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Unit 2


Department of Textile & Clothing Technology
University of Moratuwa

At the end of this lecture you should have

an understanding of
The various quality gurus and their
contribution to the evolution of quality

Name the Quality Gurus you are aware



Quality gurus have been classified into

three groups:

W Edwards Deming
Joseph Juran
Philip Crosby
Armand Feigenbaum
Kaoru Ishikawa
Shigeo Shingo
Genichi Taguchi
Taiichi Ohno
David Garvin
Walter Shewhart
James Harrington
Frederick Taylor

BS in Electrical Engineering (Wyoming), MS

(Colorado) & PhD (Yale) in Physics & Statistics
Worked for the US Government in the Dept of
Agriculture & Census Dept
Later invited to provide consultancy to the
Japanese on management
Greatly influenced by the work of Walter
Widely regarded as the architect of the
revival of the post-war Japanese industry


The Demings Philosophy included:

Fourteen Points for Transforming an Organisation
Seven Deadly Diseases of an Organisation
System of Profound Knowledge

Fourteen Points for the Transformation of an

1. create constancy of purpose for continual
improvement of products and service
2. adopt the new philosophy created in Japan
3. cease dependence on mass inspection - build
quality into the product
4. End the practice of awarding business on the
basis of price tag alone. Instead, minimize total
cost in the long run. Move toward a single
supplier for any one item, on a long-term
relationship of loyalty and trust.

5. Improve constantly and forever the system of

production, service, planning, or any activity.
6. Institute training on the job.
7. Adopt and institute leadership for the
management of people
8. Drive out fear
9. Break down barriers between departments
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for
the work force asking for zero defects and new
levels of productivity


11. Eliminate numerical goals, numerical quotas,

and management by objectives
12. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship
including annual appraisals and management by
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and
14. Put everybody in the company to work to
accomplish the transformation

Seven Deadly Diseases of an Organisation

Lack of constancy of purpose
Emphasis on short-term profits
Evaluation by performance, merit rating, or
annual review of performance
Mobility of management
Running a company on visible figures alone
Excessive medical costs
Excessive costs of warranty

System of Profound Knowledge

Appreciation of a system: understanding the overall
processes involving suppliers, producers, and
customers (or recipients) of goods and services
Knowledge of variation: the range and causes of
variation in quality, and use of statistical sampling
in measurements;
Theory of knowledge: the concepts explaining
knowledge and the limits of what can be known.
Knowledge of psychology: concepts of human


Shewhart’s PDCA cycle:

Deming’s PDSA cycle:


BS in Electrical Engineering (Minnesota)

Worked at Western Electricals for 21 years
Graduated in law from Loyola University
Joined New York University as adjunct
professor in industrial engineering
Private management consultant

Proponent of the Quality Trilogy

Emphasis placed on
Company-wide role in quality
Importance of the Pareto principle
Human dimension to quality


Juran’s Ten Steps to Quality Improvement:

1. Build awareness of the need and opportunity for
2. Set goals for improvement
3. Organise to reach the goals
4. Provide training
5. Carry out projects to solve problems
6. Report progress
7. Give recognition
8. Communicate results
9. Keep score of improvements achieved
10. Maintain momentum

Degree from Ohio College of Podiatric

Served in the US Navy
Worked as technician, reliability engineer,
senior quality engineer and director of quality
in various manufacturing industries
Founded a management consultancy firm
specialising in education in quality

Emphasis on
Zero Defects
Cost of Quality
Four Absolutes of Quality Management:
1. The definition of quality is conformance to
2. The system of quality is prevention
3. The performance standard is zero defects
4. The measurement of quality is the price of non-


Crosby’s Fourteen Steps to Quality Improvement

Management is committed to a formalised quality policy
Form a management level quality improvement team
(QIT) with responsibility for quality improvement process
planning and administration
Determine where current and potential quality problems
Evaluate the cost of quality and explain its use as a
management tool to measure waste
Raise quality awareness and personal concern for quality
amongst all employees
Take corrective actions, using established formal
systems to remove the root causes of problems

Establish a zero defects committee and

Train all employees in quality improvement
Hold a Zero Defects Day to broadcast the change
and as a management recommitment and
employee commitment
Encourage individuals and groups to set
improvement goals

Encourage employees to communicate to

management any obstacles they face in attaining
their improvement goals
Give formal recognition to all participants
Establish quality councils for quality management
information sharing
Do it all over again – form a new quality
improvement team

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