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For each of the characteristics listed below, indicate whether they are due to satisfaction or

A low staff turnover

B fewer mistakes

C higher productivity

2. Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy do the following factors relate to?

A New job title

B Large pay rises

C Sick pay

D Christmas parties

E Challenging work

F Enough cash to live on

3. Olivia is the managing director (MD) of a successful design company and runs the board of
directors. She has a generous pay package and pension arrangements. In a recent newspaper
interview, she described her job as ‘constantly challenging and always changing’. Which level of
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is Olivia likely to have reached?

A Ego

B Social

C Security

D Self-fulfilment

4. Which of the following factors can be both a hygiene factor and a motivator for employees?

A Pay

B The quality of management

C Working conditions

D The level of responsibility the individual is given

5. Modern trends in job design have been aimed at the quality of working life for the worker and
labour flexibility. Which of Herzberg’s three definitions would these be attributed to?

A Job rotation

B Job enrichment

C Job enlargement

6. According to Douglas McGregor

A Theory X people dislike work, need direction and avoid responsibility

B Theory Y people dislike work, need direction and avoid responsibility

C People trying to satisfy ego needs dislike work, need direction and avoid responsibility

D Hygiene factors determine whether people like work, need direction or take responsibility

7. Charlotte lacks confidence. Her boss wants to motivate her by showing her that she has
regularly exceeded targets in the past. Which aspect of the Vroom model is being focused on

A Valence

B Expectancy

8. Which one of the following is an intrinsic reward?

A Company car

B Extra holiday entitlement

C On the job training of new recruits

D Bonus payment
9. Consider the following statements regarding reward and incentive schemes.

(i) Incentive schemes should have a balance of long-term and shortterm measures to ensure staff
consider the immediate and future needs of the organisation.

(ii) A ‘points system’ refers to the payment of bonuses to employees when the organisation achieves a
profit above a pre-determined level.

Which of these statements is/are correct?

A (i) only

B (ii) only

C Both

D Neither

10. Highly satisfied employees always show increased levels of productivity in an organisation,
compare to dissatisfied employees.

Is this statement true or false?

A True

B False

11. Martin is a caretaker at a school where his wife is a teacher. They have three young children and
have just moved into a new house – which they cannot afford on Martin’s wife’s salary alone.
Which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is likely to be motivating Martin?

A Basic

B Safety

C Social

D Ego

12. Parallels can be drawn between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two-factor theory.
For example, Maslow’s ‘ego’ need can be linked to the motivating factor of recognition. Which
hygiene factor from the following would best match with Maslow’s social needs?

A Sports facility

B Pay

C Pension

D Working conditions
13. Which of the following is NOT an issue that needs taking account of when setting the basic
salary level for employees?

A Rewards offered by similar or rival organisations

B Legislation and regulation

C Motivation of employees

D Control of total salary costs for the organisation

14. (a) Consider the following rewards offered to employees.

A Salary

B Career progression

C Holiday entitlement

D Sick pay allowances

E Enjoyment of the job

F Level of satisfaction

G Higher level decision-making

H Maternity entitlement


Write down which of the four options (A – H) are extrinsic rewards.

(0.5 marks each, total = 2 marks)

(b) There are a number of different theories surrounding the motivation of employees. The following are
examples of specific terms from these models.

A Theory X

B Theory Y

C Valence

D Expectancy

The following sentences contain gaps which specify the appropriate term from the above list. If a
manager acts in an autocratic manner and fails to include staff when making decisions, this may be a
sign that he is a 1 manager.


(i) Select the correct term which appropriately fills gap 1 above; i.e. select A, B, C or D
(1 mark)

In order to motivate employees, a manager increase the bonus they can earn each year, from 10% of
their salary to 20% of their salary. This increases the 2 of the reward, increasing motivation.


(ii) Select the correct term which appropriately fills gap 2 above; i.e. select A, B, C or D

(1 mark)

(Total: 4 marks)

15. Fimble Co is a large organisation with a range of incentives available to motivate and improve
the performance of its staff. Which of the following incentives will be most appropriate for staff
working in the HR department?

A Commission

B A bonus for each unit they produce (piece rate)

C Profit sharing

D Productivity plans

16. According to Herzberg, offering employees career progression and status increases within the
organisation will improve their motivation.

Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?

A True

B False

271 Motivation refers to how hard you are willing to work whilst satisfaction refers to your contentment
with your job.

Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?

A True

B False
17. Consider the following two statements:

(1) Content theories focus manager’s attention of the calculation process that takes place when people
decide whether certain rewards are worthwhile.

(2) Processtheories assume all people are the same; therefore a standard set of incentives could be
applied to meet staff needs.

Which of these statements is/are correct?

A (1) only

B (2) only

C Both

D Neither

18. Which of the following would best fit into Maslow’s ‘ego’ category?

A Loss of one’s home

B Winning an ‘employee of the month’ prize

C Challenging work

D Regular staff parties

19. Match the following statements with the level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

(i) A has been offered a large pay rise in recognition of his hard work on several recent projects.

(ii) B has been offered a permanent contract with the business she works for, giving her access to a good
pension scheme.

(iii) C has been offered her first ever job with a company. The pay she receives will be sufficient to cover
her essential costs.

A (i) – Basic, (ii) – Ego, (iii) – Security

B (i) – Self‐fulfilment, (ii) – Basic, (iii) – Social

C (i) – Ego, (ii) – Security, (iii) – Basic

D (i) – Ego, (ii) – Social, (iii) – Security

20. Anna manages a junior employee who has been performing very well in his job. Anna wishes to
motivate him and has decided to offer him a greater level of responsibility within the business.
What type of job redesign is Anna offering the junior employee?

A Job enlargement

B Job rotation

C Job enrichment

D Job switching

21. If you believe that you have Theory Y workers, which TWO of the following should a manager

A An authoritarian style

B A participative style

C An emphasis on employee development

22. According to Douglas McGregor, Theory X people are motivated by:

A money and security

B achievement at work

C interpersonal relationships

D recognition for good work

23. ‘The absence of certain job features will reduce employee satisfaction. However, their presence
will not result in positive motivation.’

What term relating to motivation does this refer to?

A Maslow’s primary needs

B Herzberg hygiene factors

C McGregor Theory X

D Herzberg theory of job design

24. Vroom believes that people will be motivated to do things to reach a certain goal if they believe
that the reward they will receive will be valuable AND:

A its achievement will not involve excessive risk

B its achievement will not be accompanied by any significant costs

C can see that what they do has no substantial downside

D can see that what they do will help them in achieving it

25. Which TWO of the following are examples of content theories of motivation?

(1) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

(2) Vroom’s expectancy theory

(3) Herzberg’s two factor theory

(4) Kolb’s experiential theory

A (1) and (2)

B (2) and (4)

C (2) and (3)

D (1) and (3)

26. Which one of the following is consistent with the ‘ego’ level of motivation within Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs?

A Challenging job

B Sense of accomplishment

C Job title

D Job security

27. If a business operates a piecework system (where employees are paid for each unit they
produce), it means that employees will need to be encouraged to ensure that the quality of their
work is high.

Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?

A True

B False

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