Topical Q Science Form 5

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Figure 1 shows the results of an experiment to study the effect of different

antibiotic concentrations on the growth of bacteria.

(a) State one hypothesis for this experiment.

(b) State the variables in this experiment.
(i) Constant variable
(ii) Manipulated variable
(c) What is the effect of antibiotics based on this experiment?
Question 2:
Figure 2 shows microorganisms P, Q, R, S and T.

Figure 2
(a) Classify P, Q, R, S and T based on the following characteristics:
(i) have cell wall and cell membrane
(ii) have no cell wall and cell membrane.

(b) Name the group of microorganisms that has no cell wall and cell

(c) (i) Name microorganism P.

(ii) Is microorganism P a useful microorganism or a pathogen? Explain your
Question 3
Question a:
What is nitrogen cycle?

Question b:
(a) Name three processes in the nitrogen cycle which increase nitrate
ions in the soil.
(b) Name three processes in the nitrogen cycle which remove nitrate ions
from the soil.

Question c:
How does the planting of legume plants increase the fertility of the soil?

Question d:
What happens to the content of nitrate ions in the soil during rainy
Explain your answer.

During rainy season, the content of nitrate ions in the soil usually
Nitrate ions in the soil dissolve in rainwater and flow out from the soil
into rivers, underground water or the sea.
Question 4:
Figure 1 shows an experiment to study the level of water pollution in
different water samples.

Table 1 shows the time taken for the methylene blue solution to
decolourise in the different water samples in Figure 1.

(a) State one hypothesis for this experiment.

(b) State the variables in this experiment.

(i) Constant variable
(ii) Manipulated variable

(c) Based on Table 1, which water sample is the most polluted?

(d) Based on this experiment, state the relationship between the water
pollution level and the time taken for methylene blue solution to
Question 5:
Figure 2 shows two types of bags, which are, plastic bag and paper bag.

(a) Which of the bags shown in Figure 2 is more environmental-friendly

(b) Give one reason for your answer in question 2(a).
(c) What is microplastic?
(d) Give two examples of plastic products which produce microplastic
(e) State one difference between the carbon footprint and carbon
handprint of a product.
Question 6:
(a) What is meant by chemical reaction?
(b) Is the rate of reaction affected by pressure? Explain your answer.

Question 7:
A student carried out an experiment to study a factor which affects the rate
of reaction between marble (calcium carbonate) and dilute hydrochloric
acid. Figure 1 shows the apparatus set-up for the experiment.

The student carried out the experiment using marble chips (Set I) and
repeated the experiment by replacing the marble chips with marble
powder (Set II). Table 1 shows the results of the experiment for Set I and
Set II.

(a) In this experiment, state the:

(i) manipulated variable
(ii) responding variable
(iii) constant variable

(b) State one hypothesis for this experiment.

(c) Based on Table 1, draw two graphs of volume of gas collected against
time for Set I and Set II experiments on the same set of axis on a graph

(d) Based on Set II, calculate:

(i) average rate of reaction for the first minute
(ii) average rate of reaction for the first two minutes
(iii) average rate of reaction in the second minute
(iv) rate of reaction at the 60th second
(v) average rate of reaction for the whole reaction

(e) Based on the results of Set I, calculate the average rate of reaction for
the whole reaction.
Question 8:
Digestive enzymes function as biological catalysts to change the rate of
decomposition of complex food molecules into simpler molecules in the
digestive system. What is the use of digestive enzymes other than aiding in
the digestion of food? Figure 2 shows one application of biological
catalysts in daily life.

(a) Give two examples of biological catalyst in the washing powder.

(b) What is the effect of the biological catalyst towards food stains on

(c) State one factor that influences the effectiveness of the biological
catalyst in the reaction.

(d) How does this factor influence the action of the biological catalyst?

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