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The Keep on the Borderlands- Quill: White Box

Adapted by Tarcisio Lucas

The Quill White Box supplement has brought many new features to our beloved game.
Shortly after, Scott Malhouse published an article on his site - Trollish Delver - with a
method of how to adapt published adventures for Quill White Box.

Well, here's my first try. You should follow the rules of the basic book, the Quill:White
Box and the published article (the title is: "How to convert published adventures to
Quill: White Box Scenarios").

So, with you, Keep on the Borderlands!

What you need to play this adaptation:

-Quill, the basic book;

- Quill: White Box, in order to choose your character;

-To read the article mentioned above;

-The D&D module “Keep on the Borderlands”;

Objective: Finding and exploring the Caves of Chaos

Section 1 Tavelling to the Keep

You have a magical raven capable of deliver your letters to people you think is
interesting in. It is a long journey ‘till you can find the Keep. So, here you must describe
what happened during the trip, the encounters and the events.

Ink Pot

Hard Passage/Rock track





Stone Tables/Altars


Rock buildings/Stone Walls

Section 2 Areas of The Keep

You are finally inside the Keep. What can you find here?

Ink Pot
High Construction/Towers





Church Manager/Curate Chapel

Safety Spot/Keep Fortress

Syndicate/Guild House

Tool Store/Provisioner


Section 3: Adventures outside the Keep

You are now in the wilderness, trying to find the way to the Caves of Chaos. What
happens to you?

Ink Pot
Night vigil/Camping Outdoors Overnight

Hill of the reptile men/Mound of the Lizard Men

Arachnid chamber/Spider’s Lair

Pirate tent/Raider Camp

Crazy monk/Mad Hermit

Feline Territory/Mountain Lion

Chemical Solutions/Potions


Evil warriors/Chaotic Fighters


Section 4 Caves of Chaos – Part 1

After a long and dangerous quest, you finally found the Caves. What did you find in the

Ink Pot
Ugly Creature/Orc

Oblivious place/Forgotten Room

Errant goblins/Wandering goblins

Hobgoblin’s boss/Hobgoblin chief’s quarters

Flat Puddle/Shallow pool

Elude Cave/Shunned Cavern

Hollow Hall/Empty gallery

Bondman Fold/Slave pen

Insect Cavern/Stirge Cave

Flame Bug/Fire Beetles

Secion 5: Caves of Chaos – part 2

You went deep into this evil place. What kind of evil forces did you fight against there?

Ink Pot
Kobold den/Kobold lair

Big Mice/Giant Rats

Orc Commander/Orc Leader’s Room

Ogre Delve/Ogre Cave

Torment Room/Torture Chamber

The Bullman/The Minotaur

Temple of Destruction/Shrine of Evil Chaos

Chamber of Bones/Hall of Skelletons

Church of Entropia/Chapel of Evil Chaos

The Mausoleum/The Crypt

Score yourself after each section

So now we know a section is one letter. You will be scoring as you go, so score yourself
after a section. The scores are:

5 or less: you have fallen afoul of something in the section. Lose either one item, or if
you can't you perish.

6-9: you have scraped through and find 2d6gp

10+: you have told your tale of bravery well. Find 2d6gp x [section number]

Calculate your final score

If the majority of your scores were 5 or less, you have failed. Lose all items. If you
cannot, you die.

If the majority of your scores were 6-9 or there was no majority, you have scraped
through. Gain 1d6x[final section number] gp.

If the majority of your scores are 10+, you have had great success. Gain 3d6x[final
section number]gp.

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