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Question: What is a SWOT analysis?

Answer: SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that assesses an organization's

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Question: What are the core components under the Android application architecture?

Answer: There are 5 key components under the Android application architecture: – services
– intent – resource externalization – notifications – content providers

Question: What is the significance of the Renaissance?

Answer: The Renaissance was a period of great cultural, artistic, political, and economic
rebirth in Europe following the Middle Ages, characterized by renewed interest in classical

Question: What is break-even analysis?

Answer: Break-even analysis determines the point at which total revenues equal total costs,
indicating no net loss or gain.

Question: What is a budget?

Answer: A budget is a financial plan that estimates income and expenditures over a specific
period, guiding how resources are allocated.

Question: What is GDP?

Answer: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total monetary value of all finished goods and
services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period.

Question: Describe the Android Framework.

Answer: The Android Framework is an important aspect of the Android Architecture. Here
you can find all the classes and methods that developers would need in order to write
applications on the Android environment.

Question: What is the recruitment process?

Answer: The recruitment process involves identifying the need for a new employee,
defining the job role, attracting candidates, and selecting the most suitable individual for the

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