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As people know, everything affects both negatively and positively in our

lives.And Social media are not out of this.
Because of their attraction social media are addictive and can make people waste
a lot of time on them. Nowadays, there are more and more teenagers spending too
much time and money for FB,ZALO,IG .....They prefer living in virtual life. As a
result, these people neglect from studying and working, become tired and stressed.
Their communication will be limited and their creation is killed.
Besides, as people's personal information is shared on these networks and it’s
easily accessed by everyone and can lead to violation of privacy. Person with bad
intentions can steal it and threaten us. These info can be simple like your name,
address, email, or important like your bank account ---> So be careful with strange
links or websites and remember to protect our info.
Now, I want to ask you guys some question, they are very easy , so don’t be shy.
1 What is cyberbullying?
2 A person who uses computer programming or technical skills to overcome a
challenge or problem. HACKER
3 a way of life that is not the same as the real situation of people on social networks.
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SM also make your thoughts negative and interrupted. When you use SM , you
can easily see that ,there are some malicios information like violent video, erotic
pictures or you can be a victim of cyberbullying. Last but not least, if we use SM
too long , they may lead to some serious diseases such as
eye diseases, neurological dieseses,autism, depression... Therefore , don’t let SM
influence negatively your life, use them effectively and wisely.

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