Personal Letter

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Personal Letter

A type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns personal matters and it is sent from one
individual to another such as family members, relatives and friends, and love letters. People write and
send personal letters for only a small number of people to read — usually one or two. Writers can
send personal letters for lots of different reasons: short memos for business strategies, love letters
between long-distance sweethearts or even pen pal messages to foreign exchange students.
Senders usually handwrite personal letters, which emphasizes the personal nature of the note.
Form of a Personal Letter
1. Date – This is the date when the letter is written.
2. Name, Address, City and Zip Code – these are name, address, city and zip code of the sender.
3. Salutation and Name of Recipient – The greeting usually starts with the word ‘Dear’ followed by the given
name of the recipient or relationship and it ends with a comma. Two examples are shown: ‘Dear Ronald,’ ‘Dear
4. Introduction– This is the opening of a letter. It may include greetings like ‘How are you?’ Sometimes, you may
refer to a previous letter.
5. Body– This is the main part of the letter. It includes the message that the writer wants to tell the recipient. It is
often divided into paragraphs.
6. Closure– This part indicates the letter is going to end. The writer may ask the recipient to reply here.
7. Complimentary Close– This short expression includes a few words on one line. It ends with a comma. Some
examples are shown below. ‘Yours sincerely,’ ‘Best regards,’ ‘Love,’
8. Signature– the signature of the writer

 Pengertian Personal Letter

Surat dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Letter. Personal Letter merupakan surat tidak resmi yang ditulis untuk
perseorangan, biasanya yang terlibat hanyalah dua orang yang saling mengenal.

Struktur dari Personal Letter

 Date (Tanggal) = Biasanya tanggal ini ditulis pada kiri paling atas. Tanggal ini menunjukkan kapan waktu surat

 Address (Alamat) = Bagian ini adalah tempat dimana kamu menulis surat atau alamat asal si pengirim tinggal.
Alamat ditulis pada bagian kanan atas.
 Salutation & Name (Salam & Nama) = Bagian ini menuliskan salam pembuka dan nama penerima surat.
Contohnya "Dear...", "Dearest...", "Sweetheart", "Darling", "My love" dan lain-lain.
 Introduction (Pembukaan) = Pembukaan dari surat biasanya dimulai dengan sebuah pembukaan seperti
tanggapan dari surat sebelumnya atau bisa juga awal perkenalan diri jika kalian baru memulai surat-menyurat.
 Body (Isi Surat) = Bagian ini merupakan isi atau inti dari surat. Pada bagian Body ini kita menceritakan semua
isi surat yang ingin kita ceritakan.
 Closure (Penutup) Bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa surat akan segera berakhir.
 Complimentary close (Salam Penutup) = Bagian ini merupakan ungkapan penutup pendek seperti, "With love".
"Sincerely yours", "With love", and so on.
 Signature (Tanda tangan) = Bagian ini berada di bawah complementary close, kalian bisa membubuhkan tanda
tangan atau bisa juga hanya inisial nama saja.

Contoh ungkapan yang digunakan pada personal letters

Starting the letter

 How are you?  Sorry for answering late
 Hope this letter finds you...  I am sorry I should have written earlier...
 Thank you for your last letter.  Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought...
 It was so good to hear from you.  I am sorry to inform you that...
 I will write soon.
 I am looking forward to seeing you soon.  I will have to stop now.
 I am looking forward to hear from you soon.  I am waiting for a quick reply.
 My best wishes for the coming test.  Looking forward to see you again.
 See you.  Bye.
Example of personal letter
October,10th 2013
From : Anissa Trimahayanti

Jl. Kenanga, gang Asri II, no 4 Denpasar 29055

My Dearest Friend Lisa,

Lisa, how are you? I hope that you and your family are all right. How about your study? You are my
best friend ever. You always understand me though others won’t. When you decided to study in java,
I was so confused and sad because a person who always next to me would leave me. I remember
the last time we met, you said to me that it would be OK and our friendship would be still good.

During months, I attempted to adapt myself to my new class in Mahasaraswati University. Yeah,
finally I could. I found a girl who could support me as well as you. Her name is Dahlia. I felt that I was
happy to be her friend because she reminds me with the girl next to me last three months in Senior
High School. Yes, she is as the best friend of mine as you. Of course I will introduce her to you.Even
though we are now many miles away, I do believe the time when we can get together will come soon,
doesn’t it? You should reply “YES”. So that Dahlia, you and me will be three best girls ever in the
world. The sooner the better!!!! I miss you so much. I am always longing to see you; moreover, I want
to share anything that usually I tell to you like when we were in Senior high school.

Lisa, I do promise to introduce Hendra, the person you admire… So, when will you come back?

Please replay my letter as soon as you can because I’m really interested to know about your life here.

Your old friend,


Date: October,10th 2013
Name and Address of sender: Anissa Trimahayanti , Jl. Kenanga, gang Asri II, no 4 Denpasar
Salutation and Name of Recipient: My Dearest Friend Lisa,

Introduction: Lisa, how are you? I hope that you and your family are all right. How about your study?
………….and our friendship would be still good.
Body : During months, I attempted to adapt myself to my new class in Mahasaraswati University.
Yeah, finally I could……………. moreover, I want to share anything that usually I tell to you like when
we were in Senior high school.

Closure :Lisa, I do promise to introduce Hendra, the person you admire… So, when will you
come back? Please replay my letter as soon as you can because I’m really interested to know about
your life here. J

Complimentary Close :Your old friend,

Signature: Anissa

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