meteorological assistance business 5.54A

T-General use

9-11.3 Meteorological assistance business 5.54A

T-General use

Radio navigation business

11.3-14 Radio navigation T-General use

14-19.95 business, fixed business T-General use

Maritime mobile business 5.57 T-Maritime


19.95-20.05 Standard frequency and time signal business (20 kHz) T-General use

20.05-70 Fixed business T-General use

Maritime mobile business 5.57 T-Maritime

5.56 T-Railway
70-72 Radio navigation business 5.60 T-General use

Fixed business T-Maritime

Maritime mobile business 5.57

72-84 Fixed business, T-General use

maritime mobile business 5.57 T-Maritime

Radio navigation business 5.60

84-86 Radio navigation business 5.60 T-General use

Fixed business T-Maritime

Maritime mobile business 5.57

86-90 Fixed business T-General use

Maritime mobile business 5.57 T-Maritime

Radio navigation business 5.60

90-110 Radio navigation business 5.62 T-General use

Fixed business

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110-255 kHz
Assignment to business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

110-112 110-130 110-112
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
maritime mobile business, marine mobile business, maritime mobile business,

radio navigation business marine navigation radio business 5.60 radio navigation business 5.60
5.64 radio positioning business 5.64

112-115 112-117.6

Radio navigation business 5.60 Radio navigation business

115-117.6 5.60 Fixed

Radio navigation business business Maritime mobile business

5.60 Fixed
business Maritime mobile business
5.64 5.66 5.64 5.65
117.6-126 117.6-126
Fixed business, Fixed business,
maritime mobile business, maritime mobile business,

radio navigation business 5.60 radio navigation business 5.60

5.64 5.64

126-129 126-129

Radio navigation business 5.60 Radio navigation business

5.60 Fixed
business Maritime mobile business
5.64 5.65

129-130 129-130
Fixed business, Fixed business,
maritime mobile business, maritime mobile business,

radio navigation business 5.60 radio navigation business 5.60

5.64 5.61 5.64 5.64
130-135.7 130-135.7 130-135.7
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
maritime mobile business maritime mobile business maritime mobile business,

radio navigation business

5.64 5.67 5.64 5.64
135.7-137.8 135.7-137.8 135.7-137.8
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
maritime mobile business maritime mobile business maritime mobile business,

Amateur radio business 5.67A Amateur radio business 5.67A radio navigation
business, amateur radio business 5.67A
5.64 5.67 5.67B 5.64 5.64 5.67B
137.8-148.5 137.8-160 137.8-160
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
maritime mobile business maritime mobile business maritime mobile business,
5.64 5.67 radio navigation business
148.5-255 5.64 5.64
Broadcasting and Television 160-190 160-190
Business Fixed business Fixed business,

aviation radio navigation business


Aviation radio navigation business

5.68 5.69 5.70

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110-200 kHz

Assignment to business
Thailand Thailand footnote

110-112 Fixed business T-General use

Marine mobile business T-Maritime

Radio navigation business 5.60


112-117.6 Radio navigation business T-General use

5.60 Fixed T-Maritime

business Maritime mobile business


117.6-126 Fixed business, T-General use

maritime mobile business, T-Maritime

radio navigation business 5.60


126-129 Radio navigation business T-General use

5.60 Fixed T-Maritime

business Maritime mobile business


129-130 Fixed business, T-General use

maritime mobile business, T-Maritime

radio navigation business 5.60


130-135.7 Fixed business, T-General use

maritime mobile business, T-Maritime

radio navigation business


135.7-137.8 Fixed business, T-Amateur

maritime mobile business, T-General use

radio navigation T-Maritime

business, amateur radio business 5.67A


137.8-160 Fixed business, T-General use

maritime mobile business, T-Maritime

radio navigation business


160-190 Fixed business, T-General use

aviation radio navigation business,

190-200 aviation radio navigation business T-General use
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200-415 kHz
Assignment to business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

200-275 200-285

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business

255-283.5 Aviation mobile business Aviation mobile business

Broadcasting and television

business, 275-285

aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business

Aviation mobile business,
5.70 marine navigation radio business
283.5-315 (position radio)

Aviation radio navigation business

Marine radio navigation business

(position radio) 5.73 285-315

Aviation radio navigation business

5.74 Marine radio navigation business (position radio) 5.73
315-325 315-325 315-325

Aviation radio navigation business Maritime radio navigation Aviation radio navigation business

Marine radio navigation business business (positioning radio) Marine radio navigation business

(position radio) 5.73 5.73 Aviation radio navigation business (position radio) 5.73


325-405 325-335 325-405

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business
Aviation mobile business, Aviation mobile business

marine navigation radio business

(position radio)

Aviation radio navigation business

Aviation mobile business

405-415 405-415

Radio navigation business 5.76 Radio navigation business

5.76 Aviation mobile business
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200-415 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

200-285 Aviation radio navigation business T-General use

Aviation mobile business

285-315 Aviation radio navigation business T-General use

Maritime radio navigation business (position radio) 5.73

315-325 Aviation radio navigation business

Maritime radio navigation business (position radio) 5.73

325-405 Aviation radio navigation business

Aviation mobile business

405-415 Radio navigation business 5.76

Aviation mobile business
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415-495 kHz
Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

415-435 415-472
Maritime mobile business 5.79 Maritime mobile business 5.79

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business 5.77 5.80

Maritime mobile business 5.79

Aviation radio navigation business 5.77

5.82 5.78 5.82
472-479 Maritime mobile business 5.79

Amateur radio business 5.80A

Aviation radio navigation business 5.77 5.80
5.80B 5.82
479-495 479-495
Maritime mobile business 5.79 5.79A Maritime mobile business 5.79 5.79A

Aviation radio navigation business 5.77 Aviation radio navigation business 5.77 5.80
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415-495 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

415-472 Maritime mobility business 5.79 T-Maritime

Aviation radio navigation business


472-479 Maritime mobile business 5.79 T-Maritime

Amateur radio business,

aviation radio navigation business


479-495 Maritime mobile business 5.79 5.79A Aviation T-Maritime

radio navigation business

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495-1 800 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Maritime Region 3

495-505 mobile operations 5.82C

505-526.5 505-510 505-526.5

Maritime mobile business 5.79 5.79A Maritime mobile business 5.79 Maritime mobile business 5.79 5.79A

5.84 5.84

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business

Aviation mobile business land

510-525 mobile business

Maritime mobile business 5.79A 5.84 Aviation

radio navigation business


526.5-1 606.5 Broadcasting and Television Business 526.5-535

Broadcasting and Television Business 5.86 Broadcasting and Television Business mobile

Aviation radio navigation business business


535-1 605 535-1 606.5

Broadcasting and Television Business Broadcasting and Television Business

5.87 5.87A 1 605-1 625

1 606.5-1 625 Broadcasting and Television Business 1 606.5-1 800

Fixed business, 5.89 Fixed business

sea mobile business 5.90 land Mobile business

mobile business Radio location business,

radio navigation business

5.92 5.90

1 625-1 635 1 625-1 705

Radio location business Fixed business

Mobile business

Broadcasting and Business

5.93 Television 5.89

Radio location business

1 635-1 800 5.90

Fixed business, 1 705-1 800

sea mobile business 5.90 land Fixed business

mobile business Mobile business

radio positioning business,

aviation radio navigation business

5.92 5.96 5.91
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495-1 800 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

495-505 Maritime mobile operations 5.82C T-Maritime

505-526.5 Maritime mobile business 5.79 5.79A 5.84 T-Maritime

Aviation radio navigation business

Aviation mobile business

land mobile business

526.5-1 606.5 Broadcasting and Television Business T-Radio


1 606.5-1 800 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio location business

Radio navigation business

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1 800-2 194 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

1 800-1 810 1 800-1 850 1 800-2 000

Radio location business Amateur radio business Amateur radio business,

5.93 fixed business,

mobile business except aviation

1 810-1 850 mobile business, radio

Amateur radio business navigation business,

5.98 5.99 5.100 radio positioning business
1 850-2 000 1 850-2 000

Fixed business Amateur radio business,

Mobile business except aviation fixed business,

mobile business mobile business except aviation

mobile business Radio

location business, radio

navigation business
5.92 5.96 5.103 5.102 5.97

2 000-2 025 2 000-2 065

Fixed business, Fixed business

mobile business except business Mobile business

Aviation movement on commercial

flight routes

5.92 5.103

2 025-2 045

Fixed business,

mobile business except business

Aviation movement on commercial flight


meteorological assistance business 5.104

5.92 5.103

2 045-2 160

Fixed business, 2 065-2 107

maritime mobile business Maritime mobile operations 5.105

land mobile business 5.106

2 107-2 170

5.92 Fixed business

2 160-2 170 Mobile business

Radio location business

5.93 5.107

2 170-2 173.5 Maritime mobile business

2 173.5-2 190.5 mobile business (Call and report incidents)

5.108 5.109 5.110 5.111

2 190.5-2 194 Maritime mobile business

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1 800-2 194 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

1 800-1 825 Amateur Radio Business T-Amateur


1 825-2 000 Fixed business T-Amateur

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Radio navigation business

Radio location business

Amateur radio business


2 000-2 065 Fixed business

mobile business

2 065-2 107 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime


2 107-2 170 Fixed business

mobile business

2 170-2 173.5 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime

2 173.5-2 190.5 mobile business (Call and report incidents)
5.108 5.109 5.110 5.111

2 190.5-2 194 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime

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2 194-3 230 kHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

2 194-2 300 2 194-2 300
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except aviation Mobile business
mobile business on commercial flight
5.92 5.103 5.112 5.112

2 300-2 498 2 300-2 495

Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except business Mobile business
Aviation movement on commercial Broadcasting and television business 5.113
routes, broadcasting and television 2 495-2 501
business 5.113
Standard frequency and time signal operations (2 500 kHz)


2 498-2 501

Standard frequency and time

signal (2 500 kHz)
2 501-2 502 Business of standard frequency and time signals
Space research business

2 502-2 625 2 502-2 505

Fixed business, Business of standard frequency and time signals
mobile business except aviation
mobile business on commercial flight 2 505-2 850
routes. Fixed business
Mobile business
5.92 5.103 5.114

2 625-2 650
Maritime mobile business,

maritime radio navigation business


2 650-2 850
Fixed business,
mobile business except business
Aviation movement on commercial
flight routes
5.92 5.103

2 850-3 025 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

5.111 5.115

3 025-3 155 Mobile aviation business outside commercial flight routes,

3 155-3 200 fixed business,

mobile business except Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes
5.116 5.117

3 200-3 230 Fixed business,

mobile business except Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes
Broadcasting and television business 5.113
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2 194-3 230 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

2 194-2 300 Fixed business

mobile business

2 300-2 495 Fixed business

mobile business

Broadcasting and television business 5.113

2 495-2 501 Standard frequency and time signal operations (2 500 kHz)

2 501-2 502 Business of standard frequency and time signals

Space research business

2 502-2 505 Business of standard frequency and time signals

2 505-2 850 Fixed business T-Maritime

mobile business

2 850-3 025 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

5.111 5.115

3 025-3 155 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(OR)

3 155-3 200 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt

Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes


3 200-3 230 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt

Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

Broadcasting and television business 5.113

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3 230-5 003 kHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

3 230-3 400 business, mobile
business except Aviation mobile business Broadcasting
and television business 5.113
5.116 5.118
3 400-3 500 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes
3 500-3 800 3 500-3 750 3 500-3 900

Amateur radio business, Amateur radio business Amateur radio business,

fixed business, fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobile mobile business
business 5.119
5.92 3 750-4 000
3 800-3 900 Amateur radio business,
Fixed business, fixed business,
off-route aviation mobile business, mobile business except mobile business
commercial Aviation on commercial flight routes
aviation, land mobile business
3 900-3 950 3 900-3 950
Off-route aviation mobility business, Aviation mobile business
commercial aviation Broadcasting and Television Business
3 950-4 000 3 950-4 000
Fixed business, Fixed business,
broadcasting business and television business broadcasting business and television business
5.122 5.125 5.126
4 000-4 063 Fixed business,
maritime mobile business 5.127
4 063-4 438 Maritime mobile business 5.79A 5.109 5.110 5.130 5.131 5.132
4 438-4 488 4 438-4 488 4 438-4 488
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
mobile business except mobile business mobile business except mobile business mobile business except Mobile aviation
Aviation on commercial flight routes Aviation on commercial flight routes business,

Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A radio positioning business 5.132A
4 488-4 650 4 488-4 650
Fixed business, Fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes mobile business except Aviation mobile
4 650-4 700 Aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes.
4 700-4 750 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes
4 750-4 850 4 750-4 850 4 750-4 850
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
mobile business by international mobile business except mobile business broadcasting business and
aviation Commercial Aviation on commercial flight routes television business
flight routes land mobile Broadcasting and television 5.113 Land mobile business
business Broadcasting and business 5.113
television business 5.113
4 850-4 995 Fixed business,
land mobile business
Broadcasting and television business 5.113 Standard
4 995-5 003 frequency and time signal business (5 000 kHz)
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3 230-5 003 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

3 230-3 400 Fixed business T-Railway

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-PPDR

Broadcasting and television business 5.113


3 400-3 500 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)


3 500-3 540 Amateur radio business T-Amateur


3 540-3 600 Fixed business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business T-Railway

mobile business

3 600-3 900 Fixed business T-Railway

mobile business T-PPDR

3 900-3 950 Aviation mobile business T-Railway

Broadcasting and Television Business T-PPDR

3 950-4 000 Fixed business T-Railway

Broadcasting and Television Business T-PPDR


4 000-4 063 Fixed business T-Maritime

Maritime mobile operations 5.127 T-Railway


4 063-4 438 Maritime mobile business 5.79A 5.109 5.110 T-Maritime

5.130 5.131 5.132 T-Railway


4 438-4 488 Fixed business T-Maritime

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-Railway

Radio location business 5.132A

4 488-4 650 Fixed business T-Maritime

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-Railway

4 650-4 700 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)


4 700-4 750 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(OR)

4 750-4 850 Fixed business T-Railway

Broadcasting and television business 5.113

land mobile business

4 850-4 995 Fixed business T-PPDR

land mobile business T-Railway

Broadcasting and television business 5.113

4 995-5 003 Standard frequency and time signal (5 000 kHz) T-Railway
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5 003-7 000 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Business Region 3

5 003-5 005 of standard frequency and time signals
Space research business

5 005-5 060 Fixed business

Broadcasting and television business 5.113

5 060-5 250 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5 250-5 275 5 250-5 275 5 250-5 275
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business exempt mobile business
aviation aviation aviation

Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A
5 275-5 351.5 Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

5 351.5-5 366.5 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Amateur radio business 5.133B

5 366.5-5 450 Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

5 450-5 480 5 450-5 480 5 450-5 480

Fixed business Aviation mobile business Fixed business
Aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes Aviation mobile business
Outside commercial flight routes Outside commercial flight routes

land mobile business land mobile business

5 480-5 680 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

5.111 5.115
5 680-5 730 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes
5.111 5.115
5 730-5 900 5 730-5 900 5 730-5 900
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
land mobile business Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business exempt mobile business
Aviation on commercial flight routes Aviation on commercial flight routes

5 900-5 950 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

5 950-6 200 Broadcasting and Television Business

6 200-6 525 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.130 5.132

6 525-6 685 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

6 685-6 765 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

6 765-7 000 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes
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5 003-7 000 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

5 003-5 005 Standard Frequency and Time Signal Business T-Railway

Space research business

5 005-5 060 Fixed business T-Railway

Broadcasting and television business 5.113

5 060-5 250 Fixed business T-Railway

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

5 250-5 275 Fixed business

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Radio location business 5.132A

5 275-5 351.5 Fixed business

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

5 351.5-5 366.5 Fixed business

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Amateur radio business 5.133B

5 366.5-5 450 Fixed business

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

5 450-5 480 Fixed business T-Aeronautical(OR)

Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

land mobile business

5 480-5 680 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

5.111 5.115

5 680-5 730 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(OR)
5.111 5.115

5 730-5 900 Fixed business

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

on commercial flight routes

5 900-5 950 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


5 950-6 200 Broadcasting and Television Business

6 200-6 525 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.130 5.132 T-Maritime

5.137 T-PPDR

6 525-6 685 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

6 685-6 765 Mobile aviation business outside commercial flight routes, T-Aeronautical(OR)
6 765-7 000 fixed business T-PPDR

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

on commercial flight routes

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7 000-7 450 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

7 000-7 100 Amateur Radio
Business Amateur radio business via satellite
5.140 5.141 5.141A

7 100-7 200 Amateur radio business

5.141A 5.141B

7 200-7 300 7 200-7 300 7 200-7 300

Broadcasting and Television Business Amateur radio business Broadcasting and Television Business

7 300-7 400 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

5.143 5.143A 5.143B 5.143C 5.143D

7 400-7 450 7 400-7 450 7 400-7 450

Broadcasting and Television Fixed business Broadcasting and Television
Business Mobile business excluding mobile business Business
5.143B 5.143C Aviation on commercial flight routes 5.143A 5.143C
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5 003-7 450 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

7 000-7 100 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite

7 100-7 200 Amateur radio business T-Amateur


7 200-7 300 Broadcasting and Television Business

7 300-7 400 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

5.143 5.143A

7 400-7 450 Broadcasting and Television Business

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7 450-13 360 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

7 450-8 100 business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes


8 100-8 195 Fixed business

Maritime mobile business

8 195-8 815 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.132 5.145


8 815-8 965 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

8 965-9 040 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

9 040-9 305 9 040-9 400 9 040-9 305

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business

9 305-9 355 9 305-9 355

Fixed business Fixed business

Radio location business 5.145A Radio location business 5.145A


9 355-9 400 9 355-9 400

Fixed business Fixed business

9 400-9 500 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


9 500-9 900 Broadcasting and Television Business


9 900-9 995 Fixed business

9 995-10 003 Standard frequency and time signal (10 000 kHz)


10 003-10 005 Business of standard frequency and time signals

Space research business


10 005-10 100 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes


10 100-10 150 Fixed business

Amateur radio business

10 150-11 175 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

11 175-11 275 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

11 275-11 400 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

11 400-11 600 Fixed business

11 600-11 650 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


11 650-12 050 Broadcasting and Television Business


12 050-12 100 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


12 100-12 230 Fixed business

12 230-13 200 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.132 5.145

13 200-13 260 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

13 260-13 360 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

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7 450-13 360 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

7 450-8 100 Fixed business T-PPDR

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

on commercial flight routes


8 100-8 195 Fixed business T-Maritime

Maritime mobile business

8 195-8 815 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.132 5.145 T-Maritime


8 815-8 965 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

8 965-9 040 Mobile aviation business outside commercial flight routes, T-Aeronautical(OR)

9 040-9 305 fixed business

9 305-9 355 Fixed business

Radio location business 5.145A

9 355-9 400 Fixed business

9 400-9 500 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


9 500-9 900 Broadcasting and Television Business T-Railway


9 900-9 995 Fixed business T-PPDR

9 995-10 003 Standard frequency and time signal (10 000 kHz) T-Railway


10 003-10 005 Business of standard frequency and time signals T-Railway

Space research business


10 005-10 100 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

5.111 T-Railway
10 100-10 150 Fixed business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business, T-Railway

10 150-11 175 fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business on

commercial flight routes

11 175-11 275 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(OR)

11 275-11 400 Aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes, T-Aeronautical(R)

11 400-11 600 fixed business

11 600-11 650 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

11 650-12 050 Broadcasting and Television Business

12 050-12 100 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


12 100-12 230 Fixed business

12 230-13 200 Maritime mobility business 5.109 5.110 5.132 5.145 Aviation T-Maritime

13 200-13 260 mobility business outside commercial flight routes Aviation T-Aeronautical(OR)

13 260-13 360 mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

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13 360-18 030 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

13 360-13 410 business

Radio Astronomy

13 410-13 450 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

13 450-13 550 13 450-13 550

Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes
Aviation on commercial flight routes Radio location business 5.132A
Radio location business 5.132A

13 550-13 570 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

13 570-13 600 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


13 600-13 800 Broadcasting and Television Business

13 800-13 870 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


13 870-14 000 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

14 000-14 250 Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite
14 250-14 350 Amateur radio business

14 350-14 990 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

14 990-15 005 Standard frequency and time signal (15 000 kHz)

15 005-15 010 Business of standard frequency and time signals

Space research business

15 010-15 100 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

15 100-15 600 Broadcasting and Television Business

15 600-15 800 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


15 800-16 100 Fixed business


16 100-16 200 16 100-16 200 16 100-16 200

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business

Radio location business 5.145A Radio location business 5.145A Radio location business 5.145A

16 200-16 360 Fixed business

16 360-17 410 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.132 5.145

17 410-17 480 Fixed business

17 480-17 550 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


17 550-17 900 Broadcasting and Television Business

17 900-17 970 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

17 970-18 030 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

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13 360-18 030 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

13 360-13 410 Fixed business

Radio Astronomy

13 410-13 450 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
on commercial flight routes

13 450-13 550 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
on commercial flight routes

Radio location business 5.132A

13 550-13 570 Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
on commercial flight routes


13 570-13 600 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

13 600-13 800 Broadcasting and television business
13 800-13 870 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

13 870-14 000 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
on commercial flight routes

14 000-14 250 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite

14 250-14 350 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

14 350-14 990 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
on commercial flight routes

14 990-15 005 Standard frequency and time signal (15 000 kHz)


15 005-15 010 Business of standard frequency and time signals

Space research business

15 010-15 100 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(OR)
15 100-15 600 Broadcasting and Television Business

15 600-15 800 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


15 800-16 100 Fixed business


16 100-16 200 Fixed business

Radio location business 5.145A

16 200-16 360 Fixed business

16 360-17 410 Maritime mobile business 5.109 5.110 5.132 5.145 Fixed business T-Maritime

17 410-17 480

17 480-17 550 Broadcasting and television business 5.134

17 550-17 900 Broadcasting and Television Business
17 900-17 970 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)
17 970-18 030 Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(OR)
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18 030-23 350 kHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

18 030-18 052 business

18 052-18 068 Fixed business

Space research business

18 068-18 168 Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite


18 168-18 780 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

18 780-18 900 Maritime mobile business

18 900-19 020 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


19 020-19 680 Fixed business

19 680-19 800 Maritime mobile operations 5.132

19 800-19 990 Fixed business

19 990-19 995 Business of standard frequency and time signals

Space research business

19 995-20 010 Standard frequency and time signal (20 000 kHz)
20 010-21 000 Fixed business

mobile business

21 000-21 450 Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite

21 450-21 850 Broadcasting and Television Business

21 850-21 870 Fixed business 5.155A

21 870-21 924 Fixed business 5.155B

21 924-22 000 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

22 000-22 855 Maritime mobile operations 5.132


22 855-23 000 Fixed business


23 000-23 200 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes


23 200-23 350 Fixed business 5.156A

Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes

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18 030-23 350 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

18 030-18 052 Fixed business

18 052-18 068 Fixed business

Space research business

18 068-18 168 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite

18 168-18 780 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

18 780-18 900 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime

18 900-19 020 Broadcasting and television business 5.134


19 020-19 680 Fixed business

19 680-19 800 Maritime mobile business 5.132 Fixed T-Maritime

19 800-19 990 business

19 990-19 995 Business of standard frequency and time signals

Space research business


19 995-20 010 Standard frequency and time signal (20 000 kHz)


20 010-21 000 Fixed business

mobile business

21 000-21 450 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite

21 450-21 850 Broadcasting and Television Business

21 850-21 870 Fixed business

21 870-21 924 Fixed business 5.155B

21 924-22 000 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

22 000-22 855 Maritime mobile operations 5.132 T-Maritime

22 855-23 000 Fixed business

23 000-23 200 Fixed business

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

on commercial flight routes

23 200-23 350 Fixed business 5.156A T-Aeronautical(OR)

Aviation mobility business outside commercial flight routes
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23 350-27 500 kHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

23 350-24 000 business,
mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.157
24 000-24 450 Fixed business
Land mobile business
24 450-24 600 24 450-24 650 24 450-24 600
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
land mobile business land mobile business land mobile business

Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A
24 600-24 890 24 600-24 890
Fixed business, 24 650-24 890 Fixed business,
land mobile business Fixed business, land mobile business
land mobile business
24 890-24 990 Amateur radio
business Amateur radio business
24 990-25 005 via satellite Standard frequency and time signals (25 000
25 005-25 010 kHz) Standard frequency and time signals
Space research
25 010-25 070 business, fixed
business, mobile business except Aviation mobile
25 070-25 210 business Maritime mobile
25 210-25 550 business, fixed
business, mobile business except Aviation mobile
25 550-25 670 business Radio Astronomy
25 670-26 100 Broadcasting and television business
26 100-26 175 Maritime mobile business 5.132
26 175-26 200 Fixed business
Mobile business except Aviation mobile business
26 200-26 350 26 200-26 420 26 200-26 350
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,
mobile business, except aviation mobile mobile business, except aviation mobile mobile business, except aviation mobile
business business business

Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A Radio location business 5.132A
26 350-27 500 26 350-27 500
Fixed business, 26 420-27 500 Fixed business,
mobile business, except aviation mobile Fixed business, mobile business, except aviation mobile
business mobile business, except aviation mobile business
5.150 5.150 5.150
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23 350-27 500 kHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

23 350-24 000 Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.157

24 000-24 450 Fixed business

land mobile business

24 450-24 600 Fixed business

land mobile business

Radio location business 5.132A

24 600-24 890 Fixed business

land mobile business

24 890-24 990 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite

24 990-25 005 Standard frequency and time signal (25 000 kHz) T-General use

25 005-25 010 Business of standard frequency and time signals T-General use

Space research business,

25 010-25 070 stationary business T-General use

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

25 070-25 210 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime

T-General use

25 210-25 550 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

25 550-25 670 Radio Astronomy T-General use


25 670-26 100 Broadcasting and Television Business Maritime T-General use

26 100-26 175 mobile operations 5.132 T-Maritime

T-General use

26 175-26 200 Fixed business T-Maritime

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-General use

26 200-26 350 Fixed business T-Maritime

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-General use

Radio location business 5.132A

26 350-27 500 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-Maritime

5.150 T-PPDR

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27.5-40.98 MHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

27.5-28 Meteorological assistance
business, fixed
business, mobile

28-29.7 business Amateur radio

business Amateur radio business via
29.7-30.005 satellite, fixed
business, mobile

30.005-30.01 business Space operations business (satellite positioning)

Fixed business
Mobile business
Space research

30.01-37.5 business, fixed

business, mobile

37.5-38.25 business, fixed

business, mobile

business Radio Astronomy


38.25-39 38.25-39.986 38.25-39.5

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business Mobile business

Fixed business
Mobile business

Radio location business 5.132A


39.5-39.986 39.5-39.986
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business

Radio location business 5.132A

39.986-40.02 39.986-40
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business
Space research business Radio location business 5.132A
Space research business

Fixed business

Mobile business

Space research business

40.02-40.98 Fixed business

Mobile business
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27.5-40.98 MHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

27.5-28 Meteorological Assistance Business T-Maritime

Fixed business T-General use
mobile business

28-29.7 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite T-General use
29.700-30.005 Fixed business T-General use
mobile business

30.005-30.01 Space operations business (satellite positioning) T-General use

Fixed business
mobile business
Space research business

30.01-37.5 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

37.5-38.25 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

Radio Astronomy

38.25-39.5 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

39.5-39.986 Fixed business T-Experimental Radar

mobile business T-General use
Radio location business 5.132A

39.986-40 Fixed business T-Experimental Radar

mobile business T-General use
Radio location business 5.132A
Space research business

40-40.02 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business
Space research business

40.02-40.98 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business
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40.98-47 MHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

40.98-41.015 business, mobile
business Space
research business
5.160 5.161
41.015-42 Fixed business
Mobile business
5.160 5.161 5.161A
42-42.5 42-42.5
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business

Radio location business 5.132A

5.160 5.161B 5.161
42.5-44 Fixed business
Mobile business
5.160 5.161 5.161A
44-47 Fixed business
Mobile business
5.162 5.162A
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40.98-47 MHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

40.98-41.015 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business
Space research business

41.015-42 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

42-42.5 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

42.5-44 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

44-47 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business
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47-75.2 MHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

47-50 47-50 47-50
Broadcasting and Television Fixed business Fixed business
Business Mobile business Mobile business
Broadcasting and Television
5.162A 5.163 5.164 5.165 5.162A

50-52 50-54
Broadcasting and Television Amateur radio business

Amateur Radio Business 5.166A 5.166B

5.166C 5.166D 5.166E 5.169
5.169A 5.169B
5.162A 5.164 5.165

52-68 5.162A 5.167 5.167A 5.168 5.170

Broadcasting and Television 54-68 54-68

Business Broadcasting and television business, fixed Fixed business
business, mobile Mobile business
business Broadcasting and Television
5.162A 5.163 5.164 5.165
5.169 5.169A 5.169B 5.171 5.172 5.162A

68-74.8 68-72 68-74.8

Fixed business, Broadcasting and television Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile business, Mobile business
business fixed business,
mobile business

Fixed business
Mobile business


Radio Astronomy

Fixed business,
5.149 5.175 5.177 5.179 mobile business, 5.149 5.176 5.179

74.8-75.2 aviation radio navigation business

5.180 5.181
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47-75.2 MHz
Assignment to businesses
Thailand Thailand footnote

47-50 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business

Broadcasting and Television Business

50-54 Fixed business T-P9

Mobile business T-General use

Broadcasting and Television Business Amateur

radio business


54-68 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business

Broadcasting and Television Business

68-74.8 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business


74.8-75.2 Aviation radio navigation business T-General use

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75.2-137.175 MHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

75.2-87.5 75.2-75.4
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile Mobile business
business 5.179

75.4-76 75.4-87
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business

Broadcasting business and
business, fixed 5.182 5.183 5.188

business, mobile business 87-100

5.175 5.179 5.187 Fixed business

87.5-100 Mobile business

Broadcasting and Television Broadcasting and Television
Business 5.185 Business

5.190 Broadcasting and Television

100-108 Broadcasting and Television Business

5.192 5.194

108-117.975 Aviation radio navigation business

5.197 5.197A

117.975-137 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes

5.111 5.200 5.201 5.202

137-137.025 Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B 5.209 Space
research activities (Space to Earth)
Fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes
5.204 5.205 5.206 5.207 5.208

137.025-137.175 Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Space Research Business (Space to
Earth) Fixed
business, mobile business except Aviation mobility business on commercial flight

routes Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B 5.209

5.204 5.205 5.206 5.207 5.208

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75.2-137.175 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

75.2-75.4 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

75.4-87 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-PPDR

87-108 Broadcasting and Television Business T-General use

Fixed business T-Radio

mobile business

108-117.975 Aviation radio navigation business T-General use


117.975-137 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes T-Aeronautical(R)

5.111 5.200 T-General use

137-137.025 Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C T-General use

Fixed business 5.204

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

On commercial flight routes 5.204

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.208A 5.208B 5.209

Space research business (Space to Earth)


137.025-137.175 Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C T-General use

Fixed business 5.204

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

On commercial flight routes 5.204

Space research activities (Space to Earth)

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.208A 5.208B 5.209

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137.175-148 MHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C

137.175-137.825 5.209A Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth) Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B

5.209 Space research activities (Space to Earth) Fixed business, mobile business

except Aviation mobility business on

commercial flight


5.204 5.205 5.206 5.207 5.208

137.825-138 Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C Meteorological

business via satellite (Space to Earth) Space Research

Business (Space to Earth) Fixed

business, mobile

business except Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B 5.209

5.204 5.205 5.206 5.207 5.208

138-143.6 138-143.6 138-143.6

Aviation mobile business Fixed business Fixed business

Outside commercial flight routes Mobile business Mobile business

Radio location business, Space research business (Space to Earth)

5.210 5.211 5.212 5.214 space research business (Space to Earth) 5.207 5.213

143.6-143.65 143.6-143.65 143.6-143.65

Aviation mobile business Outside Fixed business Fixed business

commercial flight routes Mobile business Mobile business

Space research business (Space to Earth) Radio location business, Space research business (Space to Earth)

space research business (Space to Earth)

5.211 5.212 5.214 5.207 5.213

143.65-144 143.65-144 143.65-144

Aviation mobile business Fixed business Fixed business

Outside commercial flight routes Mobile business Mobile business

Radio location business, Space research business (Space to Earth)

space research business (Space to Earth)

5.210 5.211 5.212 5.214 5.207 5.213

144-146 Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite


146-148 146-148 146-148

Fixed business, Amateur radio business Amateur radio business,

mobile business except mobile business fixed business,

Aviation on commercial flight routes mobile business

5.217 5.217
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137.175-148 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

137.175-137.825 T-PPDR
Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C
5.209A T-General use

Fixed business 5.204

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

On commercial flight routes 5.204

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.208A 5.208B 5.209

Space research business (Space to Earth)


137.825-138 T-General use

Space Operations (Space to Earth) 5.203C
Fixed business 5.204

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

On commercial flight routes 5.204

Space research activities (Space to Earth)

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.208A 5.208B 5.209


138-143.6 Fixed business T-PPDR

mobile business T-General use

Space research business (Space to Earth)

143.6-143.65 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

Space research business (Space to Earth)

143.65-144 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

Space research business (Space to Earth)

144-146 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite T-PPDR

T-General use

146-147 Fixed business T-Amateur

mobile business T-General use

Amateur radio business,

147-148 fixed business T-PPDR

mobile business T-General use

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148-156.8375 MHz
Assignment to the

Region 1 business Region 2 Region 3

148-149.9 148-149.9
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business excluding mobile business Mobile business
Aviation on commercial flight routes Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.209
Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.209

5.218 5.218A 5.219 5.221 5.218 5.218A 5.219 5.221
149.9-150.05 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.209 5.220
150.05-153 150.05-154
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business, except mobile aviation Mobile business

radio astronomy business

Fixed business
Mobile business excluding mobile business
Aviation on commercial flight routes

Meteorological assistance business 5.225

154-156.4875 154-156.4875 154-156.4875
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business excluding mobile business Mobile business Mobile business
Aviation on commercial flight routes
5.225A 5.226 5.226 5.225A 5.226
156.4875-156.5625 Maritime mobile business (Call and report incidents through the DSC system)
5.111 5.226 5.227
156.5625-156.7625 156.5625-156.7625
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business excluding mobile business Mobile business
Aviation on commercial flight routes
5.226 5.226
156.7625-156.7875 156.7625-156.7875 156.7625-156.7875
Maritime mobile business Maritime mobile business Maritime mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) Satellite mobile business (world to Satellite mobile business (world to
space) space)
5.111 5.226 5.228 5.111 5.226 5.228 5.111 5.226 5.228
156.7875-156.8125 Maritime mobile business (Call and report incidents)
5.111 5.226
156.8125-156.8375 156.8125-156.8375 156.8125-156.8375
Maritime mobile business Maritime mobile business Maritime mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) Satellite mobile business (world to Satellite mobile business (world to
space) space)
5.111 5.226 5.228 5.111 5.226 5.228 5.111 5.226 5.228
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148-156.8375 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

148-149.9 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.209

5.218 5.218A 5.219

149.9-150.05 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) T-General use

5.209 5.220

150.05-154 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

154-156.4875 Fixed business T-Maritime

mobile business T-General use


156.4875-156.5625 Maritime mobile business (Call and report the incident T-Maritime

through the DSC system) T-General use

5.111 5.226 5.227

156.5625-156.7625 Fixed business T-Maritime

mobile business T-General use

156.7625-156.7875 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) T-General use

5.111 5.226 5.228

156.7875-156.8125 Maritime mobile business (Call and report incidents) T-Maritime

5.111 5.226 T-General use

156.8125-156.8375 Maritime mobile business T-Maritime

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) T-General use

5.111 5.226 5.228

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156.8375-161.9375 MHz
Assignment to business
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
156.8375-157.1875 156.8375-157.1875
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile Mobile business
5.226 5.226
157.1875-157.3375 157.1875-157.3375
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile Mobile business

business, Maritime mobility services via satellite 5.208A 5.208B 5.228AB

maritime mobile business via satellite
5.208A 5.208B 5.228AB 5.228AC

5.226 5.226

157.3375-161.7875 157.3375-161.7875
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except mobile business Mobile business

161.7875-161.9375 161.7875-161.9375
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile Mobile business
business, Maritime mobility services via satellite 5.208A 5.208B 5.228AB
maritime mobile business via satellite 5.228AC
5.208A 5.208B 5.228AB 5.228AC

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156.8375-161.9375 MHz
Assignment to business
Thailand Thailand footnote
156.8375-157.1875 Fixed business T-Maritime
Mobile business T-General use


157.1875-157.3375 Fixed business T-Maritime

Mobile business T-General use
Maritime mobility services via satellite 5.208A
5.208B 5.228AB 5.228AC

157.3375-161.7875 Fixed business T-PPDR
Mobile business T-Maritime

T-General use

161.7875-161.9375 Fixed business T-Maritime
Mobile business T-General use
Maritime mobility services via satellite 5.208A

5.208B 5.228AB 5.228AC

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161.9375-223 MHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

161.9375-161.9625 161.9375-161.9625
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile Mobile business
business, Maritime mobility via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.228AA
maritime mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.228AA

5.226 5.226
161.9625-161.9875 161.9625-161.9875 161.9625-161.9875
Fixed business, Aviation mobility business outside Maritime mobile business
mobile business except Aviation mobile commercial flight Aviation mobile operations outside
business routes Maritime mobile commercial flight routes 5.228E

Satellite mobile business (world to business Mobile business via satellite (world to
Space) 5.228F space) Space) 5.228F
5.226 5.228A 5.228B 5.228C 5.228D 5.226
161.9875-162.0125 161.9875-162.0125
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except Aviation mobile Mobile business
business, Maritime mobility via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.228AA
maritime mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.228AA

5.226 5.229 5.226
162.0125-162.0375 162.0125-162.0375 162.0125-162.0375
Fixed business, Aviation mobility business outside Maritime mobile business
mobile business except Aviation mobile commercial flight Aviation mobile operations outside
business routes Maritime mobile commercial flight routes 5.228E

Satellite mobile business (world to business Mobile business via satellite (world to
Space) 5.228F space) Space) 5.228F
5.226 5.228A 5.228B 5.229 5.228C 5.228D 5.226
162.0375-174 162.0375-174
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except mobile business Mobile business
5.226 5.229 5.226 5.230 5.231
174-223 174-216 174-223
Broadcasting and Television Business Broadcasting and television Fixed business
business, Mobile business
fixed business, Broadcasting and Television Business
mobile business

Fixed business,
maritime mobile business

Radio location business 5.241

5.235 5.237 5.243 5.233 5.238 5.240 5.245
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161.9375-223 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

161.9375-161.9625 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-Maritime

Maritime mobility via satellite (Earth to Space) T-PPDR



161.9625-161.9875 Maritime mobile business T-General use

Aviation mobile business Outside commercial flight routes T-Maritime

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.228F


161.9875-162.0125 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-Maritime

Maritime mobility via satellite (Earth to space)



162.0125-162.0375 Maritime mobile business T-General use

Aviation mobile business Outside commercial flight routes T-Maritime

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.228F


162.0375-174 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-Maritime


174-230 Broadcasting and Television Business T-General use

Fixed business T-Radio
mobile business
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220-335.4 MHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3


223-230 Amateur radio business, 223-230

Broadcasting and television fixed business, Fixed business
business, mobile business Mobile business
fixed business, Radio location business 5.241 Broadcasting and television
mobile business business,

225-235 aviation navigation radio business

Fixed business Radio location business
Mobile business
5.243 5.246 5.247 5.250

230-235 230-235
Fixed business Fixed business,
Mobile business mobile business,

aviation radio navigation business

5.247 5.251 5.252 5.250

235-267 Fixed business

Mobile business
5.111 5.252 5.254 5.256 5.256A

267-272 Fixed business

Mobile business

Space Operations (Space to Earth)

5.254 5.257

272-273 Space Operations (Space to Earth) Fixed

business Mobile

273-312 Fixed business

Mobile business

312-315 Fixed business

Mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.254 5.255 Fixed

315-322 business Mobile

322-328.6 Fixed business

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy

328.6-335.4 Aviation navigation radio business 5.258

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230-335.4 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

223-230 Fixed business

mobile business

Broadcasting and Television Business

Aviation radio navigation business

Radio location business

230-235 Fixed business

mobile business

Aviation radio navigation business

235-267 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-PPDR

5.111 5.254 5.256

267-272 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

Space Operations (Space to Earth)

5.254 5.257

272-273 Space Operations (Space to Earth) T-General use

Fixed business
mobile business


273-312 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business T-STL


312-315 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business T-STL

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.254 5.255

315-322 Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business T-STL

322-328.6 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business

Radio Astronomy

328.6-335.4 Aviation navigation radio business 5.258 T-General use

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335.4-410 MHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

335.4-387 business
mobile business
387-390 Fixed business
mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B 5.254 5.255

390-399.9 Fixed business

mobile business
399.9-400.05 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.209 5.220 5.260A 5.260B

400.05-400.15 Standard frequency and timing signals via satellite (400.1 MHz)
5.261 5.262
400.15-401 Meteorological assistance business

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B 5.209
Space research business (Space to Earth) 5.263

Space Operations (Space to Earth)

5.262 5.264
401-402 Meteorological assistance business

Space Operations (Space to Earth)

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space)
Meteorological business via satellite (Earth to Space)
Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5.264A 5.264B
402-403 Meteorological assistance business

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space)

Meteorological business via satellite (Earth to Space)
Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5.264A 5.264B
403-406 Meteorological assistance business
Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
406-406.1 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space)
5.265 5.266 5.267
406.1-410 Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.265
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335.4-410 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

335.4-387 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-Trunked


387-390 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-Trunked

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A 5.208B

5.254 5.255

390-399.9 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-Trunked


399.9-400.05 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.209 5.220 T-General use

5.260A 5.260B

400.05-400.15 Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite T-General use

(400.1 MHz)

400.15-401 Meteorological assistance business

T-General use

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208A

5.208B 5.209

Space research business (Space to Earth) 5.263

Space Operations (Space to Earth)


401-402 Meteorological assistance business

T-General use

Space Operations (Space to Earth)

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space)

Meteorological business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

5.264A 5.264B

402-403 Meteorological assistance business

T-General use

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space)

Meteorological business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

5.264A 5.264B

403-406 Meteorological assistance business

T-General use

Fixed business

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business


406-406.1 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) T-General use

5.265 5.266 5.267

406.1-410 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.265
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410-460 MHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

410-420 business, mobile
business except Aviation mobile business Space

research business (Space to Space) 5.268 Fixed

420-430 business, mobile
business except Aviation mobile business Radio location

5.269 5.270 5.271
430-432 430-432

Amateur radio business Radio locating business,

Radio location business amateur radio business
5.271 5.274 5.275 5.276
5.277 5.271 5.276 5.278 5.279
432-438 432-438

Amateur radio business Radio positioning

Radio positioning business, amateur
business Earth observation via radio business, earth observation business via satellite (active) 5.279A
satellite (active)
business 5.279A 5.138 5.271 5.276
5.277 5.280 5.281 5.282 5.271 5.276 5.278 5.279 5.281 5.282
438-440 438-440

Amateur radio business Radio locating business,

Radio location business amateur radio business
5.271 5.274 5.275
5.276 5.277 5.283 5.271 5.276 5.278 5.279
440-450 Fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobile business Radio

location business
5.269 5.270 5.271 5.284 5.285 5.286
450-455 Fixed business
Mobile business 5.286AA
5.209 5.271 5.286 5.286A 5.286B 5.286C 5.286D 5.286E
455-456 455-456 455-456
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.286AA Mobile business 5.286AA Mobile business 5.286AA
Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.209 5.286A

5.286B 5.286C
5.209 5.271 5.286A 5.286B 5.209 5.271 5.286A 5.286B
5.286C 5.286E 5.286C 5.286E
456-459 Fixed business
Mobile business 5.286AA
5.271 5.287 5.288
459-460 459-460 459-460
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.286AA Mobile business 5.286AA Mobile business 5.286AA
Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.209 5.286A

5.286B 5.286C

5.209 5.271 5.286A 5.286B 5.209 5.271 5.286A 5.286B

5.286C 5.286E 5.286C 5.286E
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410-460 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

410-420 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Space research business (Space to Space) 5.268

420-430 Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business Radio T-PPDR

location business
430-432 Fixed business 5.276 T-Amateur
Mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.276 T-General use

Radio location business

Amateur radio business
432-435 Fixed business 5.276 T-Amateur
Mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.276 T-General use

Radio location business

Amateur radio business
Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.279A

435-438 Fixed business 5.276 T-Amateur

Radio location business T-General use

Amateur radio business

Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.279A

438-440 Fixed business 5.276 T-Amateur

Mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.276 T-General use

Radio location business

Amateur radio business
440-450 Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business T-PPDR

Radio location business


450-455 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.286AA T-IMT
5.286 5.286A T-PPDR

455-456 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.286AA T-IMT

5.209 5.286 5.286A

456-459 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.286AA T-IMT

459-460 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.286AA T-IMT

5.209 5.286A
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460-890 MHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

460-470 business
Mobile business 5.286AA

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.287 5.288 5.289 5.290
470-694 470-512 470-585
Broadcasting and Television Broadcasting and Television Fixed business
Business Business Mobile business 5.296A
Fixed business Broadcasting and Business
mobile business television
5.292 5.293 5.295 5.291 5.298
512-608 585-610
Broadcasting and Television Fixed business
Business Mobile business 5.296A
5.295 5.297 Broadcasting and Television
608-614 Business

Radio Astronomy Radio navigation business

Satellite mobile business except 5.149 5.305 5.306 5.307
Mobile business via aviation 610-890

Satellite (Earth to Space) Fixed business

Mobile business 5.296A 5.313A
614-698 5.317A
Broadcasting and Television Broadcasting and Television
Business Business
Fixed business
mobile business
5.149 5.291A 5.294 5.296 5.300
5.304 5.306 5.312
694-790 5.293 5.308 5.308A 5.309
Mobile business exempt mobile business
Aviation 5.312A 5.317A
Mobile business 5.317A
Broadcasting and Television
Broadcasting and Television
Fixed business
5.300 5.312
5.293 5.309
Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business
Fixed business
Aviation 5.316B 5.317A
Mobile business 5.317A
Broadcasting and Television
Broadcasting and Television
5.312 5.319

Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business
Aviation 5.317A
Broadcasting and television
business 5.322
5.149 5.305 5.306 5.307
5.319 5.323 5.317 5.318 5.320
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460-890 MHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

460-470 Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business 5.286AA T-IMT

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.287 5.289

470-510 Fixed business T-General use

mobile business T-P4
Broadcasting and Television Business T-TV

510-790 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.313A 5.317A T-IMT
Broadcasting and Television Business T-P4

5.149 5.306

790-890 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.313A T-IMT

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890-1 300 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

890-942 890-902 890-942
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business except mobile business mobile business except mobile business Mobile business 5.317A
Aviation 5.317A Aviation 5.317A Radio Broadcasting and television
Broadcasting and Television positioning business business
Business 5.322 Radio location business
Radio Location Business 5.318 5.325
Fixed business,

amateur radio business

Mobile business exempt mobile business
Aviation 5.325A Radio

positioning business
5.150 5.325 5.326
Fixed business,
mobile business except mobile business
Aviation 5.317A

Radio location business

5.323 5.325 5.327
942-960 942-960 942-960
Fixed business, Fixed business Fixed business
mobile business except mobile business Mobile business 5.317A Mobile business 5.317A
Aviation 5.317A Broadcasting business and
Broadcasting and Television television business
Business 5.322
5.323 5.320
960-1 164 Aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes 5.327A

Aviation radio navigation business 5.328

1 164-1 215 Aviation radio navigation business 5.328
Radio navigation satellite business (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) 5.328B

1 215-1 240 Earth observation service via satellite (active),

radio positioning service,

radio navigation service via satellite. (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) 5.328B 5.329
Space research (active)
5.330 5.331 5.332 Earth

1 240-1 300 observation business via satellite (active), radio

positioning business,
radio navigation business via satellite (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) 5.328B 5.329
Space Research Business (Active)

Amateur Radio Business

5.282 5.330 5.331 5.332 5.335 5.335A
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890-1 300 MHz

Assignment to the entity
Thailand Thailand footnote

890-942 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.317A T-IMT

Radio location business T-P4

942-960 Fixed business T-IMT

Mobile business 5.317A T-P4


960-1 164 Aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes 5.327A T-Aeronautical(R)

Aviation radio navigation business 5.328


1 164-1 215 Aviation radio navigation business 5.328

Radio navigation satellite business (Space to Earth)
(Space to Space) 5.328B

1 215-1 240 Earth observation business via satellite (active)

Radio positioning
business Radio navigation
business 5.331 Radio navigation business via
satellite (Space to Earth) (Space to Space)
5.328B 5.329 5.329A Space Research (Active)

1 240-1 300 Earth exploration via satellite (active) radio T-Amateur

location-finding business
radio-navigation business
5.331 radio-navigation-via-satellite business (Space
to Earth) (Space to Space) 5.328B 5.329 5.329A
Space Research (Active)

Amateur Radio Business

5.282 5.332 5.335A
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1 300-1 525 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Radio Region 3

1 300-1 350 location business
Aviation navigation radio business 5.337
Satellite navigation radio business (Earth to Space)
5.149 5.337A
1 350-1 400 1 350-1 400
Fixed business Radio location business 5.338A
mobile business

Radio location business

5.149 5.338 5.338A 5.339 5.149 5.334 5.339 Earth
1 400-1 427 exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

5.340 5.341

1 427-1 429 Space Operations (Earth to Space)

Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.341A 5.341B 5.341C
5.338A 5.341
1 429-1 452 1 429-1 452
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business 5.341B 5.341C 5.343
Aviation 5.341A
5.338A 5.341 5.342 5.338A 5.341
1 452-1 492 1 452-1 492
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business 5.341B 5.343 5.346A
Aviation 5.346 Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and Television Business Broadcasting and satellite television business 5.208B
Broadcasting and Television Business
Via satellite 5.208B
5.341 5.342 5.345 5.341 5.344 5.345

1 492-1 518 1 492-1 518 1 492-1 518

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business 5.341B 5.343 Mobile business 5.341C
Aviation 5.341A
5.341 5.342 5.341 5.344 5.341
1 518-1 525 1 518-1 525 1 518-1 525
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business 5.343 mobile business
aviation Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite
Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.348 5.348A (Space to Earth) 5.348 5.348A
(Space to Earth) 5.348 5.348A 5.348B 5.351A 5.348B 5.351A
5.348B 5.351A
5.341 5.342 5.341 5.344 5.341
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1 300-1 525 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

1 300-1 350 Radio Positioning Business
Aviation navigation radio business 5.337
Satellite navigation radio business (Earth to Space)
5.149 5.337A
1 350-1 400 Radio location business 5.338A

5.149 5.339
1 400-1 427 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


1 427-1 429 Space Operations (Earth to Space) T-IMT

Fixed business, T-P6
mobile business, except aviation mobile business 5.341C

1 429-1 452 Fixed business T-IMT

Mobile business 5.341C T-P6


1 452-1 492 Fixed business T-IMT

Mobile business 5.346A T-P6

1 492-1 518 Fixed business T-IMT
Mobile business 5.341C T-P6

1 518-1 525 Fixed business

Mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.348 5.351A
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1 525-1 610 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

1 525-1 530 1 525-1 530 1 525-1 530

Space Operations (Space Space Operations (Space Space Operations (Space

to Earth) Fixed to Earth) to Earth) Fixed
business Mobile Mobile business via satellite business Mobile
business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B 5.351A business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.208B 5.351A Earth exploration business via (Space to Earth) 5.208B 5.351A
Earth exploration via satellite satellite, fixed Earth exploration via satellite
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business, mobile business 5.343 Mobile business 5.349
business 5.349

5.341 5.342 5.350 5.351

5.352A 5.354 5.341 5.351 5.354 5.341 5.351 5.352A 5.354
1 530-1 535 1 530-1 535

Space Operations (Space Space Operations (Space to Earth)

to Earth) Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B 5.351A
Mobile business via satellite 5.353A

(Space to Earth) 5.208B 5.351A Earth exploration business via

5.353A satellite, fixed
Earth exploration business via business, mobile business5.343
satellite, fixed
business, mobile business
except mobile aviation business.
5.341 5.342 5.351 5.354 5.341 5.351 5.354
1 535-1 559 Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B 5.351A
5.341 5.351 5.353A 5.354 5.355 5.356 5.357 5.357A 5.359 5.362A Aviation radio navigation

1 559-1 610 business Satellite radio navigation

business (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) 5.208B 5.328B
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1 525-1 610 MHz

Assignment to the entity
Thailand Thailand footnote

1 525-1 530 Space Operations (Space to Earth) Fixed

business Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B

Earth exploration via satellite mobile

5.351 5.354

1 530-1 535 Space Operations (Space to Earth) Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B
5.351A 5.353A
Earth exploration business via
satellite, fixed
business, mobile business

5.351 5.354

1 535-1 559 Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B

5.351 5.353A 5.354 5.356 5.357 5.357A Aviation radio

1 559-1 610 navigation business Satellite

radio navigation business (Space to Earth) (Space to
Space) 5.208B 5.328B 5.329A
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1 610-1 660 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

1 610-1 610.6 1 610-1 610.6 1 610-1 610.6
Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business

Radio surveillance and search business Radio surveillance and search business

Via satellite (Earth to space) Via satellite (Earth to space)

5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.366 5.341 5.364 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.366
5.367 5.368 5.369 5.371 5.372 5.370 5.372 5.367 5.368 5.369 5.372
1 610.6-1 613.8 1 610.6-1 613.8 1 610.6-1 613.8
Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A

Radio Astronomy Radio Astronomy Radio Astronomy

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business
Radio surveillance and search business Radio surveillance and search business

Via satellite (Earth to space) Via satellite (Earth to space)

5.149 5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.149 5.341 5.364 5.366 5.367 5.149 5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364
5.366 5.367 5.368 5.369 5.371 5.368 5.370 5.372 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.369 5.372
1 613.8-1 621.35 1 613.8-1 621.35 1 613.8-1 621.35
Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business
Mobile business via satellite Radio surveillance and search business Mobile business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.208B Via satellite (Earth to space) (Space to Earth) 5.208B
Mobile business via satellite Radio surveillance and search business

(Space to Earth) 5.208B Via satellite (Earth to space)

5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.365
5.366 5.367 5.368 5.369 5.371 5.341 5.364 5.365 5.366 5.367 5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.365
5.372 5.368 5.370 5.372 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.369 5.372
1 621.35-1 626.5 1 621.35-1 626.5 1 621.35-1 626.5
Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to

Earth) 5.373 5.373A Earth) 5.373 5.373A Earth) 5.373 5.373A

Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A (Earth to Space) 5.351A

Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business Aviation radio navigation business
Mobile business via satellite Radio surveillance and search business Mobile business via satellite

(Space to Earth) except business Via satellite (Earth to space) (Space to Earth) except business
Maritime movement via satellite Mobile business via satellite Maritime movement via satellite

(Space to Earth) (Space to Earth) except business (Space to Earth)

Maritime movement via satellite Radio surveillance and search business

(Space to Earth) Via satellite (Earth to space)

5.208B 5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.208B 5.341 5.364 5.365 5.366 5.208B 5.341 5.355 5.359 5.364
5.365 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.369 5.367 5.368 5.370 5.372 5.365 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.369
5.371 5.372 5.372
1 626.5-1 660 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A
5.341 5.351 5.353A 5.354 5.355 5.357A 5.359 5.362A 5.374 5.375 5.376
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1 610-1660 MHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

1 610-1 610.6 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A
Aviation radio navigation business

Radio surveillance and search services via satellite

(Earth to Space)

5.364 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.372

1 610.6-1 613.8 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A
Radio Astronomy
Aviation radio navigation business

Radio surveillance and search services via satellite

(Earth to Space)

5.149 5.364 5.366 5.367 5.368 5.372

1 613.8-1 621.35 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A
Aviation radio navigation business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.208B

Radio surveillance and search services via satellite
(Earth to Space)

5.355 5.359 5.364 5.365 5.366 5.367

5.368 5.369 5.372
1 621.35-1 626.5 Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth)
5.373 5.373A
Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A
Aviation radio navigation business

Mobile business via satellite (space to earth) except

Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth)
Surveillance and search operations via satellite

(Earth to Space)

5.208B 5.355 5.359 5.364 5.365 5.366

5.367 5.368 5.369 5.372
1 626.5-1 660 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A T-General use

5.351 5.353A 5.354 5.357A 5.375 5.376

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1 660-1 710 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space)

1 660-1 660.5 5.351A Radio Astronomy

5.149 5.341 5.351 5.354 5.362A 5.376A

1 660.5-1 668 Radio Astronomy Space

research activities (passive),
fixed activities,
mobile activities except Aviation mobile business
5.149 5.341 5.379 5.379A

1 668-1 668.4 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A 5.379B 5.379C Radio
Astronomy Space research
activities (passive), fixed
activities, mobile
activities except Aviation mobile business
5.149 5.341 5.379 5.379A

1 668.4-1 670 Meteorological assistance

business, fixed
business, mobile business except Aviation mobile

business Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A 5.379B 5.379C
Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.341 5.379D 5.379E

1 670-1 675 Meteorological assistance

business, fixed

business, meteorological service via satellite (Space

to Earth) Mobile

business Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A 5.379B

5.341 5.379D 5.379E 5.380A

1 675-1 690 Meteorological assistance

business, fixed

business, meteorological service via satellite (Space-

to-Earth) Mobile operations except Aviation mobile business

1 690-1 700 1 690-1 700

Meteorological assistance Meteorological assistance

business Meteorological business via business Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

satellite (space
to earth) fixed
business, mobile business except
aviation mobile business
5.289 5.341 5.382 5.289 5.341 5.381

1 700-1 710 1 700-1 710

Fixed business Fixed business

Meteorological business via satellite (Space-to-Earth) Meteorological business via satellite

Mobile operations except Aviation mobile business (Space to
Earth) Mobile business except
aviation mobile business.
5.289 5.341 5.289 5.341 5.384
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1660-1 710 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

1 660-1 660.5 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A T-General use

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.351 5.354 5.376A
1 660.5-1 668 Radio Astronomy T-General use
Space research activities (passive)

Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5.149 5.379A
1 668-1 668.4 Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A T-General use
5.379B 5.379C
Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5.149 5.379A
1 668.4-1 670 Meteorological assistance business
T-General use
Fixed business
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A

5.379B 5.379C
Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.379D 5.379E
1 670-1 675 Meteorological assistance business
T-General use
Fixed business

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A

5.379D 5.379E 5.380A

1 675-1 690 Meteorological assistance business

T-General use
Fixed business

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

1 690-1 700 Meteorological assistance business

T-General use

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)


1 700-1 710 Fixed business T-General use

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

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1 710-2 170 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

1 710-1 930 business Mobile
business 5.384A 5.388A 5.388B
5.149 5.341 5.385 5.386 5.387 5.388
1 930-1 970 1 930-1 970 1 930-1 970
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B
Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space)
5.388 5.388 5.388
1 970-1 980 Fixed business
Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B
1 980-2 010 Fixed business
Mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A

5.388 5.389A 5.389B 5.389F
2 010-2 025 2 010-2 025 2 010-2 025
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B Mobile business Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B
Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to Space)

5.388 5.388 5.389C 5.389E 5.388

2 025-2 110 Space Operations (Earth to Space) (Space to Space) Earth
exploration via satellite (Earth to space) (Space to space) Fixed
business Mobile
business 5.391 Space

research business (Earth to space) (Space to space)

2 110-2 120 Fixed business
Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B

Space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)

2 120-2 160 2 120-2 160 2 120-2 160
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B
Mobile business via satellite

(Space to Earth)
5.388 5.388 5.388
2 160-2 170 2 160-2 170 2 160-2 170
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B Mobile business Mobile business 5.388A 5.388B
Mobile business via satellite

(Space to Earth)

5.388 5.388 5.389C 5.389E 5.388

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1 710-2 170 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

1 710-1 930 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.384A 5.388A T-IMT

5.149 5.385 5.388

1 930-1 970 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.388A T-IMT


1 970-1 980 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.388A T-IMT


1 980-2 010 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business T-IMT

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A

5.388 5.389A

2 010-2 025 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.388A T-IMT


2 025-2 110 Space Operations (Earth to space) (Space to space) T-General use

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) T-Fixed Wireless System

(Space to Space) T-PMSE

Fixed business

Mobile business 5.391

Space research business (Earth to space) (Space to space)


2 110-2 120 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.388A T-IMT

Space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)


2 120-2 160 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.388A T-IMT


2 160-2 170 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.388A T-IMT

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2 170-2 520 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

2 170-2 200 business, mobile
business Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.351A

5.388 5.389A 5.389F
2 200-2 290 Space Operations (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) Earth
exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) Fixed
business Mobile
business 5.391 Space

research business (Space to Earth) (Space to Space)

2 290-2 300 Fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobile business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Space to Earth)

2 300-2 450 2 300-2 450
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business 5.384A Mobile business 5.384A

Amateur radio Radio location business

business Radio location business Amateur radio business
5.150 5.282 5.395 5.150 5.282 5.393 5.394 5.396
2 450-2 483.5 2 450-2 483.5
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business

Radio location business Radio location business

5.150 5.150
2 483.5-2 500 2 483.5-2 500 2 483.5-2 500
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business Mobile business
Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.351A (Space to Earth) 5.351A (Space to Earth) 5.351A

Radio surveillance and search via satellite Radio positioning Radio positioning
(Space to Earth) 5.398 Radio positioning business, Radio surveillance and search business, Radio surveillance and search
business 5.398A business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.398 business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.398

5.150 5.399 5.401 5.402 5.150 5.402 5.150 5.401 5.402

2 500-2 520 2 500-2 520 2 500-2 520
Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410
Mobile business except mobile business Fixed business via satellite (space to Fixed business via satellite (space to
Aviation 5.384A earth) 5.415 earth) 5.415
Mobile business except mobile business Mobile business except mobile business
Aviation 5.384A Aviation 5.384A

Satellite mobility business (space to earth)

5.351A 5.407 5.414
5.412 5.404 5.415A
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2 170-2 520 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

2 170-2 200 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business T-IMT

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.351A

5.388 5.389A

2 200-2 290 Space Operations (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) T-Fixed Wireless System

Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) (Space to Space) T-PMSE

Fixed business

Mobile business 5.391

Space research business (Space to Earth) (Space to Space)


2 290-2 300 Fixed business,

mobile business except Aviation mobile business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Space to Earth)

2 300-2 450 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business 5.384A T-IMT

Radio location business

5.150 5.282 5.396

2 450-2 483.5 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business

Radio location business


2 483.5-2 500 Fixed business T-General use

Mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.351A

Radio location business

Radio surveillance and search services via satellite (Space to

Earth) 5.398

5.150 5.402

2 500-2 520 Fixed business 5.410 Fixed T-IMT

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.415 Mobile activities

except Aviation mobile business 5.384A

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.351A

5.407 5.414
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2 520-2 700 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

2 520-2 655 2 520-2 655 2 520-2 535
Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410
Mobile business except mobile business Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite
Aviation 5.384A (Space to Earth) 5.415 (Space to Earth) 5.415
Broadcasting and television business via Mobile activities except mobile business Mobile activities except mobile business
satellite Aviation 5.384A Aviation 5.384A
5.413 5.416 Broadcasting and television business via Broadcasting and television business via
satellite 5.413 5.416 satellite 5.413 5.416

5.403 5.414A 5.415A

2 535-2 655
Fixed business 5.410
Mobile business except mobile business
Aviation 5.384A
Broadcasting and television business via
satellite 5.413 5.416

5.339 5.418 5.418A 5.418B

5.339 5.412 5.418B 5.418C 5.339 5.418B 5.418C 5.418C
2 655-2 670 2 655-2 670 2 655-2 670
Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410
Mobile business except mobile business Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite
Aviation 5.384A (Earth to Space) (Space to Earth) 5.415 (Earth to space) 5.415
Broadcasting and television business via Mobile business except mobile business Mobile activities except mobile business
satellite 5.208B 5.413 5.416 Aviation 5.384A Aviation 5.384A
Earth exploration via satellite Broadcasting and television business via Broadcasting and television business via
(passive) satellite 5.413 5.416 Earth satellite 5.208B 5.413 5.416

radio astronomy business exploration business via satellite Earth exploration via satellite
Space research activities (passive) (passive) (passive)

Radio astronomy business radio astronomy business

Space research activities (passive) Space research activities (passive)
5.149 5.412 5.149 5.208B 5.149 5.420
2 670-2 690 2 670-2 690 2 670-2 690
Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410 Fixed business 5.410
Mobile business except mobile business Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite
Aviation 5.384A Earth (Earth to Space) (Space to Earth) (Earth to space) 5.415
exploration via satellite (passive) 5.208B 5.415 Mobile activities except mobile business
radio Mobile business exempt mobile business Aviation 5.384A Mobile

astronomy business Aviation 5.384A Earth business via satellite

Space research activities (passive) exploration via satellite (passive) (Earth to space) 5.351A 5.419
radio Earth exploration via satellite

astronomy business (passive)

Space research activities (passive) radio astronomy business
Space research activities (passive)
5.149 5.412 5.149 5.149
2 690-2 700 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business
Space research (passive)
5.340 5.422
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2 520-2 700 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

2 520-2 535 Fixed business 5.410 T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.415

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.384A

2 535-2 655 Fixed business 5.410 T-IMT
Mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.384A

5.339 5.418A 5.418B 5.418C

2 655-2 670 Fixed business 5.410 T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.415

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.384A
Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

5.149 5.420

2 670-2 690 Fixed business 5.410 T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.415

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.384A

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.351A 5.419

Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


2 690-2 700 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy Space

research activities (passive)

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2 700--3 600 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2: Aviation Region 3

2 700-2 900 radio navigation business 5.337 Radio
location business
5.423 5.424

2 900-3 100 Radio location business 5.424A

Radio navigation business 5.426
5.425 5.427

3 100-3 300 Radio location-finding

business, Earth exploration via satellite business

(Active), Space research business (Active)

5.149 5.428

3 300-3 400 3 300-3 400 3 300-3 400

Radio location business radio location business, Radio locating business,

amateur radio business, amateur radio business
fixed business,

mobile business
5.149 5.429 5.429A 5.429B 5.430 5.149 5.429C 5.429D 5.149 5.429 5.429E 5.429F

3 400-3 600 3 400-3 500 3 400-3 500

Fixed business Fixed business, Fixed business,
Fixed business via satellite (Space fixed business via satellite (Space to fixed business through satellite (Space to

to Earth) Mobile word) world)

business Except for mobile businesses mobile business Except for mobile aviation amateur radio business
Aviation 5.430A business 5.431A 5.431B Mobile business 5.432 5.432B Radio

Radio location business Amateur radio business location business 5.433

Radio location business 5.433
5.282 5.282 5.432A

3 500-3 600 3 500-3 600

Fixed business, Fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (Space to fixed business via satellite (Space to
word) word)
Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business, except mobile business
Aviation 5.431B Radio Aviation 5.433A Radio
positioning business 5.433 positioning business 5.433
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2 700-3 600 MHz

Assignment to the entity
Thailand Thailand footnote

2 700-2 900 Aviation radio navigation business 5.337

Radio positioning business

2 900-3 100 Radio location business 5.424A

Radio navigation business 5.426
5.425 5.427

3 100-3 300 Radio location-finding

business, Earth exploration via satellite business

(Active), Space research business (Active)


3 300-3 400 Radio locating business, T-Amateur

amateur radio business


3 400-3 500 Fixed business T-Amateur

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) T-IMT

Mobile Business 5.432B T-P11

Amateur Radio
Business Radio location business 5.433


3 500-3 600 Fixed business T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) T-P11

Mobile business except aviation mobile business. Radio

location business 5.433

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3 600-4 800 MHz

Assignment to the

Region 1 entity Region 2 Region 3

3 600-4 200 3 600-3 700 3 600-3 700
Fixed business, Fixed business, Fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (Space to fixed business through satellite (Space to fixed business via satellite (Space to
world) word) word)
mobile business Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business, excluding aviation
Aviation 5.434 mobile business

Radio location business 5.433 Radio location business

3 700-4 200
Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business except aviation mobile business.
4 200-4 400 Aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes 5.436

Aviation radio navigation business 5.438

5.437 5.439 5.440 Fixed
4 400-4 500 business Mobile
business 5.440A Fixed
4 500-4 800 business Fixed

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.441 Mobile

Business 5.440A
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3 600-4 800 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

3 600-3 700 Fixed business T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) T-P11

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Radio location business

3 700-4 200 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business except aviation mobile business

4 200-4 400 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes 5.436

Aviation navigation radio business 5.438

5.437 5.440
4 400-4 500 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Mobile business

4 500-4 800 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.441 T-FSS Planned Band
mobile business
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4 800-5 250 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

4 800-4 990 business
Mobile business 5.440A 5.441A 5.441B 5.442

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.339 5.443
4 990-5 000 Fixed business
Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
5 000-5 010 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite 5.443AA

Aviation radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business (Earth to space)
5 010-5 030 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite 5.443AA

Aviation radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business (Space to Earth) (Space to Space)
5.328B 5.443B
5 030-5 091 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes 5.443C
Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite 5.443D

Aviation radio navigation business

5 091-5 150 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.444A
Aviation mobile business 5.444B
Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite 5.443AA

Aviation radio navigation business

5 150-5 250 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.447A
Mobile business, excluding aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.446B

Aviation radio navigation business

5.446 5.446C 5.447 5.447B 5.447C
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4 800-5 250 MHz

Assignment to the business
Thailand Thailand footnote
4 800-4 990 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Mobile business 5.440A 5.441A 5.442

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.339 5.443
4 990-5 000 Fixed business, T-Fixed Wireless System
mobile business, except aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
5 000-5 010 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite

Aviation radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business (Earth to space)
5 010-5 030 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite

Aviation radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business (Space to Earth) (Space to Space)
5.328B 5.443B
5 030-5 091 Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes 5.443C T-Aeronautical(R)
Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite 5.443D

Aviation radio navigation business

5 091-5 150 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.444A
Aviation mobile business 5.444B
Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes via satellite 5.443AA

Aviation radio navigation business

5 150-5 250 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.447A T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.446B

Aviation radio navigation business

5.446 5.446C 5.447 5.447B 5.447C
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5 250-5 570 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

5 250-5 255 Earth exploration business via satellite
(active) Mobile business except aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.447F

Radio positioning
business Space research business 5.447D
5.447E 5.448 5.448A
5 255- 5 350 Earth exploration business via satellite
(active) Mobile business except aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.447F

Radio positioning
business Space research business (active)
5.447E 5.448 5.448A
5 350-5 460 Earth exploration business via satellite (active) 5.448B

Radio positioning business 5.448D

Aviation radio navigation business 5.449
Space research business (active) 5.448C
5 460-5 470 Exploration business Earth via satellite (active)

Radio positioning business 5.448D

Radio navigation business
5.449 Space research business (active)
5 470-5 570 Earth exploration business via satellite (active)
Mobile business except aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.450A Radio

positioning business 5.450B

Maritime radio navigation
business Space research business (Active) F)
5.448B 5.450 5.451
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5 250-5 570 MHz

Assignment to the business
Thailand Thailand footnote
5 250-5 255 Earth Exploration Satellite (Active) T-General use
Fixed business 5.447E
Mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.447F

Radio location business

Space Research Affairs 5.447D
5 255-5 350 Earth exploration via satellite (Active) T-General use
Fixed business 5.447E
Mobile business except Aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.447F

Radio location business

Space Research (Active)
5 350-5 460 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.448B

Radio location business 5.448D

Aviation navigation radio business 5.449
Space Research (Active) 5.448C
5 460-5 470 Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Radio location business 5.448D

Radio navigation business 5.449
Space Research (Active)
5 470-5 570 Earth exploration via satellite (Active) T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.450A

Radio location business 5.450B

Maritime radio navigation business
Space Research (Active)
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5 570-6 700 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Mobile business except aviation mobile business

5 570-5 650 5.446A 5.450A radio positioning business 5.450B maritime radio navigation


5.450 5.451 5.452

5 650-5 725 Mobile business except aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.450A radio

positioning business,
amateur radio business
Space research business (Deep space)
5.282 5.451 5.453 5.454 5.455
5 725-5 830 5 725-5 830
Fixed business via satellite Radio locating business,
(Earth to Space) amateur radio business
Radio Positioning
Business Amateur Radio Business
5.150 5.451 5.453 5.455 5.150 5.453 5.455
5 830-5 850 5 830-5 850
Fixed business via satellite Radio locating business,
(Earth to Space) amateur radio business
Radio Positioning Amateur radio business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Business Amateur
Radio Business Amateur radio business
via satellite (Space to Earth)
5.150 5.451 5.453 5.455 5.150 5.453 5.455
5 850-5 925 5 850-5 925 5 850-5 925
Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) (Earth to Space) (Earth to Space)

Mobile Business Mobile Business Mobile Business

Amateur radio business Radio location business

Radio location business
5.150 5.150 5.150
5 925-6 700 Fixed business 5.457

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.457B Mobile

Business 5.457C
5.149 5.440 5.458
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5 570-6 700 MHz

Assignment to the entity
Thailand Thailand footnote
5 570-5 650 Mobile businesses exempt Aviation mobile business 5.446A 5.450A T-General use

Radio positioning business 5.450B

Maritime radio navigation business
5 650-5 725 Fixed business 5.453 T-Amateur
Mobile business 5.450A 5.453 T-General use

Radio location business

Amateur radio
business Space research business (Deep space)
5 725-5 830 Fixed business 5.453 T-Amateur
Mobile business 5.453 T-General use

Radio location business

Amateur radio business
5 830-5 850 Fixed business 5.453 T-Amateur
Mobile business 5.453 T-General use

Radio location business

Amateur radio
business Amateur radio business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5 850-5 925 Fixed business, T-General use

fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Mobile Business

Radio location business

5 925-6 700 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A T-General use
Mobile Business
5.149 5.440 5.458
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6 700-7 250 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

6 700-7 075 business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) (Space to Earth) 5.441

mobile business
5.458 5.458A 5.458B
7 075-7 145 Fixed business
mobile business
5.458 5.459
7 145-7 190 Fixed business
mobile business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)

5.458 5.459
7 190-7 235 Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.460A 5.460B
Fixed business
mobile business

Space research business (Earth to Space) 5.460

5.458 5.459
7 235-7 250 Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.460A
Fixed business
mobile business
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6 700-7 250 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Fixed Thailand footnote

6 700-7 075 business Fixed T-Fixed Wireless System

business via satellite (Earth to Space) (Space to Earth) T-FSS Planned Band
5.441 T-General use
mobile business
5.458 5.458A 5.458B

7 075-7 145 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Mobile business T-General use

7 145-7 190 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Mobile business T-General use

Space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space) 5.460


7 190-7 235 Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.460A 5.460B T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business

Space research business (Earth to Space) 5.460


7 235-7 250 Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.460A T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business T-General use
Mobile business
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7 250-8 500 MHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

7 250-7 300 business, fixed

business via satellite (Space to Earth) Mobile

7 300-7 375 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space-to-Earth)

Mobile operations except Aviation mobile business
7 375-7 450 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space-to-Earth)

Mobile operations except Aviation mobile business

Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461AA 5.461AB Fixed

7 450-7 550 business, fixed

business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Meteorological business via satellite (Space-to-
Earth) Mobile operations except Aviation mobile

business Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461AA 5.461AB

7 550-7 750 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space-to-Earth)

Mobile operations except Aviation mobile business

Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461AA 5.461AB Fixed

7 750-7 900 business

Meteorological business via satellite (Space-to-Earth) 5.461B

Mobile activities except Mobile aviation business,
7 900-8 025 fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Mobile Business
8 025-8 175 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)
Fixed business,

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Mobile Business 5.463
8 175-8 215 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)
Fixed business,

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Meteorological Affairs via Satellite (Earth to Space)
Mobile Business 5.463
8 215-8 400 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)
Fixed business,

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)

Mobile Business 5.463
8 400-8 500 Fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobile business

Space research business (Space to Earth) 5.465 5.466

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7 250-8 500 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

7 250-7 300 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) T-General use
mobile business

7 300-7 375 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) Mobile T-General use
business except aviation mobile business.

7 375-7 450 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) Mobile T-General use
business except aviation mobile business.

Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461AA


7 450-7 550 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) T-General use

Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461AA

7 550-7 750 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Maritime mobility via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461AA

7 750-7 900 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Meteorological business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.461B T-General use
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

7 900-8 025 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) T-General use
mobile business

8 025-8 175 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business T-General use

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)

Mobile business 5.463
8 175-8 215 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business T-General use

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)

Meteorological business via satellite (Earth to space)
Mobile business 5.463
8 215-8 400 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business T-General use

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) T-PMSE

Mobile business 5.463
8 400-8 500 Fixed business, T-General use
mobile business except Aviation mobile business T-PMSE

Space research business (Space to Earth) 5.465

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8 500-10 000 MHz

Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Radio Region 3

8 500-8 550 location business
5.468 5.469

8 550-8 650 Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Radio location business

Space Research (Active)
5.468 5.469 5.469A

8 650-8 750 Radio location business

5.468 5.469

8 750-8 850 Radio location business

Aviation navigation radio business 5.470

8 850-9 000 Radio location business

Maritime radio navigation business 5.472

9 000-9 200 Radio location business

Aviation navigation radio business 5.337
5.471 5.473A

9 200-9 300 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.474A 5.474B 5.474C

Radio location business

Maritime radio navigation business 5.472
5.473 5.474 5.474D

9 300-9 500 Earth exploration via satellite (active) radio

positioning business
Radio navigation business 5.475
Space Research (Active)
5.427 5.474 5.475A 5.475B 5.476A
9 500-9 800 Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Radio location business

Radio navigation business

Space Research (Active)

9 800-9 900 Radio location business
Earth exploration via satellite (Active)
Fixed business
Space Research (Active)
5.477 5.478 5.478A 5.478B
9 900-10 000 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.474A 5.474B 5.474C

Radio location business

Fixed business
5.474D 5.477 5.478 5.479
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8 500-10 000 MHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

8 500-8 550 Radio Positioning Business T-General use

8 550-8 650 Earth exploration via satellite (Active) T-General use

Radio location business

Space Research (Active)

8 650-8 750 Radio location business T-General use

8 750-8 850 Radio location business T-General use

Aviation navigation radio business 5.470

8 850-9 000 Radio location business T-General use

Maritime radio navigation business 5.472

9 000-9 200 Radio location business T-General use

Aviation navigation radio business 5.337


9 200-9 300 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.474A T-General use
5.474B 5.474C

Radio location business

Maritime radio navigation business 5.472
5.474 5.474D

9 300-9 500 Earth exploration via satellite (active) radio T-General use

positioning business
Radio navigation business
5.475 Space research business (active)
5.427 5.474 5.475A 5.475B 5.476A

9 500-9 800 Earth exploration via satellite (Active) T-General use

Radio location business

Radio navigation business

Space Research (Active)


9 800-9 900 Radio location business T-General use

Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Fixed business

Space Research (Active)

5.478A 5.478B

9 900-10 000 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.474A T-General use
5.474B 5.474C

Radio location business

Fixed business
5.474D 5.479
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10-10.7 GHz
Assignment to businesses
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
10-10.4 10-10.4 10-10.4
Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration business via
(Active) 5.474A 5.474B 5.474C Fixed (Active) 5.474A 5.474B 5.474C Radio satellite (active) 5.474A 5.474B 5.474C
business Mobile location business Fixed business
business Radio Amateur radio business Mobile business

locating business, Radio locating business,

amateur radio business amateur radio business
5.474D 5.479 5.474D 5.479 5.480 5.474D 5.479
10.4-10.45 10.4-10.45 10.4-10.45
Fixed business Radio locating business, Fixed business
Mobile business amateur radio business Mobile business

Radio locating business, Radio locating business,

amateur radio business 5.480 amateur radio business
10.45-10.5 Radio locating business,
amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
10.5-10.55 10.5-10.55
Fixed business Fixed business
Mobile business Mobile business

Radio location business Radio location business,

10.55-10.6 fixed business,
mobile business, except aviation mobile business Radio

positioning business,
10.6-10.68 Earth observation via satellite (passive)
business, fixed
business, mobile business, excluding aviation mobile

business Radio Astronomy

Space research business
(passive) Radio positioning business
5.149 5.482 5.482A
10.68-10.7 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio
astronomy business
Space research activities (passive)
5.340 5.483
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10-10.7 GHz
Assignment to the business
Thailand Thailand footnote
10-10.4 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.474A 5.474B T-Amateur
Fixed business
mobile business

Radio location business

Amateur radio business
5.474D 5.479
10.4-10.45 Fixed business T-Amateur
mobile business

Radio location business

Amateur radio business
10.45-10.5 Radio location business T-Amateur
Amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
10.5-10.55 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Mobile business

Radio location business

10.55-10.6 Fixed business, T-Fixed Wireless System
mobile business except Aviation mobile business T-General use
Radio location business
10.6-10.68 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business,
mobile business except Aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

Radio location business

5.149 5.482 5.482A
10.68-10.7 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
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10.7-11.7 GHz
Assignment to businesses
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
10.7-10.95 10.7-10.95
Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.441
(Space to Earth) 5.441 Mobile business except aviation mobile business.
(Earth to Space) 5.484
Mobile businesses, excluding aviation
mobile businesses.
10.95-11.2 10.95-11.2
Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B
(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B Mobile business, excluding aviation mobile business.
(Earth to Space) 5.484
Mobile business except aviation mobile
11.2-11.45 11.2-11.45
Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.441
(Space to Earth) 5.441 Mobile business except aviation mobile business.
(Earth to Space) 5.484
Mobile business except aviation mobile
11.45-11.7 11.45-11.7
Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B
(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B Mobile business, excluding aviation mobile business.
(Earth to Space) 5.484
Mobile business, excluding aviation
mobile business.
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10.7-11.7 GHz
Assignment to the business
Thailand Thailand footnote
10.7-10.95 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.441 T-FSS Planned Band
Mobile business except aviation mobile business

10.95-11.2 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B
Mobile business except aviation mobile business

11.2-11.45 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.441 T-FSS Planned Band
Mobile business except aviation mobile business

11.45-11.7 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
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11.7-13.4 GHz
Assignment to businesses
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
11.7-12.5 11.7-12.1 11.7-12.2
Fixed business, Fixed business 5.486 Fixed business,
mobile business, except Fixed business via satellite mobile business, except aviation mobile
aviation mobile business (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B 5.488 business,
Broadcasting Business and Mobile business except aviation sound broadcasting business and
Television mobile business. television
Business Broadcasting Business and Business business, sound broadcasting business and business
Satellite television 5.492 Satellite television 5.492
Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B 5.488

5.485 5.489 5.487 5.487A
12.2-12.7 12.2-12.5
Fixed business, Fixed business
mobile business, except aviation mobile Fixed business via satellite
business, (Space to Earth) 5.484B
sound broadcasting business and Mobile business, except mobile aviation
television business,
business, sound broadcasting business and business broadcasting business and
Satellite television 5.492 television business.

5.487 5.487A 5,487 5,484A

12.5-12.75 5.487A 5.488 5.490 12.5-12.75
Fixed business via satellite 12.7-12.75 Fixed business

(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B Fixed business Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B
(Earth to Mobile activities except Mobile, aviation,
space) Mobile business except aviation broadcasting
mobile business. and television businesses via satellite 5.493
5.494 5.495 5.496
12.75-13.25 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.441

Mobile business
Space research business (Deep space) (Space to
13.25-13.4 Earth) Earth exploration via satellite (active)
Aviation radio navigation business 5.497
Space research (active)
5.498A 5.499
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11.7-13.4 GHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

11.7-12.2 Fixed business T-BSS Planned Band

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and satellite television business 5.492

5.487 5.487A

12.2-12.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484B

5,487 5,484A
12.5-12.75 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B

Broadcasting and satellite television business 5.493

12.75-13.25 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

T-FSS Planned Band
Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.441
mobile business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Space to Earth)

13.25-13.4 Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Aviation navigation radio business 5.497

Space Research (Active)
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13.4-14 GHz
Assignment to businesses
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
13.4-13.65 13.4-13.65
Earth exploration via satellite (Active) Earth exploration via satellite (active) radio
Fixed business via satellite (Space to positioning business
Earth) 5.499A 5.499B space research business 5.499C 5.499D
Radio positioning Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Earth to space)
business, space research business
5.499C 5.499D Standard frequency and time
signal business via satellite (Earth to space)

5.499E 5.500 5.501 5.501B 5.499 5.500 5.501 5.501B Earth

13.65-13.75 exploration via satellite (active) radio positioning
business space research

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Earth to space)
5.499 5.500 5.501 5.501B
13.75-14 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.484A Radio
positioning business,
Earth exploration business via

satellite Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Earth to space)
Space research business

5.499 5.500 5.501 5.502 5.503

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13.4-14 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Thailand Thailand footnote

13.4-13.65 Earth exploration via satellite (active) radio

positioning business
space research business 5.499C 5.499D

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite

(Earth to space)

13.65-13.75 Earth exploration via satellite (active) radio

positioning business
space research business 5.501A

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite

(Earth to space)

13.75-14 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.484A Radio

positioning business,
Earth exploration business via satellite

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite

(Earth to Space)
Space Research Business

5.502 5.503
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14-14.5 GHz
Assignment to businesses
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)
14-14.25 5.457A 5.457B 5.484A 5.484B
5.506 5.506B

Radio navigation business

5.504 Mobile satellite business (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.504C 5.506A
Space research
business 5.504A 5.505
14.25-14.3 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.457B 5.484A 5.484B
5.506 5.506B
Radio navigation business
5.504 Mobile satellite business (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.508A
Space research business

5.504A 5.505 5.508

14.3-14.4 14.3-14.4 14.3-14.4
Fixed business Fixed business via satellite Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.484A 5.484B 5.506 5.506B (Earth to Space) 5.457A
5.457B 5.484A 5.484B 5.506 Satellite mobile business (world to 5.484A 5.484B 5.506 5.506B
5.506B Space) 5.506A Mobile business, excluding aviation mobile
Mobile business, excluding aviation mobile Satellite navigation radio business business
business Satellite mobile business (world to
Satellite mobile business (world to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A
Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A Satellite navigation radio business
Satellite navigation radio business
5.504A 5.504A 5.504A
14.4-14.47 Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.457B 5.484A 5.484B
5.506 5.506B
Mobile business except aviation mobile business
Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A Space
Research (Space to Earth)
14.47-14.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.457B 5.484A

5.506 5.506B
Mobile business except aviation mobile business
Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A Radio
5.149 5.504A
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14-14.5 GHz
Assignment to Thailand
operations Thailand footnote
14-14.25 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.484A 5.484B 5.506

Radio navigation business

5.504 Mobile satellite business (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.504C 5.506A
Space research business

14.25-14.3 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.484A 5.484B 5.506

Radio navigation business

5.504 Mobile satellite business (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.508A
Space research business

14.3-14.4 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.484A 5.484B 5.506
Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A

Satellite navigation radio business
14.4-14.47 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.457A 5.484A 5.484B 5.506
Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A Space
Research (Space to Earth)
14.47-14.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.457A 5.484A 5.506 5.506B Mobile
business except aviation mobile business. Mobile

business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.504B 5.506A 5.509A Radio

5.149 5.504A
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14.5-15.4 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

14.5-14.75 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.509B 5.509C 5.509D 5.509E 5.509F 5.510

mobile business
Space Research Business 5.509G
14.75-14.8 14.75-14.8
Fixed business Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.510 Fixed business via satellite (world to
mobile business Space) 5.509B 5.509C 5.509D 5.509E
Space Research Business 5.509G 5.509F 5.510
mobile business
Space Research Business 5.509G
14.8-15.35 Fixed business
mobile business
Space research business

15.35-15.4 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
5.340 5.511
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14.5-15.4 GHz
Assignment to the business
Thailand Thailand footnote
14.5-14.75 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.509B 5.509C 5.509D 5.509E System
5.509F 5.510
mobile business
Space Research Business 5.509G

14.75-14.8 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.509B 5.509C 5.509D 5.509E System
5.509F 5.510
mobile business
Space Research Business 5.509G

14.8-15.35 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless

Mobile business System
Space research business

15.35-15.4 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
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15.4-18.4 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Radio Region 3

15.4-15.43 positioning business 5.511E 5.511F Aviation
radio navigation business Fixed
15.43-15.63 satellite service (Earth to Space) 5.511A Radio Positioning
Business 5.511E 5.511F Aviation Radio
Navigation Business

15.63-15.7 Radio positioning business 5.511E 5.511F

Aviation radio navigation business
15.7-16.6 Radio location business
5.512 5.513

16.6-17.1 Radio location business,

space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)
5.512 5.513

17.1-17.2 Radio location business

5.512 5.513

17.2-17.3 Earth exploration business via satellite (Active)

Radio positioning business

Space research business (Active)
5.512 5.513 5.513A

17.3-17.7 17.3-17.7 17.3-17.7

Fixed business via satellite (Earth Fixed business via satellite (Earth Fixed business via satellite (Earth

to Space) 5.516 (Space to Space) 5.516 to space) 5.516 Radio

to Earth) 5.516A 5.516B Radio Broadcasting and Business Satellite positioning business
Positioning Business television

Radio location business

5.514 5.514 5.515 5.514

17.7-18.1 17.7-17.8 17.7-18.1

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.517A (Space to Earth) 5.517 5.517A (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.517A
(Earth to Space) 5.516 (Earth to Space) 5.516 (Earth to Space) 5.516
Mobile Business Broadcasting and Business Satellite Mobile Business
television mobile business


Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.517A

(Earth to Space) 5.516
Mobile Business

18.1-18.4 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.516B 5.517A (Earth to
Space) 5.520 Mobile
5.519 5.521
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15.4-18.4 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

15.4-15.43 Radio location business 5.511E 5.511F

Aviation radio navigation business

15.43-15.63 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.511A

Radio location business 5.511E 5.511F

Aviation radio navigation business

15.63-15.7 Radio location business 5.511E 5.511F
Aviation radio navigation business

15.7-16.6 Radio location business

16.6-17.1 Radio location business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)

17.1-17.2 Radio location business

17.2-17.3 Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Radio location business

Space Research (Active)
17.3-17.7 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.516 Radio T-BSS Planned Band
positioning business

17.7-18.1 Fixed business T-BSS Planned Band

Fixed business via satellite T-Fixed Wireless System
(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.517A

(Earth to Space) 5.516

mobile business

18.1-18.4 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.516B 5.517A

(Earth to Space) 5.520

mobile business

5.519 5.521
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18.4-22 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

18.4-18.6 business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.516B 5.517A

mobile business

18.6-18.8 18.6-18.8 18.6-18.8

Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration via satellite

(Passive) (Passive) (Passive)

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.517A 5.522B (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.517A (Space to Earth) 5.517A 5.522B
Mobile activities except mobile business 5.522B Mobile activities except mobile business
aviation Mobile business exempt mobile business aviation

Space research activities (passive) aviation Space research activities (passive)

Space research activities (passive)

5.522A 5.522C 5.522A 5.522A

18.8-19.3 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.517A 5.523A Mobile business

19.3-19.7 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) (Earth to Space) 5.517A 5.523B
5.523C 5.523D 5.523E
mobile business

19.7-20.1 19.7-20.1 19.7-20.1

Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B
5.516B 5.527A 5.516B 5.527A 5.516B 5.527A
Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Space to Earth) (Space to Earth) (Space to Earth)

5.524 5.525 5.526 5.527 5.528
5.524 5.529 5.524
20.1-20.2 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B 5.516B 5.527A

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.524 5.525 5.526 5.527 5.528
20.2-21.2 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Space to Earth)
21.2-21.4 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Fixed business

mobile business

Space research activities (passive)

21.4-22 21.4-22 21.4-22

Fixed business Fixed business 5.530E Fixed business

mobile business mobile business mobile business

Broadcasting and Television Business Broadcasting and Television Business

Via satellite 5.208B Via satellite 5.208B

5.530A 5.530B 5.530A 5.530A 5.530B 5.531

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18.4-22 GHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

18.4-18.6 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.517A

mobile business

18.6-18.8 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.517A 5.522B Mobile

activities except Aviation mobile business

Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Space research activities (passive)


18.8-19.3 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.517A 5.523A Mobile


19.3-19.7 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) (Earth to Space)

5.517A 5.523B 5.523C 5.523D 5.523E

mobile business

19.7-20.1 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B

5.516B 5.527A

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

20.1-20.2 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.484A 5.484B

5.516B 5.527A

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.525 5.526 5.527 5.528

20.2-21.2 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite

(Space to Earth)
21.2-21.4 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) T-Fixed Wireless System
Fixed business

Mobile business

Space research activities (passive)

21.4-22 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Mobile business

Broadcasting and satellite television business 5.208B

5.530A 5.530B
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22-24.75 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

22-22.21 business
Mobile business except aviation mobile business
22.21-22.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Fixed business
Mobile business except aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
5.149 5.532
22.5-22.55 Fixed business
mobile business
22.55-23.15 Fixed business
Communication business between satellites 5.338A

mobile business

Space research business (Earth to Space) 5.532A

23.15-23.55 Fixed business
Communication business between satellites 5.338A

mobile business
23.55-23.6 Fixed business
mobile business
23.6-24 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)
24-24.05 Amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
24.05-24.25 Radio location business
Amateur radio business
Earth exploration via satellite (Active)
24.25-24.45 24.25-24.45 24.25-24.45
Fixed business Fixed business 5.532AA Fixed business
Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Radio
Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB Radio navigation business
navigation business
24.45-24.65 24.45-24.65 24.45-24.65
Fixed business Fixed business 5.532AA Fixed business
Communication between satellites Communication between satellites Communication between satellites
Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business, except mobile business Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Radio
Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB Radio navigation business
navigation business
5.533 5.533
24.65-24.75 24.65-24.75 24.65-24.75
Fixed business Fixed business 5.532AA Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Communication between satellites Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.532B Mobile business, except mobile business (Earth to Space) 5.532B
Communication between satellites Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB Communication between satellites
Mobile business, except mobile business Satellite navigation radio business Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB
Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB (Earth to space)
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22-24.75 GHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Fixed Thailand footnote

22-22.21 business Mobile T-Fixed Wireless System

business except aviation mobile business


22.21-22.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business,

mobile business except Aviation mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

5.149 5.532

22.5-22.55 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Mobile business

22.55-23.15 Fixed business, T-Fixed Wireless System

communication between satellites 5.338A

mobile business

Space research business (Earth to Space) 5.532A


23.15-23.55 Fixed business, T-Fixed Wireless System

communication between satellites 5.338A

mobile business

23.55-23.6 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Mobile business

23.6-24 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


24-24.05 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite


24.05-24.25 Radio location business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business

Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

24.25-24.45 Fixed business T-IMT

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Radio

navigation business
24.45-24.65 Fixed business T-IMT

Communication between satellites

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Radio

navigation business

24.65-24.75 Fixed business T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.532B

Communication between satellites

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB

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24.75-29.9 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

24.75-25.25 24.75-25.25 24.75-25.25
Fixed business Fixed business 5.532AA Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.532B (Earth to Space) 5.535 (Earth to Space) 5.535

Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business exempt mobile business Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB
Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB Aviation 5.338A 5.532AB

25.25-25.5 Fixed business 5.534A

Communication business between satellites 5.536

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB

Standard frequency and time signals via satellite business (Earth to space)
25.5-27 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.536B
Fixed business 5.534A
Communication business between satellites 5.536

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Space

research business (Space to Earth) 5.536C

Business of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Earth to space)
27-27.5 27-27.5
Fixed business Fixed business 5.534A
Communication between satellites Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)
5.536 Communication business between satellites 5.536 5.537

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Fixed

27.5-28.5 business 5.537A

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.484A 5.516B 5.517A 5.539 Mobile business

5.538 5.540
28.5-29.1 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.484A 5.516B 5.517A 5.523A
mobile business

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541

29.1-29.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.516B 5.517A 5.523C 5.523E
5.535A 5.539 5.541A
mobile business

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541

29.5-29.9 29.5-29.9 29.5-29.9
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.484A 5.484B (Earth to Space) 5.484A 5.484B (Earth to Space) 5.484A 5.484B
5.516B 5.527A 5.539 5.516B 5.527A 5.539 5.516B 5.527A 5.539
Earth exploration via satellite Mobile business via satellite Earth exploration via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.541 (Earth to space) (Earth to Space) 5.541

Mobile business via satellite Earth exploration via satellite Mobile business via satellite

(Earth to space) (Earth to Space) 5.541 (Earth to space)

5.540 5.542 5.525 5.526 5.527 5.529 5.540 5.540 5.542
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24.75-29.9 GHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

24.75-25.25 Fixed business T-IMT

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.535

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB

25.25-25.5 Fixed business 5.534A T-IMT

Communication business between satellites
5.536 Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB

Standard frequency and time signal business via satellite

(Earth to space)
25.5-27 Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth) T-IMT
Fixed business 5.534A
Communication business between satellites 5.536

Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Space

research business (Space-to-Earth)

Standard frequency and time signal operations via satellite.

(Earth to space)

27-27.5 Fixed business 5.534A T-P12

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) T-IMT

Communication between satellites 5.536 5.537
Mobile business 5.338A 5.532AB Fixed

27.5-28.5 business 5.537A Fixed T-P12

satellite business (Earth to Space) 5.484A T-IMT

5.516B 5.517A 5.539
mobile business
5.538 5.540

28.5-29.1 Fixed business T-P12

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.484A T-IMT

5.516B 5.523A 5.517A 5.539
mobile business

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541


29.1-29.5 Fixed business T-P12

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.516B 5.517A T-IMT

5.523C 5.523E 5.535A 5.539 5.541A
mobile business

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541


29.5-29.9 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.484A 5.484B

5.516B 5.527A 5.539

Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to space)

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29.9-34.2 GHz
Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space)

29.9-30 5.484A 5.484B 5.516B 5.527A

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) Earth

exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541 5.543
5.525 5.526 5.527 5.538 5.540 5.542

30-31 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.338A Satellite

mobility business (Earth to Space) Standard

Frequency and Time Signal Transmission Business (Space to Earth)

31-31.3 Fixed business 5.338A 5.543B Mobile

business Business

of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Space to Earth)

Space research business 5.544 5.545

31.3-31.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business
Space research activities (passive)

31.5-31.8 31.5-31.8 31.5-31.8

Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration via satellite Earth exploration via satellite

(passive) (passive) (passive)

radio astronomy business radio astronomy business radio astronomy business

Space research activities Space research activities (passive) Space research activities
(passive) Fixed (passive) Fixed
activities Mobile activities except activities Mobile activities except
aviation mobile activities aviation mobile activities
5.149 5.546 5.340 5.149

31.8-32 Fixed business 5.547A Radio

navigation business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Space to Earth)

5.547 5.547B 5.548

32-32.3 Fixed business 5.547A Radio

navigation business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Space to Earth)

5.547 5.547C 5.548

32.3-33 Fixed business 5.547A

Communication between satellites

Business Radio navigation business

5.547 5.547D 5.548

33-33.4 Fixed business 5.547A Radio

navigation business
5.547 5.547E

33.4-34.2 Radio location business

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29.9-34.2 GHz
Assignment to businesses
Thailand Thailand footnote

29.9-30 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.484A

5.484B 5.516B 5.527A 5.539

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to Space) Earth

exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.541
5.525 5.526 5.527 5.538 5.540

30-31 Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.338A Satellite

mobility business (Earth to Space) Standard
Frequency and Time Signal Transmission Business (Space to

Earth) Fixed
31-31.3 business 5.338A 5.543B Mobile
business Business

of standard frequency and time signals via satellite (Space to

Earth) Space
Research Business 5.544
31.3-31.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business
Space research activities (passive)

31.5-31.8 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business Space

research activities (passive),
fixed activities,
mobile activities except Aviation mobile business


31.8-32.3 Fixed business 5.547A Radio

navigation business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Space to Earth)

5.547 5.548

32.3-33 Fixed business 5.547A

Communication between satellites

Business Radio navigation business

5.547 5.548

33-33.4 Fixed business 5.547A Radio

navigation business


33.4-34.2 Radio location business

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34.2-40 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Radio Region 3

34.2-34.7 location business, space

research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)


34.7-35.2 Radio location business,

space research business 5.550


35.2-35.5 Meteorological assistance

business Radio location business


35.5-36 Meteorological assistance

business, Earth observation business via satellite

(active), radio positioning

business, space research business (active)

5.549 5.549A

36-37 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

fixed business
mobile business

Space research activities (passive)

5.149 5.550A

37-37.5 Fixed business,

mobile business except Aviation mobility business 5.550B Space

research business (Space to Earth)


37.5-38 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space-to-Earth) 5.550C Mobile

activities except Aviation mobility business 5.550B Space research

business (Space to Earth) Earth

exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)

38-39.5 Fixed business 5.550D Fixed

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.550C Mobile business

5.550B Earth exploration

business via satellite (Space to Earth)


39.5-40 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.550C Mobile

business 5.550B Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) Earth

exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.547 5.550E
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34.2-40 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Radio Thailand footnote

34.2-34.7 Positioning Business

Space research business (Deep Space) (Earth to Space)

34.7-35.2 Radio location business

Space research business

35.2-35.5 Meteorological assistance business

Radio location business

35.5-36 Meteorological assistance business

Earth exploration via satellite (Active)

Radio location business

Space Research (Active)


36-37 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Fixed business

mobile business

Space research activities (passive)

5.149 5.550A

37-37.5 Fixed business, T-P6

mobile business except Aviation mobile business T-IMT


Space research business (Space to Earth)


37.5-38 Fixed business T-P6

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.550C

Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business


Space research business (Space to Earth)

Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)


38-39.5 Fixed business 5.550D T-P6

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.550C

Mobile business 5.550B

Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)


39.5-40 Fixed business T-P6

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.550C

Mobile business 5.550B

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.547 5.550E
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40-47.5 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2: Earth Region 3

40-40.5 exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) Fixed
business, fixed

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.550C Mobile business

5.550B Mobile business

via satellite (Space to Earth) Space Research

Business (Earth to Space) Earth
exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)

40.5-41 40.5-41 40.5-41

Fixed business Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite

(Space to Earth) 5.550C (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.550C (Space to Earth) 5.550C
Land Mobile Business 5.550B Land Mobile Business 5.550B Land Mobile Business 5.550B
Broadcasting Business and Broadcasting Business and Broadcasting Business and
Television Television Television
Business Broadcasting Business Business Broadcasting Business Business Broadcasting Business
and Business Satellite and Business Satellite and Business Satellite
television Aviation mobile television Aviation mobile television Aviation mobile
business Maritime mobile business business Maritime mobile business Maritime mobile business
business Mobile business via

satellite (Space to Earth)

5.547 5.547 5.547

41-42.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.550C Land

Mobile Business 5.550B
Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and satellite television business Aviation
mobile business Maritime
mobile business

5.547 5.551F 5.551H 5.551I

42.5-43.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.552 Mobile

activities except Aviation mobile business 5.550B Radio astronomy

5.149 5.547
43.5-47 Mobile business 5.553 5.553A
Mobile business via satellite,

radio navigation
business, radio navigation business via satellite

47-47.2 Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite.
47.2-47.5 Fixed business.

Fixed business via satellite. (Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Mobile

Business 5.553B
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40-47.5 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Thailand, Thailand footnote

40-40.5 Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to Space) Fixed T-P6
business, fixed T-IMT

business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.550C Mobile

business 5.550B Mobile

business via satellite (Space to Earth) Space

Research Business (Earth to Space)
Earth exploration via satellite (Space to Earth)
40.5-41 Fixed business T-P6

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.550C Land T-IMT

Mobile Business 5.550B
Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and satellite television business Aviation
mobile business Maritime
mobile business


41-42.5 Fixed business T-P6

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.550C Land T-IMT
Mobile Business 5.550B
Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and satellite television business Aviation
mobile business Maritime
mobile business

5.547 5.551H 5.551I

42.5-43.5 Fixed business T-P6

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.552 Mobile T-IMT

activities except Aviation mobile business 5.550B Radio

astronomy business
5.149 5.547
43.5-47 Mobile business 5.553 5.553A Mobile
business via satellite, radio

navigation business,
radio navigation business via satellite

47-47.2 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite.

47.2-47.5 Fixed business.

Fixed business via satellite. (Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Mobile

Business 5.553B
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47.5-55.78 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

47.5-47.9 47.5-47.9
Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Mobile
(Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Business 5.553B

(Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.554A

Mobile business 5.553B
47.9-48.2 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Mobile

Business 5.553B
48.2-48.54 48.2-50.2
Fixed business Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.516B 5.338A
(Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 5.550C 5.552
(Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.554A mobile business
mobile business
Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to space) 5.550C 5.552

Mobile business
5.149 5.340 5.555
Fixed business
Fixed business via satellite

(Earth to Space) 5.338A 5.550C 5.552

(Space to Earth) 5.516B 5.554A 5.555B
mobile business 5.149 5.340 5.555
50.2-50.4 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Space research activities (passive)
50.4-51.4 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.338A 5.550C

mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to space)

51.4-52.4 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.555C

mobile business
5.338A 5.547 5.556
52.4-52.6 Fixed business 5.338A
Mobile business

5.547 5.556
52.6-54.25 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Space research activities (passive)

5.340 5.556
54.25-55.78 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Communication business between satellites 5.556A

Space research activities (passive)

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47.5-55.78 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

47.5-47.9 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Mobile

Business 5.553B

47.9-48.2 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.550C 5.552 Mobile

Business 5.553B
48.2-50.2 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.338A

5.550C 5.552
mobile business

5.149 5.340 5.555

50.2-50.4 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Space research activities (passive)

50.4-51.4 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.338A

mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to space)

51.4-52.4 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to Space) 5.555C

mobile business
5.338A 5.547 5.556
52.4-52.6 Fixed business 5.338A
mobile business
5.547 5.556

52.6-54.25 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Space research activities (passive)

5.340 5.556
54.25-55.78 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Communication business between satellites 5.556A

Space research activities (passive)

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55.78-66 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Earth Region 3

55.78-56.9 exploration business via satellite (passive) Fixed
business 5.557A Satellite
communication business 5.556A Mobile
business 5.558 Space

research business (passive)

5.547 5.557

56.9-57 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

Fixed business
Satellite communication business 5.558A
Mobile business 5.558
Space research business (passive)
5.547 5.557

57-58.2 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

Fixed business
Satellite communication business 5.556A
Mobile business 5.558
Space research business (passive)
5.547 5.557

58.2-59 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

fixed business
mobile business

Space research activities (passive)

5.547 5.556

59-59.3 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

fixed business
Satellite communication business 5.556A
mobile business 5.558

radio positioning business 5.559

space research business
59.3-64 (passive) fixed
business Communication between
satellites Mobile business

5.558 Radio location business 5.559


64-65 Fixed business,

communication business between
satellites Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5.547 5.556

65-66 Earth exploration business via

satellite, fixed
business, communications
between satellites Mobile business exempt Aviation
mobile business Space research business
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55.78-66 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Thailand Thailand footnote

55.78-56.9 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

Fixed business 5.557A
Satellite communication business 5.556A
Mobile business 5.558

Space research business (passive)


56.9-57 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive)

Fixed business
Satellite communication business 5.558A
Mobile business 5.558
Space research business (passive)

57-58.2 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive) T-General use

Fixed business
Satellite communication business 5.556A
Mobile business 5.558
Space research business (passive)

58.2-59 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive) T-General use

fixed business
mobile business

Space research activities (passive)

5.547 5.556

59-59.3 Earth exploration business via satellite (passive) T-General use

fixed business
Satellite communication business 5.556A
mobile business 5.558 radio

positioning business 5.559 space

research business (passive)
59.3-64 fixed business T-General use
Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.558

Radio location business 5.559


64-65 Fixed business, T-General use

communication business between
satellites Mobile business exempt Aviation mobile business
5.547 5.556

65-66 Earth exploration business via T-General use

satellite, fixed
business, communications
between satellites Mobile business exempt Aviation
mobile business Space research business
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66-81 GHz

Assignment to entities

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

66-71 Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.553 5.558 5.559AA Mobile
business via satellite, radio

navigation business,
radio navigation business via satellite

71-74 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

74-76 Fixed business,

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business
Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and satellite television business Space

research business (Space to Earth)


76-77.5 Radio Astronomy Radio

locating business,
amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
Space research business (Space to Earth)

77.5-78 Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite
Radio locating business 5.559B
Radio astronomy business
Space research business (Space to Earth)

78-79 Radio locating business,

amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
Radio Astronomy Space
research business (Space to Earth)
5.149 5.560

79-81 Radio Astronomy Radio

locating business,
amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
Space research business (Space to Earth)
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66-81 GHz

Assignment to entities

Thailand, Thailand footnote

66-71 satellite communication business T-P6

Mobile business 5.553 5.558 5.559AA Mobile T-IMT
business via satellite, radio

navigation business,
radio navigation business via satellite

71-74 Fixed business T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

74-76 Fixed business, T-Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Mobile business
Broadcasting and Television Business
Broadcasting and satellite television business Space

research business (Space to Earth)


76-77.5 Radio Astronomy Radio T-Amateur

locating business,
amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
Space research business (Space to Earth)

77.5-78 Amateur radio business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite

Radio locating business 5.559B
Radio astronomy business
Space research business (Space to Earth)

78-79 Radio locating business, T-Amateur

amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite
Radio Astronomy Space
research business (Space to Earth)
5.149 5.560

79-81 Radio Astronomy Radio T-Amateur

locating business,
amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
Space research business (Space to Earth)
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81 -86 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

81 -84 business 5.338A Fixed

business via satellite (Earth to space) Mobile


Satellite mobility business (Earth to space)

Radio astronomy
business Space research business (Space to Earth)
5.149 5.561A
84 -86 Fixed business 5.338A

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space) 5.561B

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy
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81 -86 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Thailand Thailand footnote

81 -84 Fixed business 5.338A T -Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)

Mobile business

Satellite mobility business (Earth to space)

Radio astronomy
business Space research business (space to earth)
5.149 5.561A
84 -86 Fixed business 5.338A T -Fixed Wireless System

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy
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86 -111.8 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2: Earth Region 3

86 -92 observation via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business Space

research (passive)

92 -94 Fixed business 5.338A

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy Radio

location business

94 -94.1 Earth exploration business via satellite (Active),

radio positioning business,

space research business

(Active), radio astronomy business

5.562 5.562A

94.1 -95 Fixed business

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy Radio

location business

95 -100 Fixed business

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy radio

positioning business,
radio navigation
business, radio navigation business via satellite
5.149 5.554
100 -102 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business
Space research (passive)
5.340 5.341

102 -105 Fixed business

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.341

105 -109.5 Fixed business

Mobile business

Radio Astronomy Space

research (passive) 5.562 B
5.149 5.341

109.5 -111.8 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business Space

research (passive)
5.340 5.341
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86-111.8 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

86-92 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


92-94 Fixed business 5.338A

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Radio location business
94-94.1 Earth exploration via satellite (active)

Radio location business

Space Research (Active)

Radio Astronomy
5.562 5.562A
94.1-95 Fixed business
mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Radio location business

95-100 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Radio location business
Radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business

5.149 5.554
100-102 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

102-105 Fixed business
mobile business

Radio Astronomy

105-109.5 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space Research Business (Passive) 5.562B
109.5-111.8 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

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111.8-119.98 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

111.8-114.25 business
mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space Research Business (Passive) 5.562B
5.149 5.341
114.25-116 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

5.340 5.341

116-119.98 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Communication business between satellites 5.562C

Space research activities (passive)

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111.8-119.98 GHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

111.8-114.25 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space Research Business (Passive) 5.562B

114.25-116 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

116-119.98 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)
Communication business between satellites 5.562C

Space research activities (passive)

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- 123 -

119.98-151.5 GHz

Assignment to entities

Region 1 Region 2: Earth Region 3

119.98-122.25 exploration through satellite (passive)
communication between satellites 5.562C
Space research (passive)
5.138 5.341
122.25-123 Fixed business,

communication business between

satellites Mobile business

5.558 Amateur radio business

123-130 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Radio Navigation
Business Radio Navigation
Satellite Business Radio Astronomy 5.562D
5.149 5.554
130-134 Earth exploration business via satellite (active) 5.562E
Fixed business,
communication between satellites
business Mobile business

5.558 Radio astronomy business

5.149 5.562A
134-136 Amateur radio
business Amateur radio business
via satellite Radio
136-141 Astronomy Radio
Astronomy Radio
locating business,
amateur radio business Amateur radio business via satellite
141-148.5 Fixed business
Mobile business

Radio Astronomy Radio

location business
148.5-151.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business
Space research activities (passive)
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119.98-151.5 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

119.98-122.25 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Communication business between satellites 5.562C

Space research activities (passive)

122.25-123 Fixed business T-Amateur
Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.558

Amateur radio business

123-130 Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)
Radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.554
130-134 Earth exploration via satellite (active) 5.562E
Fixed business
Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.558

Radio astronomy business

5.149 5.562A
134-136 Amateur radio business T-Amateur
Amateur radio business via satellite
Radio Astronomy
136-141 Radio Astronomy T-Amateur
Radio location business
Amateur radio business
Amateur radio business via satellite
141-148.5 Fixed business
mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Radio location business
148.5-151.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

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- 125 -

151.5 -158.5 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2: Fixed Region 3

151.5 -155.5 business,
mobile business

Radio Astronomy Radio

location business
155.5 -158.5 Fixed business
Mobile business

Radio Astronomy
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151.5-158.5 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

151.5-155.5 Fixed business
mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Radio location business

155.5-158.5 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
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158.5-200 GHz
Assignment to the business

Region 1 Region 2 Fixed Region 3

158.5-164 business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

164-167 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


167-174.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.558
5.149 5.562D
174.5-174.8 Fixed business
Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.558

174.8-182 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Business communication between satellites 5.562H

Space research activities (passive)

182-185 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


185-190 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Business communication between satellites 5.562H

Space research activities (passive)

190-191.8 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Space research activities (passive)


191.8-200 Fixed business

Communication between satellites
Mobile business 5.558
Mobile business via satellite

Radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business

5.149 5.341 5.554
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158.5-200 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Fixed Thailand footnote

158.5-164 business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Space to Earth)

164-167 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


167-174.5 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Communication between satellites

Mobile business 5.558


174.5-174.8 Fixed business

Communication between satellites

Mobile business 5.558 Earth

174.8-182 exploration business via satellite (passive)

Business communication between satellites 5.562H

Space research activities (passive)

182-185 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)


185-190 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Business communication between satellites 5.562H

Space research activities (passive)

190-191.8 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Space research activities (passive)


191.8-200 Fixed business

Communication between satellites

Mobile business 5.558 Mobile

business via satellite

Radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business

5.149 5.554
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- 129 -

200 -248 GHz

Assignment to businesses

Region 1 Region 2: Earth Region 3

200 -20 9 observation via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business Space

research (passive)
5.340 5.341 5.563A

209 -217 Fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (Earth to space), mobile

business Radio

5.149 5.341

217 -226 Fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (Earth to space), mobile

business Radio

Astronomy Space research

(passive) 5.562B
5.149 5.341

226 -231.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business Space

research (passive)

231.5 -232 Fixed business

Mobile business

Radio positioning
232 -235 business, fixed

business, fixed business via satellite (space-to-

earth), mobile

business Radio location-

235 -238 finding business, Earth observation via satellite (passive) business

Fixed business via satellite (Space-to-Earth)

Space research business (Passive)
5.563A 5.563B

238 -240 Fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (space to earth), mobile

business Radio

positioning business,
radio navigation
business, radio navigation business
240 -241 via satellite, fixed
business, mobile

business radio location

241 -248 business, radio astronomy
business Radio locating
business, amateur radio
business Amateur radio business via satellite
5.138 5.149
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200-248 GHz
Assignment to the business

Thailand Earth Thailand footnote

200-209 exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

5.340 5.563A
209-217 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
217-226 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
Space Research Business (Passive) 5.562B
226-231.5 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

231.5-232 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio location business

232-235 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

mobile business

Radio location business

235-238 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

Space research activities (passive)

5.563A 5.563B
238-240 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Space to Earth)

mobile business

Radio location business

Radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business

240-241 Fixed business

mobile business

Radio location business

241-248 Radio Astronomy T-Amateur
Radio location business

Amateur radio business

Amateur radio business via satellite

5.138 5.149
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248 - 3 000 GHz

Assignment to the entity

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

248 -250 Amateur Radio
Business Amateur radio business
via satellite Radio Astronomy
250 -252 Earth exploration via satellite (passive) radio

astronomy business
Space research (passive)
5.340 5.563A
252 -265 Fixed business
Mobile business

Satellite mobility business (Earth to space), radio

astronomy business, radio
navigation business,
radio navigation business via satellite
5.149 5.554
265 -275 Fixed business,

fixed business via satellite (Earth to space),

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.563A
275 - 3 000 (not determined) 5.564A 5.565
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248-3 000 GHz

Assignment to the business

Thailand Thailand footnote

248-250 Amateur Radio Business T-Amateur

Amateur radio business via satellite
Radio Astronomy

250-252 Earth exploration via satellite (passive)

Radio Astronomy
Space research activities (passive)

5.340 5.563A
252-265 Fixed business
mobile business

Mobile business via satellite (Earth to space)

Radio Astronomy
Radio navigation business

Satellite navigation radio business

5.149 5.554
265-275 Fixed business

Fixed business via satellite (Earth to space)

mobile business

Radio Astronomy
5.149 5.563A

275-3 000 (not determined) 5.564A 5.565

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Appendix A

Format and general characteristics of the table Specifying the frequency

spectrum (at the end of the table specifying the national frequency spectrum (2021)

1. Determination of each frequency band Shown as a table on even-numbered pages. and tables on odd-numbered pages using tables on even-

numbered pages and tables on odd-numbered pages together. 2. Tables on

even-numbered pages show the The frequency band has been determined in Region 3, the regional area divided into 3 channels.

1) Column 1 shows the assignment of the frequency band in Region 1. 2) Column

2 shows the assignment of the frequency band in Region 2. 3) Column 3 shows

the assignment of the frequency band in Region 1. Regional Zone 3: In the case

where there is no channel line between the regional zones, the designation of that frequency band is determined to be used in

same business

The table on this even-numbered page has been translated into Thai from Table A. The frequencies are specified in Section 5 of the Radio Regulations.

Year 2020 English version of the International Telecommunication Union 3. Underlined activities That

business is classified as the main business in that frequency band. The main businesses in the spectrum assignment table are arranged in alphabetical

order in French. which the arrangement This order does not indicate a higher priority or a lesser priority. of each main business in any way. 4.

Businesses which are not underlined That business is classified as a secondary business in that frequency band. Secondary

businesses in the frequency assignment table are arranged in alphabetical order in French. which the arrangement This order does not indicate a

higher priority or a lesser priority. of each secondary business in any way

Stations in the secondary business must not cause interference to stations in the main business. and cannot request Protection against

interference from stations in the main business. 5. International

footnotes starting from Section 5.53 arranged in sequence until Section 5.565. Some items, such as Section 5.63 and Section 5.81, etc., do not appear

in the table. Specify the frequency spectrum Since the aforementioned footnote has been repealed, Clauses 5.53 to 5.565 are the provisions of Article

5 of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunications Union.


6. The numbers that appear to the right of the business and the numbers that appear below the border define to determine the radio frequency band It

is an international footnote related to an entity or business. to determine that frequency band. Footnotes that
appear on The right side of any business

Such footnotes shall be used only for that business. Footnotes that appear below the designation of which frequency band? Use that footnote with the

designation. to determine the entire frequency band It will display only international footnotes that are

relevant to the regulation. It determines the frequency bands of Thailand only. 7. The table on the odd-numbered pages shows the


of the frequency bands of Thailand. 7.1 The table is divided into 2 fields.

1) Box 1 shows the determination of the frequency band of Thailand. The determination of the frequency band consistent

with the to determine the frequency band in Region 3. 2) Column 2 shows

footnote Thailand 7.2 in each row of the table. If it is

shaded, it means that the frequency band of Thailand is different from to determine that frequency band of Region 3
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8. Thailand's frequency allocation table is prepared according to the guidelines for preparing frequency allocation tables

according to

international principles as follows: 1) Assigns most frequency bands for various businesses. Same as

frequencies in Region 3 for all businesses. 2) Assigning certain frequency bands to specific businesses.

Same as determining frequencies in Region 3 by specifying only

businesses that use them. Benefits in Thailand 3) Determine certain frequency bands for various businesses,

similar to determining frequencies in Region 3 for all businesses, by specifying other additional businesses as well. In
this regard, the business that Additional requirements are as

follows. International footnotes that are directly related to Thailand 4) Determine certain frequency bands for

various businesses, similar to the frequency determination in Region 3, by adjusting the status of some main businesses
down to being secondary This is to be consistent. Relation to the use of spectrum in Thailand

5) Determine certain frequency bands for various businesses, similar to the frequency determination in Region 3 or

the same as for specific businesses. or like only a certain part of the frequency band, reducing the status of some main
businesses to secondary businesses This is in order to be consistent with the relationship. with the use of frequencies in

Thailand 6) Specify certain frequency bands for The

regulations for various businesses are not the same as the regulations for various businesses. The frequency of

Region 3 has been determined. The frequency determinations are in accordance with international footnotes that are

directly relevant to Thailand. 9. Appendix B presents regional demarcation, an explanation of terms and meanings used in
this frequency

allocation table. 10. Appendix C. Summary of the main points of the article, appendix, resolution no. and recommendations referenced in the fo

11. Appendix D shows the Thai translation and English

vocabulary 12. International footnotes Shows details of footnotes 5.53 to 5.565, which were translated

and compiled as Thai from Article 5 of the Radio Regulations 2019, English version of the International
Telecommunications Union, footnotes containing parentheses (WRC-97) or parentheses (WRC-2000)
or parentheses (WRC-03) or parentheses (WRC- 07) or parentheses (WRC-12) or parentheses

(WRC-15) or parentheses (WRC-19) at the end of the footnotes. Some of these footnotes are original
footnotes whose text has been updated to be consistent with Changes and improvements at and
the World Conference on Radiocommunications in 2016. Some of these footnotes are new footnotes
which have been added to Section 5 of the Radio Regulations. World Conference on
Radiocommunications in 2018 (Note: WRC-97 WRC-2000 WRC-03 WRC-07 WRC-12 WRC-15
WRC-19 refers to the World Conference on Radiocommunications in 2010) 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007,
2015, and 2019, respectively) 13. Footnotes as referenced In Column 2 of the Thailand Frequency

Spectrum Schedule, on the odd-numbered pages, details are shown on the use of frequencies in various frequency b
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Appendix B
Vocabulary and meaning which is used in the table Specifying the frequency

spectrum (at the end of the table specifying the national frequency spectrum (2021)

1. Regional area

Regional area according to the table The frequency spectrum is divided into 3 regional areas as follows:

Regional District 1: Regional District 1 consists of the area of Line A in the east as far as Line B in

the west. Except for the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran which is located between these lines, Region 1

also includes the entire territory of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia,

Uzbekistan. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey-Ukraine and the northern areas of the Russian

Federation located between Line A and

Line C

Regional Zone 2: Regional Zone 2 consists of the area along Line B to the east as far as possible.
Line C area to the west

Regional District 3: Regional District 3 consists of the area of Line C in the east as far as Line A in
the west. Except for the territories of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia,

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey-Ukraine and the northern regions of the Russian

Federation. In addition, the 3rd regional zone includes the territory of the republic. Islamic Iran located outside
the said line. Line A: Line A begins from

the North Pole along the meridian 40° east of Greenwich to the parallel 40° north. Then, following the

arc of the earth to the intersection of The 60° East meridian and the Tropic of Cancer then follow the 60° East
meridian to the South Pole.

Line B: Line B begins from the North Pole along the meridian 10° west of Greenwich to the intersection

with the 72° north parallel, then follows the arc of the earth to the intersection of the 50° meridian.
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West and the 40° North parallel, then draw a straight line following the arc of the Earth to the point of intersection with the 20°
West meridian and the 10° South parallel, then follow the 20° West meridian to the South Pole.

Line C: Line C starts from the North Pole. Follow the arc of the earth to the point of intersection of the parallel 65° 30
minutes north with the international boundary in the Bering Strait. Then, trace the arc of the earth to The intersection of the

meridian 165° east of Greenwich and the parallel 50° north, then draw a straight line along the segment. The arc of the Earth

reaches the intersection of the 170° West meridian and the 10° North parallel, then follows the 10° North parallel to the

intersection with the 120° West meridian, and then follows the 120° West meridian to the South Pole. 2. Additional requirements

1) Additional requirements in an area smaller than a regional area or in a particular country, it determines that frequency
band. in that area or in that country for any business or several businesses in addition to the specified business as specified in Table

A 2) In the case where the footnote does not specify limitations on the

operation of the specified business to impose additional requirements or specify limitations on the operation of various

related businesses, in addition to the limitations that allow the operation of the specified businesses There are additional regulations

specific to the area. any area or in a particular country. In this case, the station in the business Stations subject to additional regulations

have the same rights to operate as stations in other main businesses.

3) In addition to the restriction to operate a specific business in a specific area. or in a particular country, in the event

that any additional restrictions are established, those restrictions will be specified in the footnotes of the frequency assignment

table. 3. Assignment

to choose

1) Determination in an area smaller than a regional area or in a particular country, it determines the frequency band
for other businesses. Instead of the business that as specified in Table A to determine the frequency spectrum in that area or


2) In the case of footnotes It does not specify any limitations on the operation of the specified business. to replace the

requirements under No. 1 or specify limitations on the operation of various related businesses, other than the limitations to
operate only in a particular area or country. In this case, the station In this business, there is the right to operate conduct

equally with in other areas Stations in other main businesses or in other

countries. 3) In addition to the restriction to operate only in a specific area. or in a particular country, in the event that

any additional restrictions are specified, those restrictions will be specified in the footnotes of the frequency assignment table.

4. Different types of

business together This footnote

applies where the arrangement is the primary entity. or being organized as a secondary business in a particular

country is different from being organized as a main business. or organized as a secondary business in that region which in some cases is
Elevated from a secondary business to a main business, for example, Section 5.204,

etc. 5. Severe disturbances

Severe interference means interference that is harmful to the operation of a device. Operation of radio navigation
business or safety business or interference that causes serious harm or obstructs or periodically interrupts the operation of

various businesses according to radio regulations.

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6. Meaning of the business Stations and various equipment

Broadcasting and Television Business: Business which receives and transmits radio waves to transmit or broadcast sound and images

and sounds or anything else that can be understood using frequencies. for the general public to receive directly

Satellite Broadcasting and Television Business: Business that receives and transmits radio waves to transmit signals. or repeating

the signal through the space station so that the general public can receive them directly.

Fixed business: A business that receives and transmits radio waves between specifically designated fixed points. High-altitude

floating base station means a station located on a floating base at an altitude of 20 to 50 kilometers at a fixed location that is

specifically defined relative to the Earth . Satellite: An entity which receives and transmits

radio waves between ground stations at a specified location. When using one satellite or using more than one satellite, the designated

location may be a fixed point. within a specified area. In some cases, this activity includes any specifically designated or fixed point satellite-to-

satellite link that may also be operated in an intersatellite operation.

Stationary satellite communications may also include earth-space

connectivity networks of other space radio communications services.

Ground Station: A station located on the Earth's surface or a station located within most of the Earth's atmosphere.


Communicate with one or more space stations or Communicate with at

least one ground station through communication via one or more satellites.

Earth station: A station that operates on the earth. which does not communicate with the space station or communicate via satellite

Earth-Space Link: A link from a

ground station, where it is located, to a space station, or from a space station to a ground station. By sending information in Radio Any other

communications, space, various businesses In addition to regular business via satellite ground station The above may be located at a designated

fixed point. or may be located at any fixed point within a specifically designated area. Inter-satellite business: Business which receives and

transmits radio waves for inter-satellite links. Space Operations Business: Business that receives and transmits radio waves that are specifically

related to spacecraft operations.

Space, especially space tracking, space telemetry, and space remote operation.

Mobile business: Business which receives and transmits radio waves between mobile stations and land stations or between mobile

stations. Mobile satellite

service: An service which receives - transmits radio waves - between a mobile

ground station and one or more space stations.

One station or between space stations in this venture?

- between ground stations moving through one space station or space stations; more than one station This business may

include a network linking

Earth and space, which is necessary to

Carry out business

Land mobile service: Mobile service between a base station and a land mobile station or between land mobile stations.
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Land-based satellite-based mobile enterprise: A satellite-based mobile enterprise that has a ground station.

Mobile located on the ground

Maritime mobile operations: Mobile operations between shore stations and ship stations. or between boat stations

or between communication stations around the ship Life-saving craft station and radio station Emergency personnel may
participate. This maritime mobile

business can also be carried out. Port Operations: Maritime Mobile Operations that are used within or near the port

area Between the shore station and the ship station or between boat stations together Used to send news only in operations

that Concerning the movement and safety of ships. and in case of emergency For safety purposes personal safety Ship

movement activities:
Safety activities in maritime movement activities In addition to port operations Between shore stations and ship

stations or between ship stations together, used to send specific information about the movement of ships. Maritime Satellite
Mobile Operations: Mobile satellite operations

with ground stations.

mobile set on boat Life-saving craft station and radio station Persons with emergency positions may also join this business.
Aviation mobile business: Mobile business between aviation stations and aircraft stations or between aircraft

stations. The life-saving craft station may also participate in this aviation mobile business. In the case of the radio station

Emergency personnel may also participate in this activity using frequencies that are designated. specified for use in disaster

situations and in an
emergency Aeronautical station: A land station in an aeronautical mobile service. In some cases, the air terminal

may located on a boat or set on a platform in the

middle of the sea Aeronautical mobility operations on commercial flight routes: Aeronautical mobility operations

reserved for Safety-related communications and normal flight on civil aviation routes within the country or between country is

the main Mobile

aviation business outside commercial flight routes: Mobile mobile business that has Communication purposes

Including matters related to coordinating aviation outside of the air route.

Mainly domestic or international houses Mobile

aeronautical satellite service: Mobile service via satellite that has a ground station. Mobile located on the aircraft

Life-saving craft station and radio station Persons with emergency positions may join this business.

Aviation mobility business via satellite on commercial flight routes: Aviation mobility business via satellite,

which is reserved for safety-related communications and routine flight operations on air routes. Mainly domestic or international

houses Aeronautical mobile business via satellite

outside commercial flight routes: Aeronautical mobile business via satellite for communications related to aviation

coordination outside of civil aviation routes in the country or Mainly international

Radio surveillance and search business: Business which receives and transmits radio waves for radio purposes.

Surveillance and search for the position, speed, and/or other characteristics of something. or the acquisition of Information

about position, speed, and/or other characteristics based on the propagation properties of radio waves. Satellite radio

surveillance and search services: Businesses that receive and transmit radio waves for

Purpose of radio surveillance and search using one or more space stations
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This activity may include a network linking Earth and space, which is necessary for operations.


Radio navigation business: Radio surveillance and search service for the purposes of radio navigation.

Radio navigation satellite service: Radio surveillance and search service through satellite for the purpose of

radio navigation. Objectives of

Radio Navigation This activity may include the earth and space connectivity required for operations.


Maritime radio navigation business: Radio navigation business for the benefit and safety of

Maritime satellite radio navigation service: Satellite radio navigation service at ground stations. is installed

on ships. Aviation

radio navigation business: radio navigation business for the benefit and safety of

Aviation satellite radio navigation service: Satellite radio navigation service at the station Ground covers are

installed on aircraft. Radio location

business: Radio surveillance and search business for the purpose of radio location search.

Radio business Positioning via satellite: radio surveillance and search via satellite For the
purpose of radio positioning.

Meteorological auxiliary business: Radio communication business used for meteorological work,
including hydrographics, observation and
surveying. Earth observation via satellite business: Business which receives and transmits. radio
waves between ground stations and One or more space stations, which may include links between space
stations, for sending

and receiving the following information: - News about the nature of the Earth. and natural
phenomena, including information about State of the environment from active measurement devices or passive measureme

– Such news above from the aircraft or from the earth – such information

may be broadcast to ground stations in the relevant systems – this may also include

inter-annual inquiries. This activity may include a network

linking Earth and space, which is necessary for operations.


Active measuring equipment means measuring equipment used in geothermal exploration activities.

satellites or in space research The acquisition of information relies on the transmission and reception of radio waves.

Passive measuring equipment means measuring equipment in the Earth exploration business via

satellite or in the space research business. By acquiring information Relies on receiving radio waves that originate according to

Satellite meteorological service: Earth observation service via satellite for the purpose of meteorology
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Standard Frequency and Time Signal Business: Business which receives and transmits radio waves for the purpose of technical

science and other purposes by transmitting radio frequencies specified sends a scheduled radio frequency signal or sends both a specified radio

frequency and a time signal which has high precision in order to be accepted for general use

Standard frequency and time signal business via satellite: Standard frequency and time signal business Time signal used by the

space station on the satellite. Transmits standard frequency and time signals This business may include A connection network between Earth and

space that is necessary for business operations. Space research business: Business that receives and

transmits radio waves using spacecraft or other objects in space to

For purposes of scientific or technological research, deep space refers to

space which is far from Earth. Equal to or greater than 2 million kilometers. Amateur radio business: A business which

receives and transmits radio waves for the purpose of training oneself in communicating with one another. and in technical testing by radio

amateurs, which are persons who have been properly licensed. who is personally interested in radio communications Not for the benefit of


Satellite Amateur Radio Business: A business that receives and transmits radio waves using space stations on satellites. For the same

purpose as amateur radio business Radio astronomy business:

Business related to astronomical work in receiving radio waves from space. Safety business: Any business that receives and

transmits radio waves for permanent use. or used temporarily to maintain the safety of life and property. Special business: Business that

is not defined in the radio regulations, used in specific cases for general benefit.

And there is no need for a letter to respond to the public.

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Appendix C
Section Appendix, Resolution No. and recommendations referenced in the international

footnote (at the end of the National Frequency Spectrum Schedule (2021))

“Radio Regulations” means the Radio Regulations, 2012 edition. 2020 of the International Telecommunications

Union. “Section” means the Section of the Radio Regulations, 2020 edition. 2020 of the International Telecommunications

Union, including the requirements of various sections. For example, Section 5.29, Section 9.11A, Section 21.16.2 are
the requirements of Section 5, Section 9 , and Section

21 , respectively. “Appendix ” means the appendix to the 2016 Radio Regulations. 2020 of the International

Telecommunications Union. “Resolution” means the resolution of the World

Conference on Radiocommunications. “Recommendation” means the recommendations in the 2020 Radio Regulations.
2020 of the Telecommunications Union international

“ITU-R Recommendations” means recommendations of radio communications office International Telecommunications Union

“Radio Communications Office” means the Radio Communications Office. International

Telecommunications Union “Government agency” means any government agency responsible for

implementing Obligations in the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union International

Telecommunication Union Conventions and Administrative Regulations

note Amend the wording “government agency” to “government agency” to be consistent. with the

provisions of the law

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Appendix D

Thai translation and English vocabulary

(At the end of the table specifying the national frequency spectrum (B.E. 2021))

1. Business category (Service) (arranged in Thai alphabetical order)

Translation vocabulary

Broadcasting and Television Business broadcasting service

Satellite broadcasting and television business broadcasting-satellite service
mobile business mobile service

ship movement business ship movement service

Aviation mobile business aeronautical mobile service

Aeronautical mobile (OR) service outside commercial flight routes

Aeronautical mobile (R) service on commercial flight routes

Satellite aviation mobility business Satellite aeronautical mobile-satellite service

aviation mobility business aeronautical mobile-satellite (OR) service

Outside commercial flight routes

Satellite aviation mobility business aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service

on commercial flight routes

Maritime mobile business maritime mobile service

Maritime mobility via satellite land mobile maritime mobile-satellite service

business Land mobile land mobile service

business via satellite Mobile business land mobile-satellite service

via satellite Business of mobile-satellite service

standard frequency and time signals standard frequency and time signal

Business of standard frequency and transit time signals standard frequency and time signal-
satellite satellite service

Meteorological assistance meteorological aids service

business Port operations port operations service

Space operations space operation service

business, fixed fixed service

business, fixed business fixed-satellite service

through satellite Business inter-satellite service

between satellites space research service

Space research business radio astronomy service

Radio Astronomy Radio surveillance and radiodetermination service

search business Radio surveillance and search business radiodetermination-satellite service


Radio navigation radionavigation service

business, radio navigation business via satellite radionavigation-satellite service

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Aviation radio navigation aeronautical radionavigation service

business. Aviation radio navigation business via satellite. aeronautical radionavigation-satellite


Maritime radio navigation maritime radionavigation service

business. Maritime radio navigation business maritime radionavigation- satellite service

via satellite. Amateur amateur service

radio business Amateur radio business amateur-satellite service

via satellite Radio locating radiolocation service

business. Radio locating business. radiolocation-satellite service

Positioning via satellite, Earth Earth exploration-satellite service

exploration via satellite Meteorological meteorological-satellite service

business via satellite Business for safety safety service
Special business special service

(R) : route means on a commercial flight route

(OR) : off – route means outside of commercial flight routes.

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2. Specific vocabulary categories that appear in the table Specify the frequency spectrum

Translation vocabulary

Satellite identification Satellite identification

Passive Passive

Report a disaster Distress and calling

Report disasters through DSC, Distress and calling via DSC

Earth to Earth-to-Space

Space, Radio Radiobeacon

Positioning, Space-to-Earth

Space to Earth, Space-to-Space

Space to Space, Deep Space Deep space
Active active

DSC :digital selective calling means calling strictly specific information using digital methods
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3. Specific vocabulary categories that appear in international footnotes (arranged in order of footnote number)


international Translation vocabulary

5.60 A radio navigation system that transmits Pulsed radionavigation systems

5.67A waves is transmitting an isotropic equivalent broadcast. Equivalent isotropically radiated

5.73 Positional radio station, Radio beacon station

5.79 navigation information system, Navigational Data (NAVDAT)

5.79A navigation information system, Navigational Telex (NAVTEX)

5.79A International Maritime Organization International Maritime Organization


5.80 Omni-directional position radio Non-directional beacon

5.82 Narrowband telegraph that can be printed directly Narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy
5.90 propagation of radio waves which spread Ground-wave propagation
go above ground

5.92 Average broadcast power Long- Radiated mean power

5.97 range navigation assistance system Loran system (Loran: Long range aid

to navigation)
5.104 oceanographic buoy station calling Oceanographic buoy station
5.109 like specific information using digital means Digital selective calling (DSC)
5.115 Reference Reference frequency
5.132 frequency News about maritime safety Maritime Safety Information (MSI)

5.138 Applications of radio frequency energy in the field Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM)

Industry, Science and Medicine applications

5.154 Wave peak power Peak envelope power
5.156 Automatic radio transmitter to transmit data via

5.162A Wind speed and direction radar Location Wind profiler radar
5.180 radio transmitter, anti- Marker beacon

5.180 interference wave band guardband

5.227 automatic identification system Automatic Identification System (AIS)

5.258 A system for helping aircraft land on the ground by telling Instrument Landing System (glide
Glide line path)
5.264 Power flux density Power flux-density (pfd)

5.266 The radio transmits low power to indicate location in an emergency. Low power satellite emergency
via satellite position-indicating radio beacon
5.268 The angle at which the wave Angle of arrival
5.287 propagates Communications around the ship On-board communication
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5.337 signal repeater Transponder


international vocabulary

5.351 Translation: The network connecting the world and space. Feeder link

5.364 The density of Currently sending equivalent broadcasts Peak e.i.r.p. density

Maximum isotropic
5.364 The density of Currently sending equivalent broadcasts Mean air density
Average isotropic

5.379C Total power flux density, high Aggregate power flux-density

5.388A range floating base High altitude platform station (HAPS)
5.388B station Flux density power of the radio frequency channel Co-channel power-flux density
same channel

5.391 Mobile systems in which the use of radio frequencies is High-density mobile system

High density for use

5.410 Tropical Scatter System Default Tropospheric scatter system
5.414A values to be followed to coordinate the ship's Threshold for coordination

5.425 system which is responsible for inquiring and reviewing Shipborne interrogator-transponder

signal (SIT) system

5.427 Radar response device to indicate Radar beacons (corners)

5.438 location, radio height Radio altimeter

5.443B measurement device Microwave system Microwave landing system

5.447E bringing the aircraft to the ground Fixed Fixed wireless access system
5.458A wireless access system, spectral line observation Spectral line observations
5.470 Doppler navigation aid Doppler navigation aids
5.474 Search and Rescue Transponder

5.511C Transmitting an isotropic equivalent broadcast. Effective


5.522B The orbital point furthest Apogee

5.528 from Earth An antenna with a localized wave Narrow spot-beam antenna
5.549A beam. Average power flux density. Mean power-flux density
5.551H Equivalent power flux density. equivalent power-flux density

Note: The above terminology also appears in other international footnotes.

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Footnote (at

the end of the National Frequency Spectrum Table (B.E. 2021))

International footnotes

5.53 Government agencies that permit the use of radio frequencies lower than 8.3 kHz must ensure that they do not

There is severe interference to various radio communications services that use frequencies higher than 8.3 kHz.

5.54 Government agencies that operate Persons conducting scientific research using radio frequencies below 8.3

kHz should notify the relevant authorities. and other relevant government offices to know. To consider taking

steps to protect scientific research from severe interference as far as practicable (WRC-12), radio
5.54A communications stations using the frequency band 8.3-11.3 kHz for meteorological assistance services must

use only passive services. only Radiocommunication stations using the frequency band 9-11.3 kHz for the

meteorological service must not cause severe interference to stations in the radionavigation service that were

registered with the Radiocommunications Office before 1 January 2013. for joint use between stations in the

meteorological service and stations in the radio service Guides registered after 1 January 2013 comply with
ITU-R RS.1881 (WRC-12) recommendations. Additional designations: in Algeria, Saudi

5.54B Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, United Arab Emirates. Russian Federation The Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,

Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic, Sudan and Tunisia also designate the frequency band

8.3-9 kHz for the radio, navigation, fixed and mobile services. It is classified as a primary activity (WRC-15).
Additional designations: In China, the frequency band 8.3-9 kHz is designated for the maritime

5.54C radionavigation and maritime mobile services. It is classified as a primary activity (WRC-12). Additional
designations: In Armenia, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

5.55 and Turkmenistan, the frequency band 14-17 kHz is allocated for also for the radio navigation business,

classified as a main business (WRC-15)

5.56 Radio communications stations using the frequency bands 14-19.95 kHz and 20.05-70 kHz and radio stations

Communications in Region 1 using the 72-84 kHz and 86-90 kHz bands may be required to transmit standard

frequency and time signals. and is protected from Severe disturbances occurred in Armenia, Azerbaijan,

Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The radio

frequencies 25 kHz and 50 kHz are used for this purpose under the same conditions (WRC-12). The use of the
bands 14-19.95 kHz, 20.05-70 kHz and 70-90 kHz (72-84

5.57 kHz and 86-90 kHz in the region 1) In the maritime mobile service, it is limited to use only coastal radiotelegraph

stations (broadcasting A1A and F1B only). However, J2B or J7B can be broadcast by using the required band
width. The necessary signal must not exceed the required waveband width. It is necessary to broadcast A1A or

F1B in that frequency band. Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russian Federation, Georgia,

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and

5.58 Turkmenistan. The station also specifies the frequency band 67-70 kHz for the radio navigation business, which
is classified as the main business (WRC-2000).
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5.59 Different types of business: In Bangladesh and Pakistan, the frequency band is 70-72 kHz.

and 84-86 kHz for regular business location and maritime mobile operations It is classified as the main business.

(See Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-2000)

5.60 Radio navigation systems that transmit pulses may use the frequency band 70-90 kHz (70-86 kHz in the

Region 1) and 110-130 kHz (112-130 kHz in Region 1) provided that

Must not cause serious interference to other businesses using the said frequency band.

5.61 Setting up and using stations in the radio business for marine navigation in Region 2, which uses the frequency band 70-90

kHz and 110-130 kHz are subject to mutual agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations with

Government agencies that may be affected Stations in fixed business, mobile business

Marine and radio business The position must not cause serious interference to the local station.

Maritime radio navigation business which has established stations under the said agreement

5.62 Government agencies that set up stations in the radio business navigation which uses the frequency band 90-110 kHz

There should be coordination in technical and operational aspects to avoid interference.

severely affecting the radio navigation business

5.63 (SUP – WRC-97)

5.64 to stations in regular business places that use the frequency band Between radio frequencies 90 kHz and 160 kHz

(between radio frequencies 90 kHz and 148.5 kHz in Region 1) and stations in the business

Maritime movement using the frequency band Between radio frequencies 110 kHz and 160 kHz (between

Radio frequencies 110 kHz and 148.5 kHz in Region 1) broadcast as A1A or F1B,

A2C, A3C, F1C or F3C only, and stations in the maritime mobile service broadcast

J2B or J7B in the frequency band Between radio frequencies 110 kHz and 160 kHz (between radio frequencies 110 kHz and 160 kHz

110 kHz and 148.5 kHz radio in Region 1) also

5.65 Different types of business: In Bangladesh, the frequency bands 112-117.6 kHz and 126-

129 kHz for daily business location and maritime mobile operations It is classified as a main business (see section

5.33 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-2000)

5.66 Different types of business: In Germany, the frequency band 115-117.6 kHz is specified for

Fixed business and maritime mobile business It is classified as a main business (see Section 5.33 of

radio regulations) and specify the frequency band 115-117.6 kHz for radio navigation business.

It is classified as a secondary business (see Section 5.32 of the Radio Regulations).

5.67 Additional Designations: In Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan set the frequency band 130-148.5 kHz.

for the radio navigation business as well, which is classified as a secondary business This business has the right to operate only.

equally both within the country and between such countries (WRC-19)

5.67A Stations in the amateur radio service that use radio frequencies in the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz must use power.

Sends an isotropic equivalent broadcast. Maximum power is not more than 1 watt and must not cause interference.

severely against stations in the radio business Navigation in various countries according to Section 5.67 of the Radio Regulations

5.67B in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic, Sudan, South Sudan and Tunisia.

Use of the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz is limited to regular use. location and mobile business

sea. However, the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz is not used in the amateur radio business in various countries.

As stated above, countries that allow the use of the said frequency band for amateur radio operations must: Please consider this matter.

With (WRC-19)
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5.68 Alternative designation: in the Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo and south africa

The frequency band 160-200 kHz is also specified for fixed business, classified as the main business (WRC-


5.69 Additional allocation: In Somalia, the frequency band 200-255 kHz is allocated to the navigation service.

via aviation as well It is classified as the main business.

5.70 Alternative designation: in Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of

Congo, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria.

Oman, Democratic Republic of the Congo South Africa, Tanzania, Chad, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Specifies the frequency band 200-283.5 kHz for the marine radio business. aviation directions Organized as a business

Main (WRC-19)
5.71 (SUP – WRC-19)
5.72 (SUP – WRC-12)
5.73 The maritime radio navigation service may use the frequency band 285-325 kHz (283.5-325 kHz in the

Region 1) in sending information on imports Additional directions using the narrow band technique, which has

The condition is that it must not cause serious interference to the radio station. Position in radio business

Navigation (WRC-97)

5.74 Additional designations: In Region 1, the frequency band 285.3-285.7 kHz is designated for:

Maritime radio navigation business (other than position radio) is classified as the main business.

5.75 Different types of entity: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation.

Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and the Black Sea region of

Romania specifies the frequency band 315-325 kHz for the maritime radio navigation service, classified as

main business and there are conditions that in the Baltic Sea region Frequency allocation to new stations

In the radio business aviation directions or maritime radio navigation business, there must be discussion between

relevant government agencies first (WRC-07)

5.76 Specifies the use of radio frequency 410 kHz for radio direction finding in the maritime radio navigation service.

Other radio navigation services using the frequency band 405-415 kHz must not cause significant interference.

Harsh on radio direction finding in the frequency band 406.5-413.5 kHz.

5.77 Different types of activities: in Australia, China, French Overseas Communities in the

Region 3, Republic of Korea, India Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Pakistan, Papua

New Guinea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Sri Lanka are assigned to the frequency band 415-495.

kHz for the aviation radio navigation service, which is the primary service in Armenia.

Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Specifies the frequency band 435-495 kHz for the radio business. aviation directions Organized as a business

Principles: Government agencies in such countries must: and take the necessary steps.

Do everything practicable to ensure that aviation navigation radio stations using the frequency band 435-495

kHz does not interfere with shore stations receiving radio frequencies from ship stations that transmit radio frequencies.

Requires ship stations to be used worldwide (WRC-19)

5.78 Different types of activity: in Cuba, the United States and Mexico, the frequency band 415- is assigned.

435 kHz for radio business aviation directions It is classified as the main business.

5.79 In the maritime mobile service, the frequency bands 415 - 495 kHz and 505 - 526.5 kHz are restricted to use.

only for radiotelegraph business and may be used for for navigation information systems
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(NAVDAT) according to the latest recommendations of ITU-R M.2010 under an agreement between interested

and affected government agencies. Transmission stations in the Navigation Data System (NAVDAT) are
limited to shore stations (WRC-19). Establishment of

5.79A shore stations to provide the Navigation Information System (NAVTEX) uses the radio frequency 490 kHz.

518 kHz and 4 209.5 kHz. Responsible government agencies should strongly to coordinate regarding the
nature of operations and the operations of that side station according to the process of the International

Maritime Organization (see Resolution 339 (Rev.WRC-07)) (WRC-07) in Region 2 stipulates

5.80 the use of the frequency band 435-495 kHz in the maritime radio service. Aviation navigation is limited to

radio signals. omni-directional position which has no sound broadcast Radio

5.80A communication stations in the amateur radio service in the frequency band 472-479 kHz are limited to

isotropic equivalent broadcast power not exceeding 1 watt. State governors may increase such transmission

power up to 5 watts in covered state jurisdictions. from the border in Algeria Saudi Arabia Azerbaijan Bahrain

Belarus China Comoros Djibouti Egypt United Arab Emirates Emirates Russian Federation Islamic Republic

of Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Uzbekistan, Qatar,

Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine and Yemen, radio stations in the

frequency band This must not cause serious interference or require protection against the radio station.

Communications in radio business (WRC-12) in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China,

Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt. The United Arab Emirates, Russian

5.80B Federation, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Syrian

Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen are designated to use the frequency band. 472-479

kHz only in the maritime mobile service and the aviation radio navigation service. For the amateur radio
service, this frequency band cannot be used and consideration should be given to its use in countries where

it is permitted (WRC- 12)

5.81 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.82 In the maritime mobile service, the radio frequency 490 kHz is specified to be used only for transmission by

shore stations for Notification in navigation navigation and meteorology Urgent news was also communicated

to ships using narrowband telegrams which could be printed directly. The use of radio frequency 490 kHz

has conditions according to Section 31 and Section 52 for the use of frequency band 415-495 kHz in the

radio business. When it comes to aviation navigation, government agencies must ensure that will not cause

severe interference to the 490 kHz radio frequency band. For use in the 472-479 kHz band in the amateur

radio service, government agencies must ensure that Will not cause serious interference to radio frequencies 490 kHz.

5.82A (SUP – WRC-12)

5.82B (SUP – WRC-12)

5.82C The frequency band 495 – 505 kHz is used for the international navigation data system (NAVDAT) according

to the latest ITU-R M.2010 recommendations by the navigation data system (NAVDAT) transmitter.

Restricted to use only shore stations (WRC-19)

5.83 (SUP – WRC-07)

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5.84 Use of radio frequency 518 kHz in maritime mobile operations There are conditions according to Section 31 and Section

52 (WRC-07)
5.86 In Region 2, radio broadcasting stations using the frequency band 525-535 kHz must use power.

The carrier wave must not exceed 1 kilowatt during the day and not exceed 250 watts at night.

5.87 Additional designations: in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho Malawi Mozambique Namibia

and Niger has specified the frequency band 526.5-535 kHz for mobile businesses as well, classified as

Secondary business (WRC-19)

5.87A Additional designations: In Uzbekistan, the frequency band 526.5-1 606.5 kHz is designated for:

radio navigation business as well, which is classified as the main business which is subject to mutual agreement under clause 9.21 of

Radio regulations and government agencies of relevant government offices and is limited to position radios.

located above ground which is in operation as of 27 October 1997 until the end of its useful life.

5.88 Additional designations: In China, the frequency band 526.5-535 kHz is designated for the radio navigation service.

by aviation as well It is classified as a secondary business.

5.89 In Region 2, radio stations using the frequency band 1 605-1 705 kHz must operate.

According to the Rio de Janeiro Plan, 1988

Allocation of radio frequency channels in the frequency band 1 625-1 705 kHz to stations in fixed services and

Mobile businesses must take into account the 1988 Rio de Janeiro Plan.

5.90 In cases related to radio broadcasting stations In Region 2, which uses the frequency band 1 605-

1 705 kHz Marine mobile station communication service area in Region 1 is limited.

Service areas follow spread above ground.

5.91 Additional designations: In the Philippines and Sri Lanka, designated frequency band 1 606.5-1 705 kHz.

also for the broadcasting business It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-97).

5.92 Some countries in Region 1 use radio surveillance and search systems in the area.

Frequency 1 606.5-1 625 kHz 1 635-1 800 kHz 1 850-2 160 kHz 2 194-2 300 kHz

2 502-2 850 kHz and 3 500-3 800 kHz, subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Regulations.

Radio stations in the above system must use The average broadcast power does not exceed 50 watts.

5.93 Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary.

Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan

Slovakia, Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, assigned frequency band 1 625-1 635

kHz 1 800-1 810 kHz and 2 160-2 170 kHz for regular business stationary and mobile operations

by land as well, classified as the main business This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Regulations.

Radio (WRC-15)

5.96 in Germany, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia.

Russian Federation Finland Georgia Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Kazakhstan

Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Norway, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan

Slovakia Czech Republic United Kingdom Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan

Turkmenistan and Ukraine state administrations may impose Specified frequency band 1 715-1 800

kHz and 1 850-2 000 kHz, total width 200 kHz, for the amateur radio service in

Specify the frequency band for regulations for the amateur radio business in each country, government agencies

Must discuss with the agency. to the government offices of neighboring countries first and must proceed accordingly
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Necessary steps to prevent the amateur radio service from causing serious interference to the fixed service

and mobile operations of other countries, any amateur radio station must use an average power not exceeding 10


5.97 In Region 3, the long-range navigation assistance system uses radio frequency 1 850 kHz, which covers the band.

Waves 1 825-1 875 kHz or use radio frequencies 1 950 kHz covering the wave band 1 925-

1 975 kHz Other businesses in the frequency band 1 800-2 000 kHz may use radio frequencies provided that

The condition is that it must not cause serious interference to the navigation assistance system. Long-range navigation that uses frequencies

Radio 1 850 kHz or 1 950 kHz

5.98 Alternative designation: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, Republic of

Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, Russian Federation, Georgia, Greece, Italy

Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Tajikistan.

Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Turkey allocate the frequency band 1 810-1 830 kHz to businesses.
fixed and mobile businesses, except aviation mobile businesses It is classified as the main business.

5.99 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Austria, Iraq, Libya, Uzbekistan, Slovakia
Romania, Slovenia, Chad and Togo are assigned the frequency band 1 810-1 830 kHz for businesses.

stationary and mobile businesses as well It is classified as the main business. which does not include mobile businesses

Aviation (WRC-12)
5.100 In Region 1, the use of the frequency band 1 810-1 830 kHz is permitted in the amateur radio service.

In countries with all or part of the area above the 40° North line, this is allowed only if

Consultation has been held with various countries in accordance with Articles 5.98 and 5.99 of the Radio Regulations to determine

The steps are necessary to prevent severe interference between amateur radio stations and

Stations in fixed business and mobile business according to Sections 5.98 and 5.99 of the Radio Regulations.
5.101 (SUP – WRC-12)
5.102 Optional allocation: in Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Peru the frequency bands 1 850-2 000 are allocated.
kHz for fixed business and mobile business except for aviation mobile business.

Radio positioning business and radio navigation business are classified as core businesses (WRC-15)
5.103 In Region 1, frequency allocation in band 1 850-2 045 kHz 2 194-2 498
kHz 2 502-2 625 kHz and 2 650-2 850 kHz to stations in regular business place and business

Mobile Government agencies should be aware of the special needs of mobile enterprises.
By sea

5.104 In Region 1, meteorological services are required to use the frequency band 2 025-2 045 kHz.

Limited to oceanographic buoy stations

5.105 In Region 2, except in Greenland, shore stations and ship stations which uses radio telephones in the area
Frequency 2 065-2 107 kHz is limited to J3E wave propagation and uses peak power not exceeding 1

kilowatts. However, the carrier frequency should be used 2 065.0 kHz 2 079.0 kHz 2 082.5 kHz 2 086.0

kHz 2 093.0 kHz 2 096.5 kHz 2 100.0 kHz and 2 103.5 kHz in Argentina and
Uruguay uses carrier frequencies 2 068.5 kHz and 2 075.5 kHz for this purpose, using radio frequencies in

Frequency band 2 072-2 075.5 kHz according to Article 52.165 of the Radio Regulations.

5.106 In Regions 2 and 3, stations in regular business a place of communication within the territory of

country using Devices with an average power not exceeding 50 watts may use radio frequencies between 2 065 kHz and 2 107.
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kHz without causing serious interference to maritime mobile operations.

Radio frequency registration The radio communications office should take into account these requirements as well.

5.107 Additional designations: in Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Iraq, Libya and
Somalia specifies frequency band 2 160-2 170 kHz for regular business. stationary and mobile operations

as well, classified as the main business This does not include aviation mobile operations on commercial flight routes.

Stations in this business must use The average power must not exceed 50 watts (WRC-19)

5.108 Carrier frequency 2 182 kHz is an international radio frequency for reporting disaster situations using radio.

Telephone use of radio frequency 2 173.5-2 190.5 kHz has conditions according to Section 31 and Section 52.

5.109 Radio frequency 2 187.5 kHz 4 207.5 kHz 6 312 kHz 8 414.5 kHz 12 577 kHz and

16 804.5 kHz is the international radio frequency for reporting disasters. Using digital methods to call

Specifically, the use of radio frequencies is subject to conditions in accordance with Section 31.

5.110 Radio frequency 2 174.5 kHz 4 177.5 kHz 6 268 kHz 8 376.5 kHz 12 520 kHz and

16 695 kHz is the international radio frequency for reporting disasters. using narrowband telegraphy

which can be printed directly The use of radio frequencies is subject to conditions in accordance with Section 31.

5.111 Using carrier frequencies 2 182 kHz 3 023 kHz 5 680 kHz 8 364 kHz and radio frequencies

121.5 MHz 156.525 MHz 156.8 MHz and 243 MHz may be used in search and

Assist in cases involving manned spacecraft. The use of radio frequencies is subject to conditions.

Article 31 The above requirements apply to radio frequencies 10 003 kHz, 14 993 kHz and 19 993 kHz.

in this case must radiate within a range of ÿ 3 kHz of each radio frequency (WRC-07)
5.112 Optional allocation: In Sri Lanka, frequency band 2 194-2 300 kHz is allocated to businesses.

Fixed and mobile business It is classified as the main business. This does not include aviation mobile operations.

5.113 Use of the frequency band 2 300-2 495 kHz (2 300-2 498 kHz in Region 1) 3 200-3 400
kHz 4 750-4 995 kHz and 5 005-5 060 kHz in the broadcasting business There are conditions to follow.

Clauses 5.16 to 5.20, 5.21 and 23.3 to 23.10 of the Radio Regulations
5.114 Optional allocation: In Iraq, band 2 502-2 625 kHz is allocated to the fixed service.

and mobile business It is classified as the main business. which does not include aviation mobile operations (WRC-


5.115 A station in the Maritime Mobile Operations which is a station for joint search and rescue operations.

May use carrier frequencies (reference frequency) 3 023 kHz and 5 680 kHz according to Section 31

5.116 Government agencies should allow the use of the frequency band 3 155-3 195 kHz to provide channels.

Radio frequencies shared around the world for for low-powered wireless hearing aids. The governing body of

The government may allocate additional radio frequency channels for for such devices in the frequency band between 3 155

kHz and 3 400 kHz to suit the needs of each area.

Radio frequencies in the range 3 000 kHz to 4 000 kHz are suitable radio frequencies for for assistive devices

Listeners designed for use within a short-range induction field.

5.117 Alternative allocation: In Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Togo, designated frequency bands

3 155-3 200 kHz for regular business fixed and mobile businesses classified as main businesses which are not

Including aviation mobility business (WRC-19)

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5.118 Additional designations: In the United States, Mexico and Peru, designated frequency bands 3 230-3 400.

kHz for the radio location service as well, classified as a secondary service (WRC-19)

5.119 Additional designations: In Peru, bands 3 500-3 750 kHz are designated for fixed services.

and mobile business as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-15).

5.120 (SUP – WRC-2000)

5.122 Alternative allocation: Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru have designated frequency bands.

3 750-4 000 kHz for regular business also includes stationary and mobile businesses, excluding mobile businesses

Aviation, classified as a main activity (WRC-15)

5.123 Additional designations: in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho Malawi Mozambique Namibia South Africa

Zambia and Zimbabwe specify the frequency band 3 900-3 950 kHz for broadcasting services.

as well, classified as the main business This is based on agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19).

5.124 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.125 Additional allocation: In Greenland, the frequency band 3 950-4 000 kHz is allocated to businesses.

Broadcasting too It is classified as the main business. Radio stations broadcasting in this frequency band must use power.

Send as much as is necessary. necessary to provide domestic broadcasting services and must not exceed 5

kilowatts in all cases

5.126 In Region 3, stations in various businesses in the frequency band 3 995-4 005 kHz may transmit frequencies.

Standard and time signals are possible.

5.127 The use of the frequency band 4 000-4 063 kHz in the maritime mobile service is limited to ship stations that

Communicate using radio telephones (see Section 52.220 and Appendix 17 of the Radio Regulations).

5.128 station in daily business that may use radio frequencies (with exemption) in the frequency band 4 063-

4 123 kHz and 4 130-4 438 kHz for communication within national boundaries using

The average power must not exceed 50 watts, provided that it does not cause serious interference to mobile businesses.

By sea, in Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Botswana, Burkina Faso.

Central African Republic, China, Russian Federation, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Mali, Niger

Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine provide stations in the operation.

Stationary with an average power not exceeding 1 kilowatt uses the frequency band 4 063-4 123 kHz 4 130-4 133

kHz and 4 408-4 438 kHz, provided that station in daily business which must be located away from the shore

At least 600 km and must not cause serious interference to maritime mobile operations.

5.129 SUP (WRC-07)
5.130 The use of carrier frequencies 4 125 kHz and 6 215 kHz is subject to conditions according to Section 31 and Section 52.

of Radio Regulations (WRC-07)

5.131 Specified to use radio frequency 4 209.5 kHz only for transmission by shore stations. For notification of use

Road and Meteorology Including sending urgent news to ships using narrowband techniques.

which can be printed directly (WRC-97)

5.132 Radio frequency 4 210 kHz 6 314 kHz 8 416.5 kHz 12 579 kHz 16 806.5 kHz 19 680.5

kHz 22 376 kHz and 26 100.5 kHz are international radio frequencies used to transmit news about

Maritime Safety Information (MSI: Maritime Safety Information) (see Appendix 17)

5.132A Radio communication stations in the radio business The position must not cause serious disturbances or complaints.

Request protection from radio communication stations in daily business stationary and mobile Use in business
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Radio positioning must be limited to oceanographic radars according to Resolution 612 (Rev.WRC-12).


5.132B Alternative allocation: in Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, designated frequency bands

4 438-4 488 kHz for regular business Stationary and mobile businesses, excluding mobile businesses

Aviation on commercial flight routes as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-19).

5.133 Different types of entity: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation.

Georgia Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Niger Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan

Turkmenistan and Ukraine designate frequency band 5 130-5 250 kHz for the mobile service.

It is classified as a primary activity (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations), which does not include the aviation mobile business.


5.133A Optional designation: In Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, the frequency bands 5 250-5 275 kHz and 26 200-26 350 kHz

are assigned to For regular business stationary and mobile operations

It is classified as the main business. which does not include Aviation Mobile Business (WRC-19)

5.133B Stations in the amateur radio business In the frequency band 5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz, the average power must not exceed

15 watts(eirp) However, in Region 2 in Mexico, stations in the amateur radio service In the frequency band 5 351.5-5

366.5 kHz, a maximum transmitting power of not more than 20 watts (eirp) must be used in the area.

Region 2 in Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,

Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dominica, El Salvador.

Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia,

Saint Kitts and Nevis. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela and the

Netherlands Overseas Territory.

In Region 2, stations in the amateur radio business In the frequency band 5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz

Must use a maximum transmitting power of not more than 25 watts (eirp) (WRC-19)

5.134 Use of the frequency band 5 900-5 950 kHz 7 300-7 350 kHz 9 400-9 500 kHz 11 600-

11 650 kHz 12 050-12 100 kHz 13 570-13 600 kHz 13 800-13 870 kHz 15 600-
15 800 kHz 17 480-17 550 kHz and 18 900-19 020 kHz in the broadcasting business must

Comply with Section 12 by requesting that the agency Government offices broadcast digitally according to the regulations.

Resolution No. 517 (Rev.WRC-19) (WRC-19)

5.135 SUP (WRC-97)

5.136 Additional designations: Stations in the fixed service (all regional areas) in the mobile service

Land (in Region 1) in mobile operations Except for aviation mobile operations on flight routes.

Commerce (in Regions 2 and 3) may use radio frequencies in the band 5 900-5 950 kHz.

Communicate within the borders of the country With the condition that Must not cause any disturbance.

Harsh to the broadcasting business The use of radio frequencies in various activities such as the agency

Government facilities should use the lowest possible power and be mindful of the business' seasonal use of radio frequencies.

Broadcasting (WRC-07)

5.137 Under the condition that The use of radio frequencies must not cause serious interference to the business.

moving by sea station in daily business A place of communication within the borders of the country by

Using an average power not exceeding 50 watts, may use radio frequencies. (with exemption) in the frequency band 6 200-

6 213.5 kHz and 6 220.5-6 525 kHz kHz which the Radio Communications Office will take into account

Conditions mentioned above when notifying of radio frequency registration

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5.138 Specify the frequency band as follows:

6 765-6 795 kHz (Center frequency 6 780 kHz)

433.05-434.79 MHz (center frequency 433.92 MHz) in Region 1

Except in countries according to Article 5.280 of the Radio Regulations.

61-61.5 GHz (Center frequency 61.25 GHz)

122-123 GHz (center frequency 122.5 GHz) and

244-246 GHz (Center frequency 245 GHz)

For the application of radio frequency energy in industry Science and medicine

(ISM) The application of ISM in this frequency band must be as determined by the administrative agency.

specified by the government and in accordance with agreements with government agencies State directors who may receive

Impact on using the frequency band according to regulations In accordance with this requirement, the agency State directors must take into account

Relevant International Telecommunication Union recommendations

5.138A SUP (WRC-12)

5.139 SUP (WRC-12)
5.140 Additional designations: In Angola, Iraq, Somalia and Togo, designated frequency bands 7 000-7 050.

kHz for fixed business as well, classified as the main business (WRC-15)

5.141 Alternative allocation: In Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Libya, Madagascar and Niger, the band 7 000-7 050 kHz is

allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis.


5.141A Additional designations: in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, the frequency band is 7 000-7 100.
kHz and 7 100-7 200 kHz for regular business and land mobile operations as well.

It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-03).

5.141B Additional Designations: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Bahrain, Botswana

Brunei Darussalam China Comoros Republic of Korea Dego Garcia Djibouti Egypt United Arab Emirates

EmiratesEritrea Indonesian Guinea Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya

Mali Morocco Mauritania Niger New Zealand Oman Papua New Guinea Qatar Arab Republic

Syria, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sudan South Sudan, Tunisia, Vietnam
and Yemen, the frequency band 7 100-7 200 kHz is specified for regular business. place and business

Mobile, excluding aviation mobile operations on commercial flight routes, which are classified as

Main activities (WRC-19)

5.141C SUP (WRC-12)

5.142 Amateur radio businesses in Region 2 that use the frequency band 7 200-7 300 kHz must not be

Obstacles to broadcasting business in Region 1 and Region 3 (WRC-12)

5.143 Additional designation: Stations in regular business Stationary and land mobile operations may use radio frequencies.
in the frequency band 7 300-7 350 kHz for communication within the borders of the country with

The condition is that it must not cause serious interference to the broadcasting business. use of radio frequencies

In fixed and land mobile operations, government agencies should use the minimum possible force.

and taking into account the seasonal use of radio frequencies by broadcasting businesses (WRC-07)

5.143A in Region 3 determines the frequency band 7 350-7 450 kHz for fixed business, classified as
Main business and for land mobile business It is classified as a secondary business. station in business

As mentioned above, radio frequencies in this frequency band may be used to communicate within the borders of the country.
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With the condition that Must not cause serious interference to the broadcasting business. Frequency use Radios

in fixed and mobile services, government agencies should use the lowest possible power and take into account

the seasonal use of radio frequencies by broadcasting services in accordance with radio regulations.

5.143B in Region 1, the frequency band 7 350-7 450 kHz is specified for the fixed service and for the land mobile service. It is
classified as the main business. station in daily business place and business land movement Can communicate

within the borders of the country with the condition that must not cause Severe interference with the broadcasting

business Each station must use a Total broadcast power does not exceed 24 dBW (WRC-12)

5.143C Additional Designation: After 29 March 2009 in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab

Emirates, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Syrian

Arab Republic, Sudan. South Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen also designate the frequency bands 7 350-7 400 kHz
and 7 400-7 450 kHz for the fixed service on a primary basis (WRC-12).

5.143D in Region 2, the frequency band 7 350-7 400 kHz is specified for fixed and land mobile services. Stations in the activities

mentioned above may use radio frequencies in This frequency band Can communicate within the borders of the
country with the condition that Must not cause any disturbance. Harsh to the broadcasting business In the use

of radio frequencies in fixed and land mobile services, government agencies should use the lowest possible

power and take into account the use of radio frequencies in accordance with Seasonality of broadcasting

business according to radio regulations (WRC-12)

5.143E SUP (WRC-12)

5.144 In Region 3, stations in various businesses in the frequency band 7 995-8 005 kHz may transmit frequencies.

Standard and time signals are

5.145 possible. The use of carrier frequencies 8 291 kHz 12 290 kHz and 16 420 kHz is conditional according to Section 31.

and Section 52 (WRC-07)

5.145A Radio communication stations in the radio business The position must not cause serious disturbances or complaints.

Request protection from radio communication stations in daily business stationary and mobile Their use in the

radio positioning service shall be limited to oceanographic radars in accordance with Resolution 612 (Rev.WRC-12).

5.145B Optional designation: In Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, the frequency bands 9 305-9 355 kHz and 16
100-16 200 kHz are designated for For regular business station and mobile service as well, classified as the

primary service (WRC-19). Additional

5.146 designation: Stations in the fixed service which may use radio frequencies in the frequency band 9 400-9 500
kHz 11 600-11 650 kHz 12 050-12 100 kHz 15 600-15 800 kHz 17 480-17 550

kHz and 18 900-19 020 kHz can communicate within the national borders provided that Must not cause serious

interference to the broadcasting business. In the use of radio frequencies in fixed business, government

agencies should use the lowest possible power and take into account the use of radio frequencies according to

Seasonal broadcasting business (WRC-07) stations

5.147 in regular business States that may use radio frequencies in the bands 9 775-9 900 kHz, 11 650-11 700 kHz
and 11 975-12 050 kHz to communicate within the national borders, provided that
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Must not cause serious interference to the broadcasting business. Each station must use a total
broadcast power not exceeding 24 dBW.

5.148 SUP (WRC-97)

5.149 in the following frequency

bands Frequency allocation to stations in various businesses

13 360-13 410 kHz 3 345.8-3 352.5 MHz 92-94 GHz

25 550-25 670 kHz 4 825-4 835 MHz 94.1-100 GHz

37.5-38.25 MHz 4 950-4 990 MHz 102-109.5 GHz

73-74.6 MHz 4 990-5 000 MHz 111.8-114.25 GHz

In regions 1 and 3 6 650-6 675.2 MHz 128.33-128.59 GHz

150.05-153 MHz 10.6-10.68 GHz 129.23-129.49 GHz

In Region 1 14.47-14.5 GHz 130-134 GHz

322-328.6 MHz 22.01-22.21 GHz 136-148.5 GHz

406.1-410 MHz 22.21-22.5 GHz 151.5-158.5 GHz

608-614 MHz 22.81-22.86 GHz 168.59-168.93 GHz

In regions 1 and 3 23.07-23.12 GHz 171.11-171.45 GHz

1 330-1 400 MHz 31.2-31.3 GHz 172.31-172.65 GHz

1 610.6-1 613.8 MHz 31.5-31.8 GHz 173.52-173.85 GHz

1 660-1 670 MHz In regions 1 and 3 195.75-196.15 GHz

1 718.8-1 722.2 MHz 36.43-36.5 GHz 209-226 GHz

2 655-2 690 MHz 42.5-43.5 GHz 241-250 GHz

3 260-3 267 MHz 48.94-49.04 GHz 252-275 GHz

3 332-3 339 MHz 76-86 GHz

Government agencies should take action Take all possible steps. To protect the radio astronomy

business from severe interference. propagation of waves Aircraft or space stations may cause

serious interference to radio astronomy (see Section 4.5, Section 4.6 and Section 29 of the Radio

Regulations) (WRC-07).

5.149A Alternative allocation: In Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, frequency bands 13 450-13 550 kHz
are allocated to the regular service. stationary and mobile operations It is classified as a main

business, excluding aviation mobile business. Classified as a secondary

5.150 business (WRC-19), the

13 553-13 567 kHz frequency bands are specified as follows

26 957-27 283 kHz (center frequency 13 560 kHz)

40.66-40.70 MHz (center frequency 27 120 kHz)

902-928 MHz (center frequency 40.68 MHz) in Region 2 (center

2 400-2 500 MHz frequency 915 MHz) (center
5 725-5 875 MHz frequency 2 450 MHz), (center
24-24.25 GHz frequency 5 800 MHz) and

(center frequency 24.125 GHz) for industrial applications of radio frequency energy. Science and

Medicine (IMS) Radio communications services in these frequency bands must accept severe

interference which This may be caused by the use of ISM equipment. ISM equipment using this

frequency band is covered by Article 15.13 of the Radio Regulations.

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5.151 Additional designation: Stations in regular business stationary and mobile operations Except for mobile

businesses Aviation on commercial flight routes may use radio frequencies in the frequency bands 13
570-13 600 kHz and 13 800-13 870 kHz to communicate within national borders, provided that Must

not cause serious interference to the broadcasting business. When using radio frequencies in such

activities, government agencies should use the lowest possible power and take into account the use of

frequencies. Seasonal Radio Broadcasting Service

5.152 (WRC-07) Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Russian Federation,

Georgia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Guizstan, Tajikistan,

Turkmenistan and Ukraine also designate the frequency band 14 250-14 350 kHz for the fixed service,
classified as the primary service. Stations on the fixed service that require The broadcasting power

5.153 does not exceed 24 dBW (WRC-03) in Region 3. Stations in various businesses In the frequency band

15 995-16 005 kHz, frequencies

5.154 may be transmitted. standards and time signals. Additional designations: In Armenia, Azerbaijan,

Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, frequency
band 18 is assigned. 068-18 168 kHz for fixed business as well, classified as the main business. For

use within national boundaries with a peak power not

5.155 exceeding 1 kW (WRC-03). Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian

Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan. Moldova, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Tajikistan,

Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the frequency band 21 850-21 870 kHz is allocated to the mobile service.
Aviation on commercial flight routes as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-07).

5.155A in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Uzbekistan,

Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine The use of the frequency band 21 850-21
870 kHz in the fixed service is limited to work related to Aircraft aviation safety (WRC-07) Fixed business

uses the frequency band 21 870-21 924 kHz for

5.155B work related to aviation safety.

Aircraft flight.

5.156 Additional designation: In Nigeria, the frequency band 22 720-23 200 kHz is designated for the

meteorological service. (automatic radio transmitter for transmitting meteorological information) as well, classified as
Main business

5.156A The use of the frequency band 23 200-23 350 kHz in the fixed service is limited to work related to

Aircraft flight safety

5.157 The use of the frequency band 23 350-24 000 kHz in the maritime mobile service is limited to radio.
Telegram between ships

5.158 Optional allocation: In Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan, the frequency band 24 450-24 600
kHz is allocated to regular business. for the fixed and land mobile services on a primary basis (WRC-19).

Alternative allocation: in

5.159 Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, allocation of frequency bands 39-39.5 MHz for regular
business and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as the main business.

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5.160 Additional allocation: In Botswana, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, the

band 41-44 MHz is allocated to the radio service. and aviation navigation as well, classified as a primary
activity (WRC-12).

5.161 Additional designations: In the Islamic Republic of Iran and Japan, the frequency band 41-44 MHz is

designated for the radio positioning service. as a secondary entity. 5.161A

Additional allocation: In the Republic of Korea, the United States and Mexico, frequency bands are assigned to

41.015-41.665 MHz and 43.35-44 MHz for the radio location business, classified as the main business,

radio communications stations in the radio location business The position must not cause significant

disturbance. Violent or requesting protection from a radio station during regular business stationary and

mobile Their use in the radio positioning service shall be limited to oceanographic radars in accordance with the resolution
612 (Rev.WRC-12) (WRC-19)

5.161B Alternative designation: in Albania, Germany, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Cyprus, Vatican City, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Iceland, Italy, Tver LiechtensteinLithuania Luxembourg North Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco

Montenegro Norway Uzbekistan The Netherlands, Portugal, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Czech Republic,

Romania, United Kingdom, San Marino, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine have

designated the frequency band 42-42.5 MHz for their businesses. Regularly and mobile businesses as
well. It is classified as a core activity (WRC-19). Additional designation: In Australia, the frequency

5.162 band 44-47 MHz is designated for distribution services. sound and television business as well It is

classified as a main business (WRC-12).

5.162A Additional designations: in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Vatican, Denmark,

Spain, Estonia, Russian Federation. Finnish French Ireland Iceland Italy

Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway,

Netherlands, Poland, Portugal. Czech Republic United Kingdom, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and

Switzerland. The frequency band 46-68 MHz is also specified for the radio positioning business, which is
classified as a secondary business, limited to radar for detecting wind speed and direction according to Resolution No. 21

(WRC-97) (WRC-19)

5.163 Additional Designations: In Armenia, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova,

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine specifies the frequency bands 47-48.5
MHz and 56.5-58 MHz for regular business. and land mobile operations as a secondary activity (WRC-19).

Additional designations: in Albania, Algeria,

5.164 Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia.

Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Eswatini, Finland, France, Gabon, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel. Italy

Jordan Lebanon Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Mali Malta Morocco Mauritania

Monaco Montenegro Nigeria Norway Netherlands Poland Syrian Arab Republic Slovakia Czech Republic

Romania United Kingdom Serbia Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Chad, Togo, Tunisia and Turkey are

assigned the 47-68 MHz band, in South Africa the 47-50 MHz band and in Latvia the 47-50 MHz band.

48.5-56.5 MHz and 58-68 MHz for land mobile services This is classified as the main business. However,
stations in the land mobile service in the countries mentioned above in the relevant frequency bands

must not
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causing serious disturbance or request rights to protect against interference from the station

Broadcasting radio and television stations, both existing and planned stations in

Countries other than those mentioned in the relevant frequency bands (WRC-19)

5.165 Additional Designations: In Angola, Cameroon, Republic of Congo Egypt Madagascar Mozambique

Niger, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania and Chad are assigned the frequency band 47-68 MHz.
For regular business and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as the main business. which does not include businesses

Aviation mobility (WRC-19)

5.166 SUP (WRC-15)

5.166A Different types of entities: in Austria, Cyprus, Vatican City, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Hungary, Latvia,

Netherlands, Czech Republic. United Kingdom, Slovakia and

Slovenia The frequency band 50.0–50.5 MHz is designated for the amateur radio service and is classified as

Main business: Radio communication stations in the amateur radio business in the said country. must not cause

severe disturbance or requesting rights to protect against interference from stations in the broadcasting business

and television business, fixed business, and mobile business that complies with radio regulations in the area

Frequency 50.0–50.5 MHz in countries not specified above, for stations in the distribution service

sound and television business, fixed business and mobile business Use the protection criteria

Protected against interference in accordance with Section 5.169B of the Radio Regulations. in Region 1, which does not include

Countries as specified in Article 5.169 of the Radio Regulations. Let the radar check your speed and

Wind direction in radio business Position under Section 5.162A of the Radio Regulations has active status

Equal to radio communications stations in the amateur radio business in the frequency band 50.0–50.5 MHz.


5.166B In Region 1, radio communication stations in the amateur radio business which are classified as secondary businesses must not

causing serious disturbance or requesting rights to protect against interference from the station in the business

Broadcasting and television business Value of electric field strength due to radio station

Amateurs in Region 1 in the frequency band 50 - 52 MHz from the calculation must not exceed +6 dB.

(µV/m) at a height of 10 m above ground more than 10% of the time along the border between

Countries in Region 1 that have active radio and television broadcasting stations

analog system and neighboring countries in Region 3 that have radio broadcasting stations and

television radio station As specified in Articles 5.167 and 5.168 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19)

5.166C In Region 1, radio communication stations in the amateur radio service in the frequency band 50-52 MHz,

excluding countries specified in Article 5.169 of the Radio Regulations. Must not cause

Severely disturbing or requesting rights to protect against interference from speed and direction radar.

Wind in radio business Position under Article 5.162A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19)

5.166D Different types of businesses: In Lebanon, the 50-52 MHz frequency band is designated for businesses.

amateur radio It is classified as the main business. Radio communication stations in the amateur radio business

Lebanon must not cause serious disturbances. or request rights to protect against interference from
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Stations in the broadcasting and television business, fixed business and mobile business that complies with radio

regulations in the 50-52 MHz band in other countries (WRC-19)

5.166E in the Russian Federation only frequency band 50.080-50.280 MHz is specified for the radio business.

Amateur, organized as a side business By the criteria for protection against interference for for other businesses

In an unspecified country as required by Sections 5.166B and 5.169B of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19).

5.167 Alternative designation: in Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, India, Islamic Republic of Iran

Pakistan and Singapore designate the frequency band 50-54 MHz for fixed services.

Mobile broadcasting business and television business classified as the main business (WRC-15)

5.167A Additional designations: In Indonesia and Thailand, the frequency band is 50-54 MHz.

For fixed business, mobile business Broadcasting business and television business as well

It is classified as a main business (WRC-15).

5.168 Additional Designations: In Australia, China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

The frequency band 50-54 MHz is also specified for the broadcasting and television businesses.

It is classified as the main business.

5.169 Alternative designation: in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa.

Zambia and Zimbabwe designate the frequency band 50-54 MHz for the amateur radio service.

It is classified as the main business. In Senegal, the frequency band 50-51 MHz is designated for the radio business.

Amateur is classified as the main activity (WRC-19)

5.169A Alternative Designation: In Region 1 countries: Angola, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Burundi, United Arab Emirates,

Gambia, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Uganda, Qatar, South Sudan. and Tanzania, the

frequency band 50-54 MHz is specified

For amateur radio business It is classified as the main business. In Guinea-Bissau, frequency band 50-50.5

MHz specified for amateur radio business It is classified as the main business in Djibouti in the frequency band 50-

52 MHz is specified for the amateur radio business. It is classified as the main business. Radio communication stations in

Amateur radio operations in Region 1 do not include the countries specified in Article 5.169 of the Regulations.

Radios that use some or all of the 50-54 MHz frequency band. Must not cause

Severely disturbing or request rights to protect against interference from the station in other businesses that comply with

Radio regulations in Algeria, Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Palestine*, Syrian Arab Republic

Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Sudan and

Tunisia The electric field strength due to amateur radio stations in the band 50 - 54 MHz must not exceed +6 dB (µV/m) at

a height of 10 m above the ground more than 10% of the time along the country's borders. specified requiring protection

against interference (WRC-19)

5.169B Radio communication stations in the amateur radio service in Region 1 do not include the countries specified in Article

5.169 of the Radio Regulations. that uses part of the 50-54 MHz frequency band or the entire frequency band Must not

cause serious disturbance. or request rights to protection against interference from stations in

* According to Resolution 99 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) and the interim agreement between Israel-Palestine on September 28, 1995
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Other entities complying with radio regulations in Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Russian Federation,

Republic of the Islamic State of Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Uzbekistan, Palestine*, Syrian Arab

Republic, Sudan, Tunisia. and Ukraine labor costs

Electric fields due to amateur radio stations in the band 50-54 MHz must not exceed +6 dB (µV/m) at a height of 10

m above the ground for more than 10% of the time along the border.

of the said country (WRC-19)

5.170 Additional Designations: In New Zealand, The frequency band 51-54 MHz is specified for fixed business.

and mobile business as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-15).

5.171 Additional designations: in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, Republic of
Democratic Congo, Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are assigned frequency bands 54-68.

MHz for regular business and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as the main business. which does not include

Aviation Mobile Business (WRC-19)

5.172 Different types of activities: in the French overseas communities and provinces in the

Region 2 Guyana, Jamaica and Mexico are assigned the frequency band 54-68 MHz for businesses.

Fixed and mobile business It is classified as a main business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations).

5.173 Different types of activities: in the French overseas communities and provinces in the

Region 2 and Guyana designate the 68-72 MHz frequency band for fixed and

mobile business It is classified as a core business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-15).

5.174 SUP (WRC-07)

5.175 Alternative designation: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia.

Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

Specifies the frequency bands 68-73 MHz and 76-87.5 MHz for broadcasting and

Television is classified as the main business. In Latvia and Lithuania, the frequency band is 68-73 MHz.

and 76-87.5 MHz for broadcasting businesses Television business and mobile business

It is classified as the main business. This does not include aviation mobile operations and various operations.

in other countries and the operation of broadcasting and television businesses in various countries

The above is based on agreements with relevant neighboring countries (WRC-07).

5.176 Additional Designations: In Australia, China, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Republic of

The People's Democratic Republic of Korea and Samoa specify the frequency band 68-74 MHz for businesses.

broadcasting and television business as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-07).

5.177 Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia.

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine define the district.
Frequency 73-74 MHz for broadcasting and television businesses as well. Organized as a business

This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07).
5.178 Additional Designations: In the Republic of Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana.

Honduras and Nicaragua designate the frequency band 73-74.6 MHz for fixed and

Mobile business too It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-12).

* According to Resolution 99 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) and the interim agreement between Israel-Palestine on September 28, 1995
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5.179 Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Russian Federation, Georgia.

Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine

Frequency bands 74.6-74.8 MHz and 75.2-75.4 MHz for the radio business including aviation directions

It is classified as the main Limited to ground-based transmitters only (WRC-12)

5.180 business. Radio frequency 75 MHz is the radio frequency allocated to radio transmitters to indicate the location of agencies.

Government agencies must not allocate other frequencies adjacent to the edge of the protected spectrum.

Interference due to geographic location or The transmission power of other stations may be the cause of the

Severely disturbing or is an obstacle to doing and the operation of the radio location transmitter.

Every effort should be made. To improve the characteristics of aircraft receivers

and limit the transmitting power of transmitting stations adjacent to the radio frequencies 74.8 MHz and 75.2 MHz.

5.181 Additional designations: in Egypt, Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic determine the frequency band

74.8-75.2 MHz for mobile businesses as well It is classified as a secondary business. which depends on the agreement

Under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations and to ensure that there is no serious interference to the station.

In the radio business aviation directions Stations in the mobile business will operate can be operated in this frequency band

Only when the agency other government agencies involved do not wish to use this frequency band in navigation services

no longer an aviation route (WRC-03)

5.182 Additional allocation: In Western Samoa, the frequency band 75.4-87 MHz is allocated to businesses.

broadcasting and television business as well It is classified as the main business.

5.183 Additional designations: in China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea

Korean People's Democracy The frequency band 76-87 MHz has been specified for the broadcasting business.

and television business as well It is classified as the main business.

5.184 SUP (WRC-07)

5.185 Different business types: in the United States Community boundaries and overseas provinces of

France in Region 2, Guyana and Paraguay designates the frequency band 76-88 MHz for

Fixed business and mobile business It is classified as a main business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations).

5.186 SUP (WRC-97)
5.187 Optional allocation: In Albania, the frequency band 81-87.5 MHz is allocated to businesses.

Broadcasting and television business are classified as main activities. and use is in accordance with the provisions

of the Geneva Conventions, 1960

5.188 Additional allocation: In Australia, the 85-87 MHz frequency band is designated for distribution services.

sound and television business as well It is classified as the main business. and depends on the specific agreement

between agencies and relevant government offices

5.190 Additional allocation: In Monaco, the 87.5-88 MHz frequency band is allocated to the mobile service.

by land as well, classified as the main business This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

5.192 Additional Designations: In China and the Republic of Korea, Specified frequency band 100-108 MHz

For regular business and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as a main business (WRC-97).

5.194 Additional designations: In Kyrgyzstan, Somalia and Turkmenistan, frequency band 104- is designated.

108 MHz for mobile business as well It is classified as a secondary business. which does not include mobile businesses

Aviation on commercial flight routes (WRC-19)

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5.197 Additional allocation: In the Syrian Arab Republic, the frequency band 108-111.975 MHz is also allocated to the
mobile service. It is classified as a secondary business. This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the

Radio Regulations and to ensure that There will be no serious interference to stations in the aviation radio
navigation service. Stations in the mobile business will operate can operate in this frequency band only if other

government agencies involved do not wish to use this frequency band for navigation services. no longer requires

aviation navigation (WRC-12)

5.197A Additional designation: Specifies the frequency band 108-117.975 MHz for mobile services. Aviation on commercial

flight routes as well It is classified as a core business, limited to systems that operate according to accepted

international aviation standards. Such use is governed by Resolution 413 (Rev.WRC-07) on the use of the
frequency band 108-112 MHz for the aviation mobile service in Commercial flight routes is limited to systems

consisting of a ground-based transmitter and receiver. It is a system that operations related to navigation data

to support navigation aviation directions According to accepted international aviation standards (WRC-07)

5.198 SUP (WRC-07)

5.199 SUP (WRC-07)

5.200 In the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz, the radio frequency 121.5 MHz is the radio frequency used to report

incidents. For aviation emergencies, if necessary, the 123.1 MHz radio frequency may be used in conjunction

with the 121.5 MHz radio frequency. Mobile stations in the maritime mobile service may use this radio frequency.

Communicate with stations in the aviation mobile service for disaster notification and safety purposes, subject to

the conditions of Article 31 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07). Additional

5.201 provisions: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bela Russia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary,

Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Uzbekistan, Papua New Guinea,

Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Senegal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. The frequency band 132-136

MHz is also specified for aviation mobile services off commercial flight routes. It is classified as the main
business. Wave allocation Frequencies for stations in the aviation mobile service outside of commercial flight

routes must be determined. frequency is taken into account Radios allocated to stations in the aviation mobile

service on commercial air routes (WRC-19). Additional designations: in Saudi Arabia, Armenia,
5.202 Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates. Russia, Georgia, the Islamic

Republic of Iran, Jordan, Mali, Oman, Uzbekistan, Poland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Romania,

Senegal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the frequency band 136-137 MHz is allocated to the mobile

service. on flights outside of commercial flight routes as well. It is classified as a core business. The allocation
of frequencies to stations in the aeronautical mobile service off commercial flight routes must take into account

the radio frequencies allocated to stations in the aeronautical mobile service on commercial flight routes

5.203 SUP (WRC-07)

5.203A SUP (WRC-07)

5.203B SUP (WRC-07)

5.203C Use of space operations (Space-to-Earth) A satellite system with a geostationary orbit used for short-term

missions. In the frequency band 137-138 MHz, resolution No. 660 (WRC-19) and Resolution No. 32 (WRC-19)

are also effective. Such systems must not cause serious interference.
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or request rights to prevent interference from existing businesses that are classified as the main businesses in the said

frequency band (WRC-19)

5.204 Different types of affairs: in Afghanistan Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam,

China, Cuba, United Arab Emirates, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Montenegro,

Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand and Yemen, the frequency band 137-138
MHz is assigned to for regular business stationary and mobile operations It is classified as a primary

activity (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations), which does not include the aviation mobile business.
On commercial airline routes

5.205 (WRC-19), different types of operations: in Israel and Jordan, the frequency band 137-138 MHz is

designated for regular operations. stationary and mobile operations It is classified as a core business

(see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations),

5.206 which does not include the aviation mobile business. Different types of entity: in Armenia, Azerbaijan,

Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Russian Federation. Finland France Georgia Greece Kazakhstan Lebanon

Moldova Mongolia Uzbekistan Poland Kyrgyzstan The Syrian Arab Republic, Slovakia, Czech

Republic, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine designate the frequency band 137-138
MHz for the mobile aviation service off commercial air routes on a primary basis (see Article 5.33 of

the Radio Regulations) (WRC-2000) Additional

5.207 allocation: In Australia, the frequency band 137-144 MHz is also designated for broadcasting and

television services. It is classified as the main business. As long as the business spreads Sound and

television services will use radio frequencies under the supervision of The frequency spectrum for

regional broadcasting and television businesses can

5.208 be determined. The use of the 137-138 MHz band for the mobile satellite service is subject to

coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-97).

5.208A in the allocation of frequencies in the bands 137-138 MHz, 387-390 MHz and 400.15-401 MHz to space
stations in the mobile satellite service. and in the maritime satellite movement business (space to

earth) in the frequency band 157.1875-157.3375 MHz and 161.7875- 161.9375 MHz Government

agencies must operate Follow the necessary steps. all necessary items It is possible to protect radio

astronomy activities using the frequency bands 150.05-153 MHz, 322-328.6 MHz, 406.1-410 MHz

and 608-614 MHz from severe interference due to unwanted wave propagation according to the

latest ITU recommendations. -R RA.769 (WRC-19) frequency band use


137-138 MHz

157.1875-157.3375 MHz

161.7875-161.9375 MHz

387-390 MHz

400.15-401 MHz

1 452-1 492 MHz

1 525-1 610 MHz

1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz

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2 655-2 690 MHz

21.4-22 GHz

Subject to resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-15) (WRC-19)

5.209 Using the frequency band 137-138 MHz 148-150.05 MHz 399.9-400.05 MHz 400.15-401

MHz 454-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in the mobile satellite service is limited to

Satellite system with geostationary orbit (WRC-97)

5.209A Frequency band use 137.175-137.825 MHz for satellite systems with geostationary orbits in

Space Operations used in short-term missions which complies with Appendix 4 does not fall under Article 9.11A of the

Radio Regulations (WRC-19).

5.210 Additional designations: in Italy, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom determine the frequency band

138-143.6 MHz and 143.65-144 MHz for space research activities (Space to Earth) also

It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-07).

5.211 Additional designations: in Germany, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark.

United Arab Emirates, Spain, Finland, Greece, Guinea, Ireland, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon
LiechtensteinLuxembourg North Macedonia Mali Malta Montenegro Norway Netherlands

Qatar Slovakia United Kingdom Serbia Slovenia Somalia Sweden Switzerland

Tanzania, Tunisia and Turkey allocate the frequency band 138-144 MHz to the mobile service.

sea and land mobile operations as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-19).

5.212 Alternative designation: in Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Central African Republic

Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Iraqi Guinea, Jordan, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya.

Malawi Mozambique Namibia Niger Oman Uganda Syrian Arab Republic Republic
Democratic Congo, Rwanda, Sierra Leone South Africa, Chad, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Specifies the frequency band 138-144 MHz for regular business. fixed and mobile businesses, classified as

Main activities (WRC-19)

5.213 Additional allocation: In China, the frequency band 138-144 MHz is allocated to the radio service.

Look for a position as well, classified as the main business.

5.214 Additional designations: in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia.

Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Tanzania are assigned the frequency band 138-144 MHz for businesses.

stationary as well, classified as the main business (WRC-19)

5.216 Additional allocation: In China, the 144-146 MHz frequency band is designated for mobile services.

on flights outside of commercial flight routes as well. It is classified as a secondary business.

5.217 Alternative Designation: In Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cuba, Guyana and India, designated areas

Frequency 146-148 MHz for regular business stationary and mobile operations It is classified as the main business.

5.218 Additional designation: Designates the frequency band 148-149.9 MHz for space operations.

(Earth to Space) as well, classified as the main business This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Regulations.

Radio, the band width for transmission for any particular operation must not exceed ÿ 25 kHz.
5.218A Frequency band 148-149.9 MHz in space operations (Earth to Space) may be used by

Satellite systems with geostationary orbits used for short-term missions. by a satellite system with orbit

Non-stationary in space operations that are used in short-term missions according to Resolution 32 (WRC-19) are not

subject to agreement according to Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. Coordination procedures are in accordance with
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Sections 9.17 and 9.18 of the Radio Regulations In the frequency band 148-149.9 MHz, satellite
systems with Non-geostationary orbits used for short-term missions. Must not cause disturbances

at an unacceptable level or request protection from interference from pre-existing businesses that

are classified as main businesses in the area. such frequencies or impose additional restrictions on

space operations and moving through satellites. In addition, ground stations of satellite systems

with irregular orbits in space operations used for short-term missions in the frequency band 148-149.9

MHz shall ensure that the power flux density does not exceed -149 dB (W/(m2 · 4 kHz)) greater than

1% of the time in the The borders of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China,

Republic of Korea, Cuba, Russian Federation, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan,

Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand and Vietnam, in In the case of the value of flux density

If the power exceeds this limit, agreement must be obtained in accordance with Article 9.21 of the Regulations.

Radios from the above countries (WRC-19) The

5.219 use of the frequency band 148-149.9 MHz in the mobile satellite service is subject to coordination

under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. However, the satellite mobile business must not be an

obstacle. towards development and operations to carry out fixed business, mobile business and
space operations in the frequency band 148-149.9 MHz. The use of the frequency band 148-149.9

MHz by satellite systems that has a non-regular orbit Stations used in short-range space operations

are not subject to Article 9.11A of the

5.220 Radio Regulations (WRC-19). Use of the bands 149.9-150.05 MHz and 399.9-400.05 MHz in the

mobile space Satellites are subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio
5.221 Regulations (WRC-15). Stations in the mobile satellite service in the band 148-149.9 MHz may not

cause interference. Severe interference or requesting rights to protect against interference from a
station in a fixed or mobile business that operates operations consistent with the schedule Spectrum

allocation in Albania, Algeria, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh,

Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam,

Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Cyprus, Republic of the Congo. Republic of Korea, Côte d'Ivoire,

Croatia, Cuba, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Spain, Estonia, Eswatini,

Ethiopia, Russian Federation Finland France Gabon Georgia Ghana Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau

Hungary India Islamic Republic of Iran Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan,

Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lesotho, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Malta Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique,

Namibia, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New

Guinea, Paraguay, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic,

Kyrgyzstan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Slovakia, Romania, United Kingdom, Senegal,

Serbia, Sierra Leone Singapore Slovenia Sudan Sri Lanka South Africa Sweden Switzerland,
Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yemen,

Zambia and Zimbabwe (WRC-19)

5.222 SUP (WRC-15)
5.223 SUP (WRC-15)
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5.224 SUP (WRC-97)

5.224A SUP (WRC-15)

5.224B SUP (WRC-15) Additional

5.225 designation: In Australia and India, the band 150.05-153 MHz is also allocated to the radio astronomy

service. It is classified as the main business.

5.225A Additional Designations: in Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Russian Federation, France, Islamic

Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. Ukraine, Ukraine, and

Vietnam specify the frequency band 154-156 MHz for the radio location service, classified as the main

service. The use of radio frequencies 154-156 MHz for the radio positioning service is limited to systems

for finding objects in space from earth stations. The operation of radio communication stations in the radio

positioning service. The location of the frequency band 154-156 MHz is in accordance with Section 9.21

of the Radio Regulations. Identification of agencies Affected government facilities in Region 1 have an

instantaneous field-strength value of 12 dB (µV/m) for 10% of the time they are operating at a distance of
10 m from the ground. With a reference frequency band 25 kHz from the border of government facilities in

Region 3, the I/N is -6 dB (N = ÿ161 dBW/4 kHz) or ÿ10 dB for Use where protection is required such as
PPDR (N = ÿ161 dBW/4 kHz) for 1% of the operating time at a distance of 60 m from the ground. From

the border of other government agencies, the frequency bands 156.7625-156.8375 MHz 156.5125-156.5375
MHz 161.9625- 161.9875 MHz 162.0125-162.0375 MHz have an out-of-band value of space surveillance

radars not exceeding ÿ16 dBW. Allocation of radio frequencies in the radio business. Locating The

assignment of this radio frequency in Ukraine is only by agreement with Moldova.


5.226 Radio frequency 156.525 MHz is an international radio frequency for reporting disasters and for safety.

Safety in the maritime mobile business by using a radio telephone, which uses a digital method to make

specific calls. The use of the radio frequency 156.625 MHz and the wave band 156.4875- 156.5625 MHz

has conditions according to Section 31, Section 52 and Appendix 18. Radio frequency 156.8 MHz is an

international radio frequency used to report disasters and ensure safety in mobile operations. By sea using

radio telephones, the use of the radio frequency 156.8 MHz and the wave band 156.7625- 156.8375 MHz
are subject to conditions in accordance with Section 31 and Appendix 18 in the frequency band 156-156.4875.

MHz 156.5625-156.7625 MHz 156.8375-157.45 MHz 160.6-160.975 MHz and

161.475-162.05 MHz Government agencies must pay attention to The Act gives importance to the

maritime mobile service by allocating such frequencies to stations in the maritime mobile service only (see

Section 31, Section 52 and Appendix 18). Stations in other businesses that use radio frequencies in the

The above frequency should Avoid areas that may cause severe interference to radio use. Telephones in

the maritime mobile business Radio communications on various water routes may use the radio frequencies

156.8 MHz and 156.525 MHz and may also use frequency bands that must be given priority to the maritime

mobile service. This depends on the agreement between the agencies. and the relevant government

offices, taking into account the current use of frequency bands and various
5.227 agreements (WRC-07). Additional determination: determine the frequency band. 156.4875-156.5125 MHz

and 156.5375- 156.5625 MHz for regular business and land mobile operations as well. It is classified as

the main business using the above frequency bands in regular business. Location and land mobile activities must not cause
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severe disturbance or requesting rights to protect against interference from the use of radio telephones in the
business Marine Mobile (WRC-07)

5.227A SUP (WRC-12)

5.228 Frequency band use 156.7625-156.7875 MHz and 156.8125-156.8375 MHz for mobile satellite

services (Earth-to-Space) Use only the Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver for long-
distance transmission of messages (Message 27 as per latest recommendation ITU-R M.1371),

except for radio transmission. Automatic Identification System (AIS) in the said frequency band
for operations in the maritime mobile service for The power for communication must not exceed 1 watt.

5.228A Aircraft stations may use radio frequencies. 161.9625-161.9875 MHz and 162.0125- 162.0375 MHz for search and

rescue operations. and other safety communications (WRC-12)

5.228AA frequency band use 161.9375-161.9625 MHz and 161.9875-162.0125 MHz for the maritime satellite mobile service

(Earth to Space) limited to systems operating according to

Appendix 18 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15)

5.228AB Frequency band use 157.1875-157.3375 MHz and 161.7875-161.9375 MHz by the Maritime Mobile Satellite

Business (Earth to Space) is limited to geostationary satellite systems that comply with Appendix 18


5.228AC frequency band use 157.1875-157.3375 MHz and 161.7875-161.9375 MHz by the Maritime Mobile Satellite

Business (Space-to-Earth) operations are limited to geostationary satellite systems that comply with Annex

18. Such use is subject to agreement in accordance with Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, taking into

account terrestrial operations in Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Republic of Korea, Cuba, Russian Federation

Syrian Arab Republic People's Democratic Republic, Korea, South Africa and Vietnam (WRC-19) frequency

band use The bands 161.9625-161.9875 MHz and

5.228B 162.0125-162.0375 MHz for the fixed and mobile services must not cause severe interference or request

interference. Protection from maritime mobile activities (WRC-12)

5.228C frequency band usage 161.9625-161.9875 MHz and 162.0125-162.0375 MHz in the maritime mobile service and

satellite mobile service (Earth to space) limited to specific systems Automatic identification. The use of the

said frequency band in the off-route aviation mobile business is limited to the automatic identification system

from search and rescue operations from aircraft. The operation of the automatic identification system in the

frequency band. Such use must not cause limitations in the development of use in daily business. for fixed
and mobile businesses in neighboring frequency bands


5.228D Frequency band use 161.9625-161.9875 MHz (AIS 1) and 162.0125-162.0375 MHz (AIS 2) for regular business

stationary and mobile operations It is classified as the main business. Can be used until January 1, 2025. After

January 1, 2025, use of this frequency band will be discontinued. Government agencies should cancel use of

this frequency band for for fixed and mobile services before 1 January 2025 during the transition to the use of
this frequency band in
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Maritime mobile activities have reached a level of importance. Take precedence over fixed business and mobile business.

Land and aviation mobile operations (WRC-12)

5.228E Using the frequency band 161.9625-161.9875 MHz and 162.0125-162.0375 MHz in the system

Automatic identification (AIS) for aviation mobile operations off commercial flight routes is limited.

Only aircraft stations in search and rescue operations and other communications for

Only safe (WRC-12)

5.228F Using the frequency band 161.9625-161.9875 MHz and 162.0125-162.0375 MHz

in the satellite mobile business (Earth to Space) limited to receiving signals from identification systems

Automatic identification (AIS) from radio stations in the maritime mobile service only (WRC-12)

5.229 Alternative allocation: In Morocco, the 162-174 MHz frequency band is allocated to businesses.

Broadcasting and television business are classified as main activities. Use of this frequency band is subject to agreement.

together with agencies of government offices which conduct business in accordance with the frequency schedule

Frequency of both businesses that are already in operation or that have been planned And it is likely that

will be affected The agreement has no impact on existing stations as of January 1.

1981, the technical characteristics of which still remain the same

5.230 Additional allocation: In China, the 163-167 MHz frequency band is designated for operating activities.

Space (space to earth) as well, classified as the main business This depends on the agreement under Section 9.21.

of radio regulations

5.231 Additional Designations: In Afghanistan and China, the frequency band 167-174 MHz is designated for:

broadcasting business and television business as well It is classified as the main business. Setting up a station in the business

Broadcasting and television business in this frequency band depends on mutual agreements with fellow countries.

Houses in Region 3, which businesses operating in that country are likely to receive

Impact (WRC-12)
5.232 SUP (WRC-15)
5.233 Additional designations: In China, the frequency band 174-184 MHz is designated for space research activities.

(Space to Earth) and Space Operations Affairs (Space to Earth) as well, classified as the main business

This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. The above activities must not cause

Severely disturbing or requesting rights to protect against interference from radio broadcasting stations and

Radio and television stations, both existing and planned stations

5.234 SUP (WRC-15)

5.235 Additional designations: in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France

Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom

Sweden and Switzerland designate the frequency band 174-223 MHz for the mobile communications service.

land as well, classified as the main business Stations in the land mobile service must not cause interference.

severely or requesting rights to protect against interference from radio broadcasting stations and radio stations

All television stations that are already in place and stations already planned in other countries.

5.237 Additional Designations: In the Republic of the Congo Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Libya

Mali, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Chad specify the frequency band 174-223 MHz for business.

stationary and mobile businesses as well It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-12).

5.238 Additional Designations: In Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the Philippines, to determine the frequency band

200-216 MHz for radio business including aviation directions It is classified as the main business.
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5.240 Additional Restrictions: In China and India, the frequency band 216-223 MHz is designated for businesses.

aviation navigation radio as well It is classified as the main business and assigned to the frequency band 216-223 MHz.

for the location-finding radio business as well, which is classified as a secondary business

5.241 In Region 2, government agencies must not establish new stations in the radio location service.

In the frequency band 216-225 MHz, stations in the radio business Locations established before January 1

1990 may continue to be operated as a secondary business.

5.242 Additional Designations: In Canada and Mexico, the frequency band 216-220 MHz is designated for

land mobile business as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-19).

5.243 Additional allocation: In Somalia, the frequency band 216-225 MHz is allocated to the naval radio service.

via aviation as well It is classified as the main business. However, this must not cause serious disturbance to

Broadcasting and television businesses in other countries, both those already in operation and those that have been

Already planned

5.244 SUP (WRC-97)

5.245 Additional designation: In Japan, the frequency band 222-223 MHz is designated for the radio navigation service.

by aviation as well It is classified as the main business and specifies the frequency band 222-223 MHz for

Radio positioning business is also classified as a secondary business.

5.246 Alternative designation: In Spain, France, Israel and Monaco, the frequency band 223-230 is assigned.

MHz for broadcasting business television business and land mobile business, classified as

Main activities (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) In preparing the radio frequency plan, radio frequencies must be allocated.

Give the broadcasting and television businesses first. Stations in the land mobile service must not

causing serious disturbance or request rights to protect against interference from the station

Both radio and television broadcasting stations are already established. and stations that have already been planned

In Morocco and Algeria, in addition to In addition to this determination, the frequency band 223-230 is also specified.

MHz for regular business stationary and mobile operations It is classified as a secondary business. which does not include businesses

land movement

5.247 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman.

Qatar and the Syrian Arab Republic have designated the frequency band 223-235 MHz for the radio service.

aviation navigation as well It is classified as the main business.

5.250 Additional allocation: In China, the frequency band 225-235 MHz is allocated to the radio service.

Astronomy too It is classified as a secondary business.

5.251 Additional allocation: In Nigeria, the frequency band 230-235 MHz is allocated to the naval radio service.

via aviation as well It is classified as the main business. This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Regulations.


5.252 Alternative designation: in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia.

South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are assigned the frequency bands 230-238 MHz and 246-254 MHz.

For the broadcasting business and television business, classified as the main business which depends on the agreement

Under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19)

5.254 Mobile satellite services may use the frequency bands 235-322 MHz and 335.4-399.9 MHz.

This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. With the condition that station in mobile business

via satellite must not cause serious interference to other activities in progress, or
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that plans to proceed according to the schedule Specify the frequency spectrum This does not include businesses that additional requirements

According to Article 5.256A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03)

5.255 Satellite systems with irregular orbits that may use the frequency band 312-315 MHz (Earth to Space)

and 387-390 MHz (space to earth) in the mobile satellite service can use the frequency band

This is subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations.

5.256 Life-saving vehicles and life-saving equipment stations use the radio frequency 243 MHz (WRC-07).

5.256A Additional allocation: In China, the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, frequency bands 258-261 are assigned.

MHz for space research activities (Earth to Space) and Space Operations Affairs (Earth to space)

as well, classified as the main business Stations in space research (Earth to Space) and Operational Affairs

Space (Earth to space) must not cause serious interference. or request protection rights

Disturbing or being an obstacle to business operations Operations and system development in mobile businesses and systems

In the satellite mobile service in this frequency band, stations in the space research service (Earth to space)

and space operations business (Earth to space) must not be an obstacle to the development of systems in the business.

stationed in other countries in the future (WRC-15)

5.257 Government agencies may use the 267-272 MHz frequency band for space telemetry applications.

Within the country, classified as the main business This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

5.258 Use of the frequency band 328.6-335.4 MHz in the radio business Aviation navigation system limited to

A device that helps an aircraft land by indicating its glide line.

5.259 Additional designations: In Egypt and the Syrian Arab Republic, the frequency band 328.6-335.4 is assigned.

MHz for mobile business as well It is classified as a secondary business. This depends on the agreement under Section 9.21.

of radio regulations and to ensure that There will be no serious interference to the station in the radio business.

aviation navigation Stations in the mobile business will operate can operate in this frequency band only if the agency

Other relevant government agencies Do not wish to use this frequency band in this business. Another flight guide

Next (WRC-12)

5.260 SUP (WRC-15)

5.260A in the frequency band 399.9-400.05 MHz is the maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power.

W/(4 kHz) and the maximum of ground stations in the mobile satellite service shall not exceed 5 in any given broadcast dB

isotropic equivalent broadcast power of each station.

Ground noise in the satellite mobile service must not exceed 5 dBW throughout the entire frequency band.

399.9-400.05 MHz

As of 22 November 2022, these limits do not apply to satellite systems.

The Radio Communications Office received documents notifying radio frequency registration by 22 November 2019 and

the said system was in operation. is in operation on 22 November 2019 by

After 22 November 2022, these limits will apply to all systems in the entity.

Travel through satellites in this frequency band. in

the frequency band 399.99-400.02 MHz Isotropic Equivalent Broadcast Power Limit

The above provisions will apply to all mobile satellite systems after 22 November 2022.
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There has been a request to the agency. of government offices that have satellite link networks in the mobile service

via satellite in the frequency band 399.99-400.02 MHz is under the responsibility of providing

Comply with the isotropic equivalent broadcast power limit set above after 22 November 2019 (WRC-19).

5.260B in the frequency band 400.02-400.05 MHz Clause 5.260A of the Radio Regulations Not applicable to networks

Telecommand uplink in the satellite mobile service (WRC-19) is to broadcast within the range of ÿ 25 kHz of

5.261 the standard frequency of 400.1 MHz.

5.262 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus

Botswana, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador

Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan

Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Liberia, Malaysia, Moldova, Oman, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Philippines.

Qatar Republic, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Somalia, Tajikistan, Chad

Turkmenistan and Ukraine specify the frequency band 400.05-401 MHz for fixed services.
and mobile business as well It is classified as a main business (WRC-12).

5.263 Specify the frequency band 400.15-401 MHz for space research activities. in the space-to-space direction

also to communicate with spacecraft that have personnel present. In this case, it is not considered Space research business

It is a safety business.

5.264 The use of the frequency band 400.15-401 MHz in the satellite mobile service depends on

Coordinate under Section 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. However, the power flux density value must not be
exceeding the value according to Attachment 1 of Appendix 5, such value shall be used until consideration is given.

Reviewed at the World Conference on Radiocommunications.

5.264A in the band 401-403 MHz is the maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power in the 401-403 MHz band.

Any wave from each ground station in the satellite meteorological service and surveying service.

The satellite earth noise shall not exceed 22 dB W/(4 kHz) for orbiting satellite systems.

fixed and satellite systems with non-stationary orbits The point where the orbital point is furthest from Earth is far from

Earth equal to or greater than 35 786 km maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power in

Broadcast any waves of each ground station in the satellite meteorological business and

Earth observation via satellite must not exceed 7 dBW/(4 kHz) for orbiting satellite systems.

Non-geostationary where the furthest point of orbit is less than 35 786 km from Earth.

The maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power of each terrestrial station in the entity.

Meteorology via satellite and Earth observation via satellite must not exceed 22 dBW for satellite systems with

fixed orbits and satellite systems with non-geostationary orbits, at which point

The furthest orbit is equal to or greater than 35 786 km from Earth throughout the 401-403 MHz band,

transmitting maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power of each ground station.

In the satellite meteorological service and the satellite earth observation service, the value must not exceed 7

dBW for satellite systems with irregular orbits. The point where the orbital point is most distant from the Earth is

Less than 35 786 km from Earth throughout the 401-403 MHz frequency band.
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As of November 22, 2029, these limits do not apply to satellite systems that

The Radio Communications Office received the radio frequency registration document within 22 November 2019

and the said system was in operation on 22 November 2019. After 22 November 2029, the limit value as follows

Said to be applicable to every system.

in meteorological services via satellite and earth observation services via satellite in this frequency band


5.264B Satellite systems with irregular orbits position in satellite meteorological business and

Exploring the Earth through important satellites The Radiocommunications Office has received documents notifying of frequency registration.

radios by 28 April 2007 are exempt from section 5.264A of the Radio Regulations; and

Can use the frequency band 401.898-402.522 MHz can continue to be classified as the main service, whose

maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power must not exceed 12 dBW (WRC-19).

5.265 Use of the 403-410 MHz frequency band according to Resolution 205 (Rev.WRC-15) (WRC-15)

5.266 The use of the frequency band 406-406.1 MHz in the mobile satellite service is limited to radio transmitting power.

low to indicate position via satellite in case of emergency (see also Section 31) (WRC-07)
5.267 It is prohibited to broadcast any waves that may cause serious interference to the use of the frequency band.
406-406.1 MHz
5.268 The use of the 410-420 MHz frequency band in space research is limited to communications between

space-to-space in orbit and manned spacecraft Power flux density value

on The Earth's surface due to radiation from activities outside the spacecraft must not exceed -153 dB.

(W/m2 .4 kHz) for 0ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ 5ÿ, -153 + 0.077 (ÿ – 5) dB (W/m2 .4 kHz) for

5ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ 70ÿ and -148 dB (W/m2 .4 kHz) for 70ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ 90ÿ where ÿ represents the angle at which the wave
propagates down and has a reference band width of 4 kHz in this frequency band Stations in space research

(Space-to-Space) must not request protection rights that interfere with or obstruct operations and

Regular business development For fixed and mobile operations, Article 4.10 of the Radio Regulations does not apply (WRC-15).

5.269 Different types of business: in Australia, United States, India, Japan and
The United Kingdom specifies the frequency bands 420-430 MHz and 440-450 MHz for businesses.

Location-finding radio is classified as a primary activity (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations).

5.270 Additional Designations: In Australia, the United States, Jamaica, and the Philippines, designated neighborhoods

Frequencies 420-430 MHz and 440-450 MHz are also available for the amateur radio service, classified as
Secondary business

5.271 Additional Designations: In Belarus, China, India, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, designated areas

Frequency 420-460 MHz for radio business aviation directions (Radio measuring height)

as well, classified as a secondary business (WRC-07)

5.272 SUP (WRC-12)

5.273 SUP (WRC-12)
5.274 Alternative designation: In Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Chad, the frequency band 430-432 is assigned.

MHz and 438-440 MHz for regular business stationary and mobile operations It is classified as the main business.

which does not include aviation mobile operations (WRC-12)

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5.275 Additional designations: in Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Libya. North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

allocate the frequency bands 430-432 MHz and 438-440 MHz to the fixed and mobile services. It is

classified as a main business except for aviation mobile business.


5.276 Additional Designations: In Afghanistan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei,

Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Greece,

Guinea, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq. Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya,

Malaysia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Korea,

Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, and Yemen, the 430-440 MHz band

is designated for fixed services as well, which is classified as the main service and assigned to the
frequency bands 430-435 MHz and 438-440 MHz, except in Ecuador for the mobile service, except for

the mobile service by aviation as well Classified as a primary entity (WRC-15). Additional designations:

in Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cameroon,

5.277 Republic of the Congo. Djibouti, Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mali,

Uzbekistan, Poland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Romania, Rwanda,

Tajikistan, Chad, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, designated frequency bands. 430-440 MHz also for the

fixed service, classified as a primary service (WRC-19), different service categories: in Argentina,
Brazil, the Republic of Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guyana,

5.278 Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venice. Suela specifies the frequency band 430-440 MHz

for the amateur radio service. It is classified as a primary service (see Section 5.33 of the Radio

Regulations) (WRC-19). Additional designations: In Mexico, the bands 430-435 MHz and 438-440 MHz

are allocated to the mobile

5.279 service. It is classified as the main business. Except for aviation mobile business and fixed business

which are classified as secondary business. This is based on agreement under Article 9.21 of the

Radio Regulations (WRC-19).

5.279A Use of the 432-438 MHz frequency band of measuring equipment in Earth exploration via satellite (active)
activities must comply with ITU-R RS.1260-1 recommendations. Earth exploration via satellite (active)

activities in the frequency band 432-438 MHz must not cause cause serious interference to the aviation

radio navigation business in China. This provision does not reduce the business's obligations for Earth

observation via satellite (active) as a secondary activity in accordance with Articles 5.29 and 5.30 of
the Radio

5.280 Regulations (WRC-19) in Germany, Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Liechtenstein North Macedonia

Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland. The frequency band 433.05- 434.79 MHz

(center frequency 433.92 MHz) is specified for the application of radio frequency energy in Industrial

Science and Medicine (ISM), the country's radio communications service The operators using this

frequency band must accept the severe interference that may be caused by Such applications ISM

devices using this frequency band are subject to Article 15.13 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19).

5.281 designations: In the territories of the French Overseas Communities and Provinces in Region 2 and

India, Frequency band 433.75-434.25 MHz for space operations

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(Earth to Space) as well, classified as the main business In France and Brazil, this frequency band is designated

for space operations. (Earth to Space) as well, classified as a secondary business The
5.282 satellite amateur radio service may use radio frequencies in the frequency bands 435-438 MHz 1 260- 1 270 MHz

2 400-2 450 MHz 3 400-3 410 MHz (in Regions 2 and 3) and 5 650- 5 670 MHz without causing serious

interference to other businesses operating in accordance with the schedule. frequency bands (see section 5.43 of

the Radio Regulations) government agencies that grant permission to operate Operators of the satellite amateur

radio service must ensure that severe interference caused by stations in the satellite amateur radio service is

promptly corrected in accordance with Article 25.11 of the Radio Regulations. The use of the frequency bands 1

260-1 270 MHz and 5 650-5 670 MHz in the amateur radio satellite service is limited to the direction from Earth to

space. Additional designation: In Austria, band 438 is designated. -440 MHz for fixed and mobile businesses as

well. It is classified as the main

5.283 business. This does not include the aviation mobile service. Additional allocation: In Canada, the frequency band

440-450 MHz is allocated to the radio service. Apply to play too. It is classified as a secondary business.

5.284 Different types of activities: In Canada, the frequency band 440-450 MHz is designated for radio location services
as a core activity (see section 5.33 of the

5.285 Radio Regulations); (Earth to Space) and Space Research Affairs (Earth to Space) may use the frequency band

449.75-450.25 MHz subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.
5.286 5.286A Use of the bands 454-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in the mobile satellite service.

Subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-97).

5.286AA Government agencies that wish to use the 450-470 MHz frequency band for international mobile telecommunications

operations. International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), see Resolution 224 (Rev.WRC-19). This designation
does not prohibit businesses that have already been designated from using this frequency band and does not

provide priorities in radio regulations in any way

5.286B Use of the 454-455 MHz frequency band in various countries in accordance with Article 5.286D of the Radio

Regulations. The use of the frequency bands 455-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in Region 2 and the use of the

frequency bands 454-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in various countries in accordance with Section 5.286E of the

Regulations. Radio stations in the mobile satellite service must Do not cause severe interference or request rights

to protect against interference from the station in your regular business. Stationary or mobile businesses that
operate in accordance with the schedule Frequency determination (WRC-97)

5.286C Use of the 454-455 MHz frequency band in various countries in accordance with Article 5.286D of the Radio Regulations.

The use of the frequency bands 455-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in Region 2 and the use of the frequency bands

454-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz in various countries in accordance with Section 5.286E of the Radio Regulations

are stations in the mobile satellite service. It must not be an obstacle to the development and operation of the
regular business. fixed and mobile businesses which operate in accordance with the frequency schedule (WRC-97)

5.286D Additional allocation: In Canada, the United States and Panama, the band 454-455 MHz is allocated to the mobile satellite

service. (Earth to Space) as well, classified as the main business

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5.286E Additional allocation: In Cape Verde, Nepal and Nigeria, the bands 454-456 MHz and 459-460 MHz are allocated

to the mobile satellite service. (Earth to Space) as well, classified as the main activity (WRC-07) use of the
frequency band

5.287 457.5125-457.5875 MHz and 467.5125-467.5875 MHz in the maritime mobile service are limited to stations

on ships. By the characteristics of radio communications equipment and channels The frequency used

must comply with the characteristics recommended by ITU-R M.1174-4. This frequency in the area

Depending on the relevant national regulations (WRC-19) in the waters of the

5.288 United States and the Philippines, the appropriate frequency area in The communication speeds on the
ship are 457.525 MHz 457.550 MHz 457.575 MHz and 457.600 MHz along with 467.750 MHz 467.775

MHz 467.800 MHz and 467.825 MHz respectively. Characteristics of The radio communications equipment

used must comply with the specifications.

Recommendation ITU-R M.1174-4 (WRC-19) In

5.289 addition to the satellite meteorological service, the satellite Earth observation service may use the

frequency bands 460-470 MHz and 1 690-1 710 MHz to transmit from from space to Earth without causing

serious interference to the station. operations consistent with the schedule Specify the frequency spectrum
5.290 Different types of activities: In Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Russian Federation, Japan,

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the frequency band 460-470 MHz is allocated to businesses.

Meteorology via satellite (Space-to-Earth) is classified as a primary activity (see Article 5.33 of the Radio

Regulations), which is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations
5.291 (WRC-12). Additional designations: In China, designated frequency bands 470-485 MHz for space research

activities (Space to Earth) and Space Operations Affairs (Space to Earth) as well, classified as the main

business This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. However, this must not

cause any disturbance. Harsh on radio and television stations that are already established and planned stations

5.291A Additional designations: In Germany, Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, Serbia and

Switzerland, The frequency band 470-494 MHz is specified for radio positioning business, limited to radar

for detecting wind speed and direction. which is also covered by Decision 217 (WRC-97), classified as a
secondary activity (WRC-15), different type of activity: in Argentina,

5.292 Uruguay and Venezuela, the frequency band 470- 512 MHz for mobile business It is classified as a core

business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) which is subject to agreements under Section 9.21.

of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15) for different types of service: in

5.293 Canada, Chile, Cuba, the United States, Guyana, Jamaica and Panama, the bands 470-512 MHz and
614-806 MHz are allocated to the fixed service. It is classified as a primary service (see Article 5.33 of the

Radio Regulations) subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. In the Bahamas,

Barbados, Canada, Chile, Cuba, the United States, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico and Panama, the band
470-512 MHz is allocated and 614-698 MHz for mobile business It is classified as a core business (see

Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) which is subject to an agreement under Section 9.21 of the Radio

Regulations. in Argentina and Ecuador The frequency band 470- 512 MHz is specified for regular business.

stationary and mobile operations It is classified as a core activity (see Article 5.33 of the Radio Regulations)

which is subject to an agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15).
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5.294 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Israel.

Libya, the Syrian Arab Republic, Chad and Yemen allocate the frequency band 470-582 MHz for

Fixed business as well, classified as a secondary business (WRC-15)

5.295 In the Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, the United States, and Mexico, the 470-608 MHz band or portions of this band are

designated for for International Mobility (IMT) according to Resolution 224

(Rev.WRC-19) Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit the activities that have been specified.

then use this frequency band and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way. Business

International mobile telecommunications (IMT) operating within this frequency band must Taking into account the agreements under

Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations and must not cause serious interference to or claim rights

Protection from broadcasting operations from neighboring countries according to Sections 5.43 and 5.43A

of Radio Regulations (WRC-19)

5.296 Additional designations: in Albania, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium.

Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon.

Vatican City, Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt

United Arab Emirates Spain Estonia Eswatini Finland France Gabon Georgia Ghana

Hungary, Iraq, Ireland, Iceland, Israel Italy Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lesotho Latvia
Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malawi, Mali, Malta
Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Moldova, Monaco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Norway

Oman Uganda Netherlands Poland Portugal Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Slovakia

The Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Rwanda, San Marino, Serbia, Sudan, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland,

Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Zambia and Zimbabwe are allocated the frequency band 470-694 MHz

to the land mobile service. too It is classified as a secondary business.

To help supplement the work of broadcasting or television stations in the country's land mobile operations.

The above must not cause serious interference to stations in other countries, including those in

Already located and planned stations that operate in line with the schedule Specify the frequency spectrum


5.296A in Micronesia Solomon Islands Tuvalu and Vanuatu in the band or parts thereof 470-698 MHz. In Bangladesh, Maldives and New

Zealand in the band or parts thereof 610-698 MHz.

To be used for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) according to Resolution 224 (Rev.WRC-19). Specifying

the said frequency band does not prohibit businesses that have already been specified from using the band.

this frequency and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way according to Section 9.21 of

radio regulations and must not cause serious interference to or claim protection from

Broadcasting business from neighboring countries according to Sections 5.43 and 5.43A of the Radio Regulations

5.297 Additional Designations: In Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala.

Guyana and Jamaica designate the frequency band 512-608 MHz for fixed and

Mobile business too It is classified as the main business. This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Regulations.

Radio in the Bahamas, Barbados and Mexico is designated in the frequency band 512-608 MHz for businesses.

move with It is classified as the main business. This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

In Mexico, the frequency band 512 - 608 MHz is designated for fixed services, classified as

Secondary (see Section 5.32 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-19)

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5.298 Additional Designations: In India, Designated Frequency Bands 549.75-550.25 MHz for businesses

space operations (Space to Earth) as well, classified as a secondary business

5.300 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Israel.

Jordan, Libya, Oman, Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic and Sudan are assigned the frequency band 582-.
790 MHz for regular business also includes stationary and mobile businesses, except aviation mobile businesses.

It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-15).

5.302 SUP (WRC-12)

5.304 Additional designations: in the African Broadcasting District (see paragraphs 5.10 to 5.13 of

Radio Regulations) specify the frequency band 606-614 MHz for the radio astronomy business as well.

Classified as the main business

5.305 Additional allocation: In China, the frequency band 606-614 MHz is allocated to the radio service.

Astronomy too It is classified as the main business.

5.306 Additional Designation: In Region 1, except in the African Broadcasting and Television Area.

(See Sections 5.10 to 5.13 of the Radio Regulations) and in Region 3, the frequency band 608-614 is specified.

MHz for radio astronomy activities as well It is classified as a secondary business.

5.307 Additional allocation: In India, the frequency band 608-614 MHz is allocated to the radio service.

Astronomy too It is classified as the main business.

5.308 Additional Designations: In Belize and Colombia, the frequency band 614-698 MHz is designated for:

Mobile business too It is classified as the main business. Stations in the mobile business in the frequency band which depends on

Agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15)

5.308A in the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Colombia, the United States, and Mexico in the area

Frequency or parts of 614-698 MHz intended to be used for for mobile telecommunications business

International (IMT) according to Resolution 224 (Rev.WRC-19), specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit

Allow various businesses that have already been specified to use this frequency band. and is not a priority in

radio regulations in any way according to section 9.21 of the radio regulations and must not cause interference

Severely against or claiming protection from broadcasting businesses from neighboring countries according to

5.43 and 5.43A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19)

5.309 Different types of business: in El Salvador The frequency band 614-806 MHz is specified for

Fixed business, classified as a core business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations), subject to agreement

Under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15)

5.310 SUP (WRC-97)

5.311 SUP (WRC-07)
5.311A SUP (WRC-19)
5.312 Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia.

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine define the district.

Frequency 645-862 MHz in Bulgaria assigned frequency band 646-686 MHz 726-758 MHz

778-8114 MHz and 822-852 MHz for the radio business and aviation navigation as well, organized as

Main activities (WRC-19)

5.312A in Region 1, use of the 694-790 MHz frequency band in mobile businesses, excluding businesses

aviation movement Conforms to resolution 760 (WRC-15). See also resolution 224 (Rev.WRC-15).

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5.313 SUP (WRC-97)

5.313A in Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Republic of Korea, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati,

Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Democratic People's Republic

of Korea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Vietnam in the frequency

band or parts thereof 698-790 MHz intended to be used for for international mobile telecommunications (IMT)

frequency band identification This does not prohibit businesses that have already been designated from using this

frequency band and is not a priority in radio regulations (WRC-19).

5.313B SUP (WRC-15)

5.314 SUP (WRC-15)

5.315 SUP (WRC-15)

5.316 SUP (WRC-15)

5.316A SUP (WRC-15)

5.316B In Region 1, the frequency band 790-862 MHz is specified for the mobile business, except for the aviation mobile
business. It is classified as the main business. and subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio

Regulations. In cases related to radio business and air navigation in various countries in accordance with Article

5.312 of the Radio Regulations for countries that are party to the 2006 Geneva Agreement. Frequency use The

radio stations of the mobile service shall comply with the procedures of that agreement. The assignment of this

frequency band is governed by resolutions 224 (Rev.WRC-19) and 749 (WRC-19) (WRC-19) .
5.317 Additional requirements: In Region 2 (except Brazil, the United States, and Mexico), the frequency band 806-890
MHz is also designated for the mobile satellite service. It is classified as the main business. Subject to agreement

under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, mobile satellite operations are carried out only within national

boundaries (WRC-15).

5.317A In Region 2, parts of the 698-960 MHz band, in Region 1 the 694-790 MHz band, and in Regions 1 and 3, the 790-690

MHz band are designated for use. Accepting mobile business It is classified as the main business of government

agencies that wish to use it. This frequency band is for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) operations,

see resolutions 224 (Rev.WRC-19), 760 and 749 (Rev.WRC-19). The designation of this frequency band does not

prohibit it. Businesses that have already been specified are prohibited from using this frequency band. and is not

a radio regulatory priority in any way (WRC-19). Additional designations: In Canada, the United States and Mexico,

the bands 849-851 MHz and 894-896 MHz

5.318 are allocated. for the aviation mobile business as well It is organized as the main business for Communicate with
aircraft by public service Use of the 849-851 MHz frequency band is limited to transmissions from aviation stations.

and the use of the 894-896 MHz frequency band is limited to

Sent from the airport station

5.319 Additional designations: In Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the frequency band 806-840 is assigned.

MHz (Earth-to-Space) and 856-890 MHz (Space-to-Earth) for the satellite mobile service, which does not include
the aeronautical mobile service on commercial satellite flight routes. The use of such frequency bands by the

mobile satellite service must not cause serious interference or require interference protection rights from

businesses in other countries in which they operate.

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Corresponds to table A Specify the frequency spectrum and subject to specific agreement between

relevant government agencies.

5.320 Additional determination: In Region 3, the frequency bands 806-890 MHz and 942-960 MHz are
specified for businesses. moves via satellite as well It is classified as the main business. which does

not include businesses Aviation movement on commercial flight routes via satellite. Subject to

agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations and limited to operations operating within the

borders of the country in making an agreement Must protect various businesses that operate in

accordance with the frequency schedule by providing appropriate protection. To ensure that Does not

cause disturbance severely affecting various businesses

5.321 SUP (WRC-07)

5.322 In Region 1 in the frequency band 862-960 MHz, stations in the broadcasting business and Television

may only be provided within the African Broadcasting and Television Area (see sections 5.10 to 5.13

of the Radio Regulations), subject to mutual agreement under section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations

with the relevant government agency. This does not include Algeria. Burundi, Egypt, Spain, Lesotho,
Libya, Morocco, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia (WRC-12).


5.323 designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Russian Federation, Kazakh Uzbekistan,

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine are assigned to the frequency band 862-960 MHz.
In Bulgaria, the bands 862-880 and 915-925 MHz are assigned. In Poland, the frequency band

862-876 MHz is allocated until 31 December 2017, and in Romania, the frequency bands 862-880 and

915-925 MHz are allocated to the radio service. including aviation directions It is classified as the main

business. This is subject to mutual agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations with the

relevant government agency and is limited to local radio. terrestrial locations in operation as of October

27, 1997, until the end of their useful lives (WRC-19). Different types of activities: In the United
5.325 States, assigned frequency bands. 890-942 MHz for the radio location service is classified as a primary

activity (see 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) subject to agreement under 9.21 of the Radio Regulations

5.325A. Different types of activities: in

Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic El Salvador, Ecuador, French Overseas Community

Borders in Region 2, Guatemala, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela, the frequency band 902-928

MHz is allocated to the land mobile service on a primary basis. In Mexico, the frequency band is
allocated to 902 - 928 MHz for mobility activities excluding aviation mobility activities, classified as a

coding activity In Colombia, the frequency band 902-905 MHz is allocated to the land mobile service

on a primary basis (WRC-19). Different types of activities: In Chile, the frequency band 903-905 is

allocated to the land

5.326 mobile service. MHz for the mobile business, classified as the main business This does not include

aviation mobile operations. This depends on the agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

Different types of activities: In

5.327 Australia, the frequency band 915-928 MHz is allocated to the radio location service as a primary

activity (see section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations).

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5.327A The use of the 960-1 164 MHz frequency band in the aviation mobile service on commercial flight routes is limited to

systems that operate It is carried out in accordance with accepted international aviation standards. The use of

the said frequency band is governed by Resolution 417 (Rev.WRC-15)

5.328 (WRC-15) The use of the 960-1 215 MHz frequency band in the radio business. Aviation navigation codes are

reserved for worldwide use for operations. and the development of daily electronic aids Aircraft navigation and
directly related ground-based facilities (WRC-2000)

5.328A Stations in the radio business Satellite navigation using the frequency band 1 164-1 215 MHz is subject to Resolution

No. 609 (Rev.WRC-07) and must not request rights to protect against interference from stations in the aviation

radio navigation service using the frequency band. 960-1 215 MHz without being subject to Section 5.43A of

the Radio Regulations, subject to Section 21.18 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07).
5.328AA frequency band 1 087.7-1 092.3 MHz is designated for use by the mobile air traffic service. Satellites on commercial

flight routes (Earth to Space) classified as the main activity, limited to the receiving sector. of the space station's

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) from an aircraft transmitter in accordance with

international aviation standards. station in mobile business Aviation via satellite on commercial flight routes
Unable to request protection from stations in the aviation radio navigation service according to Resolution 425

(WRC-19) (WRC-19) Systems and networks In the radio business Satellite navigation
5.328B using the frequency bands 1 164-1 300 MHz 1 559-1 610 MHz and 5 010-5 030 MHz, which the

Radiocommunications Office has received documents from Radio frequency coordination or radio frequency

registration documents after 1 January 2005 must be coordinated under Articles 9.12, 9.12A and 9.13 of the

Radio Regulations. including address Under Resolution 610 (WRC-03) as well. In the case of networks and

systems in the satellite radio-navigation service (space-to-space), Resolution 610 (WRC-03) applies only to

space stations that are transmitting stations. only for systems and networks in the radio business navigation

via satellite (Space-to-Space) using the frequency bands 1 215-1 300 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz are
coordinated under Articles 9.7, 9.12, 9.12A and 9.13 of the Radio Regulations. Coordinate only in cases related

to the system and other networks in the radio business navigation via satellite (Space-to-Space) only. This is in

accordance with Section 5.329A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07). Use of the frequency band 1 215-1 300

MHz in the radio service. Satellite navigation operators

5.329 must not cause severe interference or request protection from interference from radio navigation services in

accordance with Section 5.331 of the Radio Regulations. and the use of the frequency band 1 215-1 300 MHz

in the radio-satellite navigation service must not cause serious interference to the radio-positioning service

without being subject to Section 5.43 of the Radio Regulations. Where radio location services are concerned,

the use of this frequency band is governed by Decision No. 608 (WRC-03) (WRC-19).

5.329A Use of the frequency bands 1 215-1 300 MHz and 1 559-1 610 MHz of systems in the radio-satellite navigation service.

(Space to Space) is not intended to operate. To ensure safety, the use of the above must not cause any

additional obstacles to the system in the radio-satellite navigation service. (Space-to-Earth) or other activities

operating in accordance with the Spectrum Schedule (WRC-07). Additional designations: in Angola, Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain,

5.330 Bangladesh, Cameroon, China, Djibouti, Egypt, United States. United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guyana,

India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines
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Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Togo and Yemen are allocated the
frequency band 1 215-1 300 MHz for regular business. also includes fixed and mobile operations, classified as

primary (WRC-12).

5.331 Additional designations: in Algeria, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Benin,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Burqi. Nafaso, Burundi, Cameroon, China, Republic of Korea, Croatia, Denmark,

Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Russian Federation Finland France Ghana Greece Equatorial Guinea

Hungary India Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lesotho Latvia Lebanon

Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Nord Macedonia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Montenegro, Nigeria,
Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Kingdom of Netherlands, Poland, Portugal Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic democratic

republic Korean people of Slovakia United Kingdom, Serbia, Slovenia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka,

South Africa, Sweden. Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, Venezuela and Vietnam are also allocated the

frequency band 1 215-1 300 MHz to the radionavigation service on a primary basis. Frequency 1 240-1 300 MHz

for radio navigation business, limited to radio navigation business. Aviation navigation guidance (WRC-19) Use of

the frequency band 1 215-1 260 MHz of active measurement equipment in space in the Earth exploration satellite

activity. and space research activities Must not cause serious disturbance. or request rights to protect against

disturbances or is an obstacle to the operation or development of the radio positioning

5.332 business, radio navigation via satellite business and other businesses classified as businesses

Main (WRC-2000)

5.333 SUP (WRC-97)

5.334 Additional allocation: In Canada and the United States, the frequency band 1 350-1 370 MHz is allocated to the

marine radio service. including aviation directions It is classified as a primary entity (WRC-03)
5.335 in Canada and the United States. In the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz, a measuring device
Active in space in business activities Exploring the Earth via Satellite and space research activities must not cause

Disturbing or requesting rights to protect against disturbances or is an obstacle to operations operations or Develop

radio business Aviation Navigation (WRC-97)

5.335A in the frequency band 1 260-1 300 MHz Active measurement equipment in space in the satellite Earth exploration service

and space research activities Must not cause serious disturbances or request rights to protect against disturbances.

or is an obstacle to operations The operation or development of radio and other activities classified as core

activities in other footnotes above (WRC-2000) requires the use of frequency bands 1 300-1 350 MHz 2

5.337 700. -2 900 MHz and 9 000-9 200 MHz in the radio business aviation directions Only ground-based radar and

related aircraft signal repeaters which transmits radio frequencies in the above frequency bands When stimulated

by radar that transmits radio frequencies in the same frequency band only. 5.337A Use of the frequency band 1

300-1 350 MHz of ground stations in the satellite

radio navigation service and stations in the search radio service The location must not cause serious or harmful disturbances.

Obstacles to operations operations and development of radio business In Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia and Turkmenistan,

radio navigation services already operating in the frequency band 1 350-1 400 MHz may operate. Can
5.338 continue (WRC-12)
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5.338A Use of the frequency band 1 350-1 400 MHz 1 427-1 452 MHz 22.55-23.55 GHz 24.25 –

27.5 GHz 30-31.3 GHz 49.7-50.2 GHz 50.4-50.9 GHz 51.4-52.6 GHz 8 1-8 6 GHz

and 92-94 GHz are covered by Resolution 750 (Rev.WRC-19) (WRC-19).

5.339 Specified frequency band 1 370-1 400 MHz 2 640-2 655 MHz 4 950-4 990 MHz and

15.20-15.35 GHz for space research (passive) and earth exploration via satellite

(Passive) as well, classified as a secondary activity

5.339A SUP (WRC-07)

5.340 It is forbidden to broadcast any waves. in the following frequency bands

1 400-1 427 MHz

2 690-2 700 MHz Except for the frequency band determination in Section 5.422 of the Radio Regulations.

10.68-10.7 GHz Except for the frequency band determination in Section 5.483 of the Radio Regulations.

15.35-15.4 GHz Except for the frequency band determination in Section 5.511 of the Radio Regulations.

23.6-24 GHz

31.3-31.5 GHz

31.5-31.8 GHz In the 2nd region

48.94-49.04 GHz from the airport station

50.2-50.4 GHz1

52.6-54.25 GHz

86-92 GHz

100-102 GHz

109.5-111.8 GHz

114.25-116 GHz

148.5-151.5 GHz

164-167 GHz

182-185 GHz

190-191.8 GHz

200-209 GHz

226-231.5 GHz

250-252 GHz (WRC-03)

5.341 Some countries are undergoing passive research in the frequency band 1 400-1 727 MHz 101-
120 GHz and 197-220 GHz in a project to search for intentional propagation of waves from space

5.341A In Region 1, government agencies wishing to use the 1 427-1 452 MHz and 1 492-1 518 MHz frequency bands for

international mobile telecommunications (IMT) operations should see:

Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-15) Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit various businesses from

that has already been determined to use this frequency band and is not a priority in the radio regulations.

The use of the station for IMT must comply with Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.
which is in line with the aviation mobile business for calling aeronautical meters according to 5.342

of Radio Regulations (WRC-15)

5.340.1 The determination of the radio frequency band for the earth exploration via satellite (passive) and space (passive) services in the radio frequency band 50.2-50.4 GHz must not be an unreasonable

obstacle. on the use of neighboring radio frequency bands (WRC-97)

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5.341B In Region 2, government agencies that wish to use frequency band 1 427-1 518

MHz for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) operations, see Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-15). Specifying

the frequency band does not prohibit activities that have already been specified. Use the area

this frequency and is not a priority in the radio regulations (WRC-15)

5.341C In Region 3, government agencies wishing to use the 1 427-1 452 MHz and 1 492-1 518 MHz frequency bands for

international mobile telecommunications (IMT) operations should see:

Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-15) Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit various businesses from

that has already been determined to use this frequency band and is not a priority in the radio regulations.

The use of the station for IMT must comply with Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

which is consistent with the aviation mobility business (WRC-15)

5.342 Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan.

Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine have allocated the frequency band 1 429-1 535 MHz to the mobile service.
Aviation, specifically aviation telemetry work within the country's territory, classified as
Main business Use of the frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz is subject to agreement between agencies.

relevant government agencies since 1 April 2007 (WRC-15)

5.343 In Region 2, the use of frequency band 1 435-1 535 MHz for telemetry work in businesses

Aviation mobility has higher priority than other mobile applications.

5.344 Optional designation: In the United States, the frequency band 1 452-1 525 MHz is allocated for

Fixed business and mobile business It is classified as a main business (see Section 5.343 of the Radio Regulations
together with)
5.345 Use of the frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz in satellite broadcasting and

Broadcasting is limited to digital broadcasting. and under Resolution No. 528 (Rev.
WRC-19) (WRC-19)
5.346 in Algeria, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African

Republic. Republic of the Congo Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti Egypt United Arab Emirates

Emirates Eswatini Gabon Gambia Guinea Iraq Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lesotho Lebanon
Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Morocco Mauritius Mauritania Mozambique Namibia

Niger Nigeria Oman Uganda Palestine2 Qatar Republic of Congo Rwanda Senegal Seychelles
Sudan, South Sudan, South Africa, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe wish to

The frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz is used for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) operations.

See resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-15). Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit businesses from

that have already been determined to use this frequency band and is not a priority in the regulations.

The use of the station for IMT must comply with Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. which is in line with the
aviation mobile business For calling aeronautical meters in accordance with Article 5.342 of the Radio Regulations,

see Resolution 761 (WRC-19) (WRC-19)

5.346A in Region 3 intends to use the frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz for business operations.

International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), see Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19) and Resolution 761.

(WRC-19) Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit the activities that have already been specified.

2 Palestine intends to use the frequency band 1 452-1 492 MHz for the mobile service in accordance with Resolution 99 (Rev. Busan, 2014) and the interim
agreement between Israel-Palestine on September 28, 1995
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Use this frequency band and is not a priority in the Radio Regulations. The use of stations for IMT must comply

with Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. which corresponds to Aviation Mobile Business (WRC-15)

5.347 SUP (WRC-07)

5.347A SUP (WRC-07)

5.348 The use of the frequency band 1 518-1 525 MHz in the mobile satellite service is subject to coordination under

Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. Stations in the mobile satellite service using the frequency band 1 518-1

525 MHz may not request interference protection from stations in the fixed service. This is not covered by Section

5.43A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03).

5.348A Coordination in the frequency band 1 518 - 1 525 MHz between the mobile satellite service. and land mobile operations,

which are special mobile radios or land mobile businesses that use together with the public telecommunications

network through a switching system which operating in the territory of Japan Use the value of the power flux

density at the Earth's surface due to the space station. In the mobile satellite service it is –150 dB (W/m2 .4 kHz)

for every angle of propagation. This is the default value that must be observed. Coordination is carried out under

Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. Use this value instead of the value in Table 5-2 of Appendix 5 Stations in
the satellite mobile service. that use the frequency band 1 518-1 525 MHz must not request interference protection

rights from stations in Mobile operations in the territory of Japan Not subject to Section 5.43A of the Radio

Regulations (WRC-03), stations in the mobile satellite service using the frequency band 1 518-1 525 MHz must

not request rights.

5.348B Protection against interference from aviation mobile telemetry stations in mobile operations in the territory of

United States (see Sections 5.343 and 5.344 of the Radio Regulations) and in countries subject to Section 5.342

of the Radio Regulations. It is not covered by Section 5.43A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03).

5.348C SUP (WRC-07)

5.349 Different types of entities: in Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cameroon, Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,

Israel, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Republic of North Macedonia, Morocco, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic,

Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan. New Zealand and Yemen allocate the frequency band 1 525-1 530 MHz to the mobile

service on a primary basis (see Article 5.33 of the Radio Regulations), which does not include the aviation mobile

service (WRC-19) . Additional requirements: In Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, the frequency

5.350 band 1 525-1 530 MHz is also allocated to the aviation mobile service. It is classified as a core activity (WRC-19),

a network connecting the world and space in any activity. The frequency bands 1 525-1 544

5.351 MHz, 1 545-1 559 MHz, 1 626.5-1 645.5 MHz and 1 646.5-1 660.5 MHz must not be used in certain situations.

Situation of the agency Government agencies may allow ground stations in the business to pass through Satellites
located at a predetermined location communicate through the space station. using the frequency band above

5.352 SUP (WRC-97)

Moved to clause 5.208B (WRC-07)
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5.351A Use of the frequency band 1 518-1 544 MHz 1 545-1 559 MHz 1 610-1 645.5 MHz 1 646.5-
1 660.5 MHz 1 668-1 675 MHz 1 980-2 010 MHz 2 170-2 200 MHz 2 483.5-2 520

MHz and 2 670-2 690 MHz in the satellite mobile service, see Resolution 212.
(Rev.WRC-07) and 225 (Rev.WRC-07) (WRC-07)
5.352A in the frequency band 1 525-1 530 MHz, stations in the satellite mobile service, except stations in

the maritime mobile satellite service. must not cause serious disturbance or Requesting rights
to protect against interference from the station in regular business places in Algeria Saudi
Arabia Egypt, Guinea, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria,
Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Arab Republic, Syria, Vietnam and Yemen, which have
notified Frequency registration before 1 April 1998 (WRC-19)
5.353 SUP (WRC-97)
5.353A The application of the procedures in Part II of Article 9 to the mobile satellite service in the bands 1

530-1 544 MHz and 1 626.5-1 645.5 MHz shall give due attention to the use of the spectrum.

Frequency of disaster events In an emergency and for the safety of the system which is used
around the world in In the event of a disaster and for maritime safety (Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System (GMDSS)), maritime mobile communications via satellite for this purpose

terms of access and high priority. than other mobile are ranked within that network in

communications via satellites. Providing immediate use of frequencies for mobile satellite

systems must not cause Unacceptable interference or request rights to prevent interference
from communications of the GMDSS system, taking into account the importance of safety-
related communications in the business. (under Resolution 222 (WRC-2000))
5.354 (WRC-2000) Use of the frequency bands 1 525-1 559 MHz and 1 626.5-1 660.5 MHz for the

mobile satellite service. with coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio
5.355 Regulations. Additional provisions: In Bahrain, Bangladesh, Republic of the Congo. Djibouti,
Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan,
Chad, Togo and Yemen are assigned the frequency bands 1 540-1 559 MHz, 1 610-1 645.5
MHz and 1 646.5-1. 660 MHz for the fixed service as a secondary
5.356 service (WRC-12) Use of the frequency band 1 544-1 545 MHz in the mobile satellite service
(Space-to-Earth) communication is limited to In the event of a disaster and for
5.357 safety (see Section 31), the frequency band 1 545-1 555 MHz is required to be used in the
aviation mobile business on flight routes. Commerce for delivery from terrestrial aviation

stations directly to aircraft stations or send between Aircraft station and aircraft station in expanding or strength

5.357A Application of the procedures in accordance with Part II of Article 9 of the Radio Regulations to the
mobile satellite service in the frequency bands 1 545-1 555 MHz and 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz

shall Give importance to the use of frequencies in the aviation mobile business on commercial
flight routes through Communications satellites which are of importance no. 1 to no. 6 according

to Section 44 of the Radio Communications Regulations in the aviation mobile service on

commercial flight routes through Satellites with priority numbers 1 to 6 under Section 44 of the
Radio Regulations have priority for immediate access and provision of spectrum by providing

available spectrum. Used in advance In case of necessity, this business has a higher priority than
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communications via other satellites cause in that network Mobile satellite systems must not Mobile

unacceptable interference or request protection from interference from mobile businesses. Aviation on

commercial flight routes via satellite, which are of priority 1 to 6 according to Section 44 of the Radio

Regulations, taking into account the importance of communications related to Safety in other satellite

mobile operations as well (under Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-12)) (WRC-12)

5.358 SUP (WRC-97)

5.359 Additional designations: in Germany, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cameroon, Russian

Federation, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Mauritania, Uganda,

United States. Zbekistan, Pakistan, Poland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, the Democratic People's

Republic of Korea, Romania, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine are assigned the frequency

bands 1 550-1 559 MHz, 1 610-1 645.5 MHz and 1 646.5-1 660 MHz for fixed business as well, which is

classified as the main business. Government agencies should Avoid setting up new stations in your regular
business. in the said frequency band (WRC-19)

5.360 SUP (WRC-97)

5.361 SUP (WRC-97)

5.362 SUP (WRC-97)

5.362A in the United States Aviation mobile services on commercial flight routes via satellite that use the frequency bands

1 555-1 559 MHz and 1 656.5-1 660.5 MHz have priority for access. and the provision of immediate use of
frequencies by arranging for free frequencies to be ready for use in advance in case of necessity. This

activity has a higher priority than communications. moves through other satellites in that network Mobile

satellite systems must not cause Unacceptable interference or request for protection against interference

from aviation mobile operations. In the commercial flight routes via satellite, which are of importance no. 1

to no. 6 according to Section 44, taking into account the importance of safety-related communications in

the mobile business. via other satellites as well (WRC-97)

5.362B SUP (WRC-15)

5.362C SUP (WRC-15)

5.363 SUP (WRC-07)

5.364 Use of the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz in the satellite mobile service (Earth to space) and in radio

surveillance and search via satellite. (Earth to space) subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the

Radio Regulations. Mobile ground stations in any business The device that uses this frequency band must

have a density value of Currently sending broadcasts equivalent to Maximum isotropic not exceeding -15

dB (W/4 kHz) in the band in which radio systems complying with Clause 5.366 of the Radio Regulations

are in use (subject to Clause 4.10 of the Radio Regulations), using density values. of the maximum isotropic

equivalent broadcast power. This value unless otherwise agreed other from the agency of the affected

government offices In the wave band that does not have a radio system according to Section 5.366 of the

Radio Regulations Active density value of Currently sending broadcasts equivalent to The average isotropic
of mobile ground stations must not exceed -3 dB (W/4 kHz). Stations in the business Mobile satellite

operators may not request protection against interference from stations in the aviation radio navigation

service from stations operating in accordance with Article 5.366 of the Radio Regulations. and from the station in the busine
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Stations operating in accordance with Section 5.359 of the Radio Regulations. in coordinating network cases

Mobile via satellite Government agencies must do the best they can.

To protect the station and operate according to Article 5.366 of the Radio Regulations.
5.365 Use of the frequency band 1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz for mobile satellite services (space to

world) subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations.

5.366 The frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz is a worldwide reserved frequency band for for use and

Development of daily electronic aids aircraft in navigation aviation navigation and other things

Facilities located on the ground or fixed facilities related satellite

The use of satellites in this regard is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.
5.367 Additional designation: Specifies frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz for mobile services.

Aviation on commercial flight routes as well It is classified as the main business. which depends on the agreement under

9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-12)

5.368 Section 4.10 of the Radio Regulations does not apply to radio surveillance and search services via satellite and

Mobile satellite business in the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz, excluding radio business.

Aviation navigation via satellite, however, Section 4.10 of the Radio Regulations applies to

Satellite aviation navigation radio business in the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz that is operated

According to Article 5.366 of the Radio Regulations Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes through

Satellites that comply with Article 5.367 of the Radio Regulations and maritime movement through

Satellites that use the GMDSS system in the frequency band 1 621.35-1 626.5 MHz (WRC-19)

5.369 Different types of operations: in Angola, Australia, China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India.

Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Pakistan

Papua New Guinea, Syrian Arab Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, Togo

and Zambia, the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz is designated for radio surveillance and

Search via satellite (Earth to Space) classified as a primary activity (see Section 5.33 of the Regulations

Radio) which is subject to agreements under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations with other countries (WRC-12).

5.370 Different types of business: In Venezuela, the frequency band is 1 610-1 626.5 MHz.

For radio surveillance and search via satellite (Earth to space) organized as
Secondary business

5.371 Additional designations: In Region 1, the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz (World to

space) for radio surveillance and search via satellite as well Organized as a business

Secondary, subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-12).

5.372 Stations in the satellite radio surveillance and search service and stations in the mobile service

via satellite must not cause serious interference to stations in the radio astronomy service used

Frequency band 1 610.6-1 613.8 MHz (Article 29.13 of the Radio Regulations Effective) Value

Flux density Equivalent power in the frequency band 1 610.6-1 613.8 MHz from the space station of

Satellite systems with irregular orbits location in the satellite mobile business (space to earth) used

The frequency band 1 619.8–1 626.5 MHz must comply with the interference protection criteria specified in
Recommendations ITU-R RA.769-2 and ITU-R RA.1513-2 using methods according to ITU-R recommendations.

M.1583-1 including using radio astronomy antenna formats as recommended by ITU-R.

RA.1631-0 (WRC-19)
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5.373 Marine mobile ground station that uses receiving frequencies in the frequency band 1 621.35-1 626.5 in addition

MHz must not cause any obstacles to to ground stations in the maritime mobile service

satellite or maritime ground stations in radio surveillance and search operations.

Radio compliant satellites in the frequency band 1 610-1 621.35 MHz or per station

on the ground in the maritime satellite mobile service that complies with radio regulations in the frequency band

1 626.5-1 660.5 MHz, unless the authority The government agencies will have an agreement between each other.

Others (WRC-19)

5.373A Marine mobile ground stations using the receiver frequency band 1 621.35-1 626.5 MHz.

Must not create any additional obstacles to various satellite mobile of ground stations for

networks. (Earth to Space) and ground stations for for radio inspection business

Observe and search via satellite (Earth to space) in the frequency band 1 621.35-1 626.5 MHz

in the network which is The Radio Communications Office receives the radio frequency coordination documents first.

28 October 2019 (WRC-19) Mobile

5.374 ground stations in the mobile satellite service using the frequency band 1 631.5-1 634.5

MHz and 1 656.5-1 660 MHz must not cause severe interference to stations in the business.

Stationed in various countries in accordance with Article 5.359 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-97).

5.375 Use of the frequency band 1 645.5-1 646.5 MHz in the satellite mobile service (Earth to space)

and the network linking between satellites is limited to communication in the event of a disaster and to

Safety (see Section 31)

5.376 Specifies the use of the frequency band 1 646.5-1 656.5 MHz in the aviation mobile service on flight routes.

Commerce for delivery from aircraft stations directly to terrestrial aviation stations. or send between

Aircraft station and aircraft station in expanding or strengthening the connection network from aircraft to

5.376A Mobile ground stations using the frequency band 1 660-1 660.5 MHz shall not cause interference.

Severely affecting stations in radio astronomy (WRC-97)

5.377 SUP (WRC-03)
5.379 Additional Designations: In Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan, designated areas

Frequency 1 660.5-1 668.4 MHz also for meteorological assistance services. It is classified as a secondary business.

5.379A Government agencies should: to carry out protection measures as far as practicable in order to protect

Protect radio astronomy research in the frequency band 1 660.5-1 668.4 MHz, especially

End the transmission in the air-to-ground direction of the meteorological assistance program in

Frequency band 1 664.4-1 668.4 MHz as soon as practicable.

5.379B The use of the frequency band 1 668-1 675 MHz for the mobile satellite service depends on

Coordinate under Section 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. Using the frequency band 1 668-1 668.4 MHz

Subject to Resolution No. 904 (WRC-07) (WRC-07)

5.379C to protect the radio astronomy business in the frequency band 1 668-1 670 MHz.
Flux density The total power due to mobile ground stations in any network of the entity.

Mobile satellites using this frequency band must not exceed –181 dB(W/m2 .10 MHz) and not more than

ÿ194 dB (W/m2 .20 kHz) at any radio astronomy station with a registered radio frequency
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Internationally by the flux density value The total force must not exceed this value by more than 2% of the

total duration of 2 000 seconds (WRC-03).

5.379D Shared use of the frequency band 1 668.4-1 675 MHz between the satellite mobile service and

Fixed business and mobile business Under Resolution No. 744 (Rev.WRC-07) (WRC-07)
5.379E In the frequency band 1 668.4-1 675 MHz, stations in the mobile satellite service must not cause Serious interference

with meteorological assistance stations in China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan and Uzbekistan should

not be carried out by government agencies. to carry out meteorological assistance operations A new system

in the frequency band 1 668.4-1 675 MHz should be arranged for use by the Meteorological Assistance

Service. This frequency band is changed to another frequency band as soon as practicable (WRC-03).
5.380 SUP (WRC-07)

5.380A In the frequency band 1 670-1 675 MHz, stations in the mobile satellite service must not cause Severely interferes

with or hinders the development of ground stations in meteorological operations. via satellite which registered

radio frequencies before 1 January 2004. Terrestrial stations in Newly established satellite meteorological

services in this frequency band are entitled to protection against interference. also from stations in the mobile

satellite service (WRC-07). Additional allocation: In Afghanistan, Cuba, India, the

5.381 Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan, the frequency band 1 690-1 700 MHz is allocated to the mobile satellite
service. place and business move with It is classified as the main business. This does not include aviation

mobile operations (WRC-12). Different types of operations: in Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan,

5.382 Bahrain, Belarus, Republic of the Congo. Egypt United Arab Emirates Eritrea Ethiopia Russian Federation

Guinea Iraq Israel Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Lebanon North Macedonia Mauritania Moldova Mongolia Oman

Uzbekistan Poland Qatar The Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine

and Yemen allocate the frequency band 1 690-1 700 MHz to regular business. fixed and mobile services,

excluding the aviation mobile service, which is classified as the primary service (see Section 5.33 of the Radio
Regulations). In the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the frequency band 1 690-1 700 MHz is specified

for the fixed service. It is classified as the main business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) and the
frequency band 1 690-1 700 MHz is assigned to the mobile business, excluding the aviation mobile business.

It is classified as a secondary activity (WRC-19). Additional allocation: In India, Indonesia and Japan, the
frequency band 1 700-1 710 MHz is allocated to the space research service. (Space to Earth) as

5.384 well, classified as a core activity (WRC-97)

5.384A Government agencies that wish to use the frequency bands or parts thereof 1 710-1 885 MHz, 2 300-2 400 MHz and
2 500-2 690 MHz for the operation of international mobile telecommunications business ( IMT) see resolution

223 (Rev.WRC-15). Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit it. Allow various businesses that

have already been specified to use this frequency band. and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any

way (WRC-15). Additional designation:

5.385 Specifies the frequency band 1 718.8-1 722.2 MHz for the radio business. Astronomy too It is classified as a
secondary business. For spectral line observation (WRC-2000) Additional designations: In Region 2

5.386 (except Mexico) and in Australia, Guam, India, Indonesia and Japan, the frequency band 1 750-1 850 MHz is

assigned. For space operations (Earth to Space) and space research activities (Earth to Space) classified as

the main business which depends on

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Agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, with special regard to the troposcatter system.

5.387 Additional designations: in Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
The frequency band 1 770-1 790 MHz is also specified for the satellite meteorological service. It is classified

as the main business. Subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-12), the

frequency bands 1 885-2 025

5.388 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz are designated for the operation of International Mobile Telecommunications

(IMT). ) around the world. Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit various businesses that have

already been specified from using this frequency band. However, the above frequency bands should be

arranged to support them. International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) according to Resolution 212 (Rev.WRC-15) (see Reso
(WRC-15) consists of) (WRC-15)

5.388A In Regions 1 and 3, the frequency bands 1 885-1 980 MHz, 2 010-2 025 MHz and 2110-2 170 MHz may be used, and

in Region 2, the frequency bands 1 885-1 980 MHz and 2 110 may be used. - 2160 MHz for high-range floating

base stations as base stations to operate in accordance with the International Mobile Telecommunications Act
2000 (IMT-2000) according to resolution 221 (Rev.WRC-07). The use of the said frequency band is not

Prohibiting businesses from using the above frequency bands as specified. The frequency spectrum is specified

and is not a priority in the radio regulations (WRC-12).

5.388B in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, Cote d'Ivoire, China, Cuba, Djibouti,

Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel. Jordan,

Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria, Oman, Uganda, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic,

Senegal, Singapore, Sudan. South Sudan, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe for

the protection of fixed and mobile enterprises. including IMT-2000 mobile stations in the territory of each
country from interference due to the use of the same radio frequency channel, which involves any high-range

floating base station used as a base station for to operate telecommunications business International Mobile

Communications 2000 (IMT-2000) in neighboring countries using the frequency band according to Section
5.388A of the Radio Regulations, the flux density value The power of the same surface radio frequency channel

due to such high-range floating base stations must not exceed -127 dB (W/(m2 · MHz)) in the world outside the

country's borders. unless there is clear approval from the affected government agency on the date
and time of notifying the radio frequency registration of the high-range floating base station (WRC-19).

5.389A Use of the frequency bands 1 980-2 010 MHz and 2 170-2 200 MHz in the mobile service The satellite is subject to

coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. and is under the resolution
716 (Rev.WRC-2000) (WRC-07)
5.389B The use of the frequency band 1 980-1 990 MHz in the satellite mobile service must not cause

Severely disturb or hinder the development of regular business. Stationary and mobile

operations in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, United States, Honduras, Jamaica ,
Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela (WRC-19)
5.389C Use of the frequency bands 2 010-2 025 MHz and 2 160-2 170 MHz in the mobile service. Satellites in Region 2 are

subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations and Under resolution 716 (Rev.WRC-2000)

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5.389D SUP (WRC-03)

5.389E Use of the frequency bands 2 010-2 025 MHz and 2 160-2 170 MHz in the mobile service

Satellites in Region 2 must not cause serious interference or obstruction.

Develop regular business Stationary and mobile operations in Regions 1 and 3

5.389F in Algeria, Cape Verde, Egypt, Islamic Republic of Iran Mali, Syrian Arab Republic and

Tunisia Use of the frequency bands 1 980-2 010 MHz and 2 170-2 200 MHz in the mobile sector.

via satellite must not cause serious interference or hinder business development
fixed and mobile services before 1 January 2005 and mobile services via satellite

Must not request rights to protect against interference from regular business. Stationary and mobile operations (WRC-19)

5.390 SUP (WRC-07)

5.391 Government agencies must not allocate the frequency bands 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz for use in

mobile systems. which has a high density of use and administrative units

Government officials must take into account the recommendations ITU-R SA.1154-0 in providing any mobility system.

5.392 Government agencies should take action Take all practicable measures to ensure that the

Frequency bands 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz from space to space between
Two or more satellites with irregular orbits. in space research business

Space operations and earth exploration activities through satellites Such submission must not be

Obstacles to sending from Earth into space Transmission from space to Earth and sending from space to space

Other between satellites with regular orbits and satellites with irregular orbits in the business

above and in the frequency band above

5.392A SUP (WRC-07)

5.393 Additional designations: In Canada, the United States and India, designated frequency bands 2 310-
2 360 MHz for the satellite broadcasting business and for the sound broadcasting business
around the world to enhance sound broadcasting as well. It is classified as the main business, but only the

digital broadcasting business. and is subject to resolution 528 (Rev.WRC-15), except resolution number 3, which
resolved that in using the frequency band of the satellite broadcasting system is

Temporarily, use radio frequencies within the 25 MHz band for terrestrial broadcasting stations to

Strengthening broadcasting requires bilateral coordination with neighboring countries.

Can be implemented (WRC-19)

5.394 in the united states Use of the frequency band 2 300-2 390 MHz for telemetry work in businesses

In Canada, the use of the 2 360-2 400 MHz band for telemetry in the mobile aviation service has priority over other
applications in the mobile service.

Higher priority than other applications in the mobile sector (WRC-07)

5.395 In France and Turkey, the frequency band 2 310-2 360 MHz is used for commercial telemetry work.

Aviation mobility has higher priority than other mobile applications (WRC-03).
5.396 SUP (WRC-19)
5.397 SUP (WRC-12)
5.398 Radio surveillance and search services via satellite in the frequency band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz

Not subject to Article 4.10 of the Radio Regulations.

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5.398A Different types of entities: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation.

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine determine frequency bands.

2 483.5-2 500 MHz for radio location business, classified as the main business, radio station

Communications in the radio business Locations in such countries must not cause serious disturbances.

Continue or request protection from fixed business, mobile business and mobile business

Radio compliant satellites in band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz (WRC-12)

5.399 Except for the case in Section 5.401 of the radio station regulations in the radio surveillance and search business.
Via satellite in the frequency band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz that has been registered after the date

17 February 2012 and is available in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and the United States.

Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine must not cause

Severe interference or must not request interference protection rights from stations in the radio business.

Position under Section 5.398A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-12)

5.400 SUP (WRC-12)
5.401 in Angola, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, India, Lebanon.

Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Pakistan Papua New Guinea, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic

Congo, Sudan, Togo and Zambia are assigned frequency band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz for business.

Radio surveillance and search via satellite It is classified as the main business before WRC-12 according to

9.21 of the radio regulations which have been agreed upon by countries not on the list. Systems in radio business

Surveillance and search via satellite with complete coordination information and notification

Radiocommunications Office before 18 February 2012 Status can be maintained according to the date received.

Coordination of data requests (WRC-19)

5.402 Use of the frequency band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz in the mobile satellite and radio services
Surveillance and search via satellite is subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of

Radio regulations Government agencies should implement Follow the steps all as possible

can be done to protect the radio astronomy business from serious interference.
Due to the propagation of waves in the frequency band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz, especially the interference that causes
From the radiation of the 2nd harmonic wave in the frequency band 4 990-5 000 MHz, which is the specified frequency band.

For radio astronomy activities around the world

5.403 Mobile business via satellite (Space-to-Earth) except for mobile flight operations via satellite.

The frequency band 2 520-2 535 MHz may be used subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

It is limited to use within the borders of the country. This is subject to Section 9.11A of the Radio Regulations.

5.404 Additional Designations: In India and the Islamic Republic of Iran Surveillance radio business and

Search via satellite (Space to Earth) may use the frequency band 2 500-2 516.5 MHz.

Subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, limited to use only within the territory of
5.405 SUP (WRC-12)
5.407 In the frequency band 2 500-2 520 MHz, the power flux density value in Argentina due to the space The surface of the world

station in the satellite mobile business (Space to Earth) must

Not more than –152 dB (W/(m2 . 4 kHz)) unless otherwise agreed with the administrative body of

Relevant state
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5.408 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.409 SUP (WRC-07)

5.410 Tropospheric scatter systems in Region 1 may use the frequency band 2 500-2 690 MHz, subject to

agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. The agreement does not include network

connections. Tropospheric scatterers outside of Region 1 require government agencies to take

precautions. Every possible effort is made to avoid the development of tropospheric scatter systems. A
new system in this frequency band to plan the tropospheric scattering network link system. New in this

frequency band, the agency State administrations must take possible measures to: Avoid directing the
antennas of the tropospheric scattering network towards Orbit of fixed orbit satellite (WRC-12)

5.411 SUP (WRC-07)

5.412 Optional designation: in Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, assigned frequency band 2 500-2 690

MHz for regular business stationary and mobile operations It is classified as the main business. which

does not include businesses

5.413 Aviation Mobile Communications (WRC-12) In designing systems for satellite broadcasting in the

frequency band between 2 500 MHz and 2 690 MHz, government agencies should take all necessary
steps. necessary to protect radio astronomy activities in the frequency band
Any other

2 690 -2 700 MHz

5.414 The assignment of the frequency band 2 500-2 520 MHz for the mobile satellite service (Space-to-Earth)

is subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07).

5.414A in Japan and India Use of the frequency bands 2 500-2 520 MHz and 2 520-2 535 MHz in accordance with

Article 5.403 of the Radio Regulations. of the satellite network in the satellite mobile service (Space-to-
Earth) is restricted to use within national boundaries. and subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of

the Radio Regulations, the default power flux density value shall be coordinated under Article 9.11A of

the Radio Regulations. in areas within 1,000 kilometers surrounding the territory of the government

agency of government offices that notify of registration of radio frequencies of Networks in the satellite
mobile business Use the flux density value. The power is as follows for all conditions and all modulation

methods: ÿ136 dB (W/(m2 · MHz)) ÿ136 + 0.55 (ÿ

ÿ 5) dB (W/(m2 · MHz) ) for 5° < ÿ For 0° ÿ ÿ ÿ 5°
ÿ 25° ÿ125 dB (W/(m2 · MHz))

For 25° < ÿ ÿ 90°

where ÿ represents the angle at which the wave propagates downward. above the horizontal plane For
other areas outside this area Use the power flux density values according to Table 21-4 in Section 21 in

the case of the system at the Radio Communications Office. The company received the radio frequency

registration notification document by 14 November 2007 and the system was in operation. In operation
on November 14, 2007, use the power flux density value as the default value to be performed.

Coordination is carried out according to Table 5-2, Attachment 1, Appendix 5 of the Radio Regulations

(2004 edition) together with Section 9 and Section 11 together

5.415 with Section 9.11A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07), use of the band. Frequency 2 500-2 690 MHz in

Region 2 and the use of frequency bands 2 500- 2 535 MHz and 2 655-2 690 MHz in Region 3 for fixed

satellite services is limited only. The system which It is carried out at the national and regional levels, which depends on
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Agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, with special attention paid to the broadcasting

business. and satellite television in Region 1 (WRC-07)

5.415A Additional designations: in India and Japan The frequency band 2 515-2 535 MHz shall be used in the aviation

mobile service via satellite. (Space-to-Earth) can be used within the borders of the country. Subject to

agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-2000), the

5.416 use of the frequency band 2 520-2 670 MHz in satellite broadcasting is limited to systems which

operate. This is carried out at the national and regional level for direct community exposure, subject to

agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. This frequency band is subject to bilateral and

multilateral coordination under Article 9.19 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07).

5.417 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.417A SUP (WRC-15)

5.417B SUP (WRC-15)

5.417C SUP (WRC-15)

5.417D SUP (WRC-15)

5.418 Additional allocation: In India, the frequency band 2 535-2 655 MHz is allocated for the satellite

broadcasting service and for the terrestrial broadcasting service to enhance distribution. complete the

sound as well It is classified as the main business. This Limited to the broadcasting business in

is a digital system and is subject to Resolution No. 528 (Rev.WRC-19) without using Section 5.416 of

the Radio Regulations and Table 21-4 in Section 21 with the determination of this additional frequency

band. Use the frequency band of satellite systems with irregular orbits position in the satellite
broadcasting business Under Resolution No. 539 (Rev.WRC-19), various systems in the satellite

broadcasting business with fixed orbits, which the Radiocommunications Office received the radio

frequency coordination document according to Appendix 4 after as of June 1, 2005, will be limited to
systems that provide

comprehensive services in National level only Power flux density values for all conditions and every
modulation method on the earth's surface due to space stations in the satellite broadcasting service

that have fixed orbits in the frequency band 2 630-2 655 MHz, which the Radiocommunications Office

has received documents on frequency coordination. Radios according to Appendix 4 after 1 June 2005 must not exceed

ÿ130 dB (W/(m2 · MHz)) For 0ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ 5ÿ

ÿ130+ 0.4 (ÿ ÿ 5) dB (W/(m2 · MHz)) For 5ÿ ÿÿ ÿ 25ÿ

–122 dB (W/(m2 · MHz)) For 25ÿ ÿÿ ÿ 90ÿ

where ÿ represents the angle at which the wave propagates downward. above the horizontal plane The value

of power flux density at the earth's surface may be higher than the above value in the territory of any country

approved by the public authority. However, in the case of exemption from using the above values. Use the
value A power flux density of –122 dB (W/(m2 · MHz)) is the default value to be coordinated under Article 9.11

of the Radio Regulations. in the area within a radius of 1,500 kilometers around the territory of the government

agency of the government administration that has notified the registration of the frequency of the system in the
business Broadcasting through the said satellite
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Government agencies in each of the above countries must not allocate two overlapping frequencies. frequency
spectrum at the same time, that is, the allocation of one frequency spectrum according to the regulations This

and other requirements One frequency according to Article 5.416 of the Radio Regulations for systems for

which the Radio Communications Office has received Radio Frequency Coordination Documents according to

Appendix 4 after 1 June 2005 (WRC-19).

5.418A for countries in Region 3 according to Article 5.418 of the Radio Regulations. Use of the frequency band 2 630-2 655
MHz of satellite systems with irregular orbits In the satellite broadcasting business, the Radiocommunications

Office received radio frequency coordination documents or radio frequency registration documents according

to Appendix 4 after 2 June 2000. The use of this frequency band is subject to coordination under Clause 9.12A

of the Radio Regulations relates to geostationary satellite networks, which are considered to be received by the

Radio Communications Office. Radio Frequency Coordination Document or documents notifying radio frequency

registration according to Appendix 4 after June 2, 2000, without being subject to Section 22.2 of the Radio

Regulations. As for the case involving fixed orbit satellite networks, it is considered that the Radio

Communications Office has received radio frequency coordination documents. or document reporting frequency

registration Radios according to Appendix 4 before 3 June 2000 still fall under Article 22.2 of the Radio

Regulations (WRC-03). Use of the frequency band 2 630-2 655 MHz of geostationary satellite systems in

5.418B broadcasting business according to Section 5.418 of the Radio Regulations, which the Radiocommunications

Office has received Radio Frequency Coordination Document or document notifying radio frequency registration

according to Appendix 4 after 2 June 2000. Use of this frequency band is subject to coordination under Article

9.12 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03).

5.418C Use of the frequency band 2 630-2 655 MHz of the geostationary satellite network for which the Radiocommunications

Office has received radio frequency coordination documents. or registration documents Radio frequency

registration according to Appendix 4 after 2 June 2000, use of the said frequency band This is subject to

coordination under Article 9.13 of the Radio Regulations. In cases related to the system Satellites with irregular
orbits position in the satellite broadcasting business according to Section 5.418 of the Radio Regulations. It is

not subject to Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03) when starting
5.419 operation. When operating various systems in the satellite mobile service in the frequency band 2 670- 2 690

MHz, government agencies must: and take all steps necessary to protect satellite systems using this frequency
Any other

band prior to 3 March 1992. Coordination of mobile satellite systems in this frequency band shall be coordinated
in accordance with clause 9.11. A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-07) Mobile Satellite Business (Earth to

space) except for mobile flight operations

5.420 via satellite. The frequency band 2 655-2 670 MHz may be used, restricted to use within national boundaries,
subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. and to coordinate under Section 9.11A of the

Radio Regulations (WRC-07).

5.420A SUP (WRC-07)

5.421 SUP (WRC-03)

5.422 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Brunei Darussalam. Republic

of the Congo Cote d'Ivoire Cuba Djibouti Egypt United Arab Emirates
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Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,

Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Syrian

Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Romania, Somalia, Tajikistan, Tunisia,

Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Yemen. Frequency band 2 690-2 700 MHz for regular business It includes
both the fixed and mobile business, classified as the main business, which does not include the aviation

mobile business, which is limited to radio communications equipment in use as of 1 January 1985

(WRC-12), allowing radar located on the

5.423 ground to use the range Frequency 2 700-2 900 MHz in meteorological work, with equal status to stations

in the radio business. Additional designations : In

5.424 Canada, bands 2 850-2 900 MHz are designated for coastal radars in the radio-navigation service.

including sea navigation It is classified as the main business.

5.424A in the frequency band 2 900-3 100 MHz, stations in the radio service The position must not cause Severely

disturbing or must not request rights to protection against interference from radar systems in radio business
Navigation (WRC-03)

5.425 In the frequency band 2 900-3 100 MHz, the ship's system that functions as a signal inquirer and repeater

Radio frequencies in the 2 930-2 950 MHz band must be

5.426 used. The use of the 2 900-3 100 MHz band in the radio business Aviation navigation is limited to radar.
location on the

5.427 ground Responses from radar repeaters in the bands 2 900-3 100 MHz and 9 300- 9 500 MHz must not

be confused with responses from radar radio transmitters. and must not cause interference to the regular
radar naval or aircraft radar in the radio-navigation service, taking into account clause 4.9 of the Radio

Regulations. Additional provisions: In Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, the frequency

5.428 band 3 100-3 300 MHz is also allocated to the radionavigation service on a primary basis (WRC-19).

Additional allocation: in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Beni Brunei

5.429 Darussalam, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo, Republic of Korea, Cote d'Ivoire,

Egypt, United Arab Emirates, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kenya

Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Uganda, Pakistan, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic

Democratic Republic of the Congo The People's Democratic Republic, Korea, Sudan and Yemen also

designate the frequency band 3 300-3 400 MHz for the fixed and mobile services. On a primary basis,

fixed and mobile operations in New Zealand and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea may not
request assistance. Prevent interference from radio positioning business (WRC-19)

5.429A Additional designations: in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Djibouti.
Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia,

Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, South Africa, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Zambia and
Zimbabwe designate band 3 300-3 400 MHz for Accepting mobile business except for aviation mobile

business. It is classified as the main business. Stations in the mobile business in the frequency band

3 300-3 400 MHz must not cause serious interference or require protection against interference.

Interference from stations in the radio positioning business (WRC-19)

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5.429B in Region 1 countries, south of 30 degrees north, Angola, Benin, Botswana.

Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Republic of the Congo Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eswatini, Ghana,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger,

Nigeria, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, South Africa,
Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Band 3 300 -3 400 MHz intended to be used for business

International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) according to Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19) use of frequency bands

3 300-3 400 MHz for IMT must not cause serious interference and do not request rights.

Protection against interference from systems in the radio positioning business. Specifying the said frequency band is not

Prohibiting various businesses that have already been specified from using the frequency band and is not ranked in order

of any importance in radio regulations (WRC-19)

5.429C Different types of entities: in Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic. El Salvador, Ecuador,

Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay, the frequency band 3 300-3 400 MHz is allocated to the mobile service,

excluding the mobile service.

Aviation, classified as the main business In Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and

Uruguay, the frequency bands 3 300-3 400 MHz are designated for the fixed service.

It is classified as the main business. station in daily business Stations and mobile businesses in this frequency band must not

causing serious disturbance or requesting rights to protect against interference from stations in the radio business

Position (WRC-19)

5.429D in Region 2: Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Republic of

Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, and Uruguay define the area.

Frequency 3 300-3 400 MHz for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) as well according to the resolution.

at 223 (Rev.WRC-19) Use in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay must comply with

9.21 of the Radio Regulations, the use of IMT in this frequency band must not cause severe interference.

or requesting rights to protect against interference from radio location services and must receive agreement from

Neighboring countries that must prevent the use of radio location services by specifying frequency bands

This does not prohibit various businesses that have already been specified from using the frequency bands. and is not

Prioritized in radio regulations (WRC-19)

5.429E Additional designations: in Papua New Guinea Specifies the frequency band 3 300-3 400 MHz for the business.

Mobile, except for aviation mobile business. It is classified as the main business. station in business

moving in this frequency band Must not cause serious disturbance. or request protection rights

Interference from radio positioning business and must receive agreement from neighboring countries that must

Prevent the use of radio positioning services as well (WRC-15)

5.429F In Region 3: Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam, frequency bands 3 300-3 400 MHz are

designated for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) services.

According to Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19), the use of IMT in this frequency band must not cause

Severely disturbing or request rights to protect against interference from radio location services and must

Received an agreement from neighboring countries to prevent the use of radio positioning business as well.

Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. Specifying the frequency band does not prohibit businesses that have already

specified it from using the frequency band. and is not a priority in the radio regulations.

Somehow (WRC-19)
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5.430 Additional Designations: In Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, assigned frequency band 3 300-3 400

MHz for the radio navigation business as well, classified as the main business (WRC-19)

5.430A The frequency band 3 400-3 600 MHz is designated for use in for the mobile service, except for the aviation mobile service

according to Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, which is also specified for the international mobile

telecommunications (IMT) service. that has already been determined, uses the frequency band and is not a priority in

the Radio Regulations. However, coordination must be made under Sections 9.17 and 9.18 of the Radio Regulations

as well. This is before the authority The state director will take action. to set up a base station or Mobile stations in

the mobile service using this frequency band must ensure that the power flux density at a height of 3 m above the

ground is not measured by other government agencies. exceeds ÿ154.5 dB (W/(m2 ÿ 4 kHz)) more than 20% of the

time or the flux density value may be used. Forces above this value on the territory of the
At the border of

country in which the authority The government administration of that state gives approval in order to ensure that the

flux density value is correct. The force must not exceed the specified value at the border of the authority. of other

government agencies must be calculated and verified by All relevant information must be taken into account with

approval from the relevant authority. government agencies of both sides (government agencies that Responsible for

earth stations and agencies The radiocommunications office will provide assistance in this matter upon request in

cases where the government agencies cannot reach an agreement. The power flux density value will be calculated

and verified by considering the above information. In addition, stations in the mobile service in this frequency band

The space station's protection against interference must not be exceeded. than protection according to Table 21-4 of

the Radio Regulations (2004 edition) (WRC-15). Additional designation: In Germany, the frequency band 3 400-3

475 MHz is designated for radio business Apply to play too. It is classified as a secondary business (WRC-19).


5.431A in Region 2, the frequency band 3 400-3 500 MHz is specified for the mobile business, except for the aviation mobile business.

It is classified as a main business according to Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.


5.431B in Region 2 specifies frequency band 3 400-3 600 MHz for telecommunications business. International Mobile

Telecommunication (IMT) as well. Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit various businesses that have

already been specified from using the frequency band. and is not a priority in the Radio Regulations in any way.

However, coordination must be made under Articles 9.17 and 9.18 of the Radio Regulations as well. Before the

authority The state director will take action. to set up a base station or mobile station in Mobile services using this

frequency band shall ensure that the power flux density value at 3 m above the ground of other states does not
At the border of the administrative agency
exceed ÿ154.5 dB (W/(m2 ÿ 4 kHz)) more than 20% of the time or

may use the value Flux density power with a value higher than that value on the territory of the country approved by

the government agency, in order to ensure that The power flux density value is not higher than the value specified at

the border of the authority. of other government agencies must be calculated and verified by All relevant information

must be taken into account. With the approval of both government agencies (government agencies responsible for

the station
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terrestrial regions and agencies The RTO will provide assistance in this matter upon request in the
event that the government agencies cannot reach an agreement. Will calculate and check the safety

value. power flux density by considering the above information. In addition, stations in the mobile

service in This frequency band Must not request protection against interference from space stations in

excess of the protection provided in Schedule 21-4 of the Radio Regulations (2004 edition) (WRC-15).

Different types of activities: in the Republic of Korea, Japan, Pakistan and

5.432 the Republic of Korean People's Democracy The frequency band 3 400-3 500 MHz is designated for
the mobile service as the primary service (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations), which does not

include the mobile service.

Aviation (WRC-19)

5.432A In the Republic of Korea, Japan, Pakistan and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the frequency
band 3 400-3 500 MHz is designated for international mobile telecommunications (IMT). Use this

frequency band as specified. Specify the frequency spectrum

and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way. in the coordination process Also coordinate

under Articles 9.17 and 9.18 of the Radio Regulations. This is before the government agencies take

action. Proceed to have a base station or mobile station in the mobile business using the At this

frequency, the agency The state director must ensure that Power flux density value at a height of 3 m.

above the ground at the border of the government agency. Facilities of other states must not exceed

ÿ154.5 dB (W/(m2 ÿ 4 kHz)) more than 20% of the time. The flux density value may be used. high value

power than this value on the territory of the country in which the authority the director of that state gives

approval This is to ensure that Flux density value If the force level does not exceed the specified value

at the border of the administrative agency of another state, it must be calculated and verified by All

information must be taken into account. related With the approval of the agency both government

agencies (government agencies responsible for earth stations and government agencies responsible

for of the responsible state director ground station) and the Radiocommunications Office will provide

assistance in this matter if requested. The state administration could not agree on the matter. The

Radio Communications Office will calculate and verify the power flux density value based on the above

information. Stations in the mobile service using the frequency band 3 400-3 500 MHz must not request

protection rights. annoy from the space station beyond the protection provided by Table 21-4 of the Radio Regulations (

5.432B Different types of activities: in Australia, Bangladesh, Negara, Brunei Darussalam, China, French

Overseas Communities in Region 3, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic, Iran, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Philippines. Singapore and Thailand specify the frequency band 3 400- 3 500 MHz for the mobile

business, except for the aviation mobile business. It is classified as a main business according to

Section 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, which is also specified for use in the international mobile

telecommunications (IMT) business. has already been used in the frequency band and is not a priority

in the Radio Regulations. However, coordination must be made under Sections 9.17 and 9.18 of the

Radio Regulations as well. This is before the government administrative agency takes action. and

setting up base stations or mobile stations in mobile businesses By using this frequency band,

government agencies must ensure that Flux density value

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force at a height of 3 meters above the ground at the border of the authority The power flux density
values above that value may be used in the territory of other government facilities. of the country in

which the agency of the respective state administration to give approval in order to ensure that Flux

density value The force must not exceed the specified value at the border of the government agency.

Other state administrations must be calculated and verified, taking into account all relevant

information. With approval from the agency The two government agencies (the government agency

responsible for world stations and the government agency responsible for terrestrial stations) will

assist with the radiocommunications office. this if requested in cases where the agency The

government offices were unable to reach an agreement. The radio office

Transport will calculate and check the power flux density value by considering

information above. In addition, stations in the mobile business in this frequency band Must not request protection rights

Interference from the space station exceeds the protection provided by Table 21-4 of the Radio Regulations (2016 edition).

2004) (WRC-19)

5.433 In Regions 2 and 3, the frequency band 3 400-3 600 MHz is designated for radio positioning as the

main activity. The responsible government agency should cease this operation. to operate the radio

system locations using this frequency band within 1985. After that, government agencies must take

action shall take all practicable steps to protect the fixed satellite service from interference and shall
not require the fixed satellite service to via satellite in This frequency band must 5.433A coordinated

operations in Australia, Bangladesh , Brunei

Darussalam, China, French Overseas Communities in Region 3, the Republic of Korea, India , Indonesia , the

Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines and the Democratic People's

Republic of Korea. The frequency band 3 500 - 3 600 MHz is specified for use in the international

mobile telecommunications (IMT) business. Specifying the frequency band does not prohibit
businesses that have already been specified from using the frequency band. and is not a priority in

the Radio Regulations. However, coordination must be made under Sections 9.17 and 9.18 of the

Radio Regulations as well. This is before the authority When a government agency establishes a

base station or mobile station in the mobile service using this frequency band, the government agency

must ensure that: Power flux density value at a height of 3 meters above the ground at the border of
the government agency. Facilities of other states shall not exceed ÿ154.5 dB (W/(m2 ÿ 4 kHz)) more

than 20% of the time or the flux density value may be used. power exceeding this value on the

territory of the country in which the authority of the respective state administration to give approval in

order to ensure that Flux density value If the force level does not exceed the specified value at the

border of the administrative agency of another state, it must be calculated and verified by All

information must be taken into account. related With approval from the agency both government

agencies (government agencies responsible for earth stations and government agencies responsible

for of the responsible state director ground station) and the Radio Communications Office will provide

assistance in this matter if received. Request in cases where the agency If government agencies

cannot agree, the Radio Communications Office will calculate and verify the power flux density by

considering the above information. In addition, stations in the mobile service in the frequency band this Must not requ
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from the space station beyond the protection provided by Table 21-4 of the Radio Regulations (2004 edition).

5.434 In Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, the United States and Paraguay,

Use the frequency band 3 600 - 3 700 MHz or parts of it for international mobile telecommunications business.

(IMT) as well. Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit various businesses that have already been specified

from using the frequency band. and is not a priority in the Radio Regulations. However, coordination must be made

under Sections 9.17 and 9.18 of the Radio Regulations as well. Before the agency

State directors will to set up base stations or mobile stations in the mobile business using the

At this frequency, government agencies must ensure that Value of power flux density at

3 meters high above the ground at the border of the government agency Other state facilities shall not exceed ÿ154.5

dB (W/(m2 ÿ 4 kHz)) more than 20% of the time, or an available power flux density value may be used.

Values higher than those values on the territory of the country in which the authority is The director of that state gives advice.

Agreed in order to ensure that Flux density value The force must not exceed the specified value at the border of the

authority. of other government agencies must be calculated and verified by

Take into account all relevant information. With approval from the agency of the two state offices

Departments (government agencies responsible for earth stations and government agencies

States responsible for ground stations) with the Radio Communications Office providing assistance in this matter.

If requested in the case where the agency The government offices were unable to reach an agreement. The radio office
Transport will calculate and check the power flux density value by considering
information above. In addition, stations in the mobile business in this frequency band Must not request protection rights

Interference from the space station exceeds the protection provided by Table 21-4 of the Radio Regulations (2016 edition).

2004) (WRC-19)
5.435 In Japan, the frequency band 3 620-3 700 MHz is not specified for the radio positioning service.

5.436 Use of the frequency band 4 200-4 400 MHz for stations in the aviation mobile service on routes

Commercial aviation, only wireless avionics intra-communication system must follow

International aviation standards according to Resolution 424 (WRC-15) (WRC-15)

5.437 Passive sensing in Earth exploration via satellite and space research May use the area

Frequency 4 200-4 400 MHz in secondary operations (WRC-15)

5.438 Use of the frequency band 4 200-4 400 MHz in the radio business. aviation directions Reserved only for the machine

Aircraft radio altimeters and related ground-based repeaters.

5.439 Additional designations: In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the designated frequency bands are 4 200-4 400 MHz.

For fixed business as well, classified as a secondary business (WRC-12)

5.440 Standard frequency and satellite time signal operations may use the radio frequency 4 202 MHz.

Sent from space to earth and uses radio frequency 6 427 MHz to send from Earth into space Such submission must

is within the range ÿ 2 MHz of radio frequency 4 202 MHz and radio frequency 6 427 MHz which

Subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations.

5.440A in Region 2 (except Brazil, Cuba, French Overseas Communities and Provinces)

Guatemala, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela) and in Australia. aircraft station (see section

1.83 of the Radio Regulations), the frequency band 4 400-4 940 MHz may be used for telemetry work.
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Move aeronautically for flight testing. The use of this frequency band is governed by Resolution 416

(WRC-07) and must not cause serious interference or require interference protection rights. from regular
business for satellite and fixed business. The use of the said frequency band does not It is prohibited to

use the above frequency bands in other mobile businesses or in other businesses that have designated

frequency bands as their main activities as well. and is not a priority in radio regulations in any way
(WRC-07), the use

5.441 of the frequency band 4 500-4 800 MHz (space-to-earth) and the frequency band 6 725-7 025 MHz (earth-

to-earth Space) in the fixed satellite service must comply with Appendix 30B of the Radio Regulations,

use of the frequency bands 10.7-10.95 GHz (space-to-Earth), the frequency band 11.2-11.45 GHz (space-

to-earth) and the frequency band 12.75-13.25. GHz (Earth to Space) by satellite systems with fixed orbits
in routine operations Satellite communications must comply with Annex 30B of the Radio Regulations.

The use of the 10.7-10.95 GHz (Space-to-Earth), 11.2-11.45 GHz (Space-to-Earth) and 12.75-13.25 GHz

(Earth-to-Space) bands must comply with Annex 30B of the Radio Regulations. Satellite systems with
non-stationary orbits in regular business via satellite, use of frequency bands This depends on Coordinate

under Article 9.12 of the Radio Regulations with geostationary satellite systems and other systems in the

fixed-satellite service. Satellite systems with non-geostationary orbits in the fixed-satellite service must

not claim protection against interference from the satellite network with geostationary orbits in the fixed-

satellite service. The best satellite channels and to operate in accordance with radio regulations, regardless

of whether the Radio Communications Office receives radio frequency coordination documents or

registration notification documents. Radio frequencies of satellite systems with irregular orbits position in

regular business via satellite and receive radio frequency coordination documents or radio frequency

registration documents of Satellite network with regular orbits at any time They are not subject to Section

5.43A of the Radio Regulations. Satellite systems with non-geostationary orbits. position in regular
business via satellite that uses the frequency band The above must be ready to proceed. to act quickly

to correct any unacceptable disturbances that may occur (WRC-2000)

5.441A In Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, the frequency band 4 800-4 900 MHz, or portions thereof, is also designated

for the international mobile telecommunications (IMT) service. Prohibiting various businesses that have

already been specified from using the frequency band and is not a priority in radio regulations. The use

of IMT is subject to international agreements in border areas and must not require interference protection

rights. From other uses in mobile operations according to Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19) (WRC-19)

5.441B in Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, China,

Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Eswatini, Russian Federation, Gambia, Republic of Guinea. Islam, Iran, Kazakhstan,
Kenya, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, Uzbekistan,

Republic of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Democratic Republic of People of Korea, Sudan, South Africa,

Tanzania, Togo, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe also designate the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz,
or parts thereof, for the international mobile telecommunications (IMT) business. The designation of the

frequency band does not prohibit businesses from using it. which has already been determined, uses the

frequency band and is not a priority in the Radio Regulations. The use of IMT stations is subject to

agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. Before starting to use the station
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The IMT must ensure that the power flux density does not exceed -155 dB (W/(m2 ÿ 1 MHz)) at an

altitude of 19 km above sea level and at a distance of 20 km from low tide. This provision will be
reviewed in WRC-23 in accordance with Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-19), effective after WRC-19


5.442 The frequency bands 4 825-4 835 MHz and 4 950-4 990 MHz are designated for use by the mobile

service, except for the aviation mobile service. In Region 2 (except Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico,

Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela) and Australia, the frequency band

4 825-4 835 MHz for the aviation mobile service, limited to aircraft stations in Aviation mobile

telemetry also for flight testing The use of this frequency band is governed by Resolution 416

(WRC-07) and must not cause serious interference to fixed services.


5.443 Different types of activities: In Argentina, Australia and Canada, the frequency bands 4 825-4 835

MHz and 4 950-4 990 MHz are allocated to the radio astronomy service on a primary basis (see

Article 5.33 of the Radio Regulations). )

5.443A SUP (WRC-03)

5.443AA Use of the frequency bands 5 000-5 030 MHz and 5 091-5 150 MHz for mobile services. Aviation on

commercial flight routes complies with the terms of Section 9.21 of the Radio Use Regulations. Such

radio frequency work in the aviation mobile business on commercial flight routes is Limited to specific

systems International aviation standards (WRC-12)

5.443B to avoid serious interference to microwave systems. For landing aircraft which use frequencies higher

than 5 030 MHz, the flux density value is total power in the frequency band 5 030- the earth's surface
5 150 MHz at due to all space stations of any system in the radio-satellite navigation service

(Space to Earth) using the frequency band 5 010-5 030 MHz must not exceed –124.5 dB (W/m2 .150

kHz) and to avoid causing serious interference to radio astronomy services in the frequency band 4

990-5 000. MHz radio navigation satellite business In the frequency band 5 010- 5 030 MHz, the
propagation of waves in the frequency band 4 990-5 000 MHz must be limited according to Resolution No. 741.

(Rev.WRC-15) (WRC-15)

5.443C The use of the frequency band 5 030-5 091 MHz in the aviation mobile service on commercial flight routes

is limited to the international aviation standard system. unintended spread intended by the aviation
mobile service on commercial airline routes in the frequency band 5 030-5 091 MHz must limit and

protect the downlink system in this radio service. and satellite aeronautical navigation in the adjacent

frequency band 5 010-5 030 MHz. The density of Currently sending equivalent broadcasts The

isotropic effect of unwanted propagation is limited to ÿ75 dBW/MHz for mobile radio stations on

commercial routes using the 5 010-5 030 MHz frequency band. until there is a value as defined in
the ITU-R recommendations (WRC-12)

5.443D Use of the frequency band 5 030-5 091 MHz for the aviation mobile service on flight routes. Commerce is

in accordance with Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. The use of such radio frequencies in

Aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes is limited to the aviation standard system
International (WRC-12)
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5.444 Frequency band 5 030-5 150 MHz is used for international standard systems. (Microwave system for bringing

aircraft to the ground) for precise entry into airports and landings in the frequency band 5 030-5 091 MHz. This

system has a higher status than other applications and uses the band. The frequency 5 091- 5 150 MHz is covered

by Article 5.444A and Resolution 114 (Rev.WRC-15) (WRC-15).

5.444A Determination of routine business via satellite (Earth to space) in the frequency band 5 091-5 150 MHz is limited to the earth
and space link network of satellite systems with geostationary orbits in the mobile satellite service. and subject to

coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations, the assignment of the frequency band 5 091-5 150 MHz
for the Earth-space interconnection network of Satellite systems with irregular orbits location in the satellite mobile

business It is in accordance with resolution 114 (Rev.WRC-15) and to protect the radio business. To protect aviation

navigation from severe interference, it is necessary to coordinate the Earth and space interconnection of

geostationary satellite systems in the mobile satellite service that are less than 450 kilometers from national borders.

that use earth stations in the radio business Aviation Navigation Regulations (WRC-15) The use of the frequency

band 5 091-5 150 MHz in the aviation mobile service is limited to – systems in the aviation mobile service
5.444B on commercial flight routes that meet the standards. Airport only, area use

international aviation, limited to ground use Such frequencies on

must comply with resolution 748 (Rev.WRC-19).

– Transmission of aeronautical telemetry from an aircraft station (see Section 1.83 of the Radio Regulations), which

According to resolution 418 (Rev.WRC-19) (WRC-19)

5.446 Additional designations: In countries according to Article 5.369 of the Radio Regulations, The frequency band 5

150-5 216 MHz is also specified for radio surveillance and satellite search (space-to-earth) services, which is

classified as the main activity. Subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations, Region 2 (except

Mexico) designates this frequency band for: for radio surveillance and inspection services Search via satellite

(Space to Earth) as well, classified as the main business In Regions 1 and 3, excluding countries in accordance

with Article 5.369 of the Radio Regulations and Bangladesh, this frequency band is designated for radio surveillance

and satellite search services. (Space-to-Earth) as well, classified as a secondary activity. The use of this frequency

band in the satellite radio surveillance and search service is limited to the earth-space link network used in

conjunction with the radio surveillance and search service. via satellite in the frequency bands 1 610-1 626.5 MHz
and/or 2 483.5-2 500 MHz. The total power flux density at the earth's surface in any case must not exceed –159 dB

(W/m2 .4 kHz) for every angle at which the wave propagates (WRC-15)

5.446A Use of the frequency bands 5 150-5 350 MHz and 5 470-5 725 MHz of stations in the mobile service. This does not include

aviation mobile operations. Must comply with resolution 229 (Rev.WRC-19)


5.446B In the frequency band 5 150-5 250 MHz, stations in the mobile service must not request protection rights. Interference from

ground stations in routine business via satellite However, the mobile business is not subject to Section 5.43A of the

Radio Regulations. In cases involving ground stations in fixed business

Via satellite (WRC-03)

5.446C Additional designation: in Region 1 (except Algeria Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Jordan,

Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Republic of

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Syria, Sudan, South Sudan and Tunisia) also designates the frequency band 5 150-5 250 MHz for the aviation
mobile service. It is classified as a main business, limited to sending official telemetry. flying from an aircraft station

(see Article 1.83 of the Radio Regulations). According to Resolution 418 (WRC-19), such aircraft stations must not

request interference protection rights from other stations operating in accordance with Article 5, but are not subject

to this. Article 5.43A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-19) additional allocation: In

5.446D Brazil, the frequency band 5 150-5 250 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile service. It is classified as

the main business. Use only for aviation telemetry transmissions from Aircraft stations (see Section 1.83 of the

Radio Regulations) in accordance with Resolution 418 (Rev.WRC-19)


5.447 Additional designations: in Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Lebanon. The Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia also designate
the frequency band 5 150-5 250 MHz for the mobile service. It is classified as the main business. This is subject to

agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. This is not covered by Resolution 229.

(Rev.WRC-19) (WRC-19)

5.447A Determination of frequency bands for for regular business via satellite (Earth to space) limited to specific networks Link
between Earth and space of satellite systems with irregular orbits. to the mobile satellite service and is subject to

coordination under Article 9.11A of Radio Regulations 5.447B. Additional allocation: Band 5
150-5 216 MHz is allocated to the fixed service. that passes through satellites (space to earth) as well, which is classified as the

main activity, limited to the interconnection network between the worlds and space of satellite systems with irregular
orbits location in the satellite mobile business by Subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio

Regulations. The value of the power flux density of the Earth's surface due to the space station in the via satellite
on (space-to-Earth) in the frequency band 5 150-5 216 MHz in no case must not exceed –164 dB (W/m2 .4 kHz)

for every angle at which the wave propagates.

5.447C Government agencies responsible for networks in regular business Satellite radio stations using the frequency band 5

150-5 250 MHz in accordance with Articles 5.447A and 5.447B of the Regulations. Radios shall coordinate on an

equal basis under Article 9.11A of the Regulations. Radio by coordinating with government agencies of the State

Administration responsible for the geostationary satellite network in accordance with Article 5.446 of the Radio

Regulations. which were in use before 17 November 1995, satellite networks in accordance with Article 5.446 of

the Radio Regulations. which were used after November 17, 1995, must not request interference protection rights

and must not cause serious interference to station in daily business 5.447D specifies the frequency band 5 250-5

255 MHz for space research activities . It is classified as a core activity, limited to active spaceborne
sensors. Other uses of this frequency band are in space research activities. Classified as a secondary entity (WRC-97) Additional

designations: In Region 3: Australia, Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Malaysia,

Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Democratic Republic of The people of Korea, Sri Lanka,

5.447E Thailand and Vietnam also designate the frequency band 5 250-5 350 MHz for fixed services, which is classified

as the main service. This frequency band is specified to be used in the communication system. fixed wireless
access and must comply with ITU-R recommendation F.1613-0. Fixed businesses must not request protection

against interference from radio surveillance and search services from

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Earth exploration activities via satellite (active) and from space research activities (active). In this regard, Section 5.43A of

the Radio Regulations Not applicable to regular business and location in cases related to earth exploration activities via

satellite (Active) and space research activities (Active). Operation of the access system.

wireless which is fixed position in regular business It is necessary to protect radio surveillance systems and Search for

places Currently operating surveillance and search operations, future surveillance and search operations must not impose

strict limitations on fixed wireless access systems (WRC-15).

5.447F In the frequency band 5 250-5 350 MHz, stations in the mobile service must not request protection rights. Interference from radio

business position from the business from Earth exploration via satellite (Active) and from Space Research Business

(Active), Radio Positioning Business, Earth Exploration Via Satellite Business (Active) and Space Research Business

( active) must not impose strict conditions on the mobile enterprise Exceeds that specified in resolution 229 (Rev.WRC-19)

(WRC-19) Additional allocation: In Kyrgyzstan, Romania and Turkmenistan,

5.448 the frequency band 5 250- 5 350 MHz for the radio navigation business as well, classified as the main business (WRC-19)

5.448A Earth exploration satellite services (active) and space research services (active) in the frequency band 5 250-5 350 MHz must not

request protection against interference from the radio positioning service. However, it is not subject to Section 5.43A of the

Radio Regulations (WRC-03), Earth exploration satellite activities

5.448B (active) that use the frequency band 5 350-5 570 MHz and space research activities (active) that Using the frequency band

5 460-5 570 MHz must not cause significant interference. Harsh to the radio business to aviation navigation in the frequency

band 5 350-5 460 MHz to the radio navigation service in the frequency band 5 460-5 470 MHz and to the radio navigation

service in the frequency band 5 460-5 470 MHz and to the radio navigation service maritime navigation in the frequency band

5 470-5 570 MHz (WRC-03)

5.448C Space research activities (active) using the frequency band 5 350-5 460 MHz must not cause Severely disturbing or request rights

to protect against interference from other businesses in this frequency band


5.448D Stations in the radio business Locations using the frequency band 5 350-5 470 MHz must not cause interference. Severely disturbing

or request rights to protect against interference from radar systems in the aviation radio navigation business according to

Section 5.449 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03) on the use of the

5.449 frequency band 5 350-5 470 MHz for the aviation radio navigation business. Aviation navigation assistance is limited to

aircraft radar and aircraft positioning aids. Additional designations: in Austria, Azerbaijan,

5.450 Islamic Republic of Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Turkmenistan. New Zealand and Ukraine also specify the frequency band

5 470-5 650 MHz for the aviation radio navigation business. It is classified as a main business (WRC-12).

5.450A In the frequency band 5 470-5 725 MHz, stations in the mobile service must not request protection rights. Interference from radio

surveillance and search operations Radio surveillance and search business It must not impose more stringent conditions

on mobile enterprises than those specified in the recommendations under Resolution 229 (Rev.WRC-19) (WRC-19).

5.450B in the frequency band 5 470-5 650 MHz, a station in the radio service The position must not cause Severe interference or requesting

rights to protect against interference from radar systems in the maritime radio navigation business. However, stations in

the radio navigation business The above location does not include ground-based radar which uses the frequency band 5

600-5 650 MHz for meteorological work (WRC-03).

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5.451 Additional allocation: In the United Kingdom, the frequency band 5 470-5 850 MHz is also allocated to

the land mobile service. It is classified as a secondary business. In the frequency band 5 725-5 850

MHz, transmit power shall be used in accordance with Sections 21.2,

5.452 21.3, 21.4 and 21.5 of the Radio Regulations. Ground-based radars in the frequency band between 5

600 MHz and 5 650 MHz shall be given equal status in meteorological applications
5.453 to maritime radio-navigation stations. Additional designations: in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh,

Brunei Darus Salam, Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo Republic of Korea, Cote d'Ivoire,

Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eswatini, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, India, Indonesia, Islamic

Republic of Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Malaysia. Niger

Nigeria Oman Uganda Pakistan Philippines Qatar Syrian Arab Republic democratic republic Citizens
of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Chad, Thailand, Togo, Vietnam and Yemen are assigned

the frequency band 5 650-5 850 MHz for regular business. It also includes stationary and mobile

businesses, which are classified as main businesses. and is not covered by Resolution 229

(Rev.WRC-12) (WRC-12). Additionally, in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burkina

Faso, Burundi, Republic of the Congo, Fiji, Ghana, Kiriba. Hit Lesotho Malawi, Maldives, Mauritius,

Micronesia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand. Papua New Guinea

Rwanda The Solomon Islands, South Sudan, South Africa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Zambia and Zimbabwe
are allocated the frequency band 5 725-5 850 MHz for regular business. The location is classified as

the main business. The stations used for regular business must not cause serious interference. or
requesting rights to protect against interference from

5.454 stations in other businesses that are classified as main activities in this frequency band (WRC-19)
different types of activities: in Azerbaijan The Russian Federation, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and

Turkmenistan designate the frequency band 5 670-5 725 MHz for the space
5.455 research activity as a primary activity (see Article 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) ( WRC-12) Additional

designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary,

Kazakhstan. Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine also
designate the frequency band 5 670-5 850 MHz for the fixed service, classified as Main activities (WRC-19)

5.456 SUP (WRC-15)

5.457 In Australia, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria, the frequency bands 6 440-6 520 MHz
(HAPS-to-ground direction) and 6 560-6 640 MHz (ground-to-ground direction) are assigned to HAPS
direction) for fixed operations and may be able to be used as a link gateway for high-range floating

base stations in the areas of the countries mentioned above. Such use is limited to the operation of the

high-rise base station link gateway only. and must not cause interference severely towards or request

protection from a business that already exists According to resolution 150 (WRC-12), pre-existing

businesses must not This limits the development of base station link gateways. floating high distance

in the future Using the link gateway of the floating base station in the said frequency band within 1000

kilometers from the border of the authority of government offices that wish to use the gateway Link of

high floating base station (WRC-12)

5.457A in the frequency bands 5 925-6 425 MHz and 14-14.5 GHz. Ground stations on ships may use Communicate

with the space station in regular business that can pass through satellites using the said frequency

band Must comply with Resolution 902 (WRC-03) in the frequency band 5 925-6 425 MHz ground stations.
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on the ship and communicate with the space station during routine operations Satellite channels may use

antenna dishes with a diameter of not less than 1.2 meters and can be used without requesting permission.

Approved by the agency government offices If installed not less than 330 kilometers from the lowest water

level from the coast according to Resolution 902 (WRC-03) (WRC-15)

5.457B in the frequency bands 5 925-6 425 MHz and 14-14.5 GHz. Ground stations on ships may use the waves.

Frequencies in the maritime satellite service with characteristics and conditions according to

resolution 902 (WRC-03) in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cambodia, and America. Djibouti, Egypt,

United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab

Republic, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen as secondary entities. The use of this frequency band must
Complies with resolution 902 (WRC-03) (WRC-15)

5.457C In Region 2 (except Brazil, Cuba, the French Overseas Communities and Provinces, Guatemala, Mexico,

Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela), the band 5 925-6 700 MHz may be used for aeronautical

mobile telemetry testing. fly For aircraft stations (see Section 1.83 of the Radio Regulations), such

use must comply with Resolution 416 (WRC-07) and must not cause serious interference. or request

rights to protect against interference from fixed businesses via satellite and fixed businesses.

Specifying the said frequency band does not prohibit businesses that have already been specified
from using the frequency band. and is not a priority in the regulations. (WRC-15) In the frequency

band 6 425-7 075 MHz, a

5.458 passive microwave measurement device was used. Measurements were made over the oceans and

in the frequency band 7 075-7 250 MHz. Equipment is used Passive microwave measurement

Where measurement is being carried out, government agencies should Realize the need belonging
to the business for Earth observation via satellite (passive) and space research activities (passive)

in radio frequency planning 6 425-7 025 MHz and 7 075-7 250 MHz

5.458A In allocating the 6 700-7 075 MHz spectrum to fixed satellite space stations, government

agencies should: Follow the steps all practicable to protect the observation of spectral
lines by the radio astronomy service in the frequency band 6 650-6 675.2 MHz from
severe interference due to unwanted emissions.

5.458B Assignment of frequency band 6 700-7 075 MHz for regular business. Satellite navigation (space-to-Earth)
is limited to the Earth-satellite link of geostationary orbiting satellite systems in the mobile satellite
service. and subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. In this regard, the

use of the frequency band 6 700-7 075 MHz (space to earth) of the link network between the Earth
and the satellites of the satellite system with irregular orbits location in mobile business Satellites

are not subject to Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations.

5.458C SUP (WRC-15)
5.459 Additional allocation: In the Russian Federation, the frequency bands 7 100-7 155 MHz and 7 190-7 235 MHz

are allocated to the space operations service. (Earth to Space) as well, which is classified as a primary

activity, which is subject to an agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. However, in the
frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz for the Earth exploration satellite service Not required according to Section

9.21 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15).

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5.460 There is no radio wave transmission from space research operations. (Earth to space) only deep space in the
frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz, satellites with regular orbits Stations in the space research service using the

frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz must not request protection against interference from stations in the fixed or

mobile service. Both stations are already located. and stations to be set up in the future It is not covered by

Article 5.43A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15).

5.460A In the frequency band 7 190-7 250 MHz (Earth to Space), satellite Earth observation activities shall be limited to the

tracking, telemetry, and control of aircraft operations. Space station in Earth exploration via satellite (Earth to

space) in the frequency band 7 190-7 250 MHz must not be requested. Right to protect against interference

from the station in routine business stationary and mobile operations Both stations that are already established

and those that will be established in the future are not subject to Section 5.43A of the Radio Regulations, but

must be used in accordance with Section 9.17 of the Radio Regulations. In addition, to prevent the use of

routine business place and business present and future mobile earth stations; the location of ground stations
supporting aircraft in the Earth exploration mission via satellite in fixed orbit; stationary and non-stationary

Entities must maintain a distance of at least 10 and 50 kilometers, respectively, from the border of the
government agency. of the relevant government offices, unless there is mutual agreement to use a lesser distance (WRC-15)

5.460B space station in regular orbit position in the business Exploring the Earth via Satellite (Earth to space) in the frequency

band 7 190-7 235 MHz must not request interference protection rights from stations in research activities. The

whole space station is already in place. and stations to be established in the future, but are not covered by

Article 5.43A of the Radio

5.461 Regulations (WRC-15). Additional designations: Designated frequency bands 7 250-7 375 MHz (Space-to-Earth)

and 7 900. - 8 025 MHz (Earth to Space) for mobile satellite services as well. It is classified as the main

business. This is subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of

Radio Regulation 5.461A on the use of the frequency band 7 450-7 550 MHz in satellite meteorological services. (Space-to-

Earth) is limited to satellite systems with fixed orbits. Satellite meteorological systems with non-geostationary

orbits in this frequency band that registered their radio frequency before 30 November 1997 may Continuing to

operate the business by organizing it as a main business This is until the end of its useful life.
Work (WRC-97)

5.461AA in the frequency band 7 375-7 750 MHz for the maritime satellite mobile service.

Only fixed orbit (WRC-15)

5.461AB in the frequency band 7 375-7 750 MHz, ground stations in the maritime mobile service through Satellites may not

claim protection against interference or increase restrictions. Restricts the use or development of stations in
fixed and mobile businesses, except for aviation mobile businesses. Without using Section 5.43A of the Radio

Regulations (WRC-15), use of the

5.461B frequency band 7 750-7 900 MHz in satellite meteorological services. (Space-to-Earth) limited to geostationary
satellite systems (WRC-12)

5.462 SUP (WRC-97)

5.462A in Regions 1 and 3 (except Japan) in the frequency band 8 025-8 400 MHz, the flux density value is power due to the
business Exploring the Earth via Satellite which uses satellites with fixed orbits that must not exceed the

specified values specified if it is not approved by the authority. government offices affected The value of the

power flux density according to the value ÿ The angle at which the wave propagates is determined as follows.
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– 135 dB (W/m2 ) in 1 MHz for 0º ÿ ÿ ÿ 5º –135 + 0.5 (ÿ – 5) dB (W/m2 ) in 1

MHz for 5º ÿ ÿ ÿ 25º –125 dB (W/m2 ) in 1 MHz for 25º ÿ ÿ ÿ 90º (WRC-12)

Aircraft stations are prohibited from transmitting radio waves in the frequency band 8 025-8

5.463 400 MHz (WRC-97)

5.464 SUP (WRC-97)

5.465 Use of the frequency band 8 400-8 450 MHz in space research activities is limited to deep space work


5.466 Different types of activities: in Singapore and Sri Lanka, the frequency band 8 400- 8 500 MHz for

space research activities It is classified as a secondary business (see Section 5.32 of the Radio Regulations).

5.467 SUP (WRC-03)

5.468 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Burundi,

Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo. Djibouti Egypt United Arab Emirates Eswatini, Gabon,

Guyana, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,

Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Uganda, Pakistan, Qatar, Syrian Arab

Republic. Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Chad, Togo,

Tunisia and Yemen, assigned frequency band 8 500-

8 750 MHz for regular business and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as the main business.


5.469 Additional designations: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary,

Lithuania, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan. The Czech Republic, Romania, Tajikistan,

Turkmenistan and Ukraine allocate the frequency band 8 500-8 750 MHz to the mobile service. land

and radio navigation services as well, classified as the main activities (WRC-12)
5.469A in the frequency band 8 550-8 650 MHz, stations in the business Earth observation via satellite (active) and

space research (active) must not cause serious interference. or hinder the development and operation

of stations in the radio positioning service (WRC-97) The use of the frequency band
5.470 8 750-8 850 MHz in the radio service Aviation navigation is limited to aircraft Doppler navigation aids,

using radio frequency 8 800 MHz as the center frequency. Additional designation: in Algeria Germany,

5.471 Belgium, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, France, Greece, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran,

Libya, the Netherlands, Qatar and Sudan, assigned frequency band 8 825. -8 850 MHz and 9 000-9

200 MHz for the maritime radio navigation service, only coastal radar. It is classified as the main


5.472 The use of the bands 8 850-9 000 MHz and 9 200-9 225 MHz in the maritime radio navigation service
is limited to coastal radar.

5.473 Additional designations: in Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bela. Rus Cuba Federation Russia Georgia

Hungary Uzbekistan Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine also

designate the frequency bands 8 850-9 000 MHz and 9 200-9 300 MHz for the radio navigation service,

classified as a radio navigation service. Main (WRC-19)

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5.473A in the frequency band 9 000-9 200 MHz, stations in the radio service The position must not cause Severely disturbing

or request rights to protect against interference from various systems in the aviation radio navigation business

according to Section 5.337 of the Radio Regulations. or from radar systems in the maritime radio navigation
service in this frequency band which is classified as a primary service in various countries according to Article

5.471 of the Radio Regulations

5.474 (WRC-07) Search and rescue repeaters The frequency band 9 200-9 500 MHz may be used, taking into account

the relevant ITU-R recommendations (see also Section 31).

5.474A The use of the bands 9 200-9 300 MHz and 9 900-10 400 MHz in the Earth exploration satellite (active) service is limited

to systems requiring a band width greater than 600 MHz. Not operating in the frequency band 9 300-9 900 MHz

in accordance with Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations from Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia,

the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lebanon and Tunisia. Government agencies that did not respond in accordance

with Article 9.52 of the Regulations radio, it is considered that coordination is not required. In this case, the

government agency that notified

Intend to use the satellite system in business Earth observation via satellite (active) operators may request

assistance from Stations in the Radio Communications Office under Sub-Section IID of Article 9 of the Radio

5.474B (WRC-15) Earth observation via satellite (active) must be used according to ITU-R recommendations.

RS.2066-0 (WRC-15)

5.474C Stations in the business Earth observation via satellite (active) must be used according to ITU-R recommendations.

RS.2065-0 (WRC-15)

5.474D Stations in the business Earth observation via satellite (active) equipment must not cause serious interference. or

requesting rights to protect against interference from this radio business maritime navigation and radio business,

find a position in the frequency band 9 200-9 300 MHz from the marine radio business from the navigation and

radio services for positioning in the frequency band 9 900-10 000 MHz and from the radio services for positioning
in the frequency band 10.0-10.4 GHz

5.475 (WRC-15) use of the frequency band 9 300-9 500 MHz in radio business Aviation navigation is limited to radar.
Check the weather regularly aircraft and ground-based radar In this regard, the radar receiver-transmitter is

used to indicate the position in the radio business. Aviation navigation systems located on the ground can use

the frequency band 9 300-9 320 MHz, provided that Must not cause serious interference to maritime radio navigation services.

5.475A Use of the frequency band 9 300-9 500 MHz in the Earth exploration satellite (active) and space research (active)

services is limited to systems that require a specified bandwidth. required more than 300 MHz, which the

frequency band 9 500-9 800 MHz cannot support (WRC-07)

5.475B in the frequency band 9 300-9 500 MHz, a station in the radio service The position must not cause Severe interference

or requesting rights to protect against radar interference in the radio navigation business according to radio

regulations. However, ground-based meteorological radar has a higher priority than other positioning radios

5.476 SUP (WRC-07)

5.476A in the frequency band 9 300-9 800 MHz, stations in the business Earth observation via satellite (active) and space

research (active) must not cause serious interference. or request rights Protection against interference from

stations in the radio business. Navigation and radio positioning business (WRC-07)
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5.477 Different types of entities: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon,

Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran,

Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon. Liberia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Uganda, Pakistan,

Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan,

South Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago and Yemen, the frequency band 9 800-10 000 MHz is allocated to the
fixed service, classified as Main activity (see Article 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-15) Additional

allocation: In Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania,

5.478 Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the frequency band 9 800-10 000 is assigned. MHz in the navigation radio

business as well, which is classified as the main business.


5.478A Use of the frequency band 9 800-9 900 MHz in the Earth exploration satellite (active) and space research (active)

services is limited to systems that require a specified band width. required more than 500 MHz, which the

frequency band 9 300-9 800 MHz cannot support (WRC-07)

5.478B in the case of secondary businesses In the frequency band 9 800-9 900 MHz, stations in the satellite Earth

exploration service (active) and space research service (active) must not cause significant interference.

Severe or requesting rights to protect against interference from stations in fixed business
5.479 (WRC-07) specifies the frequency band 9 975-10 025 MHz for weather radar in meteorological business.
via satellite as well It is classified as a

5.480 secondary entity . Additional designations: in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador,

Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Netherlands Overseas Territory countries. In Region 2, Peru and

Uruguay, the frequency band 10-10.45 GHz is designated for regular business. and mobile businesses as

well. In Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Venezuela, the 10-10.45 GHz band is also allocated to the fixed
service on a primary basis (WRC-19). Additional designation: In Algeria, Germany Angola Brazil

5.481 China Cote d'Ivoire Egypt El Salvador, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, Hungary, Japan, Kenya, Morocco,

Nigeria, Oman, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Romania,

Tunisia and Uruguay, the 10.45-10.5 GHz frequency band is designated for regular business. place and

business move with It is classified as a primary service. In Costa Rica, the frequency band 10.45-10.5 GHz
is also designated for fixed services. It is classified as a primary service (WRC-19) in the frequency band

10.6-10.68 GHz. Power is transmitted from Sent to the antenna of the

5.482 station in the fixed business and mobile business. This, excluding the aeronautical mobile service, must not

exceed ÿ3 dBW, with higher transmission power possible subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the

Radio Regulations. In Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Larus, Egypt,

United Arab Emirates Emirates, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Libya,

Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Mauritania, Moldova, Nigeria, Oman, Uzbekistan, Pakistan,

Philippines, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Tajiki Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Vietnam

do not enforce size limits. and the above transmission power with stations in the fixed business and mobile

business. which does not include aviation mobile operations (WRC-07)

5.482A Shared use of the 10.6-10.68 GHz frequency band between businesses for Earth observation via satellite (passive)

and regular operations location with mobile business This does not include aviation mobile operations.

Using the frequency band This is governed by Resolution No. 751 (WRC-07) (WRC-07).
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5.483 Additional Designations: In Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Republic of

Colombia. Republic of Korea, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,

Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mongolia, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Democratic People's

Republic of Korea, Tajikistan. Turkmenistan and Yemen designate the frequency band 10.68-10.7
GHz for regular business. and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as the main business. This

does not include the aviation mobile business, which is limited to radio equipment. Communications

in use as of 1 January 1985 (WRC-19) in Region 1. Use of the

5.484 10.7-11.7 GHz frequency band in the fixed satellite (Earth to Space) service is limited to interconnection
networks. Earth and space in broadcasting and television via satellite

5.484A Use of the 10.95-11.2 GHz frequency band (Space-to-Earth) 11.45-11.7 GHz frequency band (Space-to-

Earth) 11.7-12.2 GHz frequency band (Space-to-Earth) in Region 2 12.2-12.75 GHz frequency band

(Space to Earth) in Region 3, frequency band 12.5-12.75 GHz (space to Earth), in Region 1,

frequency band 13.75-14.5 GHz (Earth to space), frequency band 17.8-18.6 GHz (space to Earth),

frequency band 19.7- 20.2 GHz (Space-to-Earth) Frequency band 27.5-28.6 GHz (Earth-to-space)

Frequency band 29.5-30 GHz (Earth-to-space) Frequency band use This aspect of the system
Satellites with irregular orbits position in regular business via satellite Subject to coordination under

Article 9.12 of the Radio Regulations. with satellite systems that have non-fixed orbits and other
systems in the fixed satellite service Satellite systems with irregular orbits Stations in the fixed-satellite

service must not request rights to protection against interference from the fixed-orbit satellite network

in the fixed-satellite service. to operate in accordance with radio regulations, regardless of whether

the Radio Communications Office Receive radio frequency coordination documents or documents
notifying radio frequency registration of Satellite systems with irregular orbits position in regular

business via satellite and received documents Coordinate radio frequencies or a document notifying

the radio frequency registration of the satellite network in fixed orbit at any time However, it is not
subject to Section 5.43A of the Radio Regulations. Satellite systems with non-geostationary orbits.

position in regular business Satellite operators using the above frequency bands must be

5.484B prepared to act quickly to correct any unacceptable

5.485 interference that may occur (WRC-2000). Resolution 155 (WRC-15) must be followed ( WRC-15) in
Region 2, space station repeaters in routine operations which may be transmitted via satellite Use

the frequency band 11.7-12.2 GHz as additional for transmission in broadcasting and Satellite

television Such submission requires a is transmitting an isotropic equivalent broadcast. A maximum

of 53 dBW per television channel and must not cause additional interference or noise. Request rights
to protect against interference beyond the use of radio frequencies in regular business. in the

5.486 case of space business This frequency band must be used in daily business. mainly through satellite

Different types of service: In the United States, the 11.7-12.1 GHz frequency band is
5.487 designated for fixed services as a secondary service (see Section 5.32 of the Radio Regulations)

(WRC-15) in the 11.7 frequency band. -12.5 GHz fixed service, fixed service via satellite, mobile

service which does not include aviation mobile service. Broadcasting business and television

business in Regions 1 and 3 must not cause serious disturbances or request protection rights.

Interference from radio and satellite broadcasting stations operations consistent with Plan of Regional Districts 1 and
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5.487A Additional designations: Designated in the 11.7-12.5 GHz frequency band in Region 1, assigned to the 12.2-12.7

GHz frequency band in Region 2, and assigned to the 11.7-12.2 GHz frequency band. In Region 3 for

regular business via satellite (Space-to-Earth) as a primary activity, limited to geostationary satellite
systems and subject to coordination under Article 9.12 of the Radio Regulations. with satellite systems

with non-fixed orbits and other systems in the fixed satellite service Satellite systems with irregular orbits
position in regular business via satellite Must not request rights to protect against interference from fixed

orbit satellite networks in the satellite broadcasting business. to operate in accordance with radio

regulations, regardless of whether the Radio Communications Office has received radio frequency

coordination documents; or document reporting frequency registration Radio of satellite systems with

irregular orbits position in regular business via satellite and received radio frequency coordination

documents. or documents notifying radio frequency registration of Satellite network with regular orbits at

any time It is not subject to Section 5.43A of the Regulations. Radio satellite systems with geostationary

orbits. position in regular business via satellite which uses the frequency band The above must be ready
to proceed. and to act quickly to correct any unacceptable interference that may occur. (WRC-03)


5.488 satellite networks position in regular business The use of satellite stations in Region 2 using the frequency

band 11.7-12.2 GHz is subject to coordination under Article 9.14 of the Radio Regulations with terrestrial

stations in Regions 1, 2 and 3 using the frequency band 12.2-12.7. GHz in satellite broadcasting and

television in Region 2, see Appendix 30.


5.489 Additional Restrictions: In Peru, the 12.1-12.2 GHz frequency band is also designated for fixed services.
It is classified as the main business.

5.490 In Region 2, current and future terrestrial radio communications services using the 12.2-12.7 GHz

frequency band must not cause severe interference to space services operating in accordance with the

Regional Satellite Broadcasting Plan. No. 2 according to Appendix 30

5.491 SUP (WRC-03)

5.492 Radio frequencies allocated to stations in the satellite broadcasting business which are in accordance

with with the regional plan or as the radio frequency of Regions 1 and 3 according to Appendix 30 may be

used as a transmitting frequency in regular business via satellite (Space to Earth) by such transmission

must not cause increased interference or must be protected against interference beyond transmission. In
the satellite broadcasting and television broadcasting business mentioned above

5.493 (WRC-2000), the satellite broadcasting and television broadcasting business is to use the frequency band

12.5-12.75 GHz in Region 3, with the flux density value of The power must not exceed -111 27
dBMHz)) at .

the edge of the service area in all conditions and with all modulation methods
5.494 (WRC-97). Additional designations: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cameroon, Central African Republic,

Republic of the Congo. Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon,

Ghana, Guinea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mongolia,

Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Sudan, South

Sudan. Chad, Togo and Yemen designate the frequency band 12.5-12.75 GHz for regular business. and
mobile businesses as well. Except for mobile aviation business which is classified as main business

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5.495 Additional allocation: In Greece, Monaco, Montenegro, Uganda and Tunisia, the frequency band 12.5-12.75
GHz is allocated to regular business. and mobile businesses as well. Except for the aviation mobile

service, which is classified as a secondary service

5.496 (WRC-19). Additional allocation: In Austria, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, the frequency band

12.5-12.75 GHz is assigned to For regular business It also includes stationary and mobile businesses,

which are classified as core businesses, which does not include aviation mobile businesses. Stations in

such business must not cause Severe interference with ground stations in routine business via satellite in

other countries In Region 1, these ground stations do not need to coordinate with stations in the fixed and
mobile operations of the above countries. Flux density value The power due to the fixed satellite service at

the surface of the earth in the territory of the above countries must not exceed the values according to

Table 21-4 in Article 21 (WRC-2000)

5.497 on the use of the frequency band 13.25-13.4 GHz in the radio service. n Aviation navigation is limited to assistive devices.
Doppler navigation

5.498 SUP (WRC-97)

5.498A Earth exploration satellite services (active) and space research services (active) using the frequency band

13.25-13.4 GHz must not cause serious interference or hinder development and development. Radio

business operations Aviation Navigation Regulations

5.499 (WRC-97) Additional allocation: In Bangladesh and India, the frequency band 13.25-14 GHz is also

allocated to fixed services on a primary basis. In Pakistan, The frequency band 13.25-13.75 GHz is

for fixed business, classified as the main business (WRC-12).

5.499A Use of the frequency band 13.4-13.65 GHz in fixed satellite services. (Space-to-Earth) is limited to systems in

fixed orbit and according to Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations. Satellite systems used in Space research

business (Space to Space) to transmit information from the space station in fixed orbit to the space station

in non-geostationary orbit, which the Radio Communications Office received advance publication

information before 27 November 2015 (WRC -15) Government agencies

5.499B must not install or use ground station transmitters in the frequency service. Standards and satellite time

signals (Earth to Space) which is a secondary business. in the frequency band 13.4-13.65 GHz because

this frequency band is designated for regular businesses Satellite navigation (Space-to-Earth) is the main
activity (WRC-15)

5.499C The determination of the frequency band 13.4-13.65 GHz in the space research activity is the main activity,

limited to - satellite systems used in the space research activity. (space to space) To transmit information

from Space station in regular orbit orbiting to the space station in non-stationary orbit, which the Office

of Radio Communications received advance publication information before 27 November

2015 - Active measurement equipment in

space - Satellite systems used in space research activities (space to earth) in transmitting data from

stations Space in regular orbit route to the ground

activity (WRC-15) station in this frequency band in space research Classified as a secondary

Other uses 5.499D in the frequency band 13.4-13.65 GHz satellite systems in space research activities (Space to Earth)

and/or space research activities (space-to-space) must not cause interference or claim protection.

Interference from stations in fixed business, mobile business Radio positioning business and Earth
observation via satellite (active) business (WRC-15)
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5.499E in the frequency band 13.4-13.65 GHz, a fixed orbit satellite system. Station operators in the fixed-satellite (space-to-

Earth) service must not claim protection against interference from space stations in the satellite-based (active)

Earth exploration service in accordance with the radio regulations. This and clause 5.43A of the Radio

Regulations do not apply. In addition, the provisions of clause 22.2 of the Radio Regulations Not applicable to

earth exploration (active) activities that depend on regular activities. via satellite (Space-to-Earth) in this
frequency band

5.500 (WRC-15). Additional designations: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon, Egypt,

United Arab Emirates, Gabon, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,

Madagascar. Malaysia Mali Morocco Mauritania Niger Nigeria Oman Qatar Syrian Arab Republic Singapore,

Sudan, South Sudan, Chad and Tunisia designate the 13.4-14 GHz frequency band for their regular business.
and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as the main business in Pakistan, specifying the frequency band

13.4-13.75 GHz for regular business. place and business move with Classified as a core activity (WRC-15)

Additional designations: in Azerbaijan, Hungary, Japan,

5.501 Kyrgyzstan, Romania and Turkmenistan also specify the frequency band 13.4-14 GHz for the radio navigation

service, classified as a core activity (WRC-12).

5.501A specifies the frequency band 13.65-13.75 GHz for space research activities, limited to equipment. Active measurement

in space It is classified as the main business. The use of frequency bands in other work of the Space Research

Activities Classified as a secondary business (WRC-15)

5.501B In the frequency band 13.4-13.75 GHz, the earth exploration satellite service (active) and the space research service

(active) must not cause serious interference or impede development and operation. To operate radio positioning

services (WRC-97) in the frequency band 13.75-14

5.502 GHz, ground stations of the fixed-orbit satellite network in the fixed-satellite service must use antennas with

diameter of at least 1.2 meters and the ground station of the system in regular business Satellite navigation
using satellites with irregular orbits requires an antenna with a diameter of at least 4.5 meters. Stations in the

radio positioning or navigation service must use equivalent broadcast power. Isotropic, averaged in one

second, does not exceed 59 dBW when the elevation angle is greater than 2° and does not exceed 65 dBW

when the elevation angle is less than 2° before the authority Government agencies will set up ground stations

of the fixed-orbit satellite network of the fixed-satellite service in this frequency band using antennas of smaller
diameter. 4.5 meters. Government agencies shall ensure that the power flux density values due to transmission

by ground stations do not exceed the following values:

–115 dB (W/(m2 · 10 MHz)) more than 1% of the time at a height of 36 m above sea level during this time.

as certified by the coastal state –115 dB (W/(m2 · 10 MHz))

more than 1% of the time at a height of 3 m above ground at the border of the authority. Government

agencies that use or plan to use mobile radar land in this frequency band unless the government agency

The state administration will have a mutual agreement first. in any wave propagation Ground

stations in routine business via satellite which uses an antenna with Diameter equal to or greater than 4.5

meters should use an isotropic equivalent broadcast power of at least 68 dBW and should not use if the said
transmit power exceeds 85 dBW (WRC-03)
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5.503 In the frequency band 13.75-14 GHz, space stations with regular orbits The Office of Space Research has received

documents from For release prior to January 31, 1992, the space station operated operated with equal status to
regular stations via satellite space station with regular orbit Stations in the space research service established after

31 January 1992 are classified as secondary service stations. by allowing ground stations in routine business Satellite

channels use isotropic equivalent broadcast power density values. as follows until a space station with a fixed orbit in

space research activities, which is The Radiocommunications Office has received documents for publication in

advance of the January 31, 1992 termination of operations in this frequency band - in the frequency band 13.77-13.78

GHz. is transmitting an iso-equivalent broadcast Tropic of any fixed satellite ground station

linked to the station. in space with a fixed orbit must not exceed 4.7D +28 dB (W/40 kHz), where D represents the

diameter (meters) of the ground station antenna in the service. via satellite Use this value in In the case where

the antenna diameter is equal to or greater than

1.2 meters and less.

4.5 meters

ii) 49.2 +20 log(D/4.5) dB (W/40 kHz) where D represents the diameter (meters) of the antenna of a
routine ground station. For transmitting satellite signals, use this value in cases where the antenna

diameter is equal to or greater than 4.5 meters and less.

Over 31.9 meters

iii) 66.2 dB (W/40 kHz) for routine ground stations via satellite which the antenna has a diameter equal

to or greater than 31.9 meters, 56.2 dB (W/4 kHz) in narrow frequency band

iv) propagation (required band width less than 40kHz) by broadcasting from a fixed service ground

station via a satellite with an antenna diameter of 4.5 meters or more – the density value The isotropic

equivalent broadcast power of a fixed satellite service ground station linked to a

geostationary space station shall not exceed 51 dBW in the 6 MHz band from radio frequencies. 13.772 GHz to radio
frequency 13.778


in automatic power control by increasing the power density is transmitting isotropic equivalent broadcast power to
compensate for the attenuation due to rain. Power flux density values at space stations in the The power flux density

due to this must not be higher than the power flux density due to the ground station. is transmitting an isotropic

equivalent broadcast. above In clear weather (WRC-03)

5.503A SUP (WRC-03)

5.504 Radio navigation services using the frequency band 14-14.3 GHz must protect space stations in the fixed satellite

service from interference. This must provide adequate protection. 5.504A In the frequency band
14-14.5 GHz, regular ground stations Operation of aircraft in official mobile business Flying satellites, which are classified as a

secondary activity, may also communicate with space stations in the fixed mission through satellites. This is subject

to Sections 5.29, 5.30 and 5.31 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-03). Operation of aircraft in the aviation mobility
5.504B business via satellite In the frequency band 14-14.5 GHz, it must comply with the recommendations in Attachment 1,

Part C of the recommendations.

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ITU-R M.1643-0 in relation to any radio astronomy station making observations. Astronomy in the
frequency band 14.47-14.5 GHz in the territories of Spain, France, India, Italy, United Kingdom and

South Africa (WRC-15)

5.504C in the territory of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Guinea, India, Islamic Republic

of Iran, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia in the frequency band 14- 14.25
GHz, the flux density value is The power due to aircraft ground stations in the aeronautical satellite

service shall not exceed the values specified in Attachment 1, Part B of Recommendation ITU-R

M.1643-0, unless specifically approved by Agency

affected government agencies. This provision does not reduce the obligations of the aviation mobile

enterprise. via satellite as a secondary activity in accordance with Article 5.29 of the Radio
5.505 Regulations (WRC-15). Additional designations: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Botswana, Brunei

Darussalam, Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo. Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Egypt, United

Arab Emirates, Eswatini, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel,

Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Philippines, Qatar.

Syrian Arab Republic The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan,

South Sudan, Chad, Vietnam, and Yemen also designate the 14-14.3 GHz frequency band for their
fixed satellite services, classified as the
5.506 primary service (WRC-19). Fixed satellite service. (Earth to Space) The frequency band 14-14.5
GHz may be used for earth-space connection networks in satellite broadcasting and television

services. This depends on Coordinating with other networks in fixed satellite operations Using the

frequency band of This Earth-space link is reserved for countries outside Europe. 5.506A In

the frequency band 14-14.5 GHz, permanent ground stations ship which is used for Currently sending broadcasts
equivalent to Isotropic signals greater than 21 dBW are required to operate under Resolution 902

(WRC-03). This requirement does not apply to naval ground stations for which radiocommunication

radio stations have been documented.

5.506B Appendix 4 Before 5 July 2003 (WRC-03) Ship-based ground stations communicating with space

stations on a regular basis. via satellite The 14-14.5 GHz band may be used without the need for

prior approval from Cyprus and Malta, provided that the minimum distance between the ground
station on board the ship and the coast is limited. Use
5.508 the distance according to Resolution 902 (WRC-03) (WRC-15). Additional determinations: in

Germany, France, Italy, Libya, Macedonia and the United Kingdom also specify the frequency band

14.25-14.3 GHz for fixed services, which is classified as a core service (WRC-19).

5.508A in the frequency band 14.25-14.3 GHz power flux density values in the territories of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,

Botswana, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, France, Indian Guinea, Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Kuwait,

Nigeria, Oman, Syrian Arab Republic. United Kingdom and Tunisia due to their permanent ground
stations. Operation of aircraft in the aviation mobility business via satellite Must not exceed the

values according to Attachment 1, Part B of the ITU-R M.1643-0 recommendation, unless obtained.

Specific approval from the authority This provision does not reduce the aeronautical mobile service's
obligation to be a secondary service in accordance with Article 5.29 of the Radio Regulations

5.509 SUP (WRC-07)
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5.509A in the frequency band 14.3-14.5 GHz power flux density values in the territories of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Botswana,

Cameroon, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, France, Gabon, Guinea, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy. Kuwait,

Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, the Arab Republic, Syria, the United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Vietnam due to

ground stations, vehicles in the aeronautical mobile service via satellite. Must not exceed the values according
to Attachment 1, Part B of ITU-R Recommendation M.1643-0 unless specifically approved by

Affected Government Agencies This provision does not reduce the obligations of mobile

enterprises. Satellite aviation as a secondary activity according to Section 5.29 of the Radio
Regulations (WRC-15)

5.509B in the domestic 14.5-14.75 GHz frequency band in accordance with Resolution 163 (WRC-15) and in the domestic

14.5-14.8 GHz frequency band in accordance with Resolution 164 (WRC-15), which is used in fixed operations.

Satellites (Earth to Space) that are not used for broadcasting and television links. via satellite is limited to fixed
orbit (WRC-15)

5.509C in the domestic 14.5-14.75 GHz frequency band in accordance with Resolution 163 (WRC-15) and in the domestic

14.5-14.8 GHz frequency band in accordance with Resolution 164 (WRC-15), which is used in fixed operations.

Satellites (Earth to Space) that are not used for broadcasting and television links. through that satellite Ground
stations in routine business The lines that pass through the satellite must be of the same size. The diameter of

the antenna dish is not less than 6 meters and the power flux density is not more than ÿ44.5 dBW/Hz. The
location of the ground station must also be informed (WRC-15).

5.509D before the agency Government offices will use ground stations for their daily business. via satellite (Earth to space) that

is not used for the connection of satellite broadcasting and television services. In the frequency band 14.5-14.75
GHz in countries according to resolution 163 (WRC-15) and in the frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz in countries

according to resolution 164 (WRC-15), it must be ensured that the flux density values power not more than

ÿ151.5 dB (W/(m2 · 4 kHz)) at a height of 0 to 19 000 m above sea level and at a distance of 22 km from the

lowest tide from the coast (WRC-15 )

5.509E in the domestic 14.5-14.75 GHz frequency band according to resolution 163 (WRC-15) and in the domestic 14.5-14.8

GHz frequency band according to resolution 164 (WRC-15), which is used in the fixed service. Satellites (Earth

to Space) that are not used for broadcasting and television links. through that satellite The station must be far

from the border of the government agency. At least 500 kilometers away from the headquarters of another state,

or possibly closer. In the case where there is a mutual agreement with the government agency of the government

offices that affected, however, Section 9.17 of the Radio Regulations does not apply. When applying this

regulation, government agencies must also consider the relevant ITU-R regulations and recommendations (WRC-15).

5.509F in the frequency band 14.5-14.75 GHz domestically according to resolution 163 (WRC-15) and in the frequency band

14.5-14.8 GHz domestically according to resolution 164 (WRC-15), which is used in fixed operations. Satellites

(Earth to Space) that are not used for broadcasting and television links. via satellite must not limit its future use
by regular businesses. stationary and mobile operations

5.509G in the frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz is designated for use in space research activities. It is classified as a primary

activity. However, such use must be limited to the operation of satellite systems in the space research enterprise

(Earth-to-Space) for the transmission of data to space stations in regular orbit. from the relevant ground station
only. Stations used in space research must not cause interference.
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Severely or claim protection rights from stations in fixed business, mobile business, fixed business via
satellite that are not a link of the satellite broadcasting business. and operations in space that require

band cards in accordance with Appendix 30A of the Radio Regulations and Links of satellite

broadcasting and television in Region 2. Use of this frequency band in space research. Classified as a
secondary activity (WRC-15) other than use according to resolutions 163

5.510 (WRC-15) and 164 (WRC-15) the use of the frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz in fixed satellite services.

(Earth to space) limited to specific networks Link between earth and space in satellite broadcasting
and television, reserved only for countries located outside of Europe. Uses other than business links

Broadcasting radio and television via satellite In the frequency band 14.75-14.8 GHz not allowed in

Regions 1 and 2 (WRC-15). Additional designations: in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cameroon, Egypt,

United Arab Emirates, Guinea.

5.511 The Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, the Syrian Arab

Republic and Somalia allocate the frequency band 15.35-15.4 GHz to the fixed and mobile services. It

is classified as a secondary business (WRC-12).

5.511A specifies the frequency band 15.43-15.63 GHz for regular business. via satellite (Earth to space) limited to
the linkage of non-geostationary orbital systems. position in the mobile satellite service in accordance

with coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15).

5.511B SUP (WRC-97)

5.511C Stations in the radio business Aviation operators must limit the equivalent broadcast power. Effective isotropic

conformity is recommended in accordance with ITU-R S.1340-0 to protect aeronautical radio navigation

stations from severe interference (under Article 4.10 of the Radio Regulations) by ground stations. in
the network connecting the world and space distance between stations that must be coordinated and

the station's maximum isotropic equivalent broadcast power Ground-based connections between Earth
and space along the horizontal plane of the area must comply with ITU-R S.1340-0 (WRC-15)


5.511D SUP (WRC-15)

5.511E Radiocommunication stations in the radio positioning service in the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz

must not cause severe interference to and do not seek protection from radiocommunication stations in
the aviation radio navigation

5.511F service (WRC-12). To protect radio astronomy activities in the frequency band 15.35-15.4 GHz, radio

communications stations in Radio business Location in the 15.4-15.7 GHz band limits the power flux

density to ÿ156 dB (W/m2) at a band width of 50 MHz in the 15.35-15.4 GHz band at the radio

observatory. Astronomy does not exceed 2 percent of the observation time

5.512 (WRC-12). Additional designations: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei

Darussalam, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo. Egypt El Salvador United Arab Emirates Eritrea

Finland, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,
Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Montenegro, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar,

Syrian Arab Republic. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, South

Sudan, Tanzania, Chad, Togo and Yemen allocate the 15.7-17.3 GHz frequency band to regular
business. and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as a main business (WRC-15).
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5.513 Additional allocation: In Israel, the frequency band 15.7-17.3 GHz is also designated for the fixed and

mobile services. It is classified as the main business. Such businesses may not request protection from,

interfere with, or cause serious disruption to businesses in other countries that operate in accordance
with the Schedule. Specify the frequency spectrum This does not include foreign countries. Follow along

Article 5.512 of the Radio

Regulations 5.513A Active measurement equipment in space using the frequency band 17.2-17.3 GHz must not cause

Severely disturbing or is an obstacle to radio business positions and other activities classified as
Main activities (WRC-97)

5.514 Additional Designations: In Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cameroon, El Salvador, United

Arab Emirates, Guatemala, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait,

Libya, Lithuania, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Qatar. Kyrgyzstan, Sudan and

South Sudan designate the frequency band 17.3- 17.7 GHz for regular business. and mobile businesses
as well. It is classified as a secondary business. The transmission power shall be used in accordance

with Sections 21.3 and 21.5 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-15). The
5.515 use of the frequency band 17.3-17.8 GHz is shared between regular businesses. Satellite navigation
(Earth to Space) and satellite broadcasting services must meet the requirements of § 1.

Attachment 4 of Appendix 30A

5.516 Use of the 17.3-18.1 GHz frequency band of fixed orbit satellite systems The connection between

stationary business via satellite (Earth to Space) is limited to the connection between Earth and space in

the business. Broadcasting radio and television via satellite Use of the 17.3-17.8 GHz frequency band in

Region 2 for various systems in fixed satellite services. (Earth to space) limited to satellites that has a

fixed orbit. As for the use of the 17.3-17.8 GHz frequency band in Region 2 of the earth-space connection
network in the satellite broadcasting and television business in the 12.2-12.7 GHz frequency band, see

Section 11. Use. The 17.3-18.1 GHz (Earth-to-Space) frequency band in Regions 1 and 3 and the use of

the 17.8-18.1 GHz (Earth-to-Space) frequency band in Region 2 of geostationary orbiting satellite systems.

position in regular business Satellite navigation depends on Coordination under Article 9.12 of the Radio

Regulations with satellite systems that have non-fixed orbits and other systems in fixed satellite services

Satellite systems with non-geostationary orbits in the fixed-satellite service must not claim protection

against interference from the satellite network with geostationary orbits in the fixed-satellite service. The

best satellite channels and to operate in accordance with radio regulations, regardless of whether the

Radio Communications Office has received radio frequency coordination documents. or registration

notification documents Radio frequencies of satellite systems with irregular orbits position in regular

business via satellite and received radio frequency coordination documents or documents notifying radio

frequency registration of Satellite network with regular orbits at any time It is not subject to Section 5.43A

of the Regulations. Radio satellite systems with geostationary orbits. position in regular business via
satellite which uses the frequency band The above must be ready to proceed. to act quickly To correct

any unacceptable interference that may occur (WRC-19)

5.516A in the frequency band 17.3-17.7 GHz, ground stations in routine Satellite (space-to-Earth) operators in Region 1

must not request protection against interference from network ground stations. link between earth and
space in satellite broadcasting operations operating in accordance with Annex 30A, and there must be

no strict limitations or requirements regarding location.

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of ground stations of the earth-space connection network in broadcasting and

Satellite television Anywhere within the service area of the global network.
and space (WRC-03)
5.516B The following frequency bands are specified for use: for the use of radio frequencies with high operating density in
Fixed business via satellite

17.3-17.7 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 1

18.3-19.3 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 2
19.7-20.2 GHz (Space to Earth) in every region
39.5-40 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 1
40-40.5 GHz (Space to Earth) in every region
40.5-42 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 2
47.5-47.9 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 1
48.2-48.54 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 1
49.44-50.2 GHz (Space to Earth) in Region 1

27.5-27.82 GHz (Earth to Space) in Region 1

28.35-28.45 GHz (Earth to Space) in Region 2
28.45-28.94 GHz (Earth to Space) in every region
28.94-29.1 GHz (Earth to Space) in Regions 2 and 3
29.25-29.46 GHz (Earth to Space) in Region 2
29.46-30 GHz (Earth to Space) in every region
48.2-50.2 GHz (Earth to Space) in Region 2
This determination does not prohibit the use of the above frequency bands in regular business. via satellite

other businesses or in other businesses that have designated frequencies as their main activities as well. and is not

Priority in radio regulations is not given in any way. In this regard, the agency State directors must

Take this into account when considering issuing regulations regarding the use of the above frequency bands. See resolution no.

143 (WRC-19) (WRC-19)

5.517 Satellite business with fixed orbit (space to earth) in Region 2, which uses the frequency band 17.7-

17.8 GHz must not cause serious interference or require interference protection from
Frequency allocation in the satellite broadcasting and television business operating according to

Radio Regulations (WRC-07)

5.517A Using ground stations while moving which communicates with the space station on regular missions that pass

Satellites with fixed orbits in the frequency bands 17.7-19.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-

29.5 GHz (Earth to Space) in accordance with Resolution 169 (WRC-19)

5.518 SUP (WRC-07)

5.519 Additional designations: Designates the 18-18.3 GHz frequency band in Region 2 and the frequency band

18.1-18.4 GHz in Regions 1 and 3 for satellite meteorological services (space

to the world) as well, classified as a primary activity, limited to fixed orbit satellites (WRC-07)
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Use of the frequency band 18.1-18.4 GHz in fixed satellite services (Earth-to-Space) Limited to Earth-Space
Interconnection of Geostationary Satellite Systems in the Satellite Broadcasting Service (WRC-2000). Optional

Designation: In the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates and Greece specify

5.521 the frequency band 18.1-18.4 GHz for fixed services, fixed satellite services. (space to earth) and mobile business as

well It is classified as a core business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) and also applies Section 5.519 of

the Radio Regulations (WRC-15).

5.522 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.522A Radio wave transmission of routine business Stations in the frequency band 18.6-18.8 GHz must not use carrier wave power.

exceeds the value specified in Section 21.5A of the Radio Regulations and radio wave transmissions by fixed satellite
services in the frequency band 18.6-18.8 GHz must have a power flux density value on the earth's surface that does

on not Exceeds the value according to clause 21.16.2 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-2000).

5.522B The use of the 18.6-18.8 GHz frequency band in fixed satellite services is limited to systems Satellites with fixed

orbits and satellite systems whose furthest orbits are more than 20 000 kilometers from Earth (WRC-2000)

5.522C In Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, the Syrian

Arab Republic, Tunisia and Yemen, systems in the fixed service use the 18.6-18.8 GHz frequency band and operate

Existing on the date of the provisions of the World Conference on Radiocommunications in the year 2018 2000

(WRC-2000) is in force. That system is not subject to Article 21.5A of the Radio Regulations (WRC-2000).

5.523 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.523A Use of the 18.8-19.3 GHz (Space-to-Earth) and 28.6-29.1 GHz (Earth-to-Space) frequency bands of fixed-service networks.

through satellites with regular orbits Stationary and geostationary operations are subject to coordination under Article

9.11A of the Radio Regulations. Not subject to Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations, government agencies

responsible for geostationary satellite networks undergoing radio frequency coordination before 18 November 1995

must cooperate in good faith. To the greatest extent possible in coordination under Section 9.11A of the Radio

Regulations. with the satellite network that has non-fixed orbits, which the Radiocommunications Office has received

Documents notifying radio frequency registration before 18 November 1995 in order to achieve results which all

parties involved can accept. Satellite networks with non-regular orbits actions that must not cause Unacceptable

interference with the network in everyday business. It is considered that the Radio Communications Office received
the document notifying the registration of radio frequencies according to Appendix 4 before 18 November 1995

(WRC-97) for the use of the frequency band 19.3-19.6 GHz. (Earth to Space) in fixed satellite operations is limited to

the link between Earth and space. The use of

this frequency band by geostationary satellite systems in the mobile satellite service is subject to coordination under
Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. However, it is not subject to Section 22.2 of Radio Regulation 5.523C in the

frequency bands 19.3-19.6 GHz and 29.1-29.4 GHz in the case between networks in fixed service via satellite which

are considered important. The Radio Communications Office received

radio frequency coordination documents. or documents notifying radio frequency registration according to Appendix 4 before 18

November 1995
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and the Earth and space interconnection of networks in the geostationary satellite mobile service that

remain subject to Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-97).

5.523D Use of the frequency band 19.3-19.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) of various systems in fixed-orbit satellite services
and of the Earth-space link network in satellite systems. with irregular orbit The location of the mobile

satellite service depends on coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. This is not

covered by Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations. The use of this frequency band by other systems in
the fixed-satellite service in geostationary orbits or in the case of Sections 5.523C and 5.523E of the

Radio Regulations. Not subject to coordination under Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. It is still

under the process according to Section 9 (except Section 9.11A of the Radio Regulations), Section

11 and Section 22.2 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-97),

5.523E frequency bands 19.6-19.7 GHz and 29.4-29.5 GHz in the case between networks in international

businesses. memory via satellite, which is considered important The Radio Communications Office

has received the radio frequency coordination document according to Appendix 4 or the radio
frequency registration document by 21 November 1997 and the earth and space connection network

of the satellite mobile service with irregular orbits. Still subject to Article 22.2
5.524 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-97). Additional designations: in Afghanistan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia,

Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Egypt, United

Arab Emirates, Gabon, Guatemala, Guinea. India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait
Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar,

Syrian Arab Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo democratic republic Citizens of Korea,

Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Togo, and Tunisia have designated the 19.7-21.2
GHz frequency band for their regular business. and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as a

core business. The determination of this additional frequency band must not limiting flux density value

power due to Space station in routine operations satellite transmission in the frequency band 19.7-21.2

GHz and has no limit on the flux density. power due to space stations in the satellite mobile service in

the frequency band 19.7-20.2 GHz

5.525 (WRC-15) in order to facilitate regional-to-region coordination between networks in the service Mobile
via satellite and networks in regular business For transmitting water via satellite, the carrier wave

must be determined. Mobile satellite businesses that are most at risk of interference by assigning

carrier waves to Stay in the high frequency range of the 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30 GHz frequency
5.526 bands as far as practicable. In the frequency bands 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30 GHz in Region 2 and

the frequency bands 20.1- 20.2 GHz and 29.9-30 GHz in Regions 1 and 3, networks which are both
networks in fixed services that pass through Satellites and both networks in the satellite mobile

business may include Network links between ground stations at predetermined or non-determined

points. specified or while moving By communicating through one satellite or through more than one

satellite in Point-to-point or point-to-multipoint

5.527 communication, Section 4.10 of the Radio Regulations Not applicable to mobile satellite services in the frequency ban
GHz and 29.5-30 GHz

5.527A Operation of mobile ground stations in routine operations. The satellite channels must be in accordance with
Resolution 156 (WRC-15) (WRC-15)
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5.528 Determination of frequency bands for The frequency for the mobile satellite service is determined to be the

transmission frequency. (space-to-Earth) networks using localized beam antennas and other advanced

technologies at space stations, government agencies that operate systems The mobile satellite service using the

19.7-20.1 GHz band in Region 2 and systems in the mobile satellite service using the 20.1-20.2 GHz band must

take all practicable steps to ensure compliance. that ensures that fixed radio systems and mobile radio systems

comply with Section 5.524 of the Radio Regulations The frequency band can still be used. In Region 2, the use

of the 19.7-20.1 GHz and 29.5-29.9 GHz frequency bands in the mobile satellite service is
5.529 limited to satellite networks, which are both networks in the fixed satellite service and are both networks in the
service. Mobile via satellite in accordance with Section 5.526 of the Radio Regulations.

5.530 SUP (WRC-12)

5.530A radio communications station in regular business the stationary and mobile activities of government agencies government

offices A power flux density greater than ÿ120.4 dB (W/(m2 • MHz)) must not be generated at a height of 3 m

above ground level for 20% of the time anywhere within the agency boundary. Government agencies in Regions

1 and 3, except government agencies The state director will have an agreement. between each other is something

else in the calculation of government agencies. and government agencies must use according to ITU-R P.452

recommendations (see ITU-R BO.1898 recommendations) (WRC-15)

5.530B Use of the 21.4-22 GHz frequency band to facilitate Distributed business development Satellite Audio and

Television Government agencies in Regions 1 and 3 should not permit mobile radio stations and distribute them.

Restricting radio communication stations in fixed business to be only inter-point links (WRC-12)

5.530C SUP (WRC-15)

5.530D SUP (WRC-19)

5.530E In Region 2, the frequency band 21.4-22 GHz is specified for fixed businesses in the form of high-range floating

base stations. Such determination does not prohibit various fixed businesses. or other businesses that are also

designated as main businesses in this frequency band. and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way.

The use of frequencies for for fixed business in the form of a high-range floating base station It is to be used

only in the direction from the high-altitude base station to the ground, and its use must comply with Resolution

165 (WRC-19) (WRC-19). Additional designations: In Japan, the

5.531 designated area Frequency 21.4-22 GHz for broadcasting services

and television as well It is classified as the main

5.532 business. The use of the 22.21-22.5 GHz frequency band in Earth exploration via satellite (Passive) and Space

Research (Passive) businesses must not impede regular satellite operations. Stationary and mobile services,
which do not include aviation mobile services.

5.532A The location of ground stations in space research operations must maintain a distance of at least 54 kilometers from the

borders of neighboring countries to prevent their use in space research operations. place and business movement

in the present and future Unless there is an agreement between the agencies. of the state director in the case At

shorter distances, clauses 9.17 and 9.18 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-12) are excluded.
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5.532AA in Region 2 specifies the frequency band 24.25-25.25 GHz for fixed businesses in the form of high-range floating

base stations. Such determination does not prohibit fixed businesses from operating. various businesses or

other businesses that are also designated as main businesses in this frequency band and is not a priority

in the radio regulations in any way. The use of frequencies for for fixed business in the form of a high-range

floating base station It is to be used only in the direction from the high-altitude base station to the ground

and its use must comply with Resolution 166 (WRC-19) (WRC-19).

5.532AB Government agencies that wish to regulate The frequency band 24.25-27.5 GHz has been designated for

international mobile telecommunications (IMT). This designation does not prohibit businesses that have

also designated this frequency band. and is not a priority in radio regulations in any way. Resolution 242

(WRC-19) comes into force (WRC-19) Use of the 24.65-25.25 GHz

5.532B frequency band in Region 1 and 24.65-24.75 GHz in a zone limited to ground stations used in Region 3 in

Space) antenna with a diameter of at least 4.5 meters (WRC-12) The the fixed satellite service. (Earth-to-

intersatellite enterprise may not request protection against severe interference

5.533 from equipment. Measuring the surface of airports in the radio navigation business

5.534 SUP (WRC-03)

5.534A in Region 2 sets the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz for fixed services in the form of high-range stations, floating

bases, according to Resolution 166 (WRC- 19) The use of frequency bands for fixed-range services in the

form of high-range floating base stations in the frequency band 25.25-27.0 GHz shall be used only in the

direction from the ground to the high-range floating base stations. And in the frequency band 27.0-27.5

GHz, use only the direction from the high-range floating base station to the ground. In addition, the use of

the 25.25-27.0 GHz frequency band by high-range floating base stations to limit This designation does not

prohibit fixed businesses or other businesses that are designated as core businesses. as well in this

frequency band and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way.


5.535 In the frequency band 24.75-25.25 GHz, Earth-space link networks linking stations of the satellite

broadcasting service have a higher priority than other uses in the fixed service. via satellite (Earth to space)

Other uses must be protected, protected and must not request protection rights against interference from

the network linking the Earth and Space for radio and television broadcasting stations via satellite, both

present and future link networks.

5.535A Use of the 29.1-29.5 GHz (Earth-to-Space) frequency band in the fixed satellite service is limited to satellite systems
in fixed orbit. a location and connection network between Earth and space, which connects satellite systems

with irregular orbits location in the satellite mobile business Depending on Coordinate under Section 9.11A

of the Radio Regulations. This is not subject to Section 22.2 of the Radio Regulations, except in cases

according to Sections 5.523C and 5.523E of the Radio Regulations. which is independent of Coordinate

under Section 9.11A of the Radio Regulations. It is still under the process according to Section
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9 (except for Article 9.11A of the Radio Regulations) Article 11 and Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations

5.536 The use of the 25.25-27.5 GHz frequency band in the intersatellite operation is limited to space research and

Earth observation via satellite. Including the transmission of information due to medical activities. and the

space industry as well

5.536A Government agencies that operate and operating ground stations in the business Exploring the Earth via Satellite or

space research activities Must not request rights to protect against interference from stations in fixed and

mobile businesses that operate. operated by the agency and other government offices, the operation of ground
stations in public sector activities Earth exploration via satellite or space research activities should take into

account the recommendations ITU-R SA.1862 and resolution 242 (WRC-19) coming into force (WRC-19).

5.536B in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, China, Republic of Korea, Denmark, Egypt, United Arab

Emirates, Estonia. Finland, Hungary, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel Italy Jordan Kenya

Kuwait Lebanon Libya Lithuania Moldova Norway Oman Uganda Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar

Syrian Arab Republic Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Slovakia Czech Republic, Romania, United

Kingdom Singapore, Slovenia, Sudan, Sweden, Tanzania, Turkey, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Ground stations

in Earth observation satellite operators using the frequency band 25.5-27 GHz must not request rights to
protect against interference or obstruction of the use and operation of the station in its regular business. the

fixed and mobile enterprises and Resolution No. 242 (WRC-19) comes into force (WRC-19)

5.536C in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Comoros, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates,

Estonia, Finland, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Morocco,

Nigeria, Oman, Qatar. The Syrian Arab Republic, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uruguay,

Zambia and Zimbabwe, space research ground stations using the 25.5-27 GHz band may not request rights.
Protection against disturbances or obstructions to use and operation and the operation of stations in the fixed

and mobile services (WRC-12) in the frequency band 27-27.5 GHz. The space service which uses satellites
with geostationary orbits in the intersatellite service.

5.537 Not subject to Article 22.2 of Radio Regulation 5.537A in Bhutan, Cameroon, China, Republic of Korea,

Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,

Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia. Myanmar Uzbekistan Pakistan Philippines Kyrgyzstan Democratic People's

Republic of Korea, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam, high range floating base stations may use the

27.9-28.2 GHz frequency band for fixed operations within the territories of the above countries. The use of the

total frequency spectrum of 300 MHz in the fixed service of high-range floating base stations in the above
countries must be used in the direction from the base station. Floats only at a high distance to the ground. and

must not cause serious disturbances or request rights Protect against interference from other systems in fixed

business or from other businesses that are classified as core businesses as well, and high-range floating base

stations must not be an obstacle to the development of other businesses. See Resolution 145 (Rev.WRC -19)

(WRC-19) Additional designation: Specify the frequency band. 27.500-27.501 GHz and 29.999-30.000 GHz

for regular business via satellite (Space to Earth)

5.538 as well, classified as the main business for
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control a is sending an uptrend Such a transmission from space to Earth. is transmitting an isotropic

equivalent broadcast in the direction of neighboring satellites in regular orbit. which must not exceed
+10 dBW (WRC-07)

5.539 Fixed business via satellite (Earth-to-Space) The frequency band 27.5-30 GHz may be used for earth-to-
space linking networks in satellite broadcasting and television services. Additional

5.540 designation: Specifies the frequency band. 27.501-29.999 GHz for the fixed satellite service (space-to-

earth) as well, classified as a secondary service. for control is sending an uptrend The use
5.541 of the 28.5-30 GHz frequency band in satellite Earth exploration is limited to photography. Transfer data

between stations and not for data collection using active or passive measuring equipment.

5.541A Earth-satellite links of geostationary orbiting networks location in mobile business through satellites and networks

with regular orbits position in regular business Satellite navigation using the frequency band 29.1-29.5

GHz (Earth-to-Space) requires control over Is it sending an adaptive upward trend? Other methods are

used to compensate for fading in wave propagation. In this regard, the ground station shall use appropriate
upward transmission power in terms of linking with the satellite. both in terms of reducing the level of

interference between the two networks by using this method for networks in which the Radio

Communications Office is considered to have received the radio frequency coordination documents

according to Appendix 4 after 17 May 1996 and using this method until World Conference on the Future

of Radio Communications There will be a decision to make further changes. The government agency that

submitted the frequency coordination document Radios according to Appendix 4 before 17 May 1996

should use such techniques

5.542 as much as possible. will be practicable (WRC-2000). Additional designations: in Algeria, Saudi Arabia,

Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Cameroon, China, Republic of the Congo. Egypt, United Arab Emirates,

Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia,

Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of The Syrian Arab State,

the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Chad allocate
the 29.5-31 GHz frequency band for regular business. and mobile businesses as well. It is classified as a

secondary business. In this regard, use and transmitting power according to

5.543 Articles 21.3 and 21.5 of the Radio Regulations (WRC-12) Space-to-Space Links in Earth Exploration via

Satellite For telemetry, monitoring, and control purposes, the 29.95-30 GHz frequency band may be used as a secondary
5.543A SUP (WRC-19)

5.543B Assignment of the frequency band 31-31.3 GHz for regular business. to be used as a station High Range

Floating Bases Around the World This designation does not preclude fixed services or other activities

that are also designated as primary services in this frequency band. and is not a priority in the radio

regulations in any way. The use of this high-range floating base station In accordance with Resolution

No. 167 (WRC-19) (WRC-19) in the

5.544 frequency band 31-31.3 GHz, space research activities shall use the power flux density values according

to Table 21-4 in Section 21.

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5.545 Different types of business: In Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the frequency band 31-31.3

GHz is assigned to (WRC-12) Different types of activities: in Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain,

Belarus, Egypt, United Arab Emirates Spanish Emirates, Estonia,

5.546 Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungarian Republic Islamic Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Mongolia,

Oman, Uzbekistan, Poland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, the United Kingdom, South Africa,

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Turkey designate the 31.5-31.8 GHz frequency band. For fixed and mobile

businesses It is classified as a primary service (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) which does not

include the aeronautical mobile service (WRC-19) in the frequency bands 31.8-33.4 GHz 37-40 GHz 40.5-43.5

GHz 51.4-52.6 GHz 55.78-59 GHz and 64. -66 GHz is the frequency band that It is specified to support the use
of dense radio frequencies in High usage in fixed

5.547 service (see Resolution 75 (WRC-2000)) Government agencies must take this into account when issuing

regulations regarding the use of the frequency band. above and because in the frequency bands 39.5-40 GHz

and 40.5-42 GHz it is possible that Radio frequencies that have a high density of use in everyday business.

(See Section 5.516B of the Radio Regulations.) Government agencies should consider Consider the obstacles
that may arise in using Radio frequencies that have a high density of use in fixed business, considering

Suitable (WRC-07)

5.547A Government agencies should: Take practical measures to reduce the possibility of Disturbing has occurred. in the case

of interference between stations in regular business. places and weather stations Vehicles in the radio business

To provide navigation in the frequency band 31.8-33.4 GHz, taking into account the needs of the aircraft radar
system (WRC-2000). Optional designation: In

5.547B the United States, the frequency band 31.8-32 GHz is assigned. For radio, navigation and space research

businesses (Deep Space) (Space to Earth) classified as the main activities


5.547C Optional designation: In the United States, the 32-32.3 GHz frequency band is allocated to the radio, navigation, and

space research services. (Deep Space) (Space to Earth) classified as the main activities

5.547D Optional Assignment: In the United States, the 32.3-33 GHz frequency band is allocated to businesses.

between satellite and radio navigation services, classified as the main business (WRC-97)

5.547E Alternative designation: In the United States, the band 33-33.4 GHz is allocated to the radio-navigation service as a
primary service (WRC-97) in system design in the

5.548 international intersatellite service. Frequency band 32.3-33 GHz. Systems in the radio navigation service in the

32-33 GHz frequency band and systems in the space research business (deep space) in the 31.8-32.3 GHz

frequency band are required by government agencies. Take all necessary measures to prevent serious

interference between the above activities, taking into account safety in connection with radio navigation services

(see Recommendation 707) (WRC-03 ) Additional information: in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,

5.549 Bangladesh, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Gabon, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,

Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines,
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Syrian Arab Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan,

Sri Lanka, Togo, Tunisia and Yemen allocate the frequency band 33.4-36 GHz to the fixed and mobile
services. It is classified as a main activity (WRC-12) on the

5.549A in the frequency band 35.5-36.0 GHz, the average power flux density surface
value at anydue to

space measuring device in the Earth exploration satellite service (active) or the space research

service (active ) must not exceed ÿ73.3 dB (W/m2 ) in this frequency band for any angle greater than

0.8° from the center of the wave beam (WRC-03) Different

5.550 categories of service: in Armenia Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan designate the 34.7-35.2 GHz frequency band for space research

activities. It is classified as a core business (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-12).
5.550A Shared use of the 36-37 GHz frequency band between businesses for Earth observation via satellite

(passive) and regular operations location with mobile business Under Resolution No. 752
5.550B (WRC-07) (WRC-07), government agencies that wish to regulate The frequency band 37-43.5 GHz,

or parts thereof, has been specified for the international mobile telecommunications (IMT) business

in the terrestrial part. This determination does not prohibit businesses that have already been

specified. Use this frequency band and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way. Because

it is possible to start using ground stations for regular business. satellite broadcasting in the frequency

band 37.5-42.5 GHz and dense use for for regular business via satellite in the frequency band

39.5-40 GHz in Region 1 and the frequency band 40-40.5 GHz in all regions. and the 40.5-42 GHz

band in Region 2 (see Section 5.516B of the Radio Regulations). Government authorities should

take into account the potential obstacles to international mobile telecommunications in these

frequency bands by: Consider as appropriate according to Resolution 243

5.550C (WRC-19) (WRC-19) the use of the frequency bands 37.5-39.5 GHz (Space-to-Earth) 39.5-42.5 GHz

(Space-to-Earth) 47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-Space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz (Earth-to-Space) of geostationary

satellite systems in the via satellite As specified in Article 9.12 of the Radio Regulations, it applies to

coordination with other geostationary satellite systems in the fixed satellite service, but does not

apply to geostationary satellite systems. In other activities in accordance with Resolution No. 770

(WRC-19) and Article 22.2 of the Radio Regulations, government

5.550D agencies that wish to regulate The frequency band 38-39.5 GHz has been designated for use by the

station. High Range Floating Bases Around the World For the use of frequencies in the direction

from High Range Floating Base Stations to the ground, terrestrial base stations shall not request

protection from interference from radio communications stations in the fixed or mobile service. and

regular business 5.34A of the Radio Regulations does not apply. Assignment of the 38-39.5 GHz

frequency band for use of floating base stations. This high distance around the world It does not

prohibit various fixed businesses or other businesses that are also designated as main businesses

in this frequency band. and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way. In addition, high-range
floating base stations must not be an unreasonable obstacle to Regular business development satellite navigation, fix
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Frequency for fixed business to be used as a high-range floating base station in accordance with

Resolution 168 (WRC-19) (WRC-19) the

5.550E use of the 39.5-40 GHz and 40-40.5 GHz frequency bands of Satellite systems with non-fixed orbits

in mobile satellite operations (Space to Earth) and satellite systems with irregular orbits in fixed

satellite services (Space-to-Earth) as specified in Article 9.12 of the Radio Regulations, for coordination

with other geostationary satellite systems in the fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services. But it does

not apply to satellite systems that has a non-fixed orbit. In other activities, refer to Section 2.22 of the

Radio Regulations. Still effective for satellite systems with non-geostationary orbits (WRC-19).

5.551 SUP (WRC-97)

5.551A SUP (WRC-03)

5.551AA SUP (WRC-03)

5.551B SUP (WRC-2000)

5.551C SUP (WRC-2000)

5.551D SUP (WRC-2000)

5.551E SUP (WRC-2000)

5.551F Different types of activities: In Japan, the frequency band 41.5-42.5 GHz is designated for mobile

services as the primary activity (see Section 5.33 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-97).
5.551G SUP (WRC-03)

5.551H flux density value Equivalent power in the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz at the location of any radio or

astronomy station due to all space stations in geostationary orbiting satellite systems in the fixed

satellite service. (Space to Earth) or in the broadcasting business via satellite in the frequency band

42-42.5 GHz. The flux density value is Such equivalence must not The following values are exceeded
more than 2% of the time ÿ230 dB (W/m2

.1 GHz) and –246 dB (W/m2 .500 kHz) in the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz at any radio astronomy

station location. that is registered as a station that uses a telescope

Single dish type and

band at any designated

ÿ209 dBIt is(W/m2.500
a station that
Very Long
in the 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency

Baseline Interferometry technique.

However, the flux density must be evaluated. Equivalent power above Using the method recommended by ITU-R

S.1586-1, including the reference antenna pattern and maximum antenna gain in Radio astronomy activities

according to the recommendations of ITU-R RA.1631-0 and using the values obtained from this assessment.

throughout the sky for elevation angles that are greater than low angles For the most recent use of radio telescopes

(which should be 5° in cases where frequency registration

information is not available), the flux density value is used. The said equivalence power shall be

established at any radio astronomy station which – was in operation before 5 July 2003 and notified of frequency registration to the O

radio communications before January 4, 2004, or

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– Notification of frequency registration before the date of The Radio Communications Office received the

documents. Coordinate radio frequencies or documents for notification of frequency registration according

to Appendix 4 of the space station that must be specified Determine the flux density value.

Equivalent power mentioned above Other astronomical radio stations that have registered their frequencies After

that date, an agreement may be made with the authority. of the government agency responsible for the space

station In Region 2, Resolution No. 743 (WRC-03) shall be used. However, the flux density value may be used.

The equivalent power is higher than the above value at the location of the radio astronomy station if the
government agency approves it (WRC-15).

5.551I Flux density value power in the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz at the location of any radio astronomy station due

to a geostationary orbiting space station. position in regular business via satellite (Space to Earth) or in the

satellite broadcasting and television business that uses the frequency band 42- 42.5 GHz. The flux density value
is Such power shall not exceed the following values: –137 dB (W/m2 .1 GHz) and –153

dB (W/m2 .500 kHz) in the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz at the location of any radio astronomy station. that are

registered as stations using dish telescopes

one and

–116 dB (W/m2 .500 kHz) in the 42.5-43.5 GHz band at the location of any registered astronomy radio station

using the Very Long Baseline Interferometry technique. The power flux density value shall be used at the

location of any radio astronomy station which – was in operation before 5 July 2003 and whose radio

frequency has been registered with the Office.

radio communications before January 4, 2004, or

– Notification of radio frequency registration before the date of The Radio Communications Office received the

documents. Coordinate radio frequencies or documents notifying radio frequency registration according to
Appendix 4 of the space station that must be and determine the power flux density value as

mentioned above. Other astronomical radio stations Those who notify of registration of radio frequencies after

this date may reach an agreement with the authority. of the government agency responsible for the space station

In Region 2, Resolution 743 (WRC-03) shall apply. However, power flux densities higher than the above values

may be used at the locations of radio astronomy stations which the authority has. the director of that state gives approval

5.552 To support the connection network from Earth to broadcasting satellites and television, the frequency

spectrum for transmission from Earth to space is specified to be higher than the frequency spectrum
for transmission from space to Earth, that is, the frequency band 42.5 is specified. -43.5 GHz and

47.2-50.2 GHz for fixed services via satellite to transmit from Earth to space and specify the frequency

band 37.5-39.5 GHz for fixed services via satellite to transmit from Space-to-Earth Government
agencies should take all practicable steps to preserve the 47.2-49.2 GHz band for Earth-space

connectivity in the broadcasting service. and satellite television using the frequency band 40.5-42.5

GHz 5.552A Determination of

routine business Stations in the frequency bands 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz are specified for use in high-

range floating base stations. which such identification This does not prohibit the use of other activities
organized by to be the main business as well in this frequency band and is not a priority in the

regulations. radio in any way The use of frequencies for for regular business in the form of a high-range floating base
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The frequency bands 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz comply with resolution 122 (Rev.WRC-19).

5.553 Stations in the land mobile service may use the frequency bands 43.5-47 GHz and 66-71 GHz.

Must not cause serious interference to space radio communications services using the above frequency bands.

(See Section 5.43 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-2000)

5.553A in Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Republic of Korea, Cote d'Ivoire,

Croatia, United Arab Emirates, Estonia. Eswatini, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary,

Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lesotho, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco,

Mauritius, Mauritania.

Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovenia.

Sudan, South Africa, Sweden, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe Government agencies that

Intends to specify the frequency band 45.5-47 GHz for international mobile telecommunications (IMT) services in the

terrestrial sector, taking into account Clause 5.553 of the Radio Regulations. In cases related to

Aviation mobile business and radio navigation business. Determination of frequency bands for the business.

international mobile telecommunications Subject to agreement under Article 9.21 of the Radio Regulations between

Relevant government agencies and must not cause serious interference, and

Must not request rights to protect against interference from the aviation mobile business and radio navigation business.

The designation of this frequency band does not prohibit businesses that have already been designated from using the band.

this frequency and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way. Resolution 244

(WRC-19) comes into force (WRC-19)

5.553B in Region 2 and Algeria, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Bahrain, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon,

Central African Republic, Comoros, Republic of

Congo, Republic of Korea, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia,

Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait,

La. Sotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mozambique,

Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman.

Uganda, Qatar, Republic of the Arab Republic, Syria, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, São Tomé and

Principe Senegal Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovenia, Somalia, Sudan, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Chad, Togo,

Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe Government Facilities that wish to

The frequency band 47.2-48.2 GHz is designated for terrestrial international mobile telecommunications (IMT) services.

The designation of this frequency does not prohibit businesses that have already designated it from using it.

This frequency band and is not a priority in the radio regulations in any way. Resolution No. 243

(WRC-19) comes into force (WRC-19)

5.554 Use satellite networks in the frequency bands 43.5-47 GHz 66-71 GHz 95-100 GHz 123-130 GHz.

191.8-200 GHz and 252-265 GHz can link fixed land stations when using

together with the satellite mobile business or radio business Satellite navigation (WRC-2000)
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5.554A for regular business via satellite (Space-to-Earth) uses the frequency bands 47.5-47.9 GHz, 48.2-48.54 GHz,
and 49.44-50.2 GHz, restricted to fixed-orbit satellites (WRC-03). Additional designations:

5.555 Required. The frequency band 48.94-49.04 GHz is also used for radio astronomy services, which is
classified as the main activity (WRC-2000).

5.555A SUP (WRC-03)

5.555B Flux density value power in the frequency band 48.94-49.04 GHz at the location of any radio or

astronomical station due to a space station in regular orbit. and stations that use the frequency bands

48.2-48.54 GHz and 49.44-50.2 GHz in fixed satellite services. (Space-to-Earth) The value of the
power flux density must not exceed –151.8 dB (W/m2 .500 kHz) (WRC-03) Use of the

5.555C frequency band 51.4-52.4 GHz in fixed service. satellite Earth-to-Space (Earth-to-Space)
communications shall be limited to geostationary satellite networks and only ground stations for

gateways, with antennas having a diameter of at least 2.4 meters (WRC-19). Radio
5.556 astronomy may can operate in the frequency bands 51.4-54.25 GHz 58.2- 59 GHz and 64-65 GHz
under domestic management (WRC-2000).

5.556A The use of the frequency bands 54.25-56.9 GHz, 57-58.2 GHz, and 59-59.3 GHz in the intersatellite service

is limited to satellites in fixed orbit. The power flux density values at altitudes from 0 to 1 000 km above

the Earth's surface due to a station in the intersatellite service for all conditions and all modulation

methods, the power flux density value shall not exceed –147. dB (W/(m2 . 100 MHz)) for every angle

at which the wave propagates (WRC-97)

5.556B Additional designation: In Japan, the 54.25-55.78 GHz frequency band is also designated for mobile services,

primarily for low-density radio frequency use.


5.557 Additional designations: In Japan, the frequency band 55.78-58.2 GHz is also designated for the radio
positioning service as a primary service (WRC-97).

5.557A in the frequency band 55.78-56.26 GHz to protect stations in the earth exploration service via satellite

(passive). The density value is The maximum power output from the transmitter to the antenna of
station in daily business The frequency band must not exceed –26 dB (W/

5.558 MHz) (WRC-2000) Stations in the aeronautical mobile service may use the frequency bands 55.78-58.2

GHz 59-64 GHz 66-71 GHz 122.25-123 GHz 130-134 GHz 167- 174.8 GHz and 191.8-200 GHz,

provided that they do not cause serious interference to intersatellite operations (see Section 5.43 of

the Radio Regulations) (WRC-2000).

5.558A Use of the 56.9-57 GHz frequency band in intersatellite systems is limited to links. between geostationary

satellites and is limited to transmissions from non-geostationary satellites orbiting the Earth in high

orbit. By sending it to satellites that orbit the earth in low orbit for linking between satellites that have
regular orbits. to measure the power flux density at altitudes from 0 to 1 000 km above the earth's

surface for all conditions and All modulation methods flux density values This power must not exceed

-147 dB (W/(m2 . 100 MHz)) for every angle at which the wave propagates. (WRC-97) Aircraft radar

in the radio search service Positioning operators may use

5.559 the 59-64 GHz frequency band, provided that they do not cause serious interference to the intersatellite

business (see Section 5.43 of the Radio Regulations) (WRC-2000).

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5.559A SUP (WRC-07)

5.559AA Government agencies that wish to regulate The frequency band 66-71 GHz has been designated for international mobile

telecommunications (IMT) on the terrestrial level. This frequency band designation is not Prohibiting businesses

that have already been designated from using this frequency band and is not a priority in radio regulations in any

way. Resolution 241 comes into effect (WRC-19) (WRC-19) Frequency band 77.5-78 GHz in the radio
5.559B positioning business. Limited to short-range radars for ground-based applications, including automobile radars.

The technical characteristics of the radar are specified in ITU-R Recommendation M.2057, provided that Article

4.10 of the Radio Regulations does not apply (WRC-15). Space station radar
5.560 may use the 78-79 GHz band for exploration purposes. Earth via satellite and space research activities can be

classified as main activities In the frequency band 74-76

5.561 GHz, stations in the fixed business, mobile business Broadcasting business and The television business must not

cause severe interference to stations in the fixed satellite service or stations in the satellite broadcasting service.
operations are consistent with the resolution of the meeting regarding frequency allocation planning for

broadcasting and satellite television (WRC-2000)

5.561A specifies the frequency band 81-81.5 GHz for the amateur radio service and the satellite amateur radio service as a

secondary service (WRC-2000).

5.561B in Japan The use of the 84-86 GHz frequency band in the fixed satellite service (Earth-to-Space) is limited to the Earth-
Space link in the broadcasting and television business. Through satellites with fixed orbits (WRC-2000), use of the

94-94.1 GHz frequency band in Earth exploration via

5.562 satellite (Active) and space research (Active) activities, Ltd. Only radar in space which is used to check clouds


5.562A in the bands 94-94.1 GHz and 130-134 GHz, transmissions from space stations in the Earth exploration satellite service

(active) directed towards the main wave of the radio antenna that astronomy There is a possibility of damage to

radio astronomy receivers. In the space station, operations should be planned in conjunction with the radio

astronomy station to avoid this. Such events should be avoided as much as possible (WRC-2000). Use of the

frequency bands 105-109.5 GHz, 111.8-114.25 GHz and 217-226 GHz is

5.562B limited to specific applications. Space radio astronomy only (WRC-19)

5.562C The use of the frequency band 116-122.25 GHz in the intersatellite service is limited to fixed orbit satellites only. The

power flux density due to a station in the intersatellite service Satellites at altitudes ranging from 0 to 1 000

kilometers above the earth's surface and in the close to fixed orbital position Where is it? For locations with active

passive measuring equipment, for all conditions and all modulation methods, the flux density values This power

must not exceed -148 dB (W/(m2 ÿ MHz)) for every angle at which the wave propagates (WRC-2000).

5.562D Additional Designations: In the Republic of Korea, The frequency bands 128-130 GHz, 171-171.6 GHz, 172.2-172.8 GHz

and 173.3-174 GHz are also designated for the radio astronomy business, which is classified as the main business.

Radio astronomical stations in the Republic of Korea in the frequency bands in this footnote Must not request

protection rights against interference or restrictions. Restricts the use and development of activities in other

government agencies in accordance with the Radio Regulations (WRC-15).

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5.562E Specify the frequency band for the Earth exploration service via satellite (active), only the frequency band

133.5-134 GHz (WRC-2000)

5.562F SUP (WRC-19)

5.562G SUP (WRC-19)

5.562H The use of the frequency bands 174.8-182 GHz and 185-190 GHz in the intersatellite service is limited to fixed

orbit satellites only. The power flux density due to the station One of the inter-satellite affairs At altitudes

ranging from 0 to 1 000 kilometers above the earth's surface and in the vicinity of fixed orbital position

Where is it? location with equipment Active passive measurement for all conditions and all modulation

methods. Flux density This power must not exceed -144 dB (W/(m2 ÿ MHz)) for every angle at which the

wave propagates (WRC-2000).

5.563 SUP (WRC-03)

5.563A Ground-based passive atmospheric measurements in the bands 200-209 GHz, 235-238 GHz, 250-252 GHz and

265-275 GHz are intended to determine the composition of the atmosphere.


5.563B specifies the frequency band 237.9-238 GHz for satellite earth exploration activities (active) and space

research activities (active), limited to space-based radar. which is used to check clouds (WRC-2000)

5.564 SUP (WRC-2000)

5.564A Use of the frequency band 275-450 GHz for regular business for stationary and land mobile

services in the frequency bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 318-333 GHz and 356-450 GHz, which

government agencies specify for use in fixed business The geostationary and land mobile services do

not require specific conditions to prevent interference with use in the survey satellite service.

Geo-satellite (Passive) The use

of the frequency bands 296-306 GHz, 313-318 GHz and 333-356 GHz for the fixed and land mobile

services can be done by specifying Specific conditions for

Prevent interference with use in the satellite business. Passive satellite Earth observation under

Resolution 731 (Rev.WRC-19) in parts of the 275-450 GHz band used for radio astronomy may be

necessary. Conditions for protection against interference from land mobile businesses and/or mobile

businesses must be specified on a case-by-case basis, such as determining the minimum distance

between radio communication stations. and or degrees used to avoid interference, etc. under Resolution

731 (Rev.WRC-19) in the use of the aforementioned frequency bands for for mobile business land and

fixed business does not prohibit activities that have already been determined and does not prioritize the

use of the frequency band 275-450 GHz. (WRC-19 ) Frequency band 275-1 000 GHz

5.565 Government agencies have identified the use of passive services in the following frequency bands: –
Radio astronomy: 275-323 GHz

327-371 GHz 388-424 GHz 426-442 GHz

453-510 GHz 623-711 GHz 795-909 GHz ÿÿÿ 926-945 GHz
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– Earth exploration activities through satellites (passive) and space research activities (passive):

275-286 GHz 296-306 GHz 316-356 GHz 361-365 GHz 369-392 GHz 397-399 GHz

409-411 GHz 416-434 GHz 439-467 GHz 477-502 GHz 523-527 GHz 538-581 GHz

611-630 GHz 634-654 GHz 657-692 GHz 713-718 GHz 729-733 GHz 750-754 GHz

771-776 GHz 823-846 GHz 850-854 GHz 857-862 GHz 866-882 GHz 905-928 GHz

951-956 GHz 968-973 GHz and 985-990 GHz

The use of the frequency band 275-1 000 GHz in passive operations is not restricted. Restricting Use in Active

Businesses Government agencies wishing to use the 275-1 000 GHz band in active businesses should take all practicable

steps to protect their activities. Passive from severe disturbances, until this is determined. The frequency band is specified as

follows in the schedule. to determine the frequency bands specified above in the
275-1 000 GHz

The radio frequency band 1 000-3 000 GHz may be used in active applications. and passive activities (WRC-12)
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Thailand footnote

T-P1 canceled (2019)

T-P2 canceled (2017)

T-P3 canceled (2017)

T-P4 NBTC will improve the use of frequencies in the 470-960 MHz band in accordance with the NBTC announcement

regarding radio frequency plans and criteria for improving the use of related frequencies.

T-P5 canceled (2019)

T-P6 NBTC will prepare criteria for granting permission to use frequencies and radio frequency plans to support the
use of the frequency bands 1 427-1 518 MHz 37-43.5 GHz and 66-71 GHz for use for Telecommunications

business International Mobility (IMT) which will be completed within 2020. 2568

T-P7 canceled (2020)

T-P8 canceled (2020)

T-P9 NBTC will improve the use of the 50-54 MHz frequency band to allow for shared use of frequencies between Mobile

business, fixed business, and amateur radio business are allowed. However, the use of frequencies is not

allowed. in the amateur radio business until the results of the study of frequency sharing between businesses is

T-P10 canceled (2019)

T-P11 NBTC will prepare criteria for granting permission to use frequencies and radio frequency plans for the international mobile

telecommunications business in the frequency band 3.4-3.7 GHz. However, the use of such frequencies is not yet
allowed for international mobile telecommunications business until the results of the study of interoperability between

fixed satellite businesses and international mobile telecommunications business are completed.

T-P12 NBTC will prepare criteria for granting permission to use frequencies and radio frequency plans for the international mobile

telecommunications business, frequency bands 27-29.5 GHz. This will specify conditions for using frequencies for Accepting

regular business will continue to use satellite communications and international mobile telecommunications services
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T-Aeronautical(OR) Frequency for for aviation mobile operations outside of commercial flight routes by

Complies with Appendix 26 of the Radio Regulations.

T-Aeronautical(R) Frequency Regulations for the aviation mobility business on commercial flight routes are as follows.

Appendix 27 of the Radio Regulations

T-Amateur Frequency for amateur radio business In accordance with the NBTC announcement regarding

Criteria for permission and Amateur Radio Regulatory Commission However, the criteria and

Conditions for granting permission in each frequency band shall be as specified by the NBTC (see T-P9


T-BSS Planned Band The frequency bands 11.7-12.2 GHz and 17.3-17.8 GHz are reserved as a plan.

Radio frequencies of the country for broadcasting and television businesses through
Satellite and for water connection networks news of broadcasting business and

Satellite television business, respectively, in an orbital position of 98 degrees.

Eastern, in accordance with Appendices 30 and 30A of the Radio Regulations.

T-Experimental Radar radio station in January in the radio business, the location must not cause

severe disturbance or request protection from radio communications stations

in fixed and mobile businesses

T-Fixed Wireless System The following frequency bands are designated: specified for use for fixed business

area Frequency (MHz) Related NBTC announcements

2 GHz 2 025.5-2 053.5/2 200.5-2 228.5 NBTC Director 302-2017

5 GHz 4 400-5 000 NBTC Director 305-2019

6.7 GHz 6 425-7 125 NBTC Director 306-2019

7.2 GHz 7 110-7 425 NBTC Director 307-2019

7.5 GHz 7 425-7 725 NBTC Director 308-2019

8 GHz 7 725-8 285 NBTC Director 309-2019

10 GHz 10 500-10 650 NBTC Director 303-2019

11 GHz 10 700-11 700 NBTC Director 310-2019

13 GHz 12 750-13 250 NBTC Director 304-2019

15 GHz 14 500-15 350 NBTC Director 311-2019

18 GHz 17 700-19 700 NBTC Director 312-2019

23 GHz 21 200-23 600 NBTC Director 313-2019

80 GHz 71 000-76 000/81 000-86 000 NBTC Director 301-2015

T-FSS Planned Band frequency band 4 500-4 800 MHz 6 725-7 025 MHz 10.7-10.95 GHz 11.2-

11.45 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHz are reserved as radio frequency plans of
Country for regular business via satellite in the area orbital position at 120.6 degrees

Eastern, in accordance with Appendix 30B of the Radio Regulations.

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T-General use The use of frequencies for for equipment that is permitted for general use

Complies with the NBTC announcement regarding the criteria for using frequencies and radio equipment.

Transportation that is allowed for general use

T-IMT Frequency spectrum for telecommunications business international mobility (International Mobile

Telecommunications – IMT) as defined by the International Telecommunications Union.

(450-470 MHz 698-960 MHz 1 427-1 518 MHz 1 710-2 025 MHz 2 110-2 200
MHz 2 300-2 400 MHz 2 500-2 690 MHz 3.4-3.7 GHz and 24.25-29.5 GHz
37-43.5 GHz and 66-71 GHz). However, the time frame and conditions for using such frequency bands

For IMT business in Thailand, it must be as specified by the NBTC (see T-P4 T-P6
T-P11 and T-P12 assembled)

T-Maritime frequency spectrum for maritime mobile operations According to the NBTC radio frequency plan. Director
501-2020 Phor. 502-2017 and Phor. 503-2020 including Appendix 15 Appendix 16

Appendix 17, Appendix 18 and Appendix 25 of the Radio Regulations

T-PMSE Frequency band 2 060-2 110 2 230-2 240 2 250-2 290 MHz and frequency band 8 290-

8 500 MHz is designated for use in for use in the form of Program Making and Special Events (PMSE)

according to the NBTC announcement regarding radio frequency plans for use in the form of Program

Making and Special Events

T-PPDR The use of frequencies for The mission for disaster prevention and relief is in accordance with the announcement.

NBTC regarding criteria for using frequencies to support prevention and relief missions

public disasters and in the event of emergencies and disasters

T-Radio The frequency bands 526.5-1 606.5 kHz 87-108 MHz and 174-230 MHz are designated

Used for broadcasting businesses according to the NBTC announcement regarding radio frequency plans.

Broadcasting the AM system, NBTC announcement regarding the FM radio frequency plan and

NBTC announcement regarding radio frequency plan for digital broadcasting business, respectively

T-Railway Frequency 26.8-28.6 kHz 29.8-31.3 kHz 822.5-824.5 kHz 874-876 kHz 3 234-

5 234 kHz 9 844-10 124 kHz and 26.35-27.5 MHz and the frequencies that the NBTC specifies to be used

for rail transport business. It is allowed to be used as a fixed business or a mobile business.

T-STL The frequency band 300-320.1 MHz is designated for use in for use in connection

The signal between the transmission room and the radio transmitter. (Studio-Transmitter Link) according to

NBTC announcement regarding the radio frequency plan for for use in linking signals between rooms

Sent with a radio transmitter

T-Trunked, the use of frequencies for for land mobile operations, Trunked Radio system

area Frequency (MHz) NBTC announcement related

400 MHz 380-399.9 NBTC Director 402-2015

800 MHz 806-814/851-859 NBTC Director 401-2015

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T-TV The 470-694 MHz frequency band is designated for use in: for terrestrial television business in the

digital system according to the NBTC announcement regarding radio frequency plans for for television
business terrestrial digital system

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