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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45

Catalytic combustion of methane over red mud-based catalysts

J.R. Paredes, S. Ordóñez∗ , A. Vega, F.V. Dı́ez
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Oviedo, C/Julián Claverı́a s/n, 33071 Oviedo, Spain
Received 17 March 2002; received in revised form 16 March 2003; accepted 22 July 2003


Three iron-based catalysts were prepared from waste materials from the aluminium industry (red mud (RM)) by dissolution–
precipitation methods, followed by calcination in air at 500 ◦ C for 2 h. The activity and stability of those materials for the catalytic combus-
tion of methane was studied at atmospheric pressure, temperatures between 300 and 626 ◦ C and space time between 106 and 526 g h/mol
of methane (WHSV = 48 h−1 ), and compared to that of hematite and a Cu-Cr-Ti commercial catalyst. The kinetics of the reaction was
successfully modelled considering pseudo-first order dependence on methane partial pressure. Superficial characterisation of fresh and used
catalysts were carried out by BET, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and temperature programmed techniques. Results obtained indicate that red mud
activated by the method of Pratt and Christoverson exhibits higher catalytic activity and good thermal stability.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Methane oxidation; Hematite; Red mud; Iron oxide catalysts

1. Introduction Due to these reasons, the search for alternative catalysts

based on oxides of non-noble metals has increased in the
Catalytic incineration has shown to be a technically, eco- last years. Important advantages of these catalysts would
nomically and environmentally interesting alternative for the be their higher resistance to poisoning and lower price.
abatement of organic pollutants in gaseous emissions [1]. Most of this research has been devoted to complex oxides
This technique is well developed for most volatile organic systems, such as spinels, perovskites or hexaaluminates
compounds (VOC), such as alkanes, aromatics, and oxy- [9–12]. Some authors discard single oxides as combustion
genated compounds. The catalytic combustion of methane is catalysts because of its low thermal stability. However,
more difficult, since this molecule is very difficult to activate iron oxide (Fe2 O3 ) has shown high sintering resistance
[2]. However, in the last years the need to decrease methane [13–15], being then potentially interesting for methane ox-
emissions has been widely accepted, mainly in relation to idation. In a recent work, Barbosa et al. [16] showed the
the global climate change, due to both the high amount of importance of the preparation method (precipitation with
methane emitted and the high global warming potential of ammonia or citrates method) and precursor calcination tem-
this compound. On the other hand, the difficulty in destroy- perature in the catalytic activity of bulk iron oxide catalysts,
ing methane by catalytic combustion makes this compound concluding that precipitation methods produce catalysts
an attractive model compound to test the efficiency of cata- with higher thermal stability, therefore making them more
lysts for VOC combustion. suitable for methane oxidation.
Pd and Ir catalysts are considered to be the most active for On the other hand, development of catalysts based on
methane combustion [3,4]. However, their use can present waste materials is an issue of great interest, since two
some problems, besides their high price: volatilisation of the environmental objectives can be attained simultaneously:
active phase (Ir), sintering (Pd), or poisoning in presence of the valorisation of wastes and the saving of raw materi-
water or sulphur compounds (both) [5–8]. als, such as the metallic precursor [17]. Red mud (RM)
is a by-product of the caustic leaching of bauxite in the
manufacture of aluminium by the Bayer process, formed
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-985-103-440; mainly by oxides of Fe (as hematite), Ti and Al. Due to
fax: +34-985-103-434. the great amount produced (0.7 kg of red mud per kg of
E-mail address: (S. Ordóñez). bauxite processed), its safe disposal, treatment or re-use is

0926-3373/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
38 J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45

of great practical interest [18,19]. Because of its low cost, Table 1

composition (mainly Fe content) and surface area (i.e. its SEM–EDX surface composition of the red mud-derived catalysts (wt.%)
surface area is much higher than that of hematite), red mud Element RM ARM PARM
has been studied as catalyst for a variety of reactions, such Fe 21.7 28.9 27.5
as anthracene oil hydrogenation and tetrachloroethylene hy- Ti 11.9 12.8 11.6
drodechlorination [20–23]. The main problem of red mud Al 7.4 7.9 9.3
when used as catalyst is the presence of sodium and calcium Na 3.0 0.4 0.0
oxides, which can lead to sintering at high temperature [22]. Ca 4.9 4.1 3.9
Si 3.6 2.7 3.6
Several methods have been proposed to improve the cat- P 0.7 0.7 3.1
alytic performance of red mud, mainly for hydrogenations, V 0.3 0.3 0.2
i.e. by decreasing the tendency to sintering or increasing the Cl 0.3 0.0 0.0
surface area. The method of Pratt and Christoverson [20]
which consists of dissolving the red mud into hydrochloric
acid, followed by precipitation with ammonia, and calcina- economical evaluation is out of the scope of this work, a
tion, decreases the red mud Na and Ca content, as well as preliminary evaluation, taking into account the costs of ma-
increases the surface area. The material produced by treat- terials, energy and transport, showed that the cost of red mud
ing red mud by this method will be called here activated derived catalysts is much lower than that of conventional
red mud (ARM). Alvarez et al. [21] modified this method catalysts, i.e. the final cost of ARM would be around at least
by dissolving the red mud in a mixture of hydrochloric 30% lower than that of hematite, on a Fe weight basis, and
and ortho-phosphoric acid. The material produced by this much lower than more complex metal oxide systems.
method will be called here phosphorous-activated red mud
(PARM). So, it was found that, although activation by this
method produces a slight decrease in the Fe concentration 2. Experimental
(the catalytically active metal in hydrogenations) and sur-
face area, the stability of sulfided PARM in hydrogenations 2.1. Catalysts preparation
is appreciably enhanced [21,22], when compared to sulfided
ARM. However, higher amounts of P lead to a sharp decrease The red mud used in this work was supplied by the San
in the surface area and hence poorer catalytic performance Ciprián (Lugo, Spain) plant of the Company Inespal-Alcoa.
[21]. Its main constituents were analysed by atomic absorption
In this work, the performance (activity and ageing) of red spectrometry and volumetric methods after acid dissolution
mud, red mud activated by the method of Pratt and Chris- and alkaline fusion (details of the analytical method can be
toverson, and red mud activated by the method of Alvarez found in [23]). The superficial concentration of red mud
et al., for the total oxidation of methane in air, is studied (around 1 ␮m depth of a polished and carbon-coated sample)
and compared with massive hematite synthesised by a pre- was determined by the X-ray microanalyser of a JSM 6100
cipitation method (called here iron oxide) and a Cu-Cr-Ti scanning electron microscope. The compositions obtained
commercial catalyst (called here commercial catalysts). In by both methods are given in Tables 1 and 2.
addition, the kinetics of the reaction is modelled, and aged The method of Pratt and Christoverson for enhancing
catalysts characterised. Red mud-derived catalysts are ex- the catalytic activity of red mud consists of dissolving the
pected to be active for this reaction due to their high Fe red mud in aqueous HCl, boiling the resulting solution for
content, besides possible catalytic or promoting effects by 2 h, and producing a precipitate by the addition of aqueous
other red mud constituents. This work is original, since no- ammonia until pH = 8 is reached. The precipitate is then
body studied the application of red mud-based catalysts as filtered, washed with distilled water, dried at 100 ◦ C, and
oxidation catalysts. Another original aspect of great interest calcined in air at 500 ◦ C for 2 h [19]. This method decreases
is the study of the effect of P as promotor in VOC oxida- the red mud content in Ca and Na and increases the specific
tion. This aspect, as far as we know, has not been reported surface (Na is known to enhance sintering [24], Table 3).
in the literature.
The potential advantages of these catalysts are both envi- Table 2
ronmental and economical. From the environmental point of Bulk composition of red mud-derived catalysts (wt.%)
view, taking into account the huge amount of red mud pro- Element RM ARM PARM
duced world-wide, and the very modest potential consump-
Fe 19.7 25.1 23.6
tion as catalyst, the main advantage would be the saving of Ti 13.0 16.1 14.5
the raw materials needed for the synthesis of conventional Al 7.9 9.0 8.4
catalysts. From the economical point of view, the cost of the Na 3.7 0.1 0.0
studied materials would be very low, taking into account the Ca 5.1 0.9 2.0
almost null price of the metal precursor (red mud), and the Si 4.7 4.9 4.1
P 0.1 0.2 3.9
simplicity of the preparation procedures. Although a detailed
J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45 39

Table 3
Textural parameters of the catalysts used in this work
RM ARM PARM Iron oxide Commercial

BET surface area (m2 /g) 28.3 131.1 111.7 6.6 52.7
Mesopore volume (cm3 /g) 0.112 0.283 0.326 0.047 0.269
Pore average diameter (nm) 12.6 8.4 10.8 16.3 19.1

The alternative activation method used in the present work 2.3. Catalyst characterisation
consists of adding a mixture of aqueous HCl and H3 PO4
to the solution obtained after dissolving the red mud ac- The catalyst pore size distribution and surface area were
cording to the method of Pratt and Christoverson. The ratio measured by nitrogen adsorption at −196 ◦ C with a Micro-
between the two acids is adjusted in order to get a 4 wt.%. P meritics ASAP 2000 surface analyser, considering a value
in the calcined catalyst. The resulting precipitate is filtered, of 0.164 nm2 for the cross-section of the nitrogen molecule.
washed, dried and calcined following the method described Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained with
previously. a D-5000 Siemens diffractometer, using nickel-filtered Cu
Iron oxide was synthesised by adding ammonium hydrox- K␣ as monochromatic X-ray radiation. The patterns were
ide solution to an aqueous solution of Fe(NO3 )3 ·9H2 O. The recorded over a range of 2θ angles from 20 to 70◦ and
precipitate was filtered, dried at 100 ◦ C overnight and sub- crystalline phases were identified using JCPDS files.
jected to the same calcination protocol as the other catalysts. Temperature-programmed desorption, reduction and ox-
All chemicals used were of analytical grade, supplied by idation were carried out in a Micromeritics TPD/TPR
Panreac. 2900 apparatus connected to a TCD or a MS detector
The commercial catalyst used for comparison purposes (Gaslab-300). Methane-TPD was carried out saturating
was BASF-R3-20, with composition 7% CuO, 14% Cr2 O3 , the catalyst samples according to the method proposed by
79% TiO2 , and textural properties given in Table 3. Cordi and Falconer [25]. According to this method, cata-
lyst samples (40 mg) were cleaned in air at 550 ◦ C, cooled
2.2. Reaction studies in He to room temperature and saturated with methane at
room temperature by injecting methane pulses (2 min−1
Combustion experiments were performed in a continu- during 0.5 h). After this, the samples were purged with
ous packed bed reactor. The reactor consisted of a stainless helium for 30 min, and the TPD experiments were started,
steel cylinder of 400 mm length and 9 mm internal dia- monitoring the peaks of CO2 , CH4 , CH2 O and CH2 O2 .
meter. Two milligrams of catalyst, crushed and sieved to Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) was carried out
250–315 ␮m, were placed in the middle part of the reactor, in a Micromeritics TPD/TPR 2900 apparatus using a TCD
whilst the upper and lower parts were filled with glass balls detector. Each sample, equivalent to 40 mg of Fe2 O3 , was
(1 mm diameter). The reactor was placed inside an electric heated from 50 to 950 ◦ C at 10 ◦ C/min in a stream of 10%
furnace, temperature being controlled by a PID controller H2 /90% Ar with a flow rate of 25 cm3 /min. The same proce-
(Honeywell) connected to a thermocouple situated inside dure was used for the TPO experiments, but using a stream
the reactor, that monitored the reaction temperature. The of 5% O2 /95% He. Gases used in temperature programmed
system was provided with five additional thermocouples experiments were supplied by Carburos Metálicos with a
that measured the reactor wall temperature at different purity of 99.999%.
The reactor was fed with 1.6 L/min (s.t.p.) of a mixture of
N-50 synthetic air and 2.5% (vol.) methane in N-50 synthetic 3. Results and discussion
air (Air Liquid). Flow rates were controlled by mass flow
controllers (Brooks 5850 TR). Analysis were performed by 3.1. Fresh catalysts characterisation
gas chromatography (Hewlett-Packard HP 5890 Series II).
Methane in the inlet and outlet streams was analysed using The composition of the three red mud-based catalysts
a 30 m fused silica capillary column with apolar stationary (RM, ARM and PARM), are given in Tables 1 and 2. Both
phase SE-30, and a FID detector. CO and CO2 were anal- ARM and PARM samples show a similar decrease in Na
ysed using a HayeSep N 80/100 and a molecular sieve 45/60 content, while the Ca content is higher in PARM than in
columns connected in series, and a TCD detector. Neither ARM.
CO, nor partial oxidation or cracking by-products were de- The results of textural characterisation by nitrogen ad-
tected in any experiment, the carbon mass balance fitting sorption are given in Table 3. The specific surface and pore
in all the cases within 2%. Methane conversions were cal- volume of PARM, although much higher than that of RM,
culated both form outlet methane and CO2 concentrations, are slightly lower than that of ARM. Further increase in P
being both values very close in all the cases. content in PARM resulted in a sharp decrease in surface area.
40 J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45


Conversion (%)




300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650

(a) Temperature (ºC)

mol CH4 converted/ min·mol Fe2O3






300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650

(b) Temperature (ºC)

Fig. 1. XRD patterns for fresh catalysts: RM (A), ARM (B), PARM (C), 2

and iron oxide (D). Crystallographic phases: RU, rutile; HE, hematite;
mmol CH4 converted/ min·m

GO, goethite; LE, lepidocrocite; IH, iron hydroxide; HA, halloysite; BA,
bayerite. 1.5

The following mineralogical constituents were identified 1

by X-ray diffraction (Fig. 1): rutile, TiO2 ; hematite, Fe2 O3 ; 0.75
goethite and lepidocrocite, both FeO(OH); iron hydrox- 0.5
ide, Fe(OH)3 ; halloysite, Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 ; and bayerite, 0.25
Al(OH)3 . The effect of the activation methods on these
constituents can be observed in Fig. 1. The PARM (sam-
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
ple containing 4% P) and ARM patterns are very similar.
Both activation methods produce the elimination of all (c) Temperature (ºC)
the detected Al-containing (bayerite and halloysite), and Fig. 2. Light-off curves for the combustion of 2000 ppmV methane over
Fe-containing (lepidocrocite and iron hydroxide) crystalline RM (䊐), ARM (+), PARM (䊊), Fe2 O3 (△), and commercial catalyst
forms. goethite decreases in ARM, while it disappears com- (䉫) expressed as: (a) methane conversion vs. temperature; (b) moles
pletely in PARM. PARM also shows a new unidentified of methane converted/min and moles of Fe2 O3 ; (c) moles of methane
converted/min per m2 of surface area.
peak, which probably is associated to a complex phase of
Fe, P and Al. Ramselaar et al. [26] found similar phases
in P-promoted Fe2 O3 /␥-Al3 O3 catalysts, using Mossbauer homogeneous or catalysed by reactor wall reaction took
spectroscopy. Iron oxide synthesised by precipitation pre- place below 750 ◦ C, its contribution being negligible at the
sented a pure hematite structure. conditions of the present work.
Results are shown in Fig. 2 (methane conversion (a);
3.2. Catalysts activity moles of methane converted/min and moles of Fe2 O3 (b);
moles of methane converted/min per m2 of surface area (c)),
Catalysts activity was studied by obtaining light-off whereas values of T50 (temperature at which 50% conver-
curves for the combustion of 2000 ppmV methane in air, sion is attained) are shown in Table 4.
at temperatures from 300 to 650 ◦ C and a heating rate of Data in Fig. 2a indicate that iron oxide shows the best
2 ◦ C/min. Preliminary blank experiments showed that no performance and RM the poorest, on a catalyst weight basis.
J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45 41

Table 4
Values of T50 and T50 (hysteresis experiments) for the combustion of 2000 ppmV methane, and kinetic parameters for the oxidation of methane over
different catalysts
Catalyst T50 (◦ C) T50 (◦ C) n Ea (kJ/mol) k0 (mol/(g·h·bar−n )) R2

RM >650 18 (T25 ) 0.53 104.0 7.6 × 104 0.990

ARM 530 15 0.3 98.0 2.6 × 104 0.989
PARM 557 18 0.67 83.6 1.7 × 104 0.983
Fe2 O3 461 3 0.60 99.9 130 × 104 0.994

The performance of PARM and specially ARM is substan-

tially better than that of RM. When conversion per Fe content
in the catalyst is considered (Fig. 2b), the difference between PARM
Signal (a.u.)

the four Fe-containing catalysts considered is much smaller,

specially for iron oxide, ARM and PARM, and at low con- ARM
versions. This would indicate that the other constituents of
red mud have little or no effect on the catalyst activity, ex-
cept Na and Ca, which can hinder the catalyst activity. This
in a good agreement with the literature [27,28]. So, Ti is
in the form of rutile (highly crystalline form, considered as
catalytically inert) whereas most Al is present in amorphous
100 300 500 700 900
phases (peak intensity of Al-containing crystalline phases is
very low in XRD patterns, in spite of the high content of Al T (ºC)
in the red mud-based catalysts) and the Al crystalline phases Fig. 3. TPD profiles (CO2 release) of fresh ARM and PARM catalysts
detected (gibbsite and goethite) are considered as catalyt- previously saturated with methane.
ically inert. Crystallographic phases containing more than
one of these metals have not been identified. Concerning to
Na and Ca (present in untreated RM), are considered as per- tle methane is adsorbed, the reticular oxygen of the catalyst
nicious for the catalyst, promoting sintering. So, the lower being enough for its complete oxidation (intermediate oxi-
activity of RM could be explained both by the presence of dation products were not observed in any case). The impor-
these elements, related to its low specific area. tant role of reticular oxygen was described by Asakara and
According to Fig. 2c, the activity per unit of surface area Iwasawa [30], who explained the high activity of iron oxide
is very similar for the three red mud-based catalysts. The catalyst for methane oxidation by the combination of coor-
very high values for iron oxide are expected, taking into dinatively unsaturated basic O2− sites and acidic Fe3+ sites.
account that for this material the entire surface is formed In a second set of experiments, reaction studies were
by hematite, whilst the surface of red mud-derived materials extended to different methane inlet concentrations (1000,
contains other metal oxides and hydroxides. 2000 and 4000 ppmV), keeping constant the total flow rate
Paulis et al. [29] reported that the light-off curves for the (1.6 nl/min) and catalyst weight (2.0 g). The heating rate
combustion of toluene and oxygenated organic compounds was the same than in the previous section. These exper-
over bulk and supported manganese oxide catalysts were dif- iments allow also a preliminary analysis of the reaction
ferent depending on the calculation procedure (from VOC kinetics. Results corresponding to conversions below 15%,
disappearance or from CO2 formation). In our case, conver- i.e. when thermal and mass transfer effects are negligible,
sions attained using both procedures are very similar. This are represented in Figs. 4–7. As general trend, it is observed
behaviour of methane suggests a less important role of the that higher inlet concentrations lead to lower conversions
adsorption of the organic compound in the case of methane; at a given temperature, and that the order of activity of the
this is in good agreement with the Elay–Rideal mechanisms materials is the one found in previous experiments, i.e. on a
proposed for methane combustion over metal oxide catalysts catalyst weight basis: iron oxide > ARM > PARM > RM.
[11]. The kinetics of the oxidation of hydrocarbons over metal
In order to check this point, methane-TPD experiments oxide catalysts has been widely studied in the literature
were carried out for ARM, PARM and iron oxide. RM was [9,31,32], and power-law models often have been found to
not studied, as it produced unspecific CO2 releases, even be adequate for preliminary studies. In our experiments,
with no methane adsorbed, probably caused by the presence the influence of oxygen can be neglected, as it is present
of carbonates in the catalyst. Methane-TPD experiments for in great excess and its concentration remains practically
ARM, PARM and iron oxide produced CO2 release, with a constant. Additional experiments showed that, at our ex-
maximum at 350–500 ◦ C (as observed in Fig. 3), while no perimental conditions, the influence of water can be also
methane release was detected. This suggests that very lit- neglected. Taking into account these considerations, the
42 J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45

Conversion (%)

Conversion (%)

10 10

0 0
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 300 350 400 450 500 550

Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)

Fig. 4. Light-off curves for RM for different methane inlet concentrations: Fig. 6. Light-off curves for PARM for different methane inlet concentra-
2000 ppmV (䊊) and 4000 ppmV (△). Lines correspond to the power-law tions (for symbols, see Fig. 5).
model predictions.

in Figs. 4–7. The values of the parameters obtained are very

following kinetic equation will be used: similar to that reported in the literature for the oxidation of
−rA = kpnA (1) methane over other metal oxide catalysts. So, for a bulk iron
oxide a reaction order for methane close to 0.6, and acti-
where −rA is the rate of disappearance of methane, k the vation energies between 80 and 105 kJ/mol were found by
kinetic constant, and pA is the methane partial pressure. Golodets [31], while Popovskii [33] reported an activation
If the reactor is considered as an integral plug flow reactor, energy of 120 kJ/mol and a reaction order of 0.6 for methane
the integrated kinetic equation is oxidation over bulk Fe2 O3 , both in good agreement with
our results (except for ARM, that presents a lower reaction
kpn W(1 − n) 1/1−n
xA = 1 − 1 − A0 (2) order).
FA0 The presented model, although simple, is accurate enough
where xA is the methane conversion, pA0 the inlet methane in the experimental range considered, and can be useful for
partial pressure, n the reaction order for methane, W the preliminary process design and evaluation, or for compari-
weight of catalyst in the reactor, and FA0 is the methane son with other catalysts.
molar feed rate. The kinetic constant is assumed to follow
an Arrhenius dependence with temperature. 3.3. Catalyst stability
The parameters obtained by fitting Eq. (2) to the exper-
imental data, together with the correlation coefficients are Two different types of experiments were carried out in
listed in Table 4, and the quality of the fitting can be observed order to check the catalytic stability of the solids. In the first

Conversion (%)

Conversion (%)


300 350 400 450 500 0
Temperature (ºC) 300 350 400 450
Temperature (ºC)
Fig. 5. Light-off curves for ARM for different methane inlet concen-
trations: 1000 ppmV (䊐), 2000 ppmV (䊊), and 4000 ppmV (△). Lines Fig. 7. Light-off curves for Fe2 O3 for different methane inlet concentra-
correspond to the power-law model predictions. tions (for symbols, see Fig. 5).
J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45 43

100 100

80 80
Conversion (%)

Conversion (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 0 5 10 15 20 25

(a) Temperature (ºC) Time (h)

Fig. 9. Methane conversion vs. time on stream for the different iron
100 catalysts at 625 ◦ C (for symbols, see Fig. 2).

faster. Due to the promising results obtained for ARM, an
Conversion (%)

60 experiment with a duration of 110 h was carried out for this

catalyst. Results (Fig. 10) indicate that after 110 h on stream,
40 ARM retains 70% of its initial activity at the high tempera-
ture used in this experiment.
20 Concerning the PARM, results indicate that the presence
of P enhances neither the activity nor the stability of red
mud for the oxidation of methane, in opposition to the
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
well-established promoting effect in hydrogenation reactions
([21] and references cited therein). To the best of our knowl-
(b) Temperature (ºC) edge, there are not published studies on the effect of the
Fig. 8. (a and b) Hysteresis cycles for RM (䊐), ARM (䊊), PARM (䉫), addition of P to metal oxides in oxidation reactions.
and Fe2 O3 (△). Open symbols correspond to increasing temperatures and
filled symbols to decreasing temperatures. 3.4. Characterisation of ARM samples

In order to characterise the process of ARM ageing,

samples were collected after 10 and 110 h time on stream.
type of experiments, methane conversion was measured at
The samples were characterised by nitrogen physisorp-
successively increasing (from 300 to 626 ◦ C) and decreasing
tion (BET), X-ray diffraction and temperature-programmed
(from 626 to 300 ◦ C) temperatures with a slope of 2 ◦ C/min
in both cases (hysteresis experiments). In the second type of
experiments methane was fed to the reactor maintained at
constant temperature (625 ◦ C). In both types of experiments,
methane concentration was 2000 ppmV and space velocity 100
(WHSV) was fixed at 48 h−1 (GHSV = 48,000 cm3 /(g h)).
The results of the hysteresis experiments are shown in 80
Fig. 8, and the differences between the temperatures needed
Conversion (%)

to attain 50% conversion in the heating and cooling curves 60

(T50 ) are shown in Table 4. It is observed that pure iron
oxide is slightly more resistant to deactivation than ARM 40
and PARM. T50 was not recorded for RM because of
the low conversion attained with this catalysts; for this ma- 20
terial, T25 is included in Table 4 instead. At the same
reaction conditions, T50 for the commercial catalyst is 0
52 ◦ C [34]. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
The results obtained in the experiments at constant tem- Time (h)
perature are shown in Fig. 9. ARM and pure hematite present
a similar behaviour, whereas RM and PARM are deactivated Fig. 10. Methane conversion vs. time on stream for ARM at 625 ◦ C.
44 J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45

Table 5
Textural parameters for ARM catalysts after different times on stream
Time on BET surface Mesopore Pore average
stream (h) area (m2 /g) volume (cm3 /g) diameter (nm)
0 131.1 0.283 8.4
10 121.1 0.270 8.6
110 88.6 0.242 10.6

Nitrogen physisorption data (Table 5) reveal a progres-

sive decrease of pore volume and especially surface area, Fig. 11. Catalytic activity vs. relative surface area for aged ARM samples.
while the average pore diameter increases. The catalyst Parameters referred to 0 h on stream.
activity, defined as the ratio between the pseudo-first order
kinetic constant (determined considering integral reactor), observed for the aged sample: the displacement of the peaks
and the value of this constant at 0 h on stream, correlates to higher temperatures, and the overlapping of the three
well with the catalyst surface area (Fig. 11). characteristic peaks. The displacement of the peaks can be
While XRD profiles of fresh and used catalysts reveal that caused by a decrease in the exposed surface of Fe, produced
in both cases the predominant crystalline phase is hematite, by the decrease in surface area. The presence of Fe phases
goethite and lepidocrocite were detected in the catalyst after other than hematite could also hinder the reduction and com-
110 h on stream (Fig. 12). Although there is no information plicate the profiles (each phase experiments the reduction
in the literature about the catalytic activity of these phases, through different mechanisms, with different characteristic
they can be assumed to be less active than hematite (as peaks).
general trend, metal hydroxides and oxy-hydroxides are not Some authors state that the partial reduction of the active
active). Considering that the procedure for XRD analysis phase is an important deactivation cause in iron oxide-based
prevents the reaction of the catalysts with ambient mois- catalysts [35]. In order to check this possibility, TPO ex-
ture, these results lead to think that water produced during periments were carried out with fresh and aged ARM
the reaction could react with hematite, producing iron hy- samples, no oxygen uptake being recorded. This leads
droxide or oxy-hydroxide. Anyway, this effect seems to be to think that ARM is not appreciably reduced during the
less important than thermal sintering, as confirmed by fur- reaction.
ther ageing experiments carried out at 650 ◦ C with different These results suggest that ARM deactivation is caused
amounts of water in the feed (up to 8000 ppmV), which mainly by sintering, and in minor extension, by the transfor-
showed no additional catalyst deactivation. mation of hematite into less active phases. The same conclu-
TPR profiles for ARM, fresh and after 110 h on stream, sions were drawn by Barbosa and co-workers working with
are shown in Fig. 13. Two different phenomena were pure hematite synthesised by different procedures [35].

Fig. 12. XRD profile of ARM after 110 h on stream (for identification of crystalline phases, see Fig. 1).
J.R. Paredes et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 47 (2004) 37–45 45

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