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Week 8

TASK: Assignment _ My job interview

María Cardozo Infantes Rodrigo Fabricio Loayza Cueva

Mary: Hello Rodrigo, I'm Mary, the HR coordinator at Airbus. Thank you for coming in
today for the interview. Can you please tell me which position you are applying for?
Rodrigo: Hi Mary, nice to meet you. I'm applying for the position of psychologist. I have
a background in counseling psychology and I'm excited about the opportunity to work
at Airbus.
Mary: Great to hear! Could you share a bit about your experience in counseling
psychology and how you think it could benefit our team at Airbus?
Rodrigo: Of course. In my previous roles, I have worked with diverse populations,
providing therapy and support to individuals facing various challenges. I believe my
skills in communication, empathy, and understanding human behavior could contribute
to promoting a positive work environment and employee well-being at Airbus.
Mary: That sounds very relevant. Have you had experience working in corporate
settings before?
Rodrigo: Yes, I have provided counseling services in corporate settings, addressing
issues such as stress management, conflict resolution, and work-life balance. I believe
my experience in this area could be valuable in supporting Airbus employees.
Mary: Collaboration and support are important aspects of our company culture. How do
you approach working in teams and supporting colleagues?
Rodrigo: I believe in open communication, active listening, and fostering a supportive
environment where everyone feels valued and heard. I enjoy collaborating with others
and believe that teamwork is essential for achieving common goals.
Mary: It's great to hear that. How do you stay informed about the latest trends and
research in psychology?
Rodrigo: I regularly attend conferences, workshops, and seminars in the field of
psychology. I also stay updated through reading academic journals and engaging with
professional networks to exchange knowledge and ideas.
Mary: That's commendable. Do you have any questions for me about the role or Airbus
as a company?
Rodrigo: Yes, I would like to know more about the company's approach to employee
well-being and mental health support.
Mary: Airbus prioritizes the well-being of its employees and offers various resources
and programs to support mental health, including counseling services, employee
assistance programs, and wellness initiatives. We believe that a healthy and supportive
work environment is essential for our employees' success and overall satisfaction.
Rodrigo: That's reassuring to hear. Thank you for the information, Mary.
Mary: You're welcome, Rodrigo. It was a pleasure speaking with you. We will be in
touch regarding the next steps in the hiring process.

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