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2022 학년도 | KAIST 영어면접

[KAIST 영어면접 ]
영어면접 3 회(기출)
Space Waste

Although the successful launching of the Sputnik 1 satellite on October 4, 1957 was a great

accomplishment, this artificial satellite also led to the creation of space waste. Just a few months after the

satellite entered orbit, people on Earth could see a bright object moving across the sky. This was later

identified as the body of the rocket that took Sputnik 1 to space, which was one of the first identified space

waste. Since then, there have been thousands of spacecraft launched from countries around the world that

have all left some debris*. Do the pieces of man-made material that remain orbiting in outer space put

humans at risk?

The collision of space waste is a major concern. If the objects travel up to 28,000 kilometers per

hour, even the smallest object can damage satellites and manned spacecraft. One piece of debris can cause

critical damage. When one piece of debris collides with another, multiple pieces of space waste could be

created. The amount of debris floating in outer space can get in the way of spacecraft in orbit. Another

concern is that although space waste stays in orbit for a long time, it may eventually fall back to Earth.

Fortunately, most of the objects appear to be small enough and burn up as they fall through the Earth’s

atmosphere, and there is no human who has yet been killed or hurt by space waste. Some larger objects

can be generally controlled to fall through the atmosphere over the ocean. However, our understanding of

how space waste behaves is limited and space junk can fall back to Earth in an uncontrollable way.

Since Sputnik 1, there has been rapid advancement in technology, and with it, space waste has

accumulated over the decades of space exploration. Nations must come together to take responsibility for

growing space waste from spacecraft and related debris in order to solve this matter globally. *debris: waste

or remains of something broken

▶ Question 1 (2 Points) According to the passage, what is space waste?

▶ Question 2 (3 Points) This passage talks about two major concerns of space waste. Explain them in your own words.
What Is CPR and How Is It Done?

There are many scenes in movies and television shows where anunconscious person is

revived by cardiopulmonary* resuscitation*, alsoknown as CPR. So, how does it work? Before

addressing the question, it isimportant to understand the human heart first. When a person’s

heartstops pumping, it is known as a cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest can becaused by many

things such as a heart attack, trauma, or othermiscellaneous factors.

To fully understand the value of CPR, it is important to know its aimand technique. The

aim of CPR is to manually pump the heart to continueblood circulation and deliver oxygen to

the brain until the heart startspumping again on its own. Without oxygen for more than 3

minutes, thebrain may become irreversibly damaged. If the brain is deprived of oxygenfor any

longer than that, the person will die. Then how can we do CPR?CPR is a technique where a

person’s chest is firmly compressed with twohands, continuously, at approximately 100

compressions per minute. This isfollowed by artificial respiration where the person performing

CPR mustbreathe air into the mouth of the unconscious person to supply oxygen.These two

steps should be repeated for 30 minutes or until exhausted.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the person receiving CPR willbe revived or

survive long enough until help arrives. Despite theuncertainty, everyone should learn how to

perform CPR. One day, you maysave a friend or a family member suffering from a cardiac

arrest.*cardiopulmonary: relating to the heart and lungs*resuscitation: reviving a person

Question 1 (2 Points)According to the text, what two effects does CPR have on the


Question 2 (3 Points)Your friend wants to learn how to perform CPR. In your own

words,describe the two steps that should be repeated.

2019 정답

Presentation on scoring criteria (partial scoring guidelines for typical answers).

*The following answers are only models, not the only possible answers. Please use your best judgment. 1) 2

Points – Model answer: Space waste is the (1)debris / man-made material that (2)orbit in outer space as a

result of the launched spacecraft.

1 point: At least 1 key phrase

2 points: At least 2 key phrases

Key phrases: (1) debris / man-made material/ fragments/ pieces of spaceships/ rockets/ junk (2) orbit/

spin/ float/ wander around/ gravitate in outer space / that could fall back to Earth

2) 3 Points – Model Answer Note, students should use vocabulary different from the passage and/or different

sentence structure for the answer to be considered “in your own words”.

3 Points- Model answer: 1.5 points for each answer in their own words

Major Concern ONE: One concern is from the damage that could be caused from collision of space waste.

More space waste can be made from one piece of debris, which can get in the way of spacecraft and satellites.

/ Because the objects can travel at a very fast speed, the damage it can cause to the satellites in orbit or

space shuttles carrying humans can be massive.

Major Concern TWO: The second concern in the passage is that the space waste could fall through the

Earth’s atmosphere in an uncontrollable way.

Another concern is that we do not know exactly how, when and where, the space waste will fall back to

Earth. / Because of the lack of knowledge about space waste, we cannot control or program how all space

waste will fall back on Earth. /Although no human has been injured by the space waste falling back to Earth,

we need to have better understanding about its behavior. / Space waste can kill or hurt humans when it

falls back to Earth.

1 point or 2 points: 1 point for each answer read directly from the passage
Major Concern ONE: The collision of space waste is a major concern. /The objects can travel up to 28,000

kilometers per hour, so even the smallest object can damage satellites and manned spacecraft. /One piece

of debris can cause critical damage. /When one piece of debris collides with another, multiple pieces of

space waste could be created, which can get in the way of spacecraft in orbit. / The amount of debris floating

in outer space can get in the way of spacecraft in orbit.

Major Concern TWO: Space waste may eventually fall back to Earth. /Our understanding of how space

waste behaves is limited. /The space junk can fall back to Earth in an uncontrollable way. 1 point: At least

1 key point 2 points: At least 2 key points 3 points: At least 2 key points and worded in own words

Q1. CPR helps the human body to continue blood circulation and deliver oxygen to
the brain.
Q2. The first step is to press/compress/pressure/push the chest with two hands.
The second step is to breathe air into the person’s mouth / give artificial
respiration/ mouth to mouth.

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